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It is a software specifically used for official documentary ,accounting and presentation works.
It is comprising of five sub softwares. Such as MS WORD, MS EXCEL , MS POWERPOINT, MS


To open this software go to start menu –select programmes –select Ms Office –choose Ms Word. We
will see a blank page will be displayed on the screen.

1. Before entering any data in that blank page three steps should be followed. That is set the
size of the paper , set the margin of the paper and set the direction of the paper. For this go to page
layout menu –choose page setup tool apply the appropriate options there as required.
2. We may change the size, type, style and colour of the letter or font and apply various
ornamental effects ( shadow, outline, emboss , engrave , superscript, subscript etc) by choosing font
tool in the home menu.
3. We can set the paragraph beginning point while writing down multiple paragraphs in a page ,
determine the spaces between the lines in a paragraph , decide the spaces between the paragraphs in
a page by selecting paragraph option in the home or page layout menu. There set the paragraph
beginning point by choosing indentation point ( in special menu) over first line or hanging option ,
next go to line spacing option and finally choose paragraph spacing before or after option.
4. We can create text or picture watermark or water shed option by selecting watermark option
in the page layout menu. There go to custom watermark tool and active either picture or text
watermark options. Also choose remove watermark option if you do not want to keep watermarks
applied if required.
5. If you want to apply a design or plain borderline over a page select border and shading
option in the home or page layout menu. For this go to border and shading option and choose
border or page border option. There set the setting option to box , choose border styles from the style
box , click ok or apply , border will be activated.
6. We can also change the page background colour by choosing shading option in the border
and shading option.
7. We can divide the page in to multiple coloumns by choosing coloumn option in the page
layout menu. For this select coloumn option and choose more coloumn option set the number of
column to 2 or 3 or 4 as required.To move between coloumns in a page select breaks-coloumn break
tool in the page layout menu.
8. In order to apply numbers over the pages in a file either at the top or bottom of the pages
select page number option in the insert menu.
9. Similarly we can active header and footer option by choosing header and footer option in
the insert menu. By this we can repeat the same matter at the top and bottom of each pages in a
file without manually writing the same matter again and again over each pages in a file.
10. Also we can apply design effects over a word or letter by choosing word art tool in the insert
menu. After opening word art option, word art gallery will be displayed. Choose a design from the
gallery and write down the text over which you want to apply the design. After that word art format
box will be displayed. To do alteration or modification in the text choose edit text option in the format
menu. To create spaces between the text choose spacing option in the format option. To write the
word art vertically and to make all the letters in a word in word art even height, choose vertical and
even height options respectively in the format menu.For changing the inside colour of the letter and
to change the outline colour of the letters in word art choose shape fill and shape outline tool in the
format menu. In shape fill tool we can fill the shape with single colour or multiple colour, texture,

pattern and picture by choosing gradient tool in the shape fill tool.To change the word art shape in to
arch, half round etc as required select change word art shape in the format menu.In order to apply
shadow and three dimensional effects over the letters in a word art choose shadow and 3d effect in
the format menu.To change the word art styles further select word art styles tool in the format menu.
11. We can create table in a page by choosing table option in the insert menu. There select
insert or draw table option in the table option of insert menu.In the insert table option specify the
number of rows and coloumns you want to put in a table , select OK , table will be created. There the
vertical partitions are known as coloumn and horizontal partitions are known as rows. The
intersection of rows and columns are known as cell. In a table for adding a new row or coloumn
along with the existing table put the cursor at the right position and select the options like insert
column to the left or right and insert row above or below in the layout menu.In order to delete the
unnecessary rows and coloumns in a table select delete row, delete column, delete cell and delete
table option in the layout menu.To covert multiple number of cells into a single cell , select the cells
the first , go to layout menu and choose merge cells option . In order to divide the cells further row
and coloumn wise , put the cursor at the right position and select split cells option in the layout
menu.For dividing a table row wise as required go to lay out menu and select split table option. In a
blank page we will get three positions to align the data, i.e left, center and right alignment. Where as
inside a cell we will get nine different positions to align the data. That is left top corner,right top
corner, top middle, left bottom corner,right bottom corner , bottom middle ,left middle, right middle
and center of the cell.All these options can be found out in the layout menu . We can change the
direction of the text inside a cell from top to bottom, bottom to top etc by selecting changing text
direction option in the layout menu.While create a table by choosing draw table option it is natural
that the row height and coloumn width are uneven. To make all the rows and coloumns equal height
wise and width wise choose distribute rows and coloumns option in the layout menu.In order to
arrange the data inside a table choose sort option in the layout menu and select sort ascending or
descending order . To get the sum total , average numbers , total number, highest number and
lowest number select formula option in the layout menu. To convert the table into text mode ,
choose convert to text option in the layout menu. Similarly to convert text to table , choose convert
text to table option in the insert table option. For changing the table border colour, its width and
style choOse the pen colour , width and table style option in the design menu.We can also erase the
row and coloumn partition individually by selecting erase tool in the design menu.
12. We can write an equation in a page by selecting equation option in the insert menu. After
choosing the option equation tool bar will be displayed.Here follow a simple formula , that is start
writing the equation from the outer side of the equation, gradually enter inside area , finally reaching
at the centre point. For example a equation like ( ) should be written like this i.e first write
down square , then create brackets and finally write down a+b.
13. To import a file using other software directly into word software without directly going to that
particular software select object command in the insert menu.There choose the right software you
want to move on , complete the job there , press left button outside the work , other file will be swiftly
move on to the word software. If you want to modify the work press left button of your mouse over
the work twice again , do the correction , again press left key at the outside end, job will be modified.
This is the best way to import a file without directly going to that software.
14. We can also add a picture in a page by choosing picture and clip art option in the insert
menu.After the picture has been inserted you can modify it by choosing various options in the
picture format menu.That is you can apply various effects (shadow, reflection), change its shape ,
change its style , create border style etc.
15. We can present the data in a graphical manner we can choose chart option in the insert
menu.There first choose the type of chart by which you want to represent the data from the chart
type box.After that you will see a dommy model of the chart will be displayed on left hand side of the
screen and an excel datasheet will seen on the right hand side of the screen where you have to put

the required data.After the data have been successfully inserted close the excel datasheet .But the
chart will remain on the master word page.In order to add a title of the chart go to design menu and
choose insert chart title below or above the chart.Similarly we can also specify what the X and Y axis
justifies for by selecting the add title on horizontal axis and vertical axis title in the design menu.Also
we can edit the chart data and change the chart type by choosing the edit data option and change
chart type in the design menu.We can also apply 3d effects over the chart that we have created and
change the layout of the chart style by selecting the appropritate options in the design menu.
16. We can draw various shapes like line, circle,rectangle and various other shapes by choosing
autoshapes option in the insert menu.We can do all sorts of modifications over the shapes that we
have drawn i.e changing its width,colour,dimensions, positions etc by choosing the required tools in
the format autoshapes option.
17. There is also another way to represent the data in a graphical manner is to choose smart
art graphics option in the insert menu.There show the data in various manner i.e orgniazational
diagram, cycle diagram, pyramid diagram etc.
18. In MS Word draw a text box has many utilities. For this go to insert menu and choose draw
text box option.It is a rectangular box inside which we can write down some text in any place in a
page whether that page contains texts or picture.We can modify the text box by selecting the
appropriate tools in the format menu.
19. Drop cap option in insert menu is a tool used to make the height of the first character in
the first sentence of a paragraph bigger than the others either in margin or outside the margin.
20. While in a page we can move from one page to another page (either in offline or by online) by
selecting hyprelink option in the insert menu.
21. Sending same message to multiple recipients in a single stroke offline is known as mail
merging. For this we have to follow 6 steps. Like select step by step mail merge wizard in the
start mail merge option of mailings menu. There in step -1 , choose the type of document you are
working on (letters,envelopes ,lables etc.),choose next to go to step no -2, where set up your letters,
in step no -3 choose the multiple recipients to whom you are going to send the same message from
the existing address book or create a new address book from where address can be inserted in the
letter, in step no -4 import the address from the address book (by choosing address block option) and
write down the subject matter, in step no -5 preview to see the letter and the address successfully
imported or not ,in step no -6 complete the merge and take the number of printouts you want to
send as per the different address.
22. We can protect our work in word file by locking it with a password. For this go to office
button menu and select encrypt document tool in the prepare option. And lock the file by
putting the same password two times consecutively and save it.


In Ms Word a blank page is usually known as a document where as in Ms Excel a blank page is
known as a book , to be more precise a work book. Each work book contains more than one no of
work sheets( 256 nos). Again each work sheet contains more than one no of rows ( more than
10,48576 nos of rows) and more than one no of coloumns( more than 10665 nos of coloumns).So it
is well understood that if we ever enter data in all the rows and coloumns in a single worksheet it will
not be physically accommodated in a single page. So while entering data in a excel sheet it seems as
if we are entering data in a single page but unknowingly we are creating multiple pages one after
another. For this reason setting the pages in an excel sheet is most vital.For this reason steps should
be followed.
1. After entering the data in a sheet go to office button menu and choose print preview option
which will show us practically how many numbers of pages have really been created.There if we see
the exact position of the data in a page and the page break point.If it is found out that although

many nos of pages have been created but all are not well accommodated or filled thereby wasting the
pages as well as spaces we can reset the pages again by selecting page break preview option in the
view menu and set the pages as per our requirement by dragging the horizontal and vertical break
line up / down / left / right etc.
2. In an excel sheet we can sort the data by choosing the filter option. For this after the
database have been created selected the top row , go to data menu and choose filter option.
3. As we have discussed an excel sheet contains more than one no of rows and columns , so
while creating a database we enter the data row wise down and down with proper reference to the
column heading.In a single page maximum we can see 20 to 25 rows of data. Suppose we have to
create a database of around 100 objects, we have to move down and down in a single sheet to
complete. The more you move down the more upper rows will go up and up.So after a certain point it
is difficult to keep a track of the column headings.For this reason go to view menu and select
freeze the top row/first column option.So even if we are entering the data in the 1000th row we
will get a clear cut reference that is under which column what data we should put.
4. Normally in a single window we can see one file at a time.In order to see multiple files in a
single window , open the files first , go to view menu and choose arrange files option and arrange
the files ( tiled,vertical,horizontal & cascade view) in the desired mode.
5. In order to protect the work sheet against tampering or manipulation select the protect sheet
option in the review option.Similarly if want to lock the file as a whole we can do this by selecting
encrypt document tool in the prepare option of office button menu.In both the above cases
sheet and file can locked by putting the same password twice consecutively and save it.
6. In an excel sheet in order to show the data in a condensed manner with less space utilization
, select new comment option in the review menu.
7. In order to find out the sum total, grand total and to get the data filtered , select the entire
database , go to insert menu and choose pivot table option. Similarly , to find out the sum total,
grand total, to get the data filtered and to see the data in a graphical manner , select the database
first , go to insert menu and choose pivot chart option.
8. In order to add a picture, chart, autoshapes, page numbers, header and footer, text box, word
art, smart art graphics ; go to insert menu and follow the same steps as we have done in the Ms
9. To convert multiple no of cells into a single cell , select the cells first , go to home menu,
choose format cells option in the format menu. There in the alignment box activate merge cells
10. To write down multiple lines one below another in a single row select wrap text option in the
alignment box.
11. To adjust a lengthy data in a single column, choose shrink to fit option in the alignment
12. To change the direction of the text in a cell (top to bottom, bottom to top, diagonal up,
diagonal down etc. ), select text orientation option in the alignment box.
13. Similarly we can align the data in a cell (top, bottom, middle etc.) by selecting top and
vertical alignment tool in the alignment box.
14. Although in an excel sheet we are practically entering data in a table , but in the printout
copy the table gridlines will not be seen unless you activate it. For this after the database has been
created select the database , go to format cells option in the format menu and in border option
choose outline and inside border tool. Select OK. Borderline will be visible.
15. In order to change the size, style, colour of the letter and to apply various effects like bold,
italic, superscript, subscript etc. choose font option in the format cells tool.
16. In order to fill the cells with desired colour row wise and column wise choose fill option in
the format cells tool.

17. Before entering any data in an excel sheet to set the page properly one direct method is go to
view menu and choose page layout option; thereby we can clearly see the page breakpoint and
find out exactly how many columns of data constitute width of the page and how many rows of data
constitute the height of the page.
18. In order to add/delete a row or a column along with the existing table , press right button of
our mouse at the desired location and choose add/delete option.
19. To correct the wrong data with the correct data in a single stoke select find and replace
command in the home menu.
20. To sort the data either in ascending order or descending order ( 1 to 10 / 10 to 1, a-z / z-a)
select sorting option in the home menu.
21. In an excel sheet column can be increased widthwise and row can be increased height wise.
This can done manually and at a time by selecting increase row height and column width in the
format option of home menu.
22. We can transfer one sheet data in a work book to another work sheet in a new work book as it
is by selecting move or copy command of format option in the home menu.
23. In an excel sheet we can write down numbers with decimal places ( contains .00) by selecting
increase/decrease decimal places in the home menu.
24. In a cell we can write down an expression that contains arithmetic operative symbol, numeric
digit and text by converting everything to text mode. For this put a single quote mark(‘) in the cell
or select text only option in the home menu of general format.
25. Similarly we can write down a lengthy digit in a single cell by converting it to text mode. For
the above two functions choose text tool of general function option in the home menu.
26. After writing an expression(numeric, text) in a cell we can create a copy of it in other cells of
the same page , place the cursor at the right hand side bottom of the particular cell, you will see a
small + sign will be displayed. After the symbol comes drag the mouse horizontally or vertically at a
stretch. Matter inside the cells will be copied. Similarly place the cursor at the edge of the cell, you
will see a double arrow cross symbol will be displayed. After that drag mouse in the desired
direction, matter will be shifted to the other empty cells with the source matter erased. This is called
cell shifting or cut and paste.
27. Functions in excel play a major role.In an excel page functions always begin with a ‘=’ sign.
Some of the major functions are the following .
a. =now ()-To find out the current date and current time.
b. =today ()-To find out the current date only.
c. =days360(start date, end date) – To find out the exact number of days that falls between two
specific dates , if total no of days in a year in equal to 360 days.
d. =edate(start date,no of months before or after)-To find out the exact date that falls before or
after certain months from the current date.
e. =eomonth(start date,no of months before or after)-To find out the exact date that falls before
or after certain months from the end date of the current month.
f. =networkdays(start date of the project,end date of the project) – To find out the exact no of
days that falls between two specific dates.
g. =workday(start date of the project , no of working days) – To find out the exact date that falls
certain working days from a specific date.
h. =pmt(interest/12,month,amount)- To find out the monthly installment amount with a specific
annual rate of interest, upon a stipulated repayment time and on a fixed amount.
i. IF(logical_test,value_if_true,value_if_false)
Logical_test is any value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE. For example,
A10=100 is a logical expression; if the value in cell A10 is equal to 100, the expression evaluates to
TRUE. Otherwise, the expression evaluates to FALSE. This argument can use any comparison
calculation operator.

Value_if_true is the value that is returned if logical_test is TRUE. For example, if this argument is
the text string "Within budget" and the logical_test argument evaluates to TRUE, then the IF function
displays the text "Within budget". If logical_test is TRUE and value_if_true is blank, this argument
returns 0 (zero). To display the word TRUE, use the logical value TRUE for this argument.
Value_if_true can be another formula.
Value_if_false is the value that is returned if logical_test is FALSE. For example, if this argument is
the text string "Over budget" and the logical_test argument evaluates to FALSE, then the IF function
displays the text "Over budget". If logical_test is FALSE and value_if_false is omitted, (that is, after
value_if_true, there is no comma), then the logical value FALSE is returned. If logical_test is FALSE
and value_if_false is blank (that is, after value_if_true, there is a comma followed by the closing
parenthesis), then the value 0 (zero) is returned. Value_if_false can be another formula.
j. VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,range_lookup)
Lookup_value The value to search in the first column of the table array (array: Used to build single
formulas that produce multiple results or that operate on a group of arguments that are arranged in
rows and columns. An array range shares a common formula; an array constant is a group of
constants used as an argument.). Lookup_value can be a value or a reference. If lookup_value is
smaller than the smallest value in the first column of table_array, VLOOKUP returns the #N/A error
Table_array Two or more columns of data. Use a reference to a range or a range name. The values
in the first column of table_array are the values searched by lookup_value. These values can be text,
numbers, or logical values. Uppercase and lowercase text are equivalent.
Col_index_num The column number in table_array from which the matching value must be
returned. A col_index_num of 1 returns the value in the first column in table_array; a col_index_num
of 2 returns the value in the second column in table_array, and so on. If col_index_num is:
k. HLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,row_index_num,range_lookup)
Lookup_value is the value to be found in the first row of the table. Lookup_value can be a value, a
reference, or a text string.
Table_array is a table of information in which data is looked up. Use a reference to a range or a
range name.
l. Testing whether conditions are true or false and making logical comparisons between
expressions are common to many tasks. You can use the AND, OR, NOT, and IF function to create
conditional formulas.
The IF function uses the following arguments.

Formula with the IF function

logical_test: The condition that you want to check.
value_if_true: The value to return if the condition is true.
value_if_false: The value to return if the condition is false.



Access is database program. Technically; Access is what’s known as a Relational Database

Management System or RDBMS for short. Don’t worry too much about what relational means in this
context-it-simply means that you see the data contained in the database as a set of two- dimensional
tables that present data in rows and columns. You can build relationships between tables that

contain different fields to pull together reports that draw on data from a number of different tables
and thus display only the information you need to see.


A database is an organized collection of related information about a particular subject or

purpose. In computers, a database is filled with records. A record in a database contains all the
information related to an item in just one line. Information in a database is stored in rows (Records)
and columns (Fields). In computers, a database can contain large amount of information. Such type
of database is called an electronic database.


A Relational Database Management System is defined as a method of viewing information

from several, separate databases that related to one another though key words or values. The main
advantage of Relational Database Management System is that you can simultaneously use more than
one database to see information stored in them. Another advantage of a relational database design is
that you can extract fields from different databases and see them on the screen at one time thus
reducing the complexity.


Microsoft Access is based on RDBMS. Therefore, to have a better understanding of working in

Access, you should be familiar with components of RDBMS as described below:
Tables : Access stores information (Data) in tables consisting of rows and columns. A tables is
a collection of information on a specific topic.
Queries : A query in Access is a way of getting at the information stored in a database. You specify
the criteria for the information you want to see and ask Access to retrieve it.
Reports : In Access, you use reports to control the appearance you give to your data when you print
it out. You choose which information to include in a report, and you can bind a report to either a
table or to a query that draws information from several tables.


A database management system is a tool for managing information , stored in the database.
Managing a database includes the following functions:
1. Database Creation : Creating database means defining the data to be maintained and
organizing the database to accommodate the data-keeping requirements expected of the system.
2. Modifying a database: It means changing its structure. You may wish to add , delete fields or
change the width of one or more fields.
3. Adding records in a database :A record or a row of your database is made up of several
fields.When new bits of data are entered in every field of new row , a record gets added.
4. Deleting records in a database: Unnecessary records may be deleted or removed from the
data file.
5. Selecting records in a database: Sometimes you may wish to examine certain records in a
file similar in some characteristic. The ability to select just those records which meet certain criteria
is a very useful feature of DBMS.


1. Go to start menu – select programmes-select MS office –Select MS Access.

2. Select blank database create option – save it with specific name.
3. Once the database file has been created a blank tabular format will be table. That is under
the database we can create a table either in data sheet view or in design view.
4. Put the name of the first field in the first row of the first table , then second field , third field
and so on as required and save it with a particular name.
5. Then go to create menu and choose table option, repeat one field from table 1 and put the
other field names that you have not given in table 1 and save it.
6. Then if required create table no 3 in the same process , repeat one filed form table no 2 , put
the other filed names that you have not given in table 2 and 3.
7. After that go to database tools menu and select relationship tool. There in the relationship
box add the three tables that you have created. Make a primary relationship ( ID to ID) in between all
the three tables and create the secondary relationship in between the foreign keys( common fields )
among all the same three tables where you have already created primary relationship.
8. After the relationship has been created open table no 1 and start entering data in the first
row of the Table 1, at the end press enter key , thereby you will see a + sign at the beginning of the
first row of the first table which will takes you directly to the first row of Table no 2. Again once the
data has been successfully entered again you will see another + sign which will takes you directly to
the first row of the table no 3 where you may entered the data as required. In this manner database
of one party has been created. Similar is the process for creating other party database in the same
three tables.
9. To find out about a particular field in a particular table you have to create a query table. For
this go to create menu and select query wizard tool. From there choose simple query wizard. Three
tables` fields will be displayed. Choose the fields about which you want to know and transfer the
same fields to the new query table.
10. If you want to increase the database by putting the data in the tables directly in the 2 nd ,
third, fourth etc rows of the first table you can do this by directly data entering method. For this
there is also another way by going to create menu and choose the form wizard option in the more
forms option. Remember create forms for table no 1 only. Because by form technically we are
entering data in the other blank rows of table no 1 from where we can move on to the other tables in
the same database.
11. After the database has been created we can get a report of what you have made by selecting
the report wizard option in the create menu. Report is specifically made to take a hardcopy of what
database you have made.


Microsoft power point is the most widely used program for designing professional presentations.
Such as product profiles , research papers and dissertations.Now a days computer runs slide shows
are popular. They offer the benefits of dynamic slides. Dynamic slides are slides that change
automatically at a given set of time which includes sound, animation and colourful graphics for
effect. It is an effective software that offers tools and techniques for running and designing dynamic


1. Go to start menu – Select Ms Office – Select Ms Powerpoint.

2. There by a blank page ( known as slide ) will be displayed.

3. Before entering any data there we have to follow the specific slide layout.For this go to Home
menu and choose layout option which will help us how to proceed further.
4. After the required data has been entered as per the layout we can make the background
colour of the slides colourful by selecting various colourful background from the design menu.
5. After the slides have been formed we can add some motion effects ( animations) for better
presentations. For this choose preset animations from the animation menu and apply it over the
slides that you have created. Further if you want to apply separate animations in a single slide you
can choose custom animation option in the animation scheme option.
6. After the slides have been created and animations have been applied we can see it in a
presentation format in a picturic manner with colourful effects by selecting slide show option in the
menu bar, choose view show option from beginning . To move from one slide to another slide in
the presentation manually press enter key or arrow key or space bar or click left button of your
7. In the presentation programme to move between slides automatically one after another you
can set the time by selecting time setting option in the animation-advance slide option .There set
mouse click to no and set automatically after to yes, put the required time gap , choose apply to all
slides option, press OK. Time will be set.
8. We can add some background music also (either predefined or own set) . For this go to
animation option and set transition sound to yes and add the sound effect .


Ms Publisher is a complete desktop publishing package through which you can create professional
looking publications in a matter of minutes. You could publish this publication from your desktop
printer or through a commercial printing press. It comes with ready made design sets through which
you can create a series of publications that share a common theme. With this software we can
create instantly letter heads, brochures, visiting cards, banners , leaf lets, posters, stickers,
card for all occasions etc within a less time .For this following steps have to followed.
1. Go to start menu-Select Ms Office –Select Ms Publisher.
2. Thereby table of contents will be displayed.
3. From there choose the layout of the object that you want to create. Suppose you want to
create a visiting card. For this select visiting card layout style from the contents box. It will give you
various semi finished dummy layout of the visiting cards. You simply have to change the name,
address, colour or whatever necessary , save it. Check it in print preview option and set it to multiple
copies per page ; thereby maximum how many copies in a standard copier size paper will be
displayed. Get the printout and the job is finished.
4. In the similar process we can create greeting cards, brochures,lables, directories,stickers etc.
5. Most important we can also make a web site by using this software.For this go to the contents
menu and choose website option. Thereby webpage creation link will be displayed on the screen.First
webpage link in the name of HOME page will be displayed. And select the number of pages you want
to add to the home page like About us, contact page, product page service page etc etc if any.
Thereby some dummy webpage format will be displayed.Change the basic data as per your
requirement, change the graphics, colour combination, add pages or delete pages , change the
banner style, change the business tag line if necessary . On the whole change the data in a web page
the way you want. Now the web pages have been constructed.In a sense website have been
developed.If you want to see how your website will be seen in a web browser , simply go to file menu
and select webpage preview option. It seems as if you are browsing a website.
6. While construct something by using publisher software we may change the size, style, colour
of the letter or font , fill the letter or text box or autoshapes with the desired colour , change the
shapes outline colour by selecting fill, outline and font colour option in the home menu.

7. If we want to change the colour of the picture that has been inserted in a page , simply press
right button of your mouse over the picture , you will see a pupup box will appear on the screen,
there choose format picture option. In the format picture option choose recolour option, choose
the appropriate colour for the colour box. Colour of the picture will be changed as required. In the
similar process we can create anything that you want to publish.


1. Press window key – to access the start

2. Press uparrow key to move between the start
3. Press enter key to accept.
4. Ctrl +A – All select.
5. Shift + Right arrow – Individual selection.
6. Press right arrow – End of selection.
7. Ctrl+ B - Male the letter bold.
8. Ctrl+I – Make the letter italic.
9. Ctrl+U – Make the letter underlined.
10. Ctrl+ C – To copy.
11. Ctrl+ X – To cut.
12. Ctrl+Y – Redo
13. Ctrl+Z – Undo
14. Ctrl +V – To paste
15. Ctrl+L – Allign text left
16. Ctrl+R – Allign text right
17. Ctrl+E – Allign text center
18. Ctrl+Shift+> - Increase the size of the letter.
19. Ctrl+Shift+< - Decrease the size of the letter.
20. Ctrl+Shift+(+) – Superscript.
21. Ctrl+(=) – Subscript
22. Press Escape Key – To avoid the current
23. Press Alt+Tab Key – To switch between
24. Press Alt+ F4 – To close the current activity.
25. Ctrl+P – To print.
26. Ctrl+F12- Print preview.
27. Ctrl+S – To save
28. Ctrl+N – To create a new file or blank page.
29. Ctrl+O – To open the file that you have
stored at some places inside your computer.
30. Press Alt or F10 key – to access the menu


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