Paper 2 April 2017 Eng 2 Lang Sec1

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Writing: Part 1

Questions 1 – 5

For each question, 1 – 5, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first
Use no more than three words.
Write only the missing words.


0 It is three days since my new neighbours moved into their house.

My new neighbours moved into their house three days ago .

1 I don’t find watching documentaries very interesting.

I’m not very …………………… in watching documentaries. [1]

2 When I finish football practice I’ll call you immediately.

I’ll call you as …………………… as I finish football practice. [1]

3 It’s possible that Sudha’s phone is broken, and she didn’t get your text.

I think Sudha’s phone …………………… be broken, and she didn’t get your text. [1]

4 I haven’t seen Kim for two weeks.

It’s two weeks …………………… I saw Kim. [1]

5 My school has over 1000 students.

There …………………… over 1000 students at my school. [1]


Part 2

Question 6

Your English-speaking friend Alex is going to have a birthday party next week but you can’t go. Write
an email to Alex. In your email you should

• apologise to Alex

• explain why you can’t go to Alex’s birthday party

• suggest another thing to do together to celebrate Alex’s birthday.

Write 35 – 45 words.
Write the email below.


[Turn over

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