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LEARNWISE: Smart Tools for Efficient Learning and Productivity Using Spaced Repetition Algorithm


Julia S. Cabralda

Anna Paula M. Ole

Melvin Jr S. Pawig



1. Users can create accounts and log in using credentials like email and password, or through their Gmail

2. Users should be able to register, login, and logout securely.

3. Users can create, view, and edit their accounts.

4. Users can reset their password in case they forget it, usually through email verification.


5. Users can create, publish, edit, and delete content in the discussion forum, a featured aspect of the
application, such

as posts, articles, or questions.

6. Users can search for specific authors of published posts, articles, or questions within the application.

7. Users can create group chats to collaborate with other users within the app.


8. Users can receive notifications within the app.


9. Users can use the app's features such as notes and flashcards even when offline or without an internet


10. Users have the capability to create, edit, and organize notes with text, and can share them with other

11. Users can create files to manage storing, organizing, and sharing documents.


12. Users can customize the duration of work sessions and break sessions according to their preferences.

13. Users can create task lists or to-do lists, allowing them to assign tasks to specific Pomodoro sessions.
14. Users can be notified when a work session ends and when it's time to take a break, with optional
sound or vibration alerts.

15. Users can pause Pomodoro sessions if they are interrupted or need to take a break, with options for
short breaks or long breaks.


16. Users can create flashcards or quiz questions with corresponding answers.

17. Users can customize settings such as font size, background color, and study session duration.

18. Users can access flashcards and study materials even without an internet connection

19. Users can share their flashcard decks with others and collaborate on studying.


20. Users can subscribe to premium features or services of the app, such as increasing the size or
minimum number of users in group chats.


21. The mobile application should provide analytics and reporting features for both individual users and

22. Administrators should be able to access analytics and reporting within the app


1. The mobile application must handle up to one thousand users without experiencing performance

2.The mobile application requires users to create strong passwords meeting specific criteria, such as
minimum length and

inclusion of capital letters, before accessing the app.

3.Design the user interface of the mobile application to be intuitive and easy to navigate, promoting
minimal learning.

4.The mobile application ensures accessibility to users with disabilities by supporting features such as
adjustable font size

and contrast for those with visual impairments.

5. The app should send a verification code to the provided email address to confirm its correctness or
existence, enhancing user authentication security.

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