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Outrunning Karma

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M
Fandom: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
Relationships: Albedo/Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Albedo & Kaeya (Genshin Impact),
Albedo & Diluc (Genshin Impact), Diluc & Kaeya (Genshin Impact),
Tartaglia | Childe & Zhongli (Genshin Impact)
Characters: Albedo (Genshin Impact), Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Diluc (Genshin
Impact), Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact),
Minor Characters
Additional Tags: Kaeya Angst (Genshin Impact), Albedo-centric (Genshin Impact), Kaeya
Has Issues (Genshin Impact), Kaeya Has Abandonment Issues (Genshin
Impact), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Everyone Needs A
Hug, Age Regression/De-Aging, Albedo is Bad at Feelings (Genshin
Impact), is he still though, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy
Ending, exploring Kaeya's past, a little more - Freeform, Khaenri'ah
(Genshin Impact), Khaenri'ah Royalty Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Soft
Albedo (Genshin Impact), no beta we die like my sleep schedule, I Made
Myself Cry, Kaeya Needs Therapy (Genshin Impact), Albedo Needs a
Break (Genshin Impact), Albedo Needs a Hug (Genshin Impact), lore
heavy, i get a lot of things wrong probably again, a lot of headcanons
again, Diluc and Kaeya are Siblings (Genshin Impact), Diluc and Kaeya
Reconciliation (Genshin Impact), Unreliable Narrator, probably slightly
ooc at times, dainsleif please what are you doing, Hurt/Comfort,
Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Diluc is Bad at Feelings (Genshin Impact),
Diluc Has PTSD (Genshin Impact), Diluc Has Issues (Genshin Impact),
Diluc is So Done (Genshin Impact), Rating May Change, Other
Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, Tags Are Hard, Diluc
Needs a Hug (Genshin Impact), Diluc is Not Okay (Genshin Impact),
Albedo is Soft for Kaeya (Genshin Impact), a lot of headcanons again
because this is the main reason for me to write this omg, self indulgent at
times, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Slow Build, you know me
from the rollercoaster that ikys was so this will be even worse, i have
many huge things planned, Evil Laughter, The Cataclysm | Fall of
Khaenri'ah (Genshin Impact), specific warnings will be in chapter notes
if it's necessary, a lot of suffering for my favorite characters, Flashbacks,
Rhinedottir is Gold (Genshin Impact), Author Is Sleep Deprived, hhhh
I'm so excited for this, writing summeries is hard, Albedo Angst
(Genshin Impact), exploring albedo's past, Liyue (Genshin Impact)
Language: English
Series: Part 2 of House of Memories
Stats: Published: 2022-10-27 Updated: 2024-04-16 Words: 10,216 Chapters:
Outrunning Karma
by SennaLil


Albedo slumped into the chair, arms still enveloping his own body as he didn't really look at
Diluc who was inclined to him, one foot on the stanchion of the chair. ''So?'' The redhead
urged him.
''What did you see?'', Albedo gulped, opting to analyze what the man knew first.
''I believe the whole thing?''

or; Albedo's own past is slowly catching up with him. Telling Kaeya is out of the question
and Diluc is confused. Their way will lead them to Liyue where a child is waiting for them.
Unexpected things happen.


Okay, I can't believe I'm doing this right now, but I caved in.

Welcome my beautiful people! Welcome to ''Outrunning Karma'', the sequel to ''I'll keep you
safe''! I originally planned to post this at the end of next weel but I really wanted to get this
out here. I have a lot of things planned and man am I hyped right now. I hope you all are as

I'm trying to write this so that you don't have to read IKYS first, but there may be some
spoilers here to make it more understandable.

The title is inspired by the song Outrunning Karma by Alec Benjamin and I must say, the
lyrics are kinda fitting as well.

Updates will probably be once every two weeks as I'm also currently working on a whole
different project when I'm not working for money (or writing on this).

Man am I hyped. I can't believe that I'm really going through with this.

Have fun reading! <3

Prologue: Subject One
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

A face framed by sand-blond hair was fixing him in his place, eyes cold, unyielding, and
filled with disgust as he stared him down. He practically reeked of the abyss, the blue veins
that ran down his arm and hand indicating that he, as well, was affected by the curse. This
man was no doubt a Khaenri'ahn, judging from the eyes alone.

His hand was enveloping his throat, pressing down harder, causing Albedo to choke. His
mind blanked, no thoughts running through him as he reacted on instinct. He lifted his hand,
smashing it down on the stranger's face.

A pained scream left the man, as an isotoma was blooming right between his eyes. He
stumbled backward, hands clasping on his face, scratching to get it off but to no avail. Blood
was dripping from the flower down his nose and onto the pavement.

Then, the man did something unexpected.

He started to laugh, loudly, almost manically, as he let his hand slowly sink to his side. A
wide grin appeared on his face. ''This won't be the last time, subject one.'' He declared, before
opening a portal behind him and stepping into the void, leaving Albedo no time to react

He blinked once, twice, mind slowly returning to him. Letting out a timid breath he didn't
know he was holding, he slid down the brick wall, landing on the ground with a silent thud.
His hands were shaking as he looked at them, shock still very much apparent in his teal eyes.

Albedo cursed at himself for being so careless. But then again, how should a guy like that
enter Mondstadt that easily? He didn't even know who he was.

He only knew that the abyss smell was tainting the man obnoxiously. Albedo suppressed a
The sound of someone landing in front of him, a few feet away was what pulled him out of
his thoughts. He still wasn't really present, still not really back, so he reflexively pushed out a
hand, golden light coming out of his palm, vision flashing right under his mark dangerously.

However, his movements were sluggish and the person could easily avoid the solar isotoma
that was now blooming on the ground. The person was defensively holding out their arms,
black cape flowing around them.

''Relax, Albedo'' the person said, a man, and with one swift motion, the person removed his
hood and with that also his mask, which was disguising his face, revealing firey hair and
evenly crimson red eyes. ''It's me, Diluc.'' The redhead said, voice even, a little on the quieter
side, carried by the slight night breeze. Though the clarification wasn't really necessary, his
mind eased a little.

''I saw what just happened. Are you okay?'', the man asked, approaching the alchemist slowly,
steadily not to accidentally startle him.

His mind was still spinning, the fear still rushing through him, the sheer realization that
someone from the abyss was searching for him was still persistent inside his mind, and his
turmoil was probably showing in his eyes because Diluc took a step back, signaling
hesitation. ''Should I get Kaeya?''

At that, Albedo's head snapped towards the tycoon, shaking it violently, blond hair flying
around his face. ''No!'' That caused Diluc to frown, now getting closer to the alchemist again,
albeit still being careful. Sensing his confusion, Albedo looked up at him, letting out a sigh.
That outburst was uncalled for.

''What I meant, no, please do not get Kaeya. It is better that he does not know about this.
Please.'' He added for good measure. Diluc cocked his head to one side, still frowning.

''What happened?'' He asked again, voice now a little more urgent. He was now standing right
in front of Albedo, red bangs falling over his eyes as he stared down at him, disguised worry
hidden inside them. ''Who was that man?''
The blond shook his head again, eyes averting to which Diluc let out an exasperated exhale.
''Sir Albedo, if there is any danger to Mondstadt's citizens and you are not telling me right
now- huh?'' He interrupted himself suddenly, eyes widening. He smelled the air a little,
leaning down more toward Albedo. The alchemist leaned back, irritated.

Diluc realized what he was doing, as he stepped back, the tips of his ears growing reddish. ''I
probably shouldn't say that, but you smell weird. Like rotten plants.'' He stated quietly.

Fuck, this was bad. He couldn't go back to Kaeya like that. If even Diluc smelled that, Kaeya
most definitely will as well. ''Not here.'' He mumbled absently to which the redhead let out a
questioning sound.

Albedo exhaled as he looked around him sharply. ''I am telling you what happened, however,
not here.'' He now said a little louder, tone carrying a certain urgency within. Diluc relaxed a
little, shoulders slackening as he put out a hand to help the blond up.

The alchemist eyed it for a moment, before taking it, letting himself be pulled up. The
motion, however, was too fast for his head, and he swayed a little, losing balance. He
stumbled over his feet and only Diluc's grip on his hand prevented him from falling back onto
the wall again. ''Are you sure, that you're okay?'' He inquired again, eyes fixed on Albedo's
scrunched-up face. A hesitant soft nod followed. He let it slide.

Instead, Diluc turned around, signaling the alchemist to follow him. ''Dawn Winery is a little
ways back, but the tavern should do. Not a single soul should be in its proximity and if they
are, they're probably blackout drunk.''

Albedo nodded though Diluc couldn't see it. ''This should work, yeah.'' He opted to reply
before he walked beside the tycoon who was guiding him through the alleyways.

He didn't actually know how much he would reveal. Though Diluc indeed knew a little more
about Khaenri'ah now, and the abyss in general, he didn't really know if it was a great idea to
actually tell him that a Khaenri'ahn with possible malicious intent had been in Mondstadt
searching for him, subject one, Gold's primary creation.
A sting went through the place where his heart should normally lay at that thought, leaving
him empty behind and he crossed his arms in front of his chest. He felt the watchful gaze of
Diluc gracing him from the side but he didn't acknowledge it.

Diluc knew about Kaeya's background by now. They had talked about it long and detailed,
accompanied by crying on both sides and mental breakdowns and laughter and trauma and
feelings Albedo couldn't name even if he wanted to.

They were not back to their original brotherly relationship probably, but they were getting
better. Though, whenever Kaeya slipped into the khaenri'ahn language due to him working
with Albedo on another ancient text, Diluc would often flinch at the sounds that were
normally just coming from abyssal creatures.

They mostly went over it but things like that were causing Albedo to ask himself just how
much he could actually tell the man beside him.

They came to a halt and Albedo was now facing a tall wooden door. They stood in front of
the Angel's share already and he didn't even realize how much time went by.

Diluc held the door open for Albedo and absently, he entered the tavern, the redhead
following him swiftly. The man was aiming for one of the bar stools, pointing at an identical
one beside him.

Albedo slumped into the chair, arms still enveloping his own body as he didn't really look at
Diluc who was inclined to him, one foot on the stanchion of the chair. ''So?'' The redhead
urged him.

''What did you see?'', Albedo gulped, opting to analyze what the man knew first. Going from
that he still can choose how much to reveal.

''I believe the whole thing?'' Diluc answered truthfully, proceeding to tell him about how he
saw Albedo defending himself after he got attacked by the stranger.
So he was basically there for the whole incident, Albedo's mind provided. Which also meant
that he had probably heard what the man was saying.

A heavy sigh left his lips as he rubbed a hand over his face, fatigue catching up with him
now. ''Well, where should I begin?''

Chapter End Notes

Oh wow. I actually don't know what to write here. To be honest, I haven't really realized
that this is finally, finally out here. Honestly, it feels like a fever dream. IKYS was a
fever dream already, but this? A whole other level.

I'd absolutely like to hear your thoughts on this first chapter! It's mainly to set the tone.
Also, it functions as a direct link to the ending of IKYS. I plan to make this dark, heavy,
and loaded with angst and I'm having a blast.

As always: If you wanna talk, read some inside information or behind the scenes on my
stories, or scream my head off, hit me up on Tumblr itskaeee :) I also got myself a
Twitter account to be able to communicate with even more of you! notkaaaeee

And that's it for now. See you in two weeks somewhere around the weekend! Comments
and Kudos and Bookmarks are good for clear skin <3 Seriously, I'd love to hear your

Until next time!

Energy Nectar
Chapter Summary

In which Diluc asks Albedo about the man.

Chapter Notes

So talking about genshin angst headcanons (especially regarding kaeya) with a dear
friend caused me to publish this chapter around three days earlier than i originally
planned. like oh damn, hitting me with that heartbreaking angst right there? watch what
I'm capable of.
in all seriousness, thank you all for the positive feedback on chapter 1! I'm incredibly
happy to see so many old readers in here again! Thank you for the support!
Now, without further ado, let's head into it.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Albedo fumbled a little with the fishnets that were peeking out of his short-sleeved coat as he
still didn't look Diluc into the crimson eyes. ''To answer your question truthfully, master
Diluc, I am not positively sure about the exact identity of the man.'' He let out a shaky breath
as he fixed a bottle of Dandelion Wine that was standing behind the counter with his eyes.
''However, I'm sure that the man has connections to Khaenri'ah, in some way or another.''

Diluc took in a sharp inhale as he leaned back a little. ''What makes you so sure?'' His voice
sounded shaky. Albedo smiled a little despite the situation. ''The eyes. The man had star-
shaped pupils.'' And now the alchemist was finally meeting Diluc's gaze, witnessing the exact
moment that the realization set in. ''Just like Kaeya.'' He whispered into the dimly lit tavern.
He looked as if he was far far away, a little unfocused.

Albedo nodded. ''Exactly. And not only that. The smell you mentioned is the smell of those
tainted with the abyss.'' He saw Diluc's hands reflexively balling into fists and he felt the urge
to reassure the man. ''However, since I do not reside in there, the smell should soon fade
away. I already feel like it got a little better since the beginning.'' He saw Diluc nodding at
that. He also noticed how he relaxed his hands again.
''I have one question though.'' the redhead declared, frowning and Albedo felt something bad
creeping up his neck. ''Why was he looking for you? I assume he was looking for you? Who
is she? And what is subject one?''

''That's more than one question, Master Diluc.'' Albedo gritted out between his teeth, jaw
tense as he looked away once more. Diluc shifted beside him, changing his feet, now putting
his other up. ''Fine. Why was he looking for you?''

''This I am not sure about as well.'' And this wasn't even a lie, at least not entirely. Albedo had
his suspicions, mainly because the man had indirectly drawn the connection to his master
when addressing him. To be frank, he didn't want to dwell on it too much. In fact, he would
have much rather preferred if he haven't had any witnesses in the first place.

If the world knew about some things he was absolutely positive that his life could be ruined,
broken in shambles right before his eyes and that was a deep fear that was planted in his
chest. Who knows what would happen? Would he be able to still see Kaeya? Was he safe
within the Knights of Favonius? What would happen to Alice? Sucrose? Would he be
allowed to still see Klee if people knew that he in fact wasn't a human, to begin with? That he
was a sick creation formed by a power-hungry probably immortal woman that brought
destruction to an old ancient land. His mind was spiraling.

''...hey? Albedo, you okay?'' a voice pulled him out of his thoughts and he blinked, gaze
zoning in on Diluc. A sudden headache announced itself and Albedo's hand shot up to his
forehead. He nodded weakly, eyes shut together.

Diluc let out a huff of disbelief. ''Are you sure I shouldn't get Kaeya?'' He inquired again, to
which Albedo still shook his head.

''Don't let him know that there is someone from his homeland looking for me'', he whispered.
''I don't know what will happen if he knew about that, so please, don't. I'll manage.''

The redhead still looked at him a little unsure but let it slide for now. ''How do you want to
proceed from now?'' He opted to ask instead.
That is something that he has been asking himself ever since that happened. A hand placed
itself on his shoulder hesitantly in something resembling reassurance, most likely. Albedo
sighed deeply. ''First, I need to get rid of that hideous smell.'' He uttered, sniffing his arm as
he tried to suppress a gag.

Diluc frowned. ''But the smell is barely there anymore?'' He questioned, one hand on his chin
as he eyed the alchemist. A small smile crept on his face, sinister in a way, but also a little
melancholic. ''For you maybe, for someone that is from Khaenri'ah though the smell is still
nearly unbearable.''

Diluc's frown deepened. ''But you've established that you've never been in... there.'' The
redhead looked like he just bit into a lemon upon the thought of actually mentioning the
fallen nation. Albedo nodded. ''That is true. However, I do have my master's blood in me so
essentially I'm still khaenri'ahn even though I do feel more mondstadtian anyway. But still, I
absolutely reek of that place right now.'' That wasn't even a lie, for he indeed had his master's
life liquid inside himself. That had been one of the main catalysts to the miracle he called his

Diluc looked convinced and he didn't even question Albedo's weird wording. Instead, he got
up, aiming for his cupboards, rummaging through the various contents he stored in there. The
alchemist watched him curiously as the redhead spoke up again. ''I'm not sure if it may work,
but I have some highly concentrated energy nectar in here. Normally I use that to sweeten
drinks.'' He rumbled on as he pulled out a mid-sized bottle of shimmering yellow powder.

Albedo thought about it. It probably would help to take off the edge of that gross smell for
now. It won't neutralize it fully, that's for sure, but it would make it definitely better. And
whatever still slipped through he could always push onto experiments anyway. So he nodded,
taking the bottle into his hands.

Carefully, he uncorked it, putting some of the nectar into his hands. It was slightly cool to the
touch, probably from a cryo whopperflower then. It would make sense, considering the
tycoon was a pyro-allogene. He probably haunted the monsters himself every night.

He applied some of the powder on his neck and behind his ears, some of it on his wrists, and
a copious amount on his diamond mark. Rubbing it in, he took in the curious gaze of the
redhead. Albedo felt the need to explain himself. ''Those are the parts where most of the
abyssal particles usually stay. Places that are either hard to reach or used and exposed
frequently.'' He opened his boots partly, putting some of it on the hollow of his knees and on
his ankles. ''This should be hopefully enough. Thank you.'' He gave back the jar to a baffled
Diluc, who watched Albedo closing his shoes again. He nodded, placing the jar on the
counter. He still eyed the blond warily.

''There is something on your mind still.'' Albedo stated, letting out a sigh. He was entering
dangerous territory, he knew that as he took Diluc's gaze in, the way his eyebrows were
drawn together. He crossed his arms in front of his chest, tilting his head to one side. A red
strand of hair was falling over his face.

''What is Subject one?'' Diluc's voice was neutral, considerably quiet in comparison as he
fixed the alchemist in place. Albedo felt the cold rushing through him, as his mind raced. He
knew that it had been dangerous territory he just entered. He broke eye contact, gaze
wandering back to the bottle of wine he had been staring at before.

He breathed in as he felt himself unfocusing slowly. A light voice, a little scratchy around the
edges was screaming at a confused Albedo, eyes empty, staring back as the voice called him
various names, increasing in volume. It sounded agitated, frantic. It was cold around him and
he shivered. But he shouldn't shiver. He shouldn't feel. He felt something burning behind his
eyes. This was wrong. This was utterly and entirely wrong. He shouldn't feel.

He couldn't feel. He wasn't made to feel. He shouldn't feel. The eyes in front of him widened
in fear, the screaming intensified, ending in a shrill and he felt like he was punched against
the head.

His body tingled, as he gained focus again. He felt an arm around his shoulders and looked
up into the concerned face of his boyfriend's brother. ''Albedo?'' He asked, not for the first
time today and the blond shook his head in an attempt to clear his brain.

''A failed experiment. Subject one was nothing more than a utopistic attempt to create
artificial life, a weapon, an intervention in the cycle of life, a blasphemous act to disrespect
the so-called divine beings.'' Albedo realized how grim his voice sounded just as he took in
Diluc's expression. He looked downright horrified now, still mixed with concern and an ever-
so-persistent frown.
Albedo tried to laugh, but it sounded hollow. He lifted his arms in defiance. ''Subject One is
nothing that should concern you. It's- it's dead. It doesn't exist anymore, so really, no worries,
Master Diluc.'' He wouldn't ever mention it but the words stung somewhere deep inside his

Diluc let it slide.

Chapter End Notes

Whew. Poor Albedo. But yeah, imagine this, Albedo not seeing himself as entirely
human? Or like, not human at all? Reducing himself to a failed experiment?

I'm rubbing my hands together right now and running around in circles. Like, my day
had been complete shit, sp I thought, why not post to get the mood booster you probably

I'm currently working on chapter 13 and boy, we're going places. I love it, I love it, I
love it.

As always: If you wanna talk, read some inside information or behind the scenes on my
stories, or scream my head off, hit me up on Tumblr itskaeee :) I also got myself a
Twitter account to be able to communicate with even more of you! notkaaaeee

And that's it for now. Depending on how well I progress maybe I'll be able to post
chapter three in 10 days from now, around next weekend!! Sounds quite possible right
now :)

Comments and Kudos and Bookmarks give me Serotonin :D

Take care! Until next time! <3

Chapter Summary

In which Kaeya says he has to leave.

Chapter Notes

Okay hi,
to be honest, I don't even know what to write here right now so I'm keeping this on the
shorter side now. More at the end! For now, just enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Sometimes Albedo wished that he wouldn't be able to dream. Sometimes he wished he

wouldn't be able to recall memories so vividly. Sometimes he wished he would be able to just

Now was such a time as he woke up with a sensation resembling a racing heart, bathing in
cold sweat and a dry mouth. His head hurt, an incoming headache would accompany him all
day now probably.

He put his hands over his face as he breathed in deeply, trying to calm himself down as he
still saw the rage in those eyes, the disappointment, the disgust.

He gulped. This was in the past. He already worked through that properly. He was done with
that. So why, why now? Why after that man appeared in Mondstadt?

Why does his past have to catch up with him now? Why now?

Albedo let his hands sink to the soft bed again, looking through the room.
Right, Diluc let him stay in a spare room of the tavern. Or more like told him that he
shouldn't go through Mondstadt's dark alleyways at night, especially not after what could
have been very well a planned ambush.

Albedo was too tired to actually argue so he let it be.

He got up, ignoring the slight shake in his knees as he looked outside. It was maybe
somewhere around 7 am, the perfect time to leave the tavern. He opened the window and
looking back once to make sure he didn't forget anything, he jumped down onto the balcony
right under it. Another jump and he made it to the ground.

Albedo didn't want to risk stumbling across some early patrons when he left the tavern the
normal way.

This has happened before and he didn't need any suspicious questions right now.

He just wanted to return home.

The alchemist must have zoned out because the next conscious memory he had was him
standing in front of their door, fumbling for his key, a little frantic in his movements and he
let it slip through his fingers more than once.

When he reached for it the third time, the door was opened, revealing a slightly disheveled
Kaeya. His blue hair was still a mess, his white shirt crumbled, and his pajama pants hanging
a little low on his hips. He didn't wear an eyepatch, his hair was concealing his eye just

''There you are.'' These were the first words that greeted Albedo when Kaeya actually took
him in and looked at him properly. ''I was worried when you weren't beside me this morning.''
''I'm sorry I didn't return home. I kind of forgot the time in the laboratory and fell asleep
there.'' He felt bad for the white lie but it was something he had to do. For Kaeya's safety.

The bluenette nodded. ''It's alright, now you're here. I just finished making breakfast, do you
want some coffee?'' He asked, his voice soft as he made space for Albedo to enter. But the
alchemist just stood there, still a little shaken, still a little out of it. ''I-''

He felt two heavily scarred hands cupping his face, thumbs cradling the space right under his
eyes. He felt a burning feeling behind them as he looked up into the face of his boyfriend.
''Hey 'bedo, you okay?'' He muttered, and that was all it took for Albedo to launch himself
into the arms in front of him, desperately chasing the feeling of the warmth, in an attempt to
lock the cold out that was trying to expand inside his chest slowly, gradually.

He needed this. He needed to feel human. And what else made you feel more human than
some genuine love?

Kaeya wrapped his arms around him in return. ''Hey, did something happen?'' But Albedo
shook his head against his clothed chest as he tried to become one with him. He felt a hand
stroking through his hair lightly, comforting him and he felt himself slowly relaxing, calming
down. He felt like he was recharging then and there.

''Thank you. Needed that.'' He mumbled into his chest, words muffled, and Kaeya let out a
slight chuckle. ''Anytime, 'bedo.'' He replied.

Albedo reluctantly broke the hug as he looked up at him again. ''Coffee sounds good.'' He
finally answered the initial question and the laugh that followed warmed him even more.

With a smile, Albedo noticed how Kaeya was naturally dragging him by his hand,
intertwined fingers, and long steps. Albedo felt like he could breathe again, the night before
momentarily forgotten as he basked a little in that moment.

He sat down at the table, a steaming cup of coffee put in front of him. Kaeya slumped into the
seat across from him, stirring his own coffee slightly with a spoon. He watched him, slight
adoration in his eyes, but also worry. It certainly wasn't the first time that Albedo did
something like that, seeking shelter in Kaeya's arms after a particularly rough day but he had
a feeling that there was something else behind his behavior.

The bluenette sighed, as he rummaged through the papers that were laying on the side of the
table between them. "The acting grandmaster repositioned me. Apparently, the milileth of
Liyue needs a few extra hands as they expect a large group of ambassadors to visit soon. I
don't know the details but she wants me there." Kaeya felt bad for telling him that, especially
now but he also didn't want to lie to him. Not after everything that has happened.

Albedo felt coldness creeping up his back as the information sunk in slowly. "When are you
leaving?" He asked and his voice sounded foreign to his ears.

''Tomorrow,'' Kaeya stated, his left hand sliding over the table, finding purchase on Albedo's
that was resting on the surface. ''Look, I'm sorry. She would have sent the traveler but he is
busy with something in the chasm already. Also, she wants me there, I only know about this
since yesterday.''

Albedo breathed in, deeply, trying to calm himself down. He'll manage, somehow. He was
sure about that. He was a grown man, he surely can live without his boyfriend for a few days,
maybe even one or two weeks, right? It shouldn't be that hard, right?

He put on a smile, trying to not let it seem too strained. ''No worries. The milileth probably
needs your help and if grandmaster Jean is willing to reposition you I am sure that it is
inevitable.'' It sounded reasonable and Albedo believed that himself for a second.

Kaeya momentarily stilled as a frown washed over his face, something flashing through his
eyes the alchemist couldn't place, as his gaze wandered to the window bench, eyeing the
plants standing there. He took one of the slightly older ones into his unoccupied hand,
sniffing it suspiciously.

Albedo suppressed a sharp inhale as he tried to feign confusion. He tilted his head. ''Are you
okay?'' He asked instead, voice unsure. The frown on the bluenette's face stayed a little while
longer as he looked at the plant in his hand. Then he looked back at the blond, a flashing
smile on his face and Albedo could swear that it was just barely reaching his eyes.
''Why of course, I'm just not sure about the state the plants are in. It seems they smell a little
foul. I probably need to go through them in due time.'' His tone sounded aloof, and airy, a
slight tilt at the edge, and Albedo immediately knew that the man must have his suspicions.
But Albedo swore to himself that he won't tell Kaeya about the man from last night. Not with
everything that was on his plate already.

Kaeya put back the lampgrass onto the window sill before he rummaged through the papers
that were laying on the side, taking out a letter. It was unopened and a glance later told
Albedo that it was addressed to him, his name written in an intricate way. Kaeya slid it over
the surface, withdrawing his other hand to grab his coffee again.

''This came in just this morning,'' Kaeya mumbled, as he sipped on the black liquid inside his
mug. The handwriting looked familiar to Albedo so he opened the envelope, examining the
text silently.

With every passing word, his smile grew more and his eyes lit up, the previous odd mood
was completely forgotten to him as relief was rushing through him.

''Seems like I'm going to accompany you on your journey to Liyue.''

Chapter End Notes

There is a little moment in this chapter that lead me to write my fic Miracle Painting by
the way. If you have read that, you probably know which one I'm referring to.

I love how comforting things are still by the way :)

I really don't know when I'll be updating next. I'm gonna be honest. I haven't written
much in like about half a month, maybe even more because I found it quite hard to get
back into this angsty mood I usually use in my fics.
Writing always has been a way for me to vent but recently I have been really happy, the
happiest I could ever be. And I don't want it to be any different, honestly.

''I'll keep you safe'' made it possible to meet the most amazing guy on earth and if it
wouldn't have been for them to be so persistent in the beginning I wouldn't be where I
am now. A miracle happened honestly but I have a partner now, a boyfriend, and dude, I
couldn't be happier. The first part of House of memories made it possible in the end. We
know each other since April and have been dancing around each other up until the
middle of November. Maybe just call us real-life Kaebedo or something. It's actually
quite funny, the day I posted last was the day we became an official thing.

So yeah. I'm not sure when I'll be updating. Don't be afraid though, I won't give up on
writing because I am an author, I thrive on praise and validation. Just don't be surprised
if I'll post more fluffy content instead, idk.

As always: If you wanna talk, read some inside information or behind the scenes on my
stories, or scream my head off, hit me up on Tumblr itskaeee :) I also got myself a
Twitter account to be able to communicate with even more of you! notkaaaeee

Comments and Kudos and Bookmarks give me Serotonin :D

Take care! Until next time! <3

Chapter Summary

In which they visit the Angel's Share.

Chapter Notes

Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates. I hope you had a nice weekend!!
I'm sorry for letting you all wait for so long but I finally came around to publishing this
chapter. To be honest, this might be one of my favorite chapters I've written so far in any
fanfic ever.
I'm currently sitting with bleach in my hair and finished a few preparations still as well.
I hope the wait was worth it :) now enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The letter Albedo received was from the one that had requested the de-aging potion a while
ago. Despite the instructions he had prepared for them based on his own experiences they still
stumbled across some problems and his assistance was required. Normally Albedo would
sigh and just come up with another written guide to send back but this time he actually was
glad that he could go with Kaeya.

He also kind of wanted to see how the age regression potion was affecting someone else than

''So something went wrong?'' the bluenette asked and there was something akin to caution
sounding within the words. Truth be told, Albedo still didn't really know how the days and
weeks of Kaeya being a child and a teen affect his personality. He surely saw a slight change
in his behavior. For one, Kaeya usually tried to communicate his emotions and troubles with
the blond as best he could, lacking the sugarcoating lies and manipulation he still tends to
sometimes use with others. But in general, he kept things real with the alchemist or tried to at
least and Albedo appreciated that a lot.
''I'm not sure what exactly but they want me there within the next two days it seems.'' Kaeya
nodded at that and Albedo could swear he saw how the tension was leaving his body slowly,
relaxing under his skin despite the slight frown that was still plastered around his brows.

They finished eating breakfast in relative silence before they left their flat together to go to

Albedo needed to make a few preparations, setting things up for Sucrose and Timaeus to do.
They were very capable but still needed a shove in the right direction from time to time.

Furthermore, he needed to pack some things together, like his notebooks and sketchbooks,
some translation sheets he got from Ella Musk upon request, and a few vials just to be safe.
He also made sure to put a jar of energy nectar in his bag before he closed it with a satisfied

A glance at the clock told him that it was nearing 6 pm and Albedo sighed internally.
Tomorrow they would leave for Liyue. He didn't know if he should be excited or not. For
some reason, he had a bad feeling.

The Milileth was big, they had a lot of capable people within their troupes and on top of that,
there still was the qixing, not to mention the other very capable vision holders the nation had.
So even though their archon recently died, Liyue wasn't exactly unguarded or unsafe. Why
was Jean willingly giving up probably one of her most reliable men? It seemed odd to him
but then again, who was he to question her decisions, right?

Kaeya wanted to meet up with him in the tavern after work today, probably to be able to
enjoy one last death afternoon before he headed off. Or maybe three. But he knew that Diluc
would most probably be cautious that he wouldn't overindulge. And Albedo was still there so
he didn't see a problem.

The alchemist could even enjoy a glass of grape juice if he wanted so it was a win-win for
everyone involved.
Albedo rounded a corner on his way to the Angel's share, greeting Patton in passing who was
trying to lure possible customers in. The blond admired his passion a little for he wouldn't
know if he would want to stand outside the tavern day in and day out regardless of wind and

The tall wooden door was heavy, as he pressed himself against it, opening it with a small
silent squeak before he entered the dimly lit tavern. He was greeted by warmth, moderate
noise engulfing him. Six-fingered José was standing beside the tavern as he always does,
strumming his lyre to an idly tune. Absently, Albedo realized that Venti wasn't here today and
José was indeed the only bard visiting.

The tavern wasn't particularly busy but wasn't empty either. Some usual patrons were
scattered around the tables, chatting with each other over a beer or two. It was... almost
comfortable to put it simply.

Kaeya was sitting at his usual place right at the counter, one finger tracing the rim of his glass
as he smiled smugly at a particularly annoyed redhead who was currently trying to mix some
new orders. Albedo let out a small sigh as he approached them on slow steps. Though they've
sorted things out, there still was a long way ahead to proper reconciliation. It wasn't as easy
as Albedo initially thought and they still liked to banter a lot. Maybe it's their way to show
their love for each other, the blond didn't know.

''...and to think I have to keep up with your antics over the next few weeks.'' Albedo heard
Diluc mutter quietly as he came closer, slumping on a bar stool. He pressed a kiss to Kaeya's
cheek, hearing the silent mocking gag of Diluc behind him.

''What did I miss?'' The alchemist asked as the tycoon swiftly put down a glass of grape juice
in front of him without the need to order. He nodded at him in gratitude as he sipped on the
juice, relishing in the fruity taste for a second before he drew his whole attention back to

''Well, you see. My dearest brother here just revealed that he would come with us to Liyue.''
he stated and his voice sounded awfully sweet around the word brother that Albedo
questioned everything.
''Someone has to look out for you.'' And that sentence was spoken so quietly that Albedo
wasn't even sure if Diluc meant to let it slip out in the first place. Kaeya caught on. ''Oh, I
think I'm plenty capable to keep myself safe on my own.'' Albedo would have liked to argue
at that moment but he bit it down as he silently watched Diluc behind the counter as his
knuckles went white from the grip around the glass he was holding.

''You better look out or else I'll use the first pair of chopsticks to practice my aim on you. I
always thought of picking up the bow after all.'' Diluc snarled and Albedo frowned a little.

''Oh come now Diluc, you don't even hit anything with your bird if the wind is standing right
for you. And that thing covers a large area. How are you supposed to do anything with a
filigree weapon like a bow?'' Kaeya was smiling at him and there was clear mischief in his
visible eye.

''I can always ask Klee how she makes her bombs, maybe I can equip my arrows with them,
would bring great destruction with that as well.''

''Only for you to probably burn yourself up in the grass you're standing on. So no thanks,
leave the bombs at home.'' Kaeya's finger was still stroking the rim of his glass steadily.

''I'm burning myself up anyway.'' And there was a slight lilt to his voice Albedo couldn't
place. It was funny to watch anyway.

''Exactly. That's why you need me.'' Kaeya grinned, letting appear a little icy flower in his
gloved palm.

''In your dreams.'' Diluc deadpanned as he spat a flame out of his mouth, aimed at the flower
in Kaeya's hand. The flower melted instantly, leaving behind a small puddle of water on the

''Didn't know you knew what I'm dreaming of, dearest brother. You should probably go see
some of our diviners in Mondstadt! I'm sure Miss Megistus can give you advice on your
newly found talent of divination. Maybe she can also give you one or ten tips on how to stop
burning yourself up in grass while fighting.''
Diluc huffed, blowing the strand of hair out of his face that was hanging over his eyes.
''Maybe she can also give me a few tips on how to make you effectively shut up.'' But there
wasn't any real annoyance behind those words Albedo realized now.

''Oh please. You think the annoying squawking your pet bird Jakko does would actually be a
good substitute for the eloquence I grace your ears with every day?'' And Kaeya's voice
lacked any malicious intent as well.

The way Diluc's lips started to quiver slightly had him frowning. ''At least he can't argue as
obnoxiously as you do.''

''Yeah, the only thing he does is to pick at my cape whenever he sees me, poking his sharp
beak into my shoulders. Sometimes I think you trained him to do that to me specifically.''
Kaeya pouted and that was what it took for Diluc to drop the act finally. His shoulders
trembled violently as his face contorted into one of pure amusement and laughter bubbled out
of his mouth. Albedo stared at him in disbelief as he saw that emotion washing over him so
freely, so unguarded. Four months earlier this wouldn't have been possible most likely.

Kaeya was a little baffled by Diluc's strong positive reaction but he took it with a broad smile
as he took a sip of his death afternoon.

''I'm not sure what exactly happened just now but I'm pleased with the development,'' Albedo
mumbled a little in disbelief. ''Anyway, Master Diluc is joining us? Why?''

Kaeya was about to open his mouth to say something but the tycoon beat him to it. ''Jean
came in earlier. She mentioned that the Liyue Qixing is asking for additional forces soon. I'm
actually not surprised she asked you two to go as well.''

Albedo shook his head. ''I am actually going because of a different matter.'' Diluc nodded in
understanding while Kaeya cocked his head to one side. ''You're not even affiliated with us
anymore, Diluc.''
''That is true.'' He agreed, shifting his weight from one leg to the other. ''However, I owe her
something. So I'm taking on the mission even if it means that I have to deal with you for the
upcoming weeks.''

''Oh, I absolutely feel honored, Master Diluc.'' Kaeya retorted, placing his head in his hand.
''And still, though I won't question you any further, I have a feeling that you have ulterior

With a huff, Diluc turned around, still smiling a little. Albedo sighed. That could become a
few very long days for all of them.

Chapter End Notes

Honestly, I absolutely love the dialogue in this chapter, maybe you can tell? Also,
credits are going to my partner Reptarian for coming up with the name Jakko for Diluc's
pet bird :D

Does anyone else's Diluc constantly burn himself to life support while playing?

As always: If you wanna talk, read some inside information or behind the scenes on my
stories, or scream my head off, hit me up on Tumblr itskaeee :) I also got myself a
Twitter account to be able to communicate with even more of you! notkaaaeee

Comments and Kudos and Bookmarks give me Serotonin :D

Take care! Until next time! <3

Chapter Summary

In which Albedo unknowingly messes up.

Chapter Notes

It's been a LONG while, I hope anyone is still reading this? I don't know tbh but I was
talking to my partner earlier about how I'm itching to write again and I picked this up
I've been kind of doing too well lately to write and get into my angsty mood (and didn't
really have time to write at all) but the stress of life is catching up with me again which
means, time to cope :)
So here I am now
I'm quite excited to be creative again and tbh I don't even know where I get this from
right now but I love it. Feels good to be back again after almost a year of not writing
My new writing seems a little rusty, so I apologiyze (I haven't been reading much as
well so yeah) but I'm doing my best to get back to the quality we all are used to. I'd be
very happy to see some of my old readers appear in the comments<3
Anyway, onto the chapter now

See the end of the chapter for more notes

''I can't believe we really agreed to meet up at Dawn Winery. Of all places in Mondstadt.''
Kaeya complained as they passed through Springvale. Not many people were outside at this
time of day and the ones that actually were were cooking or doing the laundry so no one was
paying any attention to the pair which Albedo was grateful for. Though he didn't require sleep
as much as others, he still didn't like to interact with anyone this early in the morning if he
were to be honest.

''It's the most convenient place to do so. Grandmaster Varka took all the horses and I don't
know what you're thinking but I certainly won't walk all the way to Wangshu Inn or to Liyue
harbor for that matter.'' Albedo said what felt like for the third time since they left the city of
Mondstadt. He got it. Kaeya was probably feeling on edge knowing that he had to visit the
Dawn Winery after so many years on more or less official business now and Albedo wished
he could make it a little easier for the blue-haired man.
They passed the lake in springvale and Kaeya's eye was looking over the water. It seemed to
be hanging a little longer on the calla lilies that were growing around the lake before he
walked on, a certain urgency in his steps. Albedo paused, ignoring whatever he was saying
for a moment when he crouched down, picking up one of the lilies in his hands before
catching up with the bluenette again.

He tapped Kaeya's shoulder, signaling to halt for a second. He hummed in acknowledgment,

turning to Albedo, looking at him expectantly. The alchemist was smiling up at him as he
grabbed onto his ponytail lightly, fastening the calla lily in his hair. At that, Kaeya had to
smile involuntarily as well. ''There you go.'' Albedo chuckled as he took in the loving
expression of his boyfriend. Kaeya grabbed onto his hand as he was about to let it sink again,
intertwining their fingers. He exhaled slowly. ''I'm glad you're here with me.'' He stated as
they walked on.

They passed through a few small forests and Kaeya spotted a few apple trees. He picked up a
few, handing one to Albedo, putting the others in his pockets saving one for himself. The
blond looked at him questioningly to which Kaeya let out a small laugh. ''We need something
to bribe the horses. A little treat in the shape of an apple will do wonders I tell you.'' He
provided before he bit into the apple, some of the juice sliding over his chin.

He was right, Albedo mused as he followed suit, biting into the crisp pink surface, letting the
sweet and tangy taste wash over him.

The Statue of the Seven could be seen from afar as they neared the Winery slowly. Albedo
squeezed Kaeya's hand a little more, giving him all the support the man might need without
wasting any words. There wasn't anything he could say to make it better. The blond could
only imagine what coming here does to the bluenette right now as he saw his face contorting
in one of slight anguish.

They picked up their speed and Albedo could already see two people standing right beside
three horses, preparing them, chatting with each other in moderate volume, just enough so
that Albedo could hear they were in fact talking but couldn't make out the exact words.
Diluc's striking red hair could be seen from afar quite well, tied up in a high ponytail.
The other man seemed to have white hair, or at the very least light gray but he seemed
considerably young still. Albedo felt Kaeya stiffen beside him a little. He stroked soothing
circles on the back of his hand with his thumb.

Diluc seemed to talk to one of the horses. Its eyes seemed kind, and welcoming, the fur a
warm brownish color, a light spot right between its eyes. The mane was a little darker,
trimmed to mid-length.

It was standing between two horses that couldn't be more different. The one on the right was
white, almost radiating under the sun, majestically standing there, head held high. Its mane
was long, some strands even braided. The other horse on the left was pitch black, mane
trimmed incredibly short as its gaze was grim, a little stubborn. It looked as if it was
swallowing every ounce of light that could possibly hit it.

''Eclipse...'', Kaeya breathed and let go of Albedo's hand in an instant only to run up to the
white horse like a little kid towards their favorite toy. The blond watched how the bluenette
was grabbing onto the horse's face, cradling the spaces under its eyes soothingly as he put his
forehead against the slightly different spot between them. He closed his own eyes as he
relished in the closeness of what seemed to be a good companion to him. Albedo briefly
wondered when he was able to see the horse the last time.

Diluc looked at him now as well, standing right beside him, still tending to the brown horse.
It was thrashing a little upon the new face but settled down when it realized that it was a
familiar one. The horse withdrew from Diluc only to nuzzle Kaeya's side, grabbing a bit of
his hair between its teeth, and tugging at it slightly. Kaeya let out a laugh and it sounded so
genuine, Albedo wished he could capture that in his memories forever.

It was clear to the alchemist that the captain must miss his cavalry dearly from the way he
interacted with the horses in front of him.

''Sir Albedo, Kaeya'' Diluc greeted neutrally, nodding once at them both. The other man that
was saddling the black horse, stilled, looking around the animal curiously. When his eyes laid
on Kaeya, they widened considerably.

''Master Kaeya.'' He let out, rounding the horse entirely now. There was surprise and shock
running over his face, as well as relief and so many more emotions Albedo couldn't name.
''It's good to see you so well. I heard what happened and I'm sorry.'' The man was bowing in
front of the bluenette in guilt and Kaeya let out a sound of uncertainty.

He threw a glance towards Diluc who was again paying attention to the brown horse. ''Elzer!''
He exclaimed and his voice sounded a little too cheery to Albedo's ears. ''No need to feel bad.
Now I'm standing in front of you. I'm still the old one.'' He said and the blond had to suppress
a cringe a little.

He decided that this was a good moment to step in. He settled beside the bluenette, placing
one hand on his shoulder. The man, Elzer was his name, was slowly straightening himself.
''And you are...?''

Albedo put on a smile. ''I'm Albedo, chief alchemist of the knights of Favonius. I'm Kaeya's...
a friend of Kaeya.'' He found himself saying and inwardly paused. A friend of Kaeya? Was he
being serious?

The man in question frowned at him but he didn't say anything, probably because there was
another person around them that Albedo didn't know.

''Friends of Master Kaeya are our friends as well. My name is Elzer, I take care of the winery
when Master Diluc is absent for whatever reason.'' He offered a hand for Albedo to shake and
the alchemist grabbed it, still a little unsure of what the others expected from him. Elzer's grip
was firm, his palm a little sweaty.

''Elzer.'' The head of the winery spoke up, his voice having a stern edge to it. ''We plan to
head off within the next thirty minutes.'' The gray-haired man nodded hastily in

''Alright. The horses are ready. I trust you can give them a run down?'' He asked still to which
Diluc nodded, trying to not show his exasperation. With that, Elzer excused himself, leaving
the three alone.
Chapter End Notes

Albedo: how does that whole relationship thing actually work?

This is kind of a filler chapter and I'm sorry that I'm back with something as ordinary
and boring as this but I promise things will get exciting again (and sprinkled with just a
little bit of comedy here and there)

I can't promise that I go back to my normal post schedule but I'll try my best to not
disappear like that again. I love you all!! And thanks again to all of you for making ''i'll
keep you safe'' possible<3

Also as itskaeee over on Tumblr btw

Comments, Kudos and Bookmarks make me happy<3

Until next time<3

Bulletin Board
Chapter Summary

In which the three of them reach Stone Gate.

Chapter Notes

okay wow, this could only be a me thing, not having posted anything in almost a year
and now dropping two chapters in one week
don't get used to that though please, I'm gonna go back to a two to four-week rhythm
after this most probably.
I finished like one and a half chapters the past few days so I'm feeling quite confident
actually :)
Also, I promise I'll come back to the last chapter's comments one of these days. They
got me smiling like crazy :)
Now, onto the chapter :) I'm in a good mood lmao

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Albedo admitted it had been really long since the last time he had been sitting on horseback.
It was higher than he expected and the saddle wasn't exactly comfortable. Still better than
walking all the way to Wangshu Inn.

He learned that the horse he was sitting on was called Asmodeus. He was the oldest of the
three and had been Master Crepus' old one. The horse was a kindhearted animal, welcoming,
calm in his behavior and Albedo was really glad about that. Riding wasn't as tedious as he
remembered that way.

Diluc's one was called Ares, a black stubborn stallion and Albedo found himself smiling at
the thought. Ares really fitted the personality of his owner well. He was also really fast,
probably the fastest among the three.
The name of Kaeya's horse was Eclipse and it felt like it had more than one meaning. First
maybe to fit the whole daytime theme they appeared to have going on within the Ragnvindr
family. And second because of Kaeya's heritage. Nonetheless, Eclipse was very elegant in her
behavior, her steps sounded almost light for such a tall horse and Albedo marveled once
again how absolutely well they fit together.

They mostly rode in silence, Albedo in the middle of them. He had the feeling that the horses
were delighted to be able to be out together like this again. He wondered when the last time
had been. There were surprisingly few monsters running around, no disturbances were
happening and they soon reached Stone Gate.

Diluc got down from Ares, leaving him with them as he approached an old lady who was
standing under one of the small roofings. Kaeya and Albedo followed him suit, getting down
from their horses, and giving them a break.

''Thank you, Miss.'' Albedo heard Diluc saying. Then he turned around, guiding the horses on
their reins towards the elder woman.

''Miss Qiao will keep an eye on the horses. I've seen a vendor selling some fruits on our way
here.'' The redhead mentioned as he came back to Albedo and Kaeya.

Kaeya hummed. ''I know who you mean. Don't worry, I'll take care of that.'' And with that,
the bluenette left faster than Albedo could blink. He frowned. This was odd. Normally Kaeya
didn't talk like this. There either was a lot of decorum or nothing more than sincerity in his
words. But this just here was downright neutrality Albedo wasn't used to.

Diluc seemed to catch up on his inner turmoil. ''Did something happen?'' He asked, arms
crossing in front of his chest as he looked at Albedo expectantly.

The alchemist shook his head. ''Not that I am aware of.'' He muttered in reply, eyes downcast,
hands fumbling with his coat a little.

''Maybe it's not my place to say that but you shouldn't take him for granted.'' Diluc provided
still some advice even though neither of them knew what the hell was going on. Albedo
nodded at that. Never would he take Kaeya or their relationship for granted. Never, not in a
million years.

Diluc watched Kaeya talking to the merchant with a thoughtful look before he shook his head
slightly, looking over to the bridge ahead of them, to the Statue of the Seven, and in the
distance, he could already spot Wangshu Inn. He let out a sigh, letting his gaze wander before
it seemed to fix itself on the bulletin boards on the side road. He squinted his eyes a little,
getting closer before he seemed to freeze, dropping his hands slowly.

Albedo followed his glance, wondering what had him pause so suddenly. He approached him
slowly, a little anxious, his hands slightly shifting. ''Master Diluc?'' He had to call for the
tycoon a few times until he finally reacted, removing his attention from whatever he had seen
on the bulletin board. His gaze was a little haunted, pupils on the more narrowed side as he
breathed in shallowly. ''Huh?-'' The redhead seemed to regain awareness of the present
moment as he blinked a few times. ''Yeah?'' He asked, a little dumbfoundedly.

Albedo pressed his lips into a thin line as his eyes zoned in on the contents of the bulletin
board. There were a few commissions hanging out, but nothing outstanding. Some
confessions of people passing by, a story of two guys in a shared apartment. Albedo had to
bite back a smile as he saw the way they apparently talked to each other. But also, nothing of
any notice. He scanned the board a little more. Photos, probably taken with one of these new
kameras from Fontaine. They were actually becoming really popular the more they got
affordable and the pictures really looked like a capture of the moment. That was exactly what
it was supposed to be anyway, Albedo mused. Two pictures caught his eye, however. One
showed three people, a woman dressed in a long gown, red black, and white in color, some
kind of mask enthroned on her white-blond hair. She was smirking mockingly at one of the
two men in the photo. He had ginger hair, a mask on his hair that was resembling the one the
woman possessed, his clothes were generally gray, a few red highlights littered here and
there. His expression was pained and directed at the brunette in the photo and with a startle,
Albedo realized that he knew that last man. He was the one that requested the potion, or, the
friend of his customer anyway.

He frowned. Was that the reason why Diluc had been so shaken for a second there?

The second picture showed two men. One of them had his face partly covered, only showing
his smirking mouth, a row of sharp teeth peeking out. His light hair was disheveled, the blue
earring he wore catching the light. The other man had pitch-black hair, his eyes framed by
glasses, a sickeningly sweet smile dancing around his lips as his eyes were a little closed to
highlight the sweetening touch. It felt unsettling, looking at those two and he immediately got

''Do you know any of them?'' Albedo heard himself asking without actually meaning to,
startling Diluc heavily again. The redhead stared off into the distance, holding his arms in a
shielding way in front of his chest.

He eventually shook his head in no. The alchemist knew he was lying but he didn't press any

The sound of sunsettias being dropped on a surface was what got him out of his train of
thought. Kaeya looked up, seemingly catching on, before flashing a bright smile, again not
reaching his eyes. ''That guy was so nice to give these for free in return for me to lend him an
ear.'' He declared as he slumped down on one of the stools. His gaze shortly wandered to the
bulletin board Albedo had been staring at just a moment ago before he quickly glanced
towards Diluc, an emotion flashing through his eyes Albedo couldn't seem to decipher. It was
gone just as fast. ''He seemed tired, has been apparently up in the mountains to pick up herbs
for his sick wife.''

Kaeya let out a sigh. ''Anyway, shall we eat?''

Chapter End Notes

And that's it for today :)

Ah yes, trauma, this time Diluc's trauma, oh boy, I love it
Or maybe even foreshadowing? Who actually knows am I right

Again, thanks a lot for all the comments on my last chapter, it made me happy seeing all
your positive reactions to me being back :)

As always: If you wanna talk, read some inside information or behind the scenes on my
stories, or scream my head off, hit me up on Tumblr itskaeee

Comments and Kudos and Bookmarks make me happy :D

Take care! Until next time! <3

A friend
Chapter Summary

In which Kaeya avoids him.

Chapter Notes


I am so so so sorry for neglecting my ongoing stories. But hey, I am back with a new
Also I recently started a discord server with my partner!! Feel free to join!! House of
Anyway, keeping this rather short. Currently on call with my partner, I read some
sentences out loud, they almost started to cry:)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Kaeya avoided conversation with him all day and didn't even look at him once. In fact, he
didn't talk to Diluc either, just rode his horse in complete silence, occasionally bending down
to whisper something into Eclipse's ears, probably a few sweet nothings Albedo assumed.

The alchemist grabbed the reigns of Asmodeus a little tighter. Why was Kaeya being like
this? He never experienced that side of him and it made him fill with concern. He bit his
bottom lip as he stared ahead. Human emotions were still difficult for him to understand fully
and he knew that he was overlooking something essential.

Feeling eyes on him, he looked to the side, briefly locking gazes with Diluc, a silent question
inside the man's eyes before he seemed to understand something that was still unknown to
Albedo according to the way the redhead's face lit up a little.

Kaeya was riding ahead of them and Diluc suddenly kicked his calves into his own horse's
side, spurring Ares on to catch up with Eclipse. The tycoon said something to Kaeya that
Albedo couldn't understand but there was a slight smirk inside his eyes. The bluenettes
reaction came instantly. He removed one hand from the reigns, reaching for Diluc's coat with
an annoyed expression but the man was faster, easing Ares into a gallop, escaping from the
cavalry captain's wrath.

Albedo watched with a smile. He was glad that they at least got back to a somewhat civil
relationship with each other, even as far as teasing the way they do. Typical sibling behavior,
the blond mused as he thought back to Klee.

He stayed behind, enjoying the scenery. The stone bridge reaching up to the statue of the
seven allowed an astonishing view of the sea that surrounded Dihua Marsh. It was more a
swamp than anything else if Albedo was being honest but nonetheless, it was really beautiful,
so different from Mondstadt's scenery.

A yellow crystalfly caught his eye and with fascination, the alchemist watched it, never
leaving its body the higher it flew. He was amazed that even the crystalflies were different
from nation to nation. It made sense in a way, of course, and still, really seeing them being a
different color from the ones he was used to was something else.

As he couldn't see the crystalfly anymore due to its high state, he looked back ahead. He
realized that they almost reached the statue already.

The realization only hit him now that they were now in Liyue upon seeing the stone
monument. It was similar to their own statues, obviously, since that was still an archon that
was enthroned on the pillar and yet, the closer they came, the more warmth and comfort
seemed to flood through him.

For some reason, however, the figure on the statue seemed familiar to him, in a way Albedo
couldn't really describe, even if he wanted to.

From there it only took about an hour until they reached Wangshu Inn, the building stretching
over an enormous rock in the sea. It looked impressive, the way the pavillions seemed to
circle up their way to the top, the trees that found their paths to grow around the building
without damaging the architecture. Or was it actually built around it? Albedo couldn't tell for
he was no architect. He just knew that this was art made into structure.
Wangshu Inn seemed like a point of interest in Liyue, seen from afar for travelers to seek
shelter in.

They left their horses at the stalls earlier, now climbing up the numerous stairs ahead of them.
Albedo was glad he wasn't afraid of heights. However, his head began to spin a little from the
numerous turns they took.

It took a lot of self-control for Albedo to not sigh in relief once the brown-haired woman
behind the counter came into view. She seemed to be at least a receptionist, the alchemist
thought as they approached her.

The moment she scanned the new customers with his eyes, a smile graced her lips. ''Mostly
symmetrical clothing, aristocratic yet elegant in a way, generally warm. You must be from
Mondstadt. Welcome, my name is Verr' Goldet. What can I do for you?'' She asked, her voice
invitingly yet stern around the edges. Definitely not a woman Albedo would want to mess

''We'd like to stay the night.'' Diluc simply stated and the woman's eyes were now trained on
him, widening a little. ''Hair as red as flames and eyes equally as red. I can't believe it, the
Ragnvindr heir himself.'' She let out, a hand pressed to her chest in awe. Albedo noticed the
way Diluc shifted his weight awkwardly from one foot to the other. Kaeya was stiffening
behind them, crossing his arms in front of his chest as he let out a small huff.

Verr' Goldet was leafing through a few documents, mumbling something under her breath.
''You are in luck,'' she smiled, a small glint in her eyes. ''We have two unoccupied rooms at
the moment. I just need your names.''

The tycoon nodded before he pointed at himself first. ''Diluc Ragnvindr.'' He then pointed at
the blond, followed by the bluenette. ''His name is Albedo and this is Kaeya Ra-'' but the
cavalry captain interrupted him, raising a hand. ''Alberich. Kaeya Alberich.'' He said, voice
neutral as he looked Diluc in the eyes, missing the glint of surprise in them as it quickly made
space for anger. It was now Diluc's turn to cross his arms as well.

Albedo frowned deeply. What the hell was up with Kaeya? Why was he... like this? It almost
felt like they just took five steps back for reasons still unknown to him. The alchemist nodded
to himself. He definitely will confront him this evening no matter what.
Kaeya's smile was ever so persistent as Verr Goldet scribbled down the names. ''Your rooms
are on the second floor, numbers 11 and 12.'' She looked up, locking eyes with Albedo briefly
and there was an apology inside her gaze. ''Those are the only two rooms left currently. I'm
sure you can make it work though.'' She added before handing Diluc the keys.

Albedo briefly wondered what this must have looked like to her that was causing her to look
the way she did at him, with this certain glint in her eyes.

Diluc mumbled something towards Kaeya, tossing one of the keys in his direction. The
bluenette had frowned but took it nonetheless.

The next thing he knew was standing in the middle of a room, shifting his weight from one
foot to the other as Kaeya flopped down on the couch, his arms crossing behind his head. He
let out a sigh, not batting an eye towards the alchemist.

Albedo felt unwanted and unwelcome. He felt like he made a mistake, somewhere, during the
day but he couldn't pinpoint whatever he did wrong. He fumbled with his hands in front of
his chest as a few stray blond strands were falling into his pale face, obscuring his eyes a
little. There was a slight burn behind them as he contemplated what was wrong.

The blond couldn't bear the deafening silence between them anymore and just as he was
about to open his mouth to speak, Kaeya was a little faster, coughing, before he breathed in.
''A friend?'' He just asked and Albedo cocked his head, not really getting the meaning behind
that. The bluenette didn't even turn around as he propped his head up in his palm.

''Excuse me?'' Albedo responded in return and there was a hollow laugh sounding from the
other man.

''What you said to Elzer earlier today. ...A friend of Kaeya.'' He elaborated, still not looking at
him. His voice sounded carefully neutral.
''I-'' Albedo started but no words followed as he was rendered speechless, mind spiraling once

Kaeya finally turned around, and Albedo was shocked as he saw the clear hurt on his face. He
stepped forward reflexively, one hand reached out into his direction but he stopped himself at
last as he saw the slight flinch under the captain's attire.

''Is that what you see me as? Only a friend?'' He inquired further and it dawned on the blond,
slowly, surely what was going on.

Albedo started to shake his head frantically. ''No, of course not, you're so much more to me.''
In truth, it was difficult to put into words what exactly he was feeling. There was a quiet
voice nagging him, scolding him once again and he tried to shut it down as he focused on

''Then why did you say that to Elzer? Am I- is this relationship embarrassing to you?''
Kaeya's visible eye was glittering under the dim light.

Albedo finally got his legs to work with his brain as he approached the bluenette slowly,
aiming for the spot beside him. He sat down, not looking at the other man.

''Human emotions are difficult for me. I suppose I must have misinterpreted, I was curious if
you wanted Elzer to know that we are a couple. I don't know who he is to you after all.'' Bold
words and yet not enough to explain his inner turmoil properly.

A surprised sound came from Kaeya, before he felt his hand on his shoulder, pulling him in.
''And if he would be my very own father I wouldn't care. Let them all know that you are my
boyfriend.'' He whispered into his ear, before nibbling at it, sending goosebumps all over
Albedo's body.

''I'm still sorry. I didn't mean to give you the wrong impression.''
Kaeya just hummed before he claimed the blond's lips for the first time in a while. The kiss
bore a promise with many different meanings and Albedo's head was already spinning.

Chapter End Notes

I swear these two are the end of me.

Not gonna pay for anyone's therapy! :)

Anyway, thanks for sticking around, and also thanks to all the new ppl reading this!!!

As always: If you wanna talk, read some inside information or behind the scenes on my
stories, or scream my head off, hit me up on Tumblr itskaeee :) I also got myself a
Twitter account to be able to communicate with even more of you! notkaaaeee and also
again linking the discord server House of memories

Comments and Kudos and Bookmarks give me Serotonin :D

Take care! Until next time! <3

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