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Scalar Field:

A Scalar field is a simple function of space. It holds only magnitude as defined by the function in
Vector Field:
Vector field has both magnitude and direction in space. So, each point in space will be associated
with a vector.
For example. V = Vx x + Vy y + Vz z Here the bold letters x, y, and z are unit vectors along x, y and
z direction.
Here, Vx, Vy and Vz are functions (not just the numbers) which decides the length and orientation of
the vector associated with any point (x,y,z) in space. Using this expression, you can fill the space
with infinite number of vectors. For every (x,y,z) we will be getting a vector whose length and
direction will be decided by the functions Vx, Vy and Vz.

For example, let us plot the vector field V = x x + y y

To plot vector filed fist we need the fix the magnitude of the vector to a constant value
The magnitude of V is (x2 + y2)1/2 = 2
Then we can calculate y value by fixing the x values,
y = ±(4-x2)1/2 j
Just for an example, I have taken values with 0.2 interval. But one can take any value in space.

x y =+(4-x2)1/2 V@(x,y) = x x + y y x y = -(4-x2)1/2 V@(x,y) = x x + y y

-2.00 0.00 V = -2.00 x + 0.00 y -2.00 0.00 V = x + y
-1.80 0.87 V = -1.80 x + 0.87 y -1.80 -0.87 V = -1.80 x - 0.87 y
-1.60 1.20 V = -1.60 x + 1.20 y -1.60 -1.20 V = -1.60 x - 1.20 y
-1.40 1.43 V = -1.40x + 1.43 y -1.40 -1.43 V = -1.40x - 1.43 y
-1.20 1.60 V = -1.20x + 1.60y -1.20 -1.60 V = -1.20x - 1.60y
-1.00 1.73 V = -1.00 x + 1.73 y -1.00 -1.73 V = -1.00 x - 1.73 y
-0.80 1.83 V = -0.80 x + 1.83 y -0.80 -1.83 V = -0.80 x - 1.83 y
-0.60 1.91 V = -0.60 x + 1.91 y -0.60 -1.91 V = -0.60 x - 1.91 y
-0.40 1.96 V = -0.40 x + 1.96 y -0.40 -1.96 V = -0.40 x - 1.96 y
-0.20 1.99 V = -0.20 x + 1.99 y -0.20 -1.99 V = -0.20 x - 1.99 y
0.00 2.00 V = 0 x + 2 y 0.00 -2.00 V = 0 x - 2 y
0.20 1.99 V = 0.2 x + 1.99 y 0.20 -1.99 V = 0.2 x - 1.99 y
0.40 1.96 V = 0.4 x + 1.96 y 0.40 -1.96 V = 0.4 x - 1.96 y
0.60 1.91 V = 0.6 x + 1.91 y 0.60 -1.91 V = 0.6 x - 1.91 y
0.80 1.83 V = 0.8 x + 1.83 y 0.80 -1.83 V = 0.8 x - 1.83 y
1.00 1.73 V = 1 x + 1.73 y 1.00 -1.73 V = 1 x - 1.73 y
1.20 1.60 V = 1.2 x + 1.6 y 1.20 -1.60 V = 1.2 x - 1.6 y
1.40 1.43 V = 1.4 x + 1.43 y 1.40 -1.43 V = 1.4 x - 1.43 y
1.60 1.20 V = 1.60 x + 1.20 y 1.60 -1.20 V = 1.60 x - 1.20 y
1.80 0.87 V = 1.80 x + 0.87 y 1.80 -0.87 V = 1.80 x - 0.87 y
2.00 0.00 V = 2 x + 0 y 2.00 0.00 V = 2 x - 0 y
Let us plot these vectors: you will get a following vector field which consists of vectors whose
magnitude is constant.

x=2,y=0 x axis

Follow the same method to plot the following vector field.

Plot the vector field V = y x - x y

Home Work
Find the divergence and curl of the following vector fields

1) V = y x - x y

2) V = x x + y y
Divergence of a Vector Field:

The del operator can operate on a Vector field in two different ways. It can either take
dot/scalar product or a vector/cross product with another vector field.
If the del operator operates on a vector field using the dot product, then we call it as divergence

The divergence of a vector field gives the the volume density of the net outward flux from
the infinitesimal volume around a given point. So it gives the difference between inward flux and
outward flux for the unit volume. If vector field is zero, then the the field is called as solenoidal and
incompressible field. The field with positive divergence will act as source while the field with
negative divergence will act as a sink.

On a rainy day the rain water comes to the earth surface, if we consider a volume which
includes the clouds but not the the earth surface, the divergence of velocity of rain water is positive
because all droplets come from the cloud and nothing goes back to the clouds.

If suppose, we consider the velocity of children when the school time is over. All students
will leave their classroom and rush to take their seat in the school bus. So the divergence of velocity
of student at class room is positive while the same in the bus is negative. Don’t consider the
naughty kids who will escape through the windows!! If all of them are escaping through window
then the divergence at bus is also zero.

Magnetic field is solenoidal everywhere as there is no monopole exist in this universe.

While the divergence of electric field is positive for a positive charge only if the positive charge is
inside the volume that we are considering. Similarly, divergence of electric field is negative for a
negative charge only if the charge is enclosed in the volume of our interest. If the charge is outside
the volume, then the divergence of the Electric filed is zero because the amount of inward electric
flux will be equal to the amount of electric flux going outward.

If you have an air filled balloon, the divergence of velocity of gas molecule inside the
balloon is zero because the net flow of velocity inside the balloon is zero. If N1 molecules moves to
the +x direction with velocity v then the simultaneously same number of molecule (N1) will move
to the -x direction with the same velocity v. So the equilibrium is maintained. But when you heat
the air, at each point in space, the molecule will move outward which causes the expansion of the
balloon. In this case, the net outward flow of gas molecule is positive so the divergence of the
velocity field in a heated balloon is positive only when heated. When it attains the equilibrium the it
again become zero.
Problems for Home Work
Calculate the divergence of given Vector field and find out whether the vector field V is source or
sink at (1,1,1) (-1,1,1) point.

1) V = (x2-y) x – (y - x3) y - z z
Here the bold letters x, y, and z are unit vectors along x, y and z direction.

2) Prove that Div.(fV) = Grad(f).V + f (Div.V) where f is a scalar field and V is vector field.

Draw a model for a Electric field associated with a positive charge. Consider a rectangle outside the
charge and count the number of lines of force going inside the rectangle and the number of lines of
force going out side the rectangle. What can we conclude from this? Now, consider the same size of
rectangle which encloses the charge inside and count the out-going lines and incoming lines. What
is your inference?

Draw a model for the magnetic field associated with the bar magnet. Consider a rectangle outside
and inside the magnet and count the number of lines of force going inside the rectangle and the
number of lines of force going out side the rectangle. What can we conclude from this?

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