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Part 1

Unit 15 is about innovation, which is known as the implement of new creative ideas.
Across the unit 15, An innovation can be something that improves efficiency, reduces
costs, solves a problem, or creates a new opportunity. For example with the talented
designer Alexi, the development of corporation was an innovation that created value by
making it easier and more convenient for people to buy product. So, innovation is a
process (the act of creating something new and valuable).
Part 2:
Innovators have constantly reshaped how we view the world and navigate our lives. Here
are a few areas where innovation has been particularly transformative:
 Communication and information access: The internet, the smart phone
 Transportation: from the invention of the wheel to the developments of airplanes and
 Medicine and Healthcare: Vaccinations, antibiotics, and advancements in medical

Part 3:
1) In the context on Innovation, “Pushing the limit” means venturing beyond the status
and exploring new things.
 Challenging assumptions: Innovation often requires questioning what we think is
possible or the way things have always been done.
 Embracing experimentation: Pushing the limit necessitates a willingness to
experiment and take calculated risks.
 Seeking breakthrough solutions: The ultimate goal of pushing the limit in
innovation is to achieve something truly groundbreaking.
2) Innovation is one of the most important componients of business’s succes because:
 Solve problems and create opportunities: Innovation can help businesses address
challenges they face and creat new opportuinites.
 Attract and retain talent: Innovation can help businesses attract top talent and keep
their employees engaged and motivated.
Iconic ( stand out from the crowd): In lost Markets, there are a lots of competition.
3) Businesses can innovate themselves in serval ways. Here are some ways to consider:
 Embrace New Technologies: Stay up-to-date on emerging technologies and explore
how it works efficiently.
 Customer Focus: Conduct regular market research, gather feedback, and involve
customers in the innovation process
4) The smartphone is one of the most innovative invention of life:
 Combining phone, camera, internet access, and a multitude of applications.
 The smartphone completely reshaped how we communicate, navigate, consume
information, and entertain ourselves.
5) The product development process can be broken down into several key phases. Here's
a common breakdown:
 Product Development: It involves tasks like engineering, design, manufacturing, and
testing to ensure the product functions as intended and meets quality standards.
 Ideation: Generate new product ideas, and explore potential solutions to customer

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