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Conney M.

A. Answer the following questions comprehensively.
1. Explain the value of statistics in your field of work.
Statistics can be defined as a branch of applied research which is concerned with the development and application methods for
collecting, organizing, presenting, analyzing and interpreting quantitative data in such a way that the reliability of conclusions based on data may
be evaluated in terms of probability statements. Some of the important functions of statistics are as follows. First, it informs methods of data
collection. This means that by pre-emptively identifying the statistical tools that you want to employ in your study, hopefully, you would know
what sort of data needs to be collected. Second, it is used to support or negate a hypothesis. This means that without statistical tests, there
would be no objective way to know whether the data are in support or disagreement with the research questions. Third, statistics aid in the
interpretation, summarization, and communication of datasets. Statistical tests provide us with the means to interpret the dataset accurately so
that we can make unbiased decisions on how to proceed knowing what the data is saying. Moreover, statistics is importance in the field of
education especially in our field of teaching because there are a lot of instances that we need to deal with a large number of data. An example
of which is when we were assigned to collate data with our non-readers or students who have difficulty in reading per school in
the Dauin District. It would have been very hustle on the part of the teacher, if he/she would individually compute the data. Instead, an easier
approach to this is just to use a statistical formula. Through statistics, it made the works of the teachers easier and less stressful.

2. Explain how a dependent variable differs from an independent variable. Elucidate it with an example.
Dependent variable to the outcome of the experiment. For example: Any measurement of plant’s height and growth. In this case, the height of
the plant and wilting. On the other hand, independent variable refers to variable that you manipulate in order to affect the outcome of the
experiment. An example of which is the amount of salt added in each plant’s water.

3. Sampling error does occur. Why is this so? What could have caused it? Explain it briefly?
Sampling Error is a statistical error that occurs when an analyst does not select a sample from the population and the results found in the
sample do not represent the results that would be obtained from the entire population.

4. Cite the major advantage of a probability sample over a non-probability one. Elucidate with an example.
Probability sampling means that every member of the population has the chance of being sampled and you can determine what probability of the
people being sampled is. Examples of probability sampling include simple random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, and cluster
or multistage sampling. On the other hand, non-probability sampling means that you have excluded some of the population in your sample and
that exact number cannot be calculated. This means that there are limits on how much you can determine about the population from the sample.
Examples of non-probability sampling are convenience sampling, purposive sampling, quota sampling, and snowball sampling. In addition, one
of the advantages of using probability sampling is the absence of systematic error and sampling bias. Also, there is a higher level of reliability of
research findings since every member of the population will be sampled in your study. Furthermore, there is an increased accuracy of sampling
error estimation.

5. Are “Likert-scale” questions on questionnaires nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio scales?

Interval because it is a level of measurement where there is order and the difference between variable is meaningful and equal

B. You will make a survey on the opinions of University students in Dumaguete City regarding the government’s programs and
1. Who will be your target population?
The target population will be the university or college students in Dumaguete City

2. How many samples will you get at 5% margin of error, assuming that there are 30,000 students? Show solution.
The total samples that will be used for the study will be 395 students.

3. What sampling technique will you use? Explain your data gathering procedures.
In my opinion, the sampling technique that I am going to use in this study will be the random sampling technique. This is because
random sampling is a method of sampling wherein every member of the population has the chance of being sampled.
C. Provide the missing value of percentage and INTERPRET the table. (Population=50)
Sex Male 37 74%
Female 13 26%
Religion Roman Catholic 25 50%
Protestant 13 26%
Muslim 12 24%
Monthly Income 10,000 and below 18 36%
10,001 – 15,000 14 28%
15,001 – 20,000 12 24%
20,001 and above 6 12%

D. Complete the table by providing the missing value of weighted mean and the remarks. (N=50)
VARIABLE Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Weighted Remarks
Agree (4) (3) (2) Disagree Mean
(5) (1)
Question 20 5 10 10 5 3.50 Agree
No. 1
Question 10 10 10 10 10 3.0 Neutral
No. 2
Question 0 0 0 40 10 1.8 Strongly
No. 3 Disagree
Question 40 10 0 0 0 4.8 Strongly
No. 4 Agree
Question 25 0 0 0 25 3.0 Neutral
No. 5
Question 10 10 10 10 10 3.0 Neutral
No. 6


1. If the p-value is less than or equal to the level of significance or alpha, then REJECT Null Hypothesis.
2. If the p-value is greater than the level of significance or alpha, then FAIL TO REJECT Null Hypothesis.
3. If the computed value is less than or equal to the critical value, then REJECT Null Hypothesis.
4. If the computed value is greater than the critical value, then FAILED TO REJECT Null Hypothesis.
F. When to use z-test, t-test and F-test?

1. Z-test- it is used when you have a large sample size to determine whether two population means are different when the variances
are known and the population is large

2. T-test- it is used to compare the mean of two given samples (test of difference)
3. F-test- it is used to show whether two samples have variances

G. In the formulation of questions in the Statement of the Problem, the words “significant relationship and “significant difference” are commonly
used. Question: When to use the words in the formulation of question on testing of significance?
The principle is the same, but the application is somehow different. When the task is to determine whether two group means (average) showed a
real difference then, it uses significant difference. On the other hand, if it is to determine whether two variables are related, then it uses significant

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