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Given the comprehensive Due Diligence Assessment (DDA) report for Kaung Su Aung Hospital (KSAH)
conducted by UNOPS, there are several critical areas that need attention to ensure compliance, efficiency,
and sustainability of operations. Here's a step-by-step plan outlining the next actions to address the
identified issues:

1. **Review the DDA Report Thoroughly:**

- Carefully go through each section of the DDA report to understand the areas of concern and the
recommended actions.

2. **Identify Priority Areas for Action:**

- Prioritize the areas of concern based on their risk ratings and potential impact on the hospital's
operations, compliance, and sustainability.

3. **Develop an Action Plan:**

- Create a detailed action plan outlining specific steps to address each identified issue. Assign
responsibilities to relevant stakeholders for effective implementation.

4. **Engage with Hospital Management:**

- Schedule a meeting with the hospital management, including the owner, to discuss the findings of the
DDA report and the proposed action plan.

5. **Address Governance and Legal Compliance:**

- Work with the hospital management to expedite the registration process with the Ministry of Health to
ensure legal compliance and authorization for project implementation.

6. **Establish Governance Structure:**

- Develop a comprehensive governance structure that clearly defines roles, responsibilities, and
reporting lines within the hospital. Ensure oversight mechanisms are in place for effective project

7. **Develop Policies and Procedures:**

- Collaborate with hospital management to develop formal policies and procedures for various areas
such as project management, HR management, financial management, procurement, and inventory

8. **Implement Risk Management Approach:**

- Assist the hospital in establishing an annual work plan and a robust risk management system to
identify, assess, and mitigate risks effectively.

9. **Capacity Building and Training:**

- Provide training and capacity-building sessions for hospital staff on project management
methodologies, financial management, procurement processes, HR management, and other relevant areas.

10. **Monitor and Evaluate Progress:**

- Establish mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the action plan. Conduct
regular reviews to track progress, address any challenges, and make necessary adjustments.

11. **Document Retention and Compliance:**

- Ensure the hospital develops and adheres to policies for document retention, compliance with
regulations, and reporting requirements for future audits and assessments.

12. **Engage with UNOPS:**

- Maintain communication with UNOPS to update them on the progress of the hospital in addressing
the identified issues and ensuring compliance with grant requirements.

By following these steps, you can help Kaung Su Aung Hospital improve its governance structure,
operational efficiency, and compliance with regulations, thereby enhancing its capacity to effectively
implement projects and secure future funding.

Based on the provided Consulting Services Agreement and Terms of Reference (ToR) between Kaung Su
Aung Hospital (KSAH) and U Aung Myo HTUT (Consultant), here's a step-by-step guidance for
following up within the five-month timeframe:

1. **Review the Contract and ToR:**

- Familiarize yourself with the details and obligations outlined in both documents.

2. **Schedule a Kick-off Meeting:**

- Arrange a meeting with KSAH management and key stakeholders to discuss the contract, ToR, and

3. **Confirm Scope and Objectives:**

- Ensure that everyone involved understands the scope of work, objectives, and deliverables outlined in
the contract and ToR.

4. **Establish Communication Channels:**

- Agree on regular communication channels and frequency to keep all parties updated on progress and
any issues encountered.

5. **Conduct a Needs Assessment:**

- Begin the consultancy engagement by conducting a comprehensive needs assessment as outlined in
the ToR.

6. **Develop Policies and Procedures:**

- Work on developing essential policies and procedures in critical areas identified in the ToR, such as
governance, HR, finance, procurement, and HSSE.

7. **Customize Training Programs:**

- Develop customized training programs and materials based on the identified needs and objectives to
enhance staff skills and operational efficiency.

8. **Facilitate Training Sessions:**

- Conduct workshops and training sessions for hospital staff on various topics, including patient
communication, infection control, and emergency response protocols.

9. **Assist in Governance Structure:**

- Provide support in establishing a governance structure, including forming a Board of Directors and
developing Articles of Association (AoA).

10. **Monitor Progress:**

- Regularly monitor progress against the agreed-upon timeline and deliverables to ensure everything is
on track.

11. **Address Challenges:**

- Proactively address any challenges or issues that arise during the consultancy engagement to avoid

12. **Communicate with Donors:**

- Guide and assist in communication with donors on behalf of KSAH, ensuring transparency and
alignment with project objectives.

13. **Submit Progress Reports:**

- Submit regular progress reports to KSAH management, detailing activities, achievements, and
challenges encountered.

14. **Seek Feedback:**

- Solicit feedback from hospital staff and management to continuously improve the consulting services
and address any concerns.

15. **Finalize Deliverables:**

- Ensure that all deliverables outlined in the contract and ToR are completed satisfactorily within the
designated timeframe.

16. **Prepare Final Report:**

- Compile all findings, recommendations, and outcomes into a final report for submission to KSAH.

17. **Review and Approval:**

- Review the final report with KSAH management for approval and address any feedback or revisions
as necessary.

18. **Closeout Meeting:**

- Schedule a closeout meeting with KSAH to formally conclude the consultancy engagement and
discuss next steps or follow-up actions.

19. **Document Retention:**

- Ensure that all relevant documents, reports, and materials developed during the consultancy
engagement are properly documented and retained.

20. **Finalize Payment:**

- Receive the final payment as per the payment schedule outlined in the contract and ToR upon
completion of all deliverables.

By following these steps and maintaining open communication with KSAH throughout the consultancy
engagement, you can ensure the successful implementation of the agreed-upon activities within the five-
month timeframe.

Conducting in-depth interviews with key personnel is indeed a viable approach for conducting a needs
assessment, especially considering the current structure of Kaung Su Aung Hospital (KSAH). Given the
limited governance structure and the involvement of only two owners in every aspect of the operation,
insights gathered from these interviews can provide valuable information about the hospital's strengths,
weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

However, it's essential to ensure that the number of interviewees and the scope of the interviews cover a
representative sample of the hospital's staff and functions. Here are some considerations:

1. **Number of Interviewees:**
- The list you've provided includes interviews with a diverse range of personnel, including managers,
nurses, doctors, cleaners, and security staff. This diversity is crucial for capturing perspectives from
different roles and departments within the hospital.
- Since KSAH has about 100 staff members, conducting interviews with representatives from various
departments and levels of responsibility is essential to gain a comprehensive understanding of the
hospital's operations and needs.

2. **Coverage of Responsibilities:**
- Ensure that the interviews cover a broad spectrum of responsibilities and functions within the hospital,
including clinical and non-clinical roles.
- Given the hands-on involvement of the two owners in various aspects of the operation, it might be
valuable to include specific questions about their roles, decision-making processes, and challenges they
face in managing the hospital.

3. **Time Allocation:**
- The allocated time slots for each interviewee seem reasonable, considering the need to gather relevant
information efficiently while minimizing disruption to their daily duties.
- However, it's essential to be flexible and allow additional time if needed, especially for interviews
with personnel who may have more insights or require more in-depth discussions.

4. **Debriefing with Owners:**

- The scheduled debriefing session with the owners is crucial for sharing initial findings, clarifying any
questions, and obtaining their perspectives on the hospital's needs and priorities.
- This session can also serve as an opportunity to ensure alignment between the consultancy team and
the hospital's management regarding the objectives and expectations of the needs assessment.

Overall, conducting in-depth interviews with the identified personnel is a valuable step in the needs
assessment process for KSAH. By ensuring adequate coverage of roles and responsibilities and
maintaining open communication throughout the interviews, you can gather comprehensive insights to
inform the development of tailored recommendations and interventions for enhancing the hospital's
capacity and operations.

Certainly! Here's a draft questionnaire for the needs assessment at Kaung Su Aung Hospital (KSAH),
taking into account the information provided along with the UNOPS report. This questionnaire aims to
gather comprehensive insights into the hospital's operations, challenges, and areas for improvement:


**Kaung Su Aung Hospital Needs Assessment Questionnaire**

*Note: This questionnaire is designed to gather information to help identify areas for improvement and
capacity enhancement at KSAH. Please answer the questions to the best of your knowledge and provide
any additional comments or insights where applicable.*

**Section 1: General Information**

1. Name:
2. Department/Role:
3. Years of Experience at KSAH:

**Section 2: Hospital Operations**

4. What are the main services provided by KSAH?

5. Can you describe the current patient load and patient demographics?
6. What are the existing challenges in managing patient flow and providing timely care?
7. How are resources allocated within the hospital, including staffing, equipment, and facilities?

**Section 3: Staff Training and Development**

8. Are there any specific training programs or initiatives in place for hospital staff?
9. How do you assess the effectiveness of current training programs?
10. What skill gaps or training needs do you observe among hospital staff?
11. How can training and development programs be improved to better meet staff needs and enhance
patient care?

**Section 4: Organizational Structure and Governance**

12. How would you describe the current governance structure at KSAH?
13. What are the key decision-making processes within the hospital?
14. Are there any challenges or inefficiencies in the current governance structure?
15. How can the governance structure be strengthened to improve accountability and decision-making?

**Section 5: Compliance and Quality Assurance**

16. How does KSAH ensure compliance with regulatory standards and quality assurance measures?
17. Are there any areas where compliance or quality assurance processes could be improved?
18. What strategies can be implemented to enhance compliance and quality assurance practices?

**Section 6: Communication and Collaboration**

19. How would you describe communication channels and practices within the hospital?
20. Are there any communication barriers or challenges that impact hospital operations?
21. What steps can be taken to improve communication and collaboration among staff members and

**Section 7: Miscellaneous**

22. Are there any additional comments or insights you would like to share regarding the current
operations and challenges at KSAH?
23. Do you have any suggestions or recommendations for improving hospital efficiency, staff satisfaction,
or patient care?

**Section 8: Feedback and Follow-up**

24. Would you be interested in participating in follow-up discussions or focus groups to further explore
specific topics or initiatives?
25. How can the consultancy team best support KSAH in addressing identified needs and implementing
recommended interventions?

Thank you for your participation in this needs assessment. Your input is invaluable in guiding efforts to
enhance the capacity and effectiveness of Kaung Su Aung Hospital.


Feel free to customize or expand upon the questionnaire based on specific areas of interest or additional
information gathered from the UNOPS report or other sources.

While many of the questions can be applicable to various personnel within Kaung Su Aung Hospital
(KSAH), some questions may need to be tailored to specific roles or departments. Here's a breakdown of
how the questions might be adjusted for different personnel:

1. **General Information (Questions 1-3):** These questions can remain the same for all personnel as
they aim to gather basic information about the respondent.

2. **Hospital Operations (Questions 4-7):** These questions can be directed to personnel involved in
hospital administration, department heads, or those with a broad overview of hospital operations.

3. **Staff Training and Development (Questions 8-11):** Personnel responsible for human resources,
training, or staff development would be most appropriate to answer these questions.

4. **Organizational Structure and Governance (Questions 12-15):** These questions can be directed
towards individuals involved in hospital management, leadership, or those familiar with the
organizational structure and decision-making processes.

5. **Compliance and Quality Assurance (Questions 16-18):** Personnel responsible for quality
assurance, compliance, or regulatory affairs would be best suited to answer these questions.

6. **Communication and Collaboration (Questions 19-21):** These questions can be answered by any
staff member who can provide insights into communication practices and challenges within the hospital.

7. **Miscellaneous (Questions 22-23):** These questions are open-ended and can be directed to any
personnel for additional comments or suggestions.

8. **Feedback and Follow-up (Questions 24-25):** These questions are aimed at gauging interest in
further discussions or follow-up activities and can be directed to any personnel involved in the needs
assessment process.

So while the core themes of the questions remain consistent, the specific applicability may vary
depending on the role and responsibilities of the personnel being interviewed. It's important to adapt the
questions accordingly to ensure relevance and effectiveness in gathering the necessary information.

With the summary findings from the UNOPS DDA report in mind, here's a draft questionnaire tailored to
gather information from various personnel at Kaung Su Aung Hospital:


**Needs Assessment Questionnaire**

**General Information:**

1. Name:
2. Position/Role:
3. Department/Unit:

**Section 1: Governance and Management**

1. How would you describe the current decision-making process within the hospital?
2. Are there clear lines of authority and responsibility established?
3. How do you perceive the effectiveness of the current governance structure?
4. Are there any challenges or gaps in the current management practices that you've observed?

**Section 2: Project and Program Management**

5. Are there established annual work plans or risk management approaches in place?
6. How are projects and programs currently coordinated and monitored?
7. What improvements do you believe could enhance project and program management within the
8. Have you encountered any challenges related to project or program management?

**Section 3: Organizational Structure and Human Resources**

9. Can you describe the current HR practices within the hospital?

10. Are roles and responsibilities clearly defined for staff members?
11. What areas of HR management do you believe require improvement?
12. Have there been any HR-related challenges impacting operations?

**Section 4: Financial Management**

13. How would you rate the effectiveness of the current financial management practices?
14. Are there documented financial policies and guidelines in place?
15. What improvements do you suggest for enhancing financial management?
16. Have you encountered any financial challenges or discrepancies?

**Section 5: Procurement**

17. What processes are followed for procurement of goods and services?
18. Are there written procurement policies or guidelines?
19. What challenges, if any, have you faced regarding procurement procedures?
20. How do you think procurement practices could be improved?
**Section 6: Fixed Assets and Inventory Management**

21. How are fixed assets and inventory managed within the hospital?
22. Are there policies or procedures governing asset and inventory management?
23. What improvements do you suggest for enhancing asset and inventory management?
24. Have there been any issues or challenges related to asset or inventory management?

**Section 7: Cross-cutting Issues, Human Rights, and HSSE**

25. Are there formal policies in place regarding human rights, staff safety, and discrimination?
26. How are issues related to staff safety and discrimination addressed?
27. What steps do you think could be taken to strengthen policies and practices in these areas?
28. Have there been any incidents or concerns related to staff safety or discrimination?

**Section 8: Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)**

29. Are there existing policies or procedures addressing PSEA within the hospital?
30. How are reports of sexual exploitation or abuse handled?
31. What measures do you suggest for preventing and addressing instances of PSEA?
32. Have there been any incidents or concerns related to PSEA within the hospital?


Feel free to adjust or expand upon these questions based on specific areas of focus or additional insights
you may have gathered.

The questionnaires provided in the sets cover a comprehensive range of areas, ensuring that the needs
assessment process addresses various aspects of the clinic's operations. While some questions are similar
across different personnel, each set of questionnaires is tailored to the specific roles and responsibilities of
the interviewees, allowing for a more focused and targeted assessment.

Given that you have already chosen the Key Informants (KII) and scheduled the interviews, restructuring
the questionnaires may not be necessary. However, you can still review and refine the questions to ensure
they align with the goals of the needs assessment and capture any additional information relevant to the
specific context of the clinic.

Regarding the second set of questionnaires, they are well-structured and include specific questions
tailored to each interviewee's role. The questions cover essential areas related to governance,
management, financial management, procurement, HR practices, and other relevant aspects of clinic
operations. Additionally, the assessment of time allocation for each interviewee is thoughtful and ensures
that sufficient time is allocated to gather detailed insights.

Incorporating findings from the UNOPS DDA report into the needs assessment process can provide
valuable context and help prioritize areas for improvement. You can use the summary of key findings and
action plans to inform the development of interview questions and ensure that the assessment addresses
identified gaps and challenges.

Overall, both sets of questionnaires provide a solid foundation for conducting the needs assessment, and
incorporating insights from the UNOPS DDA report will further enhance the assessment process. You
may consider combining elements from both sets of questionnaires to create a comprehensive and tailored
approach that meets the specific needs of the clinic.

Based on the time slots provided and the flow of the interviews, here's a rearranged version of the
questionnaires to better suit the schedule:

### Revised Interview Questionnaires Schedule

**10:30 – 12:00: Ko Linn and Ma Yu (Owners)**

1. Can you describe the current organizational structure of the hospital?

2. How is decision-making managed within the clinic?
3. What are your top priorities for the hospital over the next 1-2 years?
4. How do you handle staff training and development?
5. What specific policies or procedures do you think are urgently needed?
6. How do you envision the hospital's capacity being enhanced through this consulting engagement?
7. Can you provide examples of any communication challenges you’ve faced with donors?

**12:00 – 13:00: Lunch**

**13:00 – 13:30: Manager**

1. What are your primary responsibilities as the manager?

2. Can you describe a typical day in your role?
3. What operational challenges do you face regularly?
4. How do you handle staff scheduling and workload management?
5. What improvements do you think would help in managing the hospital more effectively?
6. How do you ensure compliance with healthcare regulations and standards?
7. What training programs do you think are necessary for staff?

**13:30 – 14:00: Sister (Head Nurse)**

1. What are your main responsibilities as the head nurse?

2. How do you manage the nursing staff and their duties?
3. What challenges do you face in your role?
4. How do you handle training and professional development for the nurses?
5. What improvements do you think are needed in nursing operations and patient care?
6. How do you ensure quality control and patient safety in nursing care?

**14:00 – 14:30: In-house Nurse**

1. Can you describe your daily responsibilities as an in-house nurse?

2. What challenges do you face in your role?
3. How do you communicate and coordinate with doctors and other healthcare staff?
4. What training have you received since joining the hospital?
5. What improvements do you think would help you perform your duties better?
6. How do you handle patient records and documentation?

**14:30 – 15:00: Doctor (Outpatient Department)**

1. Can you describe your daily responsibilities in the outpatient department?

2. What are the main challenges you face in your role?
3. How do you coordinate with other healthcare staff and departments?
4. What improvements do you think are needed in the outpatient department?
5. How do you ensure continuity of care for patients?
6. What kind of support do you need to perform your duties more effectively?

**15:00 – 15:30: Doctor (Inpatient Department)**

1. Can you describe your daily responsibilities in the inpatient department?

2. What challenges do you face in managing inpatient care?
3. How do you handle patient admissions, treatment, and discharge processes?
4. What improvements do you think are needed in the inpatient department?
5. How do you ensure patient safety and quality care?
6. What kind of support do you need to perform your duties more effectively?

**15:30 – 16:00: Nurse (Emergency Department)**

1. Can you describe your daily responsibilities in the emergency department?

2. What challenges do you face in your role?
3. How do you handle emergency situations and patient triage?
4. What training have you received for emergency care?
5. What improvements do you think are needed in the emergency department?
6. How do you ensure patient safety and quality care in emergency situations?

**16:00 – 16:30: Cleaner**

1. Can you describe your daily responsibilities as a cleaner?

2. What challenges do you face in your role?
3. How do you ensure cleanliness and hygiene in the hospital?
4. What kind of training have you received?
5. What improvements do you think are needed in the cleaning and maintenance operations?
6. How do you handle waste management and disposal?

**16:30 – 17:00: Security**

1. Can you describe your daily responsibilities as a security guard?

2. What challenges do you face in your role?
3. How do you ensure the safety and security of patients, staff, and visitors?
4. What kind of training have you received?
5. What improvements do you think are needed in security operations?
6. How do you handle emergency situations and security breaches?

**17:00 – 17:15: Debriefing with Owners**

1. Summarize the main findings from the interviews.

2. Highlight key areas of improvement and support needed.
3. Discuss next steps and potential actions based on the findings.
4. Gather any additional input or concerns from the owners.

This schedule ensures that each interviewee has a dedicated time slot and that the interviews flow
smoothly throughout the day. It also allows for a brief debriefing session with the owners at the end to
discuss the main findings and next steps.

Let's map the interview questions to the categories identified in the UNOPS DDA findings to ensure
comprehensive coverage:

### Governance and Management (UNOPS Category 1)

- Questions 1-2: Address the presence of formal governance structures and decision-making processes
within the clinic.

### Project and Program Management (UNOPS Category 2)

- Questions 3-4: Focus on the establishment of annual work plans and risk management approaches.

### Organizational Structure and Human Resources (UNOPS Category 3)

- Questions 5-6: Explore how human resources are managed, including roles, responsibilities, and the
presence of formal HR policies.

### Financial Management (UNOPS Category 4)

- Questions 7-8: Investigate the current financial management practices and the existence of financial
policies or guidelines.

### Procurement (UNOPS Category 5)

- Questions 9-10: Assess the procurement processes and the presence of procurement policies or

### Fixed Assets and Inventory Management (UNOPS Category 6)

- Questions 11-12: Examine the management of fixed assets and inventory, including existing policies or

### Cross-cutting Issues, Human Rights, and HSSE (UNOPS Category 7)

- Questions 13-14: Address health, safety, security, and environmental management practices, as well as
the need for specific policies or guidelines in these areas.

### Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (UNOPS Category 8)

- While not directly covered in the provided interview questions, this aspect could be integrated by asking
about existing policies or practices related to staff safety and security (Question 13) and exploring the
need for additional measures to prevent exploitation and abuse.

### Sub-Partner Management (UNOPS Category 9)

- Since the hospital does not have sub-implementing partners, this category does not directly apply to the
interview questions provided.

By aligning the interview questions with the categories from the UNOPS DDA findings, you ensure that
the assessment covers all critical areas identified for improvement. This approach facilitates a
comprehensive needs assessment that addresses the clinic's specific challenges and opportunities for

Certainly! Here's the revised set of interview questions aligned with the categories from the UNOPS DDA

### Governance and Management (UNOPS Category 1)

1. Can you describe the current organizational structure of the hospital? (Governance)
2. How is decision-making managed within the clinic? (Governance)

### Project and Program Management (UNOPS Category 2)

3. Is there an established annual work plan for clinic activities? (Project Management)
4. How are risks managed within the clinic? (Project Management)

### Organizational Structure and Human Resources (UNOPS Category 3)

5. How are human resources managed within the clinic? (Organizational Structure)
6. Are there formal HR policies in place? (Human Resources)

### Financial Management (UNOPS Category 4)

7. How is financial management handled at the clinic? (Financial Management)
8. Are there any existing financial policies or guidelines? (Financial Management)

### Procurement (UNOPS Category 5)

9. How are procurement processes managed within the clinic? (Procurement)
10. Are there any existing procurement policies or guidelines? (Procurement)

### Fixed Assets and Inventory Management (UNOPS Category 6)

11. How are fixed assets and inventory managed at the clinic? (Fixed Assets and Inventory Management)
12. Are there any existing policies or guidelines for asset and inventory management? (Fixed Assets and
Inventory Management)

### Cross-cutting Issues, Human Rights, and HSSE (UNOPS Category 7)

13. How is health, safety, security, and environmental management addressed at the clinic? (HSSE)
14. Are there any specific HSSE policies or guidelines you would like to see implemented? (HSSE)

### Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) (UNOPS Category 8)

- While not directly covered in the provided interview questions, this aspect could be integrated by asking
about existing policies or practices related to staff safety and security (Question 13) and exploring the
need for additional measures to prevent exploitation and abuse.

### Sub-Partner Management (UNOPS Category 9)

- Since the hospital does not have sub-implementing partners, this category does not directly apply to the
interview questions provided.

This alignment ensures that each interview question corresponds to a specific category identified in the
UNOPS DDA findings, facilitating a comprehensive needs assessment covering all critical areas for

Certainly! Here's a revised set of interview questions aligned with both the schedule and the categories
from the UNOPS DDA findings:

### Governance and Management (UNOPS Category 1)

**10:30 – 12:00: Ko Linn and Ma Yu (Owners)**
1. Can you describe the current organizational structure of the hospital? (Governance)
2. How is decision-making managed within the clinic? (Governance)
3. What are your top priorities for the hospital over the next 1-2 years? (Project and Program
4. What specific policies or procedures do you think are urgently needed? (Cross-cutting Issues)
5. Can you provide examples of any communication challenges you’ve faced with donors? (Cross-cutting

### Project and Program Management (UNOPS Category 2)

**13:00 – 13:30: Manager**
1. Is there an established annual work plan for clinic activities? (Project and Program Management)
2. How are risks managed within the clinic? (Project and Program Management)

### Organizational Structure and Human Resources (UNOPS Category 3)

**13:30 – 14:00: Sister (Head Nurse)**
1. How are human resources managed within the clinic? (Organizational Structure)
2. Are there formal HR policies in place? (Organizational Structure)
3. How do you handle training and professional development for the nurses? (Human Resources)

**14:00 – 14:30: In-house Nurse**

1. Are roles and responsibilities clearly defined? (Organizational Structure)
2. How do you communicate and coordinate with doctors and other healthcare staff? (Cross-cutting

### Financial Management (UNOPS Category 4)

**14:30 – 15:00: Doctor (Outpatient Department)**
1. How is financial management handled at the clinic? (Financial Management)
2. Are there any existing financial policies or guidelines? (Financial Management)

**15:00 – 15:30: Doctor (Inpatient Department)**

1. Are there any existing financial policies or guidelines? (Financial Management)

### Procurement (UNOPS Category 5)

**15:30 – 16:00: Nurse (Emergency Department)**
1. How are procurement processes managed within the clinic? (Procurement)
2. Are there any existing procurement policies or guidelines? (Procurement)

**16:00 – 16:30: Cleaner**

1. How are procurement processes managed within the clinic? (Procurement)

### Fixed Assets and Inventory Management (UNOPS Category 6)

**16:30 – 17:00: Security**
1. How are fixed assets and inventory managed at the clinic? (Fixed Assets and Inventory Management)
2. Are there any existing policies or guidelines for asset and inventory management? (Fixed Assets and
Inventory Management)

### Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE) (UNOPS Category 7)

**17:00 – 17:15: Debriefing with Owners**
1. Summarize the main findings from the interviews. (Cross-cutting Issues, HSSE)
2. Highlight key areas of improvement and support needed. (Cross-cutting Issues, HSSE)
3. Discuss next steps and potential actions based on the findings. (Cross-cutting Issues, HSSE)
4. Gather any additional input or concerns from the owners. (Cross-cutting Issues, HSSE)

This arrangement ensures that each interview session addresses specific categories from the UNOPS
DDA findings, covering all critical areas for improvement while adhering to the allocated time slots.

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