Homebrew Rule Book

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Homebrew rule book

This is mainly from my dm notes but one of the players suggested that l formalise it and
share it. So the things l do in game won’t be too much of a surprise/shock as l have been
told that what l am doing kinda changes the core mechanics of dnd 5e. This is also to
prevent in game discussions/arguments and able to keep the game flowing. Therefore, this
is what players would know what happens out of character.
Homebrew conditions: I added new conditions such as frozen, burning, possessed which are totally
new. I also homebrew current conditions with the intent to make spells unable to get rid of them
immediately. So homebrewed stunned, poisoned, paralysed, frightened, charmed and others that
can be solved by vanilla spells wont work. However, l allow you to roll a certain saving throw with
advantage for you to get out of it or something else to get out of it. That is how l make the
conditions harder than usual. Sometimes, l just simply require to do an check and then you find out
in character that you to cast greater restoration or other vanilla spell at higher level to get rid of it.
Again, that would be also what l intended as well. Also, players may get resistance or immunity
against some conditions but the enemies can override it. An example, player immune to frightened,
the enemy can cause the player to be frightened. However, the player may have a chance to roll
saving throw with advantage or in some case, it could be flat roll. That would mean players without
immune to frightened condition, will roll flat or disadvantage, should always be worse than the
player with immune to frightened condition as that would make sense.

Homebrew against vanilla spells that are not damage: some spells debuff enemies, sometimes that
does not work as l made the enemies cannot be debuffed. I have done although rarely, that enemies
can prevent buff spells for allies because of enemy homebrew ability. I know that can be harsh as
that is what players want to get out of. Also, in hell and abyss, you cant teleport, plane shift back and
forth by vanilla means as that is what l intended to be.

Homebrew damage types, resistance, and immunity: I introduce new damage type by adding ‘pure’
so like pure fire damage, pure necrotic damage etc. I even have a new damage type called pure
magic damage. This is with the intention that you cannot have resistance or immunity to that
damage. However, if you are immune to fire, l do pure fire damage, then you have resistance
instead. Hence, l introduced pure magic damage which is something that will do its damage in its

Homebrew abilities, skills: Enemies can do new stuff which relates to the things mentioned above
and causes changes to the core vanilla mechanics. I encountered one vanilla creature who can
always hit no matter what so l will be adding that in but l sometimes still roll to see a chance of nat
20 and do double damage.

Godhood Arc: This will be a big jump, if you are fighting an enemy who has godly aura, it will be
more crazy. Examples such as, no matter what, they can always attack with advantage, roll saving
throws with advantage on top of whatever they already got. When players achieve the quasi godly
aura then you be on even playing field against an enemy who is also quasi god but not against higher
rank godly auras.

Warnings: there could be some cases where some spells are not useful due to my changes. you can
freely change it to another spell if that is what you feel upon discussion. this includes skills, abilities
NOTE: The intention is to make it hard in my own unique work way, to make it dark souls feeling.
That even when players get stronger and reach the end point, the fights does not feel easier. I
always adjust the enemies to be stronger yet l always make it in a way for the team to win. Unless, l
am designing it with the intention to tpk which is usually for RP or something that players should
realise (sometimes with me giving clues) then you need to run away and not every fight has a chance
of winning. Or it could be, l thought you guys can win despite how deadly it is, then end up tpk, then
that would be my designing flaw. There is a good chance that there will be new things added into
the game but not in this folder. Hopefully, from those above mentioned information, it gives you an
idea of how l go about things. I can always try to update this as we continue to play.

General tips for future on how to go about discussing these homebrew stuff: It will be great to ask
me on how to solve the challenge that is presented in game rather than ask the RP logic reasoning
because l may not be able to provide the best answer/wording for it. For example, anti-magic
spell, the wording says something about stopping magic but l will still have homebrew magic or
traps or something that can bypass anti-magic which may not make sense logically whether it is RP
or the rules. But again, l intentionally make it harder that no spells or abilities or skills can solve
everything in one go so l intentionally add an extra challenge which can be solved by simply
adding a check requirement like arcana check so your anti-magic become homebrew during that
moment to bypass the challenge. It will be good, if players ask, what do l need to do to make my
anti-magic work in the presented challenge, then l say, you need to pass an arcana check, or
something else for you to have a chance to be successful. Same thing for dispel magic.

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