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Introduction ................................................. 1 Other Gear .................................................. 20 Psionic Devotions ................................................... 44

Character Generation ................................. 2 Magic Items ................................................................. 24 Clairsentient Devotions ............................. 44

Race .................................................................................... 3 Enchanted Fruits ........................................ 24 Metapsionic Devotions .............................. 45

Human .......................................................... 3 Trees of Life ................................................ 27 Psychokinetic Devotions ........................... 46

Dwarf ............................................................. 3 Psionic Items .............................................. 28 Psychometabolic Devotions ...................... 47

Elf ................................................................... 3 Other Magic Items ..................................... 28 Psychoportive Devotions .......................... 48

Half-Elf .......................................................... 4 Combat Styles ............................................................ 29 Telepathic Devotions ................................. 49

Half-Giant ..................................................... 4 Cultural Styles............................................ 29 Random Devotions .................................... 50

Halfling ......................................................... 5 Gladiatorial Styles ..................................... 29 Spirit Magic................................................ 51

Mul................................................................. 6 Professional Styles ..................................... 29 Elementalists ............................................................... 51
Thri-kreen ..................................................... 6
Magical Traditions.................................................. 31 Elemental Cults .......................................... 51
Languages ..................................................... 7 Priests of Air ............................................... 52
Psionics ....................................................... 31
Culture .............................................................................. 8 Spirit Magic ................................................ 31 Priests of Earth ........................................... 53

Hunter-Gatherer ........................................... 8 Channelling ................................................ 31 Priests of Fire .............................................. 54

Nomad/Raider .............................................. 8 Sorcery ........................................................ 31 Priests of Water .......................................... 55

Outlander ...................................................... 8 Priests of Magma........................................ 56

Turning Undead ...................................................... 32
Urban ............................................................. 8 Priests of Rain ............................................. 56
Turning Unintelligent Undead ................ 32
Profession......................................................................... 9 Turning Intelligent Undead ...................... 32
Priests of Silt ............................................... 57

Druid ............................................................. 9 Priests of Sun .............................................. 57

Psionics ..................................................... 33
Elemental Priest ............................................ 9 Psionic Aptitude (POWx2) ....................... 33 Druids ............................................................................. 58
Psionicist ....................................................... 9 Psionic Discipline ...................................... 33 The Druidic Cult ........................................ 58

Templar ......................................................... 9 Psionic Abilities ......................................... 33 Spirits .............................................................................. 59

Miscellanea ................................................ 10 Power Points .............................................. 34 Spirit Abilities ............................................. 59

Survival .......................................................................... 10 Activating Powers ..................................... 34 Spirit Types ................................................. 64

Heat Exposure and Water ......................... 10 Starting Talents and Devotions ................ 34 Sorcery .......................................................65
Exploring the Wilderness .......................... 11 Psionic Disciplines.................................................. 34 Mana ............................................................ 65

Money and Equipment ....................................... 14 Clairsentience (POW+INT) ....................... 35 Invocation ................................................... 65

Weapons ...................................................... 14 Metapsionics (POW+INT) ......................... 36 Preserving ................................................... 65

Armour ........................................................ 14 Psychokinesis (POW+INT) ....................... 38 Defiling........................................................ 66

Mounts and Vehicles ................................. 16 Psychometabolism (POW+CON) ............. 39 Templars .................................................... 67

Poisons ........................................................ 19 Psychoportation (POW+CON) ................. 41 Advanced Beings .......................................68

Slaves ........................................................... 19 Telepathy (POW+CHA) ............................ 42

I am not the first person to attempt a conversion of Dark Sun to Mythras system to represent the concepts and ideas found in the
Mythras or Runequest 6, so I would like to offer a general original Dark Sun material. I’m fairly satisfied with the results; your
acknowledgement to all those who have come before. I should also mileage my vary depending on what Dark Sun means to you.
specifically call out “The Italian Page”
(, which provided me with I have focused predominantly on the material released prior to the
a very solid starting point for my racial templates. Kevin Crawford’s Revised 2nd Edition version, and have not (knowingly, at least)
Stars Without Number also deserves a specific mention, as my psionic included any assumptions derived from the novels. I don’t think it
disciplines and talents clearly draw liberally from Kevin’s work (you will make a great deal of difference either way, but it may be worth
can essentially consider the Psionics chapter to be a conversion of keeping in mind.
SWN psionics to Mythras).
It is probably also worth mentioning that there are few occasions
In general, I prefer to convert on the basis of philosophy and where, when faced with things that push my suspension of disbelief
underlying concepts, rather than attempting to take a game mechanic just a little too far, but still seem like things that either make the setting
from system A and create an equivalent mechanic in system B. For the a little more interesting, or that are convenient to have in place, I have
most part, you will not find Mythras versions of Dark Sun spells fallen back on “a psionicist did it”. More specifically, there are a few
(although some clerical magic has been mimicked), or a special occasions where I have relied on the mundanity and ubiquity of
profession for gladiators, or an attempt to directly convert the various psionics to say, “People who do this thing are utilising either trained
special abilities of some of the unique Dark Sun weapons (with the or latent psionic potential”.
exception of the chatkcha). Instead, I have focused on using the

Character Generation
While most of the basic character generation procedures from maximums and, of course, they also have various racial special
Mythras are followed, there are a few variations necessary to create abilities. All non-human races other than the halfling have a
characters appropriate for Dark Sun. The most obvious and characteristic floor of 80 points, while the halfling’s floor is 75.
significant is the choice of race, which can have a significant impact
on your capabilities. The available cultures are somewhat different from those found in the
Mythras core rules, but they follow the same basic principles. Some
The races are not necessarily balanced (half-giants are certainly much races typically hail from particular cultures, but every race-culture
tougher than any other race) but they all have their pros and cons, combination is theoretically possible.
and you’re encouraged to play something you think you will find fun,
rather than worrying about optimisation. Every character is able to place points into Psionic Aptitude during
the cultural step of character generation, and even those who choose
Playing a human will provide you with the greatest control over your not to do so are guaranteed to start play with access to at least one
starting characteristic values, so if you are set on playing a specific psionic devotion.
archetype, this is likely to be your best option. Human PCs have 90
points to spend on their characteristic scores, which can be allocated The available professions are nearly identical to what is found in
in any way the player wants within the racial minimums and Mythras. There are a few minor changes (not too many Athasians
maximums. swim or sail), but the only truly significant alteration is the addition
of the Psionicist.
Characters of all the other races roll their characteristic scores
randomly. Most races can expect average results of around 85 Note that, in the final step of character generation (Bonus Skill Points),
characteristic points in total, so they are likely to have slightly less players may spend a total of 200 points, with a maximum of 20 per
than a human, but they may have scores that exceed human skill, as for middle aged characters under the default system.

There are eight races available to PCs. As mentioned in the lesser tasks to focus on in the moment. These lesser tasks may be
introduction, they are not carefully balanced against each other, but related to the Great Task, or completely separate to it. Dwarves are
they are all playable. Within certain bounds, when selecting a non- frequently valued as the most dependable of employees if they
human race, you will need to keep in mind that your skills and commit themselves to a contract. A lesser task can be just about
capabilities, especially early on, will be affected by the luck of the dice. anything, but cannot be completely trivial – it will usually need to be
However, over time, your character’s training choices will have a something that will take at least a week of effort to bring to fruition,
greater impact on their skills than their starting characteristic values whether this is guarding a caravan, crafting an item, gaining revenge
(derived characteristics are a different matter, and your initial rolls for a slight, or providing suitable recompense for a favour received.
may have long-lasting impact in some areas).
A dwarf who dies without completing their Great Task suffers a
Humans determine their characteristic values by point spend at a flat horrible fate. Their spirit cannot depart for the Grey; instead, they are
1:1 ratio. All other races must roll their characteristics, in order. If the trapped forever on Athas as a banshee, filled with a terrible anguish
total of rolled characteristic scores is less than 80, points may be added and sorrow for their failure, and visiting the pain they feel upon
to raise the total to 80, as long as no value is raised over the racial others.
maximum. Halflings are an exception: they may only add points to
raise the rolled total to 75. Those who complete their Great Task, but who die with a lesser task
unfulfilled, suffer a similar fate, but their banshees are less potent, and
The expected average characteristic totals for each race are listed after fade with time until their soul finally departs to walk the path to
their names. Note that these values do not take into account the peaceful oblivion in the Grey.
characteristic floors, nor Movement or any racial abilities – just the
raw, expected characteristic values one the dice are rolled. Dwarves can hail from any culture, but nomads are reasonably rare
and hunter-gatherers exceptionally so; they tend to enjoy building too
much for these highly mobile cultures to sit well with them.
Human (90)
STR: 2d6+6 INT: 2d6+6
Humans are the most populace race within the Tablelands, and the CON: 2d6+12 POW: 3d6
default PC race. An average, everyday human has characteristic totals SIZ: 2d6+6 CHA: 2d6
close to 78.5, but a human PC has 90 points to spend on their DEX: 2d6+3 Movement: 5m
characteristics. This allows a human character to be built to meet the
requirements of any concept, and be a cut above the average while Dwarven Attributes
you’re at it. Characteristic points can be spent freely within the legal • Great Task. Dwarves gain a Great Task Passion, with a
ranges. starting value equal to 50% + 2 x POW.
• Lesser Task. If a dwarf does not have a lesser task, they can
STR: 3 – 18 INT: 8 – 18 create one at any time, gaining a passion with a starting
CON: 3 – 18 POW: 3 – 18 value of 50% + 2 x POW. The passion remains until the task
SIZ: 8 – 18 CHA: 3 – 18 is completed.
DEX: 3 – 18 Movement: 6m • Unable to Invoke. Dwarves cannot invoke Sorcery.
Technically, they can learn Invocation or Shaping, but will
Humans may be found in every walk of life. They can be nobles,
only have a theoretical understanding; they cannot actually
merchants, artisans, labourers or slaves. They are raiders, nomads or
cast spells. They may use psionics and other forms of magic
hermits. Some live in primitive tribes, barely surviving, rarely seeing
without restriction, just no Sorcery.
outsiders, others are nomadic herders, others raiders. Some live in the
satellite towns around the city states, others make up the great masses
of the cities themselves. Elf (87.5)
Most elves of Athas are found in nomadic tribes that roam the wastes.
Dwarf (85.5) The largest tribes number several thousand, while there are a
multitude of smaller tribes, some eking out an existence as wandering
Dwarves are short (typically standing 1.35 to 1.5m tall), but strong
herders and hunters, while others raid and pillage caravans and
and heavily built. They have a love of hard work, and tend to become
towns. Some, of course do both.
frustrated and irritable if forced into extended periods of idleness.
Each tribe is quite insular – all outsiders, whether of a different race,
Dwarves have an obsessive compulsion to complete tasks once they
or elves of a different tribe, are treated with extreme suspicion until
set out to do so. By the time they reach early adulthood, almost all
they have proved their honesty and good intentions beyond any
dwarves have set themselves a Great Task which they will spend their
lives working towards. Anything standing between them and their
goal is likely to be fought with fury, while they are liable to make Most elven clans operate as roaming traders at least some of the time,
almost any compromise that will bring about the completion of their and elves have a reputation as canny and effective merchants. While
goal. they are not known as a great source for high-end or high-quality
merchandise, they are thought of as the ideal source for banned, rare
Given the broad, long-term nature of many great task, a dwarf will
and illicit goods.
not typically spend all their time working directly towards its
completion, but without some task to focus upon they can become
listless, depressed or angry. As such, they frequently set themselves

(even as large as a whole tribe). The leader’s CON is also
used to determine the maximum duration of the run.
• Racial Hatred. All elves grow up understanding that the
thri-kreen are partial to the taste of elven flesh. Thri-kreen
are used as bugaboos to scare elven children and keep them
in line, and the stories used require little exaggeration. Thri-
kreen clans are the greatest threat to the eleven tribes of the
wastes, their most vicious and ancient enemies. An elf may
take the passion Hatred (Thri-kreen); however, this hatred
is almost always rooted in a fear that never entirely goes
away, and the character will also have the passion Fear
(Thri-kreen) at half the value of the Hatred. Any attempt to
benefit from Hatred necessitates a check of the Fear passion
first; if the Fear check is passed, the character reacts
fearfully instead of with hatred.

Half-Elf (82)
The union of human and elf, half-elves are rare, but not unknown.
They tend to be spurned and scorned by members of both societies,
making their way through life with little support from others. Elven
tribes will generally cast them out (and often their mothers too).

As such, half-elves tend towards self-sufficiency, and either a degree

of self-loathing, a general bitterness towards both humans and elves,
or a combination of both.
Elven tribes do not have the same fears of sorcery as the people of the
city states; instead, sorcery is appreciated and encouraged. Most They are typically taller than humans, but not as slender as elves, and
tribes practice Preserving, but some instead make use of Defiling they often inherit some of their elven parent’s dexterity.
STR: 3d6 INT: 2d6+6
While they tend to be highly intelligent, elves do have a deserved CON: 2d6+3 POW: 3d6
reputation for impulsive behaviour, and many elves have a tendency SIZ: 2d6+7 CHA: 3d6
to get themselves into trouble doing something foolish on a random DEX: 3d6+3 Movement: 7m
Half-Elven Attributes
A citizen of one of the cities would most likely describe elves as • Night Sight. As described in the Mythras CRB.
greedy, duplicitous, savage sorcerers, but there are enough elves

Half-Giant (94.5)
actually living in the cities, whether as slaves or citizens, that most
people will realise they’re not fundamentally all that different from
anyone else. Many elves can, indeed, be accurately described as It would appear that, some several thousand years ago, a sorcerer or
greedy, savage and duplicitous but, on Athas, those same terms will psionicist bred or combined giants with humans, and did so in
most likely apply just as accurately to any random person you pick sufficient numbers that half-giants have become their own distinct,
out on the street. ongoing species.

STR: 3d6 INT: 2d6+8 As one might imagine, half-giants are big and tough, standing
CON: 2d6+2 POW: 2d6+3 anywhere from 2.2 to 3 metres tall. Their appearance is similar to
SIZ: 2d6+9 CHA: 3d6 humans, but their features tend to be exaggerated.
DEX: 3d6+6 Movement: 8m
They are of moderate intelligence at best, and tend to be childlike in
Elven Abilities many ways. Individual half-giants tend to adopt the ways and
• Night Sight. As described in the Mythras CRB. attitudes of those around them, and gain pleasure from imitating
• Elf Run. When unencumbered, an elf can maintain a steady others. When half-giants congregate in their own communities, they
run for eight hours a day, even in the heat of Athas. After a tend to adopt the ways of their neighbours. However, when a
day of running, the elf must make an Endurance check. If particular task or lifestyle is interrupted, they are often quick to
they pass, they are able to continue the run on subsequent change. A peaceful farming village, after raided a few times, will
days, for a number of days equal to half their CON. After suddenly turn into a group of savage raiders themselves.
this, they suffer two levels of fatigue at the end of any day
when they continue to run, which cannot be recovered until While half-giants can learn magic, and some develop an interest in
they spend a day of rest. On a critical, they can run for a scholarly pursuits, they tend to do poorly at these things. On the other
number of days equal to CON. On a fumble, they hand, while they generally lack the POW to make exceptionally
immediately suffer two levels of fatigue, and require a day powerful psionicists, they are otherwise as capable at psionics as any
of rest before they can begin recovery. A group of three or race.
more elves can form a psionic bond that allows the best
runner to make the Endurance check for the entire group

Half-giants can be of any culture, although Urban and Outlander are
most common. There are not significant numbers of half-giants –
maybe a few thousand per city – but there are enough of them that
they do not stand out beyond the simple matter of their size.

STR: 2d6+12 INT: 1d6+7

CON: 2d6+9 POW: 2d6
SIZ: 1d6+22 CHA: 2d6
DEX: 2d6+3 Movement: 8m

Half-Giant Attributes
• Tough Skin. Half-giants have 1 AP of natural armour on all
• Big Hands. Weapons scaled for humans work a little
differently for giants:
o Tiny weapons cannot be used, and fighting with
small weapons is Hard.
o The reach of their unarmed attacks is Short, and
the base damage is 1d4.
o Normal two-handed melee weapons can be used
in one hand. Weapons with separate statistics for
one- and two-handed use always use the two-
handed stats, even when wielded in a single
o Extra-large two-handed weapons can be used.
These cost twice normal, and increase their size
category by one step and their ENC by 2.
o Shields ward one less location than normal.
o Normal bows and slings cannot be used. Giant-
sized versions are rare but not unknown; the
main effect will be to allow half-giants to use
them at all, and apply their increased damage
• Heavy Armour. Armour for giants costs four times normal.
Do not halve the ENC of worn amour; instead, use the full
value, and double the ENC when carried.
• Unable to Invoke. Half giants cannot invoke Sorcery.
Technically, they can learn Invocation or Shaping, but will
only have a theoretical understanding; they cannot actually
cast spells. They may use psionics and other forms of magic
without restriction, just no Sorcery.
• Thirsty. Half-giants need to consume four times as much
water as usual – sixteen litres for a normal, working day.
• Copycat. New professional skills that are employed mostly
through practical, physical activity can be learned simply
by observing a proficient character for two weeks and
expending one XP roll. Half-giants are naturally inclined to
do what those around them do; this makes them easily
distracted or subject to manipulation, if left to their own
devices. All half-giants have the passion Do As Others at 40
+ 2 x POW.

Halfling (79)
Most halflings live west of the Ringing Mountains, in jungles that defy
belief to most citizens of the Tablelands (literally – few from the cities
or wastes can believe such places exist).

Typically standing around 1.2 metres tall, halflings are not strong, but
they are agile, cunning and resilient. Once they reach maturity, they
show no further signs of aging, and tend to remain in good health
until the day they pass into the Grey.

Primitive by the standards of the cities, halflings are seen as feral Their hands have three clawed fingers and an opposable, clawed
savages, who are prone to eat any strangers found in their lands. thumb, but are not as nimble as those of other races.
While they do have a deep and complex culture, it is true that they
are brutal xenophobes who will usually sacrifice and eat trespassers, They are short lived, with very few passing 35 years, although they
rather than trade or talk with them. never sleep, and live more of each day than other races.

In their native lands, halflings are the undisputed masters, and most Most spend their lives among their own pack, numbering from a
are content to remain there, despite the various natural dangers. Some handful to several dozen thri-kreen, but some make their way to the
have a wanderlust, and fall prey to slave takers in the cities or are cities and towns of human civilisation, whether freely or as slaves.
otherwise lost to the wastes, while small numbers have managed to
Thri-kreen packs spend most of their time on the hunt, and while the
survive over generations, such that, while they are far from common,
majority of them will not hunt and eat intelligent species except in
most locals will recognise them for what they are.
times of great desperation (despite the legendary succulence of elven
PC halflings can be Hunter-Gatherers from the jungles, relatively new meat), naturally it is the stories of those mantis warriors that are
to the Tablelands, or of any culture and second or later generation bloodthirsty hunters of men that are most well known .
The vast majority of thri-kreen will be Nomads/Raiders. They are
STR: 2d6+1 INT: 2d6+6 commonly referred to as mantis warriors by other races.
CON: 2d6+6 POW: 3d6
STR: 2d6+6 INT: 2d6+3
SIZ: 1d3+6 CHA: 2d6+3
CON: 3d6 POW: 3d6
DEX: 3d6+6 Movement: 4m
SIZ: 1d3+20 CHA: 2d6
DEX: 3d6+3 Movement: 10m
Halfling Attributes
• Fortunate. All halflings have one additional luck point.
Thri-kreen Attributes
• Exoskeleton. A thri-kreen’s exoskeleton provides them
Mul (86) with 5AP on all body locations. However, they cannot wear
The Mul are a slave race, bred by all the sorcerer kings. The union of • Soft Insides. Once the exoskeleton is pierced, a thri-kreen’s
dwarves and humans, Mul have the height of humans and the build structure is not as sturdy as meat and bone. Only half the
and toughness of dwarves, making them idea for use as gladiators, thri-kreen’s SIZ (round up) is used when determining hit
slave-soldiers and labourers. Most live their lives as slaves, used until points.
they die or are made useless by injury, but some escape or are granted • Natural Weapons. The thri-kreen’s claws do 1d4 damage,
their freedom. while their mandibles bite for 1d4+1.
• Extra Limbs. In situations where they are able to bring their
While there are some small number of Mul who are the result of a
extra arms to bear, thri-kreen gain an additional Action
romantic liaison between dwarf and human, most come from the foul
Point. If two or more arms are crippled or otherwise
depths of the sorcerer kings’ breeding pits. While life is cheap in
occupied, the bonus AP is not available. The possible uses
Athas, and most slaves are treated poorly, it is the Mul, more than any
of the extra AP are:
others, that are truly treated like livestock.
o Attack or parry with a claw, if at least one hand
Having said that, for a select few who excel in the fighting pits and is empty.
achieve popularity with the spectators, significant rewards and o Attack or parry with a weapon.
emancipation are a possibility. o Reload a missile weapon, if at least one hand is
STR: 2d6+9 INT: 2d6+3 o Do something else that would directly benefit
CON: 2d6+9 POW: 3d6 from having extra hands or limbs available.
SIZ: 2d6+9 CHA: 2d6 • Unable to Invoke. Thri-kreen cannot invoke Sorcery.
DEX: 3d6 Movement: 6m
Technically, they can learn Invocation or Shaping, but will
only have a theoretical understanding; they cannot actually
Mul Attributes
• Tireless. Any time a Mul needs to make a check to avoid or cast spells. They may use psionics and other forms of magic
reduce accrued fatigue (including bleeding and other forms without restriction, just no Sorcery.
of damage), the check is one grade easier. • Insect Physiology. Serious wounds do not cause temporary
• Sterile. Mul cannot reproduce. disorientation. A major wound only causes complete
• Unable to Invoke. Mul cannot invoke Sorcery. Technically, incapacitation if the Endurance check is failed, although the
they can learn Invocation or Shaping, but will only have a body part affected is still incapacitated. With a lost leg, the
theoretical understanding; they cannot actually cast spells. character will not be able to walk. If the Endurance check is
They may use psionics and other forms of magic without passed, losing an arm has no effect other than to lose the
restriction, just no Sorcery. use of the arm. On a successful Endurance check, the
character can continue to function as normal with an
incapacitated thorax or abdomen but will suffer one level
Thri-kreen (86.5) of fatigue per hour, beginning in a number of hours equal
to CON/2. This fatigue cannot be recovered unless the
Thri-kreen are a nomadic race of giant praying mantises, by far the
major wound is healed. If a major head wound is survived,
least human of the player races. They stand about 2.1m tall on
the character will continue doing what it was doing for a
average, with sandy-yellow exoskeletons, four arms and two legs.
number of rounds equal to CON, although all skill checks
become Formidable, and reacting to circumstances is
impossible. The body will then collapse, and die in the each city, tribe and even town often has their own dialect, they are
same fashion as for a major wound to the abdomen and similar enough that there are no great obstructions to clear
thorax. communication.
• Nimble. A thri-kreen does not end up prone when Evading
missiles, unless the check is failed. The thri-kreen, being unable to make many of the kinds of sounds
• Antennae. These can improve perception at close range. other races use to communicate, have maintained their own language
Treated like Earth Sight from the Mythras CRB. of clicks, clacks and grinding sounds.
• Easily Hydrated. If a thri-kreen drinks four litres of water,
Thri-kreen can learn the languages of the other races, and others can
their required water intake for the next week is only 100mL
learn thri-kreen, but this only allows such languages to be
per day. If they are not fully hydrated, 600mL per day is
understood, not spoken.
sufficient to maintain health.
• Carnivorous. Thri-kreen gain little to no sustenance from To assist with interspecies communication, some individual learn a
fruit and vegetables, and cannot process raw vegetables, sign language commonly referred to as sand signs. This language has
grains or seeds at all. the added benefit of allowing silent communication.
• Racial Memory. All thri-kreen are literate – their thri-kreen
literacy matches their spoken skill. If encountering an The halflings of the jungles have their own unique language. As with
unfamiliar thri-kreen script, the chance it can be read and trade tongue, learning one dialect of the halfling tongue is generally
understood is equal to INT x 5. sufficient to converse with individuals using other dialects.
• Alert. Thri-kreen do not sleep.
Various intelligent creatures and monsters found in Athas have their
• Acclimated. Other than in non-standard, extremely hot
own languages (some of which are just more esoteric dialects of trade
conditions, daytime temperatures and exertion in the sun
tongue). Some of the more common include:
do not fatigue a thri-kreen or increase their water
requirements. • Trade Tongue
• Rudimentary Hands. Any task requiring fine manipulation • Sand Signs
(sleight, lock picking, etc.) is one difficulty grade harder • Thri-kreen
than normal. • Halfling
• Poison. When engaged in combat, a thri-kreen begins to • Aarakorcra: Tall, winged humanoids, the aarakorcra are
produce poison. From the third round of combat onwards, found in the Ringing Mountains and elsewhere. Many
their bite attack inflicts a poison with Potency equal to their speak the trade tongue.
• Anakore: These are nomadic, dim-witted, hunched and
Endurance, which causes paralysis for 1d4 rounds. Once
bony, humanoid burrowers, found in sandy areas of the
poison is produced, it is available for five minutes, and then
cannot be produced again until four hours have elapsed.
• Braxat: Large, hairless, tribal, bipeds with distinctive,
• Moisture Vulnerability. In humid conditions, thri-kreen musky odours, that inhabit the hills and mountains.
suffer from chitin rot and cardiovascular infections. Each • Belgoi: Nearly human-looking raiders from the wastes,
day in humid conditions they must make an Endurance speaking a distinctly different dialect of the trade tongue.
check. On failure, they suffer a level of Fatigue that cannot • Ettercap: Hunched and bloated, grey-purplish creatures
be recovered until they are able to dry out. Recovering one with arachnoid faces.
level of chitin rot Fatigue takes a number of days equal to • Elemental: Various elemental beings and spirits speak the
the total number of Fatigue levels currently affecting the language of the elements. Each element and paraelement
character. For the purpose of magical cures, treat as a has a unique dialect, but they all share a similar root.
disease. • Giant: Commonly spoken
by giants of the Silt Sea
• Scuttler. Thri-kreen cannot
• Gith: A nomadic people that
swim. They can float, but
appear to be a form of twisted,
cannot control their
reptilian elf.
movement in water, and
• Goblin Spider: Giant
will begin drowning after a tarantulas, that spend most of their
number of minutes equal lives alone. Their language is
to their CON. They cannot produced in the same manner as thri-
develop Riding. kreen speech.
• Leaper. For every point in • Jozhal: Strange, reptilian
Athletics, a thri-kreen may creatures of the wastes, similar to
add 10cm to a horizontal small (1.2m tall) bipedal dinosaurs.
jump, and 5cm to a vertical Some are know to speak trade
jump (both standing and tongue.
• Kenku: Flightless, bipedal
running jumps gain this
avians, the kenku are nomadic
traders. They have reputation for
dishonesty and thievery.
Languages • Meazel: Solitary, vicious,
bipedal monsters employed
Most citizens of the Tablelands, sometimes as assassins or murderers.
whether from the cities or the wastes, • Yuan-ti: Snake people of the
speak Trade Tongue. While there western jungles

The cultural step of character generation is similar, but not quite Standard Skills
identical to, the way it is laid out in the Mythras. The cultures Athletics, Endurance, First Aid, Locale, Perception, Racial Skill,
available to choose from are those listed here, instead of the ones in Stealth.
the core rule book.
Professional Skills
Other changes include: Craft (Any), Culture (Any), Language (Any), Lore (Any),
Musicianship, Navigate, Psionic Aptitude, Survival, Track.
• There are 115 skill points to distribute, instead of 100.
• Players may select any three professional skills, or they
may choose four if one of them is Psionic Aptitude. Outlander
• Even if a player never chooses to add points to Psionic
The outlander culture covers a wide range of sedentary cultures that
Aptitude at any stage of character generation, it will count
lie outside the cities. This includes the various satellite villages and
as trained.
towns that fall directly under the authority of the sorcerer kings,
independent villages, trading outposts, slave refuges and any other
Hunter-Gatherer hamlet or grouping of homesteads. Most
are situated at oases and water sources;
Most hunter-gatherers are halflings, but
many are ultimately transitory, doomed
there are small, isolated tribal groups in
to eventually be destroyed by raiders,
various secluded locations around the
natural disaster or some other calamity.
wastes and the Ringing Mountains that
practice a hunting and gathering lifestyle. Racial Notes
• Dwarves and Mul gain Willpower
Racial Notes instead of the choice between Influence
• Halflings gain Willpower
and Insight.
instead of Brawn.
• Halflings gain Willpower instead of
• Dwarves and Mul gain
Willpower instead of Evade.
Standard Skills
Standard Skills Athletics, Brawn, Endurance, First Aid,
Athletics, Brawn, Endurance, Evade,
Influence or Insight, Locale, Perception.
Locale, Perception, Stealth.
Professional Skills
Professional Skills Commerce, Craft (Any), Healing, Lore
Craft (Any), Healing, Lore (Any),
(Any) Musicianship, Navigate, Psionic
Musicianship, Navigate, Psionic
Aptitude, Survival, Track.
Aptitude, Survival, Track.

Urban characters hail from one of the
Many tribes and clans roam the wastes.
great cities ruled by the sorcerer kings.
Some are reasonably peaceful; others rely
Many are slaves, many are free, a few are
on raiding others for survival. This is the
considered nobles, but all live and die at
most common culture for elves and thri-
the whims and under the yoke of the
kreen. Few, if any halflings are found in
sorcerer kings and their Templars.
nomad or raider societies.
Racial Notes
Racial Notes • Dwarves and Mul gain Endurance
• Dwarves, Mul and Halflings
instead of either Influence or Insight.
gain Willpower as their racial
• Halflings gain Endurance instead of
• Thri-kreen gain Brawn as their
racial skill Standard Skills
• Elves gain Sing as their racial Brawn, Conceal, Deceit, Influence,
skill. Insight, Locale, Willpower.
• Other Nomad/Raiders can
choose either Drive or Ride as Professional Skills
their racial skill. Art (Any), Commerce, Craft (Any),
Courtesy, Language (Any), Literacy, Lore
(Any), Streetwise

As with the cultural step, there are some changes to the professional Bargains with Silt, Sun or Magma tend to involve promises to wreak
step of character generation. destruction, and priests of such forces are almost invariably evil,
although occasionally they may be working to protect their
Changes to point expenditure are as follows: communities from the forces they align with.
• There are 115 skill points to distribute, instead of 100. The powers of Rain fall somewhere between the other two.
• Players may select up to four professional skills.
• Any character may select Psionic Aptitude as one of their Whatever bargain is struck, elemental priests are granted the power
professional skills. to call and bind various spirits that can be used towards a variety of
ends. See the Spirit Magic chapter for more information.
Most of the professions from the core rulebook are available and can
be used as described there. However, there are a number of new Standard Skills
professions (described further below), as well as some other minor Customs, Deceit, Influence, Insight, Locale, Willpower; Combat Style
changes. (any suitable style)

Altered Professions Professional Skills

The following professions have minor adjustments: Binding (Elemental Type), Healing, Language (Elemental), Lore
(Any), Psionic Aptitude, Sleight, Survival, Trance
• Entertainer: My take Lore (Poison) and Combat Style

(Concealed Weapon Style) as professional skills.
• Merchant: Replace Boating with Willpower
• Scout: Replace Swim with Ride. While the use of psionics is relatively mundane and commonplace,
• Sorcerer: Replace Folk Magic with Acting or Disguise. and most people have the Will (psionic ability), it is only particularly
dedicated practitioners that can call themselves true psionicists –
Removed Professions followers of The Way. In the cities, the most common way to learn
The following professions are not available: advanced gifts is through one of the various schools, which are
sometimes remarkably egalitarian for an Athasian institution. In
• Fisher (removed)
other cultures, there is more likely to be a transfer of knowledge from
• Mystic (removed)
a master to one or more students. See the Psionics chapter for more
• Priest (replaced by the NPC Templar profession)
• Sailor (removed)
• Shaman (replaced by Elemental Priest and Druid) Standard Skills
Customs, Endurance, First Aid, Insight, Influence, Perception,

Druid Willpower.

The druids are an ancient organisation that oppose the sorcerer kings, Professional Skills
Art (Any), Literacy, Lore (any), Lore (Any), Musicianship, Psionic
and have been engaged for millennia in a losing war against the forces
Aptitude, Psionic Discipline (Any), Psionic Discipline (Any).
that are destroying Athas. Druids are the enemies of all Defilers, and
the protectors of what few places of untainted life remain in Athas.

Druids are able to call on various spirits of the land for aid, as well as
elemental spirits. See the Spirit Magic chapter for more information. The Templars are the bureaucrats and police who proclaim and
enforce the will of the sorcerer kings. With no separation of the
Standard Skills various arms of government, corruption is invariably rife and, in most
Customs, Deceit, Influence, Insight, Locale, Perception, Willpower.
cities, there are few checks against the authority of the Templars.

Professional Skills Most Templars are able to channel the power of their king, and can
Binding (Druidic), Healing, Language (Druidic), Lore (Any), Psionic
call upon miraculous powers in the name of their living god.
Aptitude, Sleight, Survival, Trance
This profession will not typically be available to PCs.

Elemental Priest Standard Skills

Customs, Endurance, Insight,
Elemental priests are individuals who
Influence, Perception, Willpower;
have made bargains with elemental
Combat Style (Templar Style).
forces in return for power. For the
most part, bargains with Earth, Fire,
Professional Skills
Water or Air involve the priest Bureaucracy, Courtesy, Devotion
working towards the cultivation and (Sorcerer King), Exhort (Sorcerer
protection of the land but, as long as King), Literacy, Lore (Any), Oratory,
the priests do these things, what they Psionic Aptitude.
use their power for is of no concern to
the elements; such priests may be
good, evil or anything in between.
Thri-kreen characters who consume at least 4 litres of water need only
100mL of water per day for the next week. After a week, their daily
requirement increases to 600mL, until they again consume 4L in a
The Tablelands are a scorching desert, where temperatures reach day, at which point their requirement drops back to 100mL/day for
nearly 40°C by mid-morning, and the mid-50s by late afternoon. Dark the next week. Thri-kreen water requirements are not affected by
Sun as a whole is a setting where life is cheap, and the very act of exposure or activity level.
living to the next day is often an accomplishment. As such, it’s
necessary to ensure that what it takes to survive isn’t glossed over; Dehydration
but it’s also important that the game isn’t bogged down in the daily So, what happens when you don’t get your water?
grind of calculating exposure, hydration, wind chill and so forth. The
A character who consumes insufficient water must make an
systems here are designed to offer a reasonably robust, but still
Endurance check, with the difficulty determined by the percentage of
streamlined, solution that ensures survival isn’t taken for granted, but
the required intake they consumed (select the most beneficial value
is also reasonably straightforward and fast.
that applies):

Heat Exposure and Water • At least 90%: Easy

• At least 75%: Normal
These rules assume the PCs have a basic degree of competence when • At least 50%: Hard
it comes to survival in the wastes. They also allow for the fact that the • At least 25%: Formidable
art direction and genre assumptions indicate that wandering the • At least some: Herculean
desert wastes dressed in homoerotic, leather-daddy fetish gear is • None: Hopeless
perfectly reasonable behaviour, and does not increase your risk of
heatstroke or sunburn. A character who fails their check suffers a level of fatigue, which
cannot be recovered until they consume their required intake.

A character who was not resting in the shade suffers two levels of
fatigue if the Endurance check is fumbled, or if they consumed no
water at all.

These rules mean that, after three days with no water, a character
is incapacitated. The next day, they are comatose. The day after
that, they are dead.

Thri-Kreen Dehydration
A thri-kreen who is within the one-week period after filling up on
All this being the case, exposure will not usually be concern and, if water uses the following difficulty levels when checking Endurance
you set out with sufficient water and use some common sense, you due to insufficient intake:
will make it to your destination in good health – unless outside events
• Some Water: Easy
occur to change the status quo (naturally, outside events can be
• No Water: Normal
If they have not filled up in the last week, the checks are one degree
During a normal working day, each character requires a minimum of
four litres of water. This could be labouring in the fields, wandering
the wastes, fighting in the arenas, or working on the sorcerer king’s Mul Dehydration
ziggurat. A Mul who has consumed no water may make an Endurance check
at Herculean difficulty. If they pass, they suffer one level of fatigue; if
If the character is resting and relaxing instead of working, or if they
they fail or fumble, they suffer two.
are able to remain out of direct sunlight for most of the day, the
required water intake is reduced to two litres.
Carriage of Water
If a character engages in extended, high-exertion activities (long Personal canteens and waterskins have an ENC of 1 per 2 litres.
pursuits, several combats, hauling very heavy loads), the required
Bulk water weighs 1kg per litre.
water intake doubles.

If the heat value of worn armour is six points or higher, the required The Survival Skill
water intake doubles. There are ten terrain types in and around the Tablelands; a character
is able to make use of their survival skill in one terrain type for every
So, if a character is travelling the wastes during the day (4L), engages 20% of their skill value. The terrains are:
in several combats (x2) and is wearing significant amounts of armour
(x2) they will require 16L of water for the day. Stony Barrens Boulder Fields Scrub Plains
Sandy Wastes Silt Sea Verdant Belts
Half-giants follow the same rules, but require four times as much Rocky Badlands Mountains Forest
Salt Flats

Finding Water On a successful check, the group moves in the intended direction at
the expected pace. On a failure, 1d6 hours of useful travel is lost to
There are sources of water in the wilderness, but they are rarely
backtracking and wandering in the wrong direction.
sufficient to support any kind of long-term presence. Perhaps you will
find a small burrowing thing that holds a horrid, mildly acidic supply On a fumble, the group heads on the wrong direction. There are three
in an internal sac, or a plant from which you can squeeze a few drops ways to discover that you are lost:
that are only mildly poisonous, or you can collect a brackish spoonful
if you prepare the right container in the right way at the right moment • Known landmarks make it clear you aren’t where you
in the pre-dawn, or digging in just the right place will reveal a small should be.
muddy pool that quickly evaporates once exposed. • The navigation check on a subsequent day is a critical
One check can be made per day. The difficulty of a check to find water • After 1d4 days.
depends on the terrain.
Once it is clear they are lost, a further navigation check is required, at
Verdant Plains and Forests one level of difficulty harder than usual.
These are areas around oases, and generally settled and farmed, as
well as the fabled forest ridge. ❖ Crit: You know exactly where you are. You can backtrack,
or continue from where you with normal navigation
Checking for water is a normal Survival check. checks.
❖ Success: You have a good idea how far off the intended
❖ Critical: Find a temporary spring. Gather as much water as
path you are, and in which direction. You can backtrack, or
you can carry, before it dries up.
get back on track from where you are with another hard
❖ Success: Find 1d6 litres.
Navigation check.
❖ Failure: Find 1d4-1 mouthfuls.
❖ Failure: The only option is to backtrack, or pick a direction
❖ Fumble: No water.
and hope.
Scrublands ❖ Fumble: You’re hopelessly lost. Backtracking isn’t an
Scrublands have relatively plentiful numbers of hardy plants, and option. Pick a direction and hope.
there is definitely water to be found if you know where to look.
Stuff about backtracking etc …
Checking for water is a hard Survival check.
Water Madness
❖ Critical: Find 1d12 litres. A character who has suffered Fatigue loss due to dehydration, has not
❖ Success: Find 1 litre. had their fill of water, and finds water others do not know about must
❖ Failure: Find 1d2-1 mouthfuls. pass a Willpower check if they wish to share the found water.
❖ Fumble: No water.
NPCs in the process of dying of thirst, and who know where they can
Other (Excluding Silt Sea) obtain water, may need to make Willpower checks to avoid taking
In most areas, only the faintest traces of water can be found. more than their fair share, and may end up fighting for water.

Checking for water is a formidable Survival check.

Speed and Distance
❖ Critical: Find 1d4 litres. While travelling between towns and cities, characters have a number
❖ Success: Find 1d4-1 mouthfuls (minimum 1). of strategic movement points available for every four hour “watch”
❖ Failure or Fumble: No water. equal to three times their Move in metres. An elf may add half their
CON to their movement points when conducting an elf run.

Exploring the Wilderness By default, it is assumed the group will move for two watches, and
rest or camp for the remaining. However, it is possible to march for
While there are trade routes in Tablelands, these are not roads, they
three watches, or even four in desperate times.
are simply a series of destinations; how a given traveller gets from
point A to point B will not necessarily be the same as another traveller At the end of the third watch of marching, an Endurance check is
making the same trip. Even experienced merchants following well required, with a level of Fatigue being accrued on failure. If a
know routes may find an old path blocked, necessitating the marching for a fourth watch, another Fatigue check is required, this
discovery of new ways forward. time at Formidable difficulty.

Navigation Fatigue accrued from forced marching cannot begin to be recovered

A navigation roll is required each day while travelling the wilderness. until after three consecutive watches are spent in rest. Additionally,
One character with survival skill in the predominant terrain may use marching for more than two watches in a day counts as extended
either their survival or navigation as an augment. The difficulty of the exertion, and doubles the required water intake.
check depends on the predominant terrain:
Thri-Kreen do not increase water consumption when forced-
• Normal: Stony Barrens, Rocky Badlands, Scrub Plains, marching, and they do not need to make Endurance checks until the
Forests fifth and sixth consecutive marches.
• Hard: Salt Flats, Sandy Wastes, Silt Sea, Boulder Fields
The cost in movement points to move one kilometre depends on the
The difficulty is reduced by one level if the navigator has a detailed local terrain:
route description, whether obtained from others or made themselves.
Stony Barrens 2 Scrub Plains 2
Sandy Wastes 3 Forest 3
Rocky Badlands 3 Salt Flats 1 extremely well-trained mounts can be released to hunt, but they may
Mountains 8 Boulder Fields 4 take several days to return, or may not return at all.
Travel By Night
Travelling by night is, of course, far more comfortable. With the lack
Inixes have a base strategic move of 15.
of cloud cover there is almost always sufficient light to travel
reasonably safety, and there is often at least one moon providing Mekillots
additional light. Travelling by night provided the benefit of working Mekillots have a base strategic move of 12.
in the shade, reducing the base water requirement to two litres.

However, if the group is unable to find or create coverage from the

sun during the day, getting proper rest can be next to impossible. All SB SP SW F RB SF M BF
Kank 1 1 2 2 1 1 8 8
characters other than thri-kreen in such a situation must make a hard
Erdland 2 2 3 3 3 1 8 -
Endurance check; those that fail have a Fatigue level of Tired until Erdlu 2 2 3 3 3 1 8 -
they get a proper sleep. Such characters are also unable to mediate Crodlu 2 2 3 3 3 1 8 -
and restore power points. Heavy Crodlu 2 2 3 3 3 1 8 -
Inix 1 1 2 2 1 1 8 6
Animal Handling Mekillot 1 1 2 2 1 1 8 6

Animals, of course, need their own water supplies.

Most animals may be pushed to move faster than their listed
The default water requirements for working animals are:
movement points (mekillots cannot be). If pushed up to 50% faster
SIZ Water than their normal movement, a ride or animal handling check is
<2 500mL required each watch. If pushed beyond this, up to double their base
2-6 2L rate, the check is hard. Forced marches also require a check, at hard
7-18 4L
difficulty if moving x1.5 pace, or formidable if moving at double.
19-36 16L
37-54 32L
If the check is failed, the animal is lamed. Additionally, pushing an
51-75 64L
animal doubles or triples any existing chance of death due to
These values are halved for either inactivity or shade, and are
quartered if both apply.

Any day an animal fails to get its water allotment, there is a Vehicular Travel
cumulative 10% chance of death due to dehydration. This chance is Every day there is a non-cumulative, 1% chance that a wagon or cart
reset as soon as it receives its full allotment. will suffer a breakdown of some kind, requiring engineering,
carpentry or another relevant skill to fix. If travel is through rocky
Animals have their own speeds and abilities when being used as pack Badlands, stony barrens, or mountains, the chance increases to 3%.
animals and mounts.
Carts and wagons are unable to travel over boulder fields.
Kanks have a base move of 24. They can travel for up to three watches, Wagons move at the speed of the animals pulling them, and cannot
but any riders will be treated as forced marching, using the lowest of be pushed to go faster.
the Ride or Endurance. Kanks themselves are not treated as forced
Chariots are generally pulled by kanks. They can be pushed to double
marching until the fourth watch.
speed, but a formidable driving check is required each watch to avoid
Additionally, a kank may be pushed to a gallop, covering 15km in 15 a breakdown.
minutes. However, doing so counts as an entire watch of movement
Extremely large creatures can mount howdahs, which have no effect
for the purposes of fatigue for both the rider and kank, and if kept up
on carrying capacity, and allow the animal to be pushed to move at
for more than a few minutes will necessitate a ride check which, if
double or triple speed.
failed, will result in the kank being lamed.

A kank allowed to graze overnight is able to feed and water itself in Riding and Driving Skills
all terrain other than salt flats and boulder fields. The following skills will enable the use of mounts and pack animals:

Erdlands and Erdlus Ride (Kank)

Erdlands have a base strategic move of 22, while Erdlus have a base Kank passengers do not require the riding skill unless they plan to
strategic move of 18. fight from kankback, in which case their skills are capped by the lower
of their own riding skill, or the primary rider’s.
Both types of mount can feed themselves if allowed to graze
overnight in terrain other than boulder fields and salt flats. However, Ride (Erdland)
they will require water unless they are in scrub plains, forests or For characters small enough to ride erdlus, the erdland skill applies.
verdant belts.
Ride (Crodlu)
While these birds can sprint for short distances while carrying a rider This skill covers both crodlus and heavy crodlus.
or gear, they cannot do so for any lengthy period.
Ride (Inix)
Crodlus This covers the use of saddled inixes by half-giants, and the use of
Crodlus have a base strategic move of 18, while heavy crodlus have a howdahs by smaller characters.
base strategic move of 15. Crodlus cannot generally be left to graze;

Animal Handling (Mekillot)
This skill covers the handling of mekillots, whether from a howdah
or a wagon. Drive (Erdland)
This allows the use of any chariot, cart or wagon hauled by erdlands.
Drive (Wagon)
This basic drive skill allows the use of any cart or wagon hauled by Drive (Crodlu Chariot)
kanks, erdlands or crodlus. Characters may instead use an This allows the use of any chariot, cart or wagon hauled by crodlus.
appropriate species-specific skill, if it is higher.

Drive (Kank)
This allows the use of any chariot, cart or wagon hauled by kanks.

Money and Equipment
Metals are scarce in Athas and, while they’re not unknown, most Estocs
people make do with wood, leather, ceramics, stone, chitin and bone. An estoc is a thrusting weapon, typically less than a metre long, made
Each of the sorcerer kings mints ceramic coins, which are the primary from a single length of straight bone with a sharpened point.
units of common trade. Each ceramic coin is scored and can be broken
up into ten pieces, known as bits. Puchiks
The puchik is a much shorter version of the estoc, with a blade
Part of the process of minting coins involves imprinting them with generally no more than 40cm long. To either side of the blade are
psionic seals of authenticity. Skilled forgers can potentially mimic outward facing guards of bone or hardwood, designed to catch and
these seals, but they do prevent just anyone with some clay and a kiln pin enemy weapons.
from making their own coins.
Rope Weapons
For larger transactions, one silver piece is worth one hundred The rope hook, or alhulak is another arena weapon. It is essentially a
ceramic. While there are also gold pieces, for large transactions, three- or four-pronged grappling hook of sharpened bone at the end
merchants are likely to buy and sell by weight of gold, rather than by of several metres a rope and, while extremely unwieldy for the
the coin (silver and gold coins are nominally 7g each). untrained, can actually be an effective weapon in the hands of a
trained user. The rope mace is a much simpler design, and simply
10 bits (b) = 1 ceramic piece (c)
uses heavy weights at the ends of the rope. These can be crudely
100c = 1 silver piece (sp)
thrown forward and retrieved, but a skilled combatant will keep the
10sp = 1 gp
weights in constant motion, and attack from unexpected directions
while gaining the maximum benefit from centrifugal forces.
Spiked Whips
Most weapons on Athas are made out of some combination of wood,
The spiked whip is a simpler rope weapon, consisting of a short
bone, chitin and obsidian. Metal items do exist, but tend to be rare,
length of cord, usually of leather with a light weight at the end, in
and typically cost one hundred times what a normal weapon of the
which are embedded sharp chips of obsidian or bone.
type does. Obsidian is relatively common, and makes extremely
effective edged weapons, but is fragile. Bone is less likely than Swords
obsidian to shatter, but does not hold an edge nearly as well. Obsidian is too fragile to make an entire sword blade, so obsidian
swords are generally made by sandwiching a sharp, obsidian edge
Breakage between two layers of durable hardwood. Chitin swords are
Bone, chitin and obsidian weapons typically have much lower AP and generally made the same way, just substituting a sharpened strip of
HP than metal weapons, making them extremely vulnerable to the chitin for obsidian, although some chitin swords are made
Damage Weapon special effect in combat. predominantly from larger pieces of chitin.

Sundering Two-Handed Weapons

Only the stone great hammer and metal weapons can use the sunder For the most part, the two-handed weapons are simply larger
special effect against metal armour. versions of the single-handed ones. It is worth noting thri-kreen
double-ended polearms such as the gythka are represented by glaives
Impaling – simply pay twice, once for each blade, and add the double-ended
trait. As breakage represents the blade being ruined, rather than the
If an obsidian or bone weapon gets an impale result in melee, the
attacker can try and break the weapon and leave the blade embedded. shaft broken, there is no change to weapon size or length.
This is done as a Brawn check, just as if the character was trying to Zerka
pull the weapon out of the wound but, if successful, the blade or point The zerka is a thri-kreen barbed javelin, with a trailing rope like a
snaps off inside the wound instead, and it will require medical harpoon. It cannot benefit from an atlatl, but if the target is impaled,
attention to remove. Obviously, this breaks the weapon. the thrower can pull on the rope, making a Brawn check as normal to
try and remove the weapon. The target can automatically prevent the
Weapon Descriptions weapon from being removed by moving 1d6m towards the thrower
Axes and Hatchets as a reaction. If they have free hands, they can resist with Brawn to
Bone axes are usually made from sharpened jawbones, with the avoid being dragged or having the weapon pulled free, and can also
carikkal being a common variant, that uses two blades. Obsidian axes pull back as an action.
often use a single piece of obsidian for the blade, although larger

versions sometime utilise a strip of sharpened obsidian, sandwiched
between two pieces of carefully smoothed hardwood.
Athasian armour is general made from cloth, leather, bone, and chitin.
Claw Gloves
Metal armour exists, but is rare, expensive, and extremely fatiguing
Claw gloves are one of many weapons the were developed for use in
to wear in the sun. Even normal amour is usually only worn
the arena, but which actually have some practical application as well.
piecemeal, as it is simply not practical to cover up in heavy armour.
Most versions have three claws extending from the back of the glove,
although two and four bladed variants are not uncommon. All have
the same stats.
A character wearing armour while in the sun during the day subtracts
the total Heat value of worn armour from their CON when

determining fatigue thresholds. If the Heat value equals or exceeds sees considerable use by those who want wide coverage without
their CON, they must immediately check for fatigue at Hard difficulty being weighed down.
as soon as they enter combat or perform similar high-exertion activity.
For every full three points of Heat in excess of CON, the difficulty Bone Splint and Bone Scale Armour
becomes one grade harder. While bulky, bone can make very effective armour. Bone splint
armour is made up of large, long bones laid parallel to each other,
Additionally, a character whose heat value is six or greater doubles stitched together and to a backing material. Some warriors prefer
their required water intake. smaller bone pieces, arrayed more like scale armour; this bone scale
has the same stats as bone splint.
Armour Types
Armour is purchased piecemeal for each body location. The types of Chitin Plate
armour available are: Large pieces of chitin can be softened and used to form large armour
plates that harden again as they cool and make highly effective
Hide armour.
This includes various forms of soft leather and rawhide. It is not
particularly effective or efficient, but it is cheap. Chitin Laminar
Laminar is typically made from concentric, overlapping rings of
Padded chitin. It is an extremely effective form of amour and offers the best
Various quilted and layered fabrics, these offer better protection than protection possible without the use of iron or bronze.
hide, and are less encumbering as well.
Chain and Plated Mail
Laminated Linen These armour types, available only in iron and bronze, are highly
These armours are typically made by gluing together layers of linen. effective, but prohibitively expensive and largely unsuitable for the
They are then further hardened by applying a layer of crushed stone Athasian climate.
to the exterior. The result is an effective and comfortable armour that

War Kank
Mounts and Vehicles STR: 4d6 (18) Action Points: 2
CON: 3d6+6 (19) Damage Mod: 1d8
There are no horses on Athas, but a variety of other animals are
SIZ: 20+1d3 (23) Power Points: 4
suitable as mounts and beasts of burden.
DEX: 2d6+6 (13) Movement: 10m
INS: 2d6+2 (7) Initiative: 12
Kank POW: 1d6 (4) Armour: Carapace
Kanks are herd animals, also commonly used as beasts of burden. 1d20 Location AP/HP
They are insectoid, standing about 1.2m high and 2.4m long, 1 Right Hind Leg 3/7
weighing in at about 180kg. A kank is able to carry its own 2 Left Hind Leg 3/7
3 Right Middle Leg 3/7
bodyweight, and has room to carry two riders, or one rider forward.
4 Left Middle Leg 3/7
They are frequently used to haul wagons. While there are soldier 5-9 Abdomen 3/8
varieties of kank, it is the food producing variety that has been 10-13 Thorax 3/9
properly domesticated. 14 Right Front Leg 3/7
15 Left Front Leg 3/7
In most terrain, a kank can find sufficient food if allowed to graze for 16-20 Head 3/7

a few hours daily, otherwise it requires 3kg of feed. They require only Skills
2L of water per day. If a kank is being fed and watered sufficiently, Athletics %, Brawn %, Endurance %, Evade %, Perception %, Willpower %

and not overworked, it will produce a globule of honey every two Combat Style & Weapons
Crunching Mandible 71%
days. Each globule is equivalent to 4L of water, plus the basic
nutrients needed for survival. However, a character on an exclusive Weapon Size Reach Dam AP/HP
Bite L S 1d8+1d8 As head
diet of kank honey will need to supplement their diet with normal
food after a number of days equal to their CON, or risk becoming
weak and ill. Erdlu and Erdland
Erdlus and erdlands are flightless birds commonly domesticated for
A globule of kank honey typically sells for about 4 bits.
use as beasts of burden. Erdlus stand about 2.1m tall and weigh in at
around 90kg. They are suitable mounts for characters of SIZ 7 or
lower. Erdlands are much larger, standing over three metres tall and
weighing in at round 350kg, and are able to carry riders up to SIZ 18.
They also have the right disposition for war training. Erdlands can be
used to haul wagons and chariots.

The carrying capacity of an erdlu is 65kg; while an erdland can carry

up to 160kg.

Erdlus can feed themselves with two hours of foraging daily, while
erdlands required four hours. Otherwise, they need 2kg and 4kg of
feed respectively. Erdlus require 4L of water daily, while erdlands
required 16L.

Riding Kank
STR: 4d6 (14) Action Points: 2
CON: 3d6+6 (17) Damage Mod: 1d6
SIZ: 20+1d3 (22) Power Points: 4
DEX: 3d6 (11) Movement: 10m
INS: 2d6+2 (9) Initiative: 11
POW: 1d6 (4) Armour: Carapace
1d20 Location AP/HP
1 Right Hind Leg 3/6
2 Left Hind Leg 3/6
3 Right Middle Leg 3/6
4 Left Middle Leg 3/6
5-9 Abdomen 3/7
10-13 Thorax 3/8
14 Right Front Leg 3/6
15 Left Front Leg 3/6
16-20 Head 3/6
Athletics %, Brawn %, Endurance %, Evade %, Perception %, Willpower %
Combat Style & Weapons
Crunching Mandible 45%
Weapon Size Reach Dam AP/HP
Bite L S 1d8+1d6 As head

Crodlu are bipedal, lizard-like pack animals that make vicious and
Riding Erdlu
STR: 3d6 (11) Action Points: 2 excellent war mounts. Heavy crodlu were originally bred to create
CON: 3d6 (11) Damage Mod: 1d4 even more vicious versions, with heavier armour on their head and
SIZ: 11+1d6 (15) Power Points: 4 necks.
DEX: 3d6 (11) Movement: 9m
INS: 2d6+2 (9) Initiative: 10 Crodlu weigh around 300kg, and can carry up to 150kg. Heavy crodlu
POW: 1d6 (4) Armour: None weigh over 400kg, but their temperament makes them poor pack
1d20 Location AP/HP animals, and they are used almost exclusively as war mounts, with a
1-3 Right Leg 0/6 carrying capacity of 200kg.
4-6 Left Leg 0/6
7-10 Hindquarter 0/7 Crodlu require 16L of water daily, while heavy crodlu require 32L.
11-15 Forequarter 0/8
They also require meat – a crodlu requires 100kg per week, while a
16 Right Wing 0/5
17 Left Wing 0/5 heavy crodlu requires 140kg. While they can be fed their entire intake
18-20 Head 0/6 just once a week, the longer they go without a feed, the harder they
Skills are to control, so it is normal to space their requirements out over the
Athletics %, Brawn %, Endurance %, Evade %, Perception %, Willpower % week.
Combat Style & Weapons
Tearing Peck 42%
Weapon Size Reach Dam AP/HP
Bite M M 1d6+1d4 As head

Riding Erdland
STR: 3d6+3 (14) Action Points: 2
CON: 3d6 (11) Damage Mod: 1d8
SIZ: 26+1d6 (30) Power Points: 4
DEX: 3d6 (11) Movement: 10m
INS: 2d6+3 (10) Initiative: 10
POW: 3d6 (11) Armour: Feathery Hide
1d20 Location AP/HP
1-3 Right Leg 1/9
4-6 Left Leg 1/9
7-10 Hindquarter 1/10
11-15 Forequarter 1/11
16 Right Wing 0/7
17 Left Wing 0/7
18-20 Head 1/9
Athletics %, Brawn %, Endurance %, Evade %, Perception %, Willpower %
Combat Style & Weapons STR: 2d6+12 (19) Action Points: 2
Tearing Peck 42% CON: 2d6+6 (13) Damage Mod: 1d10
Weapon Size Reach Dam AP/HP SIZ: 26+1d6 (30) Power Points: 4
Bite L M 2d8 As head DEX: 2d6+6 (13) Movement: 12m
INS: 2d6+5 (12) Initiative: 11
War Erdland POW: 2d6 (7) Armour: Scaly Hide
STR: 3d6+3 (16) Action Points: 2 1d20 Location AP/HP
CON: 3d6 (13) Damage Mod: 1d10 1-3 Right Leg 3/9
SIZ: 26+1d6 (31) Power Points: 4 4-6 Left Leg 3/9
DEX: 3d6 (13) Movement: 10m 7-9 Hindquarter 3/10
INS: 2d6+3 (12) Initiative: 10 10-13 Forequarter 3/11
POW: 3d6 (11) Armour: Feathery Hide 14-15 Right Claw 3/7
16-17 Left Claw 3/7
1d20 Location AP/HP
1-3 Right Leg 1/9 18-20 Head 3/8
4-6 Left Leg 1/9 Skills
7-10 Hindquarter 1/10 Athletics %, Brawn %, Endurance %, Evade %, Perception %, Willpower %
11-14 Forequarter 1/11 Combat Style & Weapons
15 Right Wing 0/7
Bite and Claw 72%
16 Left Wing 0/7
17-18 Neck 1/8 Weapon Size Reach Dam AP/HP
19-20 Head 1/9 Bite L M 1d6+1d10 As head

Skills Rear Claws L S 1d8+1d10 As leg

Athletics %, Brawn %, Endurance %, Evade %, Perception %, Willpower % Front Claws (Grab) M S 1d6+1d10 As arm
Combat Style & Weapons
Tearing Peck 62%
Weapon Size Reach Dam AP/HP
Bite L M 1d8+1d10 As head

Heavy Crodlu Mekillots can mount howdahs, and a they are able to carry up to 3.6
STR: 2d6+14 (21) Action Points: 2 tonnes on its back. They are also used to haul 18 tonne armoured trade
CON: 2d6+6 (13) Damage Mod: 1d12 wagons.
SIZ: 28+1d6 (32) Power Points: 4
DEX: 2d6+6 (13) Movement: 10m
INS: 2d6+5 (12) Initiative: 11
POW: 2d6 (7) Armour: Scaly hide
1d20 Location AP/HP
1-3 Right Leg 3/9
4-6 Left Leg 3/9
7-9 Hindquarter 3/11
10-13 Forequarter 4/8
14-15 Right Claw 3/7
16-17 Left Claw 3/7
18-20 Head 4/8
Athletics %, Brawn %, Endurance %, Evade %, Perception %, Willpower %
Combat Style & Weapons
Bite and Claw 74%
Weapon Size Reach Dam AP/HP A mekillot requires 136kg of food and 64L of water daily.
Bite L M 1d6+1d12 As head
Claws L S 1d8+1d12 As leg Mekillot are not entirely dependable, and will occasionally decide not
to follow directions. On any given day, there is a 5% chance they will
Inix refuse to work at all, and a 5% chance they will choose to head in a
The inix is a giant lizard that grows to nearly five metres in length and random direction. A driver may attempt to overcome this
weighing almost a tonne. They can carry around 450kg, are suitable stubbornness, but it is a Formidable drive check to do so and, on a
mounts for half-giants, and can be fitted with howdahs. fumble, the mekillot will become enraged and attack anyone it can.

An inix requires 150kg of feed and 32L of water daily. If left to graze Any other attempts to goad or force the mekillot into a course of
for a day in scrub plain, forest or verdant belt terrain, an inix will be action it does not want to attack will result in it attacking.
able to find adequate food for itself.
Mekillots can never be pushed to move faster than their base rate.
If an inix receives less than its required fill of either food or water, the
inix must make a willpower check. If it fails, the inix will ignore all Mekillot
commands, instructions, and orders, and instead set out to feed itself, STR: 2d6+29 (36) Action Points: 2
and will attack anyone trying to stop it. It will not take orders again CON: 2d6+29 (36) Damage Mod: 1d10+1d8
SIZ: 60+1d3 (62) Power Points: 4
until it has eaten and drank its fill, or until magically compelled. Each
DEX: 1d6+3 (7) Movement: 6m
day without adequate food and water increases the difficulty of the INS: 2d6 (7) Initiative: 10
check by one level. POW: 1d6 (4) Armour: Scaly hide
1d20 Location AP/HP
Inix 1-4 Right Rear Leg 5/20
STR: 2d6+20 (27) Action Points: 2 5-8 Left Rear Leg 5/20
CON: 3d6+6 (17) Damage Mod: 2d6 9-10 Hindquarter 7/21
SIZ: 37+1d6 (41) Power Points: 4 11-13 Forequarter 7/22
DEX: 2d6+3 (10) Movement: 10m 14-15 Right Foreleg 5/20
INS: 2d6+3 (10) Initiative: 10 16-17 Left Foreleg 5/20
POW: 1d6 (4) Armour: Scaly hide 18-20 Head 7/20
1d20 Location AP/HP Skills
1-3 Tail 3/12 Athletics %, Brawn %, Endurance %, Evade %, Perception %, Willpower %
4-5 Right Rear Leg 3/12 Combat Style & Weapons
6-7 Left Rear Leg 3/12
Lashing Swallow 68%
8-10 Hindquarter 4/13
11-14 Forequarter 4/14 Weapon Size Reach Dam AP/HP
15-16 Right Foreleg 3/12 Tongue Lash C VL 1d12 As head
17-18 Left Foreleg 3/12 Vast Maw C M 1d10+1d8+2d6 As leg
19-20 Head 4/12
Athletics %, Brawn %, Endurance %, Evade %, Perception %, Willpower %
Combat Style & Weapons
Bite and Bash 67%
Weapon Size Reach Dam AP/HP
Bite E M 1d12+2d6 As head
Tail Slap E VL 1d10+2d6 As leg

Mekillots are gargantuan, hard-shelled reptiles, growing to around
nine metres in length, and weighing in at around 5.5 tonnes.

Mount Accessories Armoured Caravans
Armoured caravans are massive, moving citadels, typically with a
Riding beasts require saddles, tack and harness, while pack animals
carrying capacity of 16 tonnes. In general, about 7t is given over to
require pack harnesses. Inixes and mekillots can also be fitted out
cargo, while the remainder includes space for 50 soldiers and 25
with howdahs.
slaves, as well as a variety of merchants, nobles and passengers wo
Regular Saddles, Tack and Harness live in lavishly appointed quarters.
These allow beasts to be ridden. Saddlebags for personal gear are
While a single mekillot can pull and armoured caravan, it is normal
included. Kank have forward saddles for the primary rider, and rear
to use two, in case one is injured or killed.
saddles for passengers. Inix saddles are suitable for use by half-giants.

War Saddles, Tack and Harness
Chariots are typically too fragile to use for general travel, but are
A war saddle allows a rider to make use of any melee-focused
useful military platforms.
mounted combat traits they have, as well as reducing the difficulty by
one grade for any checks to remain mounted. A single-person chariot can be pulled by a kank, erdland or crodlu.
Double person chariots, which are the standard, require a pair of
Pack Harness
beasts, while the triple-passenger chariot uses a team of four.
A pack harness is suitable for carriage of bulk goods. Kank can only
be fitted with pack harnesses in the rear position.
An inix cargo howdah has room for one driver, where they may sit Many Athasian plants and animals are at least mildly toxic or
with cover from the sun, and an exposed area for carriage of cargo. venomous. As such, those skilled in the arts of the poisoner (often
being certain unscrupulous bards) rarely find it difficult to find what
An inix war howdah is more sturdily built, and has room for a driver they need to craft poisons. A poisoner knows a number of different
and four passengers. poison recipes equal to their Lore (Poison)/10 (rounded down).
Known recipes must have a complexity equal to or less than the
A mekillot cargo howdah has room for one driver and two
character’s Lore (Poison) (so a minimum skill value of 30 is required
passengers, plus an exposed cargo area.
before the character can begin to learn recipes).
A mekillot war howdah is a massive, two-level structure, with space
As long as the character has access to basic tools and equipment, it is
for a driver, driver’s assistant and sixteen warriors. Up to four
assumed they will have no difficulty gathering suitable ingredients,
warriors can fight from a side at any time.
and they will be able to attempt to concoct a dose of a poison for
Travelling by howdah counts as being shaded. which they know the recipe. The poison list indicates the difficulty of
the Lore (Poison) check to create a single dose of poison.
Kanks, erdlands and crodlus can be outfitted with armour. For ease One dose can be made in a day (eight hours of foraging and crafting)
of calculation, the weight of the armour is simply counted against but, if the skill check results in a fumble, the character may have
their carrying capacity. poisoned themselves. It is assumed that the poisoner has taken steps
to limit the dangers of exposure, and thus their Endurance or
The weight of any given piece is equal to the ENC x Cost Multiplier x Willpower check is Easy.
2kg. The total heat value of barding must be less than 6. Initiative is
reduced as normal. The character can choose to take extra care. In this case, it takes a week
to create a dose, but there is no penalty or risk of poisoning on a
Feed fumble.
Meat suitable for a crodlu costs 1c per kg fresh, or 3c per kg if
preserved. Live animals are preferred, where feasible. Feed for kanks, In either case, a critical success results in the production of 1d3+1
erdlus, inixes and mekillots is 1c per 2kg. doses, instead of a single dose.

Vehicles Note that there are a vast array of highly poisonous monsters on
Athas, but the bardic toxins rely on gathering ingredients from
A variety of vehicles are available for those who need to carry food,
relatively safe plants, animals and other sources. Attempting to
water or trade goods into the wastes.
harvest venom directly from some monstrous foe tends to have a poor
Carts risk-reward ratio.
These are two-wheeled vehicles as described in the Mythras CRB.
Also note that, while the poisons are referred to as Bardic Toxins, it is
They have a carrying capacity of 180kg and 300kg respectively. They
not required to take the entertainer profession to make use of them,
are drawn by a single kank, erdland or crodlu.
although this is the most common path.
Wagons are four-wheeled, and can be open or closed. Riding in a
closed wagon counts as being shaded.
Typically, only sorcerer-kings, templars, nobles and the merchant
The 450kg wagons are drawn by a single kank, erdland or crodlu. houses are able to own slaves. The vast majority of slaves are
labourers either working the fields or undertaking major city projects,
The 1.1t and 2.25t wagons require teams of two and four, respectively.
with gladiators making up the bulk of the rest. Personal slaves of
The huge 4.5t wagons are drawn by a single mekillot. various types are almost exclusively limited to the wealthy and
powerful. Wealthy freemen may have the opportunity to purchase

Other Gear
slaves, but will typically only have access to those not already
purchased by their betters.
Most other gear is self-explanatory; the general equipment list is
The prices provided are the baselines for a competent, trained
almost identical to the one from the Mythras CRB, with a few
individual. Especially skilled, experienced or gifted slaves can
modifications due to the value of metal.
command orders of magnitude more.
The lodging, clothing and food tables and details from Mythras can
It is worth noting that, while many treat slavery as just another
be used without alteration.
institution, almost no one actually likes slavers. Even gladiatorial
trainers, who hire out their warriors for events, as looked at in the
same light as pimps.

Bardic Poisons
Toxin Complexity Difficulty Application Potency Resistance Onset Time Duration Conditions
Turmin’s Stew 30 Very Easy Injected 50 Endurance 1d3x10 mins 2d6 hrs Fever and nausea
1d3 damage to area struck. Endurance
Leper’s Mark 30 Easy Injected 55 Endurance 2d6 mins - check to avoid necrosis (permanent loss of
Delirium. Unable to use any knowledge,
Dream Sand 30 Easy Injected 60 Willpower 1d4+1 mins 1d3 hrs
magical or psionic skill.
Blindness. At end of duration, an Easy,
30 Easy Injected 70 Endurance 1d3 mins 1d6 hrs unopposed Endurance check is required;
on failure blindness is permanent.
1d20x20 Paralysis for limb, asphyxiation if head,
Kalak’s Balm 30 Standard Injected 55 Endurance Instant
mins death if chest, nausea if abdomen.
Bard’s Song 40 Hard Injected 70 Willpower Instant - Death in POW rounds.
King’s Touch 45 Standard Ingested 70 Endurance 2d6 hrs 1d4 days Agony
Last Mead 50 Standard Ingested 80 Endurance 1d4 hrs 2d12 hrs Nausea
55 Standard Ingested 90 Willpower 2d6 mins 1 hr Unconsciousness
Internal bleeding – one level of fatigue per
Black Nail 60 Standard Ingested 80 Endurance 1d4 mins -
minute until dead or healed magically.
Green Leech 65 Standard Contact 60 Willpower 2d4 mins - Victim loses 1d6 PP
Prickling Milk 70 Standard Contact 70 Endurance 2d4 mins - 1d6 hp damage to struck location
Soap of the Fever. If contact made with eyes,
75 Hard Contact 80 Endurance 1d4 mins 2d20 hrs
Rock Adder immediate, permanent blindness.
Blue Thorn 80 Hard Contact 80 Endurance 1 min 10 mins Asphyxiation
Creeping 30-CON Struck limb is paralysed. Spreads to
85 Hard Injected 90 Endurance 2d12 mins
Spectre mins adjacent body parts each minute.
Fever. Hallucinations overcome all real
sensory input, rendering the target
Broken Mind 90 Hard Injected 95 Willpower 1d3 hrs 2d6 hrs effectively helpless. Attempts to resist
Telepathy are one degree harder than

One Handed Weapons
Weapon Damage Size Reach Combat Effects ENC AP/HP Traits Cost
Axe, Bone (Carikkal) 1d6 M M Bleed, Sunder 1 3/6 100c
Axe, Obsidian 1d6+1 M M Bleed, Sunder 1 2/5 100c
Axe, Iron or Bronze 1d6+1 M M Bleed, Sunder 1 4/8 10,000c
Claw Glove, Bone 1d4 S Unarm. Bleed - 3/5 60c
Claw Glove, Obsidian 1d4+1 S Unarm. Bleed - 2/4 60c
Claw Glove, Iron or Bronze 1d4+1 S Unarm. Bleed - 5/6 6,000c
Club 1d6 M S Bash, Stun Location 1 4/4 5c
Dagger, Bone 1d4 S S Bleed, Impale - 3/6 Thrown 30c
Dagger, Obsidian 1d4+1 S S Bleed, Impale - 2/5 Thrown 30c
Dagger, Iron or Bronze 1d4+1 S S Bleed, Impale - 6/8 Thrown 3,000c
Estoc, Bone 1d6 M S Impale 1 3/6 100c
Estoc, Iron or Bronze 1d6 M S Impale 1 6/8 10,000c
Flail 1d6 M M Bash 1 3/5 Flexible 25c
Flail, Metal Reinforced 1d6 M M Bash 1 3/6 Flexible 2,500
Hatchet, Bone 1d4 S S Bleed 1 3/5 Thrown 25c
Hatchet, Obsidian 1d6 S S Bleed 1 2/4 Thrown 25c
Hatchet, Iron or Bronze 1d6 S S Bleed 1 4/6 Thrown 2,500c
Knife, Bone 1d3 S S Bleed, Impale - 4/3 10c
Knife, Obsidian 1d4 S S Bleed, Impale - 3/2 10c
Knife, Iron or Bronze 1d4 S S Bleed, Impale - 5/4 1,000c
Longsword, Iron 1d8 M L Bleed, Impale 2 6/12 25,000c
Mace, Stone 1d8 M S Bash, Stun Location 1 4/5 60c
Mace, Iron or Bronze 1d8 M S Bash, Stun Location 1 6/6 6,000c
Net 1d4 S L Entangle 3 2/20 Entrapping, Thrown 20c
Military Pick, Bone 1d6 M M Impale, Sunder 2 3/6 100c
Military Pick, Iron or Bronze 1d6+1 M M Stun Location, Sunder 2 6/10 18,000c
Puchik, Bone 1d3 S S Impale 1 3/7 Entrapping 180c
Puchik, Iron or Bronze 1d4 S S Impale 1 6/10 Entrapping 18,000c
Rope Hook (Alhulak) 1d6 M M Entangle, Bleed 2 3/6 Entrapping, Flexible, Offensive 250c
Rope Hook, Iron or Bronze 1d6+1 M M Entangle, Bleed 2 4/8 Entrapping, Flexible, Offensive 10,000c
Rope Mace, Stone 1d6+1 M M Bash, Entangle, Stun Location 2 3/7 Entrapping, Flexible, Offensive 120c
Rope Mace, Iron or Bronze 1d6+1 M M Bash, Entangle, Stun Location 2 4/8 Entrapping, Flexible, Offensive 4,000c
Short Spear, Bone 1d8 M L Impale 2 3/5 Set, Thrown 100c
Short Spear, Obsidian 1d8+1 M L Impale 2 2/5 Set, Thrown 100c
Short Spear, Iron or Bronze 1d8+1 M L Impale 2 4/5 Set, Thrown 3,000c
Spiked Whip 1d4 S M Bleed, Entangle 1 3/7 100c
Sword, Chitin-edged 1d6 M M Bleed 2 4/6 200c
Sword, Obsidian-edged 1d8 M M Bleed 2 3/6 200c
Sword, Iron 1d8 M M Bleed, Impale 2 6/10 17,500c
Trident, Bone 1d6 M L Impale 2 3/4 Barbed, Thrown 155c
Trident, Obsidian 1d8 M L Impale 2 2/4 Barbed, Thrown 155c
Trident, Iron or Bronze 1d8 M L Impale 2 4/10 Barbed, Thrown 15,500c

Weapon Damage Size Reach Combat Effects ENC AP/HP Traits Cost
Bladed Shield 1d3+1 L S Bash, Bleed 2 4/9 Ward 3 150c
Buckler 1d3 M S Bash, Stun Location 1 4/9 Ward 2 50c
Heavy Shield 1d4 H S Bash, Stun Location 3 6/15 Ward 4 300c
Light Shield 1d4 L S Bash, Stun Location 2 4/12 Ward 3 150c
Spiked Shield 1d3+1 L S Bash, Impale 2 4/9 Ward 3 150c
Tower Shield 1d4 H S Bash, Stun Location 4 4/18 Ward 5 450c

Armour AP ENC Initiative Heat Cost
Hide 1 2 -0.4 0.5 20c
Padded 2 1 -0.2 0.5 80c
Laminated Linen 3 2 -0.4 0.5 180c
Bone Splint/Bone Scale 4 4.5 -0.9 1 320c
Iron/Bronze Scale 4 3 -0.6 2 32,000c
Steel Scale 4 2.25 -0.45 2 48,000c
Chitin Plate 5 6 -1.2 1.5 500c
Iron/Bronze Half-Plate 5 4 -0.9 3 50,000c
Steel Half-Plate 5 3 -.06 3 75,000c
Chitin Laminar 6 7.5 -1.5 2 900c
Iron/Bronze Mail or Laminar 6 5 -1.0 4 90,000c
Steel Mail or Laminar 6 3.75 -.75 4 135,000c
Iron/Bronze Plated Mail 7 6 -1.2 5 140,000c
Steel Plated Mail 7 4.5 -0.9 5 210,000c

Two Handed Weapons
Weapon Damage Size Reach Combat Effects ENC AP/HP Traits Cost
Axe, Bone 1d8 L M Bleed, Sunder 1 3/6 100c
Axe, Obsidian 1d8+1 L M Bleed, Sunder 1 2/5 100c
Axe, Iron or Bronze 1d8+1 L M Bleed, Sunder 1 4/8 10,000c
Garotte 1d2 S T - - 1/2 Stealth 15c
Glaive, Chitin-edged 1d10+1 L L Bleed, Sunder 2 3/7 250c
Glaive, Obsidian-edged 1d10+2 L L Bleed, Sunder 2 2/6 250c
Glaive, Iron or Bronze 1d10+2 L L Bleed, Sunder 2 4/10 25,000c
Great Axe, Bone 2d6 H L Bleed, Sunder 2 3/7 125c
Great Axe, Obsidian 2d6+2 H L Bleed, Sunder 2 2/6 125c
Great Axe, Iron or Bronze 2d6+2 H L Bleed, Sunder 2 4/10 12,500c
Great Club 2d6 H L Bash, Stun Location 3 4/10 50c
Great Flail 1d10 L L Bash, Stun Location 3 3/8 Flexible 125c
Great Flail, Metal Reinforced 1d10 L L Bash, Stun Location 3 4/10 Flexible 5,000c
Great Hammer, Stone 1d10+2 H L Bash, Stun Location, Sunder 3 3/8 250c
Great Hammer, Iron or Bronze 1d10+3 H L Bash, Stun Location, Sunder 3 4/10 25,000c
Greatsword, Chitin-edged 1d8 L L Bleed 2 4/8 250c
Greatsword, Obsidian-edged 1d10 L L Bleed 2 3/6 250c
Longsword, Iron 1d10 L L Bleed, Impale, Sunder 2 6/12 25,000
Great Pick, Bone 2d6 H L Impale 3 3/8 125c
Great Pick, Iron or Bronze 2d6+2 H L Impale, Sunder 3 4/10 12,500c
Long Spear, Bone 1d8+1 L VL Impale 2 3/8 Set 125c
Long Spear, Obsidian 1d10+1 L VL Impale 2 2/5 Set 125c
Long Spear, Iron or Bronze 1d10+1 L VL Impale 2 4/10 3,750c
Poleaxe, Chitin and Bone 1d8+1 L VL Entangle, Impale, Sunder 4 3/7 Set 200c
Poleaxe, Obsidian 1d8+2 L VL Entangle, Impale, Sunder 4 2/6 Set 200c
Poleaxe, Iron or Bronze 1d8+2 L VL Entangle, Impale, Sunder 4 4/10 Set 20,000c
Rope Hook, Bone 1d8 M VL Entangle, Bleed 2 3/6 Entrapping, Flexible, Offensive 250c
Rope Hook, Iron or Bronze 1d8+2 M VL Entangle, Bleed 2 4/8 Entrapping, Flexible, Offensive 10,000c
Rope Mace, Stone 1d8+1 M VL Bash, Entangle 2 3/7 Entrapping, Flexible, Offensive 120c
Rope Mace, Iron or Bronze 1d8+1 M VL Bash, Entangle 2 4/8 Entrapping, Flexible, Offensive 4,000c
Staff 1d8 M L Stun Location 2 4/8 Defensive 100c

Ranged Weapons
Dam Impale
Weapon Damage Force Range Load Combat Effects ENC AP/HP Cost
Mod Size
Atlatl - - +1 +0/+25/+75 1 - 1 1/4 10c
Blowgun - N - 10/20/30 2 - - 1/4 30c
Bola 1d4 N - 10/25/50 - Entangle - - 2/2 10c
Chatkcha 1d4+1 Y L 5/20/40 - Returning - - 1/3 30c
Crossbow Y L 20/100/200 3 Impale S 1 4/5 150c
Quarrel, Bone Tip (12) 1d4 - 2c
Quarrel, Obsidian Tip (12) 1d6 - 3c
Quarrel, Iron or Bronze Tip 1d8 - 500c
Dagger, Bone 1d3 Y S 4/8/16 - Impale S - 3/6 30c
Dagger, Obsidian 1d4 Y S 4/8/16 - Impale S - 2/5 30c
Dagger, Iron or Bronze 1d4 Y S 4/8/16 - Impale S - 6/8 3,000c
Dart, Bone 1d3 Y S 5/10/20 - Impale S - 1/1 10c
Dart, Obsidian 1d4 Y S 5/10/20 - Impale S - 0/1 10c
Dart, Iron or Bronze 1d4+1 Y S 5/10/20 - Impale S - 2/1 1,000c
Hatchet, Bone 1d4 Y S 5/10/20 - Bleed - 1 3/5 25c
Hatchet, Obsidian 1d6 Y S 5/10/20 - Bleed - 1 2/4 25c
Hatchet, Iron or Bronze 1d6 Y S 5/10/20 - Bleed - 1 4/6 2,500c
Javelin, Bone 1d8 Y H 10/20/50 - Impale M 1 2/6 20c
Javelin, Obsidian 1d8+1 Y H 10/20/50 - Impale M 1 1/6 20c
Javelin, Iron or Bronze 1d8+1 Y H 10/20/50 - Impale M 1 3/8 2,000c
Net - N - 3/5/10 - Entangle - 3 2/20 20c
Recurve Bow Y H 15/125/250 2 Impale S 1 4/8 225c
Arrow, Bone Tip (12) 1d4 3c
Arrow, Obsidian Tip (12) 1d6 4c
Arrow, Iron or Bronze Tip (1) 1d8 500c
Short Bow Y L 15/100/200 2 Impale S 1 4/4 75c
Arrow, Bone Tip (12) 1d3 3c
Arrow, Obsidian Tip (12) 1d4 4c
Arrow, Iron or Bronze Tip (1) 1d6 500c
Short Spear, Bone 1d6 Y L 10/15/30 - Impale M 1 3/5 100c
Short Spear, Obsidian 1d8 Y L 10/15/30 - Impale M 1 2/5 100c
Short Spear, Iron or Bronze 1d8 Y L 10/15/30 - Impale M 1 4/5 3,000c
Sling 1d8 N L 10/150/300 3 Stun Location - - ½ 5c
Staff Sling 2d6 N E 5/10/20 4 Stun Location - 2 3/6 20c
Stone/Rock 1d3 Y S 5/10/20 - Stun Location - - - -
Trident, Bone 1d6 Y L 10/15/30 - Barbed, Impale M 2 3/4 155c
Trident, Obsidian 1d8 Y L 10/15/30 - Barbed, Impale M 2 2/4 155c
Trident, Iron or Bronze 1d8 Y L 10/15/30 - Barbed, Impale M 2 4/10 15,500c
Zerka, Bone 1d8 Y H 10/15/30 - Barbed, Impale, Snare M 1 2/6 30c
Zerka, Obsidian 1d8+1 Y H 10/15/30 - Barbed. Impale, Snare M 1 1/6 30c
Zerka, Iron or Bronze 1d8+1 Y H 10/15/30 - Barbed, Impale, Snare M 1 3/8 2,200c
Mounts and Transport Tools & Other Items
Item Cost Item ENC Cost
Domesticated Kank 100c Abacus
Riding Kank 3,000c Astrolabe
War Kank 7,000c Backpack (20 ENC)
Kank Saddle, Tack & Harness 75c Bedroll
Kank War Saddle, Tack & Harness 105c Block and Tackle
Kank Pack Harness 30c Bottle
Riding Erdlu 50c Candle, 6 hour
Riding Erdland 2,500c Chest, Large (100 ENC)
War Erdland 3,000c Chest, Small (50 ENC)
Erdlu Saddle, Tack & Harness 55c Craft Tools
Erdlu Pack Harness 25c Crowbar
Erdland Saddle, Tack & Harness 75c Doorjamb
Erdland War Saddle, Tack & Harness 105c Fine Wine Goblet, Glass 8c
Erdland Pack Harness 30c Fine Wine Goblet, Silver 1,600c
Erdland Barding x3 Fire Bow 2b
Crodlu 6,000c First Ait Kit
Heavy Crodlu 10,000c Flint and Steel 100c
Crodlu Saddle, Tack & Harness 75c Snares and Traps
Crodlu War Saddle, Tack & Harness 105c Grappling Hook, Bone 5c
Crodlu Pack Harness 30c Grappling Hook, Iron or Bronze 500c
Heavy Crodlu War Saddle, Tack & Harness 135c Hammer/Saw/Mallet/Chisel
Inix 2,800c Healer’s Kit
Inix Saddle, Tack & Harness 280c Hourglass
Inix Cargo Howdah 280c Knife, bone or obsidian
Inix War Howdah 2,800c Knife, iron or bronze
Mekillot 5,600c Lantern
Mekillot Cargo Howdah 560c Lockpicks, Bone
Mekillot War Howdah 14,000c Mirror, Obsidian
Chariot, 1 person 800c Mug/Dish/Plate, Wooden
Chariot, 2 person 1,200c Musical Instrument
Chariot, 3 person 2,400c Oil, Flask
Cart, Basic 60c Paper, per sheet (double cost for vellum)
Cart, Heavy 175c Pole, 3m
Open Wagon, 450kg 500c Quills and Ink
Open Wagon, 1.1t 1,000c Quiver
Open Wagon, 2.25t 1,500c Rope, hemp
Open Wagon, 4.5t 2,000c Sack, Large
Closed Wagon, 450kg 750c Sack, Small
Closed Wagon, 1.1t 1,250c Saw, Hand, Chitin or Obsidian
Closed Wagon, 2.25t 1,750c Spade/Hoe/Pitchfork
Closed Wagon, 4.5t 2,250c Tent, Basic, Per Person 2c
Armoured Caravan 50,000c Tent, Extravagant, Per Person 5c
Sedan Chair 400c Torch
Palanquin 2,000c Water, Per Litre 1b
Waterskin (4L)
Wax Block

Barding Slaves
Location Cost Slave Cost
Erdland Head/Limb x2 Labourer 780c
Erdland Body x4 Gladiator 4,000c
Kank Head/Limb x3 Household 2,000c
Kank Thorax x4 Pleasure 2,000c
Kank Abdomen x6 Professional 4,000c
Crodlu Head/Limb/Neck x2
Crodlu Body x5
Heavy Crodlu Head/Limb/Neck x2
Heavy Crodlu Body x6

Magic Items
There is no open market for magic items on Athas. Items found can conditions in the same way as a regular enchanted tree. However, any
potentially be sold, but unless the seller has a powerful patron among use of defiling magic near an enchanted tree will destroy it.
the nobility, trading houses, templars, or the like, the item is likely to
end up being seized by a Sorcerer King or someone else who does Common Enchanted Fruits
have power and connections. Attempting to buy such items is also The fruits listed below are relatively common in comparison to other
likely to attract the attention of the authorities. forms of magic items, but are not necessarily easy to obtain. Still, with
the right connections, it may be feasible to acquire some of these
Magical fruits, being of reasonably limited utility and (relatively)
common are more likely to be available to buy or sell, although these
will still tend to be grey market goods. Unless otherwise specified, enchanted fruits with an ongoing
duration will last for 40 minutes, plus 1d4 x 10 minutes. A typical fruit
There is some limited trade in psionic items, for those with the right
will have a Magnitude of 1, 2 or 3 for the purposes of warding or
connections in psionic schools and brotherhoods, although any items
dispelling the effect, although more potent versions are possible. In
of significant power are still likely to be seized by the authorities if an
theory, the effects of any given fruit may vary depending on the
attempt is made to sell them without some kind of powerful backing.
Intensity and exact process use by the creator, and the details below
are simply the most common varieties encountered.
Enchanted Fruits Fruit of Acid Resistance
It is possible to enchant fresh fruits and berries such that the juices When this fruit is smeared over a person or object, it confers a defence
hold magical properties. Such enchanted fruits will remain fresh and against acid. Up to 240 hit points of acid damage can be completely
ripe for up to 99 years, although once the skin is broken, the fruit must absorbed before the protected person or object need fear the effects of
be eaten or applied within a few minutes, or the magic vanishes. A any acid or caustic attack, although ten points of protection are lost
magical fruit must be eaten in its entirety (other than a pit or seeds) in every hour as the pulp and juice fades away.
order to take effect (some fruits will instead need to be crushed and
smeared on a surface). Fruit of Animal Control
This fruit allows the person who consumes it to understand the
Any power or ability that allows a character to detect spirits or emotions of a type of animal, and control their behaviour through
elemental magic will enable a character to identify a magical fruit as words and gestures. Only creatures of animal intelligence are
such. Fruits created by defilers or preservers will also be identifiable affected. If the type of animal needs to be determined randomly, use
by any power that can detect sorcery. A hard trance or exhortation the following table:
check can identify the precise powers of a fruit (sorcerous fruits can
also be identified via shaping). d20 Animal Type
1-3 Mammal/Marsupial
Any type of juicy berry or fruit can be enchanted, but dried fruits such 4-7 Avian
as dates cannot be. 8-11 Reptile
12-15 Insect
16-17 Mammal/Marsupial/Avian
Enchanting Magical Fruits 18-19 Reptile/Insect
Preservers, defilers, druids and elemental priests who have reached 20 All
the third tier of their profession are able to enchant fruits. In order to The number of animals that can be controlled at any one time depends
do so, they must first find a recipe with the instructions for the on the size of the animals – up to 5d4 small, domesticated pets, 3d4
particular enchantment they wish to imbue. This is likely to require items of up to SIZ 18, 1d4 animals up to SIZ 30 or a single larger item.
ingredients that are difficult and expensive to obtain, and the process
of enchantment is likely to take several weeks. Fruit of Clairaudience
For 20 minutes after eating this fruit, a character is able to move their
Alternatively, someone with an existing magical fruit may plant it in point of hearing to any position within POW x 2m. The point can be
an attempt to grow a tree capable of bearing new magical fruits of the freely moved for the duration.
same type. This may be attempted by anyone with a shaping, exhort
or binding skill of 30+, or with a suitable agricultural skill of 60+. After Fruit of Clairvoyance
the original fruit is planted unused, a full-sized tree or bush will grow For 20 minutes after eating this fruit, a character is able to move their
over the next 1d6 weeks. This tree must be closely tended, watered point of view to any position within POW x 2m. The point can be
and cared for. Any abrupt change in conditions, such as unusually freely moved for the duration.
extreme temperatures or weather, will result in the enchanted plant
Fruit of Cleansing
dying. Once the tree is fully grown, the number of fruits it grows is
A character who consumes a fruit of cleansing is considered to have
determined by rolling 1d6. On a 1-2, two new fruits grow, on a 3-5
met their full water requirement for the day (thri-kreens are
just one fruit, and on a result of 6 no new fruit is obtained.
considered to have drunk their fill).
There are secret ways enabling an archdruid, elemental champion,
Alternatively, the fruit can be crushed so that the juice mixes with
archdefiler, archpreserver or high templar to further enchant such a
another liquid, which is then transformed into pure drinking water,
tree, so that it will live for 99 years, and will grow a new enchanted
neutralising any poisons, acids, parasites, etc. Up to 80 litres of liquid
fruit of the same type every 1d6 days. Such trees are, of course, closely
can be converted.
guarded, and need to be well tended and cared for at all times
(although they are generally not at risk from dying due to a change in

Fruit of Climbing direction without need of a solid surface to walk upon. With some
While under the effects of this fruit, all climbing checks are two basic instruction, it is also possible to move fully into the spirit realm
degrees of difficulty easier, and no climbing check (even impossible (any druidic initiate or elemental acolyte will be able to do this, or
ones, such as climbing unassisted across a smooth ceiling) will be instruct others).
more difficult than Hard.
One person and some basic gear can generally be coated (armour,
Fruit of Command clothing, a few weapons and tools). Inanimate objects not being
Once consumed, this fruit allows the imbiber to issue commands to carried will not move.
intelligent beings. The character makes an opposed check, using
While ethereal, physical objects cannot be interacted with.
either Willpower or Psionic Discipline (Telepathy) vs the target’s
Willpower. If Telepathy is used, the target may use any normal
Fruit of Fiery Breath
psionic defences.
Once consumed, whoever eats this fruit will feel a great heat boiling
An affected target will carry out any non-suicidal command or up inside themselves. This can be released in the form of one or more
instructions to the best of their ability, although they will not directly exhalations of fiery breath.
harm close friends or family. On a critical success, the target will act
If release all at once, the fire breath fills a cone 24m long and 6m wide
without any regard for their own or others safety, and will interpret
at the far end, with an Intensity of 4.
all orders in a fashion most appropriate to the commander’s intent.
A half breath fills a cone 12m long and 6m wide, with an Intensity of
Orders may continue to be issued to the same or different targets for
3, while a quarter breath fills a cone 6m long, 3m wide, with an
1d4 x 10 minutes, although a new check is required for each new
Intensity of 3.
If the full breath is not used within the hour, the effect ends.
Each fruit only affects a particular type of being:
Additionally, the character must make an Endurance check opposed
by a Potency of 40. On failure, they suffer fire damage to the chest
d20 Being Type
1-2 Avians (Aarakocra, Kenku) depending on the amount of unused breath: 3d6 if the entire breath
3-5 Dwarves (Mul) remains, 2d6 if half or three-quarters remains, and 1d6 if a quarter of
6-8 Elves (Gith, Half Elves) the breath remains.
9-10 Abberants (Anakore, Belogi, Ettercaps, Tareks, T’Chowb)
11-13 Invertebrates (Goblin Spiders, Psurlons, Thri-kreen) Fruit of Fiery Burning
14-16 Humans (Half Elves, Half Giants, Halflings, Mul)
When the skin of this fruit is broken, the entire fruit immediately
17 Giants (Half Giants)
18-20 Reptiles (Braxat, Dray, Gith, Jozhal, Pterrrans, Ssurrans, Yuan-ti) bursts into flame, as an Intensity 3 fire with a 3m radius. The fruit is
quickly reduced to ash, and the fire burns out almost instantly unless
Fruit of Diminution it has ignited something else.
On consuming this fruit, a character can reduce their SIZ by up to 20
points. Once they have reached the desired size, they cannot change Fruit of Flying
again until the effect ends or is dispelled. While under the effects of this fruit, the character has a flying speed
equal to their usual speed.
Fruit of Disenchantment
If this fruit is smeared on a person or object, any spells active on their Fruit of Gaseous Form
person (including sorcery, but not psionic effects) up a Magnitude of After consuming this fruit, and individual and the inanimate items
6 are automatically dispelled. If applied to a permanently enchanted, they are carrying will take on a gaseous form. The character can fly at
non-psionic item, the item loses its magical enchantments for 1d4+1 a Speed of 4, moving through the smallest of gaps, but will be at the
hours. mercy of medium to strong winds. They are vulnerable to fire,
electricity and the attacks of air spirits, but are otherwise unable to
Fruit of Elemental Invulnerability interact directly with most solid items.
When smeared over a person or object, this fruit confers complete
protection against a single mundane element. Against magical Fruit of Giant Strength
elemental effects and elemental spirits of the same type, any attempts On consuming this fruit, a character’s STR increases to a value of
to resist deleterious effects are one degree of difficulty easier, and the 30+1d6.
subject gains 2AP against matching elemental damage. Some,
Fruit of Glibness
especially rare, fruits are enchanted to protect against paraelemental
Whomever eats this fruit will be able to speak eloquently, and lie in a
effects, and it is also possible to enchant a fruit to confer protection
fashion undetectable, even to psionic or magical assessment. All
against druidic spirits.
social checks involving conversation are one degree easier. If the
Fruit of ESP character is telling bald-faced lies, a mystical analysis might reveal
A character who eats this fruit gains access to Telepathy as if they had some stretching of the truth, but no more.
a Psionic Discipline (Telepathy) of 61. No talents or enhancements are
Fruit of Growth
gained, but they can use the base Telepathy power, and any Telepathy
On consuming this fruit, a character can increase their SIZ by up to 20
devotions can be activated as advanced devotions. A character who
points. Once they have reached the desired size, they cannot change
already has Telepathy 61 or higher instead gains a +12 bonus, as if
again until the effect ends or is dispelled.
being augmented (no new powers are gained).
Fruit of Healing
Fruit of Etherealness
When crushed and applied to an injury, this fruit heals a single body
When crushed and applied to a person or object, the subject becomes
location back to its full hit points, as long as the injury is no more
ethereal, able to pass through solid objects, as well as moving in any

severe than a serious wound. It will stabilise a major wound, Fruit of Plant Control
preventing death, but will not heal the actual damage. This fruit allows the individual who consumes it to control the
movement or normal plants. Vines can move, flowers turn, open and
Fruit of Health close, branches twist, etc. However, the plant cannot grow faster than
This fruit will cure any mental or physical affliction such as blindness, usual, branches cannot move beyond the point where they would
deafness, disease, poison, infection, infestation, delirium, snap and so forth.
hallucinations, necrosis, etc. It will regrow lost limbs and organs, and
heal any permanent damage. Major and serious wounds will be Intelligent plants can be commanded, as per a fruit of command.
improved to minor wounds, and enough lost hit points are healed to
ensure each location has at least 1hp. Fruit of the Serene Mind
While benefiting from the effects of this fruit, all Willpower checks
Fruit of Heroism are one degree of difficulty easier.
A character who consumes this fruit gains ignores all the effects of
fatigue, increases their damage modifier by one step and increases Fruit of Shapechange
their Combat Style values by +10, to a maximum of 80. The effect lasts While under the effects of this fruit, the person who ate it can freely
for 20 + 1d10 minutes. change forms as an action, to any normal creature within 15 SIZ of
their natural form. The gain the average physical capabilities of the
Fruit of Impact form they take, but no magical or psionic powers. A transformed
When the fresh juice or pulp of this fruit is used to coat blunt character can continue to use their own psionics and, if the form has
weapons, rocks or sling stones, it increases their usefulness in combat. similar limbs and speech abilities, other forms of magic can also be
Any weapon so coated is treated as one size larger for the purposes used.
of bypassing parries, may use the Sunder special effect, and the
wielder gains access to the Knockout Blow combat style trait while Fruit of Slipperiness
using the coated weapon. A character who has this fruit smeared over themselves becomes
impossible to grasp or restrain, and will be able to slip free of any
The effect lasts for a maximum of one hour after application, but once bond or entanglement. Even existing, rigid restraints which the
the weapon is used in combat, the effect will not last longer than a character is physically too large to remove (eg, a slave collar) can still
minute. Each fruit can coat a single melee weapon, or up to five small be escaped from with an Easy Athletics check. Note that it will also
rocks or sling stones. be impossible to grab the character to prevent them from falling, to
carefully lower them in a harness, or even for them to sit comfortably
These fruits can be enchanted in batches of three, and will produce (it is typical to leave the base of the feet uncovered to enable walking).
three times as many fruits as usual when grown.
If smeared on the floor, a hard Athletics or Acrobatics check is
Fruit of Invisibility required to remain standing when walking over the area, which can
An individual who consumes this fruit will become invisible, along be up to 4m2
with any normal gear and clothing they are carrying. If the character
attacks or spends PP or MP, the invisibility will be lost at the The effect lasts for eight hours, but can be removed earlier by the
completion of their action. application of alcohol.

Fruit of Invulnerability Fruit of Speed

On consuming this fruit, an individual becomes extremely hard to After consuming this fruit, a character gains +1 AP, doubles their
injure, gaining an additional 6AP on each location. Additionally, any Speed and increases their Initiative by +4. The effect only lasts for 2
Endurance checks to resist injury or fatigue are made at one degree of minutes.
difficulty easier.
Fruit of Spirit Warding
Fruit of Levitation After eating this fruit, a character cannot be helped or harmed by a
While under the effect of this fruit’s enchantment, a character to float spirit of Intensity 3 or less.
up or down at a Speed of 4 (or slower, at their discretion). They may
be blown about by strong winds if not in contact with a fixed object. Fruit of Stammering and Stuttering
Upon consuming this fruit, the victim is unable to speak with any
Fruit of Love eloquence, instead coming across as crude, ignorant and inept. All
After consuming this fruit, the imbiber will need to succeed at an spoken social and language checks are one degree of difficulty harder.
opposed Willpower check vs Potency 90, or become charmed by the
first person they see. They will go out of their way to assist the object Fruit of Timelessness
of their charm, trusting them implicitly and willing to do just about When this fruit is crushed and applied to dead organic matter, it
anything for them that doesn’t seem suicidal. If the object of the charm causes that substance to age only one day each year. The effect lasts
is someone they could feasibly be romantically or sexually attracted indefinitely, although it can dispelled.
to, they will also become enamoured with this person. The charm
Fruit of Undead Control
effect wears off after 40 + 1d4 x 10 minutes, but the enamouring
After eating this fruit, a character can control unintelligent undead in
remains in place indefinitely (although it can be dispelled).
the same fashion as a fruit of animal control, and can attempt to
command intelligent undead as for a fruit of command.
Fruit of Madness
Consumption of this fruit will cause the victim to go completely and
Fruit of Ventriloquism
permanently mad, unless they succeed at an opposed Willpower
While under the enchantment of this fruit, a character can cause their
check against a potency of 110.
voice (and any sound they can make with their mouth and vocal

chords) to appear to be emanating from any point they can see within Succulent Fruit of Healing
10 metres. When consumed, this fruit heals all minor and serious wounds,
restoring all body parts to full hit points, except where major wounds
Fruit of Vitality have been suffered. It will stabilise all major wounds, preventing
Consuming this fruit counts as meeting a character’s daily water death.
intake. In addition, it immediately removes all levels of fatigue
(including those caused by dehydration or bleeding). Succulent Fruit of Heroism
A character who consumes this fruit gains ignores all the effects of
Fruit of Youth fatigue, increases their damage modifier by one step, and increases
Consuming this fruit will reverse 1d4+1 years of aging. their Combat Style values by +20, to a maximum of 100. The effect
lasts for 20 + 1d10 minutes.
Poisoned Fruit
This fruit is a magical poison, killing anyone who consumes it unless In addition, all combat style checks are one degree of difficulty easier.
they pass an Endurance check opposed by a Potency of 105. The effect lasts for 20 + 1d10 minutes.

Trees of Life
Trees of Life can be created by archdruids and elemental champions.
Mighty archdefilers and archpreservers can also create Trees of Life if
they learn the appropriate invocation. The process is relatively
simple, requiring a living sapling less than a year old, and a copper
wire formed into the shape of a tree (500c value). Once planted and
the correct forms are followed, the sapling immediately takes on all
the powers of a Tree of Life, although it will take a week to grow to
its full physical size.

Any character with 30+ in shaping, exhortation or trance can identify

a Tree of Life on sight. While such trees are not truly sentient,
characters with a Psionic Aptitude of 60+ can also identify them by
virtue of the way their powerful life force imprints itself on the local
psionic field. Anyone with Psionic Aptitude of 30+ will sense a vibrant
life energy in the area, even if they cannot directly identify that the
Tree is the source of the energy.

If a Tree of Life’s physical form is damaged, it will regenerate back to

its full size in not more than four weeks, as long as the spirit of the
tree remains alive. If the physical form is completely destroyed,
within a day a new sprout will have grown. Within a week it will be
a healthy sapling and the following week a young tree. After three
weeks it will appear as a fully grown, adult tree and after four weeks
it will have become a huge, ancient and healthy specimen of its

A Tree’s spiritual life force can be damaged (and, in some cases, even
destroyed outright) by certain powerful magics, including spells such
as obliterate, sever spirit, trap soul, undeath and possibly some forms
of wrack. However, the greatest threat to a Tree of Life is defiling
magic. A healthy tree has 10 spiritual life levels. When defiling magic
is used, each additional magic point required when casting saps one
life level from a Tree of Life within 100 metres, rather than destroying
other growth. Life levels regenerate at the rate of one per hour, which
allows defilers to subvert the nature of these majestic Trees in order
to make frequent use of their most powerful, evil magics. However, a
tree reduced to zero life levels is forever dead.

While it is the Sorcerer Kings who make the greatest use of Trees of
Life, this is perversion of their nature, and their true powers can be
accessed by elemental priests and druids of any rank. Such a character
who comes in contact with a Tree of Life for a few moments gains
access to four different gifts, each of which can be used once in the
next 24 hours. If not used within that timeframe, the gifts are lost, and
they cannot be gained again for at least 24 hours after they were
previously acquired.

Augury Psionic Items
After ten minutes of contemplation, the character is likely to know
whether a particular course of action they’re about to take is likely to A psionicist with a Psionic Discipline (Metapsionics) of at least 110
result in weal or woe. The chance of receiving an accurate answer is may make psionic items. This requires an expensive base item of
equal to 70% + Trance/5. magnificent craftsmanship, which the psionicist then imbues with
power and sentience over long periods and mediation and
Divination concentration. The resulting psionic item will be at least partially self-
A divination is similar to an augury, but instead of simply gaining a aware, and the more powerful it becomes, the greater it’s intelligence
response of weal or woe, the character will get some sense of the likely and self-awareness, and independence. The process is much more
outcome, and perhaps even how to maximise their chances of success. akin to raising a child than forging a sword, and while the psionicist
The chance of receiving an accurate answer is equal to 60% + Trance/5. guides and influences the outcome, the results are never entirely in
their control.
Healing Psionic items generally have their own skills, disciplines, talents,
The druid or priest can lay hands on one subject and heal them of devotions, POW etc. If an item is found, it’s willingness to aid a new
most afflictions, as per a Fruit of Health. wielder will depend on its attitude and motivation, and the nature of
whoever has found it.
With access to a bowl or pool of still water, the druid or priest is able
to view a remote location. The target of the scrying attempt can be a Other Magic Items
person, place, or object.
Archdruids, archdefilers, archpreservers, high templars and
The chance of the gift succeeding depends on how well the character elemental champions have the ability to create powerful permanent
knows the subject: magic items, but such endeavours require extensive research, the
acquisition of rare and expensive ingredients, and extensive periods
❖ Personally well-known: 80% + Trance/5 of time.
❖ Personally familiar: 70% + Trance/5
❖ Detailed description or brief encounter: 60% + Trance/5 Preservers can also magic items through a simpler process of
❖ Rough description: 40% + Trance/5 invocation, but doing so requires them to permanently give up MP to
❖ Poor description: 20% + Trance/5 power the item, so this is also done only rarely.
❖ Possession of closely related item: +10%
It is more likely that the PCs will find ancient magic items than create
The character can shift their viewpoint once a connection is their own, and no magician is likely to dedicate months or years of
established, but it will always include the original target. No magic or their life (or voluntarily give up MP) to create an item on commission.
psionics can be used through the magical window, and only visual
Usually, even magic items made by defilers do not cause any
information is transmitted. However, any powers that enhance the
destruction of plant life when used, as the defiling required to
scryer’s visual senses (eg, the ability to see spirits, psionics or magic)
empower the item was already done when the item was constructed.
will function as normal.
However, any sorcerous items that use the wielder’s own MP will
follow the usual rules for defiling and preserving.

Combat Styles
The combat styles here are intended to provide guidance rather than
set limits, and the list is by no means exhaustive. Strange and eclectic Gladiatorial Styles
styles are certainly appropriate to the setting, and any style roughly
These styles can be learned as cultural styles by characters who
in keeping with the type and number of weapons and traits here
started life as gladiator slaves. While they include combat style traits,
should be easy enough to justify.
they are extremely specialised, and do not necessarily provide a
useful range of weapons. Players may optionally determine the styles
Cultural Styles they were taught randomly. If selecting randomly, two styles are
gained, and any points spent on one are also applied to the second.
Most cultural styles do not include combat style traits. However,
many cultural styles can be upgraded to veteran versions; if the Thri-kreen determining gladiatorial styles randomly will gain one
character selects a suitable profession and further develops the style thri-kreen style, and one regular style.
as part of their professional development, they style can be changed
to the improved version, with all points previously spent carrying Gladiator 1
over. This upgrade can also be done using the final, hobby skill Net, trident, unarmed, mancatcher
Gladiator 2
Players are welcome to liaise with the GM in designing their own
Estoc, buckler, javelin, unarmed, skirmishing
cultural styles, or making minor modifications to the existing ones.
However, keep in mind that any new style is unlikely to include
Gladiator 3
combat style traits.
Rope mace, rope hook, unarmed, intimidating

Citizen Militia*
Gladiator 4
Spear, side arm, light shield
Claw glove, unarmed, tower shield, do or die

Elven Nomad †
Gladiator 5
Recurve bow, light shield, short spear or side arm, dagger
Short spear, buckler, unarmed, cautious fighter

Half-Giant Brute
Gladiator 6
Two-handed weapon, heavy shield
Javelin, dagger, bladed shield, unarmed, daredevil

Halfling Tribesman
Gladiator 7
Blowpipe, buckler, dagger, hatchet or estoc
Any one two-handed weapon, unarmed, batter aside

Gladiator 8
Staff, dagger or hatchet, sling or staff sling.
Club, spiked shield, unarmed, shield splitter

Human Hunter~
Thri-Kreen Gladiator 1
Short bow, dagger or hatchet, side-arm
Net, trident, gythka, mancatcher

Human Nomad
Thri-Kreen Gladiator 2
Short bow or javelin, side arm, light shield, dagger or hatchet
Short bow, military pick, skirmishing

Outland Warrior 1
Short spear, side-arm, light shield, unarmed Professional Styles
Outland Warrior 2 There are an extensive number of possible professional styles, and
players are welcome to select from the list below, or liaise with the
Sling or short bow, buckler, side-arm
GM to design a suitable one, using the existing examples as
Street Fighter^
Any three of dagger, knife, unarmed, club, hatchet
Side-arm, dagger, knife, unarmed, assassination, cautious fighter
Thri-Kreen Hunter
Gythka, chatkcha or zerka, unarmed, puchik or hatchet.
Recurve bow or javelin, buckler or light shield, side-arm, chariot

Cavalry, Light Infantry Spearman*
Recurve bow, side-arm, buckler, mounted combat or mounted Short spear, dagger, side-arm, one shield other than heavy or wall,
skirmishing unarmed, formation fighting

Cavalry, Medium/Heavy Infantry

Sword, side-arm, any one shield other than wall, short spear or Any three one-handed weapons, any one shield, one of batter aside,
javelin, mounted combat or beastback lancer blind fighting or defensive minded.

Elven Nomad Warrior† Skirmisher

Recurve bow, light shield, side arm, dagger, cautious fighter Sling or javelin and atlatl, light shield, side-arm, skirmishing, cautious
Expert Hunter
Short bow or sling, hatchet, dagger, ranged marksman Thri-Kreen Mercenary
Gythka, one shield other than wall or heavy, chatckcha, side-arm,
Infantry Archer zerka or recurve bow, unarmed, skirmishing or batter aside
Recurve bow or crossbow, side-arm, buckler, ranged marksman
Veteran Street Fighter^
Great Weapon Fighter Any four of dagger, club, knife, hatchet and unarmed, one of unarmed
Two two-handed weapons, unarmed, one of shield splitter, batter aside prowess or knockout blow
or intimidation
*A character with Citizen Militia as a cultural style can use a new professional
combat style choice to upgrade to Infantry Spearman, instead of selecting a new
Knife Fighter^ style.
Dagger, knife, puchik, unarmed, one of do or die, daredevil or defensive †
A character with Elven Nomad as a cultural style can use a new professional
minded combat style choice to upgrade to Elven Nomad Warrior, instead of selecting a
new style.
Heavy Infantry ^A character with Street Fighter as a cultural style can use a new professional
Any one-handed weapon, heavy or wall shield, javelin, batter aside, combat style choice to upgrade to Veteran Street Fighter, instead of selecting a
formation fighting new style. A street fighter who has selected dagger, knife and unarmed may
upgrade to Knife Fighter in the same fashion.
Heavy Spearman ~ A character with Hunter as a cultural style can use a new professional combat
Short spear, side-arm, heavy or wall shield, shield wall, formation style choice to upgrade to Expert Hunter, instead of selecting a new style.

Howdah Archer
Recurve bow, estoc or hatchet, dagger, excellent footwork, ranged

Magical Traditions
Magic in Athas falls into one of four broad traditions: Channelling, they are unable to wield this power themselves. Instead, they channel
Psionics, Sorcery and Spirit Magic. Each of these will be dealt with in it through their Templars.
detail in the chapters to come, but a brief overview is presented here.
A Templar uses their own psisonic energy to open a conduit and then,
by observing the proper exhortations, is able convert filtered
Psionics elemental energy into magical effects.

Psionics, psychic powers, the Will and the Way. Anywhere from 20% The nature of the miracles individual Templars have access to will
- 50% of the population of the Tablelands has some kind of psionic depend on which sorcerer king they serve and their role within the
ability, and the use of psionic devotions to assist with every day tasks Temple.
is completely unremarkable.

Psionic schools exist in all the city states to provide formal training, Sorcery
but the majority of people are wild talents, who only master one or
two minor abilities that they discover naturally at some point during Sorcery, alone among the magical traditions, has no connection to
adolescence. psionic energy. Instead, sorcerers learn the sacred words and gestures
that allow them to tap into Mana (the energy that suffuses all living
At the most basic level, psionics are simply the focusing of the mind’s things, sometimes simply referred to as Life Energy or even just Life)
inherent power in order change the world. Even people and creatures and convert it into practical effects. Deriving Mana from animals is
not typically considered psionically active use inherent psychic extremely difficult and typically inefficient, but plants are easily
abilities in order to control their own bodies, as well as to think and tapped. In doing so, the plants empowering the magic, along with the
analyse and plan. Devotions and talents simply allow psionicists, nutrients in the soil, are converted into a dead, utterly inert ash.
when they have a desire to change the world around them, to discard
the intermediary step of using their basic physical functions to It is the use of sorcery that has thus rendered Athas a desolate waste,
implement the change they desire. and that is the reason that sorcerers are referred to as Defilers. All
citizens of the city states understand that it is Defilers that ruined the
While psionics, for all practical purposes, is magic, it is worth noting world. Their lives are miserable because of Defilers, and it is Defilers,
that, to the people of Athas, it is essentially a mundane skill, and is more than any others, that have the power to make their lives even
not generally considered or referred to as magic. worse.

The use of Sorcery is thus one thing that will unite erstwhile enemies
Spirit Magic to destroy a common threat. Slaves and labourers will cry out in
ecstatic support of the self-same Templar that was beating or robbing
Spirit magic is often referred to as elemental magic,
them a day ago, when they are executing a Defiler.
as it is understood to be the energy of the elemental
planes that empowers the spirits. Spirit magic is the Any PC that wishes to use Sorcery in this setting
demesne of elemental priests and druids. should understand that no punches will be pulled. It
is possible to hide the use of Sorcery, but one slip up
Some scholars consider spirit magic to be a highly
or a little bad luck, and there will be a hue and cry to
specialised form of psionics, as priests and druids tap
hunt down and destroy the threat. You will receive
into the same internal sources of power as psionics,
no sympathy if your sorcerer finds an unfair and
in order to bind, call forth, and command spirits.
ignoble death; if you want to use magic without a real
Priests and druids usually bind various spirits into threat hanging over your head, play a psionicist,
foci, and can then call on them perform tasks or elemental priest or druid.
provide power.
Water priests are generally viewed positively, while While the sorcerer kings do their best to keep this
priests of earth, fire, air and rain tend to be judged by information from the masses, it is possible to use
others on a case-by-case basis. Priests of sun, silt and Sorcery without destroying life; sorcerers who do so
magma are almost universally feared and reviled, are known as Preservers. Preserving sorcery is
although not the same extent as Defilers (qv). exactly the same as defiling sorcery, but preservers
will find it harder to cast more powerful spells, due
Druids are much rarer, and are often confused with
to the need to find the necessary Mana within
elemental priests, if they are known at all. While it is
relatively easy for druids to avoid attracting
unwanted attention, they will be hunted relentlessly It is also worth noting that, just because someone
if a sorcerer king becomes aware of their presence. understands the difference between Defilers and
Preservers, does not mean they support Preservers;

Channelling to many, a Preserver is just a sorcerer who hasn’t

Defiled yet. A Preserver, no matter how altruistic
The sorcerer kings are thought to have tapped they may claim to be, still has the power to trivially
directly into the power of the elemental planes, but destroy a village’s ability to grow food ever again.

Turning Undead
Undead are inimical to the elemental forces, and thus elemental All damage done during a turning attempt is physical, as the elements
priests are able channel the power of their element in order to turn, attempt to burn, strike and smother, while the undead channels
command or destroy the undead. When attempting to turn, there are negative energy back at the priest. A priest has AP equal to Trance/20
visible signs of the priest’s element – the earth reaching up, flames that can be used against damage suffered while engaged in spectral
scorching, winds blowing or icy water assailing the creatures being combat with intelligent undead.
turned. As a templar’s powers also stem from the elemental plains,
they too have power over the undead in the same fashion. If a priest’s spectral attack is a fumble, this closes the conduit, just as
when attempting to turn unintelligent undead. However, a fumbled
Opening a conduit to the elements in order to channel power against spectral parry, or a fumble by the undead, does not.
the undead is a free action, but requires the expenditure of 1 PP. The
conduit remains open for POW minutes, during which time the priest Once a conduit is closed – whether by the priest’s choice, or due to a
may attempt to turn or rebuke undead as an action. The conduit can fumble, the undead is no longer able to make their own spectral
be closed as an action, and may also close automatically on a fumbled combat attacks against the priest. Undead can generally not instigate
turning attempt. spectral combat.

The special combat effects available when attempting to turn or

Turning Unintelligent Undead rebuke intelligent undead are:

The range for a turning attempt is POW x 2 metres, and will affect a • Bleed Essence (causing physical damage)
number of unintelligent undead within range equal to Binding/20 (or • Compel (Templars and Paraelemental Priests only)
Exhortation/20 for templars). • Drive Off (Elemental Priests Only)
• Spirit Lance
If the binding check is successful, the affected undead will do their • Suppress Ability
best to flee from the priest for POW minutes. On a critical, the priest • Turn Back
may either choose to double the number of undead affected, or cause • Withdraw (Immediately closes the pathway and ends any
the usual number of undead to be completely and immediately ongoing damage, but does not close the conduit)
The Withdraw ability can be used by a priest as an offensive or
If an attempt to turn results in a fumble, the conduit closes defensive special effect. When selected, any essence bleeding ends,
immediately, and the priest is unable to reopen it for an hour. and any undead without the ability to initiate spectral combat are
unable to continue making spectral attacks. However, a priest is free
Instead of a normal turning attempt, a priest may instead treat a
to reinitiate combat on a subsequent turn, if they wish to do so.
turning attempt as an attack, which inflicts their spirit damage as
physical damage on a single unintelligent undead within 2 x POW The exact effect of Suppress Ability will depend on what powers the
metres. On a critical, they may roll their damage twice and select the undead in question has.
best result. Unintelligent undead never attempt to parry such attacks.
A successful compel has a duration of not more than POW hours,
Rebuking unless the undead is willing to obey for longer. An undead driven off
Instead of turning, templars and paraelemental priests rebuke the will attempt to remain out of sight of the priest, and cannot take any
undead, which causes them to cower in place. On a critical result, they action to hinder them for POW hours.
may opt to control and command the undead for POW minutes, after
which time they are automatically destroyed. The undead may be
issued orders as long as they are within 2 x POW metres. If outside
this area, they will continue to follow their last instructions. Complex
standing orders are not possible and only simple orders are allowed.

Templars and paraelemental priests may use their rebuke as an attack

inflicting spirit damage in the same way as elemental priests.

Turning Intelligent Undead

Attempts to turn intelligent undead are handled much like spirit
combat. When the priest calls upon the elemental spirits to
overwhelm and subdue the undead, they are creating a pathway
linking themselves to their target, and intelligent undead are able to
channel their own malevolent energy back at the priest.

As such, any attempt to turn or rebuke intelligent undead can be

opposed by the undead’s spectral combat value and, once the
pathway is created, the undead may also launch their own attacks.

Other Powers
Psionic Aptitude (POWx2) Each discipline includes a number of related, optional powers that
A character’s Psionic Aptitude is a measure of their raw psionic can be learned separately to the core power.
capability. Aptitude can be used to manifest Devotions. The
maximum combined Intensity of all active psionic abilities can be no Enhancements
higher than Psionic Aptitude/10 (rounding up). This limit includes Enhancements are talents that are used to enhance other abilities.
instantaneous powers, so it may be necessary for a psionicist to drop Most commonly, they provide additional utility to the core power,
an ongoing power to use an instantaneous one. but some enhancements can also be used to improve devotions or
other powers.
All PCs, and a significant number of NPCs, creatures and monsters
across Athas, have trained Psionic Aptitude, and have access to one Learning New Abilities
or more psionic devotions. Characters who develop their aptitude but
Learning a new discipline costs 7 XP Rolls, and typically takes around
do not learn psionic disciplines are commonly referred to as wild
six months. However, if the character has access to professional
psychic tutors, this time can be reduced to 1d3 months. The character
begins with the discipline at its base value, with access to the core
Psionic Discipline power.

There are six psionic disciplines, each with their own skill, that Learning a new talent (whether enhancement or power) costs 5 XP
represent the more refined training of dedicated psionicists. When a Rolls, and the psionicist must have a skill value in the discipline equal
discipline is trained, the psionicist gains access to the discipline’s core to or greater than the requisite. This takes about a month, or 1d3
power. The core power increases in effectiveness as skill in the weeks with psychic tutelage.
discipline improves.
Devotions can either be trained or discovered. Training a devotion
Additional talents that further enhance the core power or provide costs 4 XP Rolls and takes the same time as learning a talent. A trained
new powers are also available to dedicated psionicists. Each talent has devotion can be from any discipline; the psionicist does not need to
a prerequisite discipline skill value that must be met before it can be have training in that discipline.
learned (listed in brackets after the talent name).
Discovering a devotion costs only 2 XP Rolls, and it takes only day to
When utilising a devotion that belongs to a discipline they have master, as the ability is spontaneously manifested. However, players
trained, a psionicist can choose to use their relevant psionic discipline do not get to choose which devotion is discovered; they are
skill, instead of their aptitude. When doing so, they may be able to determined randomly. If a randomly determined devotion is a
employ more powerful versions of the devotion, or apply known duplicate of one already known, the character can instead increase
enhancements. their Psionic Aptitude or a trained devotion of their choice by 2%.

The Magnitude of powers manifested via a discipline are equal to

Discipline/20 (rounding up).

Psionic Abilities
Psionic abilities are broadly divided into devotions and talents.
Talents are further broken down into enhancements and powers.

Devotions are available to anyone who develops Psionic Aptitude,
including all PCs. A significant proportion of all the thinking
creatures on Athas have access to devotions. When manifested using
psionic aptitude, a devotion is considered a basic devotion. It has an
Intensity and Magnitude of 1, and a fixed, fairly limited effect.

Each devotion falls under the umbrella of a specific discipline, and

devotions can be manifested using the relevant devotion skill instead
of aptitude. In this case, it is considered an advanced devotion, and
may have improved effects. Advanced devotions may also be
modified by relevant enhancements from their discipline.

Core Powers
Each discipline has an associated core power. Training the discipline
automatically increase the utility of the core power.

Power Points If the power requires Power Points to be committed, this means the
All characters have a base PP pool equal to their POW. Power points power remains active for as long as the PP remain committed.
are used to power psionics, spirit magic and to refill a templar’s Committed Power Points cannot be recovered during periods of rest,
devotional pool, but not to power sorcery. and as long as the Power Points are committed, the Intensity of the
power counts against the psionicist’s limit.
Power points are recovered during periods of rest and meditation.
The recovery rate is a number of PP equal to the character’s healing
rate, per hour of suitable rest, up to a maximum of six times the Starting Talents and Devotions
healing rate in any 24-hour period.
A beginning character can select one talent for each step where they
Any time a character’s PP would be reduced below zero, they must are qualified (Discipline values of 21, 41, 61 and 81. The chosen talent
make a Willpower check. On a failure, they suffer a number of hit can be of the qualifying level, but not higher. For example, with a
points of damage to the head equal to the excess PP beyond zero, and Discipline value of 41, the character could select one talent with a
fall unconscious for a number of hours equal to the excess (during requisite of 21 and one with a requisite of 41, or two talents with a
which time, no PP are recovered). A fumble results in a coma for a requisite of 21, but not two talents with a requisite of 41.
number of days equal to the amount below zero.
Most characters will be begin with one devotion for every 20% of
Subsequent checks are at cumulatively higher degrees of difficulty,
Psionic Aptitude, rounding up. The first devotion can be chosen, the
unless a critical is obtained, in which case the next check will be at the
next two must be rolled randomly and a fourth, if any, can be chosen.
same difficulty level. The difficulty does not reset to normal until the
If the player gets the result, “Roll twice, rerolling this result” they can
character’s PP pool is completely filled.
earn two talents for one slot.

Activating Powers Psionicists start with one Devotion for very 10% of Psionic Aptitude,
rounding up, and they may choose all their starting devotions.
Devotions can be manifested using Psionic Aptitude or a relevant
Discipline, while other powers use the relevant Discipline. Each Players may always elect to roll on the random devotion table, instead
power has its own cost, which may be modified by enhancements. of selecting a specific devotion when they’re eligible to do so.
Once the cost and difficulty has been determined, the psionic However, if a roll is made, the result is final.
activation roll is made:
Duplicate devotions apply a +2% to either Psionic Aptitude or a
❖ Critical Success: the ability is manifested successfully, and costs
only half the usual Power Points (round down)
trained Discipline, as usual.
❖ Success: the ability is manifested successfully, at the normal costs.
❖ Failure: The ability is not manifested, and one Power Point is
❖ Fumble: The ability is not manifested. The psionicist expends either
the full Power Point cost or 3PP, whichever is greater.

Psionic Disciplines
Clairsentience (POW+INT)
Improve Outcome (41)
Clairsentience is sometimes referred to as precognition, as it primarily
revolves around reading patterns of psionic energy to predict the Power Cost: 2PP (Commit) Intensity: 2
If this power is active, the precog will gain a vision of impending
future. However, it can also be used to view the past, analyse other
failure, for themselves or an ally, before it occurs. This enables a
patterns of psionic energy and manipulate future events.
failure to be rerolled, although the new result stands.
Oracle (Core) After receiving such a vision, the character can pay 2PP to maintain
Core Power Cost: 1PP Intensity: 1 the power; otherwise, it ends (this does not increase the amount of PP
This power provides the psionicists with a vision of the likely committed).
outcome of a given course of action. The chosen course must be
something that the character could begin to put into action Destiny Shield (41)
immediately, although for long term objectives, this could involve Power Cost: 2PP (Commit) Intensity: 2
planning and gathering resources. The vision will show the psionicist Destiny shield allows the psionicist to predict the nature of incoming
the most significant likely effect of the decision that is expected to attacks. The character may spend 1PP to make a parry, evade or
occur within the given time frame psionic resistance one degree easier, prior to rolling.
● Trained: Within a minute
● Clairsentience 31: Within a day
Anguished Vision (61)
● Clairsentience 51: Within a week Power Cost: 3PP (Commit) Intensity: 3
● Clairsentience 71: Within three months While this ability is active, the precog is maintaining a complete and
● Clairsentience 91: Within a year constantly updated copy of the entire psionic weave that has existed
in their immediate vicinity over the of the last few seconds. At any
Precognitive Adaptation (21) time, they can trigger a rollback to the start of the record, essentially
resetting their immediate environs (for example, going back to the
Power Cost: 1PP Intensity: 1
start of the combat round that was just completed). Once triggered,
The psionicist assesses the likely outcome of a course of action, and
the power ends.
can apply their Psionics (Clairsentience) as an augment to any single
skill check. This ability can only be used in a situation where the While the power can be immediately remanifested, trying to trigger a
psionicist has time to assess and not, for example, in the middle of rollback more than once in a 24-hour period is extremely dangerous,
combat. due to the great strain on the psionicist’s mind. Attempting to do so
causes the psionicist to suffer 3d6 levels of fatigue, which cannot be
Precognitive Mastery (21)
mitigated in any way.
Enhancement Intensity: I
When activating a clairsentience power, the character can reduce the
Cursed Luck (61)
effective Intensity by paying an additional 2PP or increasing the
Power Cost: 2PP Intensity: 2
difficulty by one level, for each point of Intensity reduction. Note that
A target within POW x 2 metres has chords of negative probability
this power itself adds one point of effective Intensity, which cannot
woven into their psionic pattern. The target may resist using
be eliminated.
Willpower or Clairsentience in an opposed check. If they fail, all skill
Danger Sense (21) checks they make are one degree harder. At the start of each round,
they may attempt a further Willpower check against the original
Power Cost: 2PP (Commit) Intensity: 2
result to shake off the effect.
If this power is active, the precog will gain a vision of impending
danger moments before hand, allowing them to avoid surprise, alert
Forced Outcome (61)
companions, not eat the poisoned meat, etc.
Power Cost: 2PP Intensity: 2
After receiving such a vision, the character can pay 2PP to maintain The psionicist is able to dictate the outcome of relatively simple
the power; otherwise, it ends (this does not increase the amount of PP mechanical events, such as the spinning of a roulette wheel, toss of a
committed). coin or the shuffling of a deck of cards. Other events of similar
complexity can be affected, even if the outcome seems absurdly
Aura Sight (41) improbable, as long as they do not require or involve active intelligent
Power Cost: 1PP Intensity: 1 intent.
This power allows the psionicist to read another person or creature’s
aura. The psionicist will need to look closely at the subject, but is able Someone using a false shuffle would render this power useless, but a
to be surreptitious about if the situation allows. The target opposes loaded die rolled otherwise fairly could be made to land on any face.
the check passively with Willpower (they will not typically be aware
they are being studied, as the process is non-invasive, but more Miraculous Fortune (81)
disciplined individuals will leak less information into their aura). If Power Cost: 5PP Intensity: 4
successful, the psionicist is able to either learn the subject’s key skills In the moments before a fatal event, the psionicist crudely wrenches
and rough values for those skills (in brackets of 20), or get as sense for the strands of time and probability to save themselves, even if this
their key personality traits (eg, cruel, selfish, generous, shy). If the results in wildly improbable events. They remain safe for at least the
subject is currently feeling strong emotions, these may overshadow next few minutes, as long as they don’t intentionally place themselves
and obscure their usual traits. back in danger.
Due to the effort required do distort reality so abruptly, this power Mindtracing (21)
cannot be manifested more than once per week. Additionally, when
Power Cost: 2PP (Commit) Intensity: I
it is used, the character exhausts any luck points they may have, and
If the psionicist witnesses active psionic power, mindtracing allows
may not gain more (or benefit from group luck) during the period
them to trace the power back to the source, allowing them to see and
when this power is unavailable.
hear through the senses of the psionicist using the power, and
providing an understanding of the target’s location relative to
Prophecy (81) themselves. Unless the target has mind blank active, they are also
Power Cost: 3 (Commit) Intensity: 4 valid targets for any psionic power the metapsionicist wishes to use,
The precog is able to directly influence the future, and may utter a assuming they have sufficient range.
prophecy about their personal future, within the next year.

As long as the character immediately begins and maintains working

Neural Honeypot (41)
towards the prophesied future, the outcome is within reasonable Power Cost: 2PP (Commit) Intensity: 2
bounds of probability, the goal is not directly opposed by others, and A neural honeypot can be manifested in response to an attack. Doing
the Power Points remain committed, the prophesied future will come so means the psionicist automatically forgoes any active defences and
to pass. counts as failing any opposed check to resist the enemy manifestation.
However, assuming they survive the attack, they discover the nature
of any active psionic defences the attacker has. Further, as long as the
Metapsionics (POW+INT) honeypot remains active, the next psionic attack they launch back at
the attacking mind is one degree of difficulty easier, and any
Metapsionics involves a detailed study of psionic theory that is
resistance is three degrees harder. The trap automatically ends after
extremely complex but opens up possibilities of practical application
one counter-attack.
to all disciplines. Many psionicists study at least a little metaspsionics,
just so they can recognise psionic activity around them.
Psychic Static (41)
Psychic Refinement (Core) Power Cost: var. Intensity: 2
A psionicist employing psychic static spends any number of Power
Core Power Cost: 0PP Intensity: 1
Points, and disrupts the psionic weave in the vicinity of a chosen
A metapsionicist does not need to expend PP or make a Psionic
target. This can be done in response to a psionic power being
Discipline check to manifest the abilities gained via psychic
refinement, nor does the Intensity count against their limit of active
powers. Instead, the development of the metapsionic discipline If the target spends a number of Power Points equal to the amount
provides automatic enhancements to the psionicist’s overall used to create the static, there is no further effect. If they do not do so,
capabilities. they must make an opposed check of either Willpower or
Metaspsionics vs the attacker’s Metapsionics, with the defender
● Trained: The metapsionicist can detect active psionic rolling at Hard difficulty. If the defender loses, any power they were
power, and its Magnitude, although they can’t necessarily trying to manifest fails, and all active powers they were maintaining
determine the actual power in use. If they can see both the are immediately dismissed.
source and the target, they are able to determine who is
using psionic powers, and on who or what. They can also In either case, the defender is immediately aware of the source of the
detect active spirits and theism (but not sorcery). interference.
● Metapsionics 31: The metapsionicist can identify the
Discipline of any active psionic power they can detect. Psychic Clone (41)
Their rate of PP recovery is increased by one per hour. Power Cost: 2PP (Commit) Intensity: 2
● Metapsionics 51: The metapsionicist can determine if a When this power is manifested, a psionic clone of the carrier rises
person or creature has psionic ability, with a round of from their body. The clone looks like the psionicist, but is obviously
visual inspection. They are able to determine if a psionicist ephemeral, and has no physical form. The psionicist sees and hears
has trained a Discipline, or merely has Aptitude. They can from the perspective of the clone, which has a move of 6m. The clone
also detect bound spirits and recognise theistic channelers. can move past or through anything the psionicist usually could,
● Metapsionics 71: The psionicist increases the maximum although it does so without directly interacted (eg, the clone could
allowed Intensity of combined active powers by pass through an unlocked door, but it could not pass through a locked
Metapsionics/40. They can identify any basic Devotion they and barred door that the psionicist would have no way of opening).
can detect, and can cancel such a Devotion, as an action, at
The clone cannot be affected or harmed by physical attacks or
no PP cost.
damage, but can use psionics, and can be affected by magic or
● Metapsionics 91: May expend Fatigue in lieu of PP, on a 1-
psionics that affect the mind.
for-1 basis. All attempts to resist psychic attacks are one
degree easier. The body is inert, and has no consciousness. The psionicist can smell
and feel anything their body can, but the body cannot move.
Cloak Power (21)
Power Cost: 1PP (Commit) Intensity: 1 The clone can travel up to POW x 2m from the psionicist’s body.
For as long as the psionicist is cloaked, their active abilities and the
fact that they have psionic ability is invisible to anyone whose Suspend Manifestation (41)
Metapsionic skill is lower. Metapsionicists with higher skill may Power Cost: 3PP (Commit) Intensity: 2
make an opposed check of Metaspsionics to pierce the cloak. This When manifested in conjunction with another psionic ability, the
power will not cloak theism, animism or sorcery. second ability is held in a suspended state, ready to be unleashed
almost instantly. The PP cost of both powers must be committed,

although only the Intensity of the power being suspended needs to be
accounted for.

During the initial activation, the psionicist must successfully mainfest

both this power and the one to be suspended. When the suspended
power is manifested, another check is necessary, but there is no
further PP cost.

A suspended manifestation may be manifested as a free action, with

no Action Point cost.

Concert of Minds (61)

Power Cost: 4PP (Commit) Intensity: 3
This power allows the metapsionicist to form a gestalt mind with
other willing psionicists within 3m. Once the gestalt is formed, it
Psychic Surge (61)
remains for as long as the metapsionicist keeps it active, no matter the Power Cost: 0 Intensity: 3
distance separating them, although other members are free to leave at Manifesting this power causes the psionicist to suffer 1d3 points of
any time. damage to the head, that cannot be mitigated in any way. They
immediately gain Power Points equal to three times the damage
No thoughts or senses are shared in the communion, merely psionic suffered.
power, and any member can use the powers and skills of any other
member, although they must pay from their own pool of PP. A failure to manifest results in 1d3 damage and three levels of fatigue.
A fumble results in 1d6 damage and five levels of fatigue.
At the end of any round where one or more members uses a skill or
power belonging to another, the metapsionicist must pay 2PP if they
Flawless Mastery (81)
wish to maintain the gestalt.
Power Cost: 2PP (Commit) Intensity: -
The number of minds that can be added to the gestalt (in addition to This power grants the psionicist mastery of another Devotion or
the metapsionicist’s own) is equal to their Metaspsionics/30 (round Power. The exact effect depends on the selected power:
● Devotion: A basic devotion can be used at no PP cost, and
Psychic Friction (61) its Intensity does not count against the limits of active
Power Cost: 3PP Intensity: 3 powers (enhancements applied to the devotion can raise its
The psionic weave in the vicinity of a target becomes chaotically PP cost above zero). Advanced devotions are treated as
disturbed. The target must be within POW x 10m, and the effect lasts powers.
for POW minutes. ● Talent (Power): The power costs 2PP less, and its Intensity
is considered to be 2 less when assessing the limit on active
For the duration, whenever the target attempts to use a psionic ability,
powers (cost and Intensity have a minimum value of 1,
the difficulty is one degree harder. On a failed activation, they lose an
after accounting for any enhancements).
additional 1d4PP, and on a fumble they lose 2d4.
Only a single ability can be mastered this way at any one time.
The target will realise what has happened, but unless they are a
However, with a month of practice, the psionicist can change the
metaspsionicist, will not necessarily know who manifested the effect.
mastered ability (during this month, no ability counts as mastered).

Psychic Tutelage (61) Tower of Iron Will (81)

Power Cost: special Intensity: special
Power Cost: 3PP (Commit) Intensity: 3
This power enables the psionicist to modulate the psionic
This power grants the psionicist complete immunity to the effects of
environment so that practical exercises with psionic power are
a single psionic discipline, chosen when the talent is learned. The
significantly less dangerous to an untrained user and those around
talent can be learned additional times, to gain defences against other
them. Without this talent, the Teach skill is of significantly less utility
disciplines. While the power is active, the psionicist is completely
when teaching psionic techniques.
immune to any deleterious effects of the selected discipline (although
they can choose to be affected).

This power can be extended to any allies within 10m at the cost of 1PP
per person. Affected allies will lose the defence if they are more than
10m from the metapsionicist, but will regain the defence when they
return, as long as the PP spent on them remain committed. The effect
can be added to new targets that come within range, but another
successful power check will be required to protect them.

Power Cost: 4PP Intensity: 4
It takes three consecutive actions to unleash a psionic ultrablast. The
psionicist expends 1PP on each of the first two actions, and the final 2
PP on the third action.

One the blast is unleashed, any conscious mind within POW metres the defence as if they are parrying with a huge shield, using their
must make an opposed check vs the psionicist’s metaspsionics. Those Psychokinesis skill. Each parry is an Action, as usual.
who lose the check fall unconscious for 2d6 x POW minutes.
Telekinetic Armoury (21)
Anyone who fumbles their defence loses the ability to manifest any
Power Cost: 2PP (Commit) Intensity: Var
psionic power for (attacker) POW days. After the duration, the victim
Manifests a psychokinetic weapon of the psionicist’s choice. This has
must make a hard Psionic Aptitude check. If they fail, they remain
the stats for a normal weapon if its type, but cannot be broken.
unable to manifest for another POW day, when they can check again.
Ranged weapons have a reloading time of zero and infinite
If any subsequent checks result in a fumble, Psionic Ability is also
ammunition; thrown weapons manifest new versions in hand once
reduced by 10 points and, if it ever reaches zero, the character
thrown. The original thrown or launched missile disappears when the
permanently loses the ability to manifest.
new one comes to hand, so Impalement with these weapons ends
If the attacker fumbles their attempt to manifest, their own after determining the initial effect. It is also possible to choose to
consciousness shuts down for 1d10 days, and their body becomes withdraw an impaling melee weapon without making a Brawn check,
comatose. but this will mean no extra damage is inflicted.

The intensity varies based on the type of weapon:

Psychokinesis (POW+INT) • Small: 1

• Medium: 2
Psychokinesis, often also referred to as telekinesis, is the ability to
• Large: 3
apply psionic force against matter. However, the forces being
• Huge: 4
manifested are also mimicking matter; after all, a basic telekinetic
• Bow or Sling: 3
shove is not meaningfully different in effect than a person shoving
you with their own, physical body. As such, psychokinesis can also The type of weapon can be changed as an Action, with a successful
be used to manifest effects that amount to the creation of physical Psychokinesis check. On failure, the change still occurs, but the PP
objects. cost must be paid again. On a fumble, the power ends.

Telekinetic Manipulation (Core) Absorption Field (41)

Core Power Cost: 1PP (Commit) Intensity: 1 Power Cost: 2PP (Commit) Intensity: 2
The core function of psychokinesis is applying physical force at a If this power is active, the psionicist can spend 4PP as a free action to
distance. Telekinetic manipulation cannot usually be used as a negate any single physical impact against them (such as a weapon
weapon, to directly harm mobile, living targets, or to manipulate strike or falling damage). This can be done after damage dice are
items being held or worn by living beings. rolled. Once triggered, the absorption field dissipates, and cannot be
manifested again for 24 hours.
Objects that can be clearly seen are able to be manipulated, and can
be moved at roughly 20m per round. Restrained, living targets can be Telekinetic Lubrication (41)
subject to telekinetic manipulation. Power Cost: 2PP (Commit) Intensity: 2
The psionicist is able to make a surface up to POW metres in diameter
• Trained: Objects can be manipulated as if with the semi-frictionless. The centrepoint of the effect can be up to POW x 10
psionicist’s own strength, using one hand. A restrained metres distant, as long as it is visible. Anyone within the area when
human target can be choked. Only one object can be the power manifests must make a Hard Athletics check to maintain
manipulated at a time. their footing. Once fallen, it is a Formidable check to stand up. Any
• Psychokinesis 31: Up to POW x 10kg can be manipulated, physical activity within the area while standing is one degree harder,
with the same precision as if using both hands. and any failed check will result in falling. Simply moving around
• Psychokinesis 51: Up to POW x 20kg can be manipulated. requires a Hard Athletics check.
Items of light wooden construction can be smashed.
• Psychokinesis 71: Up to POW x 40kg can be manipulated. Psychokinetic Expertise (41)
Any number of individual items can be manipulated
Enhancement Intensity: -
simultaneously, up to the maximum weight limit. Each Manifesting telekinetic manipulation no longer costs Power Points.
item requires another instance of this power, and normal
limits on Intensity apply. Hurling (41)
• Psychokinesis 91: Up to POW x 40kg can be manipulated. Power Cost: 1PP Intensity: 1
Items of light stone or brick construction can be smashed. This power allows the psionicist to hurl small objects within POW
metres at a target. The attack uses the characteristics of a sling or staff
Psychokinetic Mobility (21) sling, at the psionicist’s discretion, but their Psychokinetic skill is used
Power Cost: 1PP (Commit) Intensity: 1 in place of a combat style. Most psionic defences are unable to defend
The psychokineticist is able to move over surfaces in any orientation against this attack, as the missile is moving under its own inertia
when it arrives at the target. Powers that can stop the psionicist from
as if they were horizontal, as long as the surface is strong enough to
manifesting the power in the first place remain effective.
hold 5kg of weight. They may also move over liquid surfaces, and can
cross silt without causing a disturbance.
Telekinetic Construct (61)
Telekinetic Shield (21) Power Cost: 2 (Commit) Intensity: 2
The psionicist is able to manifest an object or structure of pure
Power Cost: 2PP (Commit) Intensity: 2
telekinetic force into existence. This can be mobile, or fixed in place,
While this power is active, the psionicist can turn aside any missile
of any basic shape or design that will fit into a cube 3m to a side. It
weapons aimed at themselves or passing within POW metres. Treat
does not need to rest on a solid surface, and can appear in any location

visible to its creator, within POW x 2 metres. The structure has AP6 All psychometabolism powers have a range of touch, unless
and 20 hit points. otherwise specified.

The psionicist decides when creating the structure whether or not it Psychic Stabilisation (Core)
will be visible to others.
Core Power Cost: 1PP Intensity: 1
Each use of psychic stabilisation costs 1PP. In addition, the patient
Telekinetic Ram (61) must expend a number of PP, as determined by the level of the
Power Cost: 3PP Intensity: 3 manifestation. If the psionicist is their own patient, they must pay
With this power, the psionicist manifests a series of powerful both costs. A patient who expends fewer PP than the healer’s
psychokinetic impacts against a particular point in a chosen object maximum intensity obtains a lower benefit; if they expend 0PP they
within POW x 10 metres. It takes 3 consecutive Actions (paying 1PP gain no benefit at all. Psychic stabilisation cannot normally regrow
per Action) to build up to the release of force, at which point the target missing limbs, but can reattach severed limbs when repairing major
takes 10d6 damage. wounds. The basic stabilisation effect is instantaneous. Other healing
takes 10 minutes per Intensity to complete, but the healer’s attention
During the build-up period, there is a clear warping of physical and
is only required to commence the process; it is not required
psionic space at the planned impact point, which any living creature
will notice. As the power is ruined if the target moves, and any target
at such a location is highly likely to move, telekinetic ram is generally ● Trained: Stabilises all major wounds and stops bleeding.
only useful against buildings and fortifications. [Cost: 1PP]
● Psychometabolism 31: Completely heals a single minor
Reflective Psychokinesis (61) wound [Cost: 2PP]
Power Cost: 1PP Intensity: 2 ● Psychometabolism 51: Completely heals all minor wounds
After making a successful defence against a physical attack and or a single serious wound [Cost: 3PP]
earning a special effect, manifesting this power (which can be done as ● Psychometabolism 71: Completely heals all serious and
a free action) allows the psionicist to select accidental injury or select minor wounds, or a single major wound. [Cost: 4PP]
target, even if the attacker did not fumble. ● Psychometabolism 91: Completely heals all serious and
minor wounds, plus a single major wound. [Cost: 5PP]
Psychokinetic Puppetry (81)
Power Cost: 4PP (Commit) Intensity: 4 Metabolism Mastery (21)
This dreaded power enables the telekeneticist to suborn a target’s Enhancement Intensity: -
control over their own body. A victim of more than animal The psionicist can ignore difficulty penalties when using
intelligence may resist the effect using either Psychokinesis or psychometabolic abilities, at a cost of 1PP per difficulty level ignored.
Metabolic Purification (21)
Once control is seized, the victim remains motionless, awaiting
instructions. As an Action, the psionicist is able to control the puppets Enhancement Intensity: 1
Allows psychic stabilisation to also cure any disease or poison
physical actions, using the lower of their own skills or the victim’s.
afflicting the patient. This increases the difficulty of the check by one
While control is reasonably fine and precise, it does not allow for clear
level, or the PP cost by 2. The patient must pay at least 1PP for the
speech – at best, grunting, slurring, snarling words are possible
basic ability, plus 1PP for each affliction being purified.
(although the victim can be prevented from crying out for help).

The range of the effect is POW metres, and the psionicist must be able Remote Manipulation (21)
to see the victim in order to issue instructions. The puppet Enhancement Intensity: 1
immediately regains control of themselves if they have reason to Allows any psychometabolism power to be used out to a range of
believe they’re about to do something irrevocably suicidal, or if they POW x 4 metres. This increases the difficulty of the check by one level,
end up beyond POW metres away. or the PP cost by 2.

Psychokinetic Flight (81) Invincible Stand (41)

Power Cost: 3PP (Commit) Intensity: 4 Power Cost: 1PP Intensity: 2
This power allows the psionicist to fly at twice their normal This power allows the patient’s limbs and body parts to function as if
movement speed (or fall at up to terminal velocity). Allies within they are undamaged. Severed limbs, if held to the stump, will regain
POW x 2 metres can also gain the power of flight, for an additional full functionality for as long as the power is active. Once manifested
2PP each. Such allies can control themselves if allowed; otherwise on a patient, the psionicist does not need to maintain physical contact,
they will maintain their relative position with the telekineticist. If they just visual or psionic contact. The power costs 1PP per body part
end up outside the control range, or the power is cancelled, they will being given functionality, per combat round.
fall uncontrollably.
Psychic Regrowth (41)
This power can be manifested reflexively in response to a fall, in order
Enhancement Intensity: 2
to avoid injury.
This power allows psychic stabilisation to heal major wounds, even if
limbs are missing. It takes one week to regrow a missing limb. Psychic
Psychometabolism (POW+CON) stabilisation can also be enhanced to heal any and all injuries, as long
as the patient is not already dead. This increases the difficulty of the
Psychometabolism is sometimes referred to as biopsionics or psionic check by two levels, or the PP cost by 4.
healing. It involves manipulation of living creatures, such as the PC
races, but does not typically work on plant-based life-forms.
Selfless Healing (41) level for as long as the power is active. The subject suffers two levels
of fatigue when the power ends.
Enhancement Intensity: 1
This power allows a psychometabolist to lend a patient their own
psionic energy. When using psychic stabilisation, the psionicist can
Resonant Psychic Reconstruction (81)
pay some or all of the PP cost from their own power point pool. Power Cost: 3PP (Commit) Intensity: 4
If the psionicist is killed while this power is active, they will
Death Field (61) regenerate from the largest remaining part over the next 24 hours. The
resonant echoes of the psionicist have a rudimentary understanding
Power Cost: 2PP Intensity: 2
of the situation around them, and the regeneration process can be
This power is rarely taught by psionic schools, and its use is
postponed for up to a week. If any significant damage is suffered
considered a great evil by most. When activated, the psionicist fills
during the regeneration process, the psionicist must pass a herculean
the local psionic field with negative energy, which disrupts the
Endurance check, or they are permanently dead.
normal functioning of thinking beings.

The psionicist decides how much damage they wish to inflict – this
can be any amount up to twice their own maximum head hit points.
If the power is manifested successfully, the psionicist immediately
suffers this amount of damage to their head – no power can reduce or
limit the damage. Every other thinking being within POW metres
must make an opposed END check; those that fail suffer the same
amount of damage to the head.

A psionicist who inflicts a major wound on themself when

manifesting this power completely obliterates their own
consciousness, and is dead. If the psionicist fumbles when attempting
to manifest, they suffer the full amount of damage, even though no
one else is affected.

Metamorphosis (61)
Power Cost: 2PP (Commit) Intensity: 3
This power allows the psionicist to alter the appearance and structure
of a willing, animal target. Changes must be within 50% of their usual
mass, can include natural attacks such as claws and bites (these must
be within norms for SIZ, and the power does not provide any skill
with these forms), can add up to 2 points of natural armour (or
remove all natural armour) and can mimic the appearance of others
(limited by the psionicist’s familiarity).

Metabolic Overload (61)

Power Cost: 1PP Intensity: 2
The psionicist turns a target’s metabolic systems against them. The
target may roll Endurance or Psionics (Psychometabolism) in an
opposed check vs the psionicist’s Psionics (Psychometabolism). If the
target loses, they suffer 1d6 damage to random location, and also lose
2PP as their own psychic energy is used to fuel the damage.

Shadowform (61)
Power Cost: 2PP (Commit) Intensity: 2
When this power is manifested, the psionicist converts their entire
body into living shadow. As a Hard check, they can also convert their
clothing, and up to 8 ENC of equipment and armour. While in
shadowform, the psionicist can only move through areas of shadow,
with a move of 6m. The psionicist blends perfectly with the shadow,
and only powerful magic or abilities which can sense consciousness
will enable them to be detected. The character cannot pass through
areas of open light, and is unable to interact with or pass through
physical objects or creatures – however, psionics can be activated as
usual. If an attempt to manifest shadowform with equipment results
in a fumble, one random item is permanently lost to shadow.

Adrenalise (81)
Power Cost: 3PP (Commit) Intensity: 4
The target’s metabolic system is overcharged and hyperstimulated.
All skills based on STR or DEX have their difficulties reduced by one

Psychoportation (POW+CON) Perceptive Dislocation (41)
Power Cost: 2PP Intensity: 2
Psychoportation is often referred to by the more mundane term The psionicist is able to shift their senses to any location they could
teleportation. Most uses of this discipline are fairly self-evident. teleport to – seeing, hearing and smelling as if they were there. Other
Abuses of this discipline are typically punished quickly and severely psionic powers can be employed based on the things perceived, and
by the authorities, as no Sorcerer King wants upstart locals thinking as if the psionicist was there. The effect lasts for up to POW minutes.
they can drop in on them bathing.
Spatial Synchronicity (41)
Personal Psychoportation (Core)
Power Cost: 2PP (Commit) Intensity: 2
Core Power Cost: 1PP Intensity: 1 The psychoporter forms a psychic connection with an object or
This power allows the psionicist to teleport to either a previously person. For as long as the object remains relatively intact and within
visited location or a visible one. It takes two Action Points to conduct range of their personal psychoportation, they know the object’s exact
a teleport, and one Action Point to re-orient at the point of arrival. position and distance, and have a general feel for its surrounds. They
Should the chosen destination hold significant environmental can teleport to the object as if it were at a known location. Only one
dangers or be filled with solid matter, the psychoporter will get a item can be imprinted at a time; it takes an hour to imprint upon a
sense of the danger, and can choose to abort, although the PP cost knew object. Intelligent targets must be willing and cooperative,
must still be paid. while objects and unintelligent animals must weigh at least 1kg.

Normal carried and worn items can be taken with the psionicist or left
behind, at their option. Especially bulky items (and people) will be
Blink (61)
left behind. Items embedded in the psionicist cannot be left. Items Power Cost: 0PP Intensity: 2
cannot be partially left – either they travel or are left behind intact. While this power is active, the psionicist is able to use their
Psychoportion skill in place of Evade, to avoid physical attacks, with
The maximum distance that can be teleported increases with no chance of falling prone. Each such use costs 1PP.
experience and training:
Apportation Ambush (61)
● Trained: POW metres Enhancement Intensity: 3
● Psychoportation 31: 5 x POW metres This power allows the psionicist, on their turn, to use their personal
● Psychoportation 51: POW kilometres psychoportation at no Action Point cost, and with no cost to orient.
● Psychoportation 71: 50 x POW kilometres On arrival, they may spend an Action Point as normal and they may
● Psychoportation 91: Anywhere on Athas then either remain in their new location, or return immediately to
their starting position.
Proficient Psychoportation (21)
This increases the difficulty by two levels, or costs an addition 4PP, or
Enhancement Intensity: 1
Personal psychoportation can be conducted for a single Action Point increases the difficulty by one and increases the cost by 2PP.
and, if the destination is within visual range, no action points need to If the psychoporter uses this ability to position themselves for an
be used to reorient at the destination. This increases the difficulty by attack, any defence will typically be Hard.
one level, or the PP cost by 2.
Blind Intrusion (81)
Spatial Awareness (21) Enhancement Intensity 3
Power PP Cost: 1 (Commit) Intensity: 1 This enhancement allows personal psychoportation to be used to
The psionicist is able to gain a sense of their physical surroundings teleport into an area that cannot be seen, such as beyond a door or
out to 100m. This is essentially a distinct, black-and-white inside a building. The psionicist must be able to see the building or
representation of any solid or semi-solid objects in a 360° arc, roughly obstruction they plan to teleport inside/beyond, or have studied it
equivalent to normal sight in usefulness. It is unimpeded by darkness, previously.
illusions or bright light, but does not allow for the identification of
The psionicist cannot choose their exact point of entry, but can select
fine detail. Light mists and rain will reduce clarity a little, while solid
a general area within or beyond the obstruction, and the power will
bodies of liquid or transparent material will block the effect.
ensure they are placed on a solid surface in a safe area.

Effortless Psychoportation (21) This enhancement increases the difficulty of personal

Enhancement Intensity: - psychoportation by on level, or the PP cost by 2.
The psionicist can ignore difficulty penalties when using
psychoportation abilities, at a cost of 1PP per difficulty level ignored. Unbidden Apportation (81)
Enhancement Intensity: 3
Burdened Psychoportation (41) This enhancement allows the psionicist to teleport an unwilling
Enhancement Intensity 1 + 1 per subject target. The target can be sent on their own, or the psionicist can travel
This enhancement allows the psionicist to bring willing subjects along with them. In either case, the victim can automatically resist the effect
when teleporting. The subjects must be within 3 metres of the if the arrival point presents an environmental danger. Otherwise, they
psionicist, and each additional person either increases the difficulty can resist with an opposed check, using either Willpower or
by one level or the PP cost by 2. The maximum combined SIZ of Psychoportation.
people that can be moved is equal to the psionicist’s Psychoportation This enhancement increases the difficulty of personal
skill. psychoportation by one level, or the PP cost by 2.

which power was used and what the invasive telepath is doing or
trying to do.

Any telepathic power that does not provide a chance to resist is

shallow enough it will not be noticed unless the telepath wants their
presence to be known.

Telepathic Contact (Core)

Core Power Cost: Var (Commit) Intensity: 1
Use of the non-invasive elements of telepathy are usually considered

Telepathy (POW+CHA) acceptable, even polite. Forms of telepathic contact that can be
resisted are considered invasive and an assault on the psyche. Using
Telepathy is the most common and the most feared of the psionic any level of telepathic contact counts as “contact” for the purposes of
disciplines. Even though it is not actually any more powerful than the other telepathic powers.
others disciplines, many people have a visceral fear of their private
• Trained: The telepath is able to get a sense of a target’s
thoughts and feelings being laid bare. As a result, abuses of telepathy
general mental state. Particularly intense emotions might
tend to result in brutal justice, and it is considered in extremely bad
come with a single word related to the focus of those
taste to even joke about reading another’s mind.
emotions. [Cost: 0PP]
The Templars, of course, are quite happy to make use of telepathy for • Telepathy 31: The telepath is able to access the target’s
their own ends. language centres, and can understand anything they say.
Assuming appropriate vocal cords, the telepath can talk in
Unless otherwise noted, telepathic abilities work to visual range.
the same language. [Cost: 0PP]
In most cases, telepathy is subtle, and most people will not recognise • Telepathy 51: The psionicist is able to read the subject’s
a telepathic ability has been used on them, whether or not it is surface thoughts, but not any memories. The subject may
successful. If resisting with Willpower, they will only recognise resist. [Cost: 1PP]
someone in their head (or trying to get in) if they crit their roll, or the • Telepathy 71: The telepath is able to dig down into the
telepath fumbles. subject’s memories to obtain a short answer to a question,
or a vision relating to a particular recollections. The subject
If resisting with Telepathy, any successful check means the target is may resist. The contact ends after the subject successfully
aware of an attempt to enter their mind. If the check was successful, resists or the information is obtained, although contact can
but they lost the opposed roll, they will have the horrific knowledge be re-established. [Cost: 2PP]
that someone is fossicking around inside. On a crit, they know exactly • Telepathy 71: The telepath is able to quickly obtain a full
and nuanced awareness of everything the subject knows
about a particular topic. The subject may resist. The contact
ends after the subject successfully resists or the information
is obtained, although contact can be re-established. [Cost:

Mind Trap (21)

Power Cost: 2PP (Commit) Intensity: 1
If this mental defence is active, it is triggered in response to any subtle
telepathic attack. If the telepath resists the attack, or is alerted to the
intrusion, they are able to identify the source of the attack, and they
may launch a counterattack of their own on their next Action, using
any telepathic power, even if it would not normally have sufficient

Brute force attacks, such as ego whip, psionic blast, mind thrust and
id insinuation will overwhelm the trap, and cause it to be discharged

Transmit Thought (21)

Power Cost: 1 Intensity: 1
The telepath can communicate with a mind they are in contact with.
Two-way communication is possible, using thoughts and images; a
shared language is not necessary. Note that only very limited
communication is possible with animal intelligences.

Invisibility (41)
Power Cost: 2PP (Commit) Intensity: 1
When manifesting this power, the psionicist causes a contacted mind
to be unable to see them. The target can oppose with Willpower or
Telepathy. Once invisible, the psionicist remains so until they
physically attack the target, or they cease to maintain the effect. If the
psionicist gives themselves away by other means (talking, moving
another object, touching the target), any affected subjects may test If they fail, all skill checks they make are one degree harder. At the
again against the original value. Multiple contacted targets can be start of each round, they may attempt a further Willpower check
affected, but each requires a separate manifestation of the power. against the original result to shake off the effect.

A psionicist with Telepathy 61 may choose for targets to be unable to

Psionic Blast (61)
hear or smell them, in addition to being unseen. This means they will
be unable to hear footsteps or bumping against things, but if they Power Cost: 4PP Intensity: 3
This powerful technique allows the telepath to manifest terrible
knock something over such that it falls into something else, or breaks,
waves of raw psionic energy in a cone 10 metres long and 3 metres
the sound can be heard.
wide at the end. Anyone within the blast must make an opposed
Suppress Cognition (41) check of Willpower or Telepathy vs the attacker’s Telepathy. Those
who lose suffer one level of fatigue. Further, the attack inflicts an
Power Cost: 2PP (Commit) Intensity: 2
additional level of fatigue for each level of success obtained by the
Using careful manipulation, the telepath can cause a contacted mind
to simply not think about a particular thing. This could be the
presence of the telepath, a missing item, or the fire in the corner. The
target is able to resist; if they fail, the chosen subject essentially does Memory Editing (81)
not exist for them. If this power places the victim in serious danger Power Cost: 3PP Intensity: 3
(the fire is spreading across the room), or presents a significant threat As the name suggests, this allows the telepath to edit that target’s
to something they prize incredibly highly (the telepath is kidnapping memories. The edited memories can cover up to a 24-hour period;
your husband), the effect immediately ends. things can be deleted, added and changed. Note that, in order to make
changes that do not seem jarring, the telepath may need to have had
Unless it is brought to their attention, the victim will not realise what to used telepathic contact to gain an understanding of the memories
happened to them, even after the effect ends. that are to be changed. The victim may, of course, resist this
Far Thought (41)
Enhancement Intensity: 1 Mind Union (81)
This allows contact to be made with any mind that has been contacted Power Cost: Var (Commit) Intensity: 4
before, even if the telepath does not know where they are. The Manifesting the power allows the telepath to bind up to six allies in
maximum range for the effect depends on the level of Disciple gestalt mind, at a cost of 1PP per ally. Those within the union all have
achieved: an inherent understanding of the position, condition and
• Telepathy 41: POW x 10km circumstances of all the others, over any distance, and any thoughts
• Telepathy 71: POW x 100km and feelings can be shared.
• Telepathy 91: POW x 1,000km
The members can act on the best initiative die of the group, and can
This increases the difficulty of telepathic contact by one level, or the coordinate in complex ways not usually possible. The union has a
PP cost by 2. This form of contact cannot be used for any offensive single group luck point that refreshes each round, and is allocated out
power (the subject will automatically win any opposed contest). by the telepath who formed the union (who is unable to use the luck
point themselves).
Ego Whip (61)
Power Cost: 2PP Intensity: 2 If the telepath makes contact with any other mind, the union
A contacted mind is filled with feelings of despair and inferiority. The immediately ends.
target may resist using Willpower or Telepathy in an opposed check.

Psionic Devotions
Devotions are much easier to learn than talents; in fact, many people Combat Mind
are able to manifest devotions spontaneously, without any practice or
study whatsoever.
While this devotion is manifested, the psionicist gains a bonus to their
By default, a devotion is manifested using Psionic Aptitude. Initiative equal to Magnitude x 2
Devotions manifested in this way are referred to as basic devotions,
and have an Intensity, Magnitude and Power Point cost of 1. Dowsing
Commit (Concentrate)
It is also possible to manifest a devotion using the skill associated with As long as they have a sample to hand, this devotion allows the
the power’s discipline. When manifesting in this fashion, the psionicist to detect similar material within a number of metres equal
Magnitude of the devotion is equal to the Discipline/20. Depending to the skill being used to manifest it.
on the details of the devotion in question, there may also be other
ways in which the power is more efficacious. Devotions activated in Intuitive Response
this way are referred to as advanced devotions. Whenever rolling for initiative, this devotion can be manifested to
automatically obtain the maximum possible result. This can only be
Devotions listed as Commit (Concentration) only remain active as
done before the dice are rolled, not after.
long as the psionicist maintains focused concentration. However, if
activated using a Discipline skill, the psionicist may pay an extra
Location Resonance Reading
Power Point, increasing the Intensity to 2, and may maintain the
This power grants the psionicist a vision of the most significant event
power without strict concentration.
that has occurred in the current area within the past day. As a basic
In any case where it is necessary to know the duration, but none is devotion, this provides visual information only.
provided in a devotion’s description, it will last for a scene or for the
If manifested as an advanced devotion, the vision allows the
duration of the task where it is required.
psionicist to use all their senses, including psionic ones. Additionally,
the distance into the past the power can reach is the same as their
Clairsentient Devotions Oracle can look into the future.

Alarm Object Resonance Reading

Commit This power grants the psionicist a vision of the most significant event
Manifesting alarm creates a psionic bond between the psionicists and that has occurred in the past day, in the vicinity of an item they are
their current location. The area covered can be up to 2 x POW metres touching. As a basic devotion, this provides visual information only.
in diameter. If a creature with a SIZ greater than 1 enters the area
If manifested as an advanced devotion, the vision allows the
while the power is active, the psionicist will be alerted (and awoken,
psionicist to use all their senses, including psionic ones. Additionally,
if they were asleep), although they will not know anything about the
the distance into the past the power can reach is the same as their
nature of the ingress. Once triggered, the alarm is deactivated.
Oracle can look into the future.
Alarm can also be placed on a specific item, and set to trigger if it is
touched or moved. Radial Navigation
All-Round Vision While the is devotion is active, the psionicist will always know their
Commit exact location, relative to a fixed starting point (that is, the point at
When this devotion is manifested, the psionicist is able to see in all which the devotion was first manifested). When manifested as an
directions at once – not just to the sides and rear, but also above and advanced devotion, if the psionicist is face with a decision about how
below. While this has many obvious advantages, it also means that to return to the starting point most quickly and safely (eg, which
any checks made to resist or avoid gaze attacks, or those that affect branch of a passage to take), a successful Clairsentience check will
visual sensory organs, are one degree harder than usual. provide them with the answer.

Basic Clairsensing Sense the Need

This devotion is the same as the trained level of Oracle. If the character The psionicist had a premonition that a particular item would prove
is already trained in Clairsentience, or later trains Clairsentience, this useful. On activating this power, the player may retroactively add an
devotion is replaced with +2% in the skill. item to their equipment list, assuming it could reasonably have been
acquired and be on hand, and its presence would not have changed
Bypass earlier events in any meaningful fashion.
Commit (Concentration)
A psionicist with an understanding of this technique is able to Spirit Sense
recognise the psionic energies that form an alarm. Once this power is While active, the psionicist can see and identify spirits, including
manifested, they can freely enter the warded area (or move a warded those that are manifesting magical effects for priests or druids. They
object) without triggering the alarm, as long as their bypass has a can also identify fetishes and the general type of spirit bound to it,
Magnitude that equals or exceeds that of the alarm. although they cannot determine the exact nature of the bound spirit.
The effect lasts for up to POW minutes.
If they pass through an alarm with a higher Magnitude, the bypass is
cancelled and the alarm triggers normally.
Metapsionic Devotions Mental Barrier
Mental Barrier can be used as a free action in response to psionic
Antipsionic Zone attack that allows Willpower to be used in defence. Instead of using
Willpower or the controlling Discipline, the character may attempt to
Commit (Concentration)
This devotion creates a spherical region POW metres in diameter, manifest Mental Barrier, and also use the result for their opposed
where psionic powers are unable to be used. Any power with a resistance check. This devotion cannot be used in conjunction with
Magnitude less than or equal to that of the antipsionic zone cannot be other psionic defences.
Manifested; existing powers that do not exceed the zone’s Magnitude
are cancelled when entering the zone. The zone cannot be moved once Negation
placed. This devotion can be used to cancel active psionic powers within 2 x
POW metres. If the psionicist is able see psionic powers, they can
Appraise target a specific manifestation. Otherwise, they can select a target, and
This power allows the immediate assessment of the quality of all active powers on the target will be affected. Any targeted power
physical goods with a combined ENC or SIZ no greater than the whose Magnitude is not greater than the negation is cancelled.
psionicist’s POW. It can distinguish overall quality differences
This power can also dispel templar magic.
between otherwise identical-looking items, although it does not
identify specific flaws or enhancements. The power cannot determine
Psionic Dispensation
the condition or nutritional value of foodstuffs, nor does it work on
This devotion allows another devotion, that would normally only
living objects including plants, animals or people.
affect the manifesting psionicist, to instead benefit a willing target
that they touch at the time of manifesting. Note that only devotions
Augmentation Trance
can be used in this way. Unless psionic dispensation is manifested as
After spending a minute in mediation and contemplation, the
an advanced devotions, only basic devotions can be shared.
psionicist is able to focus their psionic energy towards any task. They
may use the activating skill as an augment for a skill check carried out
Psionic Inflation
in the following minute.
The devotion disrupts the psionic field in an area POW metres in
Basic Metapsionics
radius, centred on (but not affecting) themselves. Any psionic power
This devotion is the same as the trained level of Psychic Refinement.
manifested in the area by another psionicist requires twice the normal
If the character is already trained in Metapsionics, or later trains
PP to manifest. Existing powers with committed PP will need extra
Metapsionics, this devotion is replaced with +2% in the skill.
PP committed.

Calculate If another psionicist raises their own area of inflation that overlaps
Commit (Concentration) another, the zone with the highest Magnitude cancels the other.
By enhancing their mental capabilities with psionic energy, the Where both zones are of the same magnitude, the two psionicists will
psionicist is able to instantly calculate the numbers, weight or size of need to make opposed checks of Psionic Aptitude or Metapsionics to
a thing, such as the length of a rope, number of soldiers, weight of a see which one supplants the other (keep in mind that it still costs 2PP
cask. The objects being calculated must be clearly observable (seen, to manifest the new zone). If both psionicists fail their checks, both
lifted, smelled etc). zones cease.

Cannibalise Psionic Vault

This power costs zero PP to manifest, This devotion allows the psionicist to
and allows the Psionicist to sacrifice prepare a device to hold psionic
CON for additional PP. This may energy. Such a device will typically
increase the character’s PP pool be a gem or crystal worth at least
above it’s nominal maximum. 500cp. Preparing and attuning with
Sacrificed CON is recovered at a rate the vault takes a week, after which it
equal to the character’s healing rate, can be accessed not more than once a
per week. No magical or psionic day by manifesting this power.
healing can speed this, unless it
modifies the character’s healing rate When accessing the vault, the
itself. psionicist has two options – the PP
spent to manifest can be stored in the
Gird vault, or the vault can be emptied.
When emptying the vault, the PP is
This power enables other basic
stored are used to fill their own PP
devotions that requires concentration
pool. Any excess points are lost.
to be maintained without
concentration, in the same fashion A basic vault can store up to four
that can be done with advanced Power Points. Use of Metapsionics
devotions, although the character increases the size by Discipline/10
must succeed at manifested gird in (rounding up).
order to remove the requirement to
concentrate. 1PP is paid for the
original power, plus 1PP for gird.
Sorcerous Sight drinks, and so forth. The spell does not freeze an object, and neither
does it cause any damage to its structure: it merely renders it very
This devotion enables the psionicist to see active sorcery, although
they cannot identify the precise nature of any spells. Magical effects
are seen as bright, coloured lines and waves of power, while anything
not magical is greyscale and lacks depth and clarity. The effect lasts
for up to POW minutes. The opposite of bladesharp, this devotion dulls a blade or point
within POW metres, reducing the damage die by one step. The
Spirit Wrack reduction remains until the blade is honed.

This devotion allows the psionicist to drag a possessing spirit out of a If performed as an advanced devotion, the psychokineticist may
body. The psionicist can use Binding or the activating power for choose to commit the Power Point, in which case the blade remains
Spectral Combat. The power can also be used to banish a manifested indefinitely unable to hold an edge.
spirit, as long as the devotion’s Magnitude exceeds the spirits
Intensity. Extinguish
This devotion immediately quenches any visible flames and small
Spiritshield fires within a number of metres equal to the skill being used. Candles,
Commit (Concentration) lanterns, torches and small cooking fires can all be effected, but not
This devotion creates a shield around the psionicist that deters spirits magical or larger, more ferocious fires, such as pyres, burning houses,
from attacking. Any spirit wishing to attack the psionicist must first and bonfires.
succeed in a test of their Willpower vs the skill used to manifest the
shield. Glue
Glue cements together two solid, inanimate objects for POW hours,
Thought Shield for example a cart wheel to its axle or a door to its frame. Whilst under
The psionicist is able to steel themselves to resist mental trauma or the effects of the spell, the items, no matter how disparate, cannot be
psychic attack. Thought Shield can be used as a reactive Action to parted unless something actively tries to wrench them apart. In this
make any Willpower check one degree easier. circumstance the spell has a Brawn skill equal to five times the
psionicists POW, and fails when a superior Brawn is set against it,
defeating it in an opposed roll. Once the devotion concludes or fails,
the items part, completely unharmed.

Heat dramatically increases the temperature of small, touched objects
(with an ENC no larger than a third of the caster’s POW) up to the
temperature of boiling water. This versatile devotion is useful for
mulling wine, cooking food without a fire, or warming a bed prior to
sleep. It does not affect living tissue although it can affect clothing and
armour, heating it to uncomfortable levels.

Ignite only works on naturally flammable matter, within a number of
Psychokinetic Devotions metres equal to the skill used to manifest, causing a small object or
hand-sized area to burst into flame. Depending on what was set
Basic Pychokinetics alight, once burning, the flames may then spread unless quenched or
This devotion is the same as the trained level of Telekinetic countered in some way. This devotion is normally used to light
Manipulation. If the character is already trained in Psychokinesis, or candles, torches or lanterns from afar. It can also be used to start a
later trains Psychokinesis, this devotion is replaced with +2% in the camp or cooking fire in adverse conditions, such as using damp
skill. kindling or in strong winds.

Bladesharp Knock
This power allows the psionicist to place an exceptionally keen edge Knock unfastens any device that is currently secured with a
on a bladed or piercing weapon that they can touch. For POW mechanical bar or lock. It does not work on magically or psionically
minutes, the weapon’s damage die is increased by one step. This can locked objects, only mundane ones. The devotion only affects a single
also be used to improve the effectiveness of saws, ploughs, nails, fastening, so if there are several locks and bars securing an object, the
razors and other tools. devotion will need to be manifested for each one.

Bludgeon Levitation
Similar to bladesharp, but this devotion improves the efficacy of blunt Commit
weapons, threshers, fullers and similar tools. This devotion allows the psionicist to float. They can rise or fall at a
rate of 1m per second. While this power is active, the character will
Chill never fall unless they consciously elect to do so. This power does not
Chill dramatically reduces the temperature of small, touched objects provide any method of lateral movement. A character carrying more
(with an ENC no larger than a third of the caster’s POW) down to the than 10 ENC has the difficulty of their check in increased by one
temperature of ice water. Useful for rapidly cooling hot items, chilling degree. Levitation is impossible with more than 20 ENC.

A telekeneticist who gains access to telekinetic flight can exchange Speedart
this devotion for a +2% to either Psionic Aptitude or their Telkekinetic
Speedart boosts the velocity of thrown or fired missiles so that they
travel farther before losing efficacy. The devotion increases the
effective range by 1.5 times the weapon’s normal distance. The
Lock manifestation effects a single attack.
Lock psionically secures any device that already has a mechanical bar
or lock present. A Locked device can be opened only by the psionicist, Psychometabolic Devotions
and cannot be picked by mundane means (such as by a thief using
lock-picks) since the magic renders the mechanism immobile; Basic Psychometabolics
however it could still be forced open by breaking the object the lock This devotion is the same as the trained level of Psychic Stabilisation.
is set into. The effect remains in place until opened by the psionicist, If the character is already trained in Psychometabolism, or later trains
after which the device must be subject to a further manifestation of Psychometabolism, this devotion is replaced with +2% in the skill.
Lock to restore the effect.
Body Weaponry
Parry This devotion allows the psionicist to change one of their arms into a
This devotion can be manifested as a reactive action to parry a melee weapon. The arm changes i’s fundamental structure, so that it actual
attack. As a basic devotion, the psionicist uses their Aptitude for the consists of wood, bone, metal, etc.
skill check, and they are considered to be parrying with a Small
weapon. As a basic devotion, the psionicist can manifest any non-metal
weapon with a size of small and reach of short.
As an advanced devotion, Psychokinesis is used, and the weapon size
is dependent on skill: If manifested as an advanced devotion, the following additional
options are available, depending on mastery:
• Trained: Medium
• Psychokinesis 41: Large • Trained: Can manifest weapons with size or reach of M
• Psychokinesis 61: Very Large • Psychometabolism 41: Both size and reach can increase to M.
• Psychokinesis 81: Huge • Psychometabolism 61: Increase size or reach to L.
• Psychometabolism 81: Can manifest metal weapons.
Pierce Any damage done to the weapon is applied to the psionicist’s arm hit
Pierce enables a touched item with a point to more easily penetrate points. If the weapon is destroyed, the effect ends (but the arm only
surfaces. This is handy for sewing leather, hammering pitons into suffers the damage inflicted on the weapon).
stone or stabbing your enemies. For POW minutes, the enhanced
weapon can ignore the first two Amour Points of a person, creature A character can use any normal combat style including the
or object struck. manifested weapon, or can develop a body weapons combat style.

Kinetic Armour Breath

The devotion provides the psionicist with 1 Armour Point on all Breath permits the psionicist to hold their breath for an extended
locations. This does not stack with any worn armour, but does period, so that they can temporarily venture into harmful
enhance any natural armour, and can be used in armoured areas environments, such as underwater; or atmospheres tainted by rock
while other body parts benefit from normal armour. The devotion dust, gases, smoke or poisons. The discipline lasts for a maximum of
lasts for POW minutes, and is visible as a semi-translucent covering half the psionicist’s POW in minutes, during which time they cannot
over the protected areas. speak or the breath is lost.

If manifested as an advanced devotion, the psionicist gains additional Coordination

armour points, depending on their level of mastery:
Coordination enhances manual dexterity and agility when
• Trained: +1 AP performing a single task. When manifested in preparation, it permits
• Psychokinesis 41: +2 AP the psionicist a chance to re-roll a single skill check made in the next
• Psychokinesis 61: +3 AP POW minutes where coordination is required, such as Acrobatics,
• Psychokinesis 81: +4 AP Lockpicking and so on. The psionicist may choose the better of the
two rolls, but the devotion is expended in the process.
The numbers listed for extra AP are the total additional points
available, not the total per location. Thus, a psychokinetic master with Flesh Armour
+4 AP could add all four to one location, at +1 to four locations, or This devotion transforms the psionicist’s skin into armour, providing
distribute them in any way that adds up to four additional points. 1AP on all locations for POW minutes. There is no outward sign of
the change, and the character is not encumbered or limited by the
Shove change. Flesh armour does not stack with existing natural armour, but
Shove allows the psionicist to telekinetically move an object by giving does stack with external armour (including kinetic armour).
it a single, crude push. The item is not moved with enough force to
inflict damage, and is still subject to gravity. The spell affects an If manifested as an advanced devotion, the psionicist may benefit
amount of ENC or SIZ equal to the caster’s POW. Living targets can from additional protection, depending on their level of mastery:
resist with either Brawn or Evade.
• Psychometabolism 41: 2 AP per location
• Psychometabolsim 81: 3 AP per location

Frostbite Mobility
Frostbite works directly on living, organic tissue, inflicting numbness Mobility increases the psionicist’s Movement rate by 1d3 metres for
and pain in one of the recipient’s extremities, for example fingers, the devotion’s duration. It is often used by hunters, herders, and those
toes, buttocks, nose & ears, and so on. The psionicist must either touch seeking to escape pursuit.
a specific extremity or roll randomly if manifested at range (up to
POW x 2 metres). If the devotion is not resisted (using either Preserve
Endurance or Psychometabolism), the area affected suffers sensory Preserve prevents organic matter, both vegetable and animal, from
numbness followed by lingering pain for 24 hours, making skill tests bacterial decay and putrefaction for 1d3 months, by sterilising it. If
utilising that location one difficulty grade harder. For instance, a the material is later smoked, pickled or salted it is preserved
victim suffering frostbite to the buttocks cannot sit without extreme indefinitely. The devotion can halt decay that has begun, but not
discomfort. Once inflicted, the effects are real, and cannot be cancelled reverse it. The psionicist can affect an amount of organic matter with
or negated by cancellation powers, although the injury can be healed. SIZ or ENC equal to their POW.

Heal Repugnance
Heal has several different effects depending on the nature of the Commit (Concentration)
ailment it is being used on. If the subject is suffering from a minor Repugnance twists the appearance of a target within POW x 2 metres
complaint such as a headache, back pain, hangover, cold, warts, and so that they cause distaste in all those that see, hear or smell them. The
so on, then the symptoms are immediately lifted. Manifested on a particular effect must be chosen when cast, and can be anything from
location suffering a Minor Wound it restores all lost Hit Points a great wart on the end of a nose; a high-pitched, nasal voice; or even
instantly. Against Serious or Major Wounds, the power has no effect. pungent body odour. Whatever is chosen, it will cause people to turn
away from the victim or make excuses so as to leave their presence as
Incognito quickly as possible. The effect may be resisted with Willpower or
Incognito alters the psionicist’s facial features to a bland, Psychometabolism
unmemorable countenance. It does not affect their voice, mannerisms
or physical size/presence, but ensures that visually they do not stand Shock
out from the crowd. Anyone under the effects of Incognito is actively Shock allows the psionicist to use their own nervous system to
ignored by those who might otherwise be searching for them; they is generate a mild electrical discharge which may be directed at living
simply overlooked and discounted. things. The psionicist must either touch a specific extremity or roll
randomly if cast at range (up to POW x 2 metres). If the devotion is
Ironhand not Evaded, the shocked location is stunned for 1d3 Turns; armour
Ironhand allows the psionicist to hold anything that would otherwise does not protect. There is a loud crack and scent of ozone when this
cause damage (such as extremely hot or cold items, or those dripping effect is manifested.
acid) without causing themselves injury. Thus, a user could grasp a
brand from a fire, lift a bubbling cauldron from a spit or even reach Slow
through a steam vent to grab an object on the other side. It does not Slow has a range of POW x 2 metres, and disrupts a target’s
grant total immunity from damage, merely stops it from conducting ambulatory system, reducing their movement rate by 1d3+3 metres
through the skin of the psionicist’s hands. The devotion does not for POW minutes (to a minimum of 1 metre). This can be resisted with
protect anything worn on the hand, so rings, gloves, and such like will Willpower or Psychometabolism.
suffer the effects of the source.
Metabolic Reversion Tire inflicts one level of Fatigue on a subject within POW x 2 metres,
This devotion cancels and dismisses any and all ongoing unless resisted with Willpower or Psychometabolism.
psychometabolic effects on a touched subject, whose Magnitudes are
equal to or less than the Magnitude of the Reversion. Unwanted Vigour
reversions can be resisted with Willpower or Psychometabolism. Vigour makes the psionicist feel alive and energetic, being used to
offset the effects of strenuous physical labour. For the devotion’s
Might duration, all Fatigue effects gained from laborious activity are
Might permits the psionicist to engage in impressive acts of physical ignored (but any pre-existing fatigue returns on the devotion’s
brawn. It adds their POW to their STR, but only for the purposes of dismissal). Vigour can be used to negates the effects of a Tire devotion
lifting, breaking, and contests of strength as defined under the Brawn on either themselves or another subject.
skill. It does not increase the character’s
Damage Modifier when inflicting combat
damage. Psychoportive Devotions

Mimic Basic Psychoporting

Mimic allows the psionicist to perfectly This devotion is the same as the trained
mimic the voice and mannerisms of level of Personal Psychoportation. If the
someone they have seen and heard character is already trained in
personally. It does not affect their physical Psychoportation, or later trains
appearance. Psychoportation, this devotion is replaced
with +2% in the skill.

Clairvoyance Befuddle
Commit (Concentration) Befuddle causes confusion within the mind of a target within POW x
This devotion allows the psionicist to shift their visual reference point 2 metres, if they fail to resist using Willpower or Telepathy. The
to a location up to POW x 5 metres away. Once shifted, the view is subject of the devotion has difficulty thinking straight, forgetting
fixed. Psionic power can be employed against things that are seen, but where it is, what it is doing, and why – often lapsing into
unless activated as an advanced devotion, the range is measure from disassociated lines of thought. Befuddled targets can still act in self-
the psionicist’s physical position. defence, but will not initiate any constructive activity until the
devotion ends. Any sort of attack or threatening action instantly
Clairaudience breaks the devotion, whether or not it was directed specifically at the
Commit (Concentration) befuddled target.
This devotion allows the psionicist to shift their aural reference point
to a location up to POW x 5 metres away. Once shifted, the point from Calm
which they hear is fixed. Calm attempts to dampen down the passions or a target within POW
x 2 metres, perhaps ensuring that a lovesick paramour doesn’t press
Inertial Navigation his suit, a frightened rival doesn’t scream for help or that weapons are
Commit (Concentration) not drawn in anger. A calmed person is not otherwise mentally
While using this devotion, the psionicist will always know the affected, thus any sort of assault or threatening action still permits the
direction and distance to the position where they initially manifested target to defend themselves, and even attack, albeit they will do so in
it. When manifested as an advanced devotion, the psionicist can a calm and level headed manner. This devotion can be resisted with
teleport to the starting point at any time, as an action, as long as it is Willpower or Telepathy.
within their psychoportation range. This can also be done as a
reaction to an attack or other event. Demoralise
Demoralise temporarily fills a target within POW x 2 metres with a
Summon Item sense of despondency towards a particular person, species, situation
After spending a day attuning to the psionic resonance of an or object. When confronted with the subject of this despondency, any
inanimate item of ENC no greater than 3, this devotion allows the proactive skill attempts made by the afflicted character related to the
psionicist to summon the item to their hand from up to POW source are one grade harder. However, a direct assault from the
kilometres away. Only one item can be attuned to the basic devotion subject instantly cancels the power. Thus, a character could be given
at any time, although the attuned item can changed. As an advanced a demoralising dread of heights, ensuring that any Athletic skill used
devotion, the limit on the number of simultaneously attuned items is for climbing or Acrobatics skill for balancing would be one difficulty
Psychoporation/20 (one of which will be the item that is available to grade harder. This devotion can be resisted with Willpower or
basic summoning). Telepathy.

Telepathic Devotions Fanaticism is the reverse of Demoralise. It grants the target a wildly
excessive or irrational devotion, dedication, or enthusiasm for a
Babble particular person, species, situation or object. Its effect is to grant the
Babble mangles anything spoken by its target, who must be touched recipient a temporary Passion equal to the Psionic Aptitude or
for the devotion to take effect. The target may resist using Willpower Telepathy skill of the psionicist. Fanaticism can be used to counter
or Telepathy. It does not affect what the target is thinking, only what Demoralise, and vice versa, one cancelling the other if its Magnitude
is verbally issued, and will not hinder telepathic communication, equals or exceeds the existing power.
other than mindspeech. Thus, Babble can seriously disrupt orders
being issued by a commanding officer to their troops, but it cannot Id Insinuation
influence what the commander is thinking or their intentions. This power affects a target within POW x 2 metres, unleashing a
Depending on the necessity for verbal components, Babble may be torrent of conflicting desires within their mind. Unless resisted with
able to adversely influence spell casting. Willpower or Telepathy, the victim, struggling to decide how to act,
immediately loses one Action Point. If they have no Action Points left
Basic Telepathics in the current round, they lose one from the next round instead.
This devotion is the same as the trained level of Telepathic Contact. If
the character is already trained in Telepathy, or later trains Telepathy, Mind Bar
this devotion is replaced with +2% in the skill.
While this devotion is active, Willpower checks to resist any mind-
Beastcall influencing magical (non-psionic) effects are one degree easier.
Beastcall allows the psionicist to detect minds of animal intelligence Checks to oppose possession are also one degree easier.
within five kilometres. After gaining a rough sense of the types,
numbers and locations of animals in the region, the psionicist can If manifested as an advanced devotion, the psionicist can also use
reach out to one of them and call it to themselves. The animal may their Willpower as an augment to their Telepathy, when opposing
resist with Willpower or Telepathy; if it fails, it will make its way to any kind of telepathic intrusion.
the caster. Once there, it will behave as it normally would; the
psionicist gains no special control or affinity with it. If the animal Mind Blank
meets a significant obstruction (a canyon, predators, an owner who Commit (Concentration)
give a hard tug on its reins or leash) the devotion will fail and the This discipline hides the psionicist’s mind from psychic detection. It
animal will revert to it’s usual self. completely hides the target from Presence, and means they cannot be

targeted by powers emanating from a Mind Trace. In addition, they Psychic Impersonation
cannot be affected by any basic telepathic devotions. Finally, if
Commit (Concentration)
manifested as an advanced devotion, the psionicist appears to have
While this devotion is active, the psionicist can fabricate a false
no psionic ability to a metapsionicist viewing them with Psychic
persona. If they fail an opposed check to resist a reading, but their
Refinement. However, the use of any other psionic power
own check passed, the telepath attempting to read them only receives
immediately cancels the mind blank.
the false information, unless the aggressor achieved a critical and the
defender did not.
Mind Thrust
This attack channels a thin, sharp emanation of psychic energy into When activated as an advanced devotion, the telepath can precisely
the victim’s mind, causing synapses to fire wildly and inflicting one impersonate a mind they have contacted.
point of damage to the head, ignoring any armour. If resisted using
Willpower or Telepathy, no damage is suffered. The range on the Psychic Messenger
attack is POW metres. When manifested, the psionicist creates an insubstantial image of
themselves that appears within POW x 20km and delivers a message.
Mindspeech The location must either be a known location or a fixed point relative
Mindspeech allows crude telepathy between the caster and a target, to the psionicist. Anyone present can see and understand the
enabling verbal intercourse without needing to speak aloud. The messenger, but the psionicist is unaware who is there or how they
caster and target must share the same language, or else the spell will react. The message can have a total duration of no more than POW x
merely transmit unintelligible gobbledegook. The target must with 5 seconds.
within POW x 5 metres and visible to the initiating psionicist.
Pet Sleep sends its recipient (within POW metres) into a deep, peaceful
Commit (Concentration) sleep. It has no effect on creatures with a SIZ greater than the
Pet allows the psionicist to take mental control of a small creature, psionicist’s POW. Unless the target resists, it slumbers for a number
sending it off to scout, fetch or perform some other complex task. It of hours equal to the half the psionicist’s POW, unless awakened by
can be manifested on any creature neither of whose SIZ or INT shaking or very loud noises. The devotion takes 1d3 Rounds to fully
characteristics may exceed half the caster’s CHA. If the targeted manifest before the target falls unconscious. Any attempt to cast this
creature is the already the loyal pet of the psionicist, it will be glad to spell in a high-intensity situation (such as combat) automatically fails.
oblige. Otherwise, Willpower or Telepathy is used to resist. This

Presence Spook
This devotion allows the psionicist to sense the presence of minds Spook scares away any number of animals whose individual SIZ and
within POW metres. This will reveal invisible and hidden presences, INT are no greater than half the psionicist’s CHA. If the animals
as well as minds occupying the area remotely, including through the would not usually see the psionicist as possible prey (a fairly rare
senses of others. Presences using Mind Blank will not be detected, nor situation on Athas), the effect is automatic. Otherwise, they will resist
will remote minds using Cloak Power. This effect lasts POW minutes. as a group, using either Willpower or Telepathy.

Random Devotions
d100 Devotion d100 Devotion d100 Devotion
Clairsentient Devotions 35 Bladesharp 67 Repugnance
01 Alarm 36 Bludgeon 68 Shock
02 All-round Vision 37 Chill 69 Slow
03-05 Basic Clairsensing 38 Parry 70 Tire
06 Bypass 39 Dullblade 71 Vigour
07 Combat Mind 40 Extinguish Psychoportive Devotions
08 Intuitive Response 41 Glue 72-74 Basic Psychoporting
09 Sense the Need 42 Heat 75 Clairvoyance
10 Dowsing 43 Ignite 76 Clairaudience
11 Location Resonance Reading 44 Knock 77 Inertial Navigation
12 Object Resonance Reading 45 Levitation 78 Summon Item
13 Radial Navigation 46 Lock Telepathic Devotions
14 Spirit Sight 47 Pierce 79 Babble
Metapsionic Devotions 48 Kinetic Armour 80-82 Basic Telepathics
15 Antipsionic Zone 49 Shove 83 Beastcall
16 Appraise 50 Speedart 84 Befuddle
17 Augmentation Trance Psychometabolic Devotions 85 Calm
18-20 Basic Metapsionics 51-53 Basic Psychometabolics 86 Demoralise
21 Calculate 54 Body Weaponry 87 Fanaticism
22 Gird 55 Breath 88 Id Insinuation
23 Mental Barrier 56 Coordination 89 Mind Bar
24 Negation 57 Flesh Armour 90 Mind Blank
25 Psionic Dispensation 58 Frostbite 91 Mind Thrust
26 Psionic Inflation 59 Heal 92 Mindspeech
27 Psionic Vault 60 Incognito 93 Pet
28 Sorcerous Sight 61 Ironhand 94 Presence
29 Spirit Wrack 62 Metabolic Reversion 95 Psychic Impersonation
30 Spiritshield 63 Might 96 Psychic Messenger
31 Thought Shield 64 Mimic 97 Sleep
Psychokinetic Devotions 65 Mobility 98 Spook
32-34 Basic Psychokinesis 66 Preserve 99-00 Roll twice, rerolling this result

Spirit Magic
Elemental Cults
Druids and elemental priests have learned to see into the spirit world,
a place that connects the world of the living with the Grey and the
Elemental Planes. They have further learned to communicate with the The general cult structure is similar for all elemental cults.
spirits that reside there, to negotiate with them and, even to bind them
Cult Skills
into fetishes, from where they can call them forth to utilise their
Binding, Influence, Language (Elemental), Teach, Trance, Oratory,
various powers. The rules for Animism from the Mythras CRB apply;
Navigation, Survival, Willpower
this chapter discusses the cult ranks, requirements and special
abilities that are specific to elementalists and druids, and the types of Sub-Cult Skills
spirits that exist in Athas. • Air: Lore (Astrology)
• Earth: Lore (Agriculture)

Fire: Lore (Forestry)
• Water: Lore (Irrigation)

Initiate (Follower)
An elementalist will either be dedicated to one of the elemental forces • Initiates require at least 50% in five or more cult skills. PCs
of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, or a paraelemental force of Rain, Silt, who take the Elemental Priest profession will get some
Sun or Magma. As silt, sun and magma are almost exclusively leeway here.
destructive powers that revel in the ongoing destruction of Athas, • While they connote bind their own spirits, the initiates’s
they will generally not be suitable patrons for PCs. The core elements mentor will typically assist them in binding spirits of
of earth, air, fire and water, along with rain, are generally forces Intensity 1.
opposed to defiling, and who seek a restoration of life in the world. • May have total number of bound spirits equal to ¼ POW.
• Can observe spirits in the spirit realm, but not
Elementalists that function as tribal shamans will generally take on a
communicate with them.
number of initiates from the tribe, but will usually only select one
• Can Turn Undead.
promising student to continue training beyond this level, in the hopes
that they eventually become priests themselves. Wandering or city Acolyte (Spirit Worshipper)
priests often follow the same process, but some will only ever train a • To qualify to become an acolyte, the character requires at
single student, or take on none at all. least 70% in four or more cult skills.
• In order to become an acolyte, the initiate must pass the rite
Once a character reaches the rank of priest, they no longer require of initiation for their element.
instruction, and can advance on their own. It is possible to learn • On successfully completing their initiation, the acolyte
directly from an elemental patron, without the guidance of a priest, gains an elemental fetch.
but this is much more dangerous, and initiates and acolytes may • The PC’s mentor may be willing to assist them in binding
struggle to bind spirits themselves. some spirits of Intensity 2.
• May have total number of bound spirits equal to ½ POW.
• Can observe and communicate with spirits in the spirit
realm. Can bind spirits.

Elemental Priest (Shaman)

• To qualify as a priest, the character requires at least 90% in three
or more cult skills.
• In order to become a priest, the character must perform a great
service in keeping with their pact.
• A priest is expected to find and bind their own spirits (although
multiple priests occasionally combine their powers to bind
more powerful spirits).
• Priests can call and bind True Elemental spirits of Intensity 1.
• May have total number of bound spirits equal to ¾ POW.
• Can project themselves into the spirit realm, or draw spirits into
the material realm.
• Can bind elemental spirits to form elemental traps
(paraelemental priests do not gain this benefit).

Elemental Champion (High Shaman)

• To qualify as a champion, the character requires at least 110% in two
or more cult skills.
• In order to become a champion, the character must perform another
great service in keeping with their pact.
• Champions can find and bind True Elemental spirits of any
• May have total number of bound spirits equal to POW.
• Can bring other souls with them into the spirit realm.
• A champion of air, water, earth or fire gains access to one class of
paraelemental spirits as neutral (paraelemental champions gain no
equivalent benefit).
• May create Trees of Life

Elemental Spirits Many nomadic tribes have shamans who are air elementalists, as the
elementalist’s proclivity to wander and explore complements the
The majority of spirits that elementalists treat with are lesser
nomadic lifestyle.
elemental spirits. Paraelemental priests also have access to elemental
predator spirits, and elementalists that reach the rank of elemental In addition to treating air spirits as allied, an elementalist of air may
priest gain access to incredibly powerful true elemental spirits. Any select any two of earth, fire, water or rain to treat as neutral. All other
given lesser elemental spirit will have access to 1d3 different spirit elemental spirits will be hostile to the priest if attempting to bind or
abilities, plus one for each point of Intensity above 1 (so, an Intensity compel them.
3 lesser elemental spirit would have 1d3+2 abilities). The abilities of
lesser elemental spirits are generally determined randomly, but it is Initiation
possible for elemental priests to explore the spirit world looking for
The test of the air elementalist is perhaps the most terrifying of the
spirits with specific abilities. More specific details can be found in the
elemental initiations. An initiate begins the ordeal by spending two
Spirits section later in this chapter.
weeks in the highest mountains they and their mentor can find,
usually a peak within the Ringing or Mekillot Mountains. The
Elemental Fetches mountain trek is often as arduous and dangerous as the test itself.
Upon becoming acolytes, elementalists gain a fetch; a personal
elemental spirit that follows the rules for an allied fetch. The exact During this two-week period, the candidate and their mentor scale
abilities of the fetch depend on its element; each fetch begins with one the high peaks and spend hours in meditation on windy ledges. When
of the possible abilities for their element; additional abilities can be the initiate feels they are ready, they walk to an overhang where their
added at the cost of 2XP rolls each. Some abilities cannot be gained mentor calls upon the spirits of air to protect them. Then, the student
until the acolyte advances in cult rank. A fetch’s powers are activated leaps from the precipice, throwing off the shackling chains of the
using the elementalist’s PP, not the fetch’s. Elemental (but not earth and giving themselves completely to the wind.
paraelemental) fetches have a particular cult skill; depending on the
type of fetch, the elementalist may be able to use these at their full As the petitioner falls, the air spirits will speak with them and attempt
value, or as an augment to their existing skills. Fetch skills can also be to forge the pact of air. If the initiate agrees and is accepted by the air
increased with the character’s XP rolls, following the normal process, spirits, they are gently lowered to the ground, now an acolyte of air.
but using the fetch’s attributes. If the spirits don't accept the candidate, they are dropped the
remaining distance to the earth—typically 1d6x3 metres.
The fetch resides in a suitable fetish (which has no XP cost), but any
fetch abilities that have no PP cost are always active, even if the fetch The Pact of Air
is in the fetish, as long as they are within the elementalist’s POW in The greatest driving principle of air spirits is freedom. All kinds of
metres. restrictions are opposed, but the most obvious form of bondage to
fight against is slavery. As such, elementalists of air must dedicate
Binding to a Location them to promoting freedom and freeing slaves wherever and
The Mythras CRB discusses various purposes for which spirits can be whenever possible.
bound to a location. In addition to the discussion there, any lesser
elemental spirit of Intensity 3 or greater can be bound to a location in Air spirits hate the sun, and that its increasing power has dried and
order to act as a trap or guardian. These spirits form whirlpools, scorched the earth such that air is often forced to hang in still and
whirlwinds, storms and the like, with the specific details discussed oppressive pockets, rather than surging across the landscape as it
further below with each elemental type. Once bound, such elementals should. Air elementalists are thus also expected to oppose these
may be left active, set up to respond to specific triggers, or called forth changes by protecting and preserving earth and water.
by an elementalist as with any other binding.
Air Fetches
Shrine Guardians Air fetches start with a Lore (Astrology) skill of 40% + 2 x INT. If they
An elementalist that dedicates themselves to caring for an elemental are able to see the stars, they can attempt to predict whether an
shrine will have access to training in various skills and abilities individual is likely to achieve their current goals with ease, with some
directly from an elemental patron. The nature of the skills and abilities difficulty, or with great difficulty. A prediction cannot be attempted
will be in keeping with the details found in the official Earth, Air, Fire, for the same individual more than once a month, and individuals with
Water supplement. As I’m not expecting any PC guardians, I have not very closely aligned goals will generally elicit identical results (unless
detailed this further. one is likely to encounter obstacles the others will not).

If the elementalist learns Astrology, they will need charts and several
Priests of Air hours to do a reading, while the fetch takes only minutes.

Air is a domain of freedom, action and divination. As air elementalists The abilities available to air fetches are:
claim to be able to predict the future with a means other than
clairsentience, many consider them frauds. They also have a Refreshing Breeze
A constant breeze will caress the elementalist’s skin whenever they
reputation for flighty behaviour, seeming to randomly loose interest
are outdoors. Their water requirements are half of normal.
in a particular task when another captures their interest.

Air elementalists tend to avoid heavy and restrictive armour, and Missile Stream
The fetch will guide the elementalist’s missiles to their target. Any
favour ranged weapons, although these are tendencies rather than
difficulty penalties for ranged weapons are reduced by one grade.

Missile Deflection When they arrive at the chosen location, they will build a fire and talk
The fetch protects its master from incoming ranged weapons. Missile about all that the initiate has learned since the apprenticeship began.
attacks against the elementalist are always one difficulty grade They will talk through the night and then, just before dawn, the
harder. mentor will call on the spirits to open a hole two metres deep and just
barely wide enough to hold them. The apprentice rests in this bed of
Feather Fall earth, and is completely covered with loose earth.
For 1PP, the fetch reduces the rate of falling to gentle descent, not
more than one metre per second. This will happen automatically any The grounded acolyte requires no food, water, or air. They remain
time the elementalist falls, unless they let the fetch know ahead of the buried beneath the surface, speaking with the spirits of the earth and
fall that they desire to drop unimpeded. forging their pact until the sun goes down. At this point the novice
emerges. If they have been accepted by the earth elementals, they
Control Winds surface unscathed, and empowered with a deeper understanding of
For 2PP, the elementalist can control winds exactly as for the theist the raw material that feeds their patron element. If the powers of the
spell Call Winds. earth do not accept them, the student is pushed closer to the surface,
and then abandoned to escape on their own. While no physical harm
Abjure Air (Elemental Priest or Champion Only)
ever occurs, most of those who are rejected carry deep emotional scars
For 2PP, the elementalist does not need to breath, is unaffected by any
from the terror they felt as the protective spirits departed and the
airborne contaminants or poisons, and is immune to any natural or
earth was suddenly pressing close and smothering them.
artificial wind – they will not be buffeted, knocked about or harmed
by any attack relying on wind or air. This effect lasts for a number of
The Pact of Earth
minutes equal to the fetch’s POW.
One of the most fundamental requirements of any earth elementalists
Conjure Winds (Elemental Priest or Champion Only) is that they must oppose defilers wherever, whenever and however
With this power, the fetch calls a single, massive gust of wind for 1PP. they can. However, in contrast with druids, the powers of earth are
For each 20% of the fetch’s Willpower up to 1d4 targets can be not particularly interested in seeking revenge on defilers, they simply
affected, at a range of up to one kilometre (the elementalist must be wish for defiling to be stop occurring.
able to see the targets). Each target needs to make a Hard athletics,
Earth elementalists are expected to teach the cycle of life, death and
riding or driving check as appropriate, or be knocked down. When an
rebirth and, most importantly, teach proper agricultural techniques
elemental champion calls upon this power, they may elect to have
so that the soil can be restored to health.
those who fail be lifted into the air and thrown backwards 2d6 metres.
Those thrown back are treated as if they fell half the distance they
were thrown.
Earth Fetch
Earth fetches start with a Lore (Agriculture) skill of 100% x INT x 2.
Bound Whirlwinds This can be used for any task, whether practical or theoretical,
involving farming techniques, including the design and construction
An air spirit of Intensity 3 or greater can be bound to a location by an
of irrigation, an understanding of crop rotation, harvesting and
elemental priest, to form a great whirlwind. When the spirit becomes
storage techniques and so forth.
active, it forms a swirling tornado, with a radius of 3m per Intensity.
Anyone in the area must immediately make an Evade check vs the The abilities available to earth fetches are:
spirit’s Intensity x 25. Those who fail are sucked in and thrown into
the air, suffering a fall of 3d6 metres. Eliminate Tracks
The fetch obscures the character’s trail, so that no tracks are left in
sand, soil, clay, salt or hard earth, as long as the elementalist’s feet are
Priests of Earth bare. The ability does not work in mud or snow. The elementalist’s
Earth is the foundation of all. The greatest structures – be they feet are protected from any normal damage from the earth (but not
mountains or ziggurats – are built of stone. And those things not built unusual threats, such as fire, caltrops, pits, wooden spikes). At the
of rock and earth? Most are built of wood, grown from the soil. Earth elementalist’s direction, the fetch can allow normal tracks to be left.
is the giver of life, from which all things of value emerge, and it is to
earth all things return. Earth is constant, unyielding, and
For 1PP, the elementalist can bury themselves beneath the earth,
fundamental. It is the cycle of life and death.
sinking down into the ground through either loose earth, sand or
Earth clerics feel that they bear the brunt of the fight against the topsoil, and the fetch will keep them safe for a number of hours equal
gradual death of Athas, for the most critical battle is over the soil. If to half the fetch’s POW. In addition to hiding, an elementalist who
earth elementalists fail in their defence, all other things of value will remains buried for at least six hours doubles their healing rate for that
also be lost; air, fire and water cannot exist without the earth to day. The surface above the encased elementalist will show signs of
nurture them and provide them what they need. having been disturbed. When the effect ends (either because the
elementalist directs their fetch to end it, or because the duration
In addition to treating earth spirits as allied, an elementalist of earth expires and another power point is not paid to maintain it), the
may select any two of air, fire, water or rain to treat as neutral. All elementalist is gently pushed back to the surface.
other elemental spirits will be hostile to the elementalist if attempting
to bind or compel them. Meld into Stone
For 1PP, the elementalist can merge with stone for up a number of
Initiation minutes equal to the fetch’s POW. They can still use their normal
When a mentor believes that an initiate is ready, they take the initiate senses as if the stone was not there, and can be anywhere from a few
to a place where the land is fertile. These areas are few and far centimetres to 30cm below the surface of the stone or rock face.
between on Athas, so the trip is often long and hazardous. However, after initially merging, they cannot move again until

leaving the stone back the way they came. When the effect ends, if Obsidian (or other igneous rocks) bear sufficient similarities to fire
they are still melded, they are pushed gently back out of the rock. that it makes for worthy weapons, and iron and bronze weapons are
forged in flame, so they are generally seen as acceptable, even if not
Resistance truly worthy.
The fetch acts as a guardian spirit vs any magical effect involving
earth or stone, including other earth spirits. Fire elementalists (other than initiates) are able to call forth spirits
(usually minor ones with no special abilities) from any ashes or
Endure charred remains and, if they are able to compel a bargain or service,
Whenever the elementalist is within the twice the normal defiling will see the original object as new and how it was consumed by flame.
radius of spell, they may make an Endurance check. If successful, the
actual area of destruction is halved. The elementalist will always be In addition to treating fire spirits as allied, an elementalist of fire may
aware of defiling magic when they are within range to affect it. select any two of air, earth, water or rain to treat as neutral. All other
elemental spirits will be hostile to the elementalist if attempting to
Abjure Earth (Elemental Priest or Champion Only) bind or compel them.
For 2PP, the elementalist is able to ignore the existence of earth and
rock for a number of rounds equal to the fetch’s POW. They can move Initiation
at their normal walking pace horizontally through solid rock, or at Before an initiate can become a cleric of the flame, they must pass a
half speed ascending and descending. An avalanche would pass searing test of fire and be awarded the badge of flame. When the
through them without any effect. Weapons of metal or stone cannot mentor feels that their student is ready, they take the initiate to a
harm them. If the elementalist is inside earth when the effect ends, the clearing, close to a source of wood, scrub, coal, or other fuel.
fetch will spend another 2PP to continue the effect. If they are unable Throughout the day the student and the teacher gather wood, dig
to do so, or the elementalist stops them from doing so, the character coal, and perform whatever tasks are necessary to create a large
is ejected from the material and takes 1d6hp damage to each body bonfire. During this process they discuss everything that the student
part that was still inside (no armour will help negate this damage). has learned during the apprenticeship. As night begins to fall, the
mentor starts a fire with the fuel they have gathered, and the student
Conjure Earth (Elemental Priest or Champion Only)
steps into the blazing bonfire.
For 2PP, the fetch can conjure stone – up to one cubic metre for
elemental priests, or three cubic metres for champions, to a place The initiate remains inside the inferno throughout the night,
within the fetch’s POW in metres. This will normally be sandstone or meditating, watching materials burn and crumble into ash, until the
obsidian, but the exact type is somewhat random. It is never metal or elemental lords of flame speak with them through the crackling fire.
dirt, but always stone. It can be formed into any basic shape (such as If the elementals accept the petitioner and the pact is made, their hair
a wall, bowl, sheet, pyramid), but will not be intricate or ornate. turns fiery red, and their eyes grow black as coal. This is known as the
badge of flame.
This can be used as a weapon, in which case chunks of rock will rain
down over an area up to three metres in diameter. The fetch makes If the initiate is not accepted by the spirits of fire, they are violently
an attack roll using their Spirit Combat value, while any target may expelled from the blaze, taking 1d6 points of damage to each body
spend an action point to Evade. An elemental priest’s attack does 2d6 part.
damage, while a champion’s does 4d6.
The Pact of Fire
Bound Whirlpools The spirits of fire demand that their servants help nurture and grow
An earth spirit of Intensity 3 or greater can be bound to a location by forests, and build and grow cities, so that the world endures and there
an elemental priest, to form a great swirling whirlpool of rock and is fuel they may burn.
earth. When the spirit becomes active, it forms a swirling sea of rock
and earth, with a radius of 3m per Intensity. Anyone in the area must Fire Fetch
immediately make an Evade check vs the spirit’s Intensity x 25. Those
Fire fetches begin with a Lore (Forestry) skill of 100% + 2 x INT. This
who fail are sucked in and, unless some kind of rescue is immediately
skill can be used for any task (practical or theoretical) involving the
mounted, will need to pass a Hard swimming check or be sucked
planting, care and sustainable logging/harvesting of forests and
down into the earth, where they will likely die.
orchards, as well as substituting for Survival when in the forest
environment. It does not include knowledge of irrigation techniques,
Priests of Fire although it can certainly be used to find water while in a forest.

Fire elementalists are feared and mistrusted by many, as they tend to The abilities available to fire fetches are:
revel in destruction even as they preach the need to plant and grow.
Fire elementalists love to see things consumed by flame, but they also Enflame
The fetch can create a small flame (Intensity 1), and ignite any
understand that there will be no flames without anything to fuel
flammable substance it touches.
them. They further understand that if the burn down a forest, life will
spring forth again, but a defiler will be deprived of easy power. Many
Conduct Flame
other elementalist simply view most fire elementalists as insane, For 1PP, the fetch can control fires with an Intensity of 1 or 2, reducing
especially the ones who go so far as to say that if entire world burns, them down to glowing embers or increasing their Intensity to as high
defiling will burn with it. as 3. If the Intensity is increased to 3, the fetch can no longer use this
ability on them, until they die down. Fuel consumption is appropriate
Fire elementalists limit themselves to weapons of obsidian and metal,
for the fire’s Intensity; increasing a candle to Intensity 3 will see it
with a preference for obsidian. While they might use other weapons
output significant heat for brief instant, before it is consumed.
in moments of dire need, to kill or injure with something other then
fire is disappointing at best, and outright blasphemous to some.

Cleansing Flame Initiation
For 1PP, the fetch not only protects the elementalist from all flame,
When a mentor feels that a student is ready, they begin the long
but any significant exposure to flame of Intensity 3 or greater will
journey to the nearest large body of water. Athas has few such places,
provide sustenance equivalent to a meal, will heal any and all minor
and these long treks are often dangerous. Lake Island and the Lake of
wounds and cleans the body and clothes of any dirt or filth. If the
the Golden Dreams are the most commonly used for the purpose of
character is suffering from poison or disease, they may make another
attempt to throw off the effects. This ability may be used as a reactive
action in response to an attack with flame. Each use provides When they reach the shores of the lake, they sit and discuss what the
protection for no longer than a single round. initiate has learned during their apprenticeship. As dusk falls, the
initiate enters the water and surrenders to its depths. The spirits
Protection from Flame protect the initiate from any creatures that might happen by, as well
The elementalist is completely immune to non-magical fires of as allowing the candidate to breathe in the murky depths as if
Intensity 1 or 2. breathing air.

Control Flame The initiate spends the rest of the night in the dark water, forging a
For 1PP, the elementalist can, through their fetch, control any fires of pact with desperate water spirits who babble continually. This
Intensity 2 or less, dictating their path along any flammable course. process continues until dawn, at which point the water elementals
The flames can leap through the air or over non-flammable materials will either accept or reject the petitioner. If accepted, an Acolyte of
for distances no greater than 2 metres. The power lasts for as long as Water emerges from the depths and rejoins the mentor for the long
the elementalist and fetch concentrate, after which the fires burn trip home. If rejected, the initiate is left alone, and must swim to safety
according to natural law. or drown. Protection from creatures that dwell in the depths is lost—
no longer at bay; they may attack freely.
Abjure Flame (Elemental Priest or Champion Only)
For 2PP, the elementalist is immune to the effects of heat and flame
for a number of rounds equal to the fetch’s POW. This includes both
The Pact of Water
magical and mundane flame, of any intensity. Additionally, the The spirits of water demand that those elementalists dedicated to
elementalist has and additional 2AP on all locations against any hit them give water to those in need. Despite how little there is, it is
by an obsidian-bladed weapon. waters role to give life, and those who serve water must share its
benison, even with their most hated enemy.
Conjure Flame (Elemental Priest or Champion Only)
The one exception is that those known to be purposefully wasteful of
For 2PP, the fetch can conjure up to a cubic metre of flame, or three
what water they have, for the other demand the spirits of water make
cubic metres if their master is an elemental champion. The flame can
is that what water exists must be preserved and protected. Defilers
be conjured to any point within the fetch’s POW in metres, doing
must not be allowed to cast spells near water sources, nor may forests
damage as an Intensity 3 (priests) or 4 (champions) fire. The fetch
nor other moisture-producing areas be destroyed.
makes an attack roll using their Spirit Combat value, while any target
may spend an action point to Evade. If the flame is conjured onto a
fuel source, it will continue to burn normally, otherwise it vanishes
Water Fetch
immediately. Water fetches have Lore (Irrigation) skills of 100% + 2 x INT. This skill
covers not just actually irrigation, but all manner of theory and
Bound Infernos practical knowledge about gathering, utilising and maintaining water
A fire spirit of Intensity 3 or greater can be bound to a location by an
elemental priest. When the spirit becomes active, it forms a pillar of The abilities available to water fetches are:
fire with a radius of 3m per Intensity. Anyone in the area must
immediately make an Evade check vs the spirit’s Intensity x 25. Those Quench Thirst
who fail suffer damage from a fire with an Intensity equal to the spirit, The fetch allows the elementalist to extract moisture from almost any
while those who succeed get far enough away that the Intensity is substance just by chewing on it. Most water elementalists can treat
reduced by 1. On a critical success, no damage is suffered at all. this as 2L towards their water intake, daily. Half-giants can obtain 8L
this way, while thri-kreen obtain their complete daily water

Priests of Water

As one might imagine, water elementalists are welcome almost Healing Draft
For 1PP, water that has been carried by the elementalist for at least an
everywhere. They tend to be few in number, though, for the Plane of
hour will heal a minor wound. No individual can benefit from this
Elemental Water is dying, and has little power to give. The spirits of
more than once in a 24-hour period.
water are afraid and desperate, and though they grant power to a
select few elementalists, they expect obedience and commitment to
Body of Water
the pact. Impurities in the elementalist’s body are constantly filtered and
expelled as sweat. Endurance checks to resist disease and poison are
Water clerics generally have a preference for weapons and armour of
one difficulty grade easier.
leather, wood and bone, since these organic products are all born of
Spark of Life (Elemental Priest or Champion Only)
For 2PP, water that has been carried by the priest can be given to the
In addition to treating water spirits as allied, an elementalist of water
dead or dying. A dying character will be stabilised, and suffer no
may select any two of air, earth, fire, or rain to treat as neutral. All
other elemental spirits will be hostile to the elementalist if attempting long-term injury (limbs, if freshly amputated, can be reattached, but
to bind or compel them. missing parts will not grow back)

If the patient is dead, they can be returned to life, as long as they drink Molten Affinity
within three rounds. The body must be mostly intact for this to work The elementalist is able to resist heat, fire and magma at one grade of
– a pile of charred bones cannot be returned to life, but a head held to difficulty easier, and the Intensity of any fire is treated as one degree
the neck will reattached. Champions have up to the fetch’s POW in lower.
rounds to restore life.
Abjure Magma (Priest or Champion Only)
Both the fetch and the elementalist must give up one point of POW to For 2PP, the elementalist can ignore magma and lava for a number of
spark the return to life. The returned patient gains one point of POW. rounds each to the fetch’s POW. They can move through molten rock
On the patient’s subsequent death, the elementalist regains the lost and metal with impunity, at the normal movement rate.
POW (but the fetch does not).
If the elementalist is inside magma when the effect ends, the fetch will
Abjure Water (Elemental Priest or Champion Only) spend another 2PP to continue the effect. If they are unable to do so,
For 2PP, the elementalist can ignore water, moving through it as if it or the elementalist stops them from doing so, the character is ejected
is not there and breathing normally. They are immune to water-based from the material and takes 2d4hp damage to each body part that was
attacks, drowning and poisons delivered in liquids. The effect lasts still inside (no armour will help negate this damage).
for a number of minutes equal to the fetch’s POW.
Evaporate Water (Priest Only)
Conjure Water (Elemental Priest or Champion Only) The elementalist may evaporate 10 litres of water per PP. It takes a
The elementalist is able to conjure two litres of water for each power minute per litre, during which time the fetch must be present and can
point spent. Elemental champions are able to conjure five litres per perform no other tasks.
power point.
Conjure Magma (Champion Only)
Bound Water Weirds For 4PP, the elementalist can conjure a cubic metre of magma at a
A water spirit of Intensity 3 or greater can be bound to a body of water distance up to the fetch’s POW in metres. If conjured above one or
by an elemental priest. When it becomes active, it will reach out with more targets, they may check Evade against the fetch’s Spectral
tendrils of water to grab anyone that attempts to drink, swim or Combat, otherwise they are treated as being exposed to an Intensity 4
collect water, dragging them under the surface to drown. fire. Any location affected will take further damage each round,
although the Intensity reduces by one each round as the lava cools.
The water weird attacks with its Spectral Combat value, and may be
avoided initially with Evade. Once grabbed, the victim is dragged A creature with magma on them performs tasks at Formidable
under, and begins to drown, but may check Brawn or Swim to difficulty.
attempt to escape, vs the water weird’s spectral combat.

Those who dive in are automatically grabbed, and have no chance to

Priests of Rain
evade, but can still attempt to escape. The spirits of rain are among the weakest and most frightened on
Athas; they did not start from the position of strength of the pure

Priests of Magma elements, and face utter annihilation. Silt hates rain because it can
turn silt to mud, magma hates rain because it turns magma to rock,
There are very few elementalists of magma, because there are very and sun simply holds rain in contempt as it strangles it to death.
few natural sources of molten rock for a prospective student to access.
They are generally limited to the vicinity of active volcanoes. Elementalists of rain are welcomed by most, in the same way water
elementalists are. Most rain elementalists are found along the forest
Magma priests use obsidian weapons almost exclusively. ridge. Those who spend their time in the Tablelands trying futilely to
raise and nurture forests have reputation for great anger and
In addition to treating magma spirits as allied, an elementalist of frustration out on those who displease them.
magma may treat silt and sun spirits as neutral. All other elemental
spirits will be hostile to the elementalist if attempting to bind or In addition to treating rain spirits as allied, an elementalist of rain may
compel them. select any one of earth, fire, water or air spirits to treat as neutral. All
other elemental spirits will be hostile to the elementalist if attempting
Initiation to bind or compel them.
The initiation of magma follows a similar process to that of fire, but
the initiate is embraced by lava rather than fire. Initiation
Priests of rain can only conduct initiations on very rare days of storm,
The Pact of Magma and will experience localised hail and lightning.
The spirits of magma are relatively weak on Athas, and are jealous of
the spread of sun and silt. Elementalists of magma are charged with The Pact of Rain
helping magma rise to the surface, and keeping it hot and molten once In order to return the cool caress of their element to Athas,
it is there. This task seems utterly futile to most, but the spirits of elementalists of rain are expected to plant and nurture the forests.
magma still dream of a day when the entire surface of Athas is their
domain. Rain Fetch
A rain fetch has access to the following abilities:
Magma Fetch
Most powers of the magma fetch are only available to priests and Child of Storms
champions. The abilities are: The elementalist is immune to the natural power of storms. They
cannot be struck by lightning, are not bothered by the wet or damp,

and hurricane winds feel like a gentle caress. Against magical affects could wall along the bottom of the silt sea, and can see perfectly while
mimicking these things, they resist at one difficulty grade easier. immersed in silt.

Conjure Rain [Priest or Champion Only] Conjure Silt

For 6PP, a small cloud forms over the course of a minute, and then For 2PP, a cubic metre of silt can be dropped over an area 6m in
unleashes a short deluge of rain over an area with a diameter equal to diameter, at a distance up to the fetch’s POW in metres away. Anyone
the spirit’s POW in metres. Up to 50L of water can be collected if the in the area will need to roll Endurance vs the fetch’s spectral combat.
entire area is suitable for gathering and holding water. Fires within Those who fail are partly blind and choking for 1d6 rounds; all skill
the area will have their Intensity reduced by 3, most likely checks are hard.
extinguishing them, and magma will be turned to stone.
Walk on Silt (Champion only)
Call Lightning [Priest of Champion Only] For 1PP, the champion may walk on silt as if it were solid ground, for
For 2PP, if there is a storm or storm clouds in the area, the champion a number of minutes equal to the fetch’s POW.
may call down a bolt of lightning on a target within five times the
fetch’s POW in metres. The attack uses the fetch’s Spectral Combat,
and the target may attempt to escape unscathed by resisting with Priests of Sun
Endurance. A target who fails to resists suffers 2d6 damage to 1d3
locations, ignoring armour. Sun elementalists are among the most common of the
paraelementalists, and their patron is one of the undisputed masters
The cloud formed by conjure rain is sufficient to power this power – of Athas. Not merely do the sun’s rays have an unrelenting effect on
the cloud is of sufficient size for two rounds prior to unleashing the every day of all creatures’ lives, but many believe that the sun is the
downpour, and for one round afterwards. ultimate source of all magic.

At night, only bound sun spirits can be called upon, and their effective
Priests of Silt Intensity is reduced by one (to a minimum of one) but, during the
Elementalists of silt are common in communities along the shores of day, a sun spirit is never too distant to call upon, and counts as one
the silt sea. Some have no love of silt, but use their powers to protect Intensity higher when resisting any effect trying to banish it.
their people, and hope to propitiate the silt spirits, and direct any
In addition to treating sun spirits as allied, an elementalist of sun may
spread of silt elsewhere. Others simply see strength in this spreading
treat magma and silt as neutral. All other elemental spirits will be
element, and seek to use it for their own enrichment.
hostile to the elementalist if attempting to bind or compel them.
Some conniving silt elementalists disguise themselves as followers of
earth, and teach improper practices that lead to erosion and loss of Initiation
fertility in the soil. That this also sows mistrust of earth priests in The initiation of sun involved the student lying naked and exposed
general is a further bonus. beneath the unrelenting sun on the day of Highest Sun.

In addition to treating silt spirits as allied, an

elementalist of silt may treat magma and sun
The Pact of Sun
spirits as neutral. All other elemental spirits will Sun elementalists are expected to cleanse the
be hostile to the elementalist if attempting to bind atmosphere of anything that filters or weakens the
or compel them. sun’s rays (such as moisture), and raze any
structure of growth the prevents sunlight from
Initiation reaching the ground. They are to assist the spirits
in turning the entire world into a flat, desolate,
The initiation of silt follows the same process as
sun-baked plane forever exposed to the sun.
for earth elementalists, but the initiate is buried
beneath silt rather than earth
Sun Fetch
The Pact of Silt The abilities of a sun fetch work only during the
Silt elementalists are expected to assist the spread day. The available abilities are:
of silt, so that eventually it washes over the entire
Child of the Sun
planet. They seek to destroy the trees and grasses
The elementalist cannot experience sunburn, and
that help maintain the cycles of rainfall, so that all
may stare directly into the sun without any
things turn to dust.
damage to their eyes. Their required daily water
intake is halved, and they will never suffer ill-
Silt Fetch
effects for spending time in the sun.
Silt elementalists do not gain their fetch until they
become priests. There are three fetch powers, and Sunray (Priest or Champion Only)
the fetch begins with two of the elementalist’s For 2PP, the elementalist may call down rays of
choice: sun on their enemies, at a range equal to 5 x the
fetch’s POW. The fetch attacks with it’s Spectral
Abjure Silt Combat value, and the sun ray may be avoided
For 2PP the elementalist can ignore silt for a
with Evade. A target struck takes 2d6 damage to
number of rounds equal to the fetch’s POW. They
a random location.

Druids treat with spirits in the same fashion as elementalists, • While on their own guarded lands, the druid takes their
although their allied spirits are natural spirits of the land, rather than nourishment from the land; they require no food or water.

elemental spirits. Each druid has a particular region, known as their

Archdruid (High Shaman)
guarded lands, that they are responsible for, and which they protect • To qualify as an archdruid, the character requires at least
and defend. 110% in two or more cult skills.
Spirits of the land, often collectively referred to as druidic spirits, are • Champions can find and bind True Elemental spirits of any
empowered by the elements, but they don’t have the same strong Intensity.
connections to the elemental planes as elemental spirits. Druids • May have total number of bound spirits equal to POW.
establish a close rapport with the spirits of the land withing their own • Can bring other souls with them into the spirit realm.
region. • An archdruid can communicate telepathically with any
creature that is on their guarded lands, no matter where the
While druids do make pacts with the elements, they are far less druid is.
restrictive than those made by elementalists. Druids promise to • May create Trees of Life.
protect their elements, but no more than that. If they fail to do so, the
spirits will become hostile, but they will not actively seek vengeance Friendly Spirits
as they would with an elementalist that betrayed them. Each druid will have a different range of spirits that are native to their
On their own lands, druids are quite powerful, but they are typically guarded land. The precise nature of these spirits is determined in
weaker than elementalists if they travel considerable distances, as consultation with the GM prior to play, but is typically limited to
they must then rely on bound spirits or neutral elemental spirits. curse, nature, medicine, predator and guardian spirits, as defined in
the Mythras CRB.
Druids do not have fetches, although they gain some additional
powers while on their guarded lands. Access to these spirits is broken down by the character’s cult rank.

Aspirant: Three different spirits of Intensity 1.

The Druidic Cult ❖
❖ Initiate: Two additional spirits of Intensity 1 and one spirit
Cult Skills of Intensity 2.
Binding, Influence, Healing, Language (Druidic), Language ❖ Druid: Two to four additional spirits, with a total combined
(Elemental), Locale, Trance, Track, Survival, Willpower Intensity of 4, plus one shapechange spirit of Intensity 3.
The shapechange spirit can be used to change into any
Aspirant (Follower)
• Aspirants require at least 50% in five or more cult skills. animal native to the druid’s land, and which falls within
PCs who take the Druid profession will get some leeway the size limit for its Intensity.
here. ❖ Archdruid: The true elemental spirit of the guarded land
• May have total number of bound spirits equal to ¼ POW. (Intensity 4) and either a shapechange spirit of Intensity 4
• Can observe other spirits in the spirit realm, but not or one to three more spirits with a combined Intensity of 3.
communicate with them.
Creating bindings for these spirits follows the normal rules, noting
• When on their guarded lands and communicating with
that the Intensity will be known before the fetish is created. However,
druidic spirits, are treated as one rank higher (so, aspirants
note that binding a true elemental spirit of the guarded land is
can communicate with and bind druidic spirits on their
something only to be done in the greatest of extremities, and is not
guarded lands).
automatic. Even if the spirit agrees to the binding, it will henceforth
• While stationary, on their own land, any attempt to
be treated as neutral at best (even if later released from the binding).
perceive a druid with mundane senses is Herculean.
If forced into the binding via spirit combat, it will become hostile, as
• The druid may speak with any animal on their guarded
will all other druidic spirits.
lands. No animal that lives on their guarded lands will
attack them, unless intentionally provoked. Druids (of any rank) may also pay 2xp rolls per Intensity, to gain
access to a type of spirit for the purposes of summoning. Once they
Initiate (Spirit Worshipper)
gain access, the normal rules for summoning allied spirits apply. Note
• To qualify to become an initiate, the character requires at
that the maximum range for a summons is the druid’s Binding skill
least 70% in four or more cult skills.
in kilometres, so a druid heading further away from their guarded
• May have total number of bound spirits equal to ½ POW.
lands will need to rely on fetishes and local elemental spirits.
• Can observe and communicate with spirits in the spirit
realm. Can bind spirits. In addition to their allied spirits of the land, druids can choose any
• Can speak to plants on their guarded lands. two of air, earth, fire and water spirits to treat as neutral. Elemental
Druid (Shaman) spirits will need to be found and engaged in spirit combat in order to
• To qualify as a druid, the character requires at least 90% in three bind or establish pacts with them.
or more cult skills.
Druidic spirits are usually hostile to druids other than those of their
• May have total number of bound spirits equal to ¾ POW.
• Can project themselves into the spirit realm, or draw spirits into
own lands, but some will treat other druids as neutral. The chance of
the material realm. being hostile is 75% + 5 x Intensity.
• Can speak to all animals and plants.

It is worth noting that using the special abilities described below, or Recuperation
within their fetches, is not the extent of what elementalists and druids [Water, Rain]
can do with spirits. This blessing grants great recuperative power, and augments Healing
The fire elementalist’s ability to treat with the spirits of charred
remains is just one example of how spirits can be treated essentially Scent Tracking
like NPCs, albeit ones with a limited set of interests, senses and [Air]
understanding. The spirit of a well should be able to tell a water priest This blessing greatly enhances the elementalist’s sense of smell,
if it has been poisoned; most likely (unless it was poisoned long ago, augmenting their Track.
and the spirit itself is now corrupted), it won’t even need to be
compelled to do so. Strike of Fire/Magma/Storm/Sun
[Air, Fire, Magma]
A tree spirit will usually know little more than what it feels in its roots The elementalist’s attacks are imbued with lightning, magma, sun or
and leaves as it seeks sunlight and water and nutrients, but if fire, augmenting their Damage Bonus.
creatures with flame or axes have wreaked damage nearby recently,
it could well have noticed that. Swiftness
[Air, Fire]
Such spirits may be weak or stupid or somnolent or dying, but they This blessing can augment Movement speed, Initiative and/or Action
may also be useful, and there will usually be a spirit of some kind not Points.
too far away.
Tongue of Dust
Spirit Attitudes [Silt]
The various elemental and druidic cult descriptions indicate which This blessing allows lies to flow adroitly from the elementalist’s
spirits are treated as friendly and which are neutral. All other spirits wicked tongue, and augments Deceit.
are usually treated as hostile if a druid or elementalist is interacting
with it, although spirit attitudes may vary in some circumstances;
Water Finding
especially if there is some task the animist can do or has done for the
This blessing augments Survival, for the purposes of locating water.

Spirit Abilities Druidic curse spirits can use any of the curse options found in
Mythras, as well as some of the specific curses
Most of the abilities used are identical to the ones
below. The nature of the more generic curses will
found in the Mythras CRB, but a few require
depend on the nature of the spirit; for example, an
further discussion here.
air spirit reducing initiative might indicate
shortness of breath.
Druidic spirits all have autonomy, but only as All spirits with the ability to curse gain the covert
long as they are within the druid’s guarded lands. feature. Depending on their instructions and
Some elemental spirits also have autonomy. desires, they may be able to wait before afflicting
the victim with their malediction (for example, a
Blessing spirit of black sand may be directed only to affect
Blessings available to lesser elemental spirits are the victim’s footsteps if they leave town).
listed here. Druidic nature spirits will have access
to blessings suitable to their type. Keep in mind that non-autonomous, bound spirits
must remain near their fetish or bound location,
Armour and will be forced to leave possessed victims that
[Earth, Magma, Rain] remove themselves from this area.
This blessing augments Armour Points, by
encasing the elementalist in stone or ice. Babbling
Grace The victim’s words come out in an
[Air] incomprehensible babble.
This blessing augments Dance and Acrobatics.
Black Sand/Silt
Evasion [Earth, Silt]
[Air] A victim of the curse of the black sand will leave
This blessing augments Evade. black, oily footprints wherever they go. Such
footprints will remain for a number of hours equal
Endurance to the spirit’s POW, and cannot be erased or
[Earth, Magma] destroyed sooner, other than by magic.
The strength of the earth flows through the
elementalist, augmenting Endurance.

Blinding Sunstroke
[Sun] [Sun]
Whenever the victim is in the sun, they are blinded by a brilliant glare. Every hour they spend outdoors during the day, the victim accrues a
All skills relying exclusively on visual perception are herculean. If number of levels of fatigue equal to the Intensity of the spirit.
other senses may mitigate the loss of vison, a task is merely Recovery is not possible unless the victim is in a well-shaded area.
Choking Sand/Silt Embodying powers available to lesser elemental spirits are listed
[Water] here. Druidic nature spirits will have access to embodying powers
Anything the victim tries to drink turns to sand or silt. The spirit is suitable to their type.
unable to possess a victim for more than one day per Intensity.
Dehydration [Earth, Magma]
[Silt, Sun, Water] The elementalist can burrow through the earth at their normal
The victim’s required water intake is multiplied by the Intensity of movement rate. Note that this does not leave a shaft – earth is simply
the spirit, or by x1.5 for an Intensity 1 spirit. moved (or, in the case of magma spirits, flows) behind. Solid rock
cannot be burrowed through.
About a day after possession, the victim will be afflicted by an
infestation of parasites. If these are cured naturally, but the spirit is While this ability is embodied, Endurance checks to resist bleeding
not removed, the same infestation will return 1d6 days later. To are Easy.
determine the type of infestation, roll 1d3+Intensity.
2. Desert Lice. The victim feels generally unhealthy. All
[Fire, Rain]
Endurance checks are one grade more difficult than usual.
Toxins are washed or burned away before they can harm the
3. Sand Fleas. The victim is constantly itching and in
elementalist. While this trait is embodied, they are immune to poison
discomfort. Those coming within a metre of the victim are
and disease.
likely to attract a similar infestation as the fleas migrate.
Healing rate is reduced by 1. Cloak of Silt
4. Ear Mites. If the victim fails an Endurance check, they will [Silt]
become permanently deaf in one ear in 1d6+6 days. There While embodied, the elementalist is surrounded in a haze of swirling
is a period of tinnitus for the final four days. silt, obscuring their true form. From a distance, they will look like a
5. Eye Mites. The eyes itch and weep for 1d6+6 days, before vague, grey smudge, or maybe a dust devil.
the victim goes completely blind.
6. Mind Worms. These creatures live in the hair and secret Defiling Scent
psychotropic chemicals. The victim experiences [Air]
increasingly more terrifying hallucinations that impinge While active, the elementalist can smell whether someone is a defiler.
upon reality, while also experiencing dementia-like effects. Based on their defiling passion, it will report their defiling strength as
Shaving the head and scrubbing the scalp is sufficient to kill weak (<31), moderate (31-50), strong (51-90) or very strong (91+). One
the worms, after which the victim will rapidly recover. target within the spirit’s POW in metres can be checked per round.
However, the effects are usually mistaken for psionic
attack, rather than what they really are.
7. Skin Worms. The victim begins to give off an unpleasant
While embodied, the elementalist’s touch inflicts one level of
odour, then round sores begin to appear. Everyone knows
dehydration-based fatigue.
this means skin worms. Three days after infection, the
victim must make daily Endurance checks, or suffer a level
of fatigue that cannot be removed until cured.
While this ability is embodied, the elementalist has the Cautious
Mirage of Despair
Fighter combat style trait.
During the day, the victim sees all things in the worst possible light.
Friends appear to be hideous monsters, beautiful oases are dead and
[Fire, Rain]
poisoned, etc … Alternatively, the spirit can make dangerous or The elementalist becomes as wild and merciless as a storm or raging
horrible things appear appealing A sloth harmless and cuddly, inferno. They are impervious to mental control, pain and fatigue, and
rotting meat a bountiful feast, a nemesis kind and trustworthy. ignore the effects of serious wounds (but not major wounds).
However, they must either move towards a target in order to melee,
or make attacks. They cannot parry, use psionics, evade or take any
[Air, Fire, Sun, Druidic]
kind of proactive action, other then to make melee attacks or move to
Spirits able to inflict slow can reduce movement, initiative and/or
a position where they can do so. A frenzy lasts for three rounds, plus
action points, limited only by their Intensity.
one round per Intensity of the spirit. After the frenzy ends, the
elementalist has a fatigue level of Exhausted.

Hollow Vitality Slave Scent
[Silt] [Air]
The elementalist is able to consume sand or silt in place of water. While active, the elementalist can smell whether individuals within
However, as long as this power is embodied, all Endurance checks the spirit’s POW in metres are freemen, slaves, escaped slaves or
are one difficulty grade harder. nobles.

Lifegiving Warmth
[Water] [Fire]
Up to two creatures per Intensity need only consume half as much While embodied, elementalist is immune to the effects of natural cold,
water as normal, as long as they remain within the spirit’s POW in and any resistances to cold-based magic are one degree easier.
metres. However, the elementalist embodying the spirit must
consume twice as much as normal. Water Breathing
Lightning Strike While active, the elementalist is able to breath in water.
While this ability is embodied, the elementalist is able to launch Whispers
attacks while on the move; they are able to use the Skirmishing [Air]
combat style trait. While this spirit is active, the elementalist can overhear anything said
within spirit’s POW in metres, but only from one source at a time, that
Magma Arrows they can see and concentrate on.
While this power is embodied, any launched or thrown missiles turn Instantition
to burning magma in flight. These are treated as magical, and do Instantiation allows a spirit to manifest itself more fully into the world
additional damage determined by Intensity (see Instantiation for in order to create an effect of some kind, and is not dissimilar to
values). Magma objects landing in or among flammable material have spellcasting. Unless otherwise stated, instantiated effects cost the
a chance equal to the spirit’s Spectra Combat value of igniting the spirit 1PP per Intensity, and can be invoked at less than the maximum
material. Intensity to save power points. Most spirit instantiations are available
only to elemental spirits, but some nature spirits can have instantiated
Magma Form abilities. Instantiated effects will generally not last longer than a
[Magma] scene, and are certainly ended if the spirit employs a different ability.
The elementalist oozes to the floor in a puddle of magma when this
power is embodied. They may flow up to five metres per minute; For instantiation affects that do or add to damage, unless otherwise
twice that downhill, half if flowing uphill. They give off heat of an stated, use the following values:
Intensity equal to the embodying spirit, and can flow through small
gaps. • Intensity 1: 1d3
• Intensity 2: 1d4
While in magma form, the elementalist has hit points equal to their • Intensity 3: 1d6
SIZ, in a single location. On return to their normal form, and damage • Intensity 4: 1d8
is distributed as with elemental forms.

Dousing with any significant

amount of water (two litres or Acid Rain
more) does 1d6 damage. [Rain]
Acidic rain falls in an area 3m in
Mould Stone diameter per intensity, and up to 2 x
[Magma] POW metres away. Anything within
While this power is embodied, the the area takes 1d6 points of damage
elementalist is able to melt stone as to 1d3 locations. Any location where
they work it. Only small portions of a 6 is rolled for damage also loses one
stone are made molten at a time, so AP from any armour on that location.
this power is of limited use in Any creature entering the area, or
extremely large construction, but it beginning a round inside it, takes
allows stone and rock to be worked, damage again.
shaped and bent in a variety of
ways. Where appropriate, this can Bramblestaff
reduce the difficulty grade of Art or [Earth, Water, Druidic]
Craft skill checks. The spirit enters an ordinary staff or
club, and it sprouts thick, hard
Refresh spikes. The weapon counts as
[Rain] magical, and does increased damage
The elementalist is surrounded by based on the spirit’s Intensity:
cool, damp air. Their water
requirement is halved while this Buffet
power is embodied. [Rain]
The spirit forms a brief, raging storm
of sleet and crackling electricity,

lasting one round per Intensity, with a diameter equal to half the
spirit’s POW. Most actions within the area of effect will be at hard
difficulty; in addition, anyone within the area must resist with
Endurance (at normal difficulty) or suffer damage based on Intensity
to 1d3 random locations.

The spirit ignites flammable material within POW metres. Living
creatures (other than plants) are not affected, nor is anything carried
or worn, although the fire can subsequently spread to these things.
The material that is ignited depends on the intensity of the spirit:

• Intensity 1: Paper, straw, kindling, dry leaves

• Intensity 2: Woody bushes, light timber construction
• Intensity 3: Living leaves and branches, standard timber
• Intensity 4: Sturdy living trees, heavy timber construction

Everything within the area of effect that can be ignited will be ignited
– the elementalist does not get to pick and choose.

Create Water
[Rain, Water]
The spirit is able to create water; 1 power point will create one litre
per Intensity.

[Earth, Water, Druidic]
The spirit may enter a weapon with the Impale trait. The weapon is
considered magical, and gains the barbed trait if it does not already
have it.

If the weapon impales flesh, the tip sprouts roots and tendrils that
seek vital organs. At the start of the next round, if the weapon has not
been removed, the victim must make an Endurance check, and will
die if they fail. Each round, if the weapon has not been removed, the
check becomes one degree harder. If it is a limb that is impaled, there
is a one round delay before the first Endurance check needs to be
made. The weapon remains enchanted for one round per Intensity of
the spirit; if it has not impaled a target within that time, the roots
sprout, then whither away. In either case, the weapon is ruined by the
Melt Glass
Magma Blade [Magma]
[Magma] The spirit is able to destroy obsidian weapons within POW metres,
The spirit enters an obsidian blade, enchanting it so that it can harm causing the blades to melt away. One weapon can be affected per
magical creatures. When it strikes, the blade bursts into molten rock, Intensity. This power can also be used to melt other forms of igneous
destroying the weapon, but inflicting additional damage based on the glass. Enchanted weapons and items cannot be affected.
• Intensity 1: +2d3 [Sun]
• Intensity 2: +2d4 This spirit may form a moving visual illusion, as long is the image is
• Intensity 3: +2d6 in daylight. The image must remain within an area of 2 cubic metres
• Intensity 4: +2d8 per Intensity.

Magma Shield Return to Earth

[Magma] [Earth]
The spirit enters an ordinary shield, turning it into swirling mass of With each instantiation, one corpse (including mindless undead) per
magma. The shield does an additional 1d4 damage if used to attack, Intensity crumbles to dust. Intelligent undead can also be affected, but
and any obsidian or bone weapon it parries is destroyed. may resist with Endurance or Willpower vs the spirit’s Spectral
Combat; if they lose, the undead suffers 1d6 damage to a number of
Additionally, anyone engaged with the character at Medium range or
random locations equal to the spirit’s Intensity, ignoring non-magical
closer suffers damage each range as per a fire with the same Intensity
armour. Incorporeal undead are unaffected.
as the spirit.

The shield is consumed and the effect ends after a number of rounds
equal to the spirit’s POW.
Sear Sharpening
[Fire, Magma, Sun] [Earth]
Fire, molten rock or searing beams of light sprays or streaks at a target The spirit enters an edged weapon, honing the blade. The next time
within the spirit’s POW in metres, doing damage based on Intensity the weapon hits, it does additional damage equal to Intensity x 2.
to a random location. No attack roll is necessary. Subsequent hits may also do additional damage, but the Intensity is
treated as one lower each time, until the effective Intensity is 0. The
Silt Warrior weapon counts as magical for as long as it is gaining a damage bonus.
[ Silt]
The spirit inhabits sand or silt and causes it to rise up in the form of a Sink
warrior, with stats dependent in Intensity: [Silt]
The ground beneath the elementalist turns to silt, and they sink below
STR: 8 + Intensity Initiative: 12 + Intensity the surface. They can remain submerged for a number of minutes
CON: 10 + Intensity Hit Points: 5 + Intensity (Single Location) equal to the spirit’s POW. This effect costs 1PP.
SIZ: 5 + Intensity Armour Points: Intensity
DEX: 12 + Intensity Damage: Based on Intensity Smoke
Action Points: 2 Combat Style: 50% + 10 x Intensity [Air, Fire]
The spirit is able to become a cloud of smoke, with a radius equal to
Intensity x 15m. Anything within the cloud must make an Endurance
check vs the spirit’s Spectral Combat, those who lose must attempt to
leave the cloud, and all skills are Hard until they have spent one
round clear of the smoke cloud. Alternatively, such a spirit can clear
smoke in the same radius.

The spirit extends away from the elementalist as a cone of noxious air
3m long per Intensity, and 3m wide at the far end. Everyone within
the cone must make an Endurance check; those who fail make all skill
checks at hard difficulty for the next 1d4 rounds due to coughing,
gagging, crying etc …

Thorns of Binding
[Earth, Water, Druidic]
The spirit transforms into a rope of thorny vines, using its Spectral
Combat to attack while the target can use an Action to defend with
Evade. On a hit, the target takes damage, based on Intensity, to 1d3
locations. Additionally, if the spirit gains a special effect, it can choose
to bind the target, grappling all body parts that were struck, and the
spirit continues to fight using its Spectral Combat value. The
evocation ends when the spirit fails its initial attack, or the victim

Water to Silt
[Rain, Water]
The spirit is able to turn water into silt; 1 power point will convert two
litres per Intensity.

Lesser elemental spirits and druidic medicine spirits have access to
the healing ability.

Elemental spirits of sun may be perceptive.

Druidic and paraelemental predator sprits gain puppeteer, as per

The shapeshifting ability functions as per Mythras, but is not limited
to a single form.

Lesser elemental spirits and druidic guardian spirits have access to
the warding ability.

Lesser Elemental Spirits of Air Lesser Elemental Spirits of Earth
Spirit Types Curse Curse
01-08 Slow 01-09 Black Sand
Most of the spirits from the Mythras CRB exist in Athas, but there are
09-16 Babble 10-18 Infestation
some points of differentiation. Athasian spirits are discussed here. Blessing Blessing
17-24 Swiftness 19-27 Armour
Ancestor Spirits 25-32 Grace 28-36 Endurance
No cult or group worships or venerates ancestor spirits in Athas, and 31-40 Scent Tracking Instantiation
new ancestor spirits are rarely, if ever, created anymore. However, 41-48 Evasion 37-45 Bramblestaff
Instantiation 46-54 Heartseeker
some spirits, such as the meorty and raaig, are powerful souls from
49-56 Smoke 55-63 Return to Earth
distant ages that are said to guard ancient shrines to lost gods and the 57-64 Stench 64-72 Sharpening
tombs of fallen empires. Embodiment 73-81 Thorns of Binding
65-72 Defiling Scent Embodiment
Curse Spirits 71-80 Slave Scent 82-90 Burrowing
81-88 Whispers 91-94 Autonomy
Curse spirits are angry, malevolent or corrupted natural spirits that
89-96 Escape 95-00 Warding
possess and cause afflictions. Lesser elemental spirits may also have 97-00 Autonomy
curse abilities, but are not curse spirits.
Lesser Elemental Spirits of Fire Lesser Elemental Spirits of Magma
Guardian Spirits Curse Blessing
Guardian spirits, as described in Mythras, are available as druidic 01-09 Slow 01-08 Armour
Blessing 09-16 Strike of Magma
10-18 Swiftness 17-24 Endurance

19-28 Strike of Flame Instantiation
Instantiation 25-32 Magma Blade
There are two types of haunts on Athas, the dhaot and wracked spirits. 29-37 Smoke 33-40 Magma Shield
Dhaot and are formed from those who die far from home. Many halflings 38-46 Sear 41-48 Melt Glass
who are stolen from their homelands, or even those who leave voluntarily, 47-55 Combust 59-56 Sear
Embodiment Embodiment
end up as dhaot when they die in the desert wastes.
56-64 Frenzy 57-63 Burrowing
Wracked spirits are twisted, angry creatures who died with an important 65-74 Cleansing (Poi) 64-71 Magma Form
task incomplete. The most common form, by far, is the dwarven banshee. 75-84 Cauterise 72-79 Mould Stone
85-93 Warmth 80-87 Magma Arrows
Lesser Elemental Spirits 94-97 Autonomy 88-91 Autonomy
98-00 Warding 92-96 Warding
A lesser elemental spirit has one power per Intensity. These powers are
97-00 Predator
generally determined randomly, although it is possible to seek out spirits
with particular abilities.
Lesser Elemental Spirits of Rain Lesser Elemental Spirits of Silt
If the autonomy ability is rolled, this does not count against the spirits limit Blessing Curse
of one power per Intensity. 01-09 Armour 01-09 Black Silt
10-17 Strike of the Storm 10-18 Choking Silt
18-26 Recuperation 19-27 Dehydration
Medicine Spirits 27-34 Endurance Blessing
Medicine spirits as described in Mythras are available as druidic spirits. Instantiation 28-36 Tongue of Dust
35-43 Acid Rain Instantiation
Natural Spirits 44-52 Buffet 67-44 Silt Warrior
Embodiment 45-53 Water to Silt
Natural spirits, as described in Mythras, are available as druidic 53-59 Frenzy 54-62 Sink
spirits. They have access to some evoked abilities, as well as some 60-68 Cleansing Embodiment
expanded empowering abilities. 69-77 Lightning Strike 63-71 Desiccation
78-86 Refresh 72-80 Cloak of Silt
Predator Spirits 87-90 Autonomy 81-89 Hollow Vitality
91-93 Warding 90-93 Autonomy
Predator spirits are available as druidic spirits. Lesser elemental spirits
94-97 Healing 94-96 Warding
that are predators gain puppeteer and autonomy, and operate as described
98-00 Predator 97-00 Predator
in Mythras.
Lesser Elemental Spirits of Sun Lesser Elemental Spirits of Water
Shapeshifting Spirits Curse Curse
Druidic shapeshifting spirits allow druids to transform into any animal 01-09 Slow 01-09 Choking Sand
living in their guardian lands. 10-18 Blinding 10-19 Dehydration
19-27 Mirage of Despair Blessing
True Elemental Spirits 27-36 Dehydration 20-29 Recuperation
True elemental spirits are the elemental spirits described in Mythras. A 37-45 Sunstroke 30-39 Water Finding
Blessing Instantiation
druid’s guarded lands are always the domain of a single druidic true
46-54 Strike of the Sun 40-48 Bramblestaff
elemental spirit.
55-63 Instantiation 49-57 Heartseeker
64-72 Mirage 56-66 Thorns of Binding
Undeath Spirits 73-81 Sear Embodiment
Every undeath spirit in Athas is unique; it is simply the soul of an 82-85 Autonomy 67-76 Lifegiving
intelligent being that has found a way to remain in its body after death. 86-88 Warding 77-86 Water Breathing
Many are extremely powerful. 89-91 Healing 87-90 Autonomy
92-95 Predator 91-94 Warding
Wraiths 96-00 Perceptive 95-00 Healing

Wraiths function basically as described, but are (fortunately) extremely

rare, and only created by those voluntarily choosing to spend eternity as
undead guardians.
Sorcery in Athas works basically the way it does in the Mythras CRB; As usual, the invocation roll will determine how much mana is
most of the changes relate to how magic points (renamed Mana) are required in total. Whatever extra mana is needed, beyond the one
acquired, recovered and used. point paid from the mana pool, is automatically available and, if the
invocation roll was successful, the spell is cast. If the spell required
Mana more than one mana, the sorcerer makes a hard Endurance check to
determine the cost that must be paid for the extra:
Athasian sorcery is powered by mana, not power points, and all
sorcerers have a mana pool. ❖ Crit: One level of fatigue per two full mana.
❖ Success: One level of fatigue per mana.
Mana is also referred to as life energy, or simply Life, and it is literally ❖ Fail: Two levels of fatigue per point of mana.
the energy that allows things to live. Intelligent beings have an ❖ Fumble: One level of fatigue per point of mana, plus one. Lose one
point of POW, permanently.
amount of mana equal to their POW score; this is their vitality and
living essence, and it is no coincidence that POW also determines their When using self-sacrifice, one point must always be paid from the
power points. sorcerer’s mana pool, and any balance must come from sacrifice.

Removing the mana from something is usually a traumatic process;

sorcerers learn how to tap into their own natural mana and use it to
Preserving Cults and Brotherhoods
Most preservers in the cities are members of the Veiled Alliance. Most
power magical effects, without killing themselves in the process, but
villages, nomadic clans and the like will only have a single sorcerer,
it takes considerable training and practice to access all of their
although they may take on a small number of apprentices. In either
available reserves.
case, advancement follows the normal progression for cults and
The value of the mana pool is determined by their proficiency: brotherhoods.
❖ Apprentice: ¼ POW
Cult Skills (Veiled Alliance)
❖ Adept: ½ POW
❖ Mage: ¾ POW
Deceit, Invocation, Literacy, Preserving, Shaping, Sleight, Streetwise,
❖ Arch Mage: POW Willpower.

Mana is recovered at the rate of one point per day. Rumours speak to Cult Skills (Other)
methods by which the most powerful defilers are able to replenish Influence, Invocation, Literacy, Locale, Preserving, Shaping, Sleight,
their mana by taking power directly from living creatures but, if true, Willpower
this is beyond the ken of most mortal sorcerers.
• Apprentices require at least 50% in five or more cult skills
Invocation • No Gifts or special skills, other than the ability to cast
Every sorcerer learns the skill Invocation, which functions exactly as preserving sorcery.
it does in the Mythras CRB. However, the fundamental underlying • Generally, access to 3 – 4 spells.
principles of Invocation result in magic that takes mana recklessly • Mana pool is ¼ POW.
from the plants around the sorcerer, destroying them and defiling the
land. A sorcerer who wishes to avoid this must also develop the skill
• An adept must have at least 70% in four or more cult skills.
Preserving. Preserving teaches a sorcerer processes by which they can
• May cast using self-sacrifice
more carefully manipulate mana, drawing it more cautiously from
• Generally, access to an additional 2 – 3 spells.
the world around them, and using more of their internal stores..
• Mana pool is ½ POW.
When attempting to use preserving magic, a character uses the lowest
of their Invocation or Preserving skills. Preserver
• A preserver must have at least 90% in three or more cult

Preserving •
skills, including preserving.
Affinity with the natural world allows the mage to
By default, Preservers follow most of the usual rules from Mythras to constantly absorb very low levels of magical energy. Unless
cast spells, although, as just discussed, they use the lower of their in an area that has been completely defiled, mana recovery
Invocation or Preserving skill values when making Invocation rolls. is increased to 2 points per day.
Because of the slow recovery rate of mana, and the fact that the mana • Generally, access to an additional 1 – 2 spells.
pool itself begins quite small, preservers can cast far fewer spells than • Mana pool is ¾ POW.
traditional Mythras sorcerers.
Arch Preserver
As their mana pool grows, they become comparable to default • An arch preserver must have at least 110% in preserving
sorcerers, but defiling will always remain quicker, easier, more and one other cult skill.
seductive … • Affinity increases. The preserver can now safely call on
enough mana from plants that the first mana point for
Self-Sacrifice every spell is free.
Preservers who reach the rank of adept may attempt to empower their • Mana pool equals POW.
spells by directly expending their life energy, instead of paying from
their mana pool. The sorcerer pays only one mana from their own
pool; any extra mana that is required will come from self-sacrifice.
Defiling Defiling Cults and Brotherhoods
The sorcerer kings are the only defilers that maintain sizable groups
Preserving is a slow and difficult path to power. While it provides of sorcerous underlings, and teach defiling to some of their templars
capabilities that lie outside other forms of magic, few people have the and specialist sorcerers. However, they rarely allow any of their
discipline and the willingness to abide by the strictures of preserving students to rise beyond the status of adepts; those who manage to
sorcery. surpass this level of skill will generally be eliminated.

The easier method of conducting sorcery is to take what power is Defilers in the villages or tribes beyond the cities are generally in
needed from the nearby plant life without concern for its survival. positions of power, and are jealous of that power. Some will take on
That this renders the land barren and beyond repair is of no concern an apprentice, but they will not generally work with their peers or
to those who are simply seeking the fastest path to power. anyone that can threaten their position.

When a defiler casts a spell, they pay only a single point of mana from As such, finding instruction as a defiler can be extremely difficult, and
their own pool. If, after the results of the invocation roll are assessed, is generally a matter of a master working with one or two apprentices.
further mana is required, the power is taken from the local flora.
Defilers gain no gifts or special powers as they advance, although
Defiling turns all plant life in the affected area to a grey, ashen dust. they typically gain access to more powerful spells, assuming their
The nutrients and life force of the soil itself is also consumed, such master trusts them sufficiently.
that nothing will ever grow again on defiled ground.
Cult Skills
The radius of the affected area, in metres, depends on the amount of Deceit, Influence, Invocation, Literacy, Shaping, Sleight, Stealth,
additional mana required and the amount of plant life in the terrain. Willpower.

Defiling Radius Apprentice

Additional MP Required • Apprentices require at least 50% in five or more cult skills
1 2 3 4 5-6 7+
• No Gifts or special skills, other than the ability to cast
Forest 1 2 2 2 3 3
Verdant Belt 2 2 3 4 4 4 preserving sorcery.
Scrub Plains 3 4 5 5 6 6 • Generally, access to 3 – 4 spells.
Others 10 17 22 26 28 30 • Mana pool is ¼ POW.

If multiple spells are cast in the same area, the total area defiled is Adept
based on the largest single invocation, plus 1 metre for each • An adept must have at least 70% in four or more cult skills.
additional spell. • Generally, access to an additional 2 – 3 spells.
• Mana pool is ½ POW.
Power is Addictive
Defiling is a rush; the sorcerer feels vast amounts of life energy Defiler
coursing into and through them. The first time a sorcerer chooses to • A preserver must have at least 90% in three or more cult
defile, they gain Passion (Defile) at 30 + 2 x POW. This passion can be skills, including Invocation.
expected to increase the more the character defiles. If the character • Generally, access to an additional 1 – 2 spells.
wishes to reduce the passion, the road is hard, and must include use • Mana pool is ¾ POW.
of the self-sacrifice mechanism to understand the pain they have
inflicted on the land.
Arch Defiler
• An arch preserver must have at least 110% in Invocation
Defilers can cast without defiling (assuming they have learned the and one other cult skill.
preserving skill), but they must first make a check against their • Mana pool equals POW.
Passion (Defile). If they pass the test, they will choose to defile. The
choice to cast or not cast a spell is made before checking the passion;
it is not possible to check the passion first and then decide not to cast.

It is not possible to mix and match mana from the pool and defiling.
If a sorcerer defiles, they always pay one mana from their own pool,
and the balance from defiling.

Templars are a combination of priests, bureaucrats and police.

Advanced Beings
An arch defiler, arch preserver, elemental champion or archdruid qualifies to progress as an advanced being if they have 110% or higher in Psionic
Aptitude, at least three psionic disciplines, and their two or three key casting skills.


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