Tugas Nihayatus Sa'Adah

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Good afternoon all my friends, this afternoon I will tell to you about a little my daily
life, Maybe all my friends knew me more or less in general, my name is Nihayatus Sa'adah, I
came from Lamongan, I had family and had two Childs, Everyday I besides from being a
housewife, I am also a career woman. I works in a private office in Lamongan Regency. As a
career woman of course I had to be able to get manage my time as best as possible, divide
my time between family and work as best as possible.

My first child is a boy and the second is a girl, My children can be said to had very
different personalities, The boy is very disciplined in everything, His could also said that he is
a super clean child, But he had very soft heart, different with my daughter she is very
cheerful and very loving. If I told My husband, He is a husband who is very responsible for all
us, besides loving me and my children he is also very loving his parent and his sister, could
be said to be the protector of our extended family. He is also always supported me to study
S2 like this moment. Without him maybe I could not as strong as now.

Finally, I will told to you a little about my work, My dream was to become a
professional teacher, but qodarullah since graduating from Senior high school I had entered
a private office at an educational institution, while studying S1. I was placed in the office at
the upper middle level institution where at the beginning of each year teachers' decrees are
issued throughout Lamongan district, and prepared for semester and exams. I very thank’s
to Allah with my job, because I also had partner is very supported me. And I am very happy
could be friends to you all.

That's a little story of my life, I apologize profusely. I think enough


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