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1. Opening and Introduction

Hi everyone, we are from group nine. We will learn about photosynthesis. Let me
introduce you…….

2. Purpose
The purpose of this video is to fulfill the final assignment of our English course and
provide viewers with valuable insight into the topic discussed. Namely the process of

3. Explanation

Figure :

Latitude: As Teacher 1
Anam : As Teacher 2
Dinta: As Caca
Karin : As Arum

Elementary school classroom, with blackboard and projector in front of the class.

Scene 1:
Lintang : Good morning, children! Today we will learn about photosynthesis. Have you
ever heard the word photosynthesis before?
Caca : Yes, mis! Photosynthesis is the process carried out by plants to make their food.
Lintang : That's right, Caca. Photosynthesis is a very important process for plants to live.
Anam : So, to help us understand photosynthesis, let's look at this presentation.
(Anam shows a Power Point presentation on the projector)

Scene 2:
(Slide 1: Understanding Photosynthesis)
Lintang: Photosynthesis is the process of making food (glucose) by plants
uses the energy of sunlight, water (H2O), and carbon dioxide (CO2).
Caca : Wow, that's really cool! So, plants can make their own food?
Lintang: Exactly, Caca. Plants are not like humans who have to look for food. They can
make their own food through photosynthesis.

Scene 3:
(Slide 2: Where Photosynthesis Occurs)

Anam: Photosynthesis occurs in the leaves of plants, specifically in organelles called

chloroplasts. Inside the chloroplasts there is a green leaf substance called chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll plays an important role in capturing sunlight energy.

Arum : Does that mean if the leaves are brown or yellow, the plant cannot

Anam: That's right, Arum. Plants with brown or yellow leaves are usually dead or

Scene 4:

(Slide 3: Stages of Photosynthesis)

Lintang: Photosynthesis is divided into two main stages, namely light reactions and dark

Anam: The light reaction occurs in the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts and requires
sunlight. At this stage, sunlight energy is converted into chemical energy in the form of
ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) and NADPH (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide

Caca : Then, what happens to the dark reaction?

Lintang: Dark reactions occur in the chloroplast stroma and do not require sunlight. At
this stage, ATP and NADPH produced from the light reaction are used to convert CO2 and
H2O into glucose (sugar) and oxygen.

Scene 5:

(Slide 4: Results of Photosynthesis)

Anam: The main product of photosynthesis is glucose, which is used as an energy source
for humans plant. The oxygen produced is also released into the air and is beneficial for
breathing living things.

Arum : Wow, photosynthesis is very important for life on earth!

Lintang : That's right, Arum. Photosynthesis is an amazing process that makes it possible

plants to live and develop.

Scene 6:

Lintang : Well, what do you think about today's photosynthesis material? Have you
understood it?
Caca and Arum: Yes, mis! The material is interesting and easy to understand.
Lintang: That's good then. If you still have questions, don't hesitate to ask me or Mr Anam.

Anam : Thank you for taking part in today's lesson. See you at the meeting next!

4. Closing

Thank you for your attention for watching our video, learning material about
(photosynthesis process). Hopefully this material is useful and can increase your

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