Advanced Paper 12.05.2024 - Qa - Paper 1

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FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.

24 Page: 1


Time Allotted: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 249

➢ Please read the instructions carefully. You are allotted 5 minutes specifically for this purpose.

➢ You are not allowed to leave the Examination Hall before the end of the test.

A. General Instructions

➢ Attempt ALL the questions. Answers have to be marked on the OMR sheets.
➢ This question paper contains Three Parts.
➢ Part– A is “Physics”, Part – B is “Chemistry” and Part– C is “Mathematics”.
➢ Each Part is further divided into two sections : Section – I & Section – III.
➢ Rough spaces are provided for rough work inside the question paper. No additional sheets will be provided for
rough work.
➢ Blank Papers, clip boards, log tables, slide rule, calculator, cellular phones, pagers and electronic devices, in
any form, are not allowed.

B. Filling of OMR Sheet

1. Ensure matching of OMR sheet with the Question paper before you start marking your answers on OMR
2. On the OMR sheet, darken the appropriate bubble with HB pencil for each character of your CHAMP ID and
write in ink your Name, Test Centre and other details at the designated places.
3. OMR sheet contains alphabets, numerals & special characters for marking answers.

C. Marking Scheme.
(i) SECTION-I (01 – 08) contains 8 multiple choice questions which have Only One Correct answer. Each
question carries +3 marks for correct answer and – 1 marks for wrong answer.
SECTION–I (09 – 13) contains 5 multiple choice questions which have One or More Than One Correct
answer. Each question carries +4 marks for correct answer. There is no negative marking.
Section-I (14 – 18) contains 2 paragraph. Each question has only one correct answer and carries +3 marks
for correct answer and – 1 mark for wrong answer.
(ii) SECTION-III (01 – 06) contains 6 Numerical based questions with single digit integer as answer, ranging
from 0 to 9 and each question carries +4 marks for correct answer and –1 marks for wrong answer.

Name of the Candidate

Champ ID

CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 2

CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 3

(Single Correct Answer Type)

This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of
which ONLY ONE is correct.

1. A mass is suspended from a wire and is pulled along the length of wire, resulting in oscillations of time period
T1. The same mass is next attached to wire of the same material and length but double the cross-sectional
area. The time period this time is T2. Then T1/T2 is equal to

(A) 1 :2 (B) 2 : 1 (C) 1 : 2 (D) 2 :1

Ans. D

Sol. T = 2
YA 1
Where K = T

2. The angle  such that the electric field (vector) at A is perpendicular to dipole A
moment (vector) is
(A) 00 (B) 900 

(C)tan-12 (D) tan−1 2

Ans. C
E 1
Sol. tan  =  = tan 
Er 2

+ =  tan  = 2

3. When switch is closed, charges on C1 and C2 are 20 C

2 F 2 F
(A) 20 C, 0 (B) 10 C, 10 C + -

(C) 30 C, 10 C (D) 0, 20 C

C1 C2

10 V

Ans. A
Sol. Let q be the charge that flows through the circuit upon closing the switch , then
20 + q q
+ = 10  q= 0
2 2
Alternatively , let q1 and q2 be the charges on th two capacitor after closing the switch, then
q1 q2
+ = 10 ……(i)
2 2
and - q1 + q2 = - 20 ……(ii)
Solving q1 = 20C and q2 = 0

CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 4

4. Velocity time graph of a particle undergoing rectilinear motion is

plotted upto T = t4 as shown in the figure. Average acceleration of
the particle is zero in the time interval between
(A) 0 and t1 (B) t1 and t2 v
(C) t1 and t3 (D) t2 and t4

t1 t2 t3 t4

Ans. C
Sol. aav =
Change in velocity (V) is zero for time interval t1 and t3
5. A standing wave is produced in a vapour of an element of atomic mass 127 (g mol -1) at 400 K. Nodes are
found to be 6.77 cm apart when frequency of source was 1000 Hz. The vapour used for the experiment is
(R = 8.31 JK-1 mol-1)
(A) monatomic (B) diatomic (C) polyatomic (D) cannot determine
Ans. B

Sol. = 6.77  10−2
v = 1000  2  6.77  10-2 m/s
RT MV 2
Also v = = = 1.4
 diatomic
6. Atomic masses of two heavy atoms are A1 and A2. Ratio of their respective nuclear densities will be
1/ 3 1/ 3
A A  A 
(A) 1 (B)  1  (C)  2  (D) 1
A2  A2   A1 
Ans. D
Sol. Density  = but r  A1 / 3
  = constant
 (D)

7. In a Coolidge tube, the potential difference used to accelerate the electrons is increased from 12.4 kV to
24.8 kV. As a result, the difference between the wavelengths of K  - line and minimum wavelength increases

 hc 0
two – fold. The wavelength of the K line is  = 12.4kV A 
 e 
 
0 0 0 0
(A) 1A (B) 0.5 A (C) 1.5 A (D) 1.25 A
Ans. D
Sol. According to question
 12.4  12.4
3  K −  = K −
 12.4  24.8
 K = 1.25 A

CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 5

8. An electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition from first state to ground state. The equivalent current due
to circulating electron
(A) increases 2 times (B) increases 4 times (C) increases 8 times (D) remains the same
Ans. C
Sol. i=
Now T2  r3 and r  n2  T  n3
 i
 the current will increase 8 times.

Multiple Correct Choice Type
This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer, out
which ONE OR MORE is/are correct.

9. A gun fires a shell with a velocity 3ms−1 at a balloon at the same instant
starts moving upwards with a uniform velocity 1 ms -1 from the same
horizontal plane through the gun position, then (take g = 10 ms -1)

(A) the farthest distance of the gun from the balloon so as to hit it is m
2 3
(B) the farthest distance of the gun from the balloon so as to hit it is m
(C) the angle of elevation of the gun for farthest distance is 300
(D) the angle of elevation of the gun for farthest distance is 600
Ans. A, D
Sol. T = ( 3 sin  − 1)

x = ( 3 cos  )   ( 3 sin  − 1)

 = 600

10. A certain violin wire of length 60 cm and mass 4.0 gm fixed at both ends vibrates with fundamental frequency
of 440 Hz. Position of the finger from end of the string when violin plays a note of frequency 550 Hz is
(A) 48 cm (B) 24 cm (C) 12 cm (D) 60 cm
Ans. A, C
Sol. 
440 L
 =
550 60

 440 
L=  60 = 48cm
 550 

CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 6

11. An X –ray tube passes 10 mA current at a potential difference of 150 KV. The target material of the tube has a
mass of 0.3 kg and specific heat 148.5 Jkg-1K-1. One percent of the supplied electric power is converted into
X – rays and the entire remaining energy goes into heating the target. Then (hc = 12400 eV A )
(A) the average rate of rise of temperature of target would be 33 Ks -1
(B) the minimum wavelength of the X – ray emitted is about 0.08 A
(C) The rate of heating of the target is 1485 W
(D) the maximum wavelength of the X – ray emitted is about 0.08 A
Ans. A, B, C
Sol. Incident power = VI
= 1500 W
Heats 1485 W
1485 = ms
= 33Ks−1
hc 0
min = = 0.08 A

12. In the circuit shown in the given figure R1

(A) R1 = 14 , (B) I2 = 2 A 0.5 A
(C) R2 = 40  (D) I1 = 3.5 A R2
20 
10 

69 V
Ans. A, B, C, D

13. Following are some processes shown in V – T graph for ideal of V

gas. Which of following are correct. D
(A) in process CD pressure continuously increases.
(B) in process EF pressure continuously decreases. F

(C) pressure remains constant in all process AB, CD, EF C

(D) internal energy of gas increases in all three processes.
Ans. A, B, D

CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 7

Linked Comprehension Type

This section contains 2 paragraphs. Based upon each paragraph, 3 multiple choice have to be answered. Each has 4
choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Paragraph for Questions Nos. 14 to 15

When X – rays are produced in an X – ray tube, two types of X – ray spectra are observed : continues spectra and line
A continuous spectrum is produced by bremsstrahlung, the electromagnetic radiation produced when free electron are
accelerated during collisions with ions.
A line spectrum results when an electron having sufficient energy collides with a heavy atom, and an electron in an
inner energy level is ejected from the atom. An electron from an outer energy level then fills the vacant inner energy
level , resulting in emission of an X – ray photon. For example , if an electron in the n = 1 energy level is ejected from
an atom, an electron in the n = 2 level of the atom can fill the vacancy created in the n = 1 level. And a photon with an
energy equal to the energy difference between the two levels will be emitted.
A scientist produced both types of spectra using the X – ray tube shown in figure below.
The tube contains a heated filament cathode (C) , which emits electrons. A power supply (LV) regulates the filament
temperature, the electrical current in the tube, and the number of X – rays produced at the anode (A). Another power
supply (HV) regulates electron acceleration.
- +


- +

Figure 1 Heated Cathode X – ray tube

The scientist used an X –ray tube to determine the relationship between X – ray wavelength,  and X –ray intensity, I
which is proportional to the number of X – ray photon emitted at . The scientist then graphed the result of the
experiment, as shown in figure below:


Figure 2 X – ray intensity versus wavelength

CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 8

Answer the following questions.

14. In figure 2, which of the following represents the source of emission peaks P1 and P2?
(A) bremsstrahlung
(B) absorption of X – ray photon resulting in electronic excitations in atoms
(C) emission of X – ray photon as a result of electronic transition in atoms
(D) acceleration of electrons in magnetic field
Ans. C
15. Based on the tube in figure 1, to maintain an electron current of 0.005 A and a potential drop of 10 5 V between
the anode and the cathode, approximately how much power must the tube consume?
(A) 5 x 102 W (B) 1 x 103 W (C) 2 x 105 W (D) 2 x 107 W
Ans. A
Sol. P = Vi = 0.005 A  105V = 5  102 

Paragraph for Question Nos. 16 to 18

The timber , or quality, of a musical note depends on the number and relative strengths of the harmonics including the
fundamental frequency present in the note. Figure1 (a) illustrates the first three harmonics of a tone. The addition of
the first two harmonic is pictured in figure 1(b), and the addition of the first 3 harmonics is shown in figure 1(c)


Figure 1 (a)


Figure 1 (b)


Figure 1 (c)

CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 9

The graphs in figure 2 illustrates the characteristics of two adjacent notes from a musical instrument. Figure2(a)
shows the pressure variation and the amplitude of the harmonics present in one of the tones, and figure 2(b) shows
the same information for the other note.



1 3 5 7
Figure 2a harmonic



1 3 5 7
Figure 2b harmonic

Figure 2 pressure variation and amplitude of harmonics for adjacent musical instrument notes

16. Which of the waveforms shown in figure 1 has the shortest period?
(A) first harmonics (B) seconds harmonics (C) third harmonics (D) the wavelength in figure 1 c
Ans. C

17. At the second position where the three curves intersect in figure 1a, the curves are all
(A) in phase (B) out of phase
(C) at zero displacement (D) at maximum displacement
Ans. C

18. If the frequency of the first harmonic in figure 2a is 100 Hz, what is the period of the second harmonic?
(A) 0.005 s (B) 0.01 s (C) 50.0 s (D) 200.0 s
Ans. A

Integer Answer Type

This section contains 6 questions. The answer to each of the questions is a single digit integer, ranging from 0 to 9.
The bubble corresponding to the correct is to be darkened in the ORS.

1. A small positive charged ring of radius r and charge Q is placed just above earth surface. Find the magnitude
of electrostatics flux of ring which passes through the earth. (Given |Q| = 20 in S.I. Units)
Ans. 1
Sol. Flux = , half from earth.

CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 10

2. An electric field line emerges from the point charge q 1 = 36 C at an

angle  to the straight line joining a negative charge of magnitude (5K)
 
C. If the same electric field line enters negative charge at an angle 
q1 q2
to the same line, if  = 600 and  = 740, then find the value of K.

Ans. 5
Sol. | q1 | (1 − cos  ) =| q2 | (1 − cos )

3. Sound level / loudness at any point in a room is increased from 50 dB to 60 dB, when pressure amplitude is

increased by factor K, then find
Ans. 1

P02 l
l= and B = 10 log10
2v l0

4. The equation of a standing wave produced on a string fixed at both ends is Y = (0.4 cm)sin[(0.314 cm -1) x] –
cos[(600 s-1) t] . If the smallest possible length of string is 5L cm, then find L.
Ans. 2

5. Light rays can enter from flat surface of a transparent cylinder if L

minimum value of refractive index of material of cylinder is  L
such that no ray can emerge from curved surface of cylinder. 20

Find 2.

Ans. 2

Sol. T . I. R. at curved surface   = 2

6. In the arrangement shown in figure, image of light f = 30 cm

source O is to be obtained at the bottom of beaker
36 cm 1m
 4
containing water   =  upto height 20 cm. Find the
 3 450

value of
17 H

20 cm

Ans. 5
Sol. Because H = 85
1 1 1
− =
v u f
v = 180 cm
15  = 20cm

Space for Rough Work

CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 11

(Single Correct Answer Type)

This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of
which ONLY ONE is correct.

1. In the following equilibrium,

N2O4(g) 2NO2
NO2 is 50% of the total volume. Hence , degree of dissociation (x) & Van’t Hoff factor (i) respectively are
(A) 0.5, 1.5 (2) 0.25, 1.25 (C) 0.33, 1.33 (4) 0.66, 1.66
Ans. C
Sol: N2O4 2NO2
1–x 2x
V = volume of the flask
1 − x 2x 1− x 
+ = 2 
V V  V 
1 − x 2x
 =
x = 0.33
i = 1 + x = 1 + 0.33 = 1.33

2. Inversion of sucrose (C12H22O11) is first order reaction & is studied by measuring angle of rotation at different
interval of time
C12H22O11 + H2O ⎯⎯⎯
→ C6H12O6 + C6H12O6
sucrose glucose fructose

If (r - r0)  a and (r - rt)  (a - x) (where r0, rt and r are the angle o rotation at the start, at the time t and at
the end of the reaction respectively, then there is 50% inversion when
(A) r0 = 2rt - r (B) r0 = rt - r (C) r0 = rt - 2r (4) r0 = rt + r
Ans. A
Sol. At 50% inversion
a/2 = a –x
r −r
So,  0 = r − rt
 r0 = 2r1 - r

3. Following are the value of Ea and H for three reactions carried out at the same temperature
I: Ea = 20 KJmol-1, H = -60 KJmol-1
II. Ea = 10KJmol-1, H = -20 KJmol-1
III. Ea = 40 KJmol-1, H = + 15KJmol-1
If all the three reactions have same frequency factor then fastest & slowest reaction are
Fastest Slowest
(A) I II
(D) can not be predicted
Ans. C
Sol. As reaction – I is exothermic with a high value of H so it is fastest and reaction is endothermic so will be
comparatively slow.

CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 12

4. Select correct statement(s):

(A) by trouton’s rule, entropy of vaporization of most liquids is 88  5 Jmol-1K-1 at normal boiling point
(B) due to excessive H – bonding H2O( ) is most ordered hence its entropy of vaporization is usually high
(C) entropy of CaCO3(s) is zero at – 2130C
(D) all of the above
Ans. D
Sol. Entropy of solid substance is zero.

5. pH of a maximum which is 0.1 M in CH3COOH and 0.05 M in (CH3COO)2Ba is

[pKa of CH3COOH = 4.74]
(A) 4.74 (B) 5.04 (C) 4.44 (D) 10.4
Ans. A

[Salt] [CH3COO− ]
Sol. pH = pK a + log = 4.74 + log
[Acid] [CH3COOH]

[CH3COO− ] = [CH3COOH]

Ph = pKa = 4.74

6. ksp of Al(OH)3 is 1 x 10-15 . pH of the saturated solution is about?

(A) 5.0 (B) 9.0 (C) 4.1 (D) 10.4
Ans. D
Sol. Al(OH) → Al+3 + 3OH-
S 3s

s(3s)3 =1 10-15

 27s4 = 10-15
S4 = 3.70 + 10-17
s4 = 0.37  10-16
[OH-] = 3s
pH = 14 - pOH

7. Which of the following pairs react(s) to form only one organic product?
(A) CH4 + Cl2 (B) CH3CH2Br + NH3
(C) CH3CHBrCH3 + NaOH (D) CH3COCl + NH3
Ans. D
Sol. In (D) there is only one product we got

8. An electron is allowed to move freely in a closed cubic box of length 10 cm. The maximum uncertainty its
velocity will be observed as
(A) 4 x 10-3 m/s (B) 3.347 x 10-4 m/s (C) 4 x 10-5 m/s (D) 4 x 10-6 m/s
Ans. B

Sol. x = a 3
x = 10 3, x.p =
h 6.62  10−34
V = = = 3.347  10−4 m / sec
4m.x 4  3.14  9.1  10−31  10 3  10−2

CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 13

Multiple Correct Choice Type
This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer, out
which ONE OR MORE is/are correct.

9. Which of the following statements is (are) not correct for alkali metals?
(A) They always exist in +1 state in their compounds
(B) Their ions are coloured and paramagnetic in nature
(C) The alkali metal cations have a strong tendency to get hydrated
(D) Each alkali metal atom is the smallest atom in its period
Ans. B, D

10. About mesotartaric acid which is/are not correct

(A) is optically inactive because it contains 2 asymmetric C – atom in its molecule
(B) can be separated into two optically active isomers
(C) cannot be separated into two optically active isomers
(D) is optically inactive due to external compensation
Ans. A, B, D
CH 3
uv C CH CH3
H3 C CH CH CH + Cl2 ClH C CH CH3 + H3C CH
2 3 2 2
Only these 2 product has chiral C.

11. In an aqueous solution of volume 500 ml when the reaction,

2Ag+ + Cu Cu2+ + 2Ag, reaches equilibrium, the concentration of Cu2+ ions is x molar. To this
solution 500 ml of water is added. At the new equilibrium the concentration of Cu 2+ ions would be
(A) 2x molar (B) between x and 2x molar
(C) less than x molar (D) between 0.005x molar and 0.5 x molar
Ans. C, D

12. The dissociation of phosgene, which occurs according to the reaction

COCl2(g) CO(g) + Cl2(g) is an endothermic process. Which of the following factors will increase the
degree of dissociation of COCl2?
(A) Adding Cl2 to the system
(B) Adding helium to the system at constant pressure
(C) Decreasing the temperature of the system
(D) Reducing the total pressure
Ans. B, D
Sol. The concentration decreases on dilution. As the volume is doubled, the concentration is halved. Hence, it will
be less than x molar as the reaction is in equilibrium.

13. Rusting iron is catalysed by

(A) H+ ion (B) dissolved CO2 in water (C) O2 (D) impurities present
Ans. A, B, C, D

CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 14

Linked Comprehension Type

This section contains 2 paragraphs. Based upon each paragraph, 3 multiple choice have to be answered. Each has 4
choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Paragraph for Questions Nos. 14 to 15

Read the following paragraph and answer the questions given below
A chemical reaction leading to the formation of specific optical or geometrical isomer is known as sterospecific or
stereoselective reaction. All stereospecific reaction as steroselective reaction but reverse is not true.

14. Consider the following reaction



C C + Br H C



Product of the reaction is:
(A) (dl) mixture of 2,3 – dibromobutane (B) (+)2, 3 – dibromobutane
(C) (-) 2, 3 – dibromobutane (D) meso – 2, 3 – dibromobutane
Ans. D

15. Consider the following statements for given reaction:

(i) OsO4


(ii) NaHSO 4 3


(1) The reaction is sterospecific reaction.

(2) The reaction is steroselective reaction.
(3) Product of the reaction is (dl) mixture of 2,3 – dibromobutane .
(4) Reaction intermediate is carbocation.
Of these statements :
(A) 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct (B) 2, 3 and 4 are correct
(C) 1, 2 and 3 are correct (D) 1, 3 and 4 are correct
Ans. C

CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 15

Paragraph for Question Nos. 16 to 18

Dibenzalacetone can be used as sunscreen because it has a large absorption band in the UV region. Use the
synthesis as shown below to answer the given questions.

+ -
+ + H2O OH



16. The formation of benzalacetone is a

(A) base catalyzed aldol condensation followed by dehydration
(B) acid catalysed aldol condensation followed by dehydration
(C) dehydration followed by base catalysed aldol condensation
(D) dehydration followed by acid catalysed aldol condensation
Ans. A
17. In the formation of benzalacetone, acetone is the
(A) nucleophile (B) electrophile (C) acid (D) oxidant
Ans. A
18. In the formation of dibenzalacetone from benzalacetone , benzaldehyde is the:
(A) nucleophiles (B) electrophile (C) base (D) oxidant
Ans. B

Integer Answer Type

This section contains 6 questions. The answer to each of the questions is a single digit integer, ranging from 0 to 9.
The bubble corresponding to the correct is to be darkened in the ORS.

1. If G0 is zero for a cell, the equilibrium constant for cell reaction is.
Ans. 1
Sol. G0 = 0 = - nRTlnK
or 0 = ln K or K = 1

2. AXn possess trigonal bipyramidal shape. If A has no lone pair the value of n is.
Ans. 5



CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 16

3. An aqueous solution of a substance molecular weight 240 has osmotic pressure 0.2 atm at 300 K. The density
of solution in g/dm3 is (R = 0.08 lit atm K-1 moles).
Ans. 2
Sol. d= = (as PV = nRT)
0.2  240
= =2
0.08  300

4. If H0f of H2S(g) and H2S(aq) are – 4.5 and – 9.5 kcal. How much heat is required for the change?

Ans. 5
Sol. H2S(g) H2S(aq)
 Hf = - 4.5 – (- 9.5)
= 5 kcal

5. n factor of FeC2O4 during its oxidation by acidified KMnO4 is.

Ans. 3
Sol. FeC2O4 → Fe3+ + CO2 + 3e
n factor = 3

6. The quantity of charge (in Faraday) required to liberate 96 g of Mg from molten solution of MgCl 2.
Ans. 8
W F
Sol. Q=
Mwt 24
Here E = = = 12
2 2
So, Q = = 8F
Space for Rough Work

CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 17

(Single Correct Answer Type)

This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of
which ONLY ONE is correct.

x2 y2
1. + = 1 represents an ellipse with major axis as y – axis and f is a decreasing function, positive
f(4a) f(a2 − 5)

for all a, then a belong to

(A) (1, 4) (B) (-1, 1) (C) (-1, 5) (D) (5, )
Ans. C
Sol. f is a decreasing function, x > y  f(x) < f(y)
Major axis lies along y – axis
F(4a) < f(a2 - 5)
 4a > a2 – 5  a2 – 4a - 5 < 0
a  (-1, 5)

2. Three numbers are selected from the set {1, 2, 3 ………, 10}. The probability that all the selected numbers are
consecutive or none of them are consecutive is equal to
7 8 1 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
15 15 2 3
Ans. B
Sol. Number of ways of selecting 3 consecutive numbers (1, 2, 3; 2, 3, 4; 3, 4, 5;….;8, 9, 10) = 8.
Number of ways of selecting 3 numbers so that no two of them are consecutive = 10 - 3 + 1 C = 8C3 = 56

8 + 56 8
Desired Probability = =
10 15

3. Let a point R lies on the plane x – y + z – 3 = 0 and P be the point (1, 1, 1). A point Q lies on PR such that
PQ2 + PR2 = k (constant), then the equation of locus of Q is
 4 
(A) [(x − 1)2 + (y − 1)2 + (z − 1)2 ] 1 +  =k
 (x − y + z − 1) 

 4 
(B) [(x − 1)2 + (y − 1)2 + (z − 1)2 ] 1 −  =k
 (x − y + z − 1) 

(C) (x − 1)2 + (y − 1)2 + (z − 1)2 + =k
(x − y + z − 1)2
1 1 1 (x − y + z − 1)2
(D) + + + =k
(x − 1)2 (y − 1)2 (z − 1)2 4

Ans. A
Sol. Let Q be (, , ) then

PQ2 = ( - 1)2 + ( - 1)2 + ( - 1)2 = r22 where PQ = r2. If PR = r1 and I, m, n be the direction cosine of the line
PR then R is (1 + lr, 1 + mr, 1 + nr1).
R lies on the plane so r1 =
Also Q is (1 + lr2, 1 + mr2, 1 + nr2)

CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 18

 −1  −1  −1
 = l, = m, =n
r2 r2 r2
 r1 =
 −  +  −1
 4 
Now r12 + r22 = k  r22 1 + =k
 ( −  +  − 1) 

 4 
Locus of Q is [(x - 1)2 + (y - 1)2 + (z - 1)2 1 +  =k
 (x − y + z − 1) 

2nk + a
 x 
 
 sin   f '(x)dx
 2k 
4. If function f(x) satisfies f(x + k) + f(x) = 0  x  R and k   0,  , then the value of a
 2 2k
 x 
 cos   f(x)dx
 2k 
(A) 0 (B) n (C) - n (D) −
Ans. D
Sol. f(x + 2k) = f(x), hence f(x) is periodic with period as 2k
2nk +a 2nk
 x   x 
  sin   f '(x)dx =
 2k   sin   f '(x)dx
 2k 
a 0
2k 2k
 x  −n  x 
=n  sin  2k  f '(x)dx = 2k  cos  2k f(x)dx
0 0

5. The slope of the normal to the curve at any point is the reciprocal of twice the abscissa at that point the
equation of the passing through the point (4, 3) is
(A) x2 + y = 19 (B) x2 – y2 = 13 (C) y – x2 – 13 = 0 (D) none of these
Ans. A
−1 1
Sol. Slope of normal at any point is =
 dy  2 x
 dx 
 
 dt = -2x dx
 y = - x2 + c and passes through (4, 3)
 x2 + y = 19

6. The domain of the function f(x) = cos-1(sec(cos-1x)) + sin-1(cosec(sin-1x)) is

(A) x  R (B) x = 1, - 1 (C) – 1  x  1 (D) x  
Ans. B
Sol. f(x) = cos-1 (sec(cos-1x)) + sin-1 (cosec(sin-1x))
 - 1  sec(cos-1x)  1 and – 1  cosec(sin-1x)  1
 sec(cos-1x) =  1 and cosec (sin-1x) =  1
 
 cos-1 x = 0 ,  and sin−1 x = ,−
2 2
 x =  1 and x =  1  domain is x =  1.

CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 19

7. Let f(x) be a polynomial one- one function such that f(x) f(y) + 2 = f(x) + f(y) + f(xy)  x, y  R – {0}, f(1)  1,
f(1) = 3. Let g(x) =
4 
(f(x) + 3) − f(x)dx, then
(A) g(x) = 0 has exactly one root for x  (0, 1) (B) g(x) = 0 has exactly two roots x  (0, 1)
(C) g(x)  0  x  R – {0} (D) g(x) = 0  x  R – {0}
Ans. D
Sol. Put x = y = 1  f(1) = 2
1 1 1
Put y =  f(x) + f   = f(x)f  
x x x
 f(x) = x3 + 1
 g(x) = 0  x  R – {0}.

8. From a fixed point A, three normals are drawn to the parabola y 2 = 4ax at the points P. Q and R. Two circles
C1 and C2 be drawn on AP and AQ as diameter. If slope of the common chord of the circles C 1 and C2 be m1
and the slope of the tangent to the parabola at the point R be m2, then m1 x m2 is equal to
1 1
(A) (B) 2 (C) − (D) - 2
2 2
Ans. A
Sol. Let A  (, ) the equation of the normal to the parabola at (at 2, 2at) is y + tx = 2at + at3
As it is drawn from (, )
So, at3 + (2a - )t -  = 0
 t1 + t2 + t3 = 0 ………………..(1)
So, we have

P  (at12 , 2at1 ),Q  (at 22 , 2at 2 ) and R  (at32 , 2at 3 )

C1  Circle drawn on AP as diameter = (x - ) (x – at12 ) + (y - ) (y – 2at1) = 0
C2  Circle drawn on AQ as diameter = (x −  )(x − at 22 ) + (y − )(y − 2at 2 ) = 0
Common chord  (t1 + t2)x + 2y -  (t1 + t2) - 2 = 0 (as t1  t2)
t +t  t
 m1 = −  1 2  = 3 (from (1))
 2  2
Tangent to the parabola at R
t3 y = x + at 32  m2 =
So, m1  m2 = .

Multiple Correct Choice Type
This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer, out
which ONE OR MORE is/are correct.
ln t
9. If f(x) =
 1 + tdt, then
x x
1 ln t 1 ln t
(A) f   = −
 
x t(1 + t) 
dt (B) f   =
x  t(1 + t) dt
1 1
1 1 1
(C) f(x) + f   = 0 (D) f(x) + f   = (ln x)2
x x 2
Ans. B, D

CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 20

1/ x x x
1 ln t − lnu −1 ln t
Sol. f  =
x  (1 + t)
dt =  
1 + u u2
du =  t(1 + t) dt
1 1 1
x x x
1 ln t  1  ln t  (ln t)2  (ln x)2
Now, f(x) + f   =
x  (1 + t) 
1 +  dt =
t  t
dt = 
 2 
 =
1 1 1
x x x
10. The equation 2 sin cos2 − 2 sin sin2 x = cos2 x − sin2 x has a root for which
2 2 2
1 1
(A) sin 2 x = 1 (B) sin2x = -1 (C) cos x = (D) cos 2x = −
2 2
Ans. A, B, C, D
Sol. 2 sin   (cos2 x − sin2 x) = cos2 x − sin2 x
 x 
 2 sin   − 1 cos 2x = 0
 2 
x 1
cos 2x = 0 or sin =
2 2

2x = n +
x 
= k + ( −1)k (n, k  l)
2 6
n 
x= +
2 4

Or, x = 2k + ( −1)k
n  
x= + , then sin 2x =  1 and if x = 2k + ( −1)k
2 4 3
 1 2 1
cos x = cos = and cos 2x = cos =−
3 2 3 2
x y
11. The equation of the circle which touches the axes of coordinates and the line + = 1 and whose centre lies
3 4
in the first quadrant is x2 + y2 – 2cx – 2cy + c2 = 0 whose c is
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 6
Ans. A, D
Sol. 3 =c
1 1
32 42
 c = 6, 1
12. sin-1x > cos-1x holds for
 1   1 
(A) all values of x (B) x   0,  (C) x   ,1 (D) x = 0.75
 2  2 
Ans. C, D

Sol. sin−1 x  − sin−1 x

Sin-1x >
 1
x  sin  x  and x  (0,1)
4 2
 1 
x  ,1
 2 
CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 21

13. 2 cot −1 7 + cos−1 is equal to
 44   125   4   44 
(A) cot −1   (B) cos ec −1   (C) tan−1   (D) cos−1  
 117   117   117   125 
Ans. A, B, C, D
 1 
−1 1
−1 −1
 1 − 49  −1  24 
Sol. 2 cot 7 = 2 tan = cos   = cos  
7  1 + 1   25 
 49 
3 24 3  44 
2 cot −1 7 + cos−1 = cos−1 + cos−1 = cos−1  
5 25 5  125 
 44  
since0  cos−1  
 125  2
44 125
cos  = ,cosec =
125 177
cot  =

Linked Comprehension Type

This section contains 2 paragraphs. Based upon each paragraph, 3 multiple choice have to be answered. Each has 4
choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Paragraph for Questions Nos. 14 to 15

A curve y = f(x) passes through the point P(1, 1). The normal to the curve at P is a (y - 1) + (x - 1) = 0. If the slope of
the tangent at any point on the curve is proportional to the ordinate of the point, then

14. The equation of the curve y = f(x) is

2 −1)
(A) y = ea(x - 1) (B) y = ea(x (C) y = ea(1−|x|) (D) y = ea(|x|−1)

Ans. A
Sol. Slope of tangent at any point P(x, y) is y
 = ky  y = ek(x −1)
since a(y - 1) + (x - 1) = 0 is normal at (1, 1)  k = 1
Hence f(x) = y = ea(x - 1)
15. The equation of tangents to the curve at point Q(0, e-a) is

(A) y =  e−a (ax + 1) (B) y = −e−a (ax + 1) (C) y = e−a (ax + 1) (D) y = e−a (x + a)

Ans. C
 dy  −a
Sol. Slope of tangent at Q(0, e-a) is   = ae
 dx Q
 y – e-a = ae-a(x)
 y = e-a(ax + 1)
Paragraph for Question Nos. 16 to 18
Consider following two infinite series in real r and 
r 2 cos 2 r 3 cos 3
C = 1 + r cos  + + + .....
2! 3!
r 2 sin 2 r 3 sin 3
S = r sin  + + + ..........
2! 3!
If  remains constant and r varies then

CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 22

dC dS
16. The expression C + is equal to
dr dr
(A) C2 + S2 (B) (C2 + S2)cos (C) (C2 + S2)sin (D) CS
Ans. B
Sol. 16 – 18 .
r 2 e2i r 3e3i i
We have C + iS = 1 + rei + + + ..... = ere ……(1)
2! 3!
r 2 e−2i r 3e−3i −i
And C – iS 1 + re−i + + + ........... = ere ……..(2)
2! 3!
2 2
C2 + S2 = ere = er cos  eir sin  = e2r cos  ……….(3)

Differentiate (1) w.r.t. , e get

dC dS r 2 e3i i
+i = ei + re2i + + ..... = ei ere ……..(4)
dr dr 2!
2 2 2 2
 dC   dS  i i
  +  = eiere = ere = C2 + S2 (from(3))
 dr   dr 
Multiply (2) and (3)
 dC dS  i r(ei +e−i )
 dr + i dr  (C − iS) = e e = eie2r cos  = (cos  + isin )e2r cos 
 
Equating real and imaginary parts and form (3)
dC dS
C +S = (C2 + S2 )cos  and
dr dr
dS dC
C −S = (C2 + S2 )sin 
dr dr

dS dC
17. The expression C −S is equal to
dr dr
(A) C2 + S2 (B) (C2 + S2)cos (C) (C2 + S2)sin (D) CS
Ans. C

2 2
 dC   dS 
18.  dr  +  dr  is equal to
   
(A) C + S 2 (B) (C2 + S2)cos2 (C) (C2 + S2)sin2 (D) 1
Ans. A

Integer Answer Type

This section contains 6 questions. The answer to each of the questions is a single digit integer, ranging from 0 to 9.
The bubble corresponding to the correct is to be darkened in the ORS.

1. Square of diameter of the circle having tangent at (1, 1) as x + y – 2 = 0 and passing through (2, 2) is ………..
Ans. 2
Sol. Equation of the circle is (x - 1)2 + (y - 1)2 + k(x + y - 2) = 0
As the circle passes through (2, 2)  x = -1.
Equation x2 + y2 – 3y + 4 = 0
9 9 1
Radius = + −4 =
4 4 2
(diameter)2 = ( 2 )2 = 2.

CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 23

2. In an acute angled triangle the minimum value of secA secB secC (1 + secA) (1 + secB) (1 + secC) is k, then
is ………………
Ans. 9
tan2 A tan2 B tan2 C
Sol. sec A sec B sec C(1 + sec A)(1 + sec B)(1 + sec C) =
8 sin2 sin2 sin2
2 2 2
A B C 1
or tanA tanB tanC  3 3 and sin sin sin 
2 2 2 8
 minimum value = 216

3. P is any point and O being the origin. On the circle with OP as diameter two point Q and R are on same side

of OP such that POQ = QOR = . Let P, Q, R be z1 , z2, z3 such that 2 3z 22 = 2 + 3 z1z3. The degree of)

 is 0, then is……………..
Ans. 5
z2 OQ i
Sol. = e
z1 OP
z3 OR i2
= e
z1 OP
z3 cos2  2 + 3
z22 = z12 cos2    =
z1 cos2  cos 2 2 3
2+ 3 2+ 3
 cos2  =  2 cos2  =
4 4
 2 cos2  = 1 + cos 300   = 15

4. The number of solution of   [0, 2] satisfying the equation log 5

tan  logtan  5 5 + log 5
5 5 = − 6 is

Ans. 2

Sol. log tan  +3 = − 6
5 log 5 tan 

x +3 = − 6 ….(1) ( x = log 5
tan  )
x x +1
 =− 2
 x(x 2 + x − 2) = 0
 x = 0, 1, - 2
But x < 0 (from(1))
log 5 tan  = −2
 two solution.

l=  [x
5. ]dx where [.] is greatest integer function then the value of [l] is ……….
Ans. 0
1 2 1. 5
Sol. 
l = 0dx +  dx +  2dx = ( 2 − 1) + 2(1.5 − 2 ) = 2 − 2
0 1 2
[l] = [0.41] = 0
CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725
FULL CTS- (Advanced)P-1, 12.05.24 Page: 24

6. If | z|2 + (3 - 4i)z + (3 + 4i)z + 75 = 0 and (1 − i)z + (1 + i)z − 16 = 0 intersect at z1 and z2 , then the integral part of
the sum of the areas of the quadrilaterals having (z 1 + z2) and (z1 – z2) as diagonals passing through origin is
k, then is ………………… (Two vertices of 1st quadrilateral are z1 and z2 and of 2nd quadrilateral are z1
and –z2).
Ans. 4
Sol. | z |2 +(3 − 4i)z + (3 + 4i)z − 92 = 0 ……….(1)
(1 − i)z + (1 + i)z − 16 = 0 ……….(2)
Z2(3, 5) B
Let z = x + iy  z = x − iy C
(9, 7)

 z + z = 2 x,z − z = 2iy ………..(3)

From (1) A
2 
Z1(6, 2)
| z | +3(z + z) − 4i(z − z) − 92 = 0
O x
 x 2 + y 2 + 6 x + 8y − 92 = 0 ……….(4)
From (2)
(z + z) − i(z − z) − 16 = 0 E (3, -3)
 2 x + 2 y − 16 = 0 D (-3, -5)
 y = (8 -x)
 From (4) and (5)
x2 + (8 - x)2 + 6x + 8 (8 - x) – 92 = 0
 x2 + 64 – 16x + 6x + 64 – 8x – 92 = 0
 2x2 – 18x + 36 = 0  x2 – 9x + 18 = 0
 (x - 6) (x - 3) = 0  x = 3, 6
 From (5)
Y = 5, 2
 z 2 = 3 + 5i = (3, 5) and z1 = (6 + 2i) = (6, 2)
z1 + z 2 = (3 + 5i) + (6 + 2i) = (9 + 7i) = (9, 7)
(z1 − z 2 ) = ( 6 + 2i) − (3 + 5i) = (3 − 3i)
= (3, - 3)
Clearly, quadrilaterals OABC and ODEA are the
parallelogram of same area
z 1 5
tan 1 = = ,tan 2 =
6 3 3
 5 1 
 − 
  = (2 − 1 )  tan  =  3 3 
 1 − 5  1 
 3 3
 tan  = = 1   = 450
Total area = 2 area of parallelogram OABC
= 2 | z1 || z 2 | sin 
= 2  40  34  = 2 20  34 = 4 170
= 4  13.04 = 52.16sq.units
 Integral part of area = 52.

CHAMP SQUARE (LALPUR): Sunrise Forum, 2nd Floor (Debuka Nursing Home Lane), Circular Road, Ranchi – 834 001, Ph.: 7360016500
CHAMP SQUARE (DORANDA): Dashmesh Apartment, 1st Floor, Near A. G. Office, North Office Para, Doranda, Ranchi-2 Ph: 8235490725

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