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Naveen Jangra
Studio Shodwe @reallygreatsite

Selling without feeling icky requires a shift

in mindset. Instead of thinking about selling
as convincing someone to buy something
they don't need or want, focus on
understanding the customer's needs and
providing them with a solution that meets
those needs.

Studio Shodwe @reallygreatsite

Here are some additional tips to help you

sell without feeling sleazy:

Studio Shodwe @reallygreatsite

Here are some additional tips to help you

sell without feeling sleazy:

1. Listen to your customer's needs and concerns.

Ask questions and gather information to truly
understand what they're looking for.

Studio Shodwe @reallygreatsite

Here are some additional tips to help you

sell without feeling sleazy:

1. Listen to your customer's needs and concerns.

Ask questions and gather information to truly
understand what they're looking for.

2. Be honest and transparent about what your

product or service can do. Don't oversell or
make false promises.

Studio Shodwe @reallygreatsite

Here are some additional tips to help you

sell without feeling sleazy:

1. Listen to your customer's needs and concerns.

Ask questions and gather information to truly
understand what they're looking for.

2. Be honest and transparent about what your

product or service can do. Don't oversell or
make false promises.

3. Offer value in addition to your product/service.

Give a free taste of your offering, even if your
audience doesn't end up buying from you.

Studio Shodwe @reallygreatsite

Here are some additional tips to help you

sell without feeling sleazy:

1. Listen to your customer's needs and concerns.

Ask questions and gather information to truly
understand what they're looking for.

2. Be honest and transparent about what your

product or service can do. Don't oversell or
make false promises.

3. Offer value in addition to your product/service.

Give a free taste of your offering, even if your
audience doesn't end up buying from you.

4. Build a relationship with your customer. This

could be through follow-up calls or emails,
personalized recommendations, or simply taking
the time to get to know them and their needs.

Naveen Jangra

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