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Question Paper Code: MA301BS


Model Question Paper

ANURAG Engineering College
(An Autonomous Institution)
II B.Tech. II Semester Regular Examinations, June -2024
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks:60
Section – A (Short Answer type questions) (10 Marks)
Answer All Questions Course B.T
Outcome Level
1. Classify large signal amplifiers based on its operating point CO1 L1 1M
2. Define conversion efficiency of power amplifier. CO1 L1 1M

3. Classify tuned amplifier based on the input signal applied, no of tank CO2 L1 1M
circuits and based on coupling.

4. List out the applications of tuned amplifier CO2 L1 1M

5. Define Multivibrator? Point out the different types of Multivibrator? CO3 L1 1M

6. Define terms UTP and LTP? CO3 L1 1M

7. Define sweep time? CO4 L1 1M

8. Write the Expression for slope error of a miller time base CO4 L2 1M

9. List the other names that are used for describing the Sampling gates? CO5 L1 1M

10. Classify sampling gates? CO5 L1 1M

Section B (Essay Questions)

Answer all questions, each question carries equal marks. (5 X 10M = 50M)
11. A) Derive efficiency and explain Series fed Class A Power Amplifier CO1 L3 10M

B) List out the advantages and disadvantages of transformer coupling? CO1 L2 10M

12. A) Differentiate between single tuned and double tuned amplifiers. CO2 L2 10M
B) Draw and explain the circuit diagram of a single tuned capacitance CO2 L3 10M
coupled amplifier. Explain its operation.

13. A) Explain with the help of neat circuit diagram the principle of CO3 L3 10M
operation of monostable multivibrator, and derive an expression
for pulse width. Draw the wave forms at collector and Bases of
both transistors?
B) Explain different triggering methods of binary circuits. CO3 L2 10M

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Question Paper Code: MA301BS

14. A) With the help of a neat circuit diagram and waveforms explain the CO4 L3 10M
working of a transistor Miller time base generator.

B) With the help of neat diagram explain the working of transistor CO4 L3 10M
Bootstrap time base generator.

15. A) Explain the principle of synchronization" and `synchronization CO5 L3 10M

with frequency division'.
B) Draw and explain the operation of 4 diode sampling gate CO5 L3 10M

Note: (a) All the Questions should belong to L1 to L3 BT levels Only.

(b)Mention distribution of marks and blooms level individually if any question divided into more than one
sub-questions in Section-B.

BT Level L1 L2 L3 Total
No. of Marks 9 31 80 120

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