(Offiial) IE2205 LOVE WHAT YOU DO

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IELTS Hồ Thành - Nơi ước mơ Đại Học bắt đầuYêu Thương - Trách Nhiệm - Truyền Cảm Hứng

KHÓA HỌC 2023 - 2024

- Skill: _______________________
- Lesson: ___________________
- Students’ name: _______________________
- Class: _______________________________


It is better for people to be unemployed than being employed with a job they do not enjoy. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?

➢ TASK ANALYSIS: It is better for people to be unemployed than being employed with a job they do not enjoy
❖ Focus:
• better? → any comparison in the task?
• be unemployed?
• being employed with a job they do not enjoy?

1. What future career are you passionate about, and what inspires your choice?

2. How do you learn to love a school subject you dislike at first?


➢ QUESTION ANALYSIS: To what extent do you agree or disagree?

• It is better for people to be unemployed than being employed with a job they do not enjoy

→ YES OR NO? → How would you prove your point?

❖ 100% AGREE: It is better for people to be unemployed than being employed with a job they do not enjoy
→ Drawbacks of being employed with a job they do not enjoy
→ Benefits of being unemployed
→ Benefits of being employed with a job they enjoy (optional)

IELTS Hồ Thành - Nơi ước mơ Đại Học bắt đầuYêu Thương - Trách Nhiệm - Truyền Cảm Hứng

❖ 100% DISAGREE: It is NOT BETTER for people to be unemployed than being employed with a job they do
not enjoy
→ Benefits of being employed with a job they do not enjoy
→ Drawbacks of being employed with a job they enjoy
→ Drawbacks of being unemployed


→ Benefits of being employed with a job they enjoy or Drawbacks of being employed with a job they do not enjoy
→ Drawbacks of being unemployed or/and Benefits of being employed with a job they do not enjoy


❖ Body 1:
• Main 1:

• Main 2:

❖ Body 2:
• Main 3:

• Main 4:

➢ Speaking part 3 - Questions to discuss:

1. Why should young people/adults keep working in a job they don't like, and why?

2. How does working in a “dream job” can positively impact well-being and productivity?

3. Why do some people cannot pursue the job they love?


IELTS Hồ Thành - Nơi ước mơ Đại Học bắt đầuYêu Thương - Trách Nhiệm - Truyền Cảm Hứng

Body 1 Body 2

Drawbacks of being unemployed

Drawbacks of being employed with a job they do

not enjoy

Benefits of being employed with a job they do not


"Ikigai" is a Japanese concept that combines the two words "iki,"
meaning life, and "gai," meaning worth. Ikigai is often translated as
"a reason for being" or "a reason to wake up in the morning." It
represents the intersection of four fundamental elements in life,
each contributing to a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

• Passion (What you love): Activities that you are genuinely

enthusiastic about and bring you joy. It involves identifying
and engaging in things that you are naturally drawn to and enjoy doing.

• Vocation (What the world needs): Activities that the world needs or values. It involves finding a way to
contribute to the well-being of others, whether it's through your skills, knowledge, or talents.

• Profession (What you can be paid for): This element involves identifying activities that you are good at and
that can provide you with a means of financial support. It's about finding a career or profession that aligns
with your skills and abilities.

• Mission (What you are good at): Mission refers to activities that give you a sense of meaning and
accomplishment. It involves identifying the things you excel at and that give you a sense of achievement.

IELTS Hồ Thành - Nơi ước mơ Đại Học bắt đầuYêu Thương - Trách Nhiệm - Truyền Cảm Hứng


Main idea:

Focus: ...............................................................................................................................................................................................


[INPUT]: ...............................................................................................................................................................................................



[OUTPUT]: ............................................................................................................................................................................................


Main idea:

Focus: ...............................................................................................................................................................................................


[INPUT]: ...............................................................................................................................................................................................



[OUTPUT]: ............................................................................................................................................................................................


IELTS Hồ Thành - Nơi ước mơ Đại Học bắt đầuYêu Thương - Trách Nhiệm - Truyền Cảm Hứng

➢ PARAGRAPH WRITING: Translate hoặc đục lỗ

❖ Requirement:
1. Sử dụng phép so sánh 1 lần ở mỗi body với công cụ “SVO while SVO”/ “SVO. In contrast, SVO”

2. Đảm bảo mỗi đoạn văn có sự đa dạng về cohesive devices (conjunction - adverbs - referencing - relative clause)

3. Sử dụng cấu trúc S, even if, VO nhằm nói về lợi ích của “do the job you dislike”

4. Sử dụng đa dạng modal verbs để giúp bài essay khách quan hơn (can/could/may/often/many, etc.)

❖ Thesis statement - Translate: Bất kể những lợi ích tiềm năng của việc có một công việc ý nghĩa/gây thỏa
mãn, tôi cho rằng việc thất nghiệp có thể gây ra những ảnh hưởng tiêu cực lớn hơn đối với người lao động.


❖ Topic sentence
Cách 1: On the one hand, it is understandable why some people argue that _____________________________________
Cách 2: Opponents against ____________________________________________ argue that this situation can present various

drawbacks for workers. Chief is these is ........................................................................................................................


IELTS Hồ Thành - Nơi ước mơ Đại Học bắt đầuYêu Thương - Trách Nhiệm - Truyền Cảm Hứng
❖ Topic sentence 2:
Cách 1: On the other hand, I am against the idea of unemployment, as having a job, even if

_______________________________________________________________________ (việc này khum zui), has its benefits.

Cách 2 - Translate: Mặc dù sự hài lòng trong công việc là rất quan trọng, nhưng tôi tin rằng có việc làm, thậm chí là
một công việc không đem lại sự hài lòng, vẫn có thể mang lại nhiều lợi ích. (even)

❖ Conclusion - Translate: Tóm lại, mặc dù công nhận những lợi ích có thể đạt được khi làm việc trong một nghề
yêu thích, nhưng tôi tin rằng những hạn chế của thất nghiệp, bao gồm sự bất ổn tài chính và thiếu kinh nghiệm
thực tế, vượt trội hơn so với những bất cập của việc tham gia vào một công việc không thỏa mãn.


be unemployed be unemployed than being employed with a job they do not enjoy

• Find oneself without a job. • Prefer joblessness over being employed in an ___________ (fulfill) position.

• Experience joblessness. • Choose unemployment over working in a job that lacks satisfaction.

• Be out of work. • Opt for being without a job rather than being employed in an enjoyable occupation.

• Face unemployment. • Rather be jobless than work in a job they find uninteresting.

• Encounter a lack of employment. • Favor unemployment over being employed in a job that lacks personal fulfillment.

• Have no current job. • Opt for not having a job instead of being employed in a position that brings no joy.

IELTS Hồ Thành - Nơi ước mơ Đại Học bắt đầuYêu Thương - Trách Nhiệm - Truyền Cảm Hứng


1. Spending a significant portion of your life in a job that does not align with your passion can be emotionally
draining. This is __________________________ the disconnect between your daily tasks and personal interests can
create a feeling of dissatisfaction, and ___________________________ lack of fulfillment may lead to a sense of
emptiness in your day-to-day life.

2. Even _______________ facing job dissatisfaction, employees, __________________

those in entry-level positions, can still discover valuable opportunities to
acquire experience, learn new skills, and advance along the career path.

3. Working brings a profound sense of purpose and achievement,

_____________ boosting self-esteem and overall life satisfaction.
____________________, unemployment can lead to a loss of professional
identity and purpose, ________________ can contribute to a sense of
unfulfillment and negatively impacting self-esteem.

4. Enduring persistent dissatisfaction in the workplace has a detrimental impact on overall productivity. _____________
employees consistently struggle with a lack of motivation or a toxic work environment, their engagement and
commitment to tasks decline. _______________, the mental burden of discontent can lead to decreased focus,
creativity, and problem-solving abilities, ______________ (hinder) the individual's capacity to perform optimally.

5. ___________________ in situations where the job is less than satisfying, having employment ensures a consistent
income, ____________ can provide financial stability and the ability to meet living expenses, support dependents,
and save for the future. ___________________, unemployment usually means a loss of income, resulting in financial

1. Researchers often come up with ____________________________ (break) ideas and solutions
when they are engaged in work they are ___________________________ (passion) about, pushing
the boundaries of knowledge and innovation.

2. Entrepreneurs _______________ (pursuit) their passions are more likely to create successful and sustainable
businesses, contributing to economic growth and addressing societal needs.

IELTS Hồ Thành - Nơi ước mơ Đại Học bắt đầuYêu Thương - Trách Nhiệm - Truyền Cảm Hứng

3. Finding one's mission in a career can lead to higher levels of job

_________________ (satisfy). When people enjoy their work, they are more
likely to experience a __________________ (sensible) of purpose,
contributing positively to both their professional and personal lives.


ensuring a steady source of income to meet your daily needs and financial obligations
Choosing to stay persistent in a job for skill development and practical experience.
showcases your professionalism and can open doors to future opportunities.

1. Persisting in a job you dislike may still provide valuable opportunities for learning cool things and getting hands-

on experience.

2. While the job may not be a perfect match, persisting in a role you dislike can be financially stabilizing, making

sure you've got a steady paycheck to cover your day-to-day stuff and bills.

3. Deciding to stick it out in a job., even if it's not a perfect fit, reflects resilience and a commitment to personal and

professional development."

4. Despite the challenges, consistently demonstrating a strong work ethic and unwavering dedication in a less

enjoyable job shows you're pro and can open doors for more cool opportunities down the line.

IELTS Hồ Thành - Nơi ước mơ Đại Học bắt đầuYêu Thương - Trách Nhiệm - Truyền Cảm Hứng

➢ Common errors:


➢ Lỗi GRAMMAR thường gặp

• Sai “trính tả” (đọc thật kĩ nha mấy anh/chị cảnh sát)

• Subject-verb agreement: Chia động từ sai đối với chủ ngữ


• S V1 V2 O

• Mệnh đề quan hệ sai:

▪ who/which SVO → SV/VO

▪ where VO → SVO

▪ Không đặt mệnh đề quan trước danh từ bổ nghĩa. Ví dụ: He is the actor in the movie who I admire.

—> He is the movie actor who I admire.

• Thiếu chấm/ phẩy

➢ Dùng sai từ nối/ giới từ. Ví dụ: Due to/ Despite SVO or Since/Athough N, SVO

2. Task Response:

• Trả lời đầy đủ câu hỏi đề bài “why…natural process” và “why…should..prevent” trong phần topic

sentence 1/2

• Phần conclusion có diễn đạt lại thesis statement và khái quát 2 main idea.

• Người viết có sử dụng modal verbs (might/can/will/should) trong supporting idea

• Người có đi chi tiết thông tin trong đoạn bằng phương pháp Where? When? How? Why? or cấu trúc

“such as”

• Câu chốt đoạn liên quan đến main idea/topic sentence

• Có ít nhất 1 example trong body. Example phải Relevant (liên quan main idea) và Specific (5W1H)

3. Coherence and Cohesion: Các lỗi thường gặp:

• Trong 1 đoạn, sử dụng cohesive devices quá nhiều (hơn 5 lần) hoặc quá ít (dưới 1 lần).

➔ Đa dạng conjunctions, adverbs (however/therefore…), referencing và mệnh đề quan hệ

IELTS Hồ Thành - Nơi ước mơ Đại Học bắt đầuYêu Thương - Trách Nhiệm - Truyền Cảm Hứng
• Unclear referencing: Từ thay thế không rõ ràng, dẫn đến sự mơ hồ trong ý nghĩa câu (không biết từ “they”, “he”, “this”

đang thay thế cho đối tượng nào trước đó)

• Lặp ý tưởng? Ý tưởng ko cần thiết để chứng minh main idea? Ví dụ: Đoạn đang nói lợi ích về money (main idea), nhưng

người viết lại viết về health và social.


1. Question analysis: Xác định câu hỏi + dạng đề

2. Task analysis → Xác định đối tượng + topic vocabs cần share

3. Outline the essay (Body 1 + Body 2)

4. Viết khung essay (Introduction - Topic sentence - Conclusion)

Lưu ý: Tiêu chí Task Response (Giải quyết các câu hỏi trong đề + Clear position)

5. Xác định main idea + Lên chuỗi key (WHAT? WHY?) + Viết example cho 1 main (optional)

Lưu ý: Tiêu chí CC: Clear progression & Example phải Relevant và Specific vs Main idea

6. Viết đoạn supporting idea nháp (drafting)

Lưu ý: Viết theo chuỗi key đã đề ra (Mục tiêu bây giờ là đoạn văn được viết logic & dễ hiểu)

7. Revising & Editing:

• CHECK đúng chính tả/ngữ pháp

• Đa dạng ngữ pháp/cohesive devices

• Chỉnh sửa lại khung essay cho phù hợp clear position & address all parts of the task

• Loại bỏ ý tưởng thừa/ Thêm ý tưởng để đảm bảo Clear Progression & Clarity

• Chỉnh sửa từ vựng topic-related - văn phong formal hoặc neutral – collocations


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