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1. List and explain various shift instructions with examples.

2. List and explain various rotate instructions with examples.
3. Explain any four string manipulation instructions with suitable examples.
4. Explain CALL and RET instructions with an example.
In simple terms, the RET instruction is used to return from a subroutine or function
back to the main program. When a subroutine is called, the program jumps to the
subroutine's code. The subroutine then does its work and eventually needs to return
to the main program. The RET instruction is used to do this.

There are two types of RET instructions: near RET and far RET. Near RET is used
for subroutines that are located in the same code segment as the main program. Far
RET is used for subroutines that are located in a different code segment.

The paragraph explains how each type of RET instruction works. For near RET, the
instruction pointer is simply replaced with the address of the next instruction after the
CALL instruction that called the subroutine. For far RET, the instruction pointer and
the code segment register are both updated with the values that were stored on the
stack when the subroutine was called.

5. List and explain any four unconditional branch instructions.

6. List and explain any four iteration control instructions.

7. Explain flag control and processor control instructions of the 8086 processor.
8. "a) Define interrupt? List the sequence of events that happens after an interrupt?
b) Define external and internal interrupts with examples."
9. "Explain any four of the following assembler directives with example :
a) DB b) DW c) ASSUME d) EQU e. LABEL f. ORG g. PROC h. SEGMENT"
10. "Explain any four of the following assembler directives with example :
a) DQ b) DT c) END d) EVEN e. NAME f. OFFSET g.PAGE h. MACRO"
11. Explain about assembly language and machine language.
12. Explain Public and Extern assembly directives in 8086 processor with an example
code snippet.
13. Explain the process of editing, assembling, linking and debugging an assembly level
program using an assembler?
14. Explain the process involved to convert .ASM to .OBJ file?
15. Explain the procedure for searching an element in the array in 8086 ALP and explain
the various instructions used for that.
16. Discuss the instructions that can be used in addition of five 8-bit numbers and to find
their average.

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