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Rheumatoid arthritis, Spondylosis are all different kinds of Arthritis. RA is auto immuno
disorder, and can be very well managed with proper diet and consumption of immune
boosters, practicing pranayama and detox procedures. *Other arthritis are metabolic disorder
to begin with*. Curable if it's in early stage. Or can be well managed if you follow these:
1. Avoid all proteins for a while (2-3 months) - Like Dals, Pulses, meat, egg, creamy milk
and vegetables rich in purines. Among Dals, urd dal, in pulses Lobia, Soya n Avare gives lot
of pain. Even if you think you can digest, it produces metabolic waste - free radicals that
gives you lot of pain.
2. Don't ever skip breakfast. Fruits first 30 minutes before any main meal or after 2-3 hours.
So, instead of tea/coffee, eat a fruit and go for walk. Then have b/f. You can have tea/coffee
after BF.
3. No fermented foods plz. (Idli or Uddina dosa 😔), bread etc.
4. Don't eat one kind of item day after day. Rotate cereals - rice, raagi, wheat, millets, Dalia,
poha. Anything, but fresh. Never eat anything kept in refregerator. Very rarely it is ok.
5. *Never eat anything kept in fridge and then reheated item (Hard but do follow plz).*
6. Eat lot of vegetables with soup for lunch and reduce the cereal part. No sambar plz 😔 for a
while till pain comes down.
7. Make it a habit to eat fruits as mid day snack specially papaya, pear, apple, guava, banana.
8. No sugary drinks plz. Only water, water and water.. You have to flush out the Uric Acid,
and other free radicals built up as a result of poor digestion.
9. Fruits again if are hungry by 4 or 5 pm.
10. Dinner - Less of cereals (rice/chapati) more vegetables. Better avoid cereals. Instead have
only soup and fruits.
11. Always add ghee to your food without fail. It will pacify n expel the acculturated
12. For cooking, don't use refined oils. Use Kachi, Ghani raw oil that is rich in HDL - high
density lipoproteins. This will fight even bad cholesterol.
*Lifestyle tips:*
1. Detox your body once a week by purging. Drink 1-2 spoon of castor oil in 100ml of hot
diluted milk. Can add little sugar.
2. Atleast, Once a week, get an oil massage with gingily oil. *Alternate day or twice a week
at least is great when in pain.* Sit in morning sun after oil massage for 15 min if possible.
3. Walk + do pranayama at least for 20 min everyday. More oxygen to tissues will eliminate
Uric Acid or any kind of toxins. Healing will be faster. Rejuvenation begins.
4. Suksma vyayama or loosening exercises are best for all small joints/veribre. You can do it
even in office 10 min after every 3-4 hours.
5. Pancha karma and Kati basti works well. Get done once from an expert.

*Diet & Lifestyle tips:*

1. Completely avoid for about 2 months, better don't ever :-
All bakery items, including bread; Biscuits, Cookies, Any packaged drinks/beverages, tetra
pack milk, *Beer* (sorry, but you have to), Pizza, Pasta, Any eatables that has preservatives
(vinegar) in it.
2. All proteins (meat, egg, fish) including Dals n pulses, mushrooms, Home made paneer is
ok in small qty.
Take only small quantity of Moong Dal.
Even milk has to be diluted. No thick curds plz.
3. In vegetables avoid Potatoes, Palak, Any bright n deep coloured like bhindi, brinjal,
capsicum, beetroot, sour tomatoes, brocoli, vegetables like raddish, Gobi, cabbage.
4. Avoid All fried items, nuts n dry fruits except walnuts.

*Eat these in ample*

1. Water - eat it. Means sip sip n keep it in mouth specially early morning before brushing.
Rest of the time, make it a habit to drink one glass every two hours. Hot or normal temp. As
you like. But not fridge wala plz.
2. All watery vegetables, specially Tonri, Louki, Ashgourd, white pumpkin, different kinds of
3. Occassionally when you eat all the prohibited items, then nullify it's bad effects by
eating/adding to your food lot of ginger, turmeric, ajwain, hing, ghee etc. Drink lot of watery
buttermilk with few of the above added to it.
*You can see lot of difference in your health in about 2 months* 😇🕉

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