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Climate change causes harm, including human suffering due to extreme weather events.

Individual actions matter, even if they’re not the sole cause of harm.

States and collective agents have responsibilities to address climate change.

Reconsider our understanding of harmful actions in climate discussions.


The research was done to explore the concept of harm in climate change. The study investigates how
this definition of harm also excuses collective agents and suggests rethinking harmful action in climate
change discussions.

“Generally speaking, if we avoid these harms without causing others, the world would be better off.
Rather, the difficult task is deciding which agents have moral responsibilities to address these harms.”

literature review

The study highlights the importance of school belongingness-based preventions and interventions to
promote mental health and well-being in school settings. “Loneliness plays a crucial role in explaining
the effect of school belongingness on adolescent well-being and mental health.”

method and data

The study focused on how social workers reflect in action—thinking critically about what they’re doing
while they’re doing it. However, there are times when reflection is limited due to emotional impact and
high anxiety.” The study suggests rethinking reflective practice to consider how self-defense
mechanisms affect reflection”.

Analysis & result

Challenged the idea that only states and powerful collective agents have responsibilities to address
climate change. For instance, it analyzed public discourse examples where the term “harm” was used to
justify inaction.


An example of an organization that monitors the status of extinct, endangered and threatened species
is the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List.

But why is the concept of extinction important? Because extinction is facing many challenges, from the
biodiversity crisis to the risk of our existence. Therefore, a clear understanding of this concept and
application of the precautionary principle are necessary

This ideal can help us identify and practice virtues, which are good qualities or behaviors. For example,
being respectful to nature, caring for the environment, and being aware of our impact on the planet
could be considered environmental virtues



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