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RUNAWAY AND MANUAL STABILIZER trimming in opposition to a runaway

may be the first reaction in the
Runaway Stabilizer event of an actual runaway. This

will stall the stabilizer actuator
Simultaneously oppose the runaway motor by engaging the opposite drive
with the control column by maintain- clutch and disengage the autopilot if
ing the existing pitch attitude and engaged.
stop the runaway by placing stabil-
izer trim and autopilot trim cutout ELECTRICAL TRIMMING IN OPPOSITION IS
should fail to place the trim cutout THE CLUTCHES REPEATEDLY CAUSES EXCES-
switches to CUTOUT in an expeditious SIVE WEAR AND, AS A RESULT, CLUTCH
manner, as the runaway progresses, SLIPPAGE OR BINDING MAY OCCUR IN NOR-
the stab trim brake should engage if MAL USAGE.
pitch attitude is maintained. If
this fails, grab and hold the manual Manual Stabilizer Trim Wheel
trim wheel. If the pilot recognizes
a runaway stabilizer, he should imme- Extend both manual trim wheel handles
diately place the stabilizer trim and manually crank in opposition to
cutout switches to CUTOUT, before the runaway. The trim wheel handles
stabilizer trim brake engagement. are located 90° apart on the wheels
Retrim manually. Maintain attitude to facilitate manual operation. It
and/or altitude with elevator con- is possible for one pilot to manually
trol. Do not release the control trim the stabilizer after placing the
column while performing the above cutout switches to CUTOUT.
procedures. The other pilot can as-
sist upon command. Recovery from Severe Out-of-Trim

Stabilizer Trim Brake Accelerate or decelerate the airplane

to an in-trim airspeed. If a recov-
Holding airplane attitude with smooth ery must be initiated from an extreme
movement of the control column to op- nose-down out-of-trim requiring a
pose the runaway engages the stabil- high pull force, an increase in air-
izer trim brake, located in the ped- speed may relieve enough of the ele-
estal. This disengages the discon- vator load and control displacement
nect clutch and mechanically stops to permit manual trimming. Do not
the wheel. It is not necessary to exceed speed limitation. If a recov-
jerk the control column to engage the ery must be initiated from an extreme
brake. A trim brake release knob is nose-up out-of-trim requiring a high
installed on the pedestal to release push force, a decrease in airspeed
the brake in the unlikely event trim- may relieve enough of the elevator
ming is desired in the opposite di- load and control column displacement
rection of control column movement. to permit manual retrimming. It
should be noted that the relationship
Electrical Trimming in Opposition to between airspeed change and trim
Runaway change do not remain constant. As
airspeed is increased, trim change
It is natural to trim out elevator reqirements decrease.
control forces as they occur and

FCT 737 (PT™)

04.80.30 February 1, 1982

In an extreme nose-up out-of-trim Autopilot Stabilizer Trim

condition, requiring almost full for-
ward control column, decelerate, ex- An autopilot stabilizer trim runaway
tend the flaps and/or reduce thrust is characterized by a slow rate of
to a minimum practical setting con- stabilizer trim operation. Counter-
sistent with flight conditions until ing with stick pressure will engage
elevator control is established. Do the stabilizer brake and stop the
not decrease airspeed below the mini- runaway as before. The pilot should
mum maneuvering speed for the flap observe this characteristic during an
configuration. A bank of 30° or more autopilot ground check. The auto-
will relieve some force on the con- pilot stabilizer trim cutout switch
trol column. This, combined with will disengage the autopilot elevator
flap extension and reduced speed, servo.
should permit easier manual trimming.
Allowing the autopilot to correct for
If other methods fail to relieve the large pitch or speed changes upon en-
elevator load and control column gagement will often create a runaway
force, use the “roller coaster" tech- impression.
nique. If nose-up trim is required,
raise the nose well above the horizon If the autopilot elevator servo does
with elevator control. Then slowly not disengage, the stabilizer can be
relax the control column pressure and trimmed manually by one or both pi-
manually trim nose-up. Allow the lots exerting as much force as pos-
nose to drop to the horizon while sible through the manual trim
trimming. Repeat this sequence until wheels. This will disengage the dis-
the airplane is in trim. connect clutch and permit manual
If nose-down trim is required, slow-
ing down and extending the flaps will Stabilizer Trim Light, Drive Motor, and
account for a large degree of nose-up Clutches
pitch. If this does not allow manual
trimming then the reverse "roller When the main electric stablizer trim
coaster’ can be performed to permit is in operation, the amber stabilizer
manial trimming. trim light will be on. This indi-
cates that the relay which supplies
power to the electric trim motor has
actuated. Unless one of the direc-
tional drive clutches is actuated by
means of the thumb trim switch, no
trimming will occur.

FCT 737 (PT)

February 1, 1982 04.80. 31

Stabilizer Trim Light, Drive Motor and Elevator - Stabilizer

Clutches (Cont)
The elevator is the primary means for
If the stabilizer trim moves at a controlling airplane attitude. The
normal rate in one direction and very stabilizer is the longitudinal trim
slowly or not at all in the other device. Manual stabilizer trim capa-
direction, the drive clutch is con- bility is provided in the event the
tinually engaged or dragging. electrical trim is inoperative. With
Example: nose-down trim appears nor- the elevator displaced by the control
mal and nose-up trim is slow or does column, the out-of-trim air loads are
not move. The reason is that the transferred to the stablizer jack-
nose-down clutch is continually en- screw. When trimming either elec-
gaged or dragging and the electrical trically or manually, this force on
motor must overcome this friction to the jackscrew must be overcome. If
effect trim in the opposite direc- air loads are too great, it may be
tion. Hence, the slow rotation of difficult to manually trim without
the wheel. Under these conditions, first relieving these pressures as
the main stabilizer trim cutout outlined in Runaway Stabilizer.
switch should be switched to CUTOUT,
and the flight continued using manual Manual Trimming
or autopilot trim.
Zero control force permits easy and
MANUAL STABILIZER APPROACH AND rapid movement of the trim wheel.
LANDING Anticipate the trim requirements.
Flap extension requires nose up
A manual stabilizer landing will be trim. As the airspeed decreases
necessary if the electrical trim is and/or as the flaps extend, readjust
inoperative for any reason. To prop- the manual stabilizer trim nose up,
erly perform this maneuver, keep slightly ahead of schedule. The air-
ahead of the airplane trim require- plane can be flown through a normal
ments by flying into trim. Strive to approach and landing in almost a
fly as smoothly with the manual trim hands-off condition. The First Offi-
as with the electrical trim. Keep cer can manually trim at the Cap-
the airplane in trim and perform a tain's commands. The manual crank
NORMAL approach and landing, complet- handles on the Captain's and First
ing all checklists. Use normal land- Officer's trim wheels are displaced
ing flaps and set appropriate 90°. This permits a maximum amount
Vper- Anticipate the trim change. of torque to be applied to the sta-
Don't rush. Trim early on final ap- ‘ilizer trim wheels during manual
proach for the selected approach air- trim operation.

FCT 737 (PT™)

04.80.32 February 1, 1982

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