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26 Funny Interview Questions to Ask



● If you could turn into an animal, what would it be? How do the characteristics of this animal

relate to this job?

● What superpower would you choose for yourself? Give me an example of how it would apply

in this job.

● If you wrote a book about your career so far, what would you title it? Why?

● What advice would you give to yourself at age 15?

● If you were an ice cream flavor, what would you be?

● If you weren’t in this line of work, what career would you want to pursue?

● If you had one day left to live, how would you spend it?

● What’s the very first job you had (that’s not on your resume) and what did you learn from the


● How would you describe yourself in one word? Why?


● How do you test a calculator?

● Tell me how you would sell hot cocoa in Florida

● How would you split three slices of cake among eight people?

● How many basketballs could fit in this room?

● How do you know if your refrigerator light bulb is working?

● What weighs more, all of the ants in the world combined or all of the humans combined?

● How would you explain the internet to a caveman?

26 Funny Interview Questions to Ask

● Why aren’t manhole covers square?

● How would you find a needle in a haystack?

● What is the fastest way out of this building?

● How would you use the items in this room to survive on a deserted island?


● What’s been the biggest deal breaker in a job?

● How would you explain our product/service to a child? A martian?

● As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up??

● What’s the biggest 180 you’ve made at work? Have you gotten anyone to drastically change

their position on something?

● If you got to work and had 10,000 unread emails, what would you do?

● What advice would you give to your former boss?

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