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1. What time is it ? 7. A quarter past nine in indonesia is ...

8. 12.00 in english is ....

9. I always ... in the morning

2. It is 6.45. We can say...

3. Tara : What time is it, Sintya?
Sintya : It is ... 10. My mother always ... in the kitchen
11. Raja is ... in the swimming pool

The following text is for questions numer 4-6

12. What is the meaning of the word “ always “?
Rina’s Activities
13. Airport is a place where we wait for...
Rina is a smart and diligent student. She always gets up at five o’clock. After 14. Every morning and every evening so that the body is clean. We must...
getting up she always cleans his bed, take a bath and gets dress. She has breakfast
at a quarter past six o’clock. She go to school at half past six. She go to school by
bicycle everyday. The school is near from his house. She favorite lesson is english and
math. She is the smartest student in the class.
15. Rizal and aldi usually play ... on Sunday evening?
4. What time does rina get up in the morning?
5. What time does rina have breakfast in the morning?
6. How does she go to school everyday?
The following text is for questions numer 26-29 !

I live in Yogyakarta city with my family. I really love this town. In this town, we can
find many pedicab and carriage. There are traditional transportation. A pedicab has
16. What is the transportation... three wheels and carrige using the horse. The drives a pedicab and carriage behind the
17. They are water transportation, except.... passengers. We can meet a lot pedicab and carriage in the malioboro city.

26. Where does the writer live ?

27. Where is the position od the pedicab and carriage driver ?
28. What is the type of transportation pedicab and carrige ?
29. Where is we meet a lot pedicab and carriage ?
18. What is the name of the place ?
30. 11.30 in english is ...
19. The following are included as means of land transportation is...
31. 07.45 in english is ...
20. Plan and helicopter are...
32. A pedicab has ... wheels
21. There are many ... in the railway station
33. Mention three land transportation !
34. Submarine is a ... transportation
35. Mention three activity in your home !

22. Saka holiday go to ...

23. what is risa doing ?

24. Delman in english is...
25. Reza occasionally visits her grandmother in the village. What is the similar
meaning of the underlined word?

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