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Cairo Governorate

Ministry of Education &Technical Education

El-Sherouk Educational Zone
International Public School – El Sherouk

Revision on White Fang from chapter 1 to 7

Answer the following
1. “Fatty’s not here. He ran away. But where could he go out here?”
What happened to the dog and where did he go?
Fatty followed the she wolf to the forest
2. “My God, those wolves stole the firewood! on the sled” Comment
When Henry became alone the wolves came at night and stole the fire wood he
3. “Animals kill or die, that is life in the wild” Discuss and mention what happened to
the one-eye wolf?
The one eye wolf went for hunt and he was killed by a lynx. This is the life in the
forest. Animals may kill or die.
4. “It’s Kiche! she ran away last year when we had no food. Maybe she’s living with
the wolves now”
Who said these words? With who was kiche living before? Was kiche happy when
she saw that man?
Gray Beaver said these words. Kiche was living with the Indians. She was happy
because she knew the Indians and enjoyed living with humans.
5. “I’ll keep him as a dog and he’ll grow up like a dog”
Who said these words? what was he speaking about?

Gray Beaver said that to the other Indians and he was speaking about White Fang

6. He bit me with those White Fangs so I’ll call him…..”

Who said these words? What did he call the cub? Where did the cub live?

Describe the Indian camp

Gray Beaver said that. He called the cub White Fang and took him to live with his
mother in the Indian tepees or camp.

7. “White Fang liked living with the humans” Discuss

White Fang enjoyed staying by the fire and eating

8. “You are on our land now. Go back to where you came from!”
Who said these words? To whom? what happened in this situation?

Some Indian boys said that to Mit-Sah they didn’t want him to stay in their land and
leave back.

9. “The forest is free. I can go where I want!”

Who said that? What did White Fang do?

Mit- Sah said that to the boys who wanted him to leave their land they fought with him
and a boy was going to hit him with a club but White Fang saved him. He bit that boy and
attacked the others.

10. “You’re a true fighter I realized that the first time “

Who said these words? To whom? what did White Fang do and how he was
Gray Beaver said that to the White Fang when he saved Mit –Sah from the boys and
Gray Beaver gave him a plate full of wolves as a reward.

11. “White Fang, I’ll put you in the front because I know you’re stronger and faster
than the dogs”
Who said these words? What did he teach White Fang?
Mit Sah said that to White Fang when he was teaching him how to pull a sled and he
put him in the front of the other dogs because he was stronger and faster.
12. “What kind of dog is that?
“How much do you want for that dog?”

Who said these words? To whom? where was that place? Why did people go there?

One of the White men who went to Fort Yukon to search for gold said that to Gray Beaver
they admired White Fang and wanted to buy him because he beat their dogs

13. “I know what Indians like, he said to himself and I’m going to get that dog, one way
or another!”
Who said that? What did he want?

Beauty Smith said that and he wanted to take White Fang from Gray Beaver with a trick.

14. “I thought you might like to have a drink with me…”

Who said that? To whom? Describe that man?

Beauty Smith said that to Gray Beaver. He was a small man with a horrible face, he hated
everyone and was called Beauty as a joke.

15. “Well, that’s for the bottles you and I drank together too. You didn’t think they
were free, did you?
Who said that? What did he want? Could Gray Beaver pay him? Why?

Beauty Smith said that to Gray Beaver. He tricked him and charged him with 300 dollars
for the drink they had together. Gray Beaver couldn’t pay the money because he wanted
to take it back to his family.

16.“If you don’t pay me, I’ll go to the police”

Who said that and what was his trick?

Beauty Smith said that to Gray Beaver. He tricked him and Charged him with a lot of
money for the drink they had together because he wanted to take White Fang.
17. “Put a rope around that animal or he’ll kill me!”

Who said that? What did White Fang do with Smith?

Smith said that to Gray Beaver when he tricked him and took White Fang but White Fang
didn’t like Smith and when he came close to him, White Fang bit his hand.

18. “Don’t Worry I’ll take care of him”

Who said that? Did he take care of White Fang?

Describe what he did with White Fang?

What would White Fang do if he was free with any man laughed at him?

Smith said that to Gray Beaver but he didn’t take care of White Fang instead he hit him
with a club, didn’t feed him and put him in a cage. Smith brought his friends with their
dogs to see White Fang. They laughed at White Fang and made him angry so White Fang
thought that if he was free, he would kill any man who laughed at him.

Revision on White Fang (From chapter 1 to chapter 7)

1. Not many people like to live in the parts of North America because it is cold
2. Two men, Bill and Henry were on their way to fort McGurry to burry Lord Alfred
3. The men heard the howling of hungry wolves following them.
4. The men had to stop and light fire to keep the wolves away from them.
5. When Bill went to feed their six dogs he found them seven
6. The She- wolf came to the camp at night and the dogs followed her to the forest
7. The men hadn’t got enough weapons, they had only one gun and three bullets
8. In the morning, Henry saw that there was no fire wood on the sled. The wolves
Stole it. The wolves know how to kill a man.
9. Henry decided to leave the coffin in a tree to go faster on his journey.
10.Henry fought the wolves by burning wood because he hadn’t any weapons.
11.Henry was rescued from the wolves when The men came with their dogs
12.When the she wolf heard the men with the sleds coming, she led the pack
Of wolves to the forest
13.The she wolf travelled many miles with the one- eye wolf
14. The she wolf was looking for a cave near the river.
15.The she wolf had five cubs three males and two females. All the cubs looked like
their mother except for one male which was all gray.
16.The one eye wolf was attacked by a lynx and died
17.The gray cub smelled smoke and saw five Indians sitting around a fire
18.The Indians call the she- wolf Kiche she walked slowly to them, lowered its
Head and wag its tail because she knew those people before.
19.The Indian who petted Kiche was called Gray Beaver
20.The Indian was interested in the cub which was more a wolf than dog like his father.
but Kiche was half wolf and half dog.
21.The Indian call the cub White Fang because he bit him with his Fangs
22.Kiche stayed tied to a tree next to Gray Beaver’s tepee because she could kill the
other dogs but White Fang was free to walk around.
23.White Fang wanted to return back to the wild like the other wolves but Kiche made
him stay in The Indian’s camp for food and safety.
24.Three Eagles prepared to leave the camp on a long hunting trip- and he took
Kiche with him to be his dog
25. None of the dogs liked White Fang because he was faster and stronger
26.White Fang liked living with humans as he enjoyed lying by the fire and eating.
27.When one of the Indian boys was going to hit Mit-Sah with a club, White Fang
bit the boy and attacked the others.
28.Gray Beaver gave White Fang a plate full of meat and told him that he was a true ---
fighter because he helped Mit-Sah.
29.Summer ended, and the Indian tribe had to move on
30.Indians hunted animals in the fall so they could have food in winter
31. White Fang thought this was the time to go to the wild when the Indians took their
tepees and went away.
32.White Fang travelled for two days alone. He enjoyed running and hunting
33.White Fang attacked and killed the Moose Which Gray Beaver and Mit-Sah was
34.During winter The Indians made gloves, hats and shoes from animal fur and skin.
35.In the spring they sold them to the white men at Fort Yukon
36. White Fang thought that the white men were more powerful because they had guns.
37.White men came to Fort Yukon to search for gold.
38.White men thought that White Fang was a dog and they wanted to
buy him but Gray Beaver answered them that the dog wasn’t for sale.
39.One man was called Beauty Smith thought that he could take White Fang.
40. Smith was a small man with horrible face and people called him
Beauty as a joke.
41.White Fang didn’t like Smith. He stood up and howled ready to attack
42.Smith came to Gray Beaver’s Tepee with a bottle of wine
43. Gray Beaver didn’t like Whiskey but he began to like the way it made him feel.
44.Beauty Smith wanted to charge Gray Beaver 300 dollars for the Whiskey
They drank together.
45.Smith tricked Gray Beaver because he wanted to take White Fang
46.Smith treated White Fang badly and he didn’t feed him and he put a leather lead
and then a metal chain around his neck.
47.Smith didn’t trust the wolf-dog so he put him in a cage
48.White Fang hated when the men laughed at him and he thought that if he was free,
he would kill any one laughed at him.

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