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TRƯỜNG THCS LÊ VĂN TÁM Môn kiểm tra: Tiếng Anh 9

Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút
(không kể thời gian phát đề)


I. Aims: Through the test, Teacher has a chance to check Students’ language contents which they have got in the
units from 7 - 11.
1. Knowledge: General knowledge from Unit 7 to Unit 11
2. Skills: Use of English; Listening; Reading; Writing; Speaking
II. Language contents:
* Vocabulary: Units from 7 - 11
* Grammar: Conditional sentences – Type 1, 2; Relative clauses; Past perfect tense; Passive voice
III. Form of the Test: Multiple choice, Written Test

LEVEL Knowing Understanding Applying TOTAL

Low applying High applying
M.Test W.Test M.Test W.Test
TOPIC M.Test W.Test M.Test W. Test
PART 1: I. Listen and tick (√) True or False. (1.0pt)
LISTENING Topic: Tourism
(2.0 pts) II. Listen and fill in the blank with ONE missing word you hear. (1.0pt)
Topic: Recipes and eating habits
number of 4Ss 4Ss 8Ss
Marks 1.0pt 1.0pt 2.0pts
Percent 10% 10% 20%
PART 2: Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) in each sentence. (2.0pts)
USE OF 1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the
ENGLISH. others: The“-ed” ending in verbs
(2.0pts) 2. Choose the word whose main stress is placed different from the others: Stress
in three or more-syllable words
3. Articles
4. Compound nouns
5. Quantifiers
6. Past perfect
7. Conditional sentences – Type 1
8. Vocabulary (Unit 7-> Unit 11)
number of 4Ss 4Ss 8Ss
Marks 1.0pt 1.0pt 2.0pts
Percent 10% 10% 20%
PART 3: I. Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. There are TWO words
READING you don’t need to use. (1.0pt)
(2.0pts) Topic: English in the world
II. Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C, D for each
questions. (1.0pt)
Topic: Space Travel
number of 4Ss 4Ss 8Ss
Marks 1.0pt 1.0pt 2.0 pts
Percent 10% 10% 20%
PART 4: I. Do as directed. (1.0pt)
WRITING 1. Combine the two sentences, using the defining relative clause.
(2.0pts) 2. Rewrite the sentences, using the conditional sentence – Type 2.
3. Rewrite the sentences (passive voice of the present perfect tense)
4. Give the correct tense of the verb in brackets (Past perfect tense)
II. Choose one of the topics. (1.0pt) (About 80 – 100 words)
Topic 1: Write a letter to share the ways to study English well with your friend
Topic 2: Write a short passage about your eating habits
4+… 4 8Ss+…
(topic) (grammar)
Marks 1.0pt 1.0pt 2.0 pts
Percent 20%
PART 5: + Introduce yourself (0.5pt)
SPEAKING + Talk about one of the topics (1.0pt)
(2.0pts) Topic 1: English in the world (How to improve your English)
Topic 2: Tourism (Talk about negative and positive effects)
Topic 3: Talk about your eating habits
Topic 4: Talk about the roles of teenagers in the future
+ Teacher’s further questions (0.5 pt)
Number of ……. .........
sentences -Intro. Topic ….…
-Quest. present
Marks 1.0pt 1.0pt 2.0 pts
Percent 10% 10%
12 12+ … 4+ … 4 32+ …
TOTAL 3.0 pts 4.0pts 2.0 pts 1.0 pt 10.0 pts
30 % 40% 20 % 10 % 100%
TRƯỜNG THCS LÊ VĂN TÁM Môn kiểm tra: Tiếng Anh 9
Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút
(không kể thời gian phát đề)

(Đề kiểm tra có 02 trang)
PART 1: LISTENING. (2.0pts)
I. Listen to the passage about “Tourism” then tick (√)True or False. (1.0pt)
Statements True False
1. Tourism is actually quite a new thing.
2. The only people who travelled then were rich, and they were called
3. The number of tourists is also rocketing.
4. Tourism really isn’t making the world a global village.

II. Listen to the recording about how to make Vietnamese Spring rolls and fill in the blank with One
suitable word. (1.0pt)
Spring rolls is a traditional dish of Viet Nam. Ingredients to make spring rolls vary from region to region, but the
(1) ………………. ingredients are minced pork, bean thread noodles, eggs, carrots, bean sprouts; and some
spices such as sugar, salt and pepper. You will also need (2) ……………., and dipping sauce. There are a number
of steps that you must follow to have delicious spring rolls. First, you need to put all the ingredients into a big
bowl and mix them thoroughly. Then, you lay the rice papers on a (3) ……………….. surface, take a small
amount of the mixture and roll up the papers into long thin rolls. When the rolls are ready, you heat a pan to
about 100 Celsius degrees and dip the rolls in it. You need to turn the rolls regularly to prevent them from being
(4) …………….When they turn golden brown, take them out of the oil and drain on paper towels. Now the rolls
are ready to eat. It’s best to eat them with some herbs.
PART 2: USE OF ENGLISH. (2.0pts)
Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) in each sentence. (2.0pts)
1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
A. wanted B. washed C. worked D. stopped
2. Choose the word whose main stress is placed different from the others:
A. universe B. parabolic C. temperature D. Jupiter
3. Neil Armstrong landed on……….moon in 1969.
A. a B. an C. the D.∅
4. There was a long queue at the ...................... and customers were getting impatient.
A. check-out B. take-off C. departure lounge D. stopover
5. We didn’t buy…………….flowers yesterday.
A. some B. many C. much D. any
6. Gagarin ...................... into space eight years before Armstrong walked on the moon.
A. fly B. flew C. had flown D. has flown
7. You should eat more fruits and vegetables if you ………… to lose weight.
A.will want B.want C.would want D.wanted
8. Do you believe that space…………..have landed on our planet?
A. robots B. terrorists C. aliens D. advertisement
PART 3: READING. (2.0pts)
I. Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. There are TWO words you don’t need to use. (1.0pt)
international pay in dictionary translating native

Learning collocations or words that go together in English is very important. Certain English words are combined
only with some others, so when you learn lexical items, do not learn them in isolation. Rather learn them in
contexts and (1) …..….. attention to word combinations. Using collocations correctly will help you sound
natural. If you combine words in English by literally (2) …..….. meanings from your mother tongue, your word
choice might not be correct or might sound “weird”. Reading and listening extensively in English is very helpful.
You will be exposed to the ways (3) …..….. speakers use English in spoken and written texts. Learning
collocations from a (4)………….. is also very useful. Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English is
an extremely good resources.
II. Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C, D for each questions. (1.0pt)
Where will you go on your next vacation? Disneyland? Sea World? Outer space?
That’s right; tourists are now paying big bucks to travel into space with astronauts! The first space tourist was
Dennis Tito, an American businessman. In 2001, he paid about $20 million to ride on a Russian rocket to the
International Space Station. The Space Station circles 220 miles above Earth. Tito stayed on the station for a
week, hanging out with astronauts and eating space food. The latest space tourist was Anousheh Ansari, an
Iranian-born woman from the United States who went to the Space Station in mid-September 2006.
How safe is space travel? Apart from the risk of crashing, space tourists have some special things to worry about.
Earth’s atmosphere protects us from dangerous radiation from the sun. Space travelers are exposed to more of the
sun’s rays. But for tourists spending only a few days or weeks in space, the radiation probably isn’t harmful.
A bigger problem might be space sickness. Without Earth’s gravity to hold them down, visitors to the Space
Station float around inside the craft. It may look like fun on TV, but it can make first-time space travelers dizzy
and sick. Luckily, the sickness usually wears off quickly. Then space tourists can enjoy their trip and the amazing
view of Earth.
1. Traveling to space _____ .
A. will be available to everyone B. is not expensive
C. will be limited to the very wealthy D. will be limited to the very poor
2. While in outer space it is likely that people will _____ .
A. experience space sickness B. not need space suits
C. will get a sunburn D. make side trips to Mars
3. It is probably so expensive to travel to space because_____ .
A. astronauts want to make a lot of money
B. astronaut food is very expensive
C. space equipment and fuel is expensive.
D. there are high taxes on space travel
4. Why are space travelers exposed to more radiation?
A. Their spacesuits are too thin to protect them.
B. They lack protection provided by Earth’s atmosphere.
C. They stay in the space for such a long time.
D. They float around inside the craft and have space sickness.
PART 4: WRITING. (2.0pts)
I. Do as directed. (1.0pt)
1 This is the IELTS practice test book. I have told you about it. (Combine, using relative clause)
 …………………………………………………………………………………………
2. My brother can’t find a good job because he isn’t good at English. (Rewrite, using the conditional sentence)
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. Tom has seen this film before. (Change into passive voice)
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. They went home after they ( finish)………….their work. (Give correct tense of the verb in bracket)
II. Choose one of the topics. (About 80 – 100 words) (1.0pt)
Topic 1: Write a letter to share the ways to study English well with your friend
Topic 2: Write a short passage about your eating habits

TRƯỜNG THCS LÊ VĂN TÁM Môn kiểm tra: Tiếng Anh 9
Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút
(không kể thời gian phát đề)


(Đáp án – hướng dẫn chấm có 02 trang)

Bài (hoặc câu) Nội dung yêu cầu (cần đạt) Điểm
PART 1: I. Listen to the passage about “Tourism” then tick (√) True or False. (1.0pt)
(2.0pts) 2. T 0.25
3. T 0.25
4. F 0.25
II. Listen complete two conversations with One suitable word. (1.0pt) 0.25
(1) basic
(2) rice papers
(3) flat 0.25
(4) burnt 0.25

PART 2: Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) in each sentence. (2.0pts)

USE OF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(2.0pts) A. B.parabolic C. A. check- D. C. had B. D. aliens 0.25
wanted the out any flown want 0.25

PART 3: I. Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. There are TWO words
READING. you don’t need to use. (1.0pt)
(2.0pts) (1) pay 0.25
(2) translating 0.25
(3) native 0.25
(4) dictionary 0.25
II. Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C, D for each
questions. (1.0pt)
1. C 0.25
2. A 0.25
3. C 0.25
4. B 0.25

PART 4: I. Do as directed. (1.0pt)

WRITING 1. This is the IELTS practice test book which/ that I have told you about. 0.25
(2.0pts) 2. If my brother was/ were good at English, he could find a good job. 0.25
3. This film has been seen before. 0.25
4. had finished 0.25
II. Choose one of the topics. (About 80 – 100 words) (1.0pt)
Topic 1: Write a letter to share the ways to study English well with your friend
Topic 2: Write a short passage about your eating habits
*Mark scheme
- Good punctuation and spelling
- Description of ideas 0.25
- Focused topic/ (creativity)/ Organization 0.25
- Using suitable verbs and accompanied adjectives and/or adverbs / Language. 0.25
PART 5: I. (0.5pt)
SPEAKING - Introduction 0.5
(2.0pts) II. (1.0pt)
- Presentation of the topic. 1.0
III. (0.5pt)
- Answering teacher’s questions(two questions) 0.5


I. Listen to the passage about “tourism” then tick (√)True or False. (1.0pt)
Tourism has changed a lot over the past few decades. It is actually quite a new thing. It probably didn’t exist fifty
years ago. The only people who travelled then were rich, and they were called travelers. I guess tourism started in
the late 60s and early 70s when airplane travel became cheap. The idea of foreign travel suddenly became very
popular with millions. Everyone wanted their two weeks of sun in the summer. Tourism today is a multi-billion-
dollar industry. There is hardly a corner of the Earth untouched by tourism. The number of tourists is also
rocketing. Millions of people from Russia, India and China are now taking vacations. Tourism really is making
the world a global village. I’m not sure if this is a good or a bad thing.

II. Listen to the recording about how to make Vietnamese Spring rolls and fill in the blank with One
suitable word. (1.0pt)
Spring rolls is a traditional dish of Viet Nam. Ingredients to make spring rolls vary from region to region, but the
(1) basic ingredients are minced pork, bean thread noodles, eggs, carrots, bean sprouts; and some spices such as
sugar, salt and pepper. You will also need (2) rice papers, and dipping sauce. There are a number of steps that
you must follow to have delicious spring rolls. First, you need to put all the ingredients into a big bowl and mix
them thoroughly. Then, you lay the rice papers on a (3) flat surface, take a small amount of the mixture and roll
up the papers into long thin rolls. When the rolls are ready, you heat a pan to about 100 Celsius degrees and dip
the rolls in it. You need to turn the rolls regularly to prevent them from being (4) burnt. When they turn golden
brown, take them out of the oil and drain on paper towels. Now the rolls are ready to eat. It’s best to eat them
with some herbs.

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