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Unscramble the letters and find 10 types of parties.

MATCH the party with the correct picture
Birthday party

graduation party

sleep over party

costume party 9

wedding party
barbecue party
office party

dance party

beach party
karaoke party
Unit 7 | Session 3
The perfect party
Learning objective: plan a party
Unit 7 | Session 3
The perfect party
Learning objective: plan a party

Lesson Overview
1 Get started: Parties and celebrations
2 Activity:
* Prepare: Meet your clients
* Decide: Plan their party
* Discuss: Share your plans
* Present: Compare plans
3 Unit Progress Check
4 Unit 8 Preview: Trips
Get started: Parties and celebrations
Personal answers; 03 minutes
1. Do you enjoy going to parties with a lot of people? Or do you
prefer small parties with people that you know well?
I enjoy going to parties with a lot of people because …
I prefer small parties with people that I know well
2. Do you have parties to celebrate special occasions? What
occasions do you usually celebrate? Who do you celebrate
With my family / In my city/neighborhood/community, we like to celebrate ____.
It’s ___...
3. What food do people usually eat at celebrations in your country? What’s your favorite party
food? Why?
In my case, my ___ prefers ____. My favorite food party is ____. I mean, ____...
PREPARE Meet your clients!
1 Imagine you and your partner are party organizers. You are going to organize a party for some of
your classmates, your “clients.”
2 You are going to use a questionnaire to find out more about what your clients want for their perfect
1. You want to celebrate something. Decide the occasion.
2. Prepare to answer your classmates (party organizers) questions. Give details to have an amazing
DECIDE Plan the party

Use your clients’ answers to the questionnaire to

plan their perfect party. Use the phrases at the
bottom of the page to help you.

Remember to include these things in your plan:

• the celebration
• the place
• the people
• the food
• and possibly … a surprise!
DISCUSS Share your plans with your clients

Tell your clients about the party you’re planning
for them. Make notes on any changes they want.

Listen to your party organizers’ plans for your
Tell them:
• two things you like about the party
• two things you would like to change
DISCUSS Check your plans and prepare to present

1 Make any changes you need to make to your plans.

2 Prepare to present your final plan to the whole class.

They really like …

We don’t need to change ...
They don’t like / don’t want …
We need to change …
Let’s …
How about … ?
PRESENT Share your party plans

1 Present your final plan to the whole class.

2 Listen to the other plans. Make a note of two things you like about each party.

We’re going to tell you about the party

we planned for …
It’s going to be …
We’re going to have …
There are going to be lots of …
People are going to love it because …
Progress check
Unit 8 Preview
Unit 8 Preview

Look at the picture. Would you like to go

there? Why/ why not?

Which things are most important to you when

you’re on vacation? Why?
• a beautiful place
• doing lots of things
• good food
• meeting new people
• doing nothing
• traveling with friends
Unit 7 | Session 3
The perfect party
Learning objective: plan a party

Thank you!

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