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Group Title: Preteens and Emotional/Social Developmental Issues

Brief Overview:

This condensed two-session education group will provide preteens with an understanding, educate and
will provide support regarding various social developmental skills in a safe and respectful environment.
This group will be limited to a maximum of 10 preteens and will aim to cover three broad sessions with
one central focus each week; Introductions/Q&A, Puberty and Strategies/Reflection. This group will
focus on dealing with key issues, questions and concerns surrounding each area and will provide
resources and materials following the group’s ending. This group is ideal for any preteen worried about
physical or emotional stressors, and how to deal with stressors by providing support for this group.

Session Dates: October 30 , November 6

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Time: 4:00 – 5:20 pm, 4:00-5pm


Focus: Introductions and Guidelines Estimated
1. Introductions
• Leaders’ role and participants play the role 1. 5 mins
2. Icebreakers 2. 5 mins
• 2 truths and a lie 3. 5 mins
3. Group Guidelines 4. 5 mins
• Brochure 5. 5 mins
4. Communicating with Preteens Q&A
• Identify Q&A in given list
5. Activities Using Communication Techniques
• Guess the emotion

Focus: The Thrills of Puberty Time

6. Break/Puberty Ice Breaker Estimated
• Relay words about puberty
7. Building Relationships 6. 5 mins
• Identify one stereotypes regarding puberty 7. 10 mins
• Tell a story about themselves or a friend. If not, tell a fear 8. 15 mins
8. Discovering Interests and Hobbies 9. 10 mins
• Puberty video 10. 10 mins
9. Plan for The Next Session
• Coming to an end
• what will life look for you after the session

10. Reflection
• Rate the session from 1-5 on how you feel. What stood out for you
during this session? Tell one thing you learned about your group


Focus: Strategies and Reflections Estimated
1. Group Warm Up
• Tell one thing that helps you get through a bad day 1. 5 mins
2. Coping Mechanisms for Stress 2. 10 mins
• Video for Coping mechanisms 3. 10 mins
3. Goal Making Strategies 4. 5 mins
• With a pen and paper draw or write 3-5 things your learned 5. 5 mins
4. Closing Session Activity 6. 15 mins
• Sharing ideas with the group. How will this be helpful for you and/or a
5. Questions and Answers
• Is there anything that seemed unclear? Is there anything we could
6. Reflection
• Mandala activity:
• What was your most memorable word? Who are the people closest to
you? What are some things you love? Who is someone in your life
who’s no longer there? One memorable experience.

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