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Do you work or are you a student?

As a junior student at the University of Labour Social Affairs, I am currently pursuing a degree
in economic law with the goal of becoming a lawyer. I believe that my chosen major will provide
me with a strong foundation and guarantee better job opportunities upon graduation. I am
optimistic about securing a well-paid job in the future

Do you live in a house or an apartment?

I reside in a house located in a small alley within the Cau Giay district, together with my friends.
Being close to the heart of Hanoi city, the Cau Giay district provides easy access to all amenities
such as markets, hospitals, fashion shops, and restaurants, all of which are within walking
distance. Therefore, I can easily obtain whatever I need within a few minutes, making my life
there enjoyable.

Where are you from?

I was born and raised in BN, which is a province near HN. The city where I lived has a very
tranquil atmosphere and the locals are amiable

Do you like your hometown?

Of course, I like the hospitality of people in my hometown. Also, everyone was willing to give
others a hand when they needed help.

Who that person is?

I’d like to tell you about my best friend, Linh. She’s the same age as me.

How did you meet each other?

We first met when I started studying at high school. We studied together for 3 years of high
school. At first, we didn’t get along with each other perhaps because I seemed so serious. But
after a few times of small talk, we came to realize that we had a lot in common, especially our
big passion for food.

What she looks like?

Speaking of appearance, our heights are quite similar. People often say we look like sisters

And explain what you like most about her

Well, there is one thing about her that impresses me. It’s her optimism. She always looks on the
bright side. It would be a bit exaggerating to say ‘always’ as it seems impossible to be a glass-
half-full all the time. But she’s optimistic for most of the time, and she allows herself to be
‘pessimistic’ for just a short time
That’s all I want to say.
I want to talk about my closest friend, her name is Linh. We are both the same age and met for
the first time in high school, where we spent three years together. Initially, we didn't get along
very well, probably because I came across as too serious. However, after a few small talks, we
discovered that we had many things in common, especially our love for food. We are quite
similar in terms of height, and people often mistake us for sisters. But what I admire most about
her is her optimism. She always looks at the brighter side of things. It may be an exaggeration to
say that she is always optimistic, but she manages to stay positive most of the time. Even when
she feels down, she allows herself to feel that way for a brief period. That’s all I want to say

"Why some children are clever than others? Nature or nurture?'

The intelligence of children is influenced by a combination of both nature and nurture factors. In
my opinion, environmental factors have a strong impact on children's intelligence. A stimulating
and supportive environment can enhance a child's intellectual development.

"What kinds of people do children like? "

Children, like individuals of any age, have diverse preferences and can form connections with
various types of people. However, children gravitate towards people who are kind, empathetic,
and nurturing. They appreciate individuals who show genuine care, understanding, and affection
towards them.

Do you like music?

Of course yes. Listening to music is part and parcel of my daily activities. Listening
to music is an excellent way to unwind after a long working day or help you heal
during bad days.

What type of music do you like most? [Why/Why not?]

I’m a die-hard fan of R&B and pop music. And I’m fond of listening to the singers
of this generation like Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran.

When do you usually listen to music? Why/Why not?

Whenever I have some spare time, I listen to music. Cheerful music motivates me,
while sad music uplifts my mood.

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