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During his rise to power, the Founder established an entourage of trusted

acolytes. Each member was an individual of intelligence and skill whom the
Founder trusted implicitly. They were the first with whom he shared his
vision for an enhanced humanity, and his plan to achieve immortality by
transferring memories and consciousness to a clone upon death.

The Custodian Brothers acted as his confidants and representatives, and

their word is considered second only to the Founder himself. Throughout the
civil war, they served as his personal guards and emissaries to the loyalist

When the Founder personally led a fleet to recover his stolen Flagship, the
Custodians were at his side. They met the stolen ship at the edge of known
space and a desperate battle ensued where the Founder himself was slain.
Devastated by their loss, the Custodians fought with renewed fury, when at
INTRO the height of the conflict, a wormhole opened and engulfed both fleets. The
fleets then emerged in another galaxy, scattered and damaged.
The Custodian Brothers are the personal protectors of the Conduit, the heir
of the Founder who created the gene-mods. Few in number, they use cutting
edge armour and weapons, customized to their exact specifications. The Custodians moved quickly to rally the remaining Detachments of Battle
Brothers and to enact the Founder’s contingency plan: the Conduit Program.
The Founder’s foresight and knowledge was proven, as his consciousness
They serve as the Conduit’s personal guard and emissaries, delivering his
and memories were preserved in a clone. The Conduit became a symbol of
orders and enforcing his will directly. The Custodians depend heavily upon
the Founder’s vision and victory over death, which united the disparate
their reputation and the trust that others invest in them. In order to maintain Detachments in Sirius, while the Custodians continued to serve as the
their status, they have slowly embraced intricate honour ceremonies, Conduit’s right hand in the sector.
destructive rivalries and webs of lies and secrets.

The Custodians continue to serve a vital role as the right hand and voice of
ABOUT OPR the Conduit to the followers of the Founder. As a result, Custodians value
OPR ( is the home of many free games which are themselves and others according to the reputations they build, both within
designed to be fast to learn and easy to play. the Brotherhood and outside of it, above all else. To ensure their honour is
recognized, each Custodian takes great pains to display signs of their
achievements, keeping trophies and engraving their armour with titles.
This project was made by gamers for gamers and it can only exist thanks to
the support of our awesome community.
While some might dismiss the Custodians as vainglorious, most recognize
that it is only through their tireless dedication and diplomacy that unity is
If you want to help us in making more awesome content, you can support us maintained. The Custodians stand as symbols of the Founder’s singular
on vision and reflections of human perfection that exist at the edge of genetic
Thank you for playing!
How will you defend humanity’s unity and honour in Sirius?

Created by: Gaetano Ferrara


Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Cost

Great Sister [1] 4+ 3+ Energy Sword (A4, AP(1), Rending) Fearless, Hero, Tough(3) 65pts
Vigilant Sister [1] 4+ 3+ Energy Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending) Fearless, Furious 25pts
Prosecution Sister [1] 4+ 3+ Prosecution Rifle (24", A2), CCW (A1) Fearless, Relentless 30pts
Hunter Sister [1] 4+ 3+ Flamer (12", A1, Blast(3), Reliable), CCW (A1) Fearless, Scout 35pts
Custodian Brother [1] 3+ 2+ Shot-Mount (12", A1, AP(1)), Axe (A1, Blast(3)) Fearless, Tough(3) 70pts
Jetpack Brother [1] 3+ 3+ Shot-Mount (12", A1, AP(1)), Heavy CCW (A3, AP(1)) Ambush, Fearless, Flying, Tough(3) 85pts

Eternal Vigilant: This model and up to 3 friendly
units that are within 12” at the beginning of the
round get +1 to hit in melee. This effect lasts until
the end of the round.
Heavy Shield: When units where all models have
this rule take hits, those hits count as having
AP(-1), to a min. of AP(0).
High Prosecutor: This model and up to 3 friendly
units that are within 12” at the beginning of the
round get +1 to hit when shooting. This effect lasts
until the end of the round.
Holy Shield: When this model and up to 3 friendly
units that are within 12” at the beginning of the
round take a wound, roll one die, and on a 6+ it is
ignored. If the wound was from a spell, then it is
ignored on a 2+ instead. This effect lasts until the
end of the round.
Witch Destroyer: This model and up to 3 friendly
units that are within 12” at the beginning of the
round move +2” on Advance, and +4” on
Rush/Charge. This effect lasts until the end of the


Blurred Sight (1): Target 2 enemy units within 18"
get -1 to hit rolls next time they shoot.
Psychic Terror (1): Target enemy unit within 6"
takes 1 hit with AP(2).
Cerebral Trauma (2): Target enemy model within 9"
takes 1 hit with AP(4).
Cursed Ground (2): Target 4 enemy units within 18"
get -2" next time they Advance, or -4" next time
they Charge/Rush.
Lightning Fog (3): Target 2 enemy units within 12"
take 2 hits each.
Time Passage (3): Target 4 friendly units within 18"
get AP(+2) next time they charge.


Great Sister [1] - 65 pts Jetpack Brother [1] - 85 pts

Quality 4+ Defense 3+ Quality 3+ Defense 3+
Energy Sword (A4, AP(1), Rending) Shot-Mount (12", A1, AP(1))
Fearless, Hero, Tough(3) Heavy CCW (A3, AP(1))
Replace Energy Sword: Ambush, Fearless, Flying, Tough(3)
+5pts Flamer (12", A1, Blast(3), Reliable), Upgrade with any:
CCW (A4) +10pts Combat Shields (Heavy Shield)
+5pts Prosecution Rifle (24", A2), CCW (A4) +10pts Wardens (Regeneration)
Upgrade with one: Replace Shot-Mounts and Heavy CCW:
free Prosecution Ammo (Relentless) free Shot-Mount (12", A3, AP(1)),
+5pts Hunter Instincts (Scout) Heavy CCW (A1, AP(1))
+5pts Vigilant Oath (Furious) Replace any Shot-Mount:
+20pts Sorceress (Caster(2)) +25pts Destroyer Long Pistol (18", A3, Rending)
+30pts Master Sorceress (Caster(3)) +35pts Storm-Mount (24", A3, AP(1))
Upgrade with one: Replace any Heavy CCW:
+10pts Eternal Vigilant +5pts Energy Sword (A3, AP(1), Rending)
+10pts Witch Destroyer +15pts Spear (A3, AP(4))
+25pts High Prosecutor
Upgrade with:
+10pts Holy Shield

Vigilant Sister [1] - 25 pts

Quality 4+ Defense 3+
Energy Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending)
Fearless, Furious
Upgrade with:
+10pts Holy Shield

Prosecution Sister [1] - 30 pts

Quality 4+ Defense 3+
Prosecution Rifle (24", A2)
CCW (A1)
Fearless, Relentless
Upgrade with:
+10pts Holy Shield

Hunter Sister [1] - 35 pts

Quality 4+ Defense 3+
Flamer (12", A1, Blast(3), Reliable)
CCW (A1)
Fearless, Scout
Upgrade with:
+10pts Holy Shield

Custodian Brother [1] - 70 pts

Quality 3+ Defense 2+
Shot-Mount (12", A1, AP(1))
Axe (A1, Blast(3))
Fearless, Tough(3)
Upgrade with any:
+10pts Combat Shields (Heavy Shield)
+10pts Wardens (Regeneration)
Replace Shot-Mounts and Axe:
+10pts Shot-Mount (12", A3, AP(1)),
Heavy CCW (A1, AP(1))
Replace any Shot-Mount:
+15pts Flame-Mount (12", A1, Blast(3), Reliable)
+25pts Bolt-Mount (18", A3, Rending)
+25pts Fuse-Mount (12", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3))
+30pts Needler-Mount (24", A3, Poison)
+35pts Storm-Mount (24", A3, AP(1))
Replace any Axe:
+10pts Halberd (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3))
+15pts Sword (A3, AP(1), Rending)
+25pts Spear (A3, AP(4))
Upgrade with:
+10pts Banner

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