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Science Worksheet for midterm exam 3

A. Choose the correct answer:

1) This figure represents

i. Fold iii. Fossils

ii. Fault iv. Crust
2) This figure represents

i. Fold iii. Fossils

ii. Fault iv. Crust

3) Mesozoic era includes three periods: the Triassic period, the Jurassic period,
and the…….
i. Cretesious period. iii. Cretaceus period.
ii. Creataceuos period. iv. Cretaceous period.
4) One of elements Used in Radioactive Dating (Uranium-235) that has Half-life (years)
i. 5.730 iii. 1.7 billion Years
ii. 1.3 billion Years iv. 713 million Years
5) One of elements Used in Radioactive Dating (Potassium-40) that has Half-life (years)
i. 5.730 iii. 1.7 billion Years
ii. 1.3 billion Years iv. 713 million Years
6) One of elements Used in Radioactive Dating (Carbon-14) that has Half-life (years)
i. 5.730 iii. 1.7 billion Years
ii. 1.3 billion Years iv. 713 million Years

7) This figure represents

i. Fold iii. Fossils

ii. Fault iv. Pangaea

8) During which era was the “Age of Reptiles”?
i. Paleozoic era iii. Cenozoic era
ii. Mesozoic era iv. Precambrian
9) Arrange the following organisms in order from earliest to latest
appearance: amphibians, jawless fish, trilobites, bony fish …….
i. Jawless fish, bony fish, Trilobites, amphibians

ii. Trilobites, jawless fish, bony fish, amphibians

iii. Amphibians, Trilobites, bony fish, Jawless fish

iv. Trilobites, bony fish, jawless fish, amphibians
10) Which term describes a gap in the geologic record that occurs when
sedimentary rocks cover an eroded surface?
i. Extrusion iii. unconformity
ii. Intrusion iv. fault
11) Which term describes the time it takes for half of a radioactive element’s
atoms to decay?
i. Absolute age iii. radioactive decay
ii. Half-life iv. relative age
12) Which statement best describes one rule for determining the relative age
of a rock layer?
i. A fault is always younger than the rock it cuts through.
ii. An extrusion is always older than the rocks below it.
iii. An index fossil is always younger than the rock layer it occurs in
iv. An intrusion is always older than the rock layers around it.

13) Which event occurred in the Cenozoic era?
i. First mammals iii. spread of mammals
ii. First flowering plants iv. spread of ferns and conifers
14) What were Earth’s earliest multicellular organisms?
i. Bacteria iii. land plants
ii. Invertebrates iv. vertebrates
15) Which of the following is the process through which gases such as water
vapor hold energy in the atmosphere and keep Earth warm?
i. Condensation iii. infrared radiation
ii. Ultraviolet radiation iv. the greenhouse effect
16) When land absorbs sunlight, some energy is directly transferred to the air
by _____ waves
i. Electromagnetic iii. U.V.
ii. Electrical iv. Magnetic
17) Much of these greenhouse gases come from humans burning …………………
i. Land plants iii. fossil fuels
ii. Fire iv. Sunlight

B. Fill in the blanks using the words given in the box.

Neogene - Permian - Cambrian - Ordovician – Paleogene – Silurian- Jurassic -

Devonian - Triassic – Quaternary - Precambrian – Carboniferous – Cretaceous

1. During this period, The first dinosaurs and Mammals appeared during the

first period of the Mesozoic era _________________

2. During this time, the first amphibians evolved from the lungfish. And this

period is often called the Age of Fish. _________________

3. The first period of Cenozoic is _________________

4. This period is the final and longest segment of the Mesozoic era.

Reptiles, including dinosaurs, were still widespread

throughout _________________

5. During this period, the first vertebrates, including jawless fish, the first

insects may have evolved at this time, along with land plants.


6. During this period, Plants grew abundantly these simple plants grew low

to the ground in damp areas. _________________

7. The second period of Cenozoic is _________________

8. During this period, all animals lived in the sea. Many were animals without

backbones, or invertebrates. Common invertebrates included jellyfish,

worms, sponges, clam-like brachiopods, and trilobites.


9. During this period, Reptiles have scaly skin and lay eggs that have tough,

leathery shells and winged insects evolved into many new forms,

including huge dragonflies and cockroaches. _________________

10. During this period, the only living things were single-celled organisms.


11. During this period, most species of life on Earth died out during the worst

extinction event in Earth’s history. This was a mass extinction, _________

12. During this period, dinosaurs were the dominant land animals, and the

ocean and seas during this period were also filled with diverse life forms,

including sharks, rays, giant marine crocodiles, and plesiosaurs.

Plesiosaurs had long necks and paddle-like fins. _________________

13. During this period, large sheets of ice began to appear on Earth’s

surface. So, it’s called ice age _________________

C. Complete the following tables:

D. True or False

1. The amount of UV radiation that reaches Earth’s surface can still be

damaging, which is why humans benefit from wearing clothing,
sunscreen, and sunglasses. ( )

2. Global surface temperature measurements from the past 140 years

indicate that the average global temperature has been rising. ( )

3. Geologists divide the time between the Precambrian and Paleozoic,

Cenozoic and last era is Mesozoic ( )

4. The absolute age of a rock is its age compared to the ages of other rocks.
(False) relative age

5. The relative age of a rock is the number of years that have passed since
the rock formed. (False) absolute age

6. At the end of the Cretaceous, another mass extinction occurred. ( )

7. Change in temperature and precipitation for short time is climate ( )

8. Geologic time begins with a long span of time called Precambrian that
covers about 20 percent of Earth’s history, from 4.6 billion years ago to
501 million years ago. ( )

9. Our activities increase the concentration of greenhouse gases in the

atmosphere, which causes the average global temperature to rise. ( )

E. Define the following scientific expressions

1) Fossils:

2) Unconformity: Folding:

3) Radioactive Decay:

4) Electromagnetic waves:

5) Greenhouse gases:

6) The greenhouse effect:

7) Global warming:

F. Write short answers.

1) Geologists use radioactive dating, or radiometric dating.

There are two elements to determine the absolute ages of rocks,
explain both of them?

2) How could a geologist match the rock layers in one area to rock layers
found in another area?

3) Why do geologists need geologic time scale? Give 2 reasons?

4) How is the geologic time scale divided?

5) A layer of sandstone sits above two other layers of rock. A fault cuts
through the two lower layers of rock. How does the age of the fault
compare with the ages of all three rock layers?

| P a g e 11
6) What is the main function of the geologic time scale?

7) At the end of the Paleozoic, there was a mass extinction, what may the
causes that scientists predict were happened?

8) Why do you think scientists use mass extinctions to separate one era
from another?

9) Mention the layers of the atmosphere?

10) Explain the three methods of heat transfer?

| P a g e 11
11) Describe the radiation of the sun on Earth’s atmosphere?

12) Mention the factors affect the climate?

13) Give 4 examples of evidence to support the claims made about the
human causes of global warming?

| P a g e 12
Final Worksheet Term 3
G. Choose the correct answer:

18) A giant ball of superheated gas, or plasma, composed of hydrogen and helium.
iii. Planet iii. satellite
iv. Star iv. comet
19) A streak of light produced when a
small piece of rock or ice
i. Planet iii. meteor
ii. Star iv. comet
20) A streak of light produced when a
small piece of rock or ice
i. Planet iii. meteor
ii. Star iv. comet
21) A cold mixture of dust and ice
that develops a long trail of light
i. Planet iii. meteor
ii. Star iv. comet
22) One revolution of Earth around
the sun takes one …………
i. Day iii. Year
ii. Moment iv. hour
23) One rotation of Earth its axis
iii. Day iii. Year
iv. Moment iv. hour
24) During March and September, sunlight strikes both hemispheres equally, causing

| P a g e 13
i. Winter iii. warmer
ii. Summer iv. spring and autumn

25) This figure shows………..

iii. Sun orbit iii. warmer
iv. Solar Eclipse iv. Lunar Eclipse

26) This figure shows………..

v. Sun orbit iii. warmer
vi. Solar Eclipse iv. Lunar Eclipse

| P a g e 14
H. Complete the pictures:

| P a g e 15
I. True or False

1. Distances between objects in the solar system called the astronomical

unit (AU) equal about 180,000,000 kilometers. ( )

2. The entire solar system extends more than 100,000 AU from the sun. ( )

3. The sun accounts for about 90.85 percent of the entire mass of the
solar system. ( )

4. About three-fourths of the sun’s mass is hydrogen, and about one-

fourth is helium. ( )

5. There are two types of Telescopes Reflecting and Refracting ( )

6. A nebula is a large cloud of liquid and dust containing an immense

volume of material. A star, on the other hand, is made up of a large
amount of gas in a relatively small volume. ( )

7. Protostar is the first stage of a star’s formation( )

8. Stars with more mass would last longer than stars with less mass. ( )

| P a g e 16
J. Define the following scientific expressions

1. Constellations:

2. Solstice

3. Equinox

4. Solar Eclipse ‫كسوف الشمس‬:

5. Lunar Eclipse:‫خسوف القمر‬

6. Umbra:

7. penumbra:

8. Space Probes:

| P a g e 17
K. Write short answers.

1) “Adapt or Perish for all organisms” How can you explain this sentence
depending on your understanding of global warming? Give Example?

2) Suggest 4 Solution to Deal with Climate Change with explanations?

3) Differ between Geocentric Model and Heliocentric Model?

| P a g e 18
4) Explain why the seasonal change happens on the Earth

5) Arrange the Structure of the Sun from inner to outer layers and describe
each one

| P a g e 19
Circle the words that correctly complete the sentences.
1. Carlos is writing a research paper on the sun, and it will include the following
facts: The sun is a (satellite / comet / star / constellation) that has eight
planets orbiting around it. Several planets have one or more moons that orbit
them. A body that orbits a planet is called a (comet / constellation / star /

Use the information below to answer questions 2 and 3.

Megan read about Orion, the great hunter, in Greek mythology. He was so
respected for his skill as an archer that he was placed in the sky in the form of
stars. Ancient people looked into the night sky and imagined seeing Orion and
many other figures and animals.

Write the letters of the correct answers on the lines at left.

______ 2. What is the name for the pattern or group of stars that
people imagined looked like figures, objects, or animals?
A. satellite
B. Halley’s comet
C. Ursa Major
D. constellation
| P a g e 21
3. Carlos learned that ancient astronomers believed that the
universe revolved around Earth. To them, it seemed as if
Earth stood still and the sun, planets, and stars rotated
around our planet. This model of the solar system is known
as the geocentric model. What does “geocentric” mean?
A. oval-shaped B. Earth-centered
C. small-circled D. sun-centered

4. Look at the illustration on the previous page. Which

group of stars looks like Orion, the hunter, holding his bow
and arrow?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D

7. The moon and the planets shine because they………. light from the sun.
A. reflect B. refract
C. absorb D. transmit
8. The…………. is Earth’s only natural satellite.
A. mercury B. moon
C. star D. meteors

9…………is a giant ball of superheated gas, or plasma, composed of

hydrogen and helium.
A. mercury B. moon
C. star D. Planet

| P a g e 21
10………….is a cold mixture of dust and ice that develops a long trail of light as
it approaches the sun.
A. mercury B. moon
C. star D. Comet
11. A pattern or group of stars that people imagine represents a figure, animal,
or object is a…………….
A. Constellations B. Asteroids
C. Meteors D. Meteorites

12……………are caused by Earth’s revolution around the sun.

A. Day and Night B. Four Seasons
C. Meteors D. Meteorites

C) Describe Ptolemy's model of the solar system and how he came to his conclusions.
Then describe Galileo's model of the solar system. Explain how Galileo proved that
his model was correct and that Ptolemy’s was not correct.


| P a g e 22
Phases and Eclipses

1. Karen notices that the moon changes shape slightly each night, and by the
end of the
month, she has recorded a variety of shapes. What are the different shapes
of the moon called?
A. crescents
B. gibbous
C. patterns
D. phases

3. On August 21, 2017, Elizabeth saw a total eclipse of the sun with her class.
She learned that there
are two types of eclipses. The types of eclipses depend on the line between the
sun, moon, and
Earth. When the moon passes directly between the sun and Earth and blocks
the sun's light, it is
called a(n) (umbra / lunar / solar / penumbra) eclipse. When Earth is directly
between the moon
and sun, it is called a(n) (penumbra / umbra / solar / lunar) eclipse.

Write the letters of the correct answers on the lines at left.

4. Ethan often goes fishing with his uncle, and they use the rise and fall of the
water to determine when they will go. The ocean water rises and falls over

| P a g e 23
the course of approximately 12.5 hours. Which term describes the rise and
fall of the ocean water?
A. eclipses B. phases
C. moon D. tides

5. Tony waits for the spring tide to bring the best surfing waves in his area. He
knows that
the moon affects the tides, so which moons does he wait for?
A. waxing and waning crescent moons
B. new moon and full moon
C. first and third quarter moons
D. waxing and waning gibbous moons

7. When the moon lies between the sun and the earth, it casts its shadow on
A. the earth B. the sun C. itself D. no correct answer.

8. Sunlight travels in ...................... . lines so it casts a shadow of the dark bodies

in its way.
A. curved B. zigzag C. straight D. dashed.

9. Penumbra is ....................................
A. the darkest shadow area. B. a semi- shadow area.
C. a lightened area. D. a sunny area.

| P a g e 24
10 ............ Is the phenomenon of blocking the sunlight by moon from reaching the
earth's surface.
A. cloudy weather. B. winter C. lunar eclipse D. solar eclipse.
11. when the moon comes between sun and earth, ...................... . happens,
A. tornado B. solar eclipse C. lunar eclipse D. tsunami.

12. When the moon lies in the straight line between the sun and earth at a nearer
distance to
earth, ............................ Happens.
A. total solar eclipse B. lunar eclipse
C. annular solar eclipse D. partial solar eclipse.

13. When the moon lies in a higher orbit than the earth in front of the sun,
.................. happens.
A. total solar eclipse B. lunar eclipse
C. annular solar eclipse D. partial solar eclipse
14. The partial solar eclipse appears in the area of .........................
A. umbra. B. penumbra C. negative shadow. D. ant umbra.

15. The total solar eclipse occurs in the area of ..........................

A. umbra. B. penumbra C. negative shadow. D. ant umbra.

16. (Explain) During the start of total lunar eclipse the moon color tends to be red.

| P a g e 25

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