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- Ethical reasoning is how to think about issues of right and wrong.

- Processes of reasoning can be taught, and the college or the university is an appropriate
place to teach these processes because so often it is taught no place else and is essential
for a successful adulthood.
- Although parents and especially religious institutions may teach ethics, they do not
always teach ethical reasoning.
- Academic courses are the logical place to teach the cognitive process of reasoning
especially as ethical issues relate to the content or a particular discipline.

1. Identify the problem.

2. Identify the potential issues involved.
3. Review relevant ethical guidelines.
4. Know relevant laws and regulations.
5. Obtain consultation.
6. Consider possible & probable courses of action.
7. List the consequences of the probable courses of action.
8. Decide on what appears to be the best course of action.

WILL and REASON (Difference)

• WILL is that faculty of the mind which selects, at the moment of decision, the strongest
desire from among the various desires present.
• When we become conscious of ourselves, we realize that our essential qualities are
endless urging, craving, striving, wanting and desiring. – characteristics of WILL.
• WILL is nothing but PRACTICAL REASON.
• WILL is guided by REASON where action is performed according to rational
requirements, or laws of reason.

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