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Based on the provided information, here is a draft report format for the needs assessment findings for

Kaung Su Aung Hospital (KSAH). This format includes an introduction, findings from the interviews
with the owners, and next steps.


# Needs Assessment Report for Kaung Su Aung Hospital (KSAH)

## 1. Introduction

### 1.1 Purpose of the Report

This report presents the findings from the needs assessment conducted at Kaung Su Aung Hospital
(KSAH) based on the Due Diligence Assessment (DDA) recommendations by UNOPS. The assessment
aims to identify areas for improvement and guide the development of policies and procedures to enhance
the hospital's overall performance and readiness for expansion.

### 1.2 Methodology

The needs assessment involved conducting interviews with key personnel at KSAH, including the
owners, management, medical staff, and support staff. The interviews focused on governance and
management, project and program management, financial management, procurement, organizational
structure and human resources, health, safety, security, and environment (HSSE), and specific operational

## 2. Findings

### 2.1 Governance and Management

**Interviewees:** Ko Linn and Ma Yu

1. **Governance Structures:**
- **Current Status:** There is currently no formal governance structure in place at KSAH.
- **Challenges:** The primary challenges include excessive workload, lack of a system for complaints
resolution, and the need for the right personnel in the right positions. There is a need for systems, skilled
people, and appropriate forms.

2. **Decision-Making:**
- **Current Process:** Decision-making is based on reports from the requested departments, field
checks, and workload comparisons.
- **Challenges:** Expansion, supply and demand considerations, and potential threats and risks need to
be considered in decision-making.

3. **Annual Work Plan:**

- **Current Status:** There is no established annual work plan for clinic activities.
- **Challenges:** The owners are interested in learning how to develop work plans, including strategic
planning and SWOT analysis.

4. **Coordination with Other Healthcare Facilities and Community Groups:**

- **Current Status:** Plans for coordination are underway and will be implemented after the hospital
receives registration.

5. **Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA):**

- **Current Status:** A PSEA workshop was recently conducted for interested staff members. The
training was provided by Dr. Linn, who recently took a PSEA course from the UN.
- **Challenges:** The training was not mandatory, and attendance was voluntary, which may limit its

### 3. Recommendations and Next Steps

### 3.1 Immediate Actions

- Develop and implement formal governance structures.
- Create a decision-making framework that considers expansion, supply and demand, and risk
- Develop an annual work plan and provide training on strategic planning and SWOT analysis.
- Formalize coordination plans with other healthcare facilities and community groups.
- Make PSEA training mandatory for all staff and ensure comprehensive coverage of PSEA principles and

### 3.2 Long-Term Goals

- Regularly review and update all governance and management policies and procedures.
- Strengthen decision-making processes to incorporate comprehensive risk management.
- Establish regular training programs for staff on governance, management, and PSEA compliance.
- Continuously monitor and assess the effectiveness of implemented changes.

### 3.3 Support Needed from UNOPS

- Request technical assistance for the development of governance structures and decision-making
- Seek guidance on best practices for strategic planning and annual work plan development.
- Collaborate on capacity-building initiatives for staff training on governance, management, and PSEA.

## 4. Conclusion
The needs assessment has identified critical areas for improvement at KSAH. By addressing the
recommendations from the DDA report and implementing the proposed actions, KSAH can enhance its
operational efficiency, ensure compliance with international standards, and prepare for future expansion.
Continued support from UNOPS will be instrumental in achieving these goals.


Please continue to provide the answers to the remaining interview questions, and I will incorporate them
into this report format.

# Needs Assessment Report for Kaung Su Aung Hospital (KSAH)

## 1. Introduction

### 1.1 Purpose of the Report

This report presents the findings from the needs assessment conducted at Kaung Su Aung Hospital
(KSAH). The assessment aims to evaluate the current operations, governance, and management
structures, identify areas requiring improvement, and provide recommendations for enhancing the
hospital’s overall performance. The assessment is guided by the recommendations from the Due
Diligence Assessment (DDA) conducted by UNOPS.

### 1.2 Methodology

The needs assessment involved conducting detailed interviews with key personnel at KSAH, including
the owners (Ko Linn and Ma Yu), the Head Nurse, and the Manager. The interviews were structured
around specific questionnaires designed to explore governance, management, project and program
management, financial management, procurement, organizational structure, human resources, health,
safety, security, and environmental management.

## 2. Findings from Interviews

### 2.1 Interview with Owners (Ko Linn and Ma Yu)

**Governance and Management, Project and Program Management**

1. **Are there formal governance structures in place at KSAH?**

- **Response:** Currently, there is no formal governance structure in place.
- **Challenges:** Overwork, complaints resolution, finding the right personnel for the right positions,
and the need for systems, forms, and skills.

2. **How is decision-making managed within KSAH?**

- **Response:** Decision-making involves listening to department reports, field checks, workload
comparisons, considering expansion, supplies, demands, and risk assumptions.
- **Challenges:** Consideration of expansion, supplies and demands, and potential threats and risks.

3. **Is there an established annual work plan for clinic activities?**

- **Response:** No established practice yet, but there is a willingness to learn.
- **Challenges:** Interest in learning how to develop work plans, strategic planning, and SWOT

4. **How do you coordinate with other healthcare facilities and community groups for project
- **Response:** Plans are in place to establish coordination after receiving registration.

5. **Can you discuss any plans or initiatives to address the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
(PSEA) within KSAH?**
- **Response:** A PSEA workshop was recently conducted by Dr. Linn, who took a PSEA course
from the UN. The training was voluntary and open to interested staff.

### 2.2 Interview with Manager

**Project and Program Management, Financial Management, Procurement**

6. **Can you provide an overview of your role and responsibilities within KSAH?**
- **Response:** Manages overall operations, prioritizes projects, allocates resources, and handles
financial management and budgeting.

7. **How do you prioritize projects and allocate resources within KSAH?**

- **Response:** Projects are prioritized based on needs and resource availability.

8. **How is financial management handled at KSAH?**

- **Response:** Financial management practices are basic, and there is a need for improvement.
- **Challenges:** Developing and implementing comprehensive financial policies.
9. **Are there any existing financial policies or guidelines at KSAH?**
- **Response:** No existing financial policies.
- **Recommendations:** Implement financial policies addressing budgeting, expenditure tracking, and
financial reporting.

10. **How are procurement processes managed within KSAH?**

- **Response:** Procurement practices are basic, with no formal policies in place.
- **Challenges:** Need for comprehensive procurement policies and regular training for staff.

### 2.3 Interview with Head Nurse

**Organizational Structure and Human Resources, Health, Safety, Security, and Environment**

12. **Can you provide an overview of your role and responsibilities within KSAH?**
- **Response:** Manages nursing staff, oversees patient care, handles human resources, and ensures
compliance with health and safety regulations.

13. **How are human resources managed within KSAH?**

- **Response:** Roles and responsibilities among nursing staff are defined, but there is room for
- **Challenges:** Need for a structured HR policy, including hiring processes and a whistleblower

14. **How do you handle security incidents or concerns within the KSAH premises?**
- **Response:** Security incidents are managed as they arise, but there are no formal policies.
- **Challenges:** Implementing a comprehensive security policy and training staff on security

15. **How is health, safety, security, and environmental management addressed at KSAH?**
- **Response:** Existing practices are basic and need improvement.
- **Recommendations:** Develop HSSE policies and ensure regular reviews and updates.

## 3. Critical Issues Identified

- **Lack of Formal Governance Structure:** There is no formal governance structure, which affects
decision-making and overall management.
- **Over-reliance on Owners:** The owners retain most decision-making powers, which could lead to
conflicts and inefficiencies.
- **Need for Comprehensive Policies:** There is a need for comprehensive policies in financial
management, procurement, HR, and HSSE.
- **Capacity Building:** Staff require training in various areas, including PSEA, financial management,
and procurement.

## 4. Recommendations

1. **Establish a Formal Governance Structure:**

- Develop a governance framework with clear roles and responsibilities.
- Delegate decision-making powers to capable staff members to reduce the burden on the owners.

2. **Develop and Implement Comprehensive Policies:**

- Financial Management: Create policies for budgeting, expenditure tracking, and financial reporting.
- Procurement: Develop comprehensive procurement policies and conduct regular training for staff.
- Human Resources:

# Needs Assessment Report for Kaung Su Aung Hospital (KSAH)

## 1. Introduction

### 1.1 Purpose of the Report

This report presents the findings from the needs assessment conducted at Kaung Su Aung Hospital
(KSAH). The assessment aims to evaluate the current operations, governance, and management
structures, identify areas requiring improvement, and provide recommendations for enhancing the
hospital’s overall performance. The assessment is guided by the recommendations from the Due
Diligence Assessment (DDA) conducted by UNOPS.

### 1.2 Methodology

The needs assessment involved conducting detailed interviews with key personnel at KSAH, including
the owners (Ko Linn and Ma Yu), the Head Nurse, the Manager, and several doctors and other staff
members. The interviews were structured around specific questionnaires designed to explore governance,
management, project and program management, financial management, procurement, organizational
structure, human resources, health, safety, security, and environmental management.

## 2. Findings from Interviews

### 2.1 Interview with Owners (Ko Linn and Ma Yu)

**Governance and Management, Project and Program Management**

1. **Are there formal governance structures in place at KSAH?**

- **Response:** Currently, there is no formal governance structure in place.
- **Challenges:** Overwork, complaints resolution, finding the right personnel for the right positions,
and the need for systems, forms, and skills.

2. **How is decision-making managed within KSAH?**

- **Response:** Decision-making involves listening to department reports, field checks, workload
comparisons, considering expansion, supplies, demands, and risk assumptions.
- **Challenges:** Consideration of expansion, supplies and demands, and potential threats and risks.

3. **Is there an established annual work plan for clinic activities?**

- **Response:** No established practice yet, but there is a willingness to learn.
- **Challenges:** Interest in learning how to develop work plans, strategic planning, and SWOT

4. **How do you coordinate with other healthcare facilities and community groups for project
- **Response:** Plans are in place to establish coordination after receiving registration.

5. **Can you discuss any plans or initiatives to address the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
(PSEA) within KSAH?**
- **Response:** A PSEA workshop was recently conducted by Dr. Linn, who took a PSEA course
from the UN. The training was voluntary and open to interested staff.
### 2.2 Interview with Manager

**Project and Program Management, Financial Management, Procurement**

6. **Can you provide an overview of your role and responsibilities within KSAH?**
- **Response:** Manages overall operations, prioritizes projects, allocates resources, and handles
financial management and budgeting.

7. **How do you prioritize projects and allocate resources within KSAH?**

- **Response:** Projects are prioritized based on needs and resource availability.

8. **How is financial management handled at KSAH?**

- **Response:** Financial management practices are basic, and there is a need for improvement.
- **Challenges:** Developing and implementing comprehensive financial policies.

9. **Are there any existing financial policies or guidelines at KSAH?**

- **Response:** No existing financial policies.
- **Recommendations:** Implement financial policies addressing budgeting, expenditure tracking, and
financial reporting.

10. **How are procurement processes managed within KSAH?**

- **Response:** Procurement practices are basic, with no formal policies in place.
- **Challenges:** Need for comprehensive procurement policies and regular training for staff.

### 2.3 Interview with Head Nurse

**Organizational Structure and Human Resources, Health, Safety, Security, and Environment**

12. **Can you provide an overview of your role and responsibilities within KSAH?**
- **Response:** Manages nursing staff, oversees patient care, handles human resources, and ensures
compliance with health and safety regulations.

13. **How are human resources managed within KSAH?**

- **Response:** Roles and responsibilities among nursing staff are defined, but there is room for
- **Challenges:** Need for a structured HR policy, including hiring processes and a whistleblower

14. **How do you handle security incidents or concerns within the KSAH premises?**
- **Response:** Security incidents are managed as they arise, but there are no formal policies.
- **Challenges:** Implementing a comprehensive security policy and training staff on security

15. **How is health, safety, security, and environmental management addressed at KSAH?**
- **Response:** Existing practices are basic and need improvement.
- **Recommendations:** Develop HSSE policies and ensure regular reviews and updates.

### 2.4 Interview with Doctor (Outpatient)

**Project and Program Management, Health, Safety, Security, and Environment**

17. **Can you provide an overview of your role and responsibilities within KSAH?**
- **Response:** Responsible for emergency care, managing UTI, STI, chest pneumonia, seasonal flu,
over-the-counter drugs, and 24-hour duties with two doctors.

18. **How do you assess the effectiveness of project management methodologies within KSAH?**
- **Response:** No formal assessment; mostly handled by Ko Linn Htoo with data collection.

19. **Can you discuss any challenges you face in providing optimal patient care in your department?**
- **Response:** Challenges include manpower limitations, overburdening, and limited capacity

20. **How do you ensure compliance with health and safety regulations in your department?**
- **Response:** Follow guidelines from MoH and WHO, but there is a lack of awareness among staff
about the need for checks and balances.

- Improve staff retention and compensation to maintain skilled staff.
- Designate specific areas for EMOs to see patients and rest.

### 2.5 Interview with Doctor (Inpatient)

**Project and Program Management, Health, Safety, Security, and Environment**

21. **Can you provide an overview of your role and responsibilities within KSAH?**
- **Response:** Responsible for rounds in the morning, assisting in surgical cases, and managing
wards and OPD.

22. **How do you collaborate with other healthcare professionals within the clinic?**
- **Response:** Collaboration is mostly effective, especially with cashiers, consultants, and patients.

23. **Can you discuss any challenges you face in providing optimal patient care in your department?**
- **Response:** Challenges include workload, manpower, financial coverage, and cramped rooms.

24. **How do you ensure compliance with health and safety regulations in your department?**
- **Response:** Compliance is ensured through color-coded trash bins, masks, hand gels, but there is a
lack of proper training and formal rules.

## 3. Critical Issues Identified

- **Lack of Formal Governance Structure:** There is no formal governance structure, which affects
decision-making and overall management.
- **Over-reliance on Owners:** The owners retain most decision-making powers, which could lead to
conflicts and inefficiencies.
- **Need for Comprehensive Policies:** There is a need for comprehensive policies in financial
management, procurement, HR, and HSSE.
- **Capacity Building:** Staff require training in various areas, including PSEA, financial management,
and procurement.
- **Workload and Manpower Issues:** Overburdening of staff, especially in outpatient and inpatient
departments, leading to challenges in patient care.

## 4. Recommendations
1. **Establish a Formal Governance Structure:**
- Develop a governance framework with clear roles and responsibilities.
- Delegate decision-making powers to capable staff members to reduce the burden on the owners.

2. **Develop and Implement Comprehensive Policies:**

- Financial Management: Create policies for budgeting, expenditure tracking, and financial reporting.
- Procurement: Develop comprehensive procurement policies and conduct regular training for staff.
- Human Resources: Establish HR policies, including hiring processes and a whistleblower policy.
- HSSE: Develop and regularly update HSSE policies.

3. **Capacity Building:**
- Provide training for staff on PSEA, financial management, and procurement.
- Conduct workshops on strategic planning, SWOT analysis, and governance.

4. **Improve Staff Retention and Compensation:**

- Enhance compensation packages to retain skilled staff.
- Offer opportunities for professional development and training.

5. **Optimize Workload and Manpower Allocation:**

- Conduct a thorough assessment of staffing needs and redistribute workload accordingly.
- Create designated areas for EMOs to see patients and rest.

## 5. Next Steps and Future Activities

1. **Immediate Implementation of Governance Structure:**

- Form a committee to develop and oversee the implementation of the governance framework.

2. **Policy Development:**
- Engage consultants to assist in drafting comprehensive policies in financial management,
procurement, HR, and HSSE.

3. **Training and Capacity Building:**

- Schedule training sessions for staff on PSEA, financial management, procurement, and strategic

4. **Staffing and Resource Optimization:**

- Review and optimize staffing levels and workload distribution.

5. **Regular Monitoring and Evaluation:**

- Establish a monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the effectiveness of implemented changes
and make necessary adjustments.

## 6. Conclusion

The needs assessment at Kaung Su Aung Hospital has identified critical areas requiring improvement,
including governance structures, policy development, capacity building, and staff management. By
addressing these issues through the recommended actions, KSAH can enhance its overall performance
and better serve its patients and community.

This report serves as a comprehensive guide for KSAH to understand its current operational challenges
and take strategic steps towards improvement.

# Needs Assessment Report for Kaung Su Aung Hospital (KSAH)

## 1. Introduction

### 1.1 Purpose of the Report

This report presents the findings from the needs assessment conducted at Kaung Su Aung Hospital
(KSAH). The assessment aims to evaluate the current operations, governance, and management
structures, identify areas requiring improvement, and provide recommendations for enhancing the
hospital’s overall performance. The assessment is guided by the recommendations from the Due
Diligence Assessment (DDA) conducted by UNOPS.

### 1.2 Methodology

The needs assessment involved conducting detailed interviews with key personnel at KSAH, including
the owners (Ko Linn and Ma Yu), the Head Nurse, the Manager, several doctors, nurses, nurse-aids,
cleaners, and security personnel. The interviews were structured around specific questionnaires designed
to explore governance, management, project and program management, financial management,
procurement, organizational structure, human resources, health, safety, security, and environmental

## 2. Findings from Interviews

### 2.1 Interview with Owners (Ko Linn and Ma Yu)

**Governance and Management, Project and Program Management**

1. **Are there formal governance structures in place at KSAH?**

- **Response:** Currently, there is no formal governance structure in place.
- **Challenges:** Overwork, complaints resolution, finding the right personnel for the right positions,
and the need for systems, forms, and skills.

2. **How is decision-making managed within KSAH?**

- **Response:** Decision-making involves listening to department reports, field checks, workload
comparisons, considering expansion, supplies, demands, and risk assumptions.
- **Challenges:** Consideration of expansion, supplies and demands, and potential threats and risks.

3. **Is there an established annual work plan for clinic activities?**

- **Response:** No established practice yet, but there is a willingness to learn.
- **Challenges:** Interest in learning how to develop work plans, strategic planning, and SWOT

4. **How do you coordinate with other healthcare facilities and community groups for project
- **Response:** Plans are in place to establish coordination after receiving registration.

5. **Can you discuss any plans or initiatives to address the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
(PSEA) within KSAH?**
- **Response:** A PSEA workshop was recently conducted by Dr. Linn, who took a PSEA course
from the UN. The training was voluntary and open to interested staff.

### 2.2 Interview with Manager

**Project and Program Management, Financial Management, Procurement**

6. **Can you provide an overview of your role and responsibilities within KSAH?**
- **Response:** Manages overall operations, prioritizes projects, allocates resources, and handles
financial management and budgeting.

7. **How do you prioritize projects and allocate resources within KSAH?**

- **Response:** Projects are prioritized based on needs and resource availability.

8. **How is financial management handled at KSAH?**

- **Response:** Financial management practices are basic, and there is a need for improvement.
- **Challenges:** Developing and implementing comprehensive financial policies.

9. **Are there any existing financial policies or guidelines at KSAH?**

- **Response:** No existing financial policies.
- **Recommendations:** Implement financial policies addressing budgeting, expenditure tracking, and
financial reporting.

10. **How are procurement processes managed within KSAH?**

- **Response:** Procurement practices are basic, with no formal policies in place.
- **Challenges:** Need for comprehensive procurement policies and regular training for staff.

### 2.3 Interview with Head Nurse

**Organizational Structure and Human Resources, Health, Safety, Security, and Environment**

12. **Can you provide an overview of your role and responsibilities within KSAH?**
- **Response:** Manages nursing staff, oversees patient care, handles human resources, and ensures
compliance with health and safety regulations.

13. **How are human resources managed within KSAH?**

- **Response:** Roles and responsibilities among nursing staff are defined, but there is room for
- **Challenges:** Need for a structured HR policy, including hiring processes and a whistleblower

14. **How do you handle security incidents or concerns within the KSAH premises?**
- **Response:** Security incidents are managed as they arise, but there are no formal policies.
- **Challenges:** Implementing a comprehensive security policy and training staff on security

15. **How is health, safety, security, and environmental management addressed at KSAH?**
- **Response:** Existing practices are basic and need improvement.
- **Recommendations:** Develop HSSE policies and ensure regular reviews and updates.

### 2.4 Interview with Doctor (Outpatient)

**Project and Program Management, Health, Safety, Security, and Environment**

17. **Can you provide an overview of your role and responsibilities within KSAH?**
- **Response:** Responsible for emergency care, managing UTI, STI, chest pneumonia, seasonal flu,
over-the-counter drugs, and 24-hour duties with two doctors.

18. **How do you assess the effectiveness of project management methodologies within KSAH?**
- **Response:** No formal assessment; mostly handled by Ko Linn Htoo with data collection.

19. **Can you discuss any challenges you face in providing optimal patient care in your department?**
- **Response:** Challenges include manpower limitations, overburdening, and limited capacity

20. **How do you ensure compliance with health and safety regulations in your department?**
- **Response:** Follow guidelines from MoH and WHO, but there is a lack of awareness among staff
about the need for checks and balances.

- Improve staff retention and compensation to maintain skilled staff.
- Designate specific areas for EMOs to see patients and rest.

### 2.5 Interview with Doctor (Inpatient)

**Project and Program Management, Health, Safety, Security, and Environment**

21. **Can you provide an overview of your role and responsibilities within KSAH?**
- **Response:** Responsible for rounds in the morning, assisting in surgical cases, and managing
wards and OPD.

22. **How do you collaborate with other healthcare professionals within the clinic?**
- **Response:** Collaboration is mostly effective, especially with cashiers, consultants, and patients.

23. **Can you discuss any challenges you face in providing optimal patient care in your department?**
- **Response:** Challenges include workload, manpower, financial coverage, and cramped rooms.

24. **How do you ensure compliance with health and safety regulations in your department?**
- **Response:** Compliance is ensured through color-coded trash bins, masks, hand gels, but there is a
lack of proper training and formal rules.

### 2.6 Interview with Nurses (Emergency, Inpatient, OT)

**Organizational Structure and Human Resources, Health, Safety, Security, and Environment**

25. **Can you provide an overview of your role and responsibilities within KSAH?**
- **Emergency Nurse:** Day and night shifts, responsible for handovers, managing injections, and
checking OT lists.
- **Inpatient Nurse:** 24-hour shifts, handling rounds, administering medication, and preparing for
- **OT Nurse:** Senior, mid, and junior ranks with 24-hour duties, managing elective and emergency
operations, and preparing instruments.
26. **What are the main challenges you encounter in your daily tasks as a nurse?**
- **Response:** Overwork, staff retention issues, misunderstandings among staff, and
miscommunications between departments. Duties and responsibilities often do not match, leading to
overwork and long hours without proper breaks.

27. **How do you ensure patient safety and comfort during your shifts?**
- **Response:** Following safety procedures for needle pricks, ensuring proper trash bin usage,
providing pre- and post-op care, and assisting patients with mobility.

- Increase salaries, especially for nurse-aids.
- Improve working conditions by providing restrooms and dining areas for staff.
- Enhance training programs for staff to ensure compliance with safety protocols.

### 2.7 Interview with Nurse-Aid

**Organizational Structure and Human Resources, Health, Safety, Security, and Environment**

25. **Can you provide an overview of your role and responsibilities within KSAH?**
- **Response:** 12-hour shifts, assisting with patient care, medication administration, post-op care,
and occasionally performing housekeeping duties when cleaners are unavailable.

26. **What are the main challenges you encounter in your daily tasks?**
- **Response:** Long work hours, low salary, and high workload.

- Increase salaries and reduce workload by hiring additional staff.
- Provide designated restrooms and break areas for nurse-aids.

### 2.8 Interview with Cleaner

**Fixed Assets and Inventory Management, Health, Safety, Security, and Environment**

29. **Can you provide an overview of your role and responsibilities within KSAH?**
- **Response:** Cleaning, washing, and ironing utilities, deep cleaning rooms after discharge, and
working in shifts.

30. **How are fixed assets and inventory managed within KSAH?**
- **Response:** Report to supervisor or manager.
- **Challenges:** Insufficient staff, especially during night shifts, leading to heavy workloads and lack
of rest facilities.

31. **How do you ensure cleanliness and hygiene standards are maintained throughout the hospital?**
- **Response:** On-the-job training provided by supervisors, but no formal training programs.

32. **Are there any specific policies or procedures you believe should be implemented to enhance
environmental safety and cleanliness within KSAH?**
- **Response:** Need for formal training, guidelines, and SOPs. High retention rates due to lack

of proper orientation and training.

- Implement formal training programs for cleaners.
- Increase staffing levels to reduce workload and ensure proper hygiene standards.

### 2.9 Interview with Security Personnel

**Health, Safety, Security, and Environment**

33. **Can you provide an overview of your role and responsibilities within KSAH?**
- **Response:** Managing car parking, assisting disabled patients, minor maintenance tasks, and
ensuring general security.

34. **How do you handle security incidents or concerns within the KSAH premises?**
- **Response:** Rare incidents, mainly involving parking disputes, which are managed amicably.

35. **Are there any specific security protocols or measures you would recommend implementing to
enhance safety at KSAH?**
- **Response:** Additional security staff during the day shift, formalizing roles and responsibilities to
ensure coverage during absences.

- Hire additional security staff to ensure comprehensive coverage.
- Develop formal security protocols and provide training for security personnel.

## 3. Critical Issues Identified

- **Lack of Formal Governance Structure:** There is no formal governance structure, which affects
decision-making and overall management.
- **Over-reliance on Owners:** The owners retain most decision-making powers, which could lead to
conflicts and inefficiencies.
- **Need for Comprehensive Policies:** There is a need for comprehensive policies in financial
management, procurement, HR, and HSSE.
- **Capacity Building:** Staff require training in various areas, including PSEA, financial management,
and procurement.
- **Workload and Manpower Issues:** Overburdening of staff, especially in outpatient and inpatient
departments, leading to challenges in patient care.
- **Inadequate Compensation:** Low salaries, especially for nurse-aids and cleaners, leading to high
staff turnover.
- **Insufficient Facilities:** Lack of restrooms, break areas, and dining facilities for staff affecting their
well-being and performance.

## 4. Recommendations

1. **Establish a Formal Governance Structure:**

- Develop a governance framework with clear roles and responsibilities.
- Delegate decision-making powers to capable staff members to reduce the burden on the owners.

2. **Develop and Implement Comprehensive Policies:**

- Financial Management: Create policies for budgeting, expenditure tracking, and financial reporting.
- Procurement: Develop comprehensive procurement policies and conduct regular training for staff.
- Human Resources: Establish HR policies, including hiring processes and a whistleblower policy.
- HSSE: Develop and regularly update HSSE policies.

3. **Capacity Building:**
- Provide training for staff on PSEA, financial management, and procurement.
- Conduct workshops on strategic planning, SWOT analysis, and governance.

4. **Improve Staff Retention and Compensation:**

- Enhance compensation packages to retain skilled staff.
- Offer opportunities for professional development and training.

5. **Optimize Workload and Manpower Allocation:**

- Conduct a thorough assessment of staffing needs and redistribute workload accordingly.
- Create designated areas for EMOs to see patients and rest.

6. **Enhance Facilities and Working Conditions:**

- Provide restrooms, break areas, and dining facilities for staff.
- Improve working conditions to enhance staff well-being and performance.

7. **Implement Formal Training Programs:**

- Develop and implement formal training programs for cleaners and security personnel.
- Ensure regular updates and reviews of training programs to maintain high standards.

8. **Develop Formal Security Protocols:**

- Create and implement formal security protocols to manage incidents effectively.
- Provide training for security personnel on these protocols.

## 5. Next Steps and Future Activities

## 5. Next Steps and Future Activities

### 5.1 Development of Governance Framework

- **Action:** Develop a formal governance framework that includes defined roles and responsibilities,
decision-making processes, and accountability mechanisms.
- **Timeline:** Within the next 3 months.
- **Responsibility:** Owners (Ko Linn and Ma Yu) in collaboration with senior management.

### 5.2 Policy Development and Implementation

- **Action:** Develop comprehensive policies for financial management, procurement, HR, and HSSE.
- **Financial Management:** Include budgeting, expenditure tracking, and financial reporting.
- **Procurement:** Establish clear procedures for procurement processes, vendor selection, and contract
- **Human Resources:** Create policies for hiring, employee retention, professional development, and
a whistleblower policy.
- **HSSE:** Develop and implement safety protocols, environmental guidelines, and regular training
- **Timeline:** Within the next 6 months.
- **Responsibility:** Manager and Head Nurse with input from department heads.

### 5.3 Capacity Building and Training Programs

- **Action:** Design and implement training programs for all staff, focusing on:
- **PSEA:** Conduct mandatory workshops for all staff.
- **Financial Management and Procurement:** Provide training to relevant staff on new policies and
best practices.
- **Strategic Planning:** Organize workshops on strategic planning and SWOT analysis.
- **HSSE Protocols:** Regular training sessions on health, safety, security, and environmental
- **Timeline:** Initiate within the next 3 months and ongoing thereafter.
- **Responsibility:** HR Department in coordination with external training providers and experts.

### 5.4 Improving Staff Compensation and Work Conditions

- **Action:** Conduct a salary review and adjust compensation packages to ensure competitive pay.
- **Timeline:** Within the next 3 months.
- **Responsibility:** Owners and Manager with input from HR.

- **Action:** Improve working conditions by providing restrooms, break areas, and dining facilities for
- **Timeline:** Within the next 6 months.
- **Responsibility:** Manager and Head Nurse.

### 5.5 Enhancing Facilities and Infrastructure

- **Action:** Assess the current infrastructure and identify areas needing improvement, such as cramped
rooms and insufficient patient care areas.
- **Timeline:** Within the next 6 months.
- **Responsibility:** Manager and Facilities Management Team.

### 5.6 Hiring and Redistributing Staff

- **Action:** Conduct a thorough staffing needs assessment and hire additional staff as required,
particularly in the outpatient, inpatient, and cleaning departments.
- **Timeline:** Within the next 3 months.
- **Responsibility:** HR Department.

- **Action:** Redistribute workload among existing staff to ensure a more balanced distribution of
- **Timeline:** Within the next 3 months.
- **Responsibility:** Department Heads.

### 5.7 Implementation of Formal Security Protocols

- **Action:** Develop and implement security protocols to handle incidents effectively.
- **Timeline:** Within the next 3 months.
- **Responsibility:** Security Team in collaboration with senior management.

- **Action:** Provide regular training for security personnel on the new protocols.
- **Timeline:** Ongoing.
- **Responsibility:** Security Team.

## 6. Conclusion

The needs assessment for Kaung Su Aung Hospital (KSAH) has highlighted critical areas for
improvement, particularly in governance, management, staff compensation, and working conditions. By
developing formal structures and policies, providing comprehensive training, and enhancing staff welfare,
KSAH can improve its operational efficiency, staff satisfaction, and overall quality of patient care.

Implementing these recommendations requires a coordinated effort from the owners, management, and
staff. Regular reviews and updates of policies and practices will ensure that KSAH continues to meet high
standards of healthcare delivery and remains responsive to the needs of its staff and patients.

## 7. Appendices

### 7.1 Interview Questions

(Include the list of interview questions used for the needs assessment)

### 7.2 Summary of Responses

(Include a summarized version of all responses from the interviews conducted)

### 7.3 Detailed Action Plans

(Include detailed action plans for each recommendation with timelines, responsible parties, and specific

### 7.4 Training Modules

(Include outlines of training modules for PSEA, financial management, procurement, and HSSE)

### 7.5 Sample Policies

(Include templates or examples of the policies to be developed for financial management, procurement,
HR, and HSSE)

By following the recommendations and action plans outlined in this report, Kaung Su Aung Hospital can
address its current challenges and position itself for sustainable growth and improved healthcare delivery.
7.5 Sample Policies

(Include sample policies for financial management, procurement, human resources, health, safety,
security, and environment)

### 7.6 Staffing Needs Assessment Report

(Include the results of the staffing needs assessment, detailing the required positions, qualifications, and

### 7.7 Security Protocols

(Include the developed security protocols, outlining procedures for handling security incidents and
ensuring the safety of patients, staff, and visitors)

## 8. Acknowledgments

We extend our gratitude to all the stakeholders, including owners, management, medical staff, nurses, and
support staff, for their valuable insights and contributions to this needs assessment. Their cooperation and
dedication are essential for improving the operations and services of Kaung Su Aung Hospital.

## 9. References

[List any references or sources used during the needs assessment process]


This report summarizes the findings of the needs assessment conducted at Kaung Su Aung Hospital
(KSAH) and provides recommendations for improvement across various areas of operation. By
implementing the suggested actions, KSAH can enhance its governance, management, human resources,
health, safety, security, and environmental practices, leading to improved quality of care and overall

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