Group 1 Written Report

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Transforming Furikake
(Season 1, episode 2)


Mior Muhammad Muiz bin Mior Abdul Rahman 55225122133

Nur Zafirah binti Samsuri 55225122073

Nurul Nabilah binti Azman 55225122091

Amirshah bin Mohd Azpur 55225222054



Furikake is a savoury-sweet flavour for rice that contains nori seaweed, vegetables,
dried fish flakes, and sesame seeds. Sprinkled over steamed rice, onigiri, udon noodles, salad,
and popcorn, this Japanese condiment is delicious. Since the seasoning is so adaptable, we may
use it to instantly make the dish even tastier.

Records date back to the 12th century, when dried sea bream, salmon, and shark were
combined to make a salty, powdery condiment. The early 20th century saw the invention of
the modern version as a dietary supplement. To alleviate the population's lack of calcium and
nutrients, it incorporated ground fish bones and poppy seeds.

Generally, the ingredient to make a homemade Furikake such an easy way. the primary
ingredient to form the dish are like Katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes), some kind of seaweed
like Aonori (dried green seaweed) and Nori (dried seaweed). To enhance the look of the
furikake, Roasted sesame seeds also used which is a white and black sesame seeds. Seasonings
should be added to build up the Furikake taste. A few of it like soy sauce, mirin, sugar, salt,
and sesame oil.

For our assignment, we have been assigned to study about the food chemistry
application that have been applied in the Anime series, Shokugeki No Souma. We chose
episode 2 in season 1 to make a research about the ingredient that have been used, cooking
method they have applied and reaction involved during the making of Transforming Furikake

Transforming Furikake Gohan is the modification from the original recipe from
homemade Furikake that have difference in its cooking method and ingredient. Original
Furikake usually cook the ingredients and seasonings together in a frying pan so the ingredients
absorb all the seasonings and the furikake is more flavourful. Different with Furikake Gohan,
they are more complex cooking technique using a simple ingredient like egg, chicken wing,
bonito flakes, some seasoning and vegetable which is scallion and grated ginger.

The dish simply made up of eggs over rice. To make it special, the gelatinous chicken
broth or aspic were added that gives it more flavoury. Based on the anime series, the ingredient
that been used is ginger, garlic, scallions, olive oil, chicken wings, sake, soy sauce, water, eggs,
butter, salt and rice. Firstly, to make the gelatinous chicken stock, the chicken wings were fry
with olive oil. Then, in the same pan, add the sliced ginger and garlic. Deglaze the pan with
sake once the chicken is seared where sake is an alcoholic drink made from fermented rice.
After that, add sugar, soy sauce and water then simmer for 30 – 40 minutes. When it done,
strain the liquid and put in a container lined with plastic wrap. Put in the fridge for an hour then
skim the fat off the top. Lastly, put freshly cooked rice in a bowl and top with the runny
scrambled eggs. Then to make special and more flavoury, add more of the gelatinous chicken
stock over the eggs. Sprinkle the chopped scallions on top and ready to eat (Marah, 2020).

As a food student, this anime series is really great to watch and to learnt more about
food. This is because there are a lot of cooking technique and process shows. Based on the
cooking method above which is about Transforming Furikake Gohan, there are some cooking
techniques that been used. For example, deglazing. Deglazing is a cooking technique that
involves adding liquid to a pan. It helps to loosen the food particles attached to the bottom from
cooking or searing (Class, 2021).

Next is simmering technique. Simmering known as a cooking method that brings the
liquid of a dish to just below the boiling point over lower heat. This cooking technique allows
food to maintain its structure and deepens flavours. This can deliver a more tender final dish.
Besides that, this method also typically been used for soups, cooking grains like rice or barley
and slow cooking meat. On this anime series, this simmering technique have been used to get
a gelatinous chicken broth. It allows the chicken wings to cook slowly to maintaining their
moisture and tenderness. Lastly, a nice chicken broth can be produced.

In food processing, there are broth and stock term. Broth and stock are a different thing
in terms of their thickness and ingredients. For broth, it is generally thinner in texture and is
made with animal meat or bones and is always seasoned. Meanwhile, stock typically thick and
gelatinous made from animal bones like chicken, beef and even fish. It is usually left
unseasoned (Studeman, 2023). Both broth and stock have a simmering process on it. The
extended cook time helps extract the collagen from the connective tissues and bones. This gives
the broth and broth rich of flavour. So based on the anime series, the chicken was left simmer
and drawing the collagen out of the bones to make a richer stock that develops a Jell-O wobble
as it cools (Denenberg, 2023).

2.1 Transforming Furikake Gohan Vs Original Furikake

Furikake in this anime series have a very short shelf life since it is made from broth that
contains a lot of water. The water activity and moisture of this furikake Gohan is higher and it
means that the food will more easily to spoil. Meanwhile, original furikake stays fresh for quite
a while due to its dry nature. Its can easily last for more than a year and even up to two years
if it unopened. Once the package in opened, it is usually good for about 6 months because it
was exposed to the air and can decrease its quality (Furikake, n.d.).

As mention before, Transforming Furikake Gohan is the modification from the original
recipe from homemade Furikake that have difference in its cooking method and ingredient.
There is a lot benefit of this tasty topping, furikake. The topping was initially used for medical
purpose. The most significant health benefits of furikake are high in calcium. This is one of the
obvious beneficial because our body needs calcium to build and maintain strong bones (Staff,
2022). The seaweed in it is a main source which works better when combined with other
minerals in the seasoning. Next is furikake high in vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that
helps keep our body’s blood and nerve cells healthy. It is also helps make DNA, the genetic
material in all of our cells ((NIH), 2021).

Moreover, furikake contains high amount of iodine. Iodine is required to keep the bones
and nerves growing and functioning normally. Other than that, Furikake has a low-calorie
count, with the majority of the ingredients have less than 20 calories per serving. This makes
it a great option if you're control your calorie consumption. Some furikake, however, may
contain extra sugar or oil, which can up the calorie count. Furikake also contains a variety of
vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, and calcium. As such, it can be a healthy addition
to your diet, as long as it’s consumed in moderation (Barry, 2023).

Furikake Gohan is a Japanese dish that typically consists of steamed or boiled rice
seasoned with furikake, a dry seasoning mix. The furikake mixture usually includes ingredients
such as dried fish, sesame seeds, chopped seaweed, sugar, salt, and monosodium glutamate
(MSG). In the anime Shokugeki no Souma (Food Wars) episode 2, Yukihira Souma represents
furikake Gohan in a unique style, he uses eggs coated by a golden coating using chilled chicken
broth to create a golden jewel from the simplest ingredients. In general, the cooking processes
depicted in "Food Wars!" episodes involve various culinary techniques, such as sautéing,
grilling, boiling, and seasoning. These various techniques can involve chemical reactions such
as Maillard browning during sautéing or caramelization during grilling and coagulations of egg
curds during cooking. Here we explain the culinary processes and the chemical reactions
involved alongside it to understand better the making of furikake Gohan dish.

First, there are chemical reactions happening when sautéing chicken wings. Sautéing
means dry-heat cooking method, which involves cooking a small amount of fat in a hot pan
while tossing ingredients around. When cooking the chicken wings, a chemical reaction called
Maillard Browning reaction will occur. Maillard browning basically is a reaction between
amino acids and reducing sugars in the presence of heat at elevated temperature. This reaction
leads to the formation of new compounds, including melanoidins, which contribute to the
brown colour, characteristic flavours, and aromas associated with the chicken wings. Next, in
the process of making broth, two main reactions occur which is the denaturation of protein and
hydrolysis of collagen.

The process of creating a broth comes from boiling the chicken wings. As the chicken
wings are boiled in water, heat initiates the denaturation of proteins present in the meat, leading
to the release of amino acids, peptides, and other flavour compounds into the liquid. Then, the
prolonged heat exposure promotes the hydrolysis of collagen in the bones and connective
tissues, resulting in the extraction of gelatine. Gelatine, by virtue of its ability to form a gel-
like structure, adds body and thickness to the broth. By reducing the volume of the broth, the
simmering phase helps to concentrate flavours. This method of reduction involves the
evaporation of water, which increases the concentration of dissolved solutes such as salts,
amino acids, and other savoury components. Overall, the combination of protein denaturation,
collagen hydrolysis, and flavour concentration achieved through simmering yields a rich and
flavourful broth.

Furthermore, as the liquid containing dissolved gelatine cools, the gelatine molecules
start to reorganize and form a three-dimensional network or lattice structure. This reaction is
called the gelation of gelatine. This is facilitated by hydrogen bonding between the amino acid
chains in the gelatine molecules. The result is the formation of a gel-like structure that traps
liquid, giving the dish its characteristic texture. Lastly, there are also chemical reaction
involved in making egg curds. When making egg curds, the coagulation of proteins in eggs is
a crucial process that transforms the liquid egg mixture into a solid state.

As the eggs are exposed to heat during cooking, the proteins, mainly albumin in the egg
whites and various proteins in the yolks, undergo denaturation. Denaturation involves the
alteration of protein structure without breaking peptide bonds, leading to the unfolding of
protein chains. Next, as the temperature increases, the denatured proteins interact and form new
bonds, resulting in coagulation. The coagulated proteins will create a mesh-like network that
entraps water molecules, forming the curd-like texture of cooked eggs. The precise temperature
control and gentle stirring during the cooking process play a crucial role in achieving the
desired consistency and tenderness of the egg curds.

Furikake is a dry Japanese condiment that is typically sprinkled on top of cooked rice,
vegetables, or fish. It can also be used as an ingredient in onigiri, which are Japanese rice balls.
Furikake typically consists of a mixture of dried fish, sesame seeds, chopped seaweed, sugar,
salt, and monosodium glutamate. There are many different varieties of furikake available, and
each variety has its own unique flavor. Some popular varieties of furikake include salmon,
tuna, seaweed, and vegetables. Furikake can be found at most Asian grocery stores.

Furikake, a savory Japanese rice seasoning, typically combines dried seaweed (nori)
for umami, sesame seeds for nuttiness and crunch, dried fish (bonito or salmon) for savory
flavors, salt for seasoning, sugar for sweetness, and sometimes MSG for extra savory depth.

Ingredients Uses
Nori (dried seaweed) The most important ingredient in furikake. It
gives the seasoning its characteristic umami
Sesame seeds Adds a nutty flavor and crunch to furikake.
Also a good source of protein and healthy
Dried fish Dried fish such as bonito flakes or salmon
flakes add a salty and savory flavor to
furikake. Also, a good source of protein and
Salt Used to season the furikake and to help
preserve it.
Sugar Used to balance the saltiness of the fish and
seaweed. It gives the furikake a slightly
sweet flavor.
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) MSG is a flavor enhancer that can be added
to furikake to make it taste even more savory.
Table 5.1: Ingredients for the traditional furikake
However, unlike the traditional furikake, The "transforming furikake" is a fictional dish
from the anime "Shokugeki no Soma" (Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma). It consists of three
components; the three components being chicken aspic, scrambled eggs and white rice.

Chicken aspic:

Ingredients Uses
Chicken wings The primary ingredient, providing protein
and flavour. Used to solidify the broth into an
Bonito dashi A Japanese soup stock made from bonito
flakes, adding umami depth.
Ginger Adds a warming and slightly spicy flavor.
Soy sauce Adds saltiness and umami.
Sake and mirin Japanese alcoholic beverages that add
sweetness and complexity.
Sugar Balances the savoury flavours.
Table 5.2: Ingredients in chicken aspic for the transforming furikake.

Scrambled eggs:

Ingredients Uses
Eggs The main ingredient, providing protein and
Butter Adds flavour and richness.
Salt and pepper Seasoning.
Table 5.3: Ingredients in scrambled eggs for the transforming furikake.

In conclusion, there are a lot of foods processing involves in this anime series. From
just this one episode, there already have so many foods technique that can be learnt. For
example, deglazing technique, simmering technique and the process of making broth. There
are also many beneficial of Furikake such as contains of calcium, vitamin B12 and iodine. This
anime series also shows us that we can cook and make a dish based on what the ingredients
that we have at home. Its shows us to be creative in cooking a dish.

(NIH), N. I. (2021). Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12,
Barry, S. J. (2023). Is Furikake Healthy? Is Furikake Healthy?,
Class, M. (2021, August 12). How to Deglaze a Pan: 5 Easy Pan Sauce Recipes. Retrieved
from Master Class:
Denenberg, Z. (2023, October 13). What’s The Difference Between Stock and Broth?
Retrieved from Epicurious:
Furikake. (n.d.). Retrieved from Cooklist:
Furikake. (2023). Retrieved from Immi:
Marah, R. (2020, June 28). How to make Transforming Furikake Gohan from 'Food Wars!
Shokugeki no Soma'. Retrieved from GMA:
Staff, M. C. (2022). Calcium and calcium supplements: Achieving the right balance. Calcium
and calcium supplements: Achieving the right balance,
Studeman, K. T. (2023, October 5). Stock vs. Broth: What's the Difference? Retrieved from
Real Simple:
What is Simmering? (n.d.). Retrieved from Le Creuset:

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