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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar











MARCH 2023

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com





Background of the Study 1

Statement of the Problem 3

Significance of the Study 4

Scope and Delimitation 5

Definition of Terms 6


Related Literature 7

Related Studies 13

Conceptual Framework 16

Hypotheses of the Study 17


Research Design 18

Locale of the Study 18

Data Gathering Procedure 19

Measurement of Variables 20

Data Analysis 20


Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com


This chapter contains the (1) background of the study, (2) main objective & specific
objective, (3) significance of the study, (4) the scope and delimitation of the whole study, and (5) the
definition of terms that will give more vivid view and understanding about this research study.

Background of the Study

Electricity is essential for modern infrastructure and technology, powering everything from
lighting systems and public transportation to communication services, hospitals, and schools. It's the
engine behind the digital revolution and connectivity we experience today. The expansion of
technology and digitization in areas like communications, e-commerce, artificial intelligence, and the
internet of things relies on a strong and reliable electrical infrastructure.

However, according to Energy Information Administration (2022) the variety of fuels used to
generate electricity can negatively impact the environment. Fossil-fuel power plants release air
pollution and require vast tracts of land during mining. Nuclear power plants generate large quantities
of radioactive waste that require permanent storage facilities, which are currently lacking. Even
renewable energy facilities can affect wildlife, involve hazardous waste, and require cooling water.

Recognizing these challenges, the local government units of Borongan City and Dolores
Municipality in Eastern Samar, Philippines, committed to pursuing renewable energy (RE) and a just
energy transition in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) ceremony on March 28, 2023 (ICLEI,
2023). In this context, research into biobatteries, which utilize enzymes and microorganisms to
generate electricity, has emerged as a promising field.

Furthermore, the Philippines faces a growing waste generation problem due to population
increase, improved living standards, rapid economic growth, and industrialization, especially in urban
areas. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (2023), paper is the largest single material
in the waste stream, accounting for 28% of all discarded garbage. Almost 50% of business waste is
paper. This rapid rise in paper waste has numerous negative consequences for the environment, from
scattered garbage and the spread of diseases to its contribution to climate change. While various
solutions have been proposed, none are entirely effective in preventing the increasing amount of waste
materials. Despite the drawbacks of paper waste, it plays a vital role in our lives, making complete
elimination impractical. However, we can reduce paper waste pollution through simple measures like

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com

This study explores the potential of paper-based biobatteries as an alternative to conventional

flashlights. Paper is a cheap, ubiquitous, and biodegradable material, making paper-based biobatteries
a potentially scalable and environmentally friendly solution for portable lighting, particularly in
regions with limited access to electricity.

One fascinating aspect of biobatteries is their ability to utilize organic materials, such as
paper, as substrates for energy production. By incorporating enzymes or microorganisms onto paper-
based electrodes, biobatteries can effectively convert the chemical energy stored in organic
compounds into electrical energy. This approach not only offers the potential for renewable and
biodegradable energy sources but also opens up opportunities for low-cost and environmentally
friendly power generation. As such, exploring the feasibility of paper-based biobatteries represents a
crucial step towards realizing sustainable energy solutions for various applications, including portable
devices like flashlights.

In contrast to other batteries, biobatteries are an excellent environmentally friendly energy

source. They are lead-free, eliminating environmental harm caused by conventional batteries.
Additionally, biobatteries use non-flammable and non-toxic fuel, making them even safer.

A 2019 study titled "Paper as a Source of Electricity" demonstrated that paper can generate an
average of 1.08 volts, indicating its potential as an energy source. However, this study only employed
Eveready 2D batteries for comparison, limiting its scope. Furthermore, testing the paper's viability in
real-world applications, such as powering a flashlight, would provide valuable insights into its
practical potential.

Addressing these limitations, this study investigates the potential of paper-based biobatteries
as a sustainable alternative to conventional flashlights. The widespread availability and
biodegradability of paper position these biobatteries as a promising solution for eco-friendly portable
lighting, particularly in regions with limited access to electricity.

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com

Objectives of the Study

This research aims to investigate the potential of paper-based biobatteries as an alternative

energy source for flashlights as this will primarily address waste issues in the Philippines, particularly
in Borongan City, Eastern Samar. The proposed solution to this problem was to reduce paper waste in
Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School by making biobattery-powered flashlights,
which already have supporting literature suggesting that biobatteries are a viable option for powering
low-energy devices like flashlights. This will utilize waste paper and water, both cheap, ubiquitous,
and biodegradable materials, which ultimately contribute to the pursuit of renewable energy (RE)
sources and will be an alternative to conventional flashlights.

For the specific objective:

1. To determine whether Treatment 1, Treatment 2, and Treatment 3 mixture will produce a
sufficient voltage a 2D Duracell battery needed to light up a flashlight.

1.1 To determine whether 50 grams of waste paper with three trials will be sufficient to
produce voltage for a 2D Duracell battery needed to light up a flashlight.
1.2 To determine whether 60 grams of waste paper with three trials will be sufficient to
produce voltage for a 2D Duracell battery needed to light up a flashlight.
1.3 To determine whether 70 grams of waste paper with three trials will be sufficient to
produce voltage for a 2D Duracell battery needed to light up a flashlight.

2. To determine the duration (in hours) a biobattery can light up a flashlight.

Light Testing
Set-up A The duration (in hours) of a paper-based biobattery can light up a
Set-up B The duration (in hours) of a paper-based biobattery can light up a
Set-up C The duration (in hours) of a paper-based biobattery can light up a

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com

Significance of the Study

The conduct of this research aims develop a solution to address paper waste in Eastern Samar
National Comprehensive High School by making biobattery-powered flashlights from biodegradable
materials. These flashlights would contribute to the pursuit of renewable energy (RE) sources and
potentially serve as an alternative to conventional models. This study will lead to multiple
beneficiaries from different sectors. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
serve as a blueprint for achieving a sustainable future, and this research has the potential to
significantly contribute to three key goals: SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG 12
(Responsible Consumption and Production), and SDG 13 (Climate Action)."

This study will also be helpful to the following:

Youth for Environment in School Organization. The YES-O Organization of Eastern

Samar National Comprehensive High School could greatly benefit by utilizing the paper waste that
the students consume on a daily basis, supporting their vision to address issues and concerns relative
to the school environment.

The Society. People living in poverty or remote areas without access to electricity would
significantly improve their lives with an affordable and sustainable light source. In low-income
communities, access to light can be transformative. Thus, affordable and sustainable light sources
empower individuals and families.

Environmental Advocates. This research aligns with the shift towards renewable energy by
reducing battery waste and promoting the use of potentially recyclable materials. It align s with their
initiatives and offers a path toward a brighter future.

Future Researchers. This study can provide a starting point for future research, giving an
overview of the efficiency of paper-based biobatteries to power flashlights. Future studies can expand
on this information to investigate related topics like various materials, formulations, or application

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com

Scope and Delimitation

This research focuses on investigating the potential of paper-based biobatteries as an

alternative energy source for flashlights. It aims to determine if paper and water can produce enough
voltage to power a flashlight and the duration (in hours) a biobattery can light it up. Waste paper will
be collected at Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School, Brgy. Alang-Alang, Borongan

The data collection process will take place at the DOST Laboratory, ESNCHS. Materials like
mortar and pestle, and a multimeter will be used to measure the voltage produced by the paper. Eight
(8) 2D Duracell batteries will be purchased at the Mercury Drugstore in Borongan City. Three (3)
flashlights will be purchased at Handyman. This study will only focus on voltage, excluding
amperage, current, and electromotive force and the duration (in hours) of paper-based biobatteries can
light up a flashlight.

Three independent variables will be tested: the amount of waste paper (g) used in the
biobattery (50g, 60g, 70g). The experiment will determine if this affects the dependent variables,
which are the voltage output and the duration the biobattery can power a flashlight. The experiment
will include three trials for each amount of waste paper. Three paper-based biobattery setups (A, B, C)
will be used, differing only in the amount of waste paper (50g, 60g, 70g) with a constant water
volume (100mL). Researchers will analyze the results by averaging the results from each set of three

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com

Definition of Terms
The following terminologies are conceptually defined as an aid for the reader for better
understanding of the study.

Paper - A material manufactured in thin sheets from the pulp of wood or other fibrous substances,
used for writing, drawing, or printing on, or as wrapping material.

Electricity - A form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or
protons), either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current

Voltage - An electromotive force or potential difference expressed in volts.

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School (ESNCHS) - A public high school located in
Borongan City, Eastern Samar, Philippines, that is involved in the collection of paper for a biobattery.

DOST Laboratory - A laboratory operated by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) in
the Philippines. A potential source of materials or equipment needed for the biobattery research.

Biodegradable - This refers to the ability of a material to break down naturally by microorganisms.
The paper used in the BPF is biodegradable.

Set-up A - One of the data groups in which 50 g of paper is mix to a 100 ml of water with the goal of
reaching the voltage that is needed to light up a flashlight.

Set-up B - The second data group in which 60 g of paper will be added to a 100 ml of water with the
goal reaching the voltage that is needed to light up a flashlight.

St-up C - The third data group in which 70 g of paper will be added to a 100 ml of water with the
goal of reaching the voltage that is needed to light up a flashlight.

Paper-based biobattery - The core technology being investigated. It's a type of biobattery that uses
paper as the base material for the electrodes where the biological processes occur to generate

Conventional battery - This refers to the standard batteries we use every day, like the Duracell
brand. These batteries typically rely on chemical reactions between metals and electrolytes to produce

Conventional flashlight - This refers to the flashlight powered by conventional batteries.

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com


This chapter presents the different literatures and studies that are relevant to the experiment
prsued. As well as the conceptual framework of the studies. These are cited to shed light on the
current study.

Related Literature


Paper is a thin sheet material produced by pressing together moist fibers of cellulose pulp,
typically wood pulp from wood, rags, or grasses, and drying them into flexible sheets. Paper types and
weights vary as paper surfaaces such as anti-shock, matte, or high-gloss finishes (Confederation of
Paper Industries (CPL), n.d.).

The history of paper starts in China. The invention of it was credited to Ts'ai Lun, a court
official in the Eastern Han Dynasty around the year 105 or even earlier, around 2nd century BC, from
archaeological evidence. He used plant fibers such as bark from the mulberry tree, hemp, bamboo,
and old rags. The process of paper making involved soaking the fibers in water, grinding them into a
pulp, and spreading the mixture into thin sheets for drying (American Forest and Paper Organization,

Chemical composition of paper

The two most important factors of paper are the cellulose, and the bleach. Cellulose is made
from plants which are protected by lignin (C9H10O2). Cellulose is great for paper because it has an
appropriate tensile strength and suppleness, or flexibility. The fibers which are made of cellulose just
so happen to bond perfectly after being wetted and dried; it is what we know and use as paper. The
other important ingredient, bleach, is used to make paper to be higher quality. Without the bleach, the
paper would turn yellows and browns because traces of lignin would be left on the cellulose, since the
society is really focused on appearance so when it is bleached it seems better.

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com

Uses of Paper

Paper is a common material in everyday life for writing, writing, printing, drawing,
packaging, etc. It comes in a lot of varieties, with applications ranging from the most durable
corrugated box to the thinnest tissue and absorbent diapers. Paper is always there to help, no matter
what. A lot of people start their mornings using paper goods, such as paper towels and face tissue, the
newspaper in the morning, the carton of orange juice, and the paperboard container of cereal. The
bags that you use to carry your clothes purchase or groceries and the album that has the memories, the
cards, letters, and packages, and the cup that contains the coffee. In school, paper helps kids learn,
from textbooks that provide illustrations of their lessons to notebook and paper used for notes. In
offices, paper is also a big help. Despite being in the digital age and the discussions about the
"paperless office", office papers are still necessary for copiers, printing, brochures, notepads, and
other purposes because digital records can be erased, so having a backup on paper is beneficial. Paper
is also used in thousands of industrial and manufacturing processes, contributing to clean air while
also producing protective clothing and creative packaging.

Environmental Effects of Paper Waste

Global pulp and paper usage is predicted to double between 2010 and 2060. The quantity of
waste paper will also increase. The world's forests are already under a lot of pressure and are only
going to get worse, so increasing the production of paper would only make matters worse. Globally,
386 million hectares of forest were destroyed between 2001 and 2019 (all forest kinds combined).
With this loss, the amount of trees since 2000 has decreased by over 10%. (The World Counts, 2024)
Philippines produces at least 61,000 million metric tons of rubbish per day according to
Environment Secretary Maria Antonia Yulo-Loyzaga in year 2023 (Cariaso, 2023). Nineteen percent
(19%) of all municipal solid trash in the Philippines is made up of waste paper.

The World Counts (2024) stated that the main result of our careless use of paper is
deforestation, which causes more extreme change in temperature from day to night, akin to that of a
desert, which may be lethal for a large number of occupants. Furthermore, the third-biggest industrial
polluter of soil, water, and air is pulp and paper. When chlorine-based bleaches are produced,
hazardous substances are discharged into our soil, water, and air. Methane gas, which is released
when paper rots, is 25 times more harmful than CO2.

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com

Recycling of Paper
Given the advantages of paper, it is clear that the society must continue to work together by
recycling used paper to reduce waste production. Recycling is easy to do, and it is certainly good for
business and environment. Paper recycling has a number of benefits. At least 30,000 liters of water,
3000–4000 kWh of electricity (enough for an average 3 bedrooms house for one year) and 75% of air
pollution are saved for every ton of paper that is recycled. Recycled paper is produced using less
water and energy—between 28 and 70 percent less than virgin paper. This is due to the fact that
pulping, the process of turning wood into paper, uses the majority of the energy required to make
paper. Paper that has been recycled emits 95% less air pollution.

Recycled paper is rarely rebleached, and when it is, oxygen is typically used instead of
chlorine. As a byproduct of the chlorine bleaching operations, dioxins are discharged into the
environment less frequently as a result of this. Seventeen trees are saved for each metric ton of
recycled paper. Recycled paper requires 60% less water during production than virgin paper, and it
minimizes water pollution by 35%. Given that paper makes up 55% of today's landfills and plastic
makes up 14%, every metric ton of recycled paper avoids the need for 3 cubic meters of landfill
space. (All County Recycling, n.d.)


Electricity is a type of energy that can be found all around us. It is used to power our homes,
businesses, and appliances. Electricity is a movement of charge, and charge carriers are called
electrons. These particles move around when they come into contact with other materials, such as
metal wires, this movement creates an electric current, which can be used to power devices and
machinery (Vedantu, 2024).

Properties of Electricity

Amperage. Amperes, or amps for short, are the units used to measure the flow of electrons.
The amount of electrical current that results from many electrons with a single coulomb of charge
passing a specific spot in a second is measured in amps. The charge that a coulomb, or 6.25 x 1018
electrons, carries is 6,250,000,000,000,000,000 electrons.

Electromotive Force. The electromotive force, or EMF, is the force in an electrical circuit that
moves the electrons. EMF can be conveniently thought of as electrical pressure at times. Stated
differently, it is the force that causes electrons to flow through a conductor in a specific direction.
EMF comes from a variety of sources, the most popular being electrical generators and batteries.

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com

The Volt. The volt is the EMF unit of measurement. When one coulomb of charge is moved
from one location to the other using one joule of energy, the electrostatic difference between the two
points is defined as one volt. The quantity of energy used when one watt of power operates for one
second is measured in joules. Another name for this is a watt-second. Just accept that one joule of
energy is a very, very little quantity of energy for our purposes. For instance, a 60-watt lightbulb
typically uses 60 joules of energy per second when it is on.

Resistance. The resistance of a material or body to the passage of an electrical current, which
causes the electrical energy to be converted into heat, light, or other types of energy. The kind of
material determines how much resistance there is. Low resistance materials are excellent electrical
conductors. High resistance materials make good insulators.

Property of Electricity to be Tested

Electrons moving through a conductor is known as electric current. Voltage is the force
necessary to get current to flow through a conductor; potential is another word for voltage. For
instance, the first element has a higher potential since it possesses more positive charges. The second
element, on the other hand, has a lesser potential because of its higher negative charges. Potential
difference is the difference between two points.

The force that causes current to flow through a conductor continuously is known as the
electromotive force. Power generators, batteries, fuel cells, flashlight batteries, and other sources can
all produce this force.

The unit of measurement for voltage, potential, and electromotive force is the volt, or simply
"V". A force of one volt is defined as one amp of current flowing through one ohm of resistance
(Leonics, n.d.).


A battery is a device that stores chemical energy, and converts it to electricity. An

electrochemical cell is the system that powers a battery. This process is known as electrochemistry.
One or more electrochemical cells, as in Volta's original pile, can make up a battery. An electrolyte
separates the two electrodes in every electrochemical cell (Bhatt, Forsyth, et.al., 2016).

Batteries are frequently found in electrical gadgets, such as laptops, digital watches, phones,
and automobiles. A battery's purpose in each of these instances is to supply a system with electrical
energy. The reason behind this energy varies from situation to situation. This energy is mostly used to
power the system and illuminate screens in phones, watches, and computers; in cars, it powers various
components such as the headlights, indicators, and starter motor. This is an example of how the

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com

energy from the battery is mostly transformed to kinetic energy: in electric vehicles, the energy from
the battery is used to power the electric motors to move the automobile.

How Do Batteries Work

Batteries contain cells that contain chemical energy, which causes a voltage between its poles.
The voltage of a battery will push a positively charged particle toward the negative pole if it is placed
close to the positive pole. This indicates that the battery exerts a force on the particle over a distance,
causing the battery to work on it and lose energy in the process. This energy originated from the
battery's own chemical energy, which it transformed into work. After this process, the battery will
have less chemical energy.

Chemical Properties of Battery

A battery's chemical composition and design will determine how much chemical energy it
carries and, consequently, how much electrical energy it can produce. It will also determine the
magnitude of the potential difference between the battery's poles. The voltage controls the amount of
energy a unit charge gains as it passes through the voltage differential. The product of the charge and
the voltage determines the work (W) done on a particle with a charge (q) that moves through a voltage

Consequently, a battery with a greater voltage will exert more force on a charge than one with
a lower voltage will.

The total charge that the battery can shift from one pole to the other is its capacity. Although
it is generally measured in Ah (ampere-hours), this is measured in SI-units in C(coulomb). The total
chargeQ that the battery can shift from one pole to the other is determined by the total chemical
energyE, which is the total amount of work the battery can accomplish (for simplicity, assuming a
100% efficiency).

To put it briefly, batteries have three main characteristics: voltage, capacity, and energy
capacity (StudySmarte, n.d.).


A Bio battery is an electrical energy storage device which is used in several applications.
Anode, cathode, electrolyte, and separator are the four parts that can be used to make a bio-battery.
These four parts stack together since they are all covered on top of one another. These batteries have a
positively charged cathode and a negatively charged anode, just like regular batteries. The primary
distinction between the cathode and anode allows electrons to move both toward and away from them.

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com

The anode terminal is positioned at the top of the battery in a bio-battery, whereas the cathode
terminal is positioned at the bottom. A separator and electrolyte are positioned between these two
terminals. (Elpocrus, n.d.).

Uses of Bio-Battery

Bio-batteries are widely used and can be used as a charger in electronic gadgets such as
power banks, tablets, and cell phones. It is also possible to utilize bio-batteries for both toys and
greeting cards. In the sphere of defense, biobatteries are utilized in surveillance, eavesdropping, and
remote sensing equipment (Elpocrus, n.d.).

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com

Related Studies

Paper as A Source of Electricity, Karen Kaye A. Adena, Marian Joy G. Macalalad

The goal of this study was to prove the feasibility of paper as a source of electricity and to
come up with a product that will increase the renewable resources of electricity, and is cheaper than
other sources. The study used experimental design.
The sample groups were assigned randomly. The variables are the water and paper, the paper
was manipulated and tested. The researcher used three treatments with different proportions, T1= 20
grams of bond paper with 50 ml of water, T2= 25 grams of bond paper with 50 ml of water, T3= 30
grams of bond paper with 50 ml of water.
The average voltage (V) was calculated for each treatment by adding the three (3) trials and
dividing it by 3. Treatment three (T3) acquired the highest average of 1.14 V, indicating that it is the
most effective. Treatment one (T1) with the lowest average implied that the smaller amount of paper
used, the smaller amount of voltage is produced. While treatment 2 showed an average of 1.10 V after
the experimentation.
The results showed that, paper is an effective source of electricity and as the amount of paper
increases, the amount of voltage also increases.

Converting Waste Toilet Paper into Electricity: A First-Stage Techno economic Feasibility
Study, Els van der Roest, Mijndert vander Spek, Andrea Ramirez, Bob van der Zwaan, & Gadi

The goal of this research was to assess the techno-economic feasibility of a waste toilet paper
(WTP) to electricity plant. This concept uses new technologies to create local electricity out of a
waste source. The specific case was to convert WTP from the wastewater treatment plant from
Waternet in Amsterdam-West to electricity at the site of the waste incineration company AEB that lies
directly next to it. Input would be 25.000 tons WTP per year with 60% moisture and an energy
content of about 5MWth, delivered at the gate of the AEB. The system set up would include a
gasification reactor and a high temperature fuel cell. The method for assessing the system had six
steps. First, the elemental composition and energy content of the fuel were determined.

The second step was to design a system for conversion of WTP to electricity. A gasification
model was created in excel to determine the product gas composition. Third, the electricity yield and
energy efficiency of the system were calculated. Fourth, an economic analysis was performed to
calculate the Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), discounted Pay Back Period
(PBP) and Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE). In the fifth step learning effects on the gasifier and
fuel cell system were assessed. Finally, an uncertainty analysis was conducted which included both a
sensitivity analysis and a pedigree analysis. The results section starts with the elemental composition

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com

of WTP followed by the product gas composition after gasification. It continues with a system design
that includes (among other components) the indirect MILENA gasifier from ECN and a solid oxide
fuel cell (SOFC). Further, the energy analysis reveals an electricity production of 2.8 MW at 57.2%
electrical efficiency and total efficiency of 69.7%. Next, the economic results show that the system is
(currently) not economically feasible; NPV is -38.2 Meuro, IRR -24.2% and LCOE 23.05
eurocent/kWh. The payback period could not be calculated. Subsidy could reduce the LCOE to 12.67
eurocent/kWh, while learning effects of the SOFC system could reduce the LCOE to 15

Finally, the uncertainty analysis showed that priorities for future research are the SOFC
investment cost and the water content and amount of WTP. Although the system is currently
unfeasible, it shows that a waste source can be converted to electricity at high efficiency. The main
recommendations are to invest in SOFC development and scale up the project.

Electric Power Generation by Paper Materials, Zhipan Zhang, Xue Gao, Tong Xu, Changxiang
Shao, Yuyang Han, Bing Lu, Liangti Qu

Power generation from renewable sources is important for sustainable development due to the
depletion of traditional fossil fuels and related environmental pollution. In this work, paper is used to
generate electricity under moisture ingress. As a result, a piece of untreated print paper (1.5 cm2 in
area) can induce a voltage of 0.25 V and a current of 15 nA. The power output can be conveniently
tuned by changing the humidity, temperature and number of devices by simple series/parallel
connections. Such paper-based moist-electric generators (PMEGs) are expected to find their
applications in daily ambient environment owing to the wide availability and low cost of paper
materials. Meanwhile, a ‘power’ book is then fabricated to prove the concept, rendering new insights
into moist-electric generation and a viable approach for designing extremely easy power generators
for various applications.

Electricity Generation and Treatment of Paper Recycling Wastewater Using a Microbial Fuel
Cell, Liping Huang, Bruce E. Logan

Increased interest in sustainable agriculture and bio-based industries requires that we find
more energy-efficient methods for treating cellulose-containing wastewaters. The researchers
examined the effectiveness of simultaneous electricity production and treatment of a paper recycling
plant wastewater using microbial fuel cells. Treatment efficiency was limited by wastewater
conductivity. When a 50 mM phosphate buffer solution (PBS, 5.9 mS/cm) was added to the
wastewater, power densities reached 501 ± 20 mW/m2, with a coulombic efficiency of 16 ± 2%. There
was efficient removal of soluble organic matter, with 73 ± 1% removed based on soluble chemical
oxygen demand (SCOD) and only slightly greater total removal (76 ± 4%) based on total COD
(TCOD) over a 500-h batch cycle. Cellulose was nearly completely removed (96 ± 1%) during

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com

treatment. Further increasing the conductivity (100 mM PBS) increased power to 672 ± 27 mW/m2.
In contrast, only 144 ± 7 mW/m2 was produced using an unamended wastewater (0.8 mS/cm) with
TCOD, SCOD, and cellulose removals of 29 ± 1%, 51 ± 2%, and 16 ± 1% (350-h batch cycle). These
results demonstrate limitations to treatment efficiencies with actual wastewaters caused by solution
conductivity compared to laboratory experiments under more optimal conditions.

Wooden battery, researchers of ESNCHS

This study utilized extracted lignin from burned coconut saw dust as a cathode material in the
production of rechargeable wooden batteries to replace rare and toxic metal cathodes.

Lignin, a plant material that is capable of binding cells and is responsible for making the cell
walls of plants strong and rigid, is utilized as a cathode material following the idea from
photosynthesis where electrons charged by solar energy are transported by quinones in the process. It
is these quinones that are the crucial components as they are the charged carriers and they are found in
the lignin.

The study employed a simple process of lignin extraction by treating burned coconut saw
dusts in 72% sulfuric acid, then adding the treated samples to 5,600 mL to make a 3% concentration
subjecting the mixture in to 2 hours of boiling, then filtering the boiled mixture and drying the filtrate
which is now the recovered lignin.

Tests done on the lignin-based rechargeable wooden batteries showed that the batteries
registered a reading of 1V. Battery life tests showed that the wooden battery has its own charge able
to generate electricity capable of lighting a 3V bulb continuously for several hours. Results also
showed that the battery is able to accept charge that could generate electricity for several hours hence,
it is viable as a rechargeable battery.

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com

Conceptual Framework



 Set-up 1 = 50g of
waste paper
 Set-up 2 = 60g of
waste paper
 Set-up 3= 70g of
Number of hours a
waste paper
biobattery can light up a

Figure 1. Investigating the Potential of Paper-Based Biobatteries as an Alternative Energy

Source for Flashlights: A Conceptual Framework

A conceptual framework suggests that the paper-based biobatteries could influence the capacity to
power a flashlight. Through conducting experiments and analyzing the data, researchers aim to
investigate the relationship between the independent variable (amount of paper used) and the
dependent variables (voltage produced by the biobattery and the duration (in hours) it can light a

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com

Hypothesis of the Study

In this study, the researchers will be making paper based biobatteries and will determine if it can light
up a flashlight.

For the first specific objective:

To determine whether Set-up A, Set-up B, and Set-up C mixture will produce a sufficient voltage a
2D Duracell battery needed to light up a flashlight. The researchers expect that;

Null Hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant difference in the total amount of recycled paper required
to achieve the necessary voltage for lighting up a conventional flashlight.

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): There is a significant difference in the total amount of recycled paper
required to achieve the necessary voltage for lighting up a conventional flashlight.

For the second specific objective:

To determine the duration (in hours) a biobattery can light up a flashlight.

Null Hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant difference in the duration (in hours) that various
biobattery set-ups can light up a flashlight.

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): There is a significant difference in the duration (in hours) that various
biobattery set-ups can light up a flashlight.

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com



Research Design

This study will use experimental research design to determine if this mixture can light up a
flashlight. The independent variable is the volts that will be produced by the paper, and the dependent
variable is the biobattery-powered flashlight. There are three (3) mixtures: Set-up A with a mixture of
50 (g) of paper and 100 ml of water, Set-up B with a mixture of 60 (g) of paper and 100 ml of water,
and Set-up C with 70 (g) of paper and 100 ml of water.

First specific objective is to determine which of the mixture with the total amount of paper (g)
to reach the voltage a battery needed to light up a flashlight.

The second specific objective is to determine the total usable hours you can use the flashlight
with the biobattery.

Locale of the Study

The study on the potential of paper-based biobatteries as an alternative energy source to

flashlights is conducted within the area of Borongan City, situated in the Eastern Samar province of
the Philippines. Borongan City, offers a diverse environment for assessing the viability of alternative
energy solutions, particularly in addressing the energy needs of its populace.

This study will evolve testing the performance of the paper-based biobatteries in powering the
flashlights under different situations, such as its battery capacity.

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com

Data Gathering Procedure

Materials will be prepared for the experimentation. Safety precautions will be observed before
proceeding. Waste papers will be cut into pieces before mixing with 100 mL of water. The mortar and
pestle will be used to mash the mixture until the water is absorbed by the paper. After mashing, the
mixture will be placed under the heat of the sun for five (5) hours for drying. While waiting for the
paper to dry, the three (3) 2d batteries will be disassembled using pliers. The carbon inside the
batteries will be taken out and will be disposed properly in a trash bin. When the paper dries, it will be
garnered and will be put on a weighing scale to get 50 grams, 60 grams, and 70 grams of
measurement, separately. The 50 grams of paper will be placed inside the first battery followed by the
50 grams inside the second battery and the 70 grams inside the third battery. After putting all the
papers, the batteries will be assembled again for testing. Before switching on the multimeter, two
probes will be plugged first into the two ports in the lower right corner of the multimeter. The positive
probe will be plugged to the positive port while the negative probe will be plugged to the negative
port. The positive probe will be connected to the positive side of the battery with 50 grams of paper
while the negative probe will be connected to the negative side. After recording the data, the wires
from both ends will be removed. The wires will be connected again after the multimeter’s reading
reaches zero (0). This procedure will be repeated for three (3) times. The same process will be done
for the batteries with 60 grams and 70 grams.

Following the evaluation of the paper-based biobatteries using a multimeter, the next phase of the
experiment will involve assessing flashlights powered by these batteries. The paper-based biobatteries
containing 50 grams, 60 grams, and 70 grams of paper will be connected to the flashlights for testing.
The flashlights will be turned on, and the duration of illumination will be monitored and documented
to determine the efficacy of the paper-based biobatteries as a sustainable energy source for flashlight
operation. The testing procedure with the flashlights will be conducted multiple times to ensure
consistent and precise results.

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com

Measurement of Variables



Paper (g)

Treatment 1 50 g

Treatment 2 60 g

Treatment 3 70 g

Water 100 ml


Biobattery Flashlight 1 piece

Light Duration Hour

Data Analysis

To determine if paper produces voltage, the researchers will find the mean or the average of each set-
up by adding three trials and dividing the sum by three.

Mean <x> = ∑x/N


∑- represents the summation x- represents the voltage produced

N- represents the total number of x

To determine the duration a paper based biobattery can light up a flashlight, the researchers will use a

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com


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Paper. (2022, October 30). https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/31893
The History of Paper | American Forest and Paper Association. (n.d.).
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Cariaso, B. (2023, August 5). Philippines produces 61,000 million metric tons of waste daily.
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National Overview: Facts and figures on materials, wastes and recycling | US EPA. (2023, November
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5 Advantages of recycling paper. (n.d.). https://www.allcountyrecycling.com/blog/2022/5-advantages-
Eastern Samar Local Government commit to a just energy transition (2023, April
Vedantu. (n.d.). Electricity. VEDANTU. https://www.vedantu.com/evs/electricity
Understanding Electricity - Learn about electricity, current, voltage and resistance. (n.d.).
What is a Battery?\. (n.d.). https://depts.washington.edu/matseed/batteries/MSE/battery.html
Batteries: Function, Types & Properties | StudySmarter. (n.d.). StudySmarter UK.
Mischa. (2022, March 11). How a battery works. Curious.

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Alang-Alang, Borongan City, Eastern Samar
E-mail Add.: 303500@deped.gov.ph / esnchs@yahoo.com

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