3rd Periodical Test Science 6

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3rd Periodical Test Science 6

Multiple Choice: Read the questions below and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write
your answers in your journal/answer sheet.
1. What is sliding friction?
A. It occurs between two surfaces that come in contact with each other.
B. It occurs in stationary objects or objects at rest.
C. It occurs between moving objects and a liquid or between an object moving in the air.
D. It opposes the motion of the wheel turning along a surface.
2. What type of friction occurs when there is more force needed to travel an object on a
surface than rolling Friction?
A. Static Friction C. Sliding Friction
B. Fluid Friction D. Air friction
3. The following statements are examples of sliding friction EXCEPT ONE. Which is it?
A. A block being slid across the floor C. A glass being pushed across the table
B. Jeans on your legs when putting it on D. When a train goes around
4. Which type of friction opposes the sliding of objects over a surface?
A. Static Friction C. Fluid Friction
B. Sliding Friction D. Rolling Friction
5. Mucus produced by snails, help them move along the ground. How does the mucus help
snails move?
A. Mucus is cold. C. Mucus reduces friction.
B. Mucus leaves a trail. D. Mucus makes the snail lighter.
6. Which of the following statements does NOT tell about the effects of gravitational force on
A. The more distant the body from the earth, the lesser is the gravitational force of attraction.
B. Gravitational force pushes the objects upward.
C. Gravitational force is greater when the objects are closer together.
D. The farther you are from earth, the lesser your weight.
7. Why is it more difficult for us to go up in a mountain than go down?
A. We are moving against gravity. B. We are pulled by the wind.
C. We are moving towards gravity. D. None of the above
8. Which of these will have the strongest gravitational pull-on Earth?
A. a baby C. a drinking glass
B. a half sack of rice D. an elephant
9. Without air resistance, all objects fall at the same rate.
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. Neither True or False
10. The gravity between two objects increases as the distance between them ___.
A. decreases B. increases C. neutralizes D. stabilizes.
11. When an object is at rest or not moving, the energy it possesses is________.
A. Chemical energy C. Potential energy
B. Kinetic energy D. Thermal energy
12. A rolling ball possesses ______.
A. Chemical energy C. Potential energy
B. Kinetic energy D. Thermal energy
13. Chemical energy is important because______
A. Because it can make our work easier.
B. Because it can make our life complicated.
C. Because it can sustain life.
D. All of the choices.
14. The following are uses of mechanical energy except_____.
A. It can make our work easier.
B. It generates electricity.
C. It is use to locate exact locations.
D. It makes our work faster.
15. Which of the following is a source of chemical energy?
A. Pencil B. Chalk C. Bicycle D. Firewood

Choose the correct word inside the box to complete the statement.

Potential Energy Mass

Kinetic Energy Position

(16)__________________ is the ability to do work. It is found everywhere. It has two types:
(17) __________________ which means energy in motion and
(18) _________________ which means energy at rest. Kinetic and potential energies are both
affected by the (19)____________ and (20)_____________ of the object.

3rd Periodical Test English 6

Directions: Read and understand each question properly and choose the correct answer.
1. The original word or base word is called ______________.
A. prefix B. root word C. suffix D. word

2. The base word in heterogeneous is ____________.

A. hetero B. hete C. tero D. gene

3. According to the root/affix, disarm means __________.

A. deprive of weapons B. war time C. before war D. after war

4. What is the root word of technology?

A. logy B. techno C. ogy D. tech
5. Can you measure the circumference of this circle? The root word circum means _______.
A. size B. around C. area D. smoothness

6. The tranquillity of the park soothed Ana. It was so quiet that she fell asleep.
A. excitement B. sleepiness C. peacefulness
7. On his birthday, Mark and his friends went to the park for a picnic and to enjoy a biking
A. boring B. show C. weary
8. A long journey on foot along a mountain pass could be hard and tiring.
A. crawl B. stay put C. travel
9. At the restaurant, we were offered a variety of beverages like milk and iced tea.
A. bread B. drinks C. silverware
10. The artificial flowers looked real to me. I was surprised when I found that they smelled
A. fake B. original C. colorful
11. Many returning individuals must to be quarantined for 14 days before they can
go home to their respective families to ensure that they are free from the COVID-19
corona virus.
A. isolated B. treated C. returned D. acknowledged
12.After being quarantined, one Locally Stranded Individual (LIS) complained of being
treated as an outcast by his neighbors, as the latter seemed scared to even talk or look at
A. foreigner B. cast away C. movie cast D. intruder
13.It brings delight when somebody close to us turns NEGATIVE in his/her swab test.
Indeed, gladness dwells in our hearts when this kind of news comes.
A. surprised B. happiness C. discouraged D. frightened
14.During this pandemic crisis, our movements are being restricted, in order to protect
all of
us from being contaminated by the deadly COVID-19 corona virus.
A. infected B. cleared C. counted D. compared
15. Being symptomatic for corona virus, the condition of the elderly woman was
described by the doctor as grave, as she could hardly breathe and move.
A. temporary B. serious C. necessary D. important

Directions: Which descriptions are correct? Search the meaning of words and write ✓ if the
meaning of the word is correct and ✘ if not.

___________16. abrupt - sudden and unexpected.

___________17. clumsy - awkward in movement or in handling things.
___________18. determined - having made a firm decision.
___________19. ambitious - having or showing a weak desire to succeed.
___________20. empty - containing nothing; not filled or occupied.
___________21. wisdom - the body of knowledge and principles
___________22. platform - the declared policy of a political party or group
___________23. greedy - showing a readiness to give more of something
___________24. Quarantine - a group of people organized for a joint purpose
___________25. dream - a cherished aspiration, ambition, or idea

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