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Chapter -1
How when and where
 How means : important dates in history

: Periodization in history

: Sources of history

 When means time i.e., 18th century onwards

 Where means about Indian subcontinent

1. Why do we call history our past?

Ans. History is about changes that occur over time.

 It is about finding out how things were in the past and how
things have changed.
 History is about processes and things that happen over a
period of time.
2. How do we periodise?

Ans. In 1817, James Mill, a Scottish economist and political philosopher,

published a massive 3 volume work, a history of British India. In this he
divided Indian history into 3 periods – Hindu, Muslim, British.

3. Why do we try and divide history into different periods?

Ans. To capture the characteristics of a time

 Its central features

 To show the change from one period to the next

4. What is colonial?

Ans. When the subjugation of one country by another leads to political,

economic, social and cultural changes.

5. Who was Warren Hastings?

Ans. The first governor-general of India in 1773.

6. How did the British preserve official documents?

Ans. The British preserved official documents in the following ways:-

 Set up record rooms

 Archives
 Museums

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