Father Loves You

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Today was rather a very quiet morning. Ji-Chuan was busy getting dressed for the usual court
proceedings his red coat was dry-cleaned and was neatly kept aside by [[Xiao-Lian]] and [[Xiao-Fei]]

Since he was a punctual person he didn't dawdle much longer and quickly put on his coat, tied his
hair into a very simple bun with a small jade hairpin gifted by his sworn brother [[Jun- Kao]] and put
on his hat. As he was hurrying out of the door he accidently bumped into one of the eunuchs who
wanted to deliver him a message. Ji-Chuan was confused as the letter was handed out to him.

"Eunuch Bai?" Ji-Chuan called him back.

Is there something the matter Lord Chuan?" [[Eunuch Bai]] asked him

No..... I just wanted to know who gave me this letter that’s all!

"I think it’s from your hometown… I am not sure, but you might need to take a look at it before you
leave for court." Eunuch Bai told him smiling grimly.

Noticing his rather grim smile Ji-Chuan realised that there might be a chance that he might have
skimmed through the letter according to imperial orders and found something serious.

After thanking him Ji-Chuan re-entered from the back door earning a puzzled glance from Xiao Lian
and Xiao-Fei. He shuts the door of his room and quickly rips the package apart. It contained a letter
and a worn-out book with yellowing pages. His hands and heart felt cold as he held the letter from
his hometown…. his trembling fingers slowly removed the seal and took the sheet of paper out.

His cousins' elegant writing flowed flawlessly in the pages a mass of swirling vortex of black ink was
splayed over the paper as the contents flowed freely without restraint towards the intended
recipient. Direct and informal

But the contents was what screwed Ji-Chuan over........

**Dear Cousin Brother

**Uncle is dying......He had been severely ill from the time you *left*.

It’s a little too straight forward for a letter that was never sent for years
but you don’t want to hear any mundane news from home, don’t you?

I wanted to do this the roundabout way like say how is the weather like and how is life going out for
you or something like that for an introduction.

The thing is, you may want to just burn this letter and

thus, ignore everything that is written in here.

We are not the typical loving caring family you ever wanted and we never blame you any of that

Infact we were the ones who pushed you away from that.

From my side I just wanted to say sorry.

I am sorry for being popular than you, taking your credit and hard work and naming it my own rather
than correcting it and overall being a huge Ass

All of us (Auntie uncle and every single one of our relatives close and distant)

just wanted you to know that none of us actually hated you. And we all wanted to apologise from
the bottom of our heart for treating you like shit or rather making you feel invisible. This apology is
not a farce nor is it fake.

so please forgive all of us for everything for what happened for over 8 years.

I know and everybody else too that it’s too late for an apology for something this huge

and we know you will never ever forget it nor forgive us for our dumb and stupid mistakes and

But please just for uncle’s sake

Come home.........

**Uncle always missed you

You know, the only way he knew that you were at-least alive was through all the achievements you

It stunned all of us equally even the villagers was proud of your success!

Since he can’t congratulate you personally he stuck clippings of your adventures and achievements
in his scrap books the one that is in your hand.

When you were cast out by Auntie I am saying the exact phrase now since she is the fucking one that
caused this mess anyway.

Uncle became very violent and lashed out at everyone.

It was literally a minefield every-time there was a family gathering.

Auntie and uncle fought louder and harsher even after you left and it was the basis for his illness

He waited by the window-side hoping you would return the same way you left.

Hours passed into days, into months then finally years…. but you never really came back.
Uncle refused to eat, drink or sleep even after repeated instructions from the physicians and auntie
of-course why not her?

He just positively ignored it and waited for you to return.

First, he send messengers to bring you back then he went by himself to search for you but he
couldn't even find even a trace of your presence.

Ah-Xiao Ge where in the devil did you go?

Then the achievements started piling in the hunter’s organisation, the raids and everything else.

He who hasn’t given up searching for you decided to store every single one of your achievements
one by one since it was the only link he can associate to you.

Please we beg you this final time……. just come back to Fujian.

**Your Brother**,


Ji-Chuan never in his wildest dreams imagine that his family is ready to take him back just like that

but the damage was already done! It’s literally eight years since the incident…. there is no forget and
forgive over it.

One thing Ji-Chuan can’t get over was that.





and quite randomly as such it stunned him and blew him over than what was expected.




He sat down confused and angry for eight years, for 8 FUCKING YEARS none of them contacted him
kept tabs on him nothing of that sort and now suddenly when someone is dying they remembered
him on a whim and wrote a letter as ridiculously long as it is saying all sorts of overly cliché stuff like
"I am sorry everybody is sorry please don’t need to forgive us?" What a crapload of BULSHIT!!!! He is
not forgetting it nor forgiving it PERIOD!

One of his regrets right now was ever opening that letter to begin with. If he had known…. he
literally could have burned it first-hand without remorse because the pain and heartache they gave
him will not be washed away just by giving a sorry or anything like that sort.

The mixed feelings towards his father however needs to be addressed, immediately. He picked up
the worn scrap book his father kept and opened the first page

Thousands of images flooded the pages from the time he joined 天剑宗 Tiān Jiàn Zōng (Heavenly
Sword Sect) to becoming the strongest triple S rank hunter of the world, each memory was glued
into sheets of paper etched with his father’s hand-written notes about every event… showing his
concern and his pride over his achievements. It was as if his father was ever present with him
watching his highs and lows, being proud of what he had accomplished at such short notice and Ji-
Chuan couldn't help but feel the lump in his throat tighten as he tried to rein his emotions in.

'DONT CRY........ DONT CRY....... DONT YOU FUCKING CRY!' his head was screaming at him. The tears
finally did come, flowing endlessly like a stream as he skimmed through the pages of the book
reminiscing his past memories one by one

‘He shouldn't have opened it.’ Ji-Chuan thought. He shouldn't have cared about it to begin with, the
past is in the past, why bother with it?

But maybe, he cared too much.........


The hunter’s organization had recently received a warning regarding a new gate appearing in its
European divisions. The mana/Spiritual energy was quite high to be rendered normal and bearable
and the masses wondered if this was another **金刚门 (Jīn Gāng Mén) ** raid situation.

Emergency Protocol was initiated for the first time in the organization's history and all hunters must
report to the organization's Head-Quarters without any significant delays.

However, there was a problem, for one person anyway......

JI-CHUAN ended the call and the Jade pendant Which returned to its original colour from really
colour-blinding green to a more subdued one. Before he could continue with his paperwork another
call interrupted his peace of mind. He fished out his Jade pendant from his sleeve pockets and the
mechanical google translate voice reverberated through his room informing him of the caller ID

"[[CALCHARO]] ...." Ji-Chuan muttered as he accepted the call. A bright preppy voice was on the
other end of the line. Ji Chuan remembered that Calcharo and he were the original disciples who
survived when their sect was destroyed three years ago. It was a lonely desolate life since then for
him. he'd been trapped, ping ponged, paraded around like a doll…… humiliated, hated and almost
had been killed if it weren't for Calcharo and [[Cheng-Yong]] the sect leader of 九天宗 Jiǔ Tiān Zōng
(Nine Heavens Sect) He wouldn't have been where he was now.

but he was not very ready to greet Calcharo with the same enthusiasm as before because

one: He had a fucking job to do

two: He is really ass tired!!!

and finally, he had to report back to court with the notes he wrote.

And yet here it goes............

"Hey man!" Jichuan tried to muster as much energy as possible.

"Jichuan, why do you look like your half dead from greeting me? have you been overworking
yourself lately?" aaaand... it comes right back at him!

"I am okay…. no need to worry too much Shixiong!" He cleared his throat.

Before his brother could say anything else he distracted him by asking his opinion about the
emergency protocol that was announced recently.

"At-least, this time they had a solid plan that may or may not work but, worth a try!" Calcharo told

He was planning to make a portal in 九天台 (Jiǔ Tiān Tái) and travel to England that way which is
currently the quickest method to travel since sitting in a ship and travelling in this time period will
approximately take a month or more at the least.. and for hunters from the Asian division, time is
not something to be rashly wasted.

Even though Jichuan has retired from the mainstream he was still summoned disregarding his status
and for many others as well.

After a long catch-up call with his martial brother, he slowly ended the call citing he had work to do
then threw his jade pendant into a drawer and slammed it shut.

Jichuan took a deep breath then proceeded to take a sheet of paper and started writing a long letter
to ask the emperor to give permission for the leave. At the middle of the page he stopped short...
The perfect excuse came up to him that does not need a letter. Ugh….. just how stupid can he be? he
is leaving for Lihua tomorrow...... might as well use the portal key without the others knowing.

So, he set his plan in motion.

Tomorrow he is going to Lihua, then board the next portal and attend the emergency meeting in

"I hope Eddie will be there...." He muttered as he packed the last of his belongings and finalised the
documents for submission.

The next morning [[Xiao-Lian]] and [[Xiao-Fei]] hauled the belongings in the carriage and

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