Determining Body Frame Size and Ideal Body Weight

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Determining Body Frame Size and Ideal Body Weight

1. To determine one’s body frame size by measuring height and wrist circumference.
2. To determine one’s actual and ideal body mass.
Apparatus: weighing scale, tape measure, ruler
A. Height Measurement
1. Measure your height in feet and inches without shoes, from the top of your head (exclude hair) to the
bottom portion of your ankle.
2. Do the same for each member of your group
3. Record results in table 1

B. Determining Body Frame size

1. Measure the circumference of your wrist in centimeters, at the point of smallest circumference, just
distal to the styloid process of the radius of the ulna. Refer figure 1
Fig 1

2. Compute for the R value of each member by dividing your height in centimeters by your wrist
3. Determine your frame size from the table shown.

Adult Male Adult Female

Small frame R> 10.4 R>10.9
Medium Frame R=9.6 -10.4 R=9.9 -10.9
Large Frame R< 9.6 R< 9.9
4. Record each data in table 2

C. Weight Measurement
1. Using the weighing scale, measure your actual mass in pounds.
2. Do the same for each member of your group
3. Record results in table 3

D. Determining ideal body mass (IBM)

1. Calculate your ideal body mass using the procedure below:

Steps for IBM calculations:

Medium Frame
 To determine X for adult male:
Take 106 lbs. for the first 5 ft. of height; add 6 lb./ in for each additional inch over 5 ft.
 To determine X for adult female:
Take 100 lb. for the first 5 ft. of height; add 5 lb. / in for each additional inch over 5 ft.

Below 5 ft.

4’9 = 5ft -3 in
X=100 lbs. – 3in (5lbs / 1in)
= 100-15
X=85 lbs

Male 4’9
*106lbs/ 5ft
X= 106 lbs-3in (6lbs/ inch)
=106 lbs. -18 lbs.
X=80 lbs
*IBM(ideal body mass) =X for individuals with medium frames

Small frames
Calculate 10% of the amount for medium frame and subtract it from the X
 IBM= X- 0.10X
*IBM is 10% of the amount with small frames

Large frame
Calculate 10% of the amount for medium frame and add it to X
 IBM=X + 0.10 X
*IBM is 10% more for individuals with large frames

2. Compare your IBM with your actual mass in procedure C

Table1. Body Frame Size

Name of Students Height, H Wrist R=H/WC Body Frame Size

(cm) (ft.,/ in) Circumference ,
WC (cm)
Jane, Meryl Mae Y. 152.4 5’ 13 11.72 Small Frame

Licardo, Toni
Marlie Kathryne C.

Ortaliz, Dana
Dorthie C.

Serantes, Airis
Abegail L.

Subere, Patricia 157.4 5’2’’ 13 12.11 Small Frame

Lorraine T.

Table 2. Ideal Body Mass

Name of Actual Mass X(lbs) BFS IBM %error

Students (lbs) (theoretical)

Jane, Meryl Mae Y. 99 90 Small Frame 81 22.22

Licardo, Toni
Marlie Kathryne C.
Ortaliz, Dana
Dorthie C.
Serantes, Airis
Abegail L.
Subere, Patricia 112 99 Small Frame 89.1
Lorraine T.

Conversion units:
1 foot = (12 inches)
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
100 centimeters = 1meter

Theoretica lvalue  Experimentalvalue

% error =
Theoretica lvalue

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