The Titan in The Helix v1.0

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The Titan in the Helix

A One-Shot System Agnostic Science Fiction Adventure

V 1.0 by Kirt A. Dankmyer

Composite multi-spectrum image of the Helix Nebula, including its central star. Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO; Ultraviolet:
NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSC; Optical: NASA/STScI(M. Meixner)/ESA/NRAO(T.A. Rector); Infrared: NASA/JPL-Caltech/K. Su & NASA/WISE

Something amazing has been discovered in the Helix I. Excluding size, how does the Titan differ from humans?
Nebula. Inside one of its cometary knots, there is something 1. Gigantic third eye
that's been dubbed "The Titan". The Titan is a humanoid 2. Third arm on the left side
corpse floating in space. The fact that it's mostly 3. Surrounded by breathable atmosphere
human-shaped is the first thing that's odd. 4. Second face on the back
The second thing that's odd is the fact that its length / 5. World-sized claws
height (head to toe) is 100,000 AU, or 15 trillion km (9.3 6. Skin is covered in stalks of corn and wheat
trillion miles). On the back of its right hand is a set of 7. Exists across multiple parallel timelines all at once
structures that look like an abandoned city, about the size of 8. No head, face is in its chest
New York City. 9. Visible fangs
The player characters (PCs) are going to investigate the 10. Monkey-like tail (proportional in size)
city, and the Titan itself. 11. Three legs in a tripod configuration
This adventure will require some fleshing out by the GM. To 12. Roll twice on this table and keep both results. If this is
make it reusable, most facts about the adventure will be rolled a second (or third) time, GM picks one of the
determined randomly. Every table uses a twelve-sided die unused results. If the same thing is rolled twice,
(d12). There are 2,985,984 possible combinations for the either double down (e.g. two monkey tails), increase
scenario. the size of the feature, or simply roll again.
IV. What opposes / complicates the PC's exploration?
1. Creatures that look like mini-Titans
2. Ancient maintenance robots
3. Half-real spacetime echoes of galactic history
4. Mutants, no single creature the same
5. Psionic predators
6. Criss-crossing rips in space and time
7. Crushing gravity
8. Strangely imperfect clones of the PCs
9. Magnetic storms and other strange weather
II. Why are the player characters going to the city? 10. Whispering "ghosts" of people the PCs once knew
1. Scientific expedition 11. Pockets of toxic / corrosive atmosphere
2. "Gold rush" (race with other groups to exploit) 12. Roll twice and keep both. If this is rolled again,
3. Salvage rights (they found the Titan) instead roll on the previous table (Table III) for an
4. Colonization scouting team additional effect the Titan has on people.
5. Paramilitary commandos with mission to secure city
6. Pilgrimage (the Titan's discovery was foretold) V. What do the PCs find in the center of the city?
7. Government-backed expedition (plant a flag in city) 1. Map showing trillions of other cities dug into the
8. Last survivors of battle over the Titan (crash landing) Titan's flesh, hidden under the skin
9. Rumor of cure for a terminal disease 2. An intact starship, light-years ahead of the galactic
10. Drawn to it psionically from light-years away tech level, with a helpful AI
11. Chasing criminals that have landed in city 3. A portal to something very like Hell
12. Hired by mysterious patron to destroy the city 4. A radioactive pit filled with writhing blobs of flesh
5. An automated robot factory, still working
III. What effect does the Titan have on those near it? 6. Versions of the PCs from a parallel dimension,
1. Slowly twists DNA to create mini-Titans waiting for the PCs to arrive
2. Hallucinations based on bad memories 7. Teleportation pad more powerful and safe than
3. Gain / increase psionic powers anything the PCs have ever seen
4. Slowly become immortal and invulnerable 8. An imprisoned, still-living mega-criminal from before
5. Minds corrupted by alien agenda of dead Titan current galactic civilization
6. Can now speak the Titan's long-dead language 9. Gigantic library, mostly intact
7. Very slowly turn to stone 10. Archive of live disease cultures & fungal spores
8. Infects with a wasting disease 11. Moldy alien cyber-zombies
9. Inflicts homicidal urges 12. Preserved human corpses (DNA checks out), but 10x
10. Can't bring oneself to engage in violence larger than should be possible
11. Nameless fear and anxiety
12. Brain fog and migraines VI. What unintended consequence will the visit bring?
1. PCs become carriers for alien zombie disease
2. PCs quietly shifted into a parallel timeline, no
one knows who they are after they leave the city
All of this text is licensable under CC BY 4.0
3. PCs become focus of a holy war
( 4. Titan "wakes up" from death
5. Portals to the Titan open up all over the galaxy
Credit must be provided to Kirt A. Dankmyer and you must 6. Central star of Helix Nebula goes nova
provide a link to the license, as well as indicate if changes
were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but 7. One or more PCs achieve de facto apotheosis
not in any way that suggests Kirt A.Dankmyer or Ivanhoe 8. Titan skin / flesh becomes a major commodity
Unbound endorses you or your use. 9. Disintegration storm surrounds the Titan,
preventing more visits
Do not use my work if you are a fascist or bigot. If you have
to ask, you probably are. 10. Stars begin winking out throughout the galaxy
11. When PCs leave the city, it is now 1000 years
All images in this document are, to my knowledge, in the later
public domain.
12. Roll on Table III, only this effect happens after
they leave. Roll d6: On 1-2, only affects the PCs.
On 3-4, only affects those the PCs encounter.
On 5-6, affects both PCs and others.

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