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Good morning ladies & gentlemen ,esteemed judges, worthy opponents and my dear friends. I,
Dikshita Jain , stand in front of you to speak against the topic.
AI is a threat to the future of humanity
Let me begin with a question..
Can we truly afford to let fear cloud our judgement & hinder the incredible potential that artificial
intelligence holds for the future of humanity?
I firmly believe that when utilized with responsibility AI has the potential to greatly benefit

My dear friends ,AI is our friend and not a foe. It is a tool and a catalyst which is revolutionizing
the way we live & the way we work.
From morning till tonight we are surrounded by artificial intelligence. What is the first thing we
do in the morning ??? check our smartphones.
Whole day we are surrounded by AI tools like smart speakers, social media chat boxes, Google
maps, etc. All these have become a part & parcel of our lives. Just imagine a day when your net
is not working…. What happens? We all feel incomplete .Don't we???
AI technologies are assisting us in various fields such as health care,transportation ,education
etc . It is helping us to solve complex problems, develop innovative solutions and achievements
that were previously unimaginable.
AI has a potential to revolutionize industries and create new opportunities for economic growth.
Rather than displacing human workers, AI can serve as a tool that compliments our skills and
enables us to perform tasks more efficiently.

AI takes over our routine ,repetitive & boring tasks , giving more time to humans to focus more
on creative and complex endeavours.

Imagine a world where medical diagnosis are made by unparalleled accuracy, where diseases
are eradicated through ground breaking treatment and where human suffering is significantly
AI is already helping improve forecasts of hurricane tracks, tornado potential, flood risks and
other weather threats.

It performs hazardous tasks such as coal mining, see exploration., helps in rescue operations
during natural disasters and so on.

The latest in the automobile industry, self-driving cars which can reduce the number of
accidents caused by human errors and are more accessible for people who cannot drive.

It can also aid in the prevention of cultural heritage by digitizing and archiving artifacts,
languages and traditions while also fostering innovation in art music and other creative fields.
Don't forget ,dear friends, AI systems are created and controlled by WE humans.
The responsibility lies in the hands of ethical researchers, engineers and policy makers to shape
the development and deployment of AI . As Stuart Russell , a renowned AI expert , emphasized,
"The primary concern is not with AI itself, but with the goals and values of those who control it,"
By prioritising, transparency, accountability and ethical guidelines we can ensure AI aligns with
human values and serves the greater good.
In conclusion, while concerns surrounding A I must be acknowledged, it is important to
recognise the potential benefits and the role humans play in shaping its impact. As we navigate
the future of AI , let us embrace a balanced perspective that acknowledges both the challenges
and transformative potential it offers.
Also I would like to quote Andrew Ng who stated ,"to stay ahead, we must have a deep
appreciation of The bigger picture, and AI is the biggest picture there is."
With this I rest my case.

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