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1. Aspects of Filipino Culture: The culinary of the ancient Philippine natives.

Comparison: Both Morga and Rizal emphasize Filipino culinary practices particularly salted fish. Morga presents perhaps biased
and unfavorable viewpoint, whereas Rizal seeks to change this perspective with a cultural context.

Contrast: Morga views salted fish as a culinary choice that begins to decompose, indicating a negative emotion. He defines
"bagoong" as a salt fish which begin to decompose and smell.

Rizal responds by discussing the cultural significance of bagoong and debunking the myth that it is rotten, showing familiarity
with this traditional condiment. Rizal explained that the fish mentioned is actually bagoong, a traditional Filipino condiment,
and is not rotten as perceived by the Spaniards. Bagoong is a fermented shrimp or fish paste commonly used in Filipino cuisine.

2.Aspects of Filipino Culture: Holy Child of Cebu

Comparison: They both acknowledge the existence of the Holy Child of Cebu.

Contrast: Morga attributes the Holy Child of Cebu to be brought by angels, according to religious writers. But Rizal clarifies that
the Holy Child of Cebu was given by Pigafetta, not brought by angels.

3. Aspects of Filipino Culture: Slavery during the Spanish colonization

Comparison: Both acknowledge the presence of slavery during the Spanish colonization of the Morga's view focuses on the
Spaniards' practice of holding Indians as slaves. Morga's story emphasizes the Spaniards' role in enslaving native Filipinos, but
Rizal puts doubt on Filipino involvement with slave practices.

Contrast: Rizal questions the moral improvements claimed by the Spanish "pacifiers," emphasizing a lack of clarity on Filipino
practices. Even in the past, slavery was already happening, which is why Rizal opposed it. Additionally, the practice of the
Southern pirates almost confirms this, although in these pirate wars, the Spaniards were the first aggressors and influenced
their character."

4. Aspect of Filipino Culture: War Weapons during pre-Spanish Filipino civilization and the greatness Filipinos played during

Comparison: Both takes acknowledge the advanced status of pre-Spanish Filipino civilization and the crucial role Filipinos
played in historical events.

Contrast: Morga characterizes the pre-Spanish Filipinos as having a well-equipped army and navy, complete with artillery and
modern weapons. He admires the artistry of Filipino weapons like the valued krises and kampilans, praising their great temper
and rich damascening. And notes that Filipino soldiers outnumber Spaniards in the conflicts, demonstrating their active
participation in defending and fighting for Spain. Rizal, on the other hand, emphasizes the consequences of Spanish
colonization, pointing out the huge cost of Filipino lives during discovery, conquest, and conversion.

5. Aspects of Filipino Culture: Impact of Spanish colonization.

Comparison:They acknowledge the impact of Spanish colonization on the Philippines.

Contrast: Morga argues the Spaniards sociologically developed the islands, implying a good impact on Filipino society.

Rizal, on the other hand, opposes the colonists' claim, expressing doubt and saying that the Spanish colonization led to the
deterioration of the Philippines' rich culture, traditions, and customs.

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