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he kids are enjoying the food and drinks.

They have plates of sandwiches, and slices of pizza.

Some children are eating a few fruits, like strawberries and oranges.
They also have small glasses of milk and some cans of soda.
Everyone is having a great time eating and drinking together.

1. What are the kids enjoying?

a. Playing games
b. Watching a movie
c. Food and drinks
d. Painting pictures

Jawaban: c

2. What food are they eating?

a. Sandwiches and pizza

b. Oranges and strawberries
c. Milk and soda
d. Oranges and sandwiches

Jawaban: a

3. What are the kids drinking from the small glasses?

a. Lemonade
b. Cold milk
c. Oranges juice
d. Hot chocolate

Jawaban: b

4. Diana is eating a banana. Banana tastes?

a. Sweet
b. Sour
c. Bitter
d. Spicy

Jawaban: a

5. Limes dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya?

a. Pisang
b. Jeruk
c. Jeruk nipis
d. Nanas

Jawaban: c

6. Bitter dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya?

a. Manis
b. Asin
c. Pahit
d. Pedas

Jawaban: c

7. My mango tree is bearing many?

a. Foods
b. Fruits
c. Drinks
d. Dessert

Jawaban: b

8. Sweet sugar dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya?

a. Gula
b. Manis
c. Gula manis
d. Gula pedas

Jawaban: c

9. A scoop of ice cream. Indonesia is?

a. Satu gelas es krim

b. Satu piring es krim
c. Satu mangkuk es krim
d. Satu sendok ice cream

Jawaban: d

10. Jessica is thirsty. She wants a ... of orange juice.

a. Bottle
b. Glass
c. Cup
d. bow

Jawaban: b

11. Which of the following shapes has three sides and three angles?

a. Square
b. Triangle
c. Rectangle
d. Octagon

Jawaban: b

12. What is a dictionary?

a. A book with information about people and places

b. A book that tells stories
c. A book that provides definitions of words
d. A book that contains recipes

Jawaban: c

Baca Juga: 20 Contoh Soal PTS PLBJ Kelas 6 Semester 2 Beserta Kunci Jawaban

13. Which of the following is a type of precipitation?

a. Sunshine
b. Clouds
c. Rain
d. Wind

Jawaban: b

14. What does a police officer do?

a. Flies an airplane
b. Cooks food in a restaurant
c. Designs websites
d. Keeps people safe and enforces laws

Jawaban: d

15. What does a firefighter do?

a. Fixes cars
b. Puts out fires and helps people in emergencies
c. Takes care of children
d. Sells clothes in a store

Jawaban: b

16. What does a scientist do?

a. Plays music in a band

b. Studies and learns about the natural world
c. Writes books
d. Paints pictures

Jawaban: b

17. Which of the following is not a mode of transportation?

a. Car
b. Bicycle
c. Train
d. Computer

Jawaban: d

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