Data Analysis and Business Intelligence

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Data analysis and business intelligence

There are five pilers of data analysis

1. Mathematics
2. Statistics
3. Computer science
4. Economics
5. Decision making

There are two types of data

1. Quantitative data
2. Qualitative data
Quantitative data is always in numeric form. For instance, two boys, three girls, and 5 cars.
Whereas every non numerical data is called qualitative data.
[ we can easily apply mathematic and statistics techniques on quantitative data. On the other
hand, we are unable to apply these techniques on qualitative data. For this purpose, we need
to codification of qualitative data.]

What is codification?
Whenever we get qualitative data from clint its hard to apply mathematical and statistical
techniques on this data for instance, there are only two gender male and female. In order to
apply these techniques, we need to transform this data into quantitative form for instance,
male will be denoting by 1 and female will be denoting by 2. This process is called

There are 2 types of codification

1. Nominal variable
In this type of variable, we don’t follow the standard of counting. For instance, we will
never assume female is superior due to their code that is 1 or will never assume male is
superior due to their code that is 1. When we ignore the standard of counting, this is
called nominal variable.
2. Cardinal variable
when we follow the standard of numerical digit it is called cardinal variable. For instance,
there are sit 3 people, first’s age is 24-year, second’s age is 26 and third’s is 28-year. If
we notice, as long as number of age getting increase, the ages of people are increasing
with counting standard. In short, when we follow the numeric standards, it is called
cardinal variable.

There are two types of data

Primary data
Secondary data
Primary Data
Data which is analysist collect directly from the target audience for the analysis purpose,
is called primary data.

Secondary Data
Data which is conducted by the data collection agency, by any other firm, by the
university for research purpose, and available publicly either paid or free, is called
secondary data.
For instance, ESPNCRICINFO for cricket data, PAKISTAN BUREAUE
STATISTICS for every specific domain of social life, WORLD BANK reports for
economic purpose, and KAGGLE for international data

DATA analysis tools

Qualitative data
This type of data will be analysis in the form of word cloud. It provides concise
summary of the complete data in the form of word cloud. This tool is available in the
Gmail google docs.

Quantitative data
For the analysis of quantitative data, we will use google sheets and MS Excel.
 Frequency Analysis
 Data summary (Average)
In google sheets, we can also perform qualitative data analysis. For this purpose, we will
get help from the Pivot Table for Instance, if our clint provides us audience data in
which their qualification is mentioned with the name of degrees like Bachelors, Masters,
M.Phil., or PHD then we will get perform this analysis with the help of pivot table

How we will facilitate our google sheet?

 Freeze
 Protect sheet and ranges
Freeze option > menu> view> Freeze
Protect sheet and ranges >Menu> Data> Protect sheet and ranges

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