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What is DDIC.( Data Dictionary Object ).

=> SE11
=> It is basically repositroy to store in all
database object.

What is T-code.....
1) Standard T-Code.
==> It is collection of one or more screen.
==> in Sap each screen is associated with T-Code.
==> They are the system provided T-Code to work with the
pre-defined application.

2) Custom T-Code.
==> They are created & maintained by ABAP Technical
==> SE93 is used to work with custom T-Code.
==> Every object we developed in real time we will developed
T-code for user Convience.
==> '' TSTC" ==> It is the standard table which contains
all the transation codes in the system.
==> '' TFDIR'' ===> Function Modules.

A) Custom Table.
1.Created for customer requirment.
2.Custom table start with Z and Y only.
3.Using include structure we can add additional field.

B) Standard Table.
1.It is provided by SAP. it is provided display mode.
2.Standerd table does't start Z and Y .
3. Using append structure we can add additional field in standard table.

*** Why need to create custom table ?.

=> In sap there is no option to send Email in sales organization that
need to create custom table.

1) database table.
=> It is used to stored interreated data in the form of row and
=> It is collection of field.

C) Delivery class : it is used to control the transport of the table

data from one table to another table.

# Types of data.
1) Master data : information or data which changes very rarely.
2) Transation data : information or data which changes very
3) Organisation data : Company related data => designation ,
4) Control data : used for profit and loss.
5) System data : data created by sap.

D) Local Object .
1.It is default package provided by SAP. $TMP.
2.If we stored data in local object we can't transport data from
one system to another system.
E) Packege.
1.It is own package. it is ready to used product.
2.If we stored data in packege we can transport data from one system
to another system.

F) MANDT : The table which have mandt field (client no) is called
client dependent table .
: The table which dont't have the mandt field (client no) is
called client independent table.

G) Data Element => It is one of the reusable data dictionary object

which can be used to maintain the field lebels (description) of the fields
in the table or structure.
It is collection of domain.

H) Domain => It is one of the reusable data dictionary object

which can be used to maintain the technical properties of the fields.
It is collection of data type and length.

I) Data Class => It is used to specify the type of data to be

maintained in the table.
=> In real time we mostly use APPL0 and APPL1.

J) Size Category => It specifies the max no of records that can be stored
in table.

K) Enhancement Category => It is use to enhance the particular fields of

the table .
=> In real time we mostly use '' can be

L) Primary Key. ==> Unique Identification. ====> Primary key

field should always beginning of the table.
1. It is unique key. does't accept duplicate entries.

M) Secondary Key.
2. It is non unique is accept duplicate entries.

N) Table Maintenance Generator (TMG) => SM30.

=> It is used to maintain multiple
entries & validate the table data using standerd t-code SM30.

& T - Code Creation => Using standard t-code SE93.

=> They are created & maintained by ABAP Technical
=> SE93 is used to work with custom T-Code.
=> Every object we developed in real time we will
developed T-code for user Convience.
O) Index. ==> It is used to increased performance.
==> Indexes are used to avoid the duplicate data.

1.Primary index : It generated by system using the key fields of the

It is created and maintained by SAP.
2.Secondary index : These are created and maintained by the technical

P) A) Table.
B) Structure.

1) Table is a collection data stored in

1) Structure is collection of different types of fields.
row and column formate.
2) Table Contains the data.
2) Structure does not contain the data. it is stored single
recored at run time only.
3) It must contains at least one field as primary field.
3) It does not contain primary fields.

4) It is user define type.

Q) A) Include Structure.
B) Append Structure.

1.It is used to add field in custom table.

1) It is used to add field in standard table.
it is not possible to standard table.
it is possible to custom table.
2.It can be insert field at any position.
2) It can insert field only at end of the table.
3.All the steps of include structure must be saved
3) All the steps of include structure must be saved in our
own packege.
in Local object or $TMP.
4.Same structure can include in any no of custom table.
4) Same structure can't append in more than one standerd table.

R) Types of database table.

a) Transparent Table. b) Pooled Table.

c) Cluster Table. 1) They have one-one relationship with 1) They
have many to one relationship 1) They have many to one
database table. with database table.
with database table.
2) Secondary index can be created. 2) Secondary index can not
created. 2) Secondary index can not created.
3) It follows both binary and linear search. 3) It follows only binary
search.==> RFBLG. 3) It follows only linear search.==>

S) a) Binary Search. ==>> It Improve the performance.
1.The data element are sorted order.
2.It is access data faster.
b) Linear Search.
1.The data element are random order.
2.It is access data slower.
3.It is search data top to bottom.

### 2) VIEWS.
==> Views are the imaginary tables. It does not contain the
data permanently.
==> Views contain the data run time only.

. Types of views.

1) Database View : It is used to displaying data from more

than one table.

2) Maintenance View : It is used to maintain multiple tables

data using the standard t-code SM30.

3) Help view : It is used in the selection method in search


4) Projection View : It is used to view one / single table.

We can use only Projection view or Database view in the program.

### 3) Data type.

1) Data Element.
2) Stucture.
3) Table Type.

### 4) Type group.

==> It is one of the reusable dictionary object which is a
collection of global types and global constant.

### 5) Domain.
==> It is one of the reusable data dictionary object which
can be used to maintain the technical properties of the fields.
==> It is collection of data types and length.
==> Conversion routines are maintained at domain level.

### 6) Search Help.

==> It used to provied all possible entries to the input
variable as search help.

1) Elementary Search Help : It is created based on the

particular required fields of the table.
2) Collective Search Help : It is Collection of Elementary
search help.
: It is used to modify the F4
values at runtime.

### 7) Lock Object.

==> It used to syncronize multiple user access to the same
set of data.
==> The custom lock object name should start with " E "
followed by the table name.
==> It is generates two functional modules one start with

. ENQUEQE ==> Request for lock the object.

. DEQUEQE ==> Request for release the object.

. Write Lock / Exclusive Lock ==> The locked data can be accessed
by single user only. All other lock requests are rejected.

. Read Lock / Shared Lock ==> The multiple users can access
the read same data at the same time.
if one user tries to edit the
data. All other users cannot access this data.

. Exclusive but not Cumulative ==> Single user can access the same
data as well as update the same data.

### 8) A) Check Table.

B) Value Table.

1) It is maintained at the table level.

1) It is maintained at the domain level.
2) It can be used to extract the data in the
programs. 2) It cant't be used to extract data.
3) The search help is displayed from the check
table. 3) The search help is displayed on each field.
4) Check table is field level validation.
4) Value table is domain level validation.
5) Check table is foreign key relation.

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