Forge War PN PInst

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Forge War Print-

What you’ll need:

• The 108 cards from the Print-and-Play file, printed, cut and sorted by their backs

• The 3 mine grids from the Print-and-Play file, printed and cut

• Currency tokens in denominations of 1 and 5 – around 30 1s and 15 5s should be


• Dice to represent adventurers and their levels – d6s or d4s work best

• 40 orange cubes, 30 black cubes and 20 green cubes to represent resources

• 16 cubes or small tokens of another color to be used as quest trackers

• 15 cubes, 3 meeples and 5 disks in each player color (preferably different colors
than the resource cubes)

• Some way to keep track of the score. It is possible to just total up the score from
quests and other sources at the end, but you’ll need some way to keep track of
which quests were completed and which were failed.

Everything should be self-explanatory in reference to the rules file, except for the setup
of the board cards and the mine hexes.

In addition, there are no player mats, so that has been condensed to 2 start cards (gold
backs with just the word “start” on them) that should be distributed to players with
the 2 starting weapon designs.

There is also no way to keep track of rounds, but the size of the market decks should
keep you abreast of that.

Quest cards should be dealt into 3 rows to separate the 0-cost (2 cards), 1-cost (3
cards) and 2-cost (3 cards) quests.
Board Cards:

The cards with the gold backs that say “Board” and “Start” on them will be used
to comprise the market area, since there is no large board to print. It is
recommended to arrange them on the table as follows:

Public weapon designs will be

placed in a row down here
Mine Hexes:

The 3 mine hex grids can be assembled on the table as follows to form a 5-length
hex grid. The tiles can be rearranged, rotated or flipped over for a total of 16
configurations for more variability.

Additionally, depending on the number of players, you will need to block hexes on
the edge of the mine with markers so that players don’t play on them. In a 3-player
game, block the edge hexes on 3 sides (indicated by arrows above), and it a 2-player
game, block all edge hexes.

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