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Independent Variable 1 2 3 4 5

A. Collaboration and Teamwork (Boakye, 2015)

1. Does trust exist among team members

2. Team member are prepared to engaged in debate around ideas.

3. Team memeber are viewed as unique people.

4. Effective leadership team will have team members who are actively engaged in the
work and focus in the team.

5. Team members are prepared to check among themselves to assure progress and
overcome obstacle to progress.

6. The vision and / or mission of the team are accepted by all the team members.

7. Effective teams embrace and are constituted by a delivery of cultures, talents and

8 .Effective teamwork is facilitated by clear and open communication.

9. Effective teamwork is developed through shared experiences and practice.

B. Growth and Development of Individual (Robitschek et al, 2012)

1. I set realistic goals for what I want to change about myself.

2. I can tell when I am ready to make specific changes in myself.

3. I know how to make a realistic plan in order to change myself.

4. I take opportunity to grow as it comes up.

5. When I try to change myself, I set a realistic plan for my personal growth.

6. I ask for help when I try to change myself.

7. I actively work to improve myself.

8.I figure out what I need to change about myself.

9. I am constantly trying to grow as a person.

10. I know how to set realistic goals to make changes in myself.

11. I know when I need to make a specific change in myself

12. I use resources when I try to grow.

13. I know steps I can take to make intentional changes in myself.

14. I actively seek out help when I try to change myself.

15. I look for opportunities to grow as a person.

16. I know when its time to change specific things about myself

C. Recognition (Masionis, 2022)

1. Do you feel valued at work.

2. How much does our organizations culture drive your active engagement at work.

3. Do you think that our organization does a good job of promoting recognition in the

4. Are employees are recognize fairly at our organization.

5. How much do you personally recognize others at our organization when they do good

6. Are you satisfied with the amount of recognition you receive at work.

D. Employee and Involvement (Wilson, 2009)

1. I know what is expected of me in my job.

2. I have opportunities for career growth within Government of Newfoundland and


3. My job is a good fit with my skills and interest.

4. The work that I do gives me sense of accomplishment.

5. I am inspired to give my very best.

6. My job is challenging in a good way.

7. Innovation is valued at my work.

8. I have the materials and equipment I need to do my job.

9. Overall, I am satisfied with the level of job security that I have.

10. I know how my works contributes to the achievement of my department goals.

11. Overall, I am interested in the work that I do

12. I have some controls over how I do my job.

E. Positive, accessible and fail leadership (Li, 2020)

1. I have a sense of belonging.

2. We talk about what matters to us.

3. We enjoy working together.

4. I feel truly help our customers/ client.

5. We contribute to products and services that enhance human well- being and/ or the

6. What we do is worhtwhile

7. We spend alot of time on things that are truly important

8. I make differences that matters to others.

9. I experience a sense of achievement

10. I am excited to by the available opportunities for me

11. At work my sense of what is right and wrong gets blurred.

12. I don't like who I am becoming at work

13. At work I divorced from myself.

14. At work we face up reality.

15. We are tolerant of being human

16. We recognises that life is messy and that is OK.

17. The work we are doing makes me hopeful about the future.

18. The vision we collectively work towards inspires me.

19. I experience a sense of spiritual connection with my work.

20. In this work I have the time and space to think.

21. I create enough space for me

22. I have a good balance between the needs of the others and my own needs.

F. Autonomy and Empowerment (Crossley et al, 2007)

1. My job requires a variety of skills.

2. My duty is repetitious.

3. In a typical work day, my task are similar.

4. There are many opportunities to do a number of different things.

5. My job has a large amount of variety.

6. I often see projects or jobs through to completion.

7. I have many opportunities to do a job from beginning to end.

8. I often have the opportunities to complete the work that I start.

9. My job is the one where a lot of other peole can be affected by how well the work be

10. The results of my work likely to significantly affect the life and well- being ofother

11. My job is not significantly or important to the broader scheme.

12. I am left on my own to do my own work.

13. I am able to do my job independently.

14. I have opportunities for independent thought and action.

15. I have the freedom to do what I want in my job.

16. I find out how well I am doing on my job.

17. I have the opportunities to find out how well I am doing on my work.

18. I have the feeling that I know whether I am performing my job well or poorly.

G. Appropriatte Staffing (Zhang B. 2010)

1. The management of this organization is supportve of me.

2. I received the right amount of support and guidance from my direct supervisor.

3. I am provided with all trainings necessary for me to perform my job.

4. I have learned many new job skills in this position.

5. I feel encouraged by the supervisor to offer suggestion and improvements.

6. The management makes changes based on my suggestions and feedback.

7. I am appropriately recognize when I perform well at my regular work duties.

8. The organization rules make it easy for me to do a good job.

9. I am satisfied with my changes for promotion.

10. I have adequate opportunities to develop my professional skills.

11. I have an accurate written job description.

12. The amount of work I am expected to finish each week is reasonable.

13. My work assignments are always clearly explained to me.

14. My work is evaluated based on a fair system of performance and standards

15. My department provides all the equipment, supplies, and resources necessary for
me to perform my duty

16. The building, grounds, and layout of this facility are adequate for me to perform my
work duties.

17. My coworkers and I work well together

18. I feel I can easily communicate with members at all levels.

H. Skilled Communication ( William, 2022)

1. I have the communication skills needed to break bad news to families.

2. My anxiety and nervousness affects my communication skills.

3. I believe the words I choose in communication with another person convey most of my

4. I think before I speak because I am aware of how words may not mean the same thing
to other people that they do to me.
5. I make my messages as precise and to the point as possible.

6. As I communicate to someone, I am looking for cues that my messages is being

perceived as I intend to be received.

7. I recognize that how I say something is just ass important as what I say.

8. I form opinions about what others say to me based on what I heard them saying rather
than what I think of them as a person.

9. I make an honest effort to listen to ideas with which I don't agree.

10. I look for ways to expand my listening skills.

I. Safe Physical Work ( IWH, 2016)

1. Everyone receives the necessary workplace health and safety training when starting a
job, changing jobs or using techniques.

2. There is regular communication between employees and management about safety


3. Systems are in place to identify, prevent and deal with hazards at work.

4. Workplace health and safety is considered to be at least as important as production

and quality.

5. There is an active and effective health and safety committee and/ or worker health and
safety rep.

6. Incidents and accidents are investigated quickly in order to improve workplace health
and safety.

7. Communication about workplace health and safety procedures is done in a way that I

8. I am clear about my right responsibilites in relation to workplace health and safety.

9. 1. I know how to perform my job in a safe manner.

10. I know what the necessary precautions are that I should take while doing my job.

11. I have the knowledge to assist in responding to any health and safety concerns at my
12. I feel free to voice concerns or make suggestion about workplace health and safety at
my job.

13. If I noticed workplace hazard, I would point it out to management.

14. I know that I can stop work if I think something is unsafe and management will not
give me hard time.

Dependent Variable

A. Work Quality (Doef et al., 1999)

1. Employee submits high quality work.

2. Employee delivers work on time and meet deadlines.

3. Employee arrives to work on time.

4. Employee conduct him/herself in a professional manner.

5. Employee takes an initiative when working.

6. Employee has a positive attitude at work.

7. Employee perform well in a hight pressure situations.

8. Employee seeks out opportunities for growth.

B. Planning and Organizing Work (Hofstand, 2020)

1. Manage your time effectively.

2. Avoid getting "side- tracked" and losing focus.

3. Accomplish day-to-day task using an orderly approach.

4. Pay attention to details.

5. Synthesize information from a variety of outside sources when making major


6. Develop specific plans of how to accomplish major projects.

7. Organize information for developing specific plans.

8. Develop and implement "action plans" of how to accomplish task.

9. Implement plans in orderly fashion.

10. Evaluate plans so that improvement ls and adjustments can be made.

C. Being- Result Oriented (Greif and Berg, 2011)

1. I thought about my personal standards, needs, and goals and developed a plan on
how reach them.

2. I assessed the value and feasibility of my personal and professional goals and adapted
them effectively.

3. I thought about how I organize my work, as well as how to improve my organizational


4. I considered areas for professional growth including behavioral weaknesses on how to

develop this areas.

5. I thought my behavior in conflicts with other people and find solutions for how to
manage myself and others in these situations.

6. I considered the personal and organizational support may I need for my development,
as well as ways to received this support.

7. I thought about the frequent changes that take place in my task, my working tools, and
or my organizational environment, how these changes affect my goals and work habits,
and possible solutions to handle them better.

8. I developed new views of myself and of my goals and came up with practical
conclusions and concrete methods.

9. I regularly reflected upon my feelings and thoughts in a purposeful manner.

10. I started to evaluate what I do.

D. Prioritizing (Glassdoor Team, 2021)

1. I start with a checklist of all task then sort them between urgent ( priority) and
important ( secondary). If a task is unclear, I acquire information before rating it.

2. If I encounter a difficult area, I ask for suggestions from others ( team members,
supervisor, manager then re - evaluate the project and make changes, as needed.

3. If it is becoming clear the estimated deadline will not be met, I'll evaluate the task
then discuss the situation with my manager to make suggestions or recommendations.
E. Working Efficiently (Formplus, 2020)

1. He does not have any problems with performing each day task.

2. The level of efficient performing decreases during the day.

3. He has a liking for a high intensity training.

4. He shows a high level of strength and stamina when performing task in a terrain field.

5. His performing on the terrain field is highly efficient and predictable.

6. He shows high level of reliability when performing task on the terrain field.

7. Other factors ( weather, sorroundings) don't have impact on his efficiency on the
terrain field.

8. He has high level of physical readiness.

9. His attitude towards his co-workers is good.

10.He is rarely absent from work because of health problems.

11. He often conflicts.

12. He can set high goals and reach them independently.

13. He is highly motivated for his work.

14. He behaves consistent and stable under stress.

15. His attitude towards his superior officers is perfect.Touch and hold a clip to pin it.
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