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A museum

Describe a museum you enjoyed visiting.

You should say:
Where this museum is?
What you can see in this museum?
How long you spent in the museum?
Explain why you would recommend this museum?

A shop
Describe a shop or market you go to regularly.
You should say:
Where type of shop or market it is?
What you can buy there?
How often you go there?
Say why you choose to go that shop?

A house or apartment
Talk about a house or an apartment you would like
to live in.
You should say:
What it would look like?
How big it would be?
Where it would be located?
Explain why you would like to live there?

Describe a place that you would like to travel to.
You should say:
Where you would like to go?
How you would go there?
Who you would go with?
Explain why you would like to go to this place.

A restaurant
Describe a restaurant you know.
You should say:
Where this restaurant is
What type of food the restaurant serves
How often you go to this restaurant
Explain why you would recommend this

A hotel
Describe a hotel you have stayed in.
You should say:
Where it is?
What facilities it has?
When you stayed there?
Say whether you would recommend it to a friend?

A garden
Describe a garden you remember visiting.
You should say:
Where it is?
What it looks like?
What people do there?
Explain why you remember it.

Something old
Describe something that you or your family has
owned for a long time.
You should say:
What it is?
How your family acquired it?
How long your family has kept it?
Explain why it is important to your family

Modern technology
Describe a piece of modern technology you own.
You should say:
What it is?
What you use it for?
How long you have owned it?
Explain why it is important for you

An interesting subject
Describe your favorite subject at school or
You should say:
What it was?
Who taught you?
How long you studied it?
Say why it was your favorite subject

A magazine
Describe a magazine you think is interesting
You should say:
How you know about this magazine?
Where you can buy it?
What it contains?
Explain why you think this magazine is interesting.

A photograph
Describe a photograph that you remember.
You should say:
When it was taken?
Who took it?
What is in the photograph?
and explain why you remember this photograph

Describe an important letter that you received.
You should say:
Who wrote it?
What the letter was about?
How you felt about the letter?
Explain why it was important.

Describe your favorite item of clothing.
You should say:
What it is?
When you bought it?
Why you bought it?
Say why you like it so much.

Describe a piece of music you like
You should say:
What it is?
What it sounds like?
When you first heard it?
Explain why you enjoy this piece of music.

An advertisement
Describe an advertisement you like
You should say:
What type of advertisement it is?
What product it advertises?
Where you first saw it?
Explain why you think this advertisement is

Describe a journey you regularly make
You should say:
Where you go to and from?
How often you make this journey?
What form of transport you use?
Explain why you make that journey in that way

Describe your favorite subject at school or

You should say:
What it was?
Who taught you?
How long you studied it?
Say why it was your favorite subject

Leisure time
Describe what you usually do in your leisure time.
You should say:
Who you do this with?
Where you do it?
How you do it?
Explain why you like to spend your free time this

Describe a practical skill you have.

You should say:
What the skill is?
How often you use it?
Who taught it to you?
Explain why the skill is so practical.

A television program
Describe a television program you watched and
did not enjoy.
You should say:
What this program was?
Where and when you watched it?
What it was about?
Explain why you did not enjoy it.

A book
Describe a book you are reading
You should say
What the book is about?
When you read it?
How long you read it for?
Explain what you like about the book.

A country
Describe a country you plan to visit.
You should say:
What the country is?
When you plan to go there?
Who you would like to travel with?
Explain why you would like to go there.

Describe something special you want to buy in the
You should say:
What it is?
What it is like?
When you intend to buy it?
Explain why you want to buy it.

A childhood memory
Describe a happy memory from your childhood
You should say:
What happened?
How old you were?
Who else was there?
Explain why you remember it so well.

A project
Describe a project you worked on in your studies
or job
You should say:
What the project was?
Who else was involved in it?
How long it took?
Explain what you learned from this project.

A sporting event
Describe a sporting event you attended or
You should say:
What sport it was?
When it happened?
Who was involved in it?
Explain what you remember it.

A meal
Describe a meal you enjoyed
You should say:
Who was there?
When and where it was?
What you had to eat?
Explain why you enjoyed the meal so much

A celebration
Describe an occasion when you celebrated
You should say:
What you were celebrating?
Who was there?
When it happened?
Explain why it was memorable.

Describe some advice you received
You should say:
When you received the advice?
Who gave the advice to you?
What the advice was?
Explain why you thought it was good advice or not

A wedding
Describe a wedding you attended
You should say
When it was?
Who got married?
What happened at the wedding?
Explain whether it was a typical wedding

A decision
Describe an important decision that you made
You should say:
What the decision was?
How you made your decision?
What the results of the decision were?
Explain why it was important.

A musical event
Describe a musical event in your country
You should say
What the event it is?
Where it takes place?
What kind of music is played?
And you should explain why you enjoy it

A news story
Describe some interesting news that you have
recently read about or heard about.
You should say
What the story was?
Who was involved in the story?
Where you read or heard about this story?
Explain why this news story was interesting to you.

Describe something special you want to buy in the

You should say:
What it is?
What it is like?
When you intend to buy it?
Explain why you want to buy it.

A decision
Describe an important decision that you made
You should say:
What the decision was?
How you made your decision?
What the results of the decision were?

Describe a wedding that you have attended.
Please say
- Whose wedding was it?
- Where did it take place?
- How was it celebrated?
- How did you feel about the wedding?

Describe your dream job when you were young.

Please say
- What kind of job was it?
- Where did you learn about it?
- What kind of training/skills are needed for that
- What is the importance of this job?

Talk about a musical event in a foreign place that

you have attended.
- Why do people like music?
- Why do you think music is important?
- Should parents force their children to play some
- Why do you think parents want their children to
get involved in music?
- In some shopping centers or business places
there is always music playing, why?

Talk about an old person that you know. Please

- Who is he /she?
- What did you learn from him / her?
- How did you come to know him/her?


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