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ea esnuoriyones hccate8Strateyles)

Saal } AE rom
; ~, D) ~~ Role-Playin

— SaGa Frontier and

< Breath of Fire Ill!


N64 and PS

Need for(Speeu Il
Gaal ipeto

May, 1998

New Gharac: rs & Tric'i383

a yr
, |5S Fit
$4.99/$6.50 Canada
is H

0°"14024"06964) "6
or get out”
It's been eight long years since
) Street Fighter II hit the arcades. Shortly after, the fight-
ing game craze swept the console industry. This popular
Ni bbelol—=b ae-ais) genre can be credited with saving arcades as well as
over-saturating and dominating the home platforms (but
Editorial Staff
that’s another topic). While it seems this category has more
publisher Jonathan Lane longevity than a redwood, its simple logic of competition and diversity has
editorial director J.E. Funk
sustained it all these years. However, what's surprising most of all is not the
editor in chief Howard Grossman mere success and endurance of the fighting genre, but the real lack of
managing editor Nelson Taruc peripheral support.
associate editors Andrew Baran * Scott Augustyn
Carey Wise * Tim Davis
Benjamin Durbin
To its credit there have been numerous types
contributing editors Pat Dolan ¢ Ryan Mac Donald of fighters including SF, MK, Tekken, Virtua Fighter and countless clones.
James Mazurek Still, a lot of these games rely on the same aspect, namely control! The
arcade editor Mark Hain button configurations and functions may be different, but the controls must
tricks editor Terry Minnich yield great response in order to generate the competitive feel of truly con-
online editor Chris Johnston
foreign correspondents Stuart Levy * David Rider trolling your character. It doesn’t matter if you’re tapping or rolling the con-
senior copy editor Jo-El M. Damen troller, it simply must be responsive to make the battle tight. All of the
copy editors Jennifer Whitesides * Dan Peluso
above-mentioned games may vary in their blocking method, special moves
creative director Michael Stassus and game engine design, yet they all do an incredible job of synching the
art director Mike Vallas software and game control to produce a smooth but tight “feel.” It’s this
art consultant Cyril Wochok
great playability that ties these different games together as a group, that
production director Marc Camron being the king of the fighters.
prepress manager Dave McCracken
assoc. prepress manager Paul Ojeda
production assistant Chris Melody Having drawn this very simple and seemingly logical
network manager Pam Schneider conclusion, it seems strange that there aren't more peripherals to support
analyst Mark LeFebvre these games. Being an avid fighting game fan and an arcade player, most
circulation director Joan Mclinerney
controllers don't work as well as they could. The first problem is the
newsstand sales manager Don Galen strange or awkward button configuration of most controllers. Many are sim-
circulation coordinator Ann-Marie Mrozynski ply too small, too close or strangely arranged (especially for six-button
subscription service number 303-665-8930
games). Then there is the issue of ergonomics and controllers being too
business manager Cathy Bendoff light, flimsy or uncomfortable to stand up to the vigorous demands of fight-
corporate counsel Robert Kabat ing games. (How many people find their hands getting sore after several
matches?) Finally, there is the issue of responsiveness and lack thereof
advertising Ziff-Davis Video Game Group
from many arcade-style fighting sticks or pads. I'm not saying that none of
inquiries 135 Main Street, 14th Floor
contact: San Francisco, CA 94105 the joysticks or controllers work well, in fact the pad and buttons on the
Telephone: (415) 357-5200 Saturn pad work pretty well for me. It just seems no one has designed a
Fax: (415) 357-5288
great universal controller for fighting games. In addition, there has-
Assoc. Publisher, Jennie Parker n't been any real support of first-party joysticks or fighting con-
Sales and Marketing Telephone: (415) 357-5310
trollers. My point is that for players of my ilk who are used to
Senior Account Executive Marc Callison * and demand the arcade-quality controls, there are a scarce
Telephone: (415) 357-5276 number of controllers that even come close. Simply put,
Regional Sales Manager, Jon Yoffie * jon_yoffi many home peripherals don’t mimic the responsiveness,
Northwest Telephone: (415) 35 durability, comfort and, most importantly, the performance of
District Sales Manager, Karen Landon « arcades (where most of these fighters are born). Being an arcade
RUTTUITEE Telephone: (415) 357-5460 player, I'd rather game with a joystick than a pad. But no matter
District Sales Manager, Anthony George * what the new generation of systems and peripherals may come
Midwest and East Coast Telephone: (630) 916-7222 ext. 242 out with, | hope they cater to the popular genre in terms of its
Marketing Manager Lynn Smiley
arcade origins and live up to the demands of comfort, performance
and durability.
Send Advertising Materials: Mike Darling
Advertising Coordinator 1920 Highland Ave., Ste. 222
Lombard, IL 60148
Telephone: (630) 916-7222 Cool sound
FAX: (630) 916-7227 Latest phrase
Founder Steve Harris We don’t need another
Death by Tekken
New mascot
Themes of the month
Debate Team

’ m

Light Burn, most commonly
brought on by prolonged exposure
to are welding, bright snow,
tanning lamps and
intense 3—-D game graphics.

To receive playing tips and reduce your chances of light burn , call the Eidos Hint Line (900) 173 - 4367.
Cost of cal) $0.95/minute. Must be 18 years or have parent's permission. Touch tone phone required.


Light burn. It's the silent injury. Severe pain may not
occur until up to six hours after initial exposure to
Eidos games like Deathtrap Dungeon and Ninja. At
which point, despite all protests, the player must stop
playing and be put to rest in a darkened room. Because
it's all fun and gameplay until someone loses an eye.

You’ve been warned.
Chief Financial Officer Timothy O'Brien
President, ZD Publishing Claude P. Sheer
President, ZD Market Bob Brown
President, ZD Comdex Jason Chudnofsky
and Forums.
President,ZD Brand and Terri Holbrooke
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Best Video Game Vice President, Steve Gladyszewski

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Gossip, News and Vice President, General J, Malcolm Morris
Info...24 Hours Day Counsel and Secretary
) Vice President, Controller Mark Moyer
or Night! 4 yf Vice President, Human Tracy Nadi
All By Phone! = Resources, Operations

Winning is really fun! To play, just Treasurer Thomas

L. Wright
Oe EC) enter our contest area and answer a
, :
series of cool and easy video game
erate SHES ines
Quartermann Gossip
iV A Executive Director Jeff Bruce
trivia questions! Executive Director Scott Murphy
Managing Director Rita Burke

Before It's in EGM! ZD Brand & Market Services

mai feMaieons Brooke Correll

ae heeecoe Michael Perkowski

©) Call and Record

Consee ne ce coavee
Your Own Reviews zD Saat aia
& Tricks! Director, Corporate Relations Gregory Jarboe

© Get the Latest

President Claude P. Sheer
Executive Vice President Don Byrnes

EGN? Tricks, Codes

Executive Vice President Chris Dobbrow
Executive Vice President Jack Dolce

& Strategy! Executive Vice President

Executive Vice President
Al DiGuido
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Executive Vice President Michael J. Miller
© Listen to Real Live Senior Vice President Nancy Newman
Vice President Bob Bader
Review Crew Vice President John Dodge

Game Ratings!
Vice President Kathleen Goodwin
Vice President Roger Herrmann

Vice President Jonathan Lane

ELECTRONIC Vice President —Eric Lundquist
Vice President Bill Machrone
SOME WINNERS WILL GET AN EGM HAT! Vice President Charles Mast

Vice President
Vice President
James F. Ramaley
Paul Somerson
Product Names Are Trademarks or
Registered Trademarks of Tiger Electronics, Inc. Vice President Mark Van Name
Vice President Sam Whitmore
1. nity. To enter, cone a
month, Zi nb for uintligi 2. Prizes: Winnerswillceive one(1)ofthe k Executive Director, Licensing Gertrud Borchardt
Wars, BrainWarp,o Zf-Davis merchandise Prizeshaveanapproximate rela least$15 Al prize winners wl be noted by mai. ri Director Benchrmark Operation... Bill Catcbings
of Zi-Davis should the featured prizes) become unavailable. 3, Eig ones open to residentsofUnited States. Vid in Maryland. Non-compliance wihhe time parameters conained hereinolum of ; ie ieacsbing)
anyprielpize notification as undeliverable wil sui in squalfcation. Winners or thei alquatdans shallretuma signed afidavtofeigityelease of abilty/rize acceptance
within5daysof recipork Directon-20 Labs. LaurenBlack
Employees of ZiDavis Inc, Tiger affiates
arenot 3s, ore
ting from this contest. Wr for any warranty or guarantee, whether Ziff-Davis Inc.,
to any prize including but nt A SOFTBANK Company
— “8 OUT OF 10” EGA

© 1997 Revolution Sot

PeySaton an hea
‘aretrademarks of Sony Con
Se rieannenie

















1080° Snowboarding @
Auto Destract
Bomberman 64 4
Breath of Fire ty
Bust-A-Move 3 /
Ga oo} be!
ue A / gamers fon

2 Ea onl nth 20


ieGiger 3D
Having five lives-isn’t enough for
this game,so plug in-thé Extra
: fy Lives-codeto get1o more!

pA/oomberman 64
Z/ MWith this code, gamers can-choose Re eaaeea iG y j 51 speed LaCer Y
Arom/four new Battle Mode Stages ' @ Z J Pocess all carsia Course Select
to-play in. ee 7 code, a-day-ornight<only race
j i" Z J pls mote By these codes.
¥ N g Vie
[ 7S
26 Zoideneye’ 007 is
¢ “This GameShark code reveals
pictures of the four James Bond q
actors from the movies, / p=

trick of/the-amonth 7 *
Bexventer the gecko wane
( By entering in'the Debug Ment
A 4/ Codey gamers Can get a Level Menu,
Za collectibles Menu-plus more, ‘Be eer
the who's new =e =? , Yh
of the PS’;
10:).4:4<) oS)
Tekken 3 fans will finally be able to play this ky Strike
game on the PlayStation. This issue we give
basic strategies for each character, 10-hit | LOLAsee
String moves plus how to beat the other
characters when using a certain player. lei again
Also, we unveil the new PS-exclusive characters and
Bj Readers loved em so much Jastissue we
their techniques starting on PAGE 64.
S decided t6bting them back again this
issué, Courtesy”“ofTrickmart Tefry. Over 1,000
“Julia is kind of unique, mostly tricks for the N6y,, the PSand:the ssare awaiting
because Michelle and Wang % tricks enthusiasts/on PACE 24,
Z, are not in this version.” Vb,

‘ten 10 to he, Ae MO
or burn rgilelecsw bel deel SMe
Nraitty day, til means you éarvplay your favors sports game, especially if it’s on-ehome corals. ECM.
provides the ins and/outts ontwo snowboarding <
games (10807 Snowboarding, ‘Snowbostd Kids)/a SSENGY
Lys Bee For Speed Til)plus two baseball we AN 99, yy, iy499). iy hegin onePAGES67,

the bestway tagetstrikesis to workthecorn rsofthé plate.” Wy LY

tp rps extravaganza ,
RPGErs won’ tbe’ feftout of this isstle/Because we AdGAG playing Mega for SaGa
Fronitier and Breath of Fife il. InSaGa/ Frontier, an extensive walk-through is provided tor allAhe
characters’ Gincluding the secret Characters)An Breath Offite Il, Ahe guide gives Kelpful tips on
what to do in towns, how to stop Bossesy magic info plus general hints (ike How/ishing cart be
anadded bonys inthe
i Yes xin), The adventures commence on’ PAGE 78.

“Don't(4 tempted to rush into every battle with one of theMoh y,

dragons when wii a Boss.” (BaF WW) i

ee Me to fight with Me
Moby ZYbelejeedsphy/7 7
Besides having Tekken’ inthis issue, fighting game fans can learnall the basictechnigues fortwo.” j,
moreshot games; Dead or Alive and thrgeiz’As well, the guides will provide strategy and Moyes tj
lists to help-gamers knock out the yg ys Tite fisticutts begin ow PAGE to0., 7 Y

y and Tifaare time-released wyyyeyy (EhrgeZ


66 d je ee ret
A if eal me. Whip me. Just don't hit that Quit button?” Cons erityour
i ? 7 2 i
> battle cry. Then bring on ‘the -skelétal warriors, zombies and over 50
. ny <
other u ndead denizens. ach one isa chance to slice and ‘dice likea Ginsu
lanife done bad. An opportunity to master the 13 death implements at’



your ¢ x on. and leave the other on-line

la erying lor mo: 10 cavernous levels of evil traps,

all about blurring that fine | between pleasure and pa And just

when you think you cant take it any lo -, consider the alternative. You’ve been. warned.
Written hy Gamers’ Forum goes above and
eyond the normal letters section:
The Gaming earn who's scored big, gripe about
aming wrongdoings, find out what
Goddess igwig said what about whom, throw
round some trash talk, check out the
EG? Gamers’ Forum oolest envelope art around—and
1920 Highland Ave. Suite 222 that’s just the start! Include your
Lombard, IL 60148 ame and complete mailing address
E-MAIL: EGM2@ZD.COM when submitting letters.

LETTER OF THE MONTH Bloody cooler doesn’t work. | got Grade A by

beating the game in 2:21. All | got
Dear EGM’,
was the submachine gun and the
In Gex: Enter the Gecko, | can’t 4th Survivor Mode for Hunk.
Takes too long... find the last blood cooler in
Smellraiser. In issue #45’s guide,
What am | doing wrong?
Dear EGM, What | am trying to say is it said it was in the exit remote via Internet
Can a game be too long? that a game doesn’t have to be room for the elevator mission.
According to our source’s time,
My answer is yes, | do think a long to offer great gameplay. I've searched high and low, but | these are the stipulations: In both
game can be too long. Games that are long run out of still can’t find it. cases, you need an A (or possi-
For instance, take a game fresh ideas, so they have to Mark Iwinski
bly a B) rating to get the special
like Tomb Raider Il. It is really throw the same kind of things via Internet weapons, but the difference is in
fun, but it’s about a week’s at you again. In my opinion, The one you are looking for
the times. If you beat it in under
worth of the same old crap: You long games have bad qualities has been moved to this location: three hours, you get the subma-
run all the way to the end of the that are hidden by the fact that Enter the room with the toilets chine gun, but if you beat it in
level, jumping over pits and the game has great graphics or and turn around when you under 2:30, you get the rocket
climbing over rocks to get a key fresh ideas, and to me, the first enter. The cooler should launcher, the submachine gun
to open a door back on the gameplay comes first. be there. and the gatling gun.
other end of the level, only to James Welch (BTW: We have received many We suggest that you double
go on to more of the same. Plattsburgh, NY letters regarding the first part check your time—perhaps your
It seems like everything you of the Gex strategy guide in time was slightly off.
do in the game you can predict, Your complaint really isn’t the issue #45. By the time that guide
because it has probably already length of the game, but the was put to press, Crystal did
happened to you—or at least monotony that sometimes can some last-minute changes to
something similar to it. happen during a game— the game. In issue #46, the
However, | do think Tomb whether it is lengthy or not. changes were pointed out and
Raider is a very good game. We agree it’s fantastic to the guide amended.)
It is probably my best game get 70+ hours of gameplay
besides Resident Evil 2. But out of a game (especially with
Tomb Raider II can’t even com- prices being the way they are).
pare to RE2, which gives as But if you're fighting similar
much gameplay as Tomb Il, baddies with similar patterns
because when you beat the over and over again, it can be
Beat RE2 under 2:30 and you'll get
game with each character, you extremely boring.
cool weapons like the rocket launcher.
get another game for him/her. RE2 is a great example of a
And if you beat the game a cer- lengthy game that offers fresh
tain way, you get a new charac- replayability. Companies should
ter. So when you finally beat make playing the game a sec- S
RE2, you want to play it more ond or third time different, like You'll need to search a room
because it is so addictive. RE2 has done. This way, carefully or you could miss an item. * Former EGM? art guru
gamers will want to keep Cyril Wochok for his Need
on playing the game just for Speed expertise—now
James won an
InterAct Control
to see if they can unlock
different secrets and/ Missing treats... get to work!

Pad for the N64, or characters. Dear EGM’,

PlayStation or In EGM? #45, it said that you
Saturn! could unlock the gatling gun as a
secret weapon. | tried it out, but it


Tekken 3 (PS) . Blitz
Gex; Enter the Gecko Bust-A-Move
Bloody Roar Tekken 3 (PS)
Time Crisis 2 Solitaire
Marvel vs. Capcom Ultima



Need for Speed III Tekken 3 (PS)

Tekken 3 (PS) Bio F.R.E.A.K.S.
Find out which games made FFVII GoldenEye 007
#1 on the console systems, FF Tactics Resident Evil 2
pinball, arcade, in Japan Battlezone Berserk
° and in the editors’ eyes.
16 EGM
The Goddess clears up some Gex confusion, helps defeat an evil Boss
lar} dresses Lara Croft...

Bloopers revealed five hits, then go into the portal

to see the movie. After the cred-
begin firing as soon as the cine-
ma ends. Second, shoot as fast
on...they are just beige-colored
(most definitely a glitch). You can
Dear EGM’, its, the bloopers appear. as you possibly can. (It should also make out her black belt.
You asked how to do the MK Jonathan Martinez take seven to nine shots.) Third, Besides, there isn’t a nude code
Mythologies bloopers. Well, this Encino, CA avoid its limbs and getting too for Tomb Raider II.
is how you do it: You need at Thanks Jonathan and to every- close, because if it grabs you, it
least five urns of vitality (you can one else who wrote in with the can do a lot of damage.
also do the password for 10). answer to Jon Nomak’s question For more Resident Evil 2 tips,
Then you have to beat Shinnok that appeared in issue #45. turn to issues #45, #46 and #47.
when he turns into a huge mon-
ster. (You beat him by using the
Polar Blast.) Use the urns to
recharge your ice meter after
vator go up?
Rastlin’Peat) codes
Dear EGM’, Dear EGM?,
each Polar Blast. He dies after In MK Mythologies, we are In WCW Nitro, how do you get
having problems getting the ele- the hidden characters?
vators to work for the Prison of badboyy
Souls Level. Can you help? via Internet
Ashley Woodward First start the game and go to Are we missing something or is
Shawn Bunkheila the Title Screen. Once there, Lara Croft?
Hattiesburg, M I press R1, R1, R1, R1, L1, L1, L1,
a part of High Scores. Remember,
Hold the L1 button and hit High L1, R2, R2, R2, R2, L2, L2, L2,
you must send in a picture to verify
Kick to make the elevator go up. L2 and Select. You should hear a
your claim.
sound if you entered the code
This month’s challenge is from
our editor Andy Baran. The game Not too tough... correctly. For more Nitro codes,
check out issue #45.
this month is 1080° Snowboarding Dear EGM?,
for the N64. His score of 47,633 in | was looking for a way to
the halfpipe seems unbeatable, or is defeat the last Boss (the one
it? on the train) in RE2. | looked at
He accomplished this score with a all the survival guides (even
series of combinations of 360°s and EGWM #45), and each one said
540°s. Here’s his advice: to unload the rest of my ammo
“I like to keep my speed high into it and | should be fine.
by crouching whenever I’m on Well, I’ve tried every weapon,
the ground. I charge my jumps at but none of these did any dam-
the same time, and release both age. Can you help?
at the top of the pipe. This gets Theo Hockman
Unlock secret characters by doing IME
me the height and time to do the via Internet
the code mentioned above.
rotations. Then I spin my way toa The “Blob” isn’t a hard foe; Maio) yqomt you aolel| j
however, there are a few things e Giit-stcle Wp}
high score.” GO, Vom em traten th |
you should do to defeat it. First,
Nude Raider II? emo rorie and par |
Dear EGM,
In the February issue (#44),
there is a picture of Lara shimmy-
ing across a waterfall naked. Did
you guys access a nude code,
and if so, what is it?
M. Benjamin
Maric toys.
St. John’s, Antigua
From the way the screen shot rAd be [\agal toe |
Ba Ohunens, ONE
x ; ss was taken, you could sorta say
EGIf High Scores she is topless, however she
Make sure you dodge the “Blob’s”
1920 Highland Ave. Ste. 222 ISN'T. If you look more closely at
waving arms!
Lombard, IL 60148 the picture, she has her clothes


INETiarere) PS/Square
. Striker 1945 Part Il . Bio Hazard
Worldwide Video PS/Capcom
. Golden Tee ’97 Aejday
40 . Gran Turismo
Incred. Tech PS/Sony
. Golden Tee 3D Golf . Bust A Move: R&D
Incred. Tech PS/Enix
. Marvel vs. Capcom . SD Gundam G Century S
Capcom pStsy/ssclate
EGM? 17
n Zelda 64 and Spice World (yes
d, plus a “nice” letter.

Zelda...please girlfriend and games. | expected

your reply to be, “Dump her!
PlayStation? | mean the Spice
Girls are hot, but what is going
your creativity really shine! Send your
Dear EGM,, Opposites don’t attract, especially on? Spice mania?
My friend and | were wondering “What Ifs” in and maybe they'll get
if she hates games! Date a Alex Keller
when Zelda is going to come out published in our mag! All you have to
gamer!” Other gaming magazines New York, NY
for the N64. We've been waiting do is think of the weirdest possible
often reply like that. Spice World (tentative title) will
like a year. The game looks awe- thing you can imagine and write it
| was wrong to think that your be released on the PlayStation
some, and we’re dying to play it! down! Easy enough!
publication was just like any sometime in the near future in
nyle and matt other. | was very, very surprised Japan. (As of press time, it is
via the Internet that you suggested a “real” solu- unknown if the States will be so ...Austin Powers met Lara Croft?
As of press time, you'll have to tion. Because of this action, more “lucky” as to have the game (Shaggadelic, baby. YEAH!!)
wait until the end of 1998 or pos- people will likely write to you released here.) It'll be a music ...Beavis and Butt-head met the
sibly the beginning of 1999 about problems concerning peo- game where you'll be able to cast of South Park?
before this game comes out. ple and gaming. This proved that direct the Spice Girls on stage ...Carrot Top’s movie was the
EGM’ is a serious but fun maga- as well as see some interview biggest-selling box-office smash
zine (very, very informative and footage or listen to some of all time?
eye-catching, too). musical tracks. ...the Spice Girls and Hanson
Kaye Amul were hidden characters in Bio
via the Internet F.R.E.A.K.S.?
The Letters section isn’t just -pro wrestling was real?
about how to beat a certain game ...PaRappa the Rapper met MC
or when a game will be released. Hammer?
| It’s also about how gaming ...Krusty the Clown met Sweet
affects readers’ lives. Tooth in Twisted Metal?
009 a The Goddess hates it when ...Sega put Nintendo and Sony
It could be Christmas time before other mags give “smart-ass” out of business? (On a cold day
Zelda 64 is released. remarks to a reader's problem. in hell, and the devil gives out
So this section will only have free sleigh rides!)
= al
Positive response honest, nonjudgmental answers
(unless, of course, you leave If only there was a Throw-A-Tomato
A.J. Kirsch
Mill Valley, CA
Dear EGM’, yourself wide open by asking Mode in this game...
My brother recently bought what type of games would be .the truth isn’t out there?
issue #43, and your magazine good with a steering wheel-
has helped us to get through type controller). EGM on the Web .the Menard’s man had his own
video game?
some of our PS games. | also Dear EGM,
-Turok was a hidden character
had fun browsing through the Is it true that EGM’, EGM and
ads. But the most interesting Zig-a-what? the Official PlayStation Magazine
in Diddy Kong Racing?
...cheats didn't exist in games?
part for me was the Q&A section. Dear EGM’, are forming a Web site?
Benji Son
| read Ryan Komon's letter, | have a question regarding Philip Brady
Hobart, IN
which was about his problem Spice World, the movie with the Bronx, NY
regarding his love for his Spice Girls. Why the Yes we are, and in fact,
a hell do | see a Spice is up
World game for the and running as we speak.

T. Jarrett of

Matt Miller
Sharon, PA

Put your creative skills

to the test by decking out a plain
#10 envelope (you know, the long
business type) with your own unique
touch. Send your letter art submis-
sion to: EGM' Letter Art, 1920 Highland
Avenue, Suite 222, Lombard, IL 60148. (Note: Entries
submitted on anything other than a #10 envelope
The ROAD RASH Blood Drive


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The GameSpot Network features content from magazines like Electronic Gaming Monthly, EGM?
and Computer Gaming World, in addition to content created by SpotMedia Communications.

Surf the Web in style on, the premier source of video game information
on the Web. Nowhere else will you find a complete archive of previews, reviews and news
for all of the top systems—PlayStation, Nintendo 64 and Saturn-plus arcade, too!

| Tokyo Game
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= Mortal Kombat 4 fans can look forward

to N64 and PS versions to be released this
summer. As reported by, all
fatalities and arenas should be in the game,
plus a few extras like Practice, Tournament
and Two-player Tag Team Modes. Also, Goro
These N64 screen shots for MK4 has been confirmed to be in the game and
prove that the game will be intense. —_Noob Saibot is being considered...
| Making Wareames

® According to, Acclaim will be developing a South Park

game for the PC and home consoles to be released in 1999. Although what TekRenIRiEmg,
type of game it will be and its theme is still debatable, gamers can plan on it
having lots of “Love Gravy”... PYStation

@ Nintendo has announced a new Color Game Boy to be released in Bret

the U.S. sometime this year. reports that the Color GB’s
technology lets it display 56 colors simultaneously—a big difference over the
current four-color display. As well, Nintendo stated that the Color GB could in
the near future connect with the N64...

Ain't no dawg ———. |

In Kitty the Kool! from Imagineer, play as - a ue CRRA
a dancing cat from the popular Hello Kitty ) if = - wee,
series. Although similar to PaRappa and Bust S
A Move, you can control the song’s tempo in
this game, meaning you can set your own
pace. Check it out this summer for the PS.

i a Vy

COAVAY, J MIG If you just can’t get enough of EGM? (or our sister publication EGM) in print, check us out online
SSOP ay with our newly redesigned Web site! It's the only place where you'll
get expanded coverage about our features, news, previews,
reviews and strategy guides—as well as give you
© the chance to offer feedback! Here's just a
snippet of cool info found in EGM issue #106:

..There is a lot of E° gossip flying about. Many companies are trying to keep (
it under their hats what they will be showing at the convention. However, the Q
heard LucasArts might be showing five new games-one of them being a Tomb 4
Raider-style Indiana Jones game. Also, it is rumored that Sega will unveil its *
new system (Katana) behind closed doors. It's unknown what games will be \4 j
ready at release, but gamers can count on one having the word “Sonic in it... x >
..Gamers can expect to “be like Tiger” sometime in the near future. EGM : .
reported that EA will be developing a Tiger Woods golf game. Plus EA will attach
his name to future installments of the popular PGA Tour Golf series...

For daily news updates from the editors of

20 EGM and /////1!// ep Visit:

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Level Codes
These passwords will take you to
some of the hardest levels in the
game. On the Title Screen, go into the
Options. From the Options, choose
new battle stages: Press Password and enter these codes:
Start at the Title Screen. @ The Terraformer:
When the Main Menu Screen CB92NBPLSYL?J027
Main Engineering:
appears, press Start rapidly BXYH?G416Z4JPJ?Z
until you hear a ringing sound. @ Holding Area:
Now go into Battle Mode to CYCCMGPKX47GTS2B
choose the new stages. @ Tech Center:

@ Alpha Quadrant:
@ Research Lab:
witha Our huge tricks list
Batt ties
@ Final Outpost:

last month was such FVV9FLS5QGFVDWJB

@ Even Simpler:
from InterAct
and a hit with readers, 13 sieusu FFLBMQ6CVV1CPF1B

If your trick is selected as the EGWM? has opted to Cheat Menu

Trick of the Month, you will win a
free GameShark courtesy of revamp the section. Go to the Password Option and
InterAct. If you're given credit for
submitting a great trick in this
Not only do we have This will take you to the first level in
When this menu appears, press the game. Then pause and you will
section, you'll win a free game! more hot tricks to Start rapidly until you hear a sound. notice a new option, “Features!” By
For more details and rules on
the contest, read the text below. show off, but we selecting this, you will find
all you need to conquer the game!
pretty much

E-mail your tricks and cheats

make them easy to
On all e-mails, be sure to
find. Looking for a Easy Win
include your name, address, city, trick? Look here first! During the match, pause and access
state and zip code. For those who
prefer snail mail, send tricks to: the Controller Select Option. Then
move the Controller icon under the
Tricks of the Trade other team’s flag. When you go back to
1920 Highland Ave. Suite 222 Secrets to Earn, Codes the game, dribble the ball into that
Lombard, IL 60148 team's own goal. Repeat this process
@ Enable Spanky: To get him,
Contests like this are found until you have enough points, and
complete all three bonus missions.
before the match ends, switch back to
only in the Best Video Game @ New Planes in Deathmatch: Now you can ehaate from four the winning team. You are assured to
Magazine on the Planet: EGM?! You get a new plane for each
And while you're at it, make sure mission completed.
new battle stages like this one! win every time!
to visit for @ Extra Pilot and Plane: At the Title
the latest video game codes, Screen (not the Main Menu Screen),
updates and news around. press Left-C, Down-C, Right-C, Up-C, hold L + Right-C + Down-C to access
San Francisco. Cheat Menu
Left-C, Right-C, Down-C. Then check
the Plane Select Screen on the far left. Lights and Sirens Code
‘At the Main Menu press Left, Left,
ki L, Right, Right, Left, Left.
‘1,No Purchase Necessary: To enter, sendaleter or standard size Get a high score during any race and
All Items
postcard withyourbesttrick codes for any video game to "Ticks ofthe then scroll down to the bottom of the
‘rade’, 1920 Highland Avenue, Suite 222, Lombard, nol 60148, ore
‘mai us at egmiks, Be sure to include your name, adress, Custom Body Parts—Partial List high scores list and hold Down-Left to Enter the Cheat Menu code shown
andphonenumber.No purchase or payment of any money is necessary make the conveyor belt move. After above, then return to the Main Menu
toenter. Oneenry per household. Entries mustbereceived byApri 2, Here's where to find some of about 30 or more seconds, a head will and press R, C-Right, Right, L, C-Left,
1998, Allenves becomeexclusive property of Sponsors and wil nolbe Bomberman’s optional outfit parts:
acknowledged or retumed. Sponsors assume no respons foros scroll by. Now, exit and get back to the Left, C-Right, Right. A new item called
lated,ale,legible, incomplete, postage-de, or misdrected entries. @ Tennis Shoes: In the blue resort. Car Select Screen. Choose either the “ALL ITEMS” should become available.
Sponsors reserve the right to cancel his contest at anytime wth appro- It is in Level 1 under the bridge that
‘ate natice,Only one prize per family ganization, or household per bus or the police car by holding Up-C,
‘issue, Wining enres may be printed in EGM’ andr EGM, however, has a box under it and a blue guy on Invineibility
‘onlyoneprize shall be awarded, Left-C and Down-C at the same time
the bridge.
2. Prizes: First Prize winners wil have ther name and trick displayed in and scrolling through the cars. At any Enter the Cheat Menu code shown
the magazine and wil receive a video game cartridge selected by @ Iron Armor: In the white glacier. It time during the race, tap Brake, above, then press the R button seven
Sponsor. First Prize has an approximate retail value of $60.00. The best is in Level 1 behind one of the houses.
tick submited by the First Prize winners wil be declared the Grand Prize Brake, then hold the Gas button. Your times, then Left on the D-pad. If done
‘Winner. One Grand Prize winer wil receive (in adston to tho First Prize Take a pump bomb and throw it at the
lights (and sirens) will activate. right you'll hear a tone. Go into the
‘avards) one (1) GameShark. Grand Prize has an approximate retail houses. Run over the roof and put a Cheat Menu and turn invincibility on.
value of $109.95. Winners willbe selected bya judging panel whose
decisions are final. Winners shallbeseloctd from allabd enres bomb by the tree to get it.
‘eceived. Enis shal be judged on the folowing criteria: () Uniqueness. @ Cat Suit: It’s in the blue resort on Level Select
(25%); (3) Novelty (25%) (i) Accuracy (25%); and (w) Originality (25%) Level 3.
<iudging to be held on or about Apri 25, 1968. Al prize winners wil be Play as Bosses Enter the Cheat Menu code shown _
‘oified by mail, Prize(s) are nonranslrable. No substitutions of prize(s) above, then press L button, L button,
ate alowed, except atthe option of Sponsors shoud the featured prizes To play as the Bosses, Demitron
become unavalablo and Sonork, go to the Title Screen and
L button, C-Right, Right, Left, Left,
3, Odds ofWinning: Thenumberof winners andthe odsof wining wi C-Left.
be dotomined by numb of valid entries received New Vehicles enter L button, R button, Up-C, Down-
4, Eligibility: Contest open to residents of United States and Canad No Monsters
Void in Quebec. Non-compliance wit the time parameters contained At the Choose Car Screen, highlight
C, Left-C, Right-C for Sonork. Enter A,
hore or retum of any prze/prize nication as undeliverable wil resuit B, R button, L button, Down C, Up-C
Enter the Cheat Menu code then
in disqualtcaton, Winners or their legal quarans shall sgn an adit any of the cars except for the red
for Demitron.
of ebgbiltytelease of laby/rize acceptance within 5 days of receipt or Ferrari. The trick will not work on this press L button, Left-C, Left, R button,
fortet prize, By aoeptance of prize, winner(s) agree fo the use of ther Right-C, Right, Left, Left, Right. You'll
name andor lizeness for purposes ofadvertising, rade, orpromotion car. Once any of the others is highlight-
without futher compensation, unless prohibited by aw. Employees of ed (it will spin around), press and hold hear a siren if you did the code right.
Zzt-Davis nc, InterAct Accessories and their respective afiates ae not Then go in the Cheat Menu and now
eligible, Neither Zit-Davs Inc, InerAct Accessories nor thelr respective the Top, Left and Bottom-C buttons Get Secret Characters
subsidiaries, visions, o related companies are responsible for simultaneously. The vehicle highlighted you can turn the monsters on and off.
taxes, or expenses thal consumers might incur as aresut will change into a different one! You @ Get Drumstick: Get all of the
oF receiptofprize. Winners accepting prizes agree that all
prizes ‘on the condition that Zif-Davis in, InterAct can now play the game as a police car, amulets and all of the trophies. Head
‘Accessoriesandtheicagents,representatives, andemployees wil have to the point you start at and find the
‘nolabity whatsoever foranyinjuces,losses,ordamagesofanykind a jeep or even a school bus! Keep
frog with feathers. Honk at it and you Secret Fighters
‘sulting fromacceptance, possession, oruseoftheprizes. holding these and press Start to
5. Winners List; Fora fst of winners, senda stamped, sel-addressed choose it. will get him.
envelope idetying the month for which the winners st is requested @ T.T.: Beat his personal time on
To get each secret playable fighter,
“Tricks ofthe Trade Winners List, 1920 Highland Avenue, Suite 222, Access Three New Tracks have a star next to your name. To get
‘Lombard, inois 69148, Requests for winners lists mustbereceived by every Time Trial track.
these stars, beat the game. For:
‘the 15th dayofnext month folowing the on-sae date othe publication.
4 weeks fr delivery of winners Ist. On “Choose Race” Screen, highlight Find the Fifth Secret World @ Boro: Beat on the Easy setting.
Restrictions: Void where prohibited or resticted by law. Al federal US 1014 and hold L + Left-C + Down-C @ Robert the Robot: Beat all foes in
stale and local regulations apply. to access Golden Gate Park. Highlight Get all of the amulets and trophies.
‘Sponsors: This contest is sponsored by ZiDavs Inc and InlerAct the Faster Mode in less than a minute.
Accessories, inc, ©1987 Zit-Davis Inc, All Rights Reserved. Beverly Hills and hold L + Up-C + Then go in front of the lighthouse and
Printed in USA Right-C. Highlight Grand Canyon and honk at it. It will transform into a rock-
et and take you to the space world. Continued on Page 25

24 EGM —
@ The Joker: This is the hardest of Down-C, Up-C, Left-C, Left-C.
them all. Beat all 100 fighters in the @ Health: (100 percent health
Survival Mode. boost) Left-C, Up-C, Down-C, Down-C.
@ The Master: Go through Master Under the Collect Option, enter the
Mode and win each and every battle. codes for these cheats:
@ Ushi the Cow: Go into Rodeo @ All Keys: (get every key) Down-C,
Mode and survive a battle with her for Up-C, Left-C, Right-c.
one minute. You can’t kill her or the 0 to the Bike Selection All Artifacts: (get every artifact)
code won't work. Screen. Press the R button Up-C, Right-C, Down-C, Up-C.
All weapons: (get every weapon)
to get to the Controls Screen.
Right-C, Up-C, Down-C, Down-C.
Move Up and access the Name @ Puzzle Items: (get all of the puzzle
Time Codes option. Clear the current name pieces on the level) Up-C, Left-C three
Codes will be revealed by completing and enter XGTEAM as the times, Right-C, Down-C, Down-C.
each level under a certain time, at a name. Press Start; listen for a
certain difficulty level. Here are the sound to confirm the trick
levels and times you need:
works. Now go back in and Get Two Hidden Teams GameShark Codes
@ Level 1: Dam—Paintball Mode—
Secret Agent—2:40 enter a programmer's name: There are two ways to find them. Infinite Armor: 8027cff500c8
@ Level 2: Facility—invincibility— GREG, JUSTIN, ASH, SHAWN or You can either play through and beat Infinite Armor: 8027cff900c8
00 Agent—2:05 JOHN. In Practice or Time Trials the entire League Mode, or go to the
@ Level 3: Runway—DK Mode— Modes, you will see your face Title Screen and put in this code: Up, L
Agent—5:00 button, Up, L button, Down, L button,
of choice on the top of the bike GameShark Codes
@ Level 4: Surface—2x Grenade Down, L button, Left, R button, Right,
Launcher—Secret Agent—3:30
as you race. In Shoot-’Em-Up R button, Left, R button, Right, R but- P1. Always Has 0 Star:
@ Level 5: Bunker—2x Rocket Mode, you will be chasing multi- ton, B, A, press and hold the Z button 802097570000
Launcher—00 Agent—4:00 ple copies of your chosen face! and press Start. You will hear a sound P1 Start w/Extra Stars:
@ Level 6: Silo—Turbo Mode— confirming that it worked. Now, choose 02097570000
Agent—3:00 your mode of play and a one- or two- P1 Start w/Extra Stars:
@ Level 7: Frigate—No Radar player game, both Vs. CPU or CPU Vs. 80209757000f
(Multi) —Secret Agent—4:30 CPU. On the next screen, scroll P2 Always Has O Stars:
Level 8: Surface2—Tiny Bond— through the teams to see two new 8020b61f0000
00 Agent—4:15 team icons to choose from. P2 Start w/Extra Stars:
@ Level 9: Bunker2—2x Throwing d020b61f0000
Big Heads for Players
Knives—Agent—1:30 P2 Start w/Extra Stars:
@ Level 10: Statue—Fast Go to the Title Screen and enter 8020b61f000F
Animation—Secret Agent—3:15 this code: Top-C, Top-C, Bottom-C,
@ Level 11: Archives—invisibility— Bottom-C, Left-C, Right-C, Left-c,
00 Agent—1:20 Right-C, B, A, then hold the Z button
@ Level 12: Streets—Enemy and press Start. GameShark Codes
Rockets—Agent—1:45 Enemy Cannot Aim:
@ Level 13: Depot—Slow 8002ce400030
Animation—Secret Agent—1:30 After entering XGTEAM, go back Enemy Cannot Aim:
@ Level 14: Train—Silver PP7—00 Special Codes
and enter one of the names listed. 80030b1c0030
Agent—5:25 @ Colors Code: At the character pro- Play Egyptian Level (Multi):
@ Level 15: Jungle—2x Hunting file demo, press Z, B, A, Z, A, L. You'll 8002b537000b
Knives—Agent—3:45 hear, “Welcom: fou can now choose Play Caverns Level (Multi):
@ Level 16: Control—infinite the gold, shadow, etc. colors. 8002b537000a
Ammo—Secret Agent—10:00 @ Gargos Code: At the character Play Archives Level (Multi):
@ Level 17: Caverns—2x RC- profile demo, press Z, A, R, Z, A, B. y 8002b5370009
P90s—00 Agent—9:30 You'll hear Gargos laugh. Now he is Play Bunker Level (Multi):
@ Level 18: Cradle—Gold PP7— selectable as a normal character. 8002b5370008
Agent—2:15 @ Random Select: Hold Up
@ Level 19: Aztec—2x Lasers— and press Start at the Character
Secret Agent—9:00 Selection Screen.
@ Level 20: Egyptian—All Guns— GameShark Codes
00 Agent—6:00 Music and Stage Select

Secret Level Editor In a two-player game, the first per-

The programmer’s face will appear son chooses the stage and the second
Once you finish every single level in Infinite Stamina: 81138400447a
the game on the “OO Agent” difficulty
on the bike in Practice or Time Trial. person chooses the music. Hold the
Infinite Stamina: 81138404447a
buttons accordingly for these results
setting (plus bonus levels 19 and 20), (Key: 1=Quick Punch, 2=Med. Punch,
a special “O07 Mode" will open. This 3=Fierce Punch, 4=Quick Kick, 5=Med.
is an Editor Screen, in which you can Kick, 6=Fierce Kick, U=Up, D=Down):
configure options such as Enemy GameShark Codes
Sabrewulf’s Lair—U+: laya’s
Health, Enemy Damage, Enemy Jungle—U+2; Glacius’ Crash Site— Away Team Scores 150 Pts.:
Accuracy and Enemy Reaction Speed! U+3; Tusk’s Stone Henge—U+4; 8013c2b30096
Same Player in Multiplayer Fulgore’s Museum—U+5; Orchid’s Away Team Scores 0 Pts.:
Helipad—U+6; Jago’s Bridge—D+1; 8013c2b30000
Play in Multiplayer Mode using two Gargos’ Castle—D+2; Combo's
of the same character: To do this, plug
Street—D+3; Kim Wu's Dojo—D+4;
in four controllers. Enter Multiplayer
Spinal’s Ship—D+5; Sky Stage—D+5
Mode and select four characters with (Both players must press them). GameShark Codes
each controller, having players three
and four be the duplicates. Then go Team 2 Scores 0 Pts.:
In the Shoot-’Em-Up Mode, you will 8011f5710000
back to the Multiplayer Screen and
unplug controllers three and four. Have be chasing multiple faces! Team 1 Scores 0 Pts.:
Don’t Use Up Continues 8011c0610000
players one and two then choose the
players where three and four were. Start a one-player game. Choose
Then go back to the Multiplayer Screen your player at the Character Select
once again and plug players three and sound and a new “Cheat” Option will Screen. Now when you have been

four back in. Be sure to change the appear underneath the other options. defeated and it says, “Finish Him,” GameShark Codes (Ver. 1.1)
Player Option back to four. Now when Access this option and you will see press Start on the second player's infi 800f171f0000
you begin your match, there should be some faded, dark red options that you controller. Back at the Player Select Maxim ‘it PA:
two of the same character! cannot access. More codes must be Screen, choose any characters for play- 800f08310064
entered to make the rest of the cheats ers one and two. Have player one No Spirit P4: 800f08310000
work. Enter the following codes quickly defeat player two. After you do this, Maximum Spirit P2:
on the Cheat Menu: continue a one-player game, and you 800f0bd10064
Incredible Cheat Menu @ God Mode: (invincibility) Left-C, will have all of your continues intact. No Spirit P2: 800f0bd10000
Right-C, Down-C. Maximum Spirit P3:
Go into the game and press Start Free Play
i Clipping: (go through walls) Up-C 800f0f710064
to pause. At the Pause Screen Menu, 20 times, Down-C. To access the Free Play Mode, go to
enter the main cheat code with the C No SpiritP3: 800f0f710000
Visit: (Level Select) Left-C, Left-C, the Story Screen and quickly enter Up,
Maximum Spirit P4:
buttons on your controller: Up-C, Down-
Right-C, Right-C, Down-C, Up-C. Up, Right, Right, Left, Left, Down, 800f13110064
C, Left-C, Right-C. You will hear a @ Butcher: (instant enemy death) Continued on Page 26 No Spirit P4: 800f13110000

EGM? 25
@ Change Track Texture: Press and
hold Right-C, then the L button.
EDIRECOD! Release and press the Z button.
Repeat to choose different textures.
i} Bond Via a GameShark! @ Resurrect in Place: Hold the Z
DEFAULT.ON button, then press and hold Left-C
AoozH19B 0001 then Right-C. Keep holding the Z but-
RC ou’ve heard the rumors;
ton but release the others. Press and
Down. You'll hear a sound. If you lose, this one has come par- hold Right-C then Left-c.
your credits will now be on Free Play! tially true! This GameShark
All Question Marks code reveals pictures, on the
Selection Screen, of three of
On the Story Screen, take controller Bon: skLecT 2: DELETE 1: RETURN Title Screen Trick
one and very quickly, enter the code the four James Bond actors
on the designated buttons as shown: from the movies. Using a On the Title Screen, press the B
Create a new GameShark code button once and then start rotating the
Block, High Kick, Low Kick, Run, Low GameShark, create a new analog joystick around until the number
Punch, High Punch, High Punch, High with the GoldenEye cartridge.
code called All Bonds (or any 64 on the end of the logo begins to
Punch, Low Punch, Low Punch. Once
you do this, you should hear a voice. other name you like). Then move. Move it anywhere on the screen
Now on the Main Menu Screen, you enter this code: and the characters will follow it with
will have access to all three question A002B19B 00_ _ OHMSS their heads! Let go of the stick, and it
marks—green, blue and red! You may
For the two spaces, enter MULTIPLAYER OPTIONS will return to its original position.

now access Menu Screens with many Ployors: 4 Find Secret Areas/\ Warps
01 to see Roger Moore, 02 to Sconatio: Nota
options within the question marks Lovo Tompite
including Human Smoke, Khameleon, see Timothy Dalton or 03 to Game Leagth: 10 Minutes, 1 Go to Sector Y from Corneria: On
Free Play, etc. see Sean Connery. Begin your Woapons: , Rockots the first planet, Corneria, your wingman
Hoalth Falco will be attacked by three ships.
Reverse Babalities game with one of the codes Contra! Style The easiest way to take them out is
on, and then begin a multi- Ain ‘Sight ONCAIO Rim ON with a homing blast by holding the fire
Play a normal game against ‘the
computer or another player. Lose
player game. Sadly, you can't button and then letting it go on the
on purpose and wait for the “Finish play as the Bond actors, as middle ship. This will destroy the oth-
Now begin a multiplayer game to ers as well. After a little while, you will
Him/Her” to appear. If your opponent the programming was
performs a Babality on you, press see your chosen Bond picture. see arches made out of rocks. Make
removed from the game. sure you go underneath each arch.
and hold the High Punch+Low
Punch+High Kick+Low Kick buttons Falco will then lead you into the water-
on your pad before the sequence is ‘Soloct Charactor Solact Character Suloct Charactor Soloct Charactor fall (where you couldn't go before) to

being pressed on your opponent's fight a different Boss. After defeating
pad. Your character will change from a him, you'll head to Sector Y.
@ Go to Aquas: In Sector Y, get 100

baby to an adult, and then to a bloody
explosion for a Fatality! Bond kills or more to go to the planet Aquas.
| Seloer Chovacior Folost Chavoetor Seloct Character 1 Go to Sector Z: In Zoness,
shoot down all the floating spotlights
in the stage.
Vs. Numeric Codes @ Warp to Titania: When you're in
Trovolyan Xenia the meteor field Mateo, make it past
When at Tonight’ S$‘Matchup -
Screen the checkpoint and soon you will see
enter these codes using the A, Down-C rings made of light blue triangles.
and Right-C buttons: Now you can see three of the four The only missing Bond is George Go through all seven to warp into a
™ 025—Baby Mode classic Bonds on your screen! Lazenby. What happened to him? strange world full of power-ups.
48—No Music @ Warp to Sector Z: At around
@ 111—Tournament Mode the halfway point of Sector X, move
@ 120—Fast Passing to the left side of the screen and
@ 273—Stealth Turbo @ GLENNR (Glenn Robinson) Enter the following codes at the
stay in that general area. Eventually,
'84—Max Speed W GHILL (Grant Hill) Setup Menu for:
you'll have a choice of the direction
@ 390—No Pushing HGRANT (Horace Grant) @ Game Boy Mode (black and white
of two arrows. Pick the left one and
@ 461—Max Turbo JOHNSN (Larry Johnson) graphics): Up, Down, Right, C-Left,
soon you will be faced with a few
@ 552—Hyper Speed @ KEMP (Shawn Kemp) Down, Up, Left, C-Right, Up, Down.
gray/white rectangular gates. Shoot
16—Max Blocking @ KIDD (Jason Kidd) Enter the following codes at any
these constantly until they turn red,
'09—Quick Hands @ MALONE (Kar! Malone) time during a game. For:
and then they will open. (This is nearly
™@ 802—Max Power MOTUMB (Dikembe Mutombo) @ Flame Thrower: Down, Right,
impossible with anything other than
@ 937—Goal Tending Rarely Called @ MOURNG (Alonzo Mourning) Down, Right, C-Right.
the blue double laser, so make sure
™@ MURSAN (Gheorghe Muresan) @ Four-Way Fire: Down, Down, Up,
you have this weapon before getting
Vs. Joypad Codes @ PIPPEN (Scottie Pippen) C-Right.
to this point.) Once you have passed
‘Enter the ‘following codes at the | RODMAN (Dennis Rodman) @ Radiation Spray: Up, Down,
through the last gate, you will warp!
Team Matchup Screen: RICE (Glen Rice) C-Right, C-Left.
Avoid the rotating shapes and shoot
@ Big Heads—Up, Turbo and Pass @ SMITS (Rik Smits) ll Shield: Down, Left, C-Left, C-Right.
the enemies to survive in this alter-
at the same time. @ STAKH (Jerry Stackhouse) @ Speed Up: Left, Left, Right,
nate world.
@ Bigger Heads—Up, Up, Pass @ STARKS (John Starks) Right, C-Up.
and Turbo. WEBB (Spud Webb) @ Three-Way Fire: Right, Right, C-
@ Shot Percentage—Rotate the D- @ WEBBER (Chris Webber) Left, C-Down.
pad clockwise from the Up position. Play at Rooftop at Night
1 Two-Way Fire: Up, C-Up, Up, C-Up.
AT-ST, Wampa, Stormtrooper Codes
@ No Tag Arrow—Left, Left, Pass
and Turbo. When at the Tonight's Matchup Choose a new slot in the beginning
@ No Drift—Hold Down when enter- Screen hold Left on the Analog and of the game or rename an existing
ing a matchup, then when in the press Turbo (3X) to play a game on Change Car Appearance player with these words: . Wampa . .
matchup, Shoot, then Turbo. the Rooftop at Night. ‘These codes are done on the Car
Stompa. (Put one space before Wampa
@ ABA—Hold Right when entering and two spaces before Stompa. Make
Change Dennis Rodman’s Hair Select Screen.
matchup. Still holding it, hit Shoot, sure to capitalize only the W and the S
@ Back Tire Size: Press and
Turbo, Pass. When you select him, keep pressing
hold Right-C, then Left-C, release,
in the name.) After you have done this,
Right-C until you find your color. put the game difficulty setting on
Make Duplicate Players and reverse.
Medium. Now go into the Battle of
Random Select @ Car Size: Press and hold Down-C,
Go to the Options Screen and then Up-C, release, then press Up-C,
Hoth and pause. Go into the Options
choose “Enter Name.” At the next Go to the Team Select Screen and and make sure the controls are set to
then Down-C. Release to activate
screen, put in the player's last name press Up+Turbo. Traditional. Now go back into the game
the code.
(as shown below in caps) and then put @ Drive Burning Hulk: Hold Up-C,
and complete the first stage.
in 0000 for their PIN number. By doing On the second stage with the first
and press Z, Z, Z, Z.
this, you'll access the character's twin ™@ Front Tire Size: Press and
appearance of the AT-STs, press Left

with hidden attributes. The names list- Various Game Cheats on the D-pad and Right-C at the same
hold Left-C, then Right-C. Release.
ed here are the duplicate players that Enter the following codes at the time. Then press Up on the pad and
Then, press and hold Right-C, then
work with this trick: Main Screen for: use the Right-C button to change the
Left-C. Release.
@ AHRDWY (Penny Hardaway) @ 50 Extra Lives: Up, Up, Down, views until you get the backside view
Turn Car Into Mine: Press Right-C,
LIFFR (Cliff Robinson) Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, C-Left, of an AT-ST! You can control it with the
Right-C, Z button, Down-C, Up-C, Z
@ DAVIDR (David Robinson) C-Right, C-Left, C-Right. directional pad by pressing Left or
button, Left-C, Left-C.
@ DREAM (Hakeem Olajuwon) @ Level Select (find the results in Right to make it walk in that direction

@ ELLIOT (Sean Elliot) the Setup Menu): Down, Up, C-Left, ‘Other Various Codes and pressing Up to fire.
@ EWING (Patrick Ewing) Down, C-Left, C-Right, Down, C-Right. Do these codes on the Setup Screen: ntinued on Page 28

26 EGM’
AeroFighters Assault
Owners Give Game
90% Approval Rating!

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a very satisfying game playing experience

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sa jets (two are bonus jets).



ad Ue dd

access it. On the Cheat Code Screen,
enter GRGCHN. This accesses “Greg
Mode” (Credits, Unlimited Ammo, All
Weapons and Big Head Mode). Or,
enter DNCHN, which will give you
“Dana Mode” (Tiny Enemy, Credits).

fet 0 to the Start Game Menu Deformed Turok

To control a Wampa, go to the and choose Circuit. Now on On the Title Screen, go to the “Enter
Escape from Echo Base Stage and do
the Select Player Screen, Cheat” Screen and enter the Big Cheat
the same code as you did for the previ- code: NTHGTHDGDCRTDTRK. Now,
ous stage. You will be in control of a choose the Just Play Option.
turn on Spirit Mode, All Weapons and
Wampa (you must free it first to make The “Enter Code” Option will Unlimited Ammo. Now warp to the
it go anywhere). To be a snowtrooper flash. Choose this option and Campaigner. Stand still and shoot him
on this level, press Right on the pad put in this with the minigun. Once he dies, and
and Right-C at the same time. Then password as follows: Turok runs away, look at his bent leg!
press Up on the pad and use the
Right-C button to change the views 8DP5KG5L4G59P
until you get the snowtrooper! You can G92WVCQYODRDQ
control both characters with the pad. After you enter this circuit- Turn Players Invisible
Wampa Roar winning code, the Circuit Menu NEW CIRCUIT Go into the Replay Option before the
Choose a new slot or edit an exist- appears. Choose the option to faceoff and press the L or R buttons.

ing player by putting in this code: R . Continue Circuit and let time While the players are flashing, press

Testers . ROCK (put a space where the run out while racing. You'll be the Z button to make them disappear.
Then continue your game to see your
periods are shown). Once you do this, rewarded with a Celebration invisible player.
exit the screen and move up and down
Screen and the code to get the
between different options. You'll hear Change Player Appearance
the Wampas roar up a storm when you
Formula 41 car. Now you’re on
First go into the Debug Mode. To
do this; even when you pause. your way to getting Alcatraz. Do
do that go to the Options Screen
the following: and hit Down-C+R button, Left-C+R
Choose the option to continue the
@ On the Car Select Screen: button. A window will pop up that will
Circuit. Race and let time run out. allow you to change the appearance
No Obstacles Trick Hold Left-C, then Z and release
them. Press Left. of your players. Press Down-C+R but-
Just before you enter Course 14 ton to change the head size; Left-C+R
through the grandfather clock, wait
@ On the Setup Screen: Hold
button to change the body size; Up-
until the hands are at one o'clock. Up-C, then Z and release them. C+R button to change the height.
At that very moment, enter the level. Press Up. Some examples:
If the trick is done correctly, all the ™ On the Car Select Screen: @ 100000: Stocky Players
obstacles throughout the course will
Hold Down-C, then Z and @ 010000: Stocky Players,
be turned off. This makes things Big Heads
easier for you to beat the level. release them. Press Down, L
@ 110000: Stocky Players,
button, R button. Small Heads
Find Yoshi
Now go back to the Select @ 001000: Small Players,
The hard way to do this is to collect Track Screen and you will be Small Announcer
all 120 stars. Once achieved, go to the
able to choose Track 7, which H 000100: Large Players,
outside of the castle. The grate near Large Announcer
is the Alcatraz Track! You will be rewarded and given a
the pond will open; a cannon is ® 000010: Crunched Players,
inside. Fire yourself onto the castle code for the Formula 1 car. Small Announcer
roof to meet Yoshi. Talk to him to get @ 000001: Elongated Players,
100 lives and a new Triple Jump. Large Announcer
The even harder but cooler way: At @ 110110: Large Players,
the game's start, run to the right side Small Heads, Large Announcer
of the castle near the back. You should @ 010010: Crunched Players,
be facing a green hill, with the castle Large Heads, Small Announcer
wall to your right. Execute a Triple
Jump starting just behind and to the Get Bonus Teams
right of a tree there: The first jump Go to the Options Screen. Hold L
landing spot should be the base of the button and press C-Right, C-Left, C-
green hill. The Triple Jump should take Left, C-Right, C-Left, C-Left, C-Right,
you up the hill. If done right, you'll C-Left, C-Left. If done correctly, the
slide on your rear (not your stomach) new teams will be available right away.
toward the castle wall.
After doing the specific button You will be able to access Track 7, Choose Your Opponent
Now comes the hard part: Quickly
jump out of your slide and try to hit the codes, go to the Track Screen. which is the secret Alcatraz track! Highlight the team you want to play
little angled castle wall to your left. against and press C-Right three times.
Then, as you hit that wall, Wall Jump to If done correctly, you will hear a click.
the big castle wall to your left. If you press Start to pause it. A Pause Menu After entering the codes you want, To Forfeit A Game
can pull this off, Mario has a good
will appear with an option to enter your move down to the Enter command and
chance of grabbing the castle wall. cheats here as well as the Title press Start. The result will appear on
Pause the game and enter the
Climb up to give Yoshi a big surprise! Options Screen. Hold the L button
Screen. Highlight the “Enter Cheat” screen. Press Start to OK the com-
and press C-Left nine times. Resume
Option and access it. On the Cheat mand. Now choose “Exit.” Back on
play and you will automatically lose 1-0.
Code Screen, put in any of the follow- the Pause Menu, a new option called
ing codes to get these results: Cheat Menu will appear. Access this to Invisible Players
Various Cheats
@ CMGTSMMGGTS: Get all of get another menu which allows you to
During the opening faceoff, pause
Go to the New Name Screen and the weapons. turn on the cheats you have already the game and select replay. Make a
press L, Right-C, Down-C to bring up @ BLLTSRRFRND: Get unlimited entered. Exit when you have finished
player flash by pressing the L or R but-
the secret characters for use on the ammunition. and start or resume your game to have tons, and while he is flashing, press Z
Password Screen. Use A to select the @ DLKTDR: Get the Pen-and-Ink your chosen cheats activated.
to make him invisible.
letters. Now enter the following cheat Mode, in which all of the graphics are
Robins Cheat Code
codes for various results: black-and-white wireframes. Non-Stop Fighting
@ A Hidden Lines Game: LINES 1 SNFFRR: Disco Mode (colored Begin playing your game and press At the Options Screen hold the L
@ View the Credits: CREDITS strobe lights and dancing enemies Start. A Pause Menu will appear. button and press C-Right, C-Left, C-
@ Secret Music: G(alienhead)MEBOY that don’t attack). Highlight the “Enter Cheat” Option and
Left, C-Right, C-Down, C-Up, C-Up, C-
@ Level Select (from secret charac- @ FRTHSTHTTRLSCK: Unlimited access it. On the Cheat Code Screen,
Down, C-Left, C-Right, C-Right, C-Left,
ters): Saturn, Spaceship, Rocket, lives are at your disposal. enter RBNSMTH. This gives you
C-Right, C-Left. If done right, you'll get
Heart, Skull. @ THBST: This code can’t be used “Robins Cheat,” which turns on multi-
in a fight every five to 20 seconds.
while in the middle of play. You must ple cheats including invincibility, unlim-
exit the game and go to the Title ited ammo, all weapons and even a
Screen Menu to access the Gallery. new Big Head Mode!
Many Cheat Codes @ FDTHMGS: You must exit the
Greg/Dana Mode Codes
On the Title Screen with the menu, game and go to the Title Screen Menu
to access the Credits. Begin playing your game and press
choose either Start Game or Enter
@ THSSLKSCL: Spirit Mode (invinci- Start. A Pause Menu will appear.
Cheat. If you begin playing your game,
bility and slow-moving enemies). Highlight the “Enter Cheat” Option and Continued on Page 32


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CAPCOM is eid redemak of CAPCOM CO, LTD. PlSton ond the loStoton gos re Hadamorks of Sony Compute Eline! In
PlayStation * Auto Destruct to Cool Boarders

Play Another World

Auto Destruct When the Title Screen appears,
press Start to get to the menu (with
Debug Mode Game Start, Time Attack and Options).
Now press R1, Up, L2, Down. A little
character will appear in the right-hand
s Electronic Arts’ high- corner of the screen. Highlight Game
speed action/driving Start and choose it. In the Game
Select Option under Puzzle Game will
Auto Destruct game a little too much for you
be “Another World.” Choose to play
to handle? If so, this code’s
Several Cheats the Puzzle Game and you will be trying
for you. In the middle of the to complete a brand-new set of puzzles
To use any of these codes, ‘go to the
Cheat Menu. To do that pause the
game, press Start to pause. similar to the originals.

game while in mission and press Up, Now press Up, Right, Left,
Down, Left, Right, Down, Right, L1, Down, Circle, L1, R1, R1, L4, After pausing the game, enter the Buster Brothers Collection
R1, R1. After you do that, enter these Circle, Down, Left, Right, Up. code for the Debug Configuration. Stage Select
codes to get the following effects: You'll hear a sound and the
@ Extra Nitros: Press L14, Circle, ] (Debun GARIIARAEOR After the Title Screen, press Start
Down, L1, Up, Square, Circle, R1.
words “Debug Configuration” and you'll get to choose between three
will appear underneath the All Weapons
Then press the Nitros Option to get Debug TV games. Choose “B. Buddies.” Then
one more nitro each press. Quit Game Option. Access Spach pick “Games Start” on the next
screen. After the Buster Buddies Title
@ Extra Money: Press L1, R1, Up, this option to receive All
Circle, Down, Square, Right, R1, L1. Screen appears, choose a one- or two-
Weapons, toggles for Debug player game. On the Select Game
@ Add Minute to time: Press Down,
1, L1, Circle, Circle, R1, Up, Square, Text, Speech Text and Screen, go to Normal game and hold
L1. Then press the Add Minute Option Collisions! Down on the D-pad. Then press X.
to get an extra minute. David Howsley Version Beta (07 After choosing your character, a Stage
Invincibility: Press L1. four times, Previous exit Select Screen will appear! You can
Purcell, OK choose any set of levels; even the
Left, Circle, Circle, Square, L1.
@ Infinite Fuel: Press L4, Circle, end level which is 50!
Left, Li, Circle, R1, L1, Up, Expert Mode
R1, Down.
Access All Fighter Jets and then press Triangle. At the Pause
@ Car Tuneup Menu: Press L1, R1, Go to the Select Game Screen and
Screen with all of the Menu Options,
L41, Up, Down, Circle, Down, Right, Go to the Plane Selection Screen move to the Normal game. Using con-
highlight the “Help Text” Option. Hold
Left, Square, R1. Then press the Car and enter: Left, Left, Right, Down, Up, troller one and two, press and hold X
L1+R2 and then press Triangle and X
Tuneup Option on to modify your car. Down, Right, Select. You will hear a on both. Instead of a normal game,
at the same time. You'll hear a beep;
@ New York Time Trial: Press L1, shout to confirm that the code was you'll get an Expert Mode with new
this will give you more ammo when you
Right, Down, Left, Up, R1. entered correctly. levels and backgrounds!
return to the game. To get more health
Access All Missions and armor, go to the same Pause
Screen and highlight “Help Text” again. Carnage Heart
From the Game Menu, choose the
Mission Option. At the Mission Select Hold L1+R2 and then press Circle and Control Your 0.K.E.
Power Up Weapons, Beat Mission X at the same time. You will hear a
Screen, press the following buttons:
You must do these codes quickly to beep to confirm it worked; this will give After you get set up and deploy
Up, Down, Down, Right, Left, Down,
pull them off: you more health and armor. As soon at least one of your units, you'll even-
Up, Triangle. A shout will confirm that
@ Power-Up Weapons: Pause the as your codes are complete, highlight tually do battle. Once you do, press
the code was entered correctly.
game, hold L2 and press Up, Down, “Return To Game” and choose it. You Select and the Meters and Camera
Left, Right, Triangle, X, Square. will see the results on the right side display will appear. Press Select anoth-
Continue to hold L2, then unpause.
Brahma Force of the screen. er 11 times and the Camera Angle
@ Complete the Current Mission: Option will disappear and turn into an
Special Menu,
Action Option. Press X to make the
Pause the game, hold L2 and press Viewpoint Control, Etc. Bubble Bobble Action switch from automatic to manu-
Up, Down, Left, Right, Triangle, X, X,
Triangle, Right, Left, Down, Up. “To: geta Special Menu, finish the Debug Mode al. Now you will be in control of the

Continue to hold L2, then unpause. entire game within two hours. Keep the O.K.E. for the battle.
At the Title Screen, enter: Down, Up,
memory card, which has the Clear
Down, Up, Right, Down, Left, Down,
Data, inside the slot. While the “Press Codename: Tenka
Bloody Roar Up, Down. Press R2 to get the Debug
Start Button” at the Title Screen is
Options during Play. All Weapons, Level Warp
Big Head Code flashing, press Start. The system will
check for save data. A new option ‘Original Game Mode Press Start to pause your game and
“On “Normal” setting while at the named “Special” will appear under-
Character Select Screen, hold L2 and neath the other options. Highlight and
“At the Title Screen, enter: Right, enter these incredible codes.
choose your fighter with Circle. Left, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up. Secret @ All Weapons: Hold L1 and press
enter this special mode. You will now
areas will appear on 20, 30 and 50. Triangle, R1, Triangle, Square, R1,
LargeArena have access to a Stage Select, Stream Circle, Square, Square. Release L1.
View Mode (see all the full-motion Thunder Bubble Glitch @ Level Warp: Hold L2 and press
Beat 10 ‘opponents in a row in the
video), XA Test Mode (test out all of Circle, Circle, Square, Triangle, R1,
Survival Mode to increase arena size. At the Title Screen, do the Debug
the voice acting) and the SE Test Mode Square, Triangle, Circle. Release L2.
code (Down, Up, Down, Up, Right,
Regenerating Life Bars (test all the sound effects).
Down, Left, Down, Up, Down). While
To turn on Map Viewpoint Control,
Finish the game with Bakuryu on in the game, press R2 to bring up the Command & Conquer
begin your game and press Start to
Level Four or above. Debug Menu. Go to map 63 and then
get the Command Screen. Highlight Mission Passwords
press L2. You will appear on stage 100
Big Arms “Map” and enter this mode. Press
where there are Thunder Bubbles. ™@ The covert missions in both CDs:
Select to stop the map rotation. Now
Beat the game without continuing on Press R2 again and go back to map COVERTOPS.
you can use the D-pad and the top L
Level Four or above. 0 and press L2 to go there. The thun- For levels within the NOD mission
and R buttons to move yourself freely
der bubble icons will follow you to the disk enter:
Small Fighters around the map. To return to the Title
beginning! Now you can easily beat @ Level 2: C9O9FAXKW8S
At the Character Select Screen, hold Screen, press L1+R1+L2+R2+Select
the game! @ Level 3: RZNLQZ3NL
R2 and Pick your fighter with Circle. at the same time.
@ Level 4: W1954XWLF
School Girl Alice Easy Game Level 5: W15DASRS8
Go to the Title Screen with the Level 6: 8PH1MR53W
Beat all opponents in Time Attack More Credits @ Level 7: GTJKWOJDK
Mode in less than 10 minutes. “Press Start Button” flashing. At this
screen, hold Up-Right+X+Square. From the Title Menu, choose @ Level 8: YKK424K3D
While holding these, press Start. Options. In the Options Menu, press @ Level 9: 874LCPUT4
Bogey: Dead 6 You'll hear a slightly different selection Left, Right, R1, R2, L2, L1, Up, Down. Level 10: ASSHPAHXW
sound than normal. Begin your game: A timer counting down from 30 sec- Level 11: OX3UKOP94
Add Time to the Timer Trick @ Level 12: Q@DUMSK2J
Now, enemies will be easier to kill, you onds will appear. Highlight the Credits
When the Now Loading Screen have more time to complete the level, Option and press X quickly and repeat- @ Level 13: SZPO9VDSB
appears (after the Plane and Weapon and enemies will leave more powerful edly. Your credits will build up quickly
Selection Screens, but before the mis- items behind. at first, but then they'll be harder to Cool Boarders
sion starts), press and hold L4, L2, get as you accumulate more. Once the
R1, R2, X, Circle, Triangle, Square timer counts to zero, you can’t try any Change Announcer’s Voice
Broken Helix
and Left. Keep the buttons held until more. You may get up to 30 credits, From the Title Screen, access the
you begin the mission for an increase More Ammo, Health and Armor depending on how quick you are. Options. In the Options Mode, press
to 999 seconds!
Pause the game by pressing Start
Continued on Page 34

32 EGM?
Oo pee BRIDGES, 7,"We,
I ] _preaA gown A me ies FUE,
HE mos ee 4 >

customer service:
650 780 0166
©1998 ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc.
Ut snd theAGEN
aoeaeree Of ASEHEntertainment
Inc. Nintendo, Nintendo 64 and
the 3-D"N"logo aretrademarksof
of America Inc. The ratings icon is a
trademark oftheInteractive Digital
names are trademar\
trademarks of their respective holders.
ef che Meorncéh
Select 55 times. The announcer’s
voice will change to a higher pitch.

Play as Zaskar
To play as Zaskar in the normal Cheat ees We ye Dia fe re
Sheet Debug Menu f
game instead of a normal character, go SURVIVE THE HAUNTED MANSION
to the Load/Save
this password: FDFKFKHCJK.
Screen and enter

Y | ress Start to pause the

“—_/ game. Then hold L2 or RESUME
R2 and press Left, Circle,
Infinite Weapons, Drop Pod Up, Down, Right, Right, Left, e fe] @
To execute any of these codes you Triangle, Up, Down. You RANUAL ‘SEM, — AUTOMATIC
must be in the game, but don’t pause should hear a sound if you
GameShark Codes it. You'll have to be quick when you did the sequence correctly.
Hidden Abilities: 800087200004 enter these codes or they won't work.
Press Start to unpause and Pause in the game and enter the
Hidden Abilities: 80039d200004 @ Infinite Weapons: L1, R41, L4, R1,
Up, Down, Left, Down.
then press Select to bring up Cheat for this sweet Debug Menu!
i Drop Pod: L4, R1, L4, R41, Up, the Debug Menu! Move up
Down, Left, Up. and down the menu with the = DEBUG MENU .CHEATS OFF
GameShark Codes D-pad and access any of the
Infinite Armor: 800a86a00800 cheat menus with X. You'll be LEVEL SELECT AEN.
Small and Big Cheats treated to a Level Select
Menu, Collectibles Menu,
At the Main Menu, choose “Load
Game.” Then pick the “Teleport to stats and more!
GameShark Codes
Mission” Option. On the Passcode
Have All Remotes: Screen, enter the word, LOSR. The Adam Rhodes
8009755c0707 8009755e0707 game will say it’s an invalid password,
800975600707 800975620707 Nappanee, IN
but in the middle of a game, you can
800975640707 800975660707 access two kinds of cheats:
800975680707 800975720300 @ Small Cheats (full health and
800975740707 80097580ffff energy): Press Square+R1.
800975820fff 80097584ffff @ Big Cheats (all weapons, “Championship” at the Race Type Start to pause and go to “Quit.” Hold
800975861f00 useables): Press Circle+R1. Screen. You will enter a Name Entry R2 and press Right, Square, Triangle,
Screen. Here enter your name as: Down, X, X, X. You should then see
Passcodes MACSrPO0 and then hit End. You the “Roswell” Screen. Return into the
Here is a compilation of passcodes should appear at the Main Screen and level and check out all the changes!
GameShark Codes for the four difficulty levels: the Track Option will have a red cross
@ Mama's Boy Missions through it. Go back into Race Mode and
Full Momentum Home Team:
801081980064 02: FWQP 03: PLRQ 04: SZNF choose a mode and then a race type.

07: K2CV Now, if you access the Track Select Invincibility Code
Full Momentum Away Team:
801081980000 10: X5GZ Option you should be able to choose Go to Map Screen when within a
13: F8K2 from any of the tracks listed. You'll also level and turn “Real Time” off. Then
14: FGL3 15: JFM4 be able to select tracks such as “The press: Circle, Circle, Square, Circle,
Real-time Level: LRTN Pit” and “Death Bowl” if you choose Triangle, X, X, Circle. Then continue
GameShark Codes “Destruction Derby” as your Race Mode.
your game and take on your enemies
1 Weekend Warrior Missions: with no worries.
Infinite Nitro: 80058a4003b6
02: GWQP 03: QLRQ 04: TZNF
07: L2Cv
10: Z5GZ Easy Beretta

GameShark Codes
13: G8K2 Here's a great trick to access a spe- Six Hidden Characters
14:GGL3 15: KFM4 cial weapon that covers more ground Start the game and go to the Title
@ Codes for Claire: Real-time Level: MRTN than that pistol! To pull this one off,
L1+L2 Health Restore: Screen. From the Title Screen press
jump to the second game, Die Hard 2. Right, Left, Down, Up, Right, Left,
d00c623c0005 @ Loose Cannon Missions: When this game begins, a helicopter
800c7c4200c8 Down, Up. If done correctly, you should
02: HWQP 03: RLRQ 04: VZNF will come in from the left. Before it
L1+Triangle For Gren. Launcher: hear a sound. Now go to the Character
05: WDS5S 06:L1BT 07: M2CV gets a chance to fly away, continuously
d00c623c0014 Selection Menu to see new characters.
08: Q3DW 09: P4FX 10: O5GZ shoot at it. You will have to reload a
800cc930ff09 411: F6HO 12:G7J1 13: H8K2 few times, but it will work. After it
L41+X For Gren. Launcher (Fire): 14: HGL3 15: LFM4 explodes, the Beretta will drop and be
d00c623c0044 Real-time Level: NRTN yours for the taking. Now, you will have Health Recover
800cc930ff0a twice the firepower to make your mis-
L1+Square For G. Launcher (Acid): @ No Remorse Missions: sion a little easier! You can recover a little bit of energy
d00c623c0084 02: JWQP 03:SLRQ 04: WZNF whenever in a bathroom. Just walk up
800cc930ff0b 05: XD5S_ 06: M1BT 07: N2CV Multiple Game Cheat Code to the toilet and hit Triangle. You will
08: R3DW 09: Q4FX 10: 15GZ Begin one of the Die Hard games gain back 10 points of energy.
L2+Triangle For Bowgun: 11: G6HO 12:H7J1 = 13: J8K2 and press Start to pause. Press and
d00c623c0011 14:JGL3. 15: MFM4 hold R2 and then press Left, Right,
800cc930ff0c Real-time Level: PRTN Up, Down, Square. Each game gives
L2+Square For Spark Shot: you different results. Play as ‘Sun Shang Xiang
d00c623c0081 On any difficulty you can enter @ Die Hard: The code gives you Go to the Title Screen. Highlight “1P
800cc930ff0e another code that will give you bizarre unlimited energy (invincibility). Battle” and then press: Left, Left, Up,
R2+Triangle For Submachine Gun: black-and-white pictures. Just enter the @ Die Harder: The code gives Down, Triangle, Square, L1. and R41.
d00c623c0012 code XXXX on the Passcode Screen. you unlimited energy, a map editor (Start Go to the Character Select Screen to
800cc930ff0F button) and a weapon select (Triangle). select the new character.
R2+X For Rocket Launcher: @ Die Hard With a Vengeance: After
d00c623c0042 entering it, press Start on controller
800cc930ff11 Last Level Code two for options. Press Triangle to tog-
R2+Square For Gatling Gun:
On the Main Menu Screen, highlight gle the clock and X to select a level. Cinema Test
and select the Password Option. Now Roswell Code Go to the Password Screen and
enter this code: DLXGXKDJH. enter this cheat enabler code: Square,
@ Codes for Leon: Turn your level into an alien funfest!
Once you choose End, you'll be Triangle, Circle, X, Circle, Triangle.
L4+L2 Health Restore: Go to the Central Park level within Die
transported to the last level. Then press Start. The screen will say
d00c646c0005 Hard With a Vengeance. If you don’t
800c7e7a00c8 have the password handy, enter this you have entered an invalid code. Exit
L1+Triangle For Magnum: the screen and re-enter the Password
code at the Password Screen:
d00c646c0014 Screen. Now put in Square, X, Circle,
Access All Tracks XJLGFT!7XMLG9
800cch68ff05 T74XMLD3K72X!
Triangle, Circle, X. You gvill be brought
L1+X For Custom Magnum: Using controller one, go into the Race LG82RC8VMZKSH
to a Movie Player Screen where you

d00c646c0044 Mode Screen and select either Wrecking can view the cinemas.
Racing or Stock Car Racing. Select Then after beginning this level, hit
800ccb68ff06 Continued on Page 36

34 EGM
)] suunickiace BOS
}|__ RED ARMOR Pas
¥ Sy 100 plus hours-of gameplay.
W 8 diferent posibleendings.
y SY
Non-linear storyline. —

3-D isometric battlefields.
- RPG/SIM PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks seesny Computer Entertainment Inc.
ed \ 4 1997 cr
Tactics Ogre, 1995 Quest | 1997 Artdink
Level Passwords
If you have a memory card inside
the PlayStation, remove it. Select the
Options Screen and press Start.
se this legend to use the
Choose Load Game and press Start.
tricks commands: At this point, put in the password of
MUp=UorN the level you wish to enter:
Many Cheats @ Down = DorsS (Easy/Normal/Hard Levels)

@ Left = L or W Canyon: BBFHB/BBFMC/BBFQC

Press Start to pause and enter
these codes as shown: @ Right
= Ror E Washington:
All Powerful Mode: Down, L2, @ Triangle = A New York: GBKHW/GBKMX/GBKQX
Square, R1, Right, L1, Left, Circle. @ Circle = 0 In the level, get Paris: LLSHW/LLSMX/LLSQX
@ Lots of Goodies: X, Triangle, L1, mX=X to the question mark icon. Moscow: NL9SHW/NLOMX/NL9QX
Up, Down, R2, Left, Left. Tokyo: R39JD/R39NF/R39RF
B Level Skip: Right, Left, R2, R1, In the game, press Start to
Oahu: TS9HW/T59MX/T59QX
Triangle, L1, Circle, X (Press X to go pause, and then hold L2 or Las Vegas: Z99HY/Z99MZ/Z99QZ
to the level). R2. Using the legend, spell Mothership:
@ Map All Lines: Triangle, Triangle, out the words as shown using 399HG/399MH/399QH
L2, R2, L2, R2, Ri, Square. the correct buttons for vari-
@ Map All Objects: Triangle, Special Cheat Screen
Triangle, L2, R2, L2, R2, R41, Circle. ous results. You should hear Go into the Options from the Menu
@ X-Ray Vision: L1, R2, L2, R1, a sound to confirm the codes: Screen. Move down to the Player Name
Right, Triangle, X, Right. @ UNDEAD = Infinite lives Option. Enter one of the words shown
@ WEASEL = Invulnerability below on the Name Entry Screen.
@ RELEASE = Level Select Then go back to the Main Menu
Screen and press Left, Right, Square,
Unorthodox Party HP Cure @ ALOUD = One-liners Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Down. A
(press Select to hear them) Hit the question mark with your new screen called “Cheater” will
Start by putting your Battle Mode
onto active. Next, cast Regen on your @ SENSELESS = Rambling tail to reveal a secret Web page! appear. Listed here are the codes that

party and one other spell. After your Gex will turn the different options on or off
in this screen:
character casts Regen, open the @ EARWAX = Timer in the
@ FOX ROX: opens up CITY. Select
PlayStation door. You must open the
game (Choose a level on any level, including bonus levels.
door before the next spell is cast.
When the game attempts to load the
Game Stats and press @ MR HAPPY: opens up PLANE.

next spell, the game will just hang Square for the best times.) Setting the plane to “BAC” will let you
there—but time will continue to There is also a level in the fly the alien craft on any level!
elapse! Sit back and watch your hit @ GODZILLA: opens up KILL CIVIL
game called (locks onto civilian objects) and KILL
points climb. When they reach normal
in which you can find a spe- WING (locks onto wingmen and E3).
shut the PlayStation door. The music
will slow down for a second, then the cial question mark above the 1 GO POSTAL: opens up FAST
game will catch up and everything brown computer chip. Hit the RELOAD (quick missile launches), DAM-

should return to normal. question mark with your tail AGE BONUS (one missile to kill ene-
mies) and WEAPONS (infinite missiles).
to reveal a secret Web site If you have Internet access, check @ TOURIST: opens up CITY,
that contains most of the out the secret page. It has many of TOURIST (all aliens removed from the

Get Cloud in Your Party hints shown above! the codes at your disposal. world), DEMO CAM (detaches camera
from the plane. The game can’t be
This trick starts in Chapter 4, which
played in this mode, but the camera is
is fairly far into the game. In Machinery
ee Te VARAop
U2, MAIN a) controlled by the control pad) and NO
City, you will find an ancient robot. TIME (not timed).
Even though you can’t activate it, it is (cba @ LIVE FREE: opens up INVINCIBLE
important, so remember it. From
go to the Royal Capital and enter the
PALSED (You'll take no damage).

bar. Ask for some information; you

should learn about the Saint Dragon,
and a hunter will ask to join your party. Hidden Player, Make Puzzles
Recruit him and go to the Mining City.
When you get there, help the Saint ll Cynthia, the Hidden Player: To
Dragon. You should be able to get the play as her, finish the game and save

Aquarius Zodiac Stone there. Take that it on a memory card. She is faster
back to Machinery City and use the than Eliot.
Hold L2 or R2 and enter one of the The code RELEASE will give you an
stone on the robot. Once it becomes @ Make Your Own Puzzles: Beat
functional, leave. On your way out, you
word codes as shown above. incredible Level Select Menu! the game and save it to a memory
should find another machine, but you card. Then go to the Options Menu
can't do anything with it yet. and pick Game Mode. Choose System
display, maximum wanted level and and press Right to turn on Original
Leave the city and head for Nerubes
5x bonus. Mode. Exit the menu and pick a one-
Temple. After fighting Worker No. 7,
@ THESHIT: This gives all weapons, player game. To turn off this mode,
the Saint Dragon will transform into a
unlimited ammo, 99 lives, armor, level Unlimited Gyros press Left instead of Right on the
young girl and you will get the Cancer
selection, get out ofjail, maximum Go to Crete and fight the Minotaur. Game Mode.
Zodiac Stone. Head back to Machinery
wanted level and 5x bonus. After defeating him, he will give you the
City. Use the Cancer Zodiac Stone to
i MADEMAN: This gives all
activate the ancient machine. It will “H" key. Go to the “H” door and walk
weapons, unlimited ammo, level selec-
bring Cloud back from the future; he up and left. You will see a face in the
tion, get out of jail, maximum wanted wall shooting fire. Now walk down over Open Up All the Tracks
will join you.
level and 5x bonus. the fire bridge and all the way to the
Now find Aeris in one of the towns From the Title Screen, highlight
®@ GROOVY: This gives all weapons, end of the hall. You should hear the
nearby and buy some flowers from her. Options and enter it. On the Options
unlimited ammo, level selection and music change. Once you do, go back
She'll be attacked and Cloud will rush Screen, set the difficulty to AMATEUR
get out ofjail.
to the rescue. At the end of all this, up and retrace your steps. Go through and the Trophy Presenter to MALE.
@ EATTHIS: Wanted Level 4.
Cloud will join you officially. @ BLOWME: Displays coordinates.
the “H” door again and back through Now move to the Exit Option and press
to the location where the gyros were X to go back to the Main Title Screen.
@ CHUFF: Removes police. originally placed. It will be back in the Now on the D-pad, press Up, Right,
@ TURF: Opens all cities.
@ CAPRICE: Gives access to all
same spot, so you can take it again! Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left.
Various Cheats Repeat this trick as many times as you Next, press Left, then X to go back
cities’ Levels 1 and 2. want, to fill up on your stock of gyros.
Enter all codes as your name @ WEYHEY: Instantly get 9,999,990 into the Options Screen. Put the
This method will give you an unlimited Difficulty to PROFESSIONAL and the
for them to work. (Warning: These points.
amount of energy that will last through- Trophy Presenter to RIDER'S CHOICE.
codes, like the game, are rather I FECK: Gets access to Liberty City out the rest of the game! Now move to the Exit Option and press
adult-themed.) Level 1 and 2.
H BSTARD: This gives all weapons, @ TVTAN: Gives access to Liberty
X to go back to the Main Title Screen.
This time press Up, Left, Down, Right,
unlimited ammo, 99 lives, armor, level City Levels 1 and 2 and the San
selection, get out ofjail, coordinate Andreas levels. Up, Left, Down, Right on the pad.
Continued on Page 37

36 EGM*
You will hear a “cash register” type of sound indicat NO MISSION (with space)

ing that the code worked. Now begin your game, @ One-Shot Kills: GRIMREAPER
choose your rider and your Race Type.
past these modes, the Track Selection Screen will
After you get i Invincibility: INVINCIBLE NEW LOW PRICE!!! $19.95 s.r.p.!
appear. Now instead of having to beat one track to
get to the next, you will have access to all tracks.
Open Every Level
Enable Codes

Access all the missions with this password. Enter
You must first do the “Codes Enabled” trick. To do
it at the Password Screen: TITTTTTTTTTTGP.
this, go to the Options and set the difficulty to
Professional, and the Laps Per Race to 6. Press
Start after you're done and at the Title Screen, press
Circle, Circle, Circle, Square, Triangle, Triangle,
Cheat Codes
Square, Triangle. You'll hear a sound and see a word
balloon displaying “Codes Enabled.” Now you can Enter the following cheat codes and then press

enter any of these codes on the Title Screen: X to accept at the Password Screen. The woman's
H Two-player vs. CPU: Circle, Square, R2, Circle, voice in the game will sound if entered correctly.


Triangle, L2, Right, Up. Then begin your game, and you'll be able to use
@ Unlimited Turbos: Triangle, Circle, Right, R2, your cheats:

Up, Square, Up, Triangle. Jump Jets: #YX0/A>YOL

H Double Stunt Points: Right, Up, Circle, L2, Cruise Throttle: #AXO/A4YYA

Triangle, Circle, R1, R2. @ Unlock Missions: T<XO/AXA<=

Rocket Racer: Triangle, Up, Up, L2, L2, Up, i “Heavy” Mechs: #0X0/A>>0/
Up, Up. @ Extra Variance: T#XO/AX<<<
@ No Resistance: Square, L1, Triangle, Right, L1, @ More Ammo: TOXO/AX>TU

Down, R2, Triangle. Bi Invincibility: ##X0/A><UZ

Super Ability: Down, Circle, Left, L4, Left,
Right, Left, Right.
Bi Air Brakes: R1, R2, Right, L2, Up, Circle, Up,
Tarantula Mech
On the Main Menu Screen, move down and high-
You’ve played the Hit Game.
@ Ice Racing: Up, R2, R1, Right, L1, Square,
light the Password option. Enter it with X. Now, enter
the password: #/XO/A4<LY This will give you a new
mech chassis called, “Tarantula.” Now choose your
Now see the Movie!
Right, Right.
Hi Multiple Camera Angles: Triangle, Down, clan and then pick one of the available missions.
Square, Triangle, L1, L1, R1, R1. After you do this, you may opt to choose your Mech
with the Square button. Scroll down the list until you
Ending Codes, Etc. see Tarantula, the spider-looking mech. You may now
These codes are entered at the Title Screen and use it in combat!
do not need the previous code enabler to make
them work:
@ Special Dedication: Choose Dakota, then return
to the Title Screen. Go to the Options and set the Cheat Codes
number of laps to 2 and trophy presenter to Female. To access these codes, start a game normally
Hold R2 and select Credits. and then pause it. From there type in the codes
View All Endings: Go to Options. Set difficulty to below. You'll hear a beep if the code works. To dis-
Amateur, turn off Turbos and Grapples, hold L2 and able any code, just re-enter it.
select Credits. @ Any Object: Down, Down, Up, Up, Right, Right,
@ Present All Riders: Go to Options. Set difficulty Left, Left. (This code cannot be turned off.)
to Amateur, turn off Turbos and Grapples, hold L1. Hi Behind Car View: Left, Right, Square, Circle,
and select Credits Left, Right, Square, Circle.
@ Big Bounces: Square, Right, Right, Down, Up,
Down, Left, Down, Down.
@ Double Speed: Square, X, Circle, Square,
Level Select Code Triangle, X, X, X, X.
First enter this password code: Square, X, Circle, @ Slow CPU Cars: Circle, Triangle, Square, X,

Triangle, Triangle, X, Square, Circle, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Square, X.

Circle, X, Square. Enter the code three times, ignor-
Name Entry Codes
ing the invalid code message in between them.
Enter these codes at the Name Entry Screen
Free Player Movement to get:
Start the game on the Human Prey or Hunter @ 3LIVES: Gives three lives
CONFETTI: Unknown effect Get ready
levels. Hold L1+Up then press Jump+Shoot. You
should move freely and have a rapid-fire weapon. @ CATLIVES: Nine lives in One-player Mode for
action as
@ GIMMEALL; All tracks in Multiplayer Mode
@ NOTANKS: Tanks cannot shoot one of A.D.V’s
1 TANKS4ME: Tanks can be used on all tracks
except those with water hottest selling videos
Many Cheats
At the Main Menu of the Title Screen, enter any
@ WINTERY: Slippery roads returns at an incredible new
one of these codes to get the results as shown. low price! One hundred years
You'll hear a laugh if you did a code correctly. To
turn a code off, just do it again at the same Main Hidden Techno Music Track
after their deaths, six legendary
Menu Screen:
i Infinite Ammunition: Cirele, Circle, Circle, There's a secret song on the game CD: Put it in holy warriors are reborn to seek
Circle, L1, Circle, L1, L4, Circle, L1, Circle, L4, L1, a CD player and play the second track to hear it. justice against the former com-
Circle, L1, Circle, L1, L4, La, La.
BH Infinite Energy: Circle, L4, L4, L4, Circle, L4, rade who betrayed them into the
Circle, Circle, Li, Circle, Circle, Circle, Li, L1, L4,
Secret Chameleon hands of an evil god!
L4, L4, Circle, Circle, L1.
@ Level Select: L1, Circle, L1, L1, L4, Circle, At the Player Select Screen, choose Human
Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, L1, Circle, Circle, L1, Smoke. Now, before the round begins, hold
Circle, L1, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle (Then use Left+High Punch+High Kick+Block+Run at the
R1 and R2 to select your level) same time. (For player two, hold Right instead of
Left.) As soon as the match starts, Smoke will
disappear in a burst of flames and Chameleon will
be his replacement!
Various Codes
Level Select
Access the Passwords Option from the Title
Screen and enter the following codes from the Start a game and highlight Sonya on the Character
results shown below. You will hear an explosion Select Screen. With Sonya highlighted, hold Start
sound to confirm that they worked: and press Up. Then choose your character and a
Infinite Continues: ** URANUS** screen that says, “Select Kombat Zone” will appear.
@ View End Movie: **SATURN** Press Left or Right on the directional pad to switch
Show Credits: SHOWCREDIT the level on the bottom of the screen. Choose it and
@ Activate Exit Areas Without Needing to you will be warped to that level!

Complete Goals: Continued on Page 38

PlayStation ¢ Nanotek Warrior to Ogre Battle

Secret Konfigure Menu @ LCME—Landcruiser

This menu offers five extra options
Ghost in the Shell @ LIMOME—White limousine
MAZME—Mazda Miata
to choose from. On the Main Menu
® QUATME—Audi Quattro
Screen, highlight and choose
@ SEMIME—Semi truck cab
“Options.” In the Options Screen, high-
light one of the selectable boxes and
different trailer
hold the L1+L2+R1+R2 buttons. With eit the Main Menu Screen, @ TRAMME—Monolithic Studios
these held, hold Up. The game will waenter the following to get tram
make a noise and the screen will
shake. Now you may access the Secret
access to all the levels: R2, @ VANME—Combi minivan
R1, Square, Square, Up, VOVME—Volvo station wagon
Konfigure Mode that will let you turn
YJME—Jeep Renegade/Wrangler
on or off these special options: Down, Square, Square, R2,
1 CRATME—Brown wooden crate
@ One-button Fatalities: The top four R2. You should hear a tone to @ LOGME—Long wooden log
buttons are now used to give your
confirm the code worked. Now @ OUTHME—Small brown outhouse
opponent fatalities, babalities,
| Resident Evil
Evil22 | brutalities, etc.
press Start on “Mission from North Country
Start” to choose any of the @ STDAME—Souvenir stand (green)
GameShark Codes @ Instant Aggressor: The Aggressor
@ STDBME—Souvenir stand (blue)
meter comes up very quickly in 12 missions available. Also,
Codes for Leon: @ STDCME—Souvenir stand (red)
the game. you can go to “Options” and
L1+Square For Shotgun: @ TREXME—T-Rex from Monolithic
@ Normal Boss Damage: The
d00c646c0084 then go to the Movie Replay Studios
Bosses are harder to kill.
@ Low Damage: It’s harder to kill Option. Here you can play any @ WAGOME—Old covered wagon
L2+Triangle For Custom Shotgun: from Monolithic Studios.
any opponent. game cinemas! To access a
@ Health Recovery: You will recover hidden picture, defeat the
energy in the game. Need for Speed ‘ally
L2+Square For Sumachine Gun: game without using any con-
d00c646c0081 tinues. The final cinema will Various Codes
Nanotek Warrior
800ccbh68Ff0F play, followed by the staff All these codes must be entered
R2+Triangle For Flamethrower: Stop Ship, Full Shield, Etc. credits. If you wait for this to from the Infogrames Logo Page that
800cch68ff10 Press Start to pause during the end, you'll see a full-size pic- comes up at start-up:
@ Lock Off: This gives you access to
R2+X For Rocket Launcher: game and enter any of the codes: ture of Motoke Kusanagi. all of the tracks on both Arcade and
d00c646c0042 @ Stop your Ship: Triangle, Left,
Championship Modes. Press Up,
800ccbh68ff11 Triangle, Right, Triangle, Up, Triangle,
Down, Triangle, Circle. The Lock off
R2+Square For Gatling Gun: Start. Stop your ship at any time by
message should appear on the bottom
d00c646c0082 pressing Triangle.
of the screen.
800ccbh68ff12 @ Enable your Memory Card: Left,
@ Restart On: This restarts the race
Right, Left, Left, R2, Circle, L4, X. from the beginning for Championship
This allows you to save a game onto
Shadow Master the memory card. A memory card must
and Arcade Modes. Press Up, Down,
Triangle, Circle and keep both R2 and
GameShark Codes be inserted prior to booting up for this ae oes WOUTS RTBeeRE MHDHE Left pressed. Lock off and restart on
to work. Once the code is entered, you
Infinite Armo 800832340004 can save by quitting out. Then you will
will appear if done right.
Infinite Armor: 800835f4003F {9 Steam rN LTS cA CATRALL @ Narrow Tracks: This narrows the
be put into the modified Password
tracks on Arcade Mode only. Press Up,
Screen from where you may save.
Down, Triangle, Circle, then press and
Skullmonkeys: @ Access Full Shield: Select, Circle,
hold L2. The message, “lock off and
Right, Up, Up, L4, L4, X. This allows At the Main Menu Screen, enter
GameShark Codes you to gain full shield capacity.
narrow on” should appear.
the code to get the Level Select! @ Time Off: This disables the
Always Have Halo: To access Warp Sim: Circle,
counter for Arcade Mode only. Press
d009b24a0000 8009b24a0100 Square, Circle, Square, Triangle,
Up, Down, Triangle, Circle, then press
d009b24a0200 8009b24a0300 Triangle, Triangle, X. This allows you Movie and hold L1. The message, “lock off
d009b24a0001 8009b24a0101 to simulate the speed burst of the
and time off” will appear.
d009b24a0201 8009b24a0301 warp zones. @ Time Off and Narrow On: This
d009b24a0102 8009b24a0101
Lock-On Lightning Bolt turns both on for the Arcade Mode
d009b24a0302 8009b24a0301
only. Press Up, Down, Triangle, Circle,
When you finish the game on
then press and hold Li and L2. The
Final Fantasy Tactics the hard difficulty setting, you get
message “lock off, time off, and nar-
a lock-on lightning bolt special weapon.
row on” should appear at the bottom.
GameShark Codes With this password, you can get it with-
Infinite Gil: 800577ce0fff
out beating the game. Just highlight
and enter the Password Option from Norse by Norsewest
Infinite HP Character 1:
the Main Menu Screen and enter:
801924f403e7 Passwords for Levels One to 31
Infinite HP Character 1:
X, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, After the code is entered, you can
Circle, X, Triangle, X. You'll be taken
also access all of the cinemas! Access the Password Option and
Infinite MP Character 1:
to Level 1 with your ship all souped-up enter the level codes as shown. (Be
with spread lasers and the new light- sure to account for the numbers mixed
ning bolt weapon which can be used in with the letters):
Infinite MP Character 4: @ SHOTME—Bonus track:
with the Circle button. 01.NTRO 02.4STS 03. 2NDS
801924fa03e7 Monolithic Studios 04. TRSH O5.SW1M 06. WOLF
CT Full Character 1: @ POWRUP—Pioneer engines; 07. BR4T 08. K4RN 09. BOMB
801924fc0064 NCAA Football ’98 faster acceleration for all cars (lasts 10.WZRD 11. BLKS 12. TLPT
Infinite HP Character 2:
Cool Codes for one race) 13.GYSR 14.B3SV_ 15. R3TO
26 Secret Cars 16.DRNK 17. YOVR 18. OV4L
Infinite HP Character 2: At the User Records Screen, enter
19.T1N3 20.D4RK 21. H4RD
801926b603e7 one of these names to release a cheat At the Main Menu, select Options, 22.HRDR 23.LOST 24. OBOY
Infinite MP Character 2: for a cool code. then Password. Enter the desired car's
801926b803e7 @ ELECTRICH: Electric Football
25.HOM3 26.SHCK 27. TNNL
password. You can now drive one of 26 28.H3LL 29.4RGH 30. B4DD
Infinite MP Character 2: @ SEE FMV: Enables the FMV Menu secret cars! Return to the Main Menu 31. D4DY
801926ba03e7 @ WHOLE POLL: See 112 Teams in and select Race. It doesn’t matter
CT Full Character 2: the Poll what normal car you already have
801926bc0064 @ GB SPEED: Fast Players selected. NOTE: If you want to use a Ogre Battle
Infinite HP Character 3: @ COOLSITE: Show All Stadiums secret car password in Two-player Hidden Stage
8019287403e7 @ EASPORTS: EA Sports Team Mode, simply replace the password ME
Infinite HP Character 3: IBURON: Tiburon Team with U for the second player (example: In the beginning of the game when
8019287603e7 @ SHORT QUART: 15-second ARMYU). These passwords stay in you are asked by Warren to enter
Infinite MP Character 3: quarters memory for one race: your name, put in FIRESEAL on the
8019287803e7 Password Screen. Go through the
Infinite MP Character 3: i ARMYME—Army truck questions, and after a little loading,
Need for Speed II
8019287a03e7 1 BUSME—Yellow school bus the Map Screen will appear. Move your
CT Full Character 3: Bonus Vehicle Passwords @ BEETME—Car with sunroof cursor to the crossed swords and you
8019287c0064 On the Main Menu Screen, highlight @ BMRME—BMW will see that it is Dragon’s Heaven.
Infinite HP Character 4: This is a new stage not normally found
the Options and enter it. Move down, @ BNZME—Mercedes Benz
80192a3403e7 Bl BUGME—Volkswagen bug in the game.
highlight and enter the Password
Infinite HP Character 4: Option. Now put in these passwords: @ CITME—Citrogen
80192a3603e7 @ LILZIP—Bonus car: Ford Indigo 1 JEPME—Comanche pick-up
Infinite MP Character 4: Continued on Page 42

38 EGM?

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a5] aa —
> ~~ .
QUAKE" ©1996, 1997, 1998 Id Software, Inc. All Rights Reser Home Entertainment Inc. under sublicense from GT Interactive Software Corp. Quake’ is a registered trademark and the “~~ =~
Id Software™ name, the Q™ logo and the id™ logo are tradem: ised under sublicense. MIDWAY’ is a registered trademark of Midway Games Inc. GT is a trademark and the GT logo” is
a registered trademark of GT Interactive Sortware‘Corp. Ninfen pec Nigenglg oLferica Inc.©1996 Nintendo of America Inc. All other trademarks are the
property of their respective 9
- . Pe mre =

jow-On aE
Tae: eRe - MATURE

GT Interactive
PlayStation e Peak Performance to Robo Pit

@ Use Car Jumps: Square, Circle, code works just as if you picked up the

Square, Circle. item, so the effect will wear off after a

@ Hyper Car: Select+Square, while. Enter the code again when this
Select+Circle, Select+Square+Circle. happens, as often as you wish.

@ Tune Test Drive: Left+Circle,

10 Extra Lives
@ Fish Eye Lens: Square+Triangle+ faving trouble with the five
Circle, L1, L2, R2, R1. Get More Colors to Make Logo
Music Test ma measly lives given at the
To get additional colors when mak-
Enter your name as MUSIC/ON. The ing your logo, move the cursor out of beginning of the game? Try
Power Move Wrestling
game will load and the Music Mode the painting area. Press and hold starting with 15 instead! Go
Screen will appear. Three Hidden Players L1+L2+R1+R2+Select. An RGB Option to the Main Menu and access
Go to the Title Screen and enter one appears on the side of the drawing the Password Option. Now
board. Move to a color and press
Peak Performance or all of the codes for: enter the code: GIVEMELIFE
@ Sparrow: Circle, Right, Triangle, R1i+Up or Down to change the values
Hidden Cars of your colors. and press X. You will hear a
Up, Square, Left, X, Down, X, Down,
Square, Left, Triangle, Up, Circle, sound; the screen will show
From the Primary Selection Screen, Track Mirror Mode
choose 1P Race. On the next screen, Right, Select. Then press Select 10 extra lives to use in your
Choose a race and hold
highlight and choose the “Car Select” again on Commandant on the Player next game. Press Triangle to
Select Screen. Li+R1+Select+Start until the race
Option. On the Garage Select Screen,
begins. The tracks will flip. go back, and begin a new
highlight Garage A, hold L1. and press @ Gorgon (the Ring Announcer): L1,
game to take advantage of
Circle. Next, highlight Garage B, hold L141, L2, R2, R2, R1, Triangle, Down, Rotate Logo
L1 and press Circle. Then highlight X, Up, Select. Then press Select this life increase!
After More Colors Mode is activated,
Garage C, hold L1+R1 and press again on Orange from the Player
go to the Paint Menu, hold L1+R1 and
Circle. This makes you go back to the Select Screen.
then press any direction to flip your
Car Select Option. Go back into the ll Sallie (the Referee): Up, Down,
artwork up, down and sideways. You'll
Garage Select and you will see a new Left, Right, Triangle, X, Square,
be able to place it on the car this way
option under Garage D. Look inside Circle, L1, R1, L2, R2, Select. Then
if you leave it flipped.
Garage D for three new cars to choose press Select again on El Temblor
from. Also, highlight and access the from the Player Select Screen Toggle Rear View Mirror
new special option to see the new If you want to turn off the rear view
vehicles in the back of the garages. ‘oject Overkill mirror, press Start to pause and then
You can choose to race with a bus, a hold the Triangle button. While holding
truck, a Ferrari or a motor scooter. Replenish Trick
it, press L1 to make the mirror go
Soccer Ball Trick When you are low on life, press away. If you want the mirror to return,
Start. A menu will appear; highlight the keep holding Triangle and press R1.
Go into the course editor. While last option, Review Mission. Now hold Access the Password Option and
holding X, press Triangle to make your down Square and press: Circle, X,
cone white. Place the white cone on Red Asphalt enter the code GIVEMELIFE.
Triangle. Then release Square, then
the course. Repeat as necessary, hold down Circle and press: Square, Various Game Cheats
depending on how many cones X, Triangle. If done correctly, Cheater
you have left in your inventory. Now If these codes are entered correctly,
should appear at the top of the screen,
choose your car and start the race. you should hear a sound to confirm it.
and your life meter will replenish.
The white cones will have turned into Enter these codes at the in-game
soccer balls, which you can run into Cloak Code Pause Menu:
with your car! @ Invincibility; Hold R12 and R2 and
This code allows your character to
press Up, Left, Right, Down, Triangle,
be unseen...quite advantageous when
Square, Circle, X.
Perfect Weapon moving in for the kill! To enter the
@ Infinite Weapons: Hold R1 and R2
cloak code, just press Start on con-
Invincibility and press Left, Up, Right, Down,
troller one to pause when within the
Square, Triangle, Circle, X.
In the game, press Start to pause. game. While paused, highlight “Review
@ Unlimited Nitro: Hold R1 and R2
Quickly press Circle+Square+Right at Mission.” Then hold Triangle, press
and press Down, Down, Down, Circle,
the same time. Let go and then quickly Square, Circle, Circle, Square and
Circle, Circle.
Words will scroll across the screen
press Left+R1+R2. You'll hear a sound release Triangle. Hold X, press confirming that the code worked.
Enter these codes at the Main
to confirm that the code worked. Triangle, Triangle and release X. If
Menu Screen:
done correctly, “Cheater!” should
@ Big Cars: Hold R2 and L2 and
appear at the top of the screen. Then
Porsche Challenge press Up, Up, Up, Square, Square.
press Start again to unpause the
@ Play as Boss Cars: Hold down L2
Several Cheat Codes game, and you will notice that your
and press Left, Right, Down, Up,
‘Enter alll these codes at the Main character is cloaked. Now you
der right in front of your enemy without
can wan-
Square, Circle, X, Triangle.
Menu Screen. A laughing sound is @ Unlimited cash: Hold L2 and R2
him/her taking any notice. Note: This
made after each code is entered right: and press Left, Left, Right, Right,
Square, Square, Circle, Circle.

Tracers Resident Evil: Director’s Cut

Double Ammo Trick
Double the ammo every time you Now instead of the normal five lives,
pick up clips. To do this, you must be
at the Main Menu. Highlight Advanced you'll begin your game with 15!
ere’s some key info: Mode and press and hold Right until
@ Power Skids: To advanced turns green. When it does,
make it around some of start the game. Now all the ammo you of the beginning without picking up a
pick up is doubled. single item. Make your way to the front
the sharper bends at high
of the Police Department. When you
speeds, perform a power get to the gates of that place, take the
Resident Evil 2
skid. When a sharp turn lower stairs around the front yard.
comes up, tap the brakes Get Secret Character Hunk You'll find the zombie there. Once you
lightly and turn hard in the Thanks to these tips, Ray Tracers Beat a complete game (Claire and kill him, search the corpse to find a

direction you want to go. shouldn't be as tough a game as Leon) on the standard difficulty with an key. That key opens up a locker in a
“A” rating. When the rating comes up first-floor room below the stairs on the
Make sure you’re still press- you might think. west side of the Police Department.
on screen, you'll be able to save the
ing the accelerator. Your car’s the Manual transmission. scenario with Hunk as the character for Open it to find new costumes for Claire
tail will spin around the bend. With Manual, you’ll achieve a hidden game! and Leon, which will give you a slight
Straighten out your car to higher top speeds. Get Secret Character Tofu
edge in terms of beating the game.

complete the turn. ™ Secret Car: To get one of

® Higher Top Speed: It’s a the secret cars, play in Time
This is a bit tougher. Beat three Robo Pit
complete games, making sure you get
good idea to start out with Trial Mode against Tsumuji Hunk on your first or second try. Stage Select
the Automatic transmission to and defeat him. After beating Go to the Main Menu. Now press
“Alternate Costumes
learn the tracks. Once com- him, you will have access to a and hold L4, L2, R1 and R2. While
You have to find and kill a hidden
fortable with the tracks, try new fast and powerful car.
zombie. To find him, play through most inued on Page 44

“This trick was done on a preproduction version of the game.

42 EGM*

Six great hits now for


Son) AMULLIPEKIE © @esten ous
Compilation ©1998 Atari Games Corporation. Gauntlet” Marble Madness" Paperboy” and Road Blasters” are trademarks of Atari Games Corporation. Gauntlet ©1985, Marble Madness ©1984, Paperboy ©1985, Road Blasters
©1987 Atari Games Corporation. Atari? Millipede® and Crystal Castles” are trademarks of Atari Corporation used under license. Millipede ©1982, Crystal Castles ©1983 Atari Corporation. Midway” is a trademark of Midway
Games Inc. All rights reserved. Converted by Digital Eclipse Software Inc. Distributed by Midway Home Entertainment Inc. PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc,
holding these, press Select. A mes-
sage will appear in the upper-right cor-
ner with the stage number. Press Left
or Right on the D-pad to pick a stage.

Fight Zio Gigas

Hidden Rebecca Picture
This incredible trick puts you in the
number-one position in the tourna- n the S.T.A.R.S. office,
ment, allowing you to fight Zio Gigas. inside the police build-
ShowMetne From the Menu Screen, move to the
Password Option. Enter the password
ing, inspect the desk to the

far left of the room that says,
as shown with the upper and lower
case letters:
“It's trashed. Someone must
X9yl470MUGWNGXXkX have searched the desk.”
fPX3Xn3jYWWWaXXdO Examine the desk 50 times—
Once you do this, you will be upgrad- yeah, that’s right—you’ll Search this desk in the S.T.A.R.S.
ed with the best equipment, and you
notice that you can pick up a office 50 times to reveal the film.
Hidden Teams will be able to access all of the differ-
ent arms in the game. roll of film. Take this film to
Here are a couple of things to
do to get a secret team for players the Dark Room and examine
one and two. As player one, press it. It will turn out to be a pic-
Up to pick a Super Bowl team; if ture of Rebecca Chambers
you want an All-Star Team, then Instant Power-Ups
from the first Resident Evil
push Up again at the Player
Selection Screen and scroll
Here are the key combinations to
game in a basketball uniform!
most of the power-ups in the game.
through them by pressing L1 and Just enter them while playing within
L2. For the second player, do the your game (don’t pause): Phillip Cabrera
opposite (i.e., Down instead of Up, @ Flamethrower: Down, Right, El Monte, CA
R1 and R2 instead of L1. and L2). Down, Right, Circle.
™@ Pulse Wave: Up, Circle, Down,
Right, Square.
@ Speed Boost: Left, Left, Right,
Vehicle Cheats Right, Triangle. confirm that you did the code right.
There are a few tricks here that @ Shield: Down, Left, Square,

will affect the type of car you have Circle.

or add some kind of effect to it. Hl Two-Way Weapon: Up, Triangle, Secret Characters
@ EA Sports C: his trick Up, Triangle. Play as the Boss, Soul Edge
@ Bilstein: At the Title Screen, press
can only be done in Exhibition @ Three-Way Weapon: Right, Right,
Beat the entire game on the default and hold Select while entering Arcade
Mode. Go to the Race Setup/Car Square, X. (normal) setting with every character. Mode. Keep holding Select, move onto
Select Screen and highlight the @ Four-Way Weapon: Down, Down,
Now, go back into Arcade Mode and Gore and press X, Circle, X, Circle,
Kenny Wallace car. Hold X and Up, Circle. you will find the icon for Soul Edge in Square, Square, Square, Triangle,
press Up and Down. the middle of the other ones. Triangle, Triangle, X+Circle
@ Faster Car: To build a faster @ Kappan: At the Title Screen, press
car go into the Car Setup Screen. New Alternate Outfits and hold Select while entering Arcade
From there put the pressure all All Level Passwords If you get all of Siegfried’s and all Mode. Keep holding Select, move onto
the way up, the wedge all the way These level passwords work for any of Sophitia’s weapons in Edge Master Hayato and press Circle, Square,
down, the rear spoiler all the way level of difficulty: Mode, they will have new alternate Triangle, Square, X, Square, Triangle,
down and the gear ratios all the @ 1-2: Ship, Skull, Fish, Anchor, outfits. Just choose the alternate outfit Square, Circle, Square, X+Triangle.
way up. Ship, Anchor. as normal to access the new one. @ Blood: At the Title Screen, press
@ Pinnacle Car: This trick only @ 1-3: Ship, Anchor, Skull, Ship, and hold Select while entering Arcade
works in Exhibition Mode as well. Anchor, Fish. Mode. Keep holding Select, move onto
Go to the Race Setup/Car Select @ 1-4: Skull, Ship, Fish, Anchor, Bilstein and press X, Square, X,
Screen and highlight Bobby Anchor, Ship. Ammo, Fuel, Attempts, Etc. Square, X, Square, Right, Circle,
Labonte’s car. Hold X and press @ 2-1: Fish, Fish, Anchor, Ship, Triangle, Circle, Triangle Circle,
These codes will give you some
Up then Down. Skull, Anchor. incredible cheats. Go to the Load/Save Triangle, L1+R1.
@ 2-2: Skull, Anchor, Anchor, Fish, Option and choose Enter. When the Crazy Head and Feet Codes
Anchor, Ship. password box appears, put in:
@ 2-3: Fish, Anchor, Ship, Ship, @ IAMWOMAN: This code replenish- After choosing your character, press
Historic Teams Ship, Skull. and hold Right, Start, Circle and
es armor to 1,500 after reaching zero.
At the User Records Screen, @ 2-4: Anchor, Fish, Ship, Skull, Mf MOUNTANDEW: This replenishes Square simultaneously. Hold them

enter one of these names to Skull, Fish. fuel back to 100 after it hits zero. until the round begins and you'll get
release a cheat for either a new @ 3-1: Ship, Skull, Skull, Fish, @ NOSFERATU: Start the game with a strange character! Doing the same
historic team Anchor, Skull. seven attempts instead of three. code, but holding Left instead will give
@ JEXLAD—'73 Alabama @ 3-2: Fish, Skull, Anchor, Fish, @ THEBIGBOYS: This code gives you a shrunken head.
@ WHVCIR—’89 Alabama Skull, Fish. you infinite ammo, fuel, attempts and Alter Ego
@ ZDDJOT—'92 Alabama @ 3-3: Fish, Fish, Ship, Skull, Fish, double the damage.
@ CEVHETS—’89 Colorado Ship. On the Character Select Screen,
@ GHANDI: All enemies and civilians
@ VEWOJ—'96 Florida 3-4: Ship, Anchor, Ship, Fish, follow your chopper around. hold Up on the controller to choose
@ MYLQLOH—’93 Florida State Anchor, Fish. @ ANGRYLOCAL: The locals are
the alter ego of your character.

@ RCIXRE—'96 Florida State @ 4-1: Skull, Skull, Anchor, Ship, invincible and try to kill you! Wall Option
@ ZOWS—’82 Georgia Fish, Fish. @ SADISSA: Start with four attempts.
@ EIWQOH—'83 Miami @ 4-2: Ship, Anchor, Skull, Fish, Complete the game on Level 4 diffi-
@ EARTHFIRST: Infinite fuel.
@ WREHSTAEH—'86 Miami Fish, Anchor. @ QUAKER: Peaceful world.
culty or above. You will receive this
@ WEVKIM- TANIETAT @ 4-3: Skull, Ship, Skull, Skull, MIDNIGHOIL: Infinite Ammo, Fuel
option as a reward, in the Options

Fish, Ship. Screen. Turn it on. This puts an invisi-

@ WMIXJ—'89 Miami and Invincible Chopper.
i WYGGKEP—'91 Miami @ 4-4: Ship, Fish, Ship, Fish, Ship, @ FUGAZI: Infinite Ammo, Fuel
ble wall around the arena. Larger hits
Anchor. will now make you or your opponent fly
@ WEINVNOD—'92 Miami and Attempts. farther too, especially when hit out of
@ ANOYSAJ—'94 Miami @ 5-1: Anchor, Ship, Fish, Skull,
ll BSEPMAJ—'65 Michigan Fish, Ship. the ring with a special move.

State @ 5-2: Fish, Ship, Anchor, Skull,

@ KCIZRE—'91 Michigan Ship, Fish. Refill Weapons/Power
@ IGSI—'83 Nebraska @ 5-3: Ship, Fish, Skull, Anchor,
Anchor, Skull. Begin your game and then pause. Character Codes
l@ EGAXRIM—'91 Nebraska
@ 5-4: Skull, Ship, Anchor, Fish, Then enter: Triangle, X, X, X, Circle,
At the Player Select Screen, do the
Ship, Skull. X, Square, Triangle, X, Triangle,
codes as shown:
Circle. Do as often as you wish.
@ Super Turbo Edition Chun-Li:
Turn into A Flea Highlight Chun-Li. Hold Start for
about five seconds then press any
Extra Lives, New Level Begin your game and then pause.
Kick or Punch button and let go of
Then enter: Triangle, Square, Circle,
To access a new level and to start Start. (This Chun-Li does a fireball by
Triangle. Spider will then shrink down
the game with 86 lives, go to the to the size of a tiny flea!
holding Back, then pressing Forward
Password Screen. From there enter: on the pad with a Punch button.)
R1, L41, R2, L2, R1, L1, R2, L2, R14,
L1, R2, L2. You'll hear a chime to Continued on Page 46
Once eee ’
the Fate off |

ocket, or are you~

EXD [| : el ally excited?

-) Alo) a me
Exclusively Distributed By
Inc. © 1998 Nintendo of America Inc _——
—— — =
@ MJCIM.RC: Small RC cars.
For any of these codes to work,
you must have the timer and traffic
options clicked on.

hese codes will reveal Weapon Refill, Flea Code

@ Super Akuma: Highlight Akuma. passwords to different From the Main Menu, access the
Hold Start and move Down, Right, levels of the game with many Options Screen. Next, go to Driver 1
Right, Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, lives to boot! Access the Setup. Choose “Enter Name.” Clear
Right, Right, Right. Then press any
Kick or Punch button and let go of Password Option from the the current name and put in the
following passwords:
Start. (The new Akuma is faster and Main Menu and enter for:
@ BEEFY—Unlocks the Monster
can do a double fireball in the air @ YNT Weeds with 40 Truck in Practice Race.
(Jump and press Down, Down-Forward, lives: X, Circle, X, Triangle, At the Password Screen, enter any
@ FIFTY—Unlocks the Hot Rod in
Forward+Punch]. He is also much
Square, Triangle, Square, of the codes as shown. Practice Race.
faster with every move. One of his
Level 3 super attacks can even go Circle, X, Circle, Triangle, @ SANDDUNE—Unlocks Speed
Demon and Mud Runner Cup in
across the screen now [Jab, Jab, Right, Square.
Mixed League.
Short, then Fierce when facing right]). @ YNT Mines with 72 lives:
X, L2, Triangle, R1, L1, X, Unlock Tracks, Mixed League Cups
4 n L2, Square, Triangle, L1, First go to Options and into the
Driver 1 setup. Next, go into Enter
Play as Cammy Square, R1.
Name. Clear the name and enter ALL-
Cammy is hidden on the second CD.
@ YNT Eggs w/10 lives: TRACK. Press Triangle to exit, but
To get her, play through with M. Bison Triangle, Square, Circle, then go back into the Name Entry
and get a first-place score. Enter your Triangle, X, Square, Screen. Clear the name again and
initials as CAM. She'll now be avail- Circle, Triangle, Square, X, enter ELVIS. Now when you go back
able in the Versus Mode only. To get into the Practice and Mixed League
Triangle, Square.
her, highlight M. Bison and press Start After entering the code, the game Options, all the tracks and mixed
twice over him. @ YNT Eggs w/65 lives:
will take you to your selected level. league cups will be open!
Square, X, Circle, Triangle,
Triangle, X, Square, Circle,
Triangle, Circle, X, Square.
Hidden Bonus Barrel Game Cheat Codes
@ Elevated Structure of
Go to the Mode Select Menu and Terror w/74 lives: Triangle, Go to the Resume Mission Option
highlight “Practice.” Press Start, then and then to the Password Screen.
Up, Up, Right, Up, Right, Up and Start Square, Circle, X, Square, X, Then put in these codes:
again. A message will appear that Circle, Square, Triangle, @ Improved Weapons: RUBLE
says, “Here Comes a New Game Circle, X, X. Minimal Gravity: SOYUZ
Mode.” Now go into Practice Mode @ Evil Engine #9 w/47 @ Hidden Sea Hunter game: SNEEG
and you will see a new option called @ Movie Menu: KIEV
lives: R2, R2, Triangle, L2,
“Bonus Game.” Choose any character, lH Bugrider Preview: BUGGY
and you will be playing the bonus bar-
L4, R1, R2, L2, L4, R2,
rel stage from Street Fighter II! Triangle, X. Level Select Codes
@ Evil Engine #9 w/60
Face off against Bosses with an Go to the Resume Mission Option
lives: L1, R2, R1, L2, L1, R41, incredible stock of lives to boot! and then to the Password Screen.
Then put in these codes to start at
is Secret Cups/Options L2, R2, L4, R41, R2, L2. X, Square, Triangle. these Debriefing Levels:
@ Monkey Mage w/23 @ Monk Rushmore w/31 2: AKULA 3: PASHA 4: MIRAS
Access the Options Screen and then
move down and highlight the Cup lives: R2, R1, L1, R2, R1, L2, lives: R2, L2, R1, L4, R2, L2, 5: NAKAT 6: REZKY 7: TUCHA
Password Option. Enter the following L1, R1, L2, L4, R2, L2. R1, X, L1, R2, L2, Xx. 8: ZARYA 9: VOSTA
passwords to get the various results: M@ Glenn Yntis w/22 lives: @ Monk Rushmore w/55
@ TRAFIK—Silver Cup R2, R1, L2, R1, 14, X, L2, lives: R2, L4, R41, L2, X,
@ NEJATI—Gold Cup
DOUGAL—Platinum Cup
L141, X, Triangle, L2, L1. Circle, X, R2, L2, L1, R1, R2. Game Cheat Mode
@ TURGAY—Advanced Options/ @ Shards w/71 lives: R2, @ Skull Monkey’s Gate with Go to the Main Title Screen and
Secret Level and Character. R1, Circle, L2, R2, L2, R1, 54 lives: R41, L4, R2, L2, L4, shoot at the center of the R in the
L1, R2, Triangle, L2, Square. R2, L2, R2, L2, L4, R2, L2. word CRISIS. Then shoot twice directly

icy e @ Castle De Los Muertos inside the crosshairs, next to the word
@ Skull Monkey's Gate with
TIME. If your shots are accurate, a
Hidden Characters w/638 lives: R2, L2, L4, R2, L2, 61 lives: L2, R2, L1, R2, L4, Cheat Menu should appear with a few
R1, L4, R2, L2, L4, R2, L2. R1, R2, L2, L4, X, R2, X. extra options to choose from. You can
Go to the Character Select Screen
and highlight Morrigan. Now hold W@ Klogg w/55 lives: R2, L4, @ Skull Monkey’s Gate w/84 begin your next game with nine lives!
Select. Then follow the instructions R1, L2, L1, R1, R2, L2, L4, lives: L1, R1, L2, R2, R1, 14,
and enter the following codes for each R2, R1, L2. L2, R2, R1, L2, R2, R1.
character as shown: @ Worm Graveyard w/30 Hidden Truck and Raining Frogs
@ Akuma: Down, Down, Down, Left,
lives: R1, R2, L2, R2, R1, Susan Nail
Left, Left and then any button. Access the Race Type (Steering
@ Dan: Left, Left, Left, Down, Square, Triangle, Circle, L4, Salina, KS Wheel icon) and choose Time Trial.
Down, Down and then any button. Next, access the “Start Race” Option
@ Devilot: Left, Left, Left, Down, (Key icon) and enter either of these
Down, Down. Then hit any button when
Level Skip, Trippy Mode and put this code in the sixth slot of codes in the “Edit Names” Option:
the timer reaches “10.” the roster: Vilooma. This will enter you @ MAINLINE: This will access the
@ Hsien-Ko's Paper Talisman: Move At the “Select Game Type” Menu, hidden truck called Mother.
in a bowL-off with another player. You
press L1, R1, Triangle, Circle, Up-Left, @ RAINFROG: This will cause the
the cursor to the right one square will have to try to get strikes in the
and then hit any button. Select and Start simultaneously. This
ninth and 10th frames to beat your weather to rain frogs. Press Triangle
@ Anita: Move the cursor right two will make a significant noise when it twice to go back to the Main Menu and
opponent with a perfect score. Enter
squares and then hit any button. works. Now you have access to two players in any of the other slots to reg- choose your new truck and weather.
new tricks:
ister them in the bowl-off as well. Hidden Asteroids-type Game
@ Level Skip: During gameplay, hold
R1 then press L2. When the baddies For all you “Asteroids” fans out
‘Access Tempest 2000, Plus Games are killed, you'll skip to the next level. there or those who just like hidden
@ Trippy Mode: At the Select Game games, here's a trick you gotta check
Get a first-place high score and Game Secrets
Type Menu, hold R41, L2, Triangle, X out! To play the hidden game, “Roids,”
enter the initials HVS as your name. These are several codes you can
and Up. select your Race Type as “Time Trial.”
At the next Entry Screen, put in the turn on. However, you must first race a Then proceed to the “Edit Name”
code YIFF! Now look at the Main track and get a course record. Enter Option and enter your name as:
Menu. You'll have the new game these codes as your name to get: DUTCHMAN. A developer's face will
modes at your disposal! Make sure if
Bowl-Off Code @ KNACKED: Bonus tracks. appear at the top-right corner if the
you have a memory card to save this @ SAUSAGE: Bonus cars. trick was entered correctly. Go back
onto it. On the Game Setup Screen, make
@ WHOOOOSH: A nitro boost every
the Play Style a “Tournament” game
time you honk your horn. Continued on Page 50
2p |


Re i>.
i OO Entertai

oN Sa Tn ee
a 4 a,

™m than ne |
Face Diablo = \

rt a

Join a companion on a quest to PLAYER

defeat Diablo and his dark minions. PLAYSTATION”
Storm dungeon labyrinths as a EDITION
Warrior, Rogue, or Sorcerer, gaining eae
power with every enemy destroyed. 4\"42
out of 5”
There can be no peace until Diablo, 15) ° | — PSM Magazine inassociation with
the Lord of all Evil, is defeated.
PlayStation ¢ Tobal 2 to War Gods

to the Start/Options Screen. Proceed

into Options and select the “Credits”
Option. This will take you right into
the hidden game.

evel Skip: Pause the CONTINVE

Grow/Shrink, Play as the Boss
game, then hold down
onLaLaLa At the Character Select Screen,
press and hold L2+R2. While holding
L1+R1+L2+R2 and press

these, press X to choose your charac- Triangle, X, Square, Circle,
ter. During gameplay, press L2 to Circle, Circle.
shrink your character and R2 to make @ Invincibility: Pause the
your player grow! Do this any time dur-
game, then hold down L1+R1
ing the match or replay of the game.
and press Triangle, Triangle, In the middle of your game, press
Play as Bosses X, X, Square, Circle. Start to pause. Now enter any of
“i Mufu: Beat the game on Easy. ® Invisibility: Pause the the codes and go to the game.
@ Nork: Beat it on Normal. game, then hold down L1+R1
@ Emperor Udan: Beat it on Hard.
and press Square, Square,
Victory Dance Circle, Circle, Triangle, X.
Do this trick in Arcade or Vs. Mode. @ All Power-ups: Pause the
As soon as you win both rounds of the game, then hold down L2+R2
match with your character, press and
hold Up+Right+L2 and you will get a and press Triangle, Circle,
pause for a few seconds. Instead of Square, X, Triangle, X.
the normal victory pose, your character ® All Items: Pause the
will go into a cool victory dance that game, then hold down L2+R2
lasts for a little while. While playing, and press X, Square, Circle,
use the pad to rotate the view: L1 to
zoom out and L2 to zoom in.
Triangle, Square, Circle.
@ Reset Physical Ability:
Tomb Raider Pause the game, then hold
down L1+R1 and press X,
Access to All Weapons
Circle, Triangle, Square,
Go to the Inventory Screen by press- X, Circle.
ing Select. Now press the following:
@ Reset Magic Ability:
L4, Triangle, R2, L2, L2, R2, Circle,
L1. You will hear Lara make a sound. Pause the game, then hold
Now press X. Go back into the down L1+R1 and press
Inventory Screen with Select. Done! Triangle, Circle, X, Square,
Triangle, Circle.
Triple Play '98
EA Dream Team Mark Lewandowski You will have Invincibility for a
On the Exhibition Screen, press L2, Pittsburgh, PA while, but it will wear off soon.
R2, L2, R2, Circle. You'll hear a click.
Move Left with the D-pad until you
reach the 33rd team, the Dream Team. Other Codes
Hidden Stadiums The rest of these codes are done Twisted Metal 2
while holding L1+R1+L2+R2 while in
At the Select Stadium Screen, press Use Minion’s Weapon
the middle of a game:
L141, R1, Li, R1, Square. Move to the
@ Cheat Strikeout—X, Down, Circle, Now you don't have to be the power-
right of the screen and you'll see three ful Minion to pull off some awesome
Square, Right, Left, Triangle, Up. This
new stadiums to choose from. firepower. Choose your favorite car and
forces the next pitch to be a strikeout.
@ Cheat Home Run—uUp, Triangle, enter a game. Then during a game,
Left, Right, Square, Circle, Down, X. enter: Up, Down, Up, Up and then your
Force next hit to be a home run. machine gun button. By doing this,
@ Cheat Crowd Comment—Square, you launch Minion's special weapon
Circle, Square. Announcers talk about and the opponent you're firing upon
the stadium and crowd. will suffer a tremendous blow! This
@ Cheat Weather Comment— takes just about all of your special
Circle, X, Circle. Announcers talk energy bar, so use it wisely.
Tomb Raider 0 get the maximum 99 about the weather.
ives in the game, enter @ Cheat Sponsor Comment—
this code while the game is Triangle, Circle, Triangle. Announcers
give some funny commercials. Free Play, Invincibility,
paused: L141, Triangle, Down,
@ Cheat Crowd Cheer—Down, X, Playable Bosses, Etc.
Left, Circle, Select, Square, Down, X, Triangle. The crowd cheers. From the Title Screen, go into the
Right. To get a free Halo, ™ Cheat Crowd Boo—Down, X, Options and move down to the “Cheat
which will protect you from Down, X, X. The crowd boos. Code” Option. Using the Square, X,
one hit, pause the game and Strike Out Trick Circle and Triangle buttons, change
enter the following: R2, the numbers of the four-digit password
If you'd like to win cheap, this trick to match one of the codes below:
Circle, Circle, Down, Left, is for you! Start your game, and when @ Free Play: 0705 (Enables no limit
Circle, Right, Down. the computer opponent is batting,
on continues on the Options Screen.)
press Start to pause the game and at @ Player 1 Invincible: 2358
the Pause Menu, highlight “Select @ Player 2 Invincible: 1224
Controllers” and move your controller @ Player 1 Extra Damage: 7879
to the other team. Now take control of @ Player 2 Extra Damage: 3961
the batter and move him all the way @ Quick Finish Game: 4258
PAUSED down and way to the side of the box. (Finish the game after killing only
ounine Now you can either wait for the com- one CPU player.)
puter to pitch and just don’t swing, or @ Easy Fatalities: 0322 (Pressing
you can take control of your original High Punch+Low Kick triggers a fatali-
team and throw some low strikes, ty—so fatalities must be on.)
which the computer will have a hard @ Player 1 Play as Grox: 6969
time hitting. Either way, you should be @ Player 1 Play as Exor: 2791
able to strike out your opponent with
ease. Keep doing this throughout the Level Select Passwords
Now you can max out your lives to game, and you'll be sure to win. Make
From the Title Screen, go into the
99 right in the middle of the game! sure you switch back to your original
team before the game ends. Continued on Page 5
Options and move down to the “Cheat
Code” Option. Using the Square, X,
Circle and Triangle buttons, change
the numbers of the four-digit password.
Entering a Level Select password
means you'll always play on that level:
@ Level 1 Select: 5550
@ Level 2 Select: 5551 ust when you thought
you've done it all with
this cartoon-turned-video-
game, leave it to Jaleco to Cheat Mode Code
@ Level 6 Select: 5555
add a few new surprises!
@ Level 7: 5557 (secret level) At the Wing Commander Copyright
These tricks will give you Screen, enter: Up, Down, Down, Up,
some cool new options: R2. If done correctly, you will see the
@ Access All Cars: At the At the Course Select Screen, you can Level Select screen. Choose your level
Many Incredible Cheats Car Select Screen, press and race in different parts of the day. using the throttle buttons. Then begin
your game. To use the “Cheat kill” and
At the Main Menu Screen, choose a hold in this order: RL+R2+
new game or load an existing one. destroy enemy ships in a battle with
L1+L2+Select+Down+ one shot, press: L1+L2+Square simul-
After picking your campaign, start the
scenario. Press Start to pause, and at
Triangle. Let go and scroll taneously. Use caution with this cheat:
the Pause Menu, move down and high- Left or Right to see the extra Don’t use on friendly ships or you may
light the “Enter Password” selection. cars to choose from. mess up your game.
Press X to see a Password Screen. @ Course Select Codes:
Now put in one of these codes. You
At the Course Select Screen,
will get confirmation that the codes
worked when it says “Enabled Cheat” do these codes for: Various Cheats
on the screen: Night Only Race: Hold Hold down L4, R41, Select and enter
I NSCRN: Gives you the full map R1+R2 and press X. the following at the relevant menus:
@ GLTTRNG: 100,000 gold, 5000 Day Only Race: Hold L1+L2 @ Pregame Menus
trees (repeat the trick as needed)
and press X. On the Car Select Screen, do the Phantom Class: Triangle, Triangle,
@ VLDZ: 5000 units of oil Triangle, Circle, Circle, Circle.
Dusk Only Race: Hold code to get all the extra cars!
@ MKTS: Faster building Eight Tracks: Square, Circle,
@ DCKMT: Upgrades everything R1+R2+L1+L2 and press X. Triangle, Circle, Square.
to the best @ Two Extra Views: During a Piranha Team: X, X, X, X, Circle,
@ VRYLTTL: Gives you all the spells
@ TSGDDYTD: Invincibility (one-hit
race, press Start to pause. Triangle, Square.
@ When in the Game and Paused
unit kills and few hit structure kills) Press Right five times, then
Machine Gun: Square, Circle, X,
@ THRCNBNL: See the game's end Left five times. Unpause the Square, Circle, X, Triangle.
game and use the zoom but- Infinite Energy: Triangle, X, Square,
tons to get additional views. Circle, Triangle, X, Square, Circle.
@ Smash the Start Sign: Infinite Weapons: X, X, Square,
Thor and Kali Mode Square, Circle, Circle, Triangle.
Activate the Rotary Saws on Infinite Time: Triangle, Square,
To access two new modes, go to the
Main Menu Screen. Move down and
either the Mach 5 or the Circle, X, Triangle, Square, Circle, X.
highlight the words, “Special Access.” Demon. Then use the Auto
Challenge Race Types
Enter the Code Screen and put in: Jacks to attack the sign. You can get two extra views during
@ Thor Mode: Square, Circle, the game with the views code. Enter these passwords at the
Square, Square, Triangle, X, Triangle, Password Screen to get:
Triangle. Get 9999 Flash Bombs! @ Challenge 1: Square, Circle,
Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle,
@ Kali Mode: X, Circle, Circle, @ During battle, access the “Fight” Triangle, Circle, Square, Square,
Square, X, Triangle, Circle, Triangle. icon and then choose the “Item” icon
This gives you eight Ultra Lock-Ons and Square, Triangle, X, Square.
after that. Pick the item you want to @ Challenge 2: Square, Circle,
24 Super Swarmers! Secret Characters duplicate and make sure you only have
Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, X,
‘Access Level Codes one of that item. Now, make your first Square, X, Triangle, Triangle, X,
Start the game and get to the Title
character (Rudy) use a Heal Berry. Circle, Circle.
(Key: T=Triangle, S=Square, X=X, Screen. Once there press R1, R1, R1,
Have the next character (Jack) also
O=Circle) R1, L41, 14, L4, La, R2, R2, R2, R2, Then access “Race Type” and you
use a Heal Berry. Have the third char- will see the Challenge option under
@ Desert Level: TSXTXXSS. L2, L2, L2, L2 and Select. You'll hear
acter (Cecilia) go into the Item Screen the other races.
@ Pyramid Has Risen: TSXTOSOX a noise if entered correctly.
and switch the position of the Heal
@ Desert Is All But Done: Hidden Rings Berry with the item that you want
TOXTOOXS duplicated. After you do this, exit the
@ Canyon Level: OTTXOOSO Go to the Options Screen and have
screen and choose the “Defend” icon. Increase Credits Code
@ In The Canyon With Amber: the Ring Option highlighted. Then press
The battle will start. After the battle is
OSOSXOOT R1, R2, Ri, R2 or L4, L2, L1, L2 and At the Game Select Screen, hold
over, go back into your items and you
@ In The Canyon With Belle: Select. This will scroll the ring selec- L1+L2+R1+R2. With these held, press
will see that you have 255 of the item
OTXSOOTT tion over and eventually give you Circle continuously until the game
you switched with the Heal Berry!
i In The Canyon With Crystal: access to a new one. loads up. The more you press, the
@ If you have more than one item,
OSTSTTTS Secret Rants but you want 255 of that item, do the more you get!
@ Approaching Uma: OOOSTTST
B Airship Level: XTXSSTST To get a secret rant for Alex Wright trick this way: When it’s your turn in
the battle, have your first character
Hidden “Tekken” Ships
@ Post Transformation Airship: or Eddie Guererro, press Circle repeat- @ For Heihachi: Go to the Title
use a Heal Berry. Make your second
XOTTOOOX edly on-them at the Character Select. Screen and highlight “Start Game.”
character go into the Item Screen and
@ Airship Rear Hangar Is Open: Swelled Head Then press and hold: Left+Square+X+
switch the Heal Berry with the item you
XSTOXTSS want to duplicate. Then exit the screen
Start on controller one.
Volcano Level: STXXXTOS To make your fighter’s head grow @ For Paul: Go to the Title Screen
each time you get hit or hit someone, and choose the “Defend” icon. Have
@ Volcano Boss Is Active: your third character just choose the and highlight “Start Game.” Then
SSXOTOST press R1, R1, R1, R1, press and hold: Right+Square+X+
R1, R1, R1, R2 and Select at the “Defend” icon. After the battle is over,
@ Gauntlet Level: TOTOTXSS go back into your items and the item
Start on controller two.
@ East Gauntlet Boss: TOXTOXTS Character Select Screen. @ For the Black Ship: Highlight
you wanted duplicated will be missing
@ West Gauntlet Boss: TOOSTOOX Big Head and replaced with an empty slot. Do “Reset.” Then press and hold
@ In With the Gatekeeper:
the trick once again for the next battle, L1+L2+R1+R2+Select. “Game Start”
To start the match with a big head,
TOOTTXST but this time, have the second charac- should be highlighted. While still hold-
@ Stormland: TXTSOX0O
press L4, L4, L4, L4, L4, L4, L1, ing the buttons down, press Start
L2 and Select at the Character ter put the Heal Berry in the empty
@ Above First Force Field: slot. After the battle ends, go into your until you begin your game.
Select Screen.
TXXSOSOX items and you'll have 255 of that item.
@ Above Second Force Field: M@ To get 255 Heal Berries, do the
TXTTTXOT trick as you would if you wanted to
Above Third Force Field: duplicate an item that had more than
Heal Berry 255 Item Cheat
TXSOTXTS one. But this time, put the Heal Berry
@ Kreel’s Door Is Open: TXSTOSXX This trick gives you 255 duplicates in an empty space below the other
@ Face Kreel: TXTSSSXT of the items in your inventory. There items and do the trick.
are different ways to do this trick,
depending on the number of items:
Sega Saturn « Amok to Doom

Mission Passwords
Highlight the Password Option and
press the corresponding buttons:
@ Phase 2.1—CBYXYC
t the Title Screen, when
Phase 3.1—XABXAB
@ Phase 3.2—AZCBXC “Press Button to Start,”
@ Phase 4.1—YYBBCY is flashing, press A, Left,
@ Phase 4.2—BAXCXX Right, A. A tiny picture of the
final Boss should appear in
Battle Arena Toshinden URA the lower right-hand corner of
Additional Characters, Weapons the screen. When you begin
Street Fighter Alpha 2 _ the One-player Mode, you will Press A, Left, Right and A to activate
Enter these codes at the Title
Screen while the “Start” is flashing. have activated Another World! Another World in the game.
Alternate Character Cheats
Note: These codes need to be entered
in the following order to work:
i Repli/Wolf: A, B, Z, X, Y, C must have a power plant and barracks Screen, the words “Mirror Mode”
@ Special: A, Z, C, X, B, ¥ built before this one will work. You should appear on the left side.
B Vermilion/Sho: A, Y, C, X, B, Z may then use the build-up code to
Supercar and Two Horses
gain access to more units, vehicles
|, Down, Down- and structures as needed. These will § For the Supercar Daytona hold
be instantly accessible when you look X+Y+Z+R button and then press C to
x3 Kick or Punch for his Incredible Game Cheats in your sidebar. Use this with the select your game. Daytona will appear
move. Do it the opposite
Pause anywhere within your game, Money Code to efficiently build at the Car Select Screen.
backward). yourself up. ™@ For Uma enter the Daytona Code,
then enter these codes:
er Turbo Edition Chun- Cheat Screen: L button, A, Z, Y, @ Visoroid Code: C, Right, A, Z, Y, return to the Main Menu and hold
Left, Right, A, Down, Right, L button.
B, Up, B, B, A. During some point in X+Z+L button. Press C to select
§ Invincibility: R button, Right, A, L the game, a visible blob will appear. your game.
™@ For Uma 2 enter the Uma code,
button, Right, A, Down, Y.
return to the Main Menu and hold L
Fly Cheat: L button, A, Left, L Crusader: No Remorse button+R button+Y+Z. Press C to
button, Right, Down, Down. After
entering this code, use Y and the
Small and Big Cheats pick your game.
D-pad to move your character across At the Main Menu, choose “Load
the screen. Game.” Then pick the “Teleport to DecAthlete
Mission” Option. On the Passcode
Control Background Blimp
Clockwork Knight 2 Screen, enter the word, LOSR. The
game will Say it's an invalid password, When you're in an event (such as
Mini-Games/Boss Codes but in the middle of a game, you shotput), and the blimp is in sight, just

At the Bosses Galore Screen, press:

can access two kinds of cheats: press and hold the L button.
@ Small Cheats (full health and
Up, Up, Right, Right, Down, Down, Hop on One Leg
Left, Left, X, Y, Z. If done correctly, energy): Press A+B+C.
@ Big Cheats (all weapons, use- At the Select Mode Screen, choose
MINI-GAME should appear. Press Start
ables): Press X+Y+Z. the Arcade, Decathlon or Practice
to go to the Mini-games Screen. Talk
Option and begin the 100 Meter Dash.
about some hidden bonuses! Passcodes As soon as the announcer starts to
For those seeking a little more
practice against those pesky Bosses,
Here is a compilation of passcodes say your course number and name,
for the four difficulty levels: press the following buttons on con-
pick the option Bosses Galore from the
@ Mama's Boy Missions troller one: Up, Left, Down, Right, X.
Main Menu. When the Bosses Galore
02: FWQP 03: PLRQ 04: SZNF This does not slow your character
Title Screen appears, press X five
times, Y seven times and Z five times.
05: TD5S 06:J1BT 07: K2CV down in any way—but it looks weird!
08: N3DW 09: M4FX 10: X5GZ
You'll see the word, “BOB” in the mid- Tumble Races
11: C6HO 12:D7J1 13: F8K2
dle of the screen. Now take the D-pad
14: FGL3 15: JFM4 At the Select Mode Screen, choose
and move Up or Down to battle the
Real-time Level: LRTN the Arcade, Decathlon or Practice
Boss of your choice.
Option and begin the 100 Meter Dash.
@ Weekend Warrior Missions: As soon as the announcer starts to
Command & Conquer 02: GWQP 03: QLRQ 04: say your course number and name,
05: VD5S 06: K1BT 07: press the following buttons on con-
In-Game Cheat Codes
O08: P3DW 09: N4FX 10: troller one: Left, Right, Left, Right, X.
Begin a New Game from the Title 41: D6HO 12: F7J1 13: Again, this does not slow your charac-
Screen. Once in your first mission, 14:GGL3. 15: KFM4 ter down at all.
you'll be able to implement the cheats. Real-time Level: MRTN
Do not pause the game, but enter the
codes with the controller while the
Die Hard Arcade
@ Loose Cannon Missions:
game is going on 02: HWQP 03: RLRQ 04: Hyper Deep Scan
H Money Code: Right, Left, A, B, 05: WD5S 06:L1BT 07: Hold X+Y+Z at the Title Screen, and
C, Z, Y, X, Right, Left. Your money 08: Q3DW 09: P4FX 10: then press Start on Deep Scan while
will increase by $5,000 each time. 11: F6HO 12:G7J1 13: still holding those buttons. You should
Map Code: Up, Down, Right, 14: HGL3 15: LFM4 see “Hyper” just above the title when
Left, A, Up, Down, Right, Left, A. Realtime Level: NRTN the game begins. This will boost up the
All black areas of the map will be
intensity of the Deep Scan game for an
revealed so you can see where @ No Remorse Missions: intense challenge!
enemy units are. 02: JWQP 03: SLRQ 04:
@ Nuclear Code: A, B, C, 05: XD5S_ 06:M1BT 07:
Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, 08: R3DW 09: Q4FX = 10: Die Hard Trilogy
Down, Right, Up, A. This puts a 11: @6HO 12:H7J1 13: Cheat Menu
nuclear weapon ready for launch in 14: JGL3 15: MFM4
your sidebar. Real-time Level: PRTN Enter: C, A, B, B, Y, C, A, B, B, Y
“i lon Cannon Code: A, B, C, when you see the Copyright Screen
appear, and then begin a new game.
Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, On any difficulty you can enter anoth-
Right, Up, B. This gives you an er code that will give you bizarre black-
Then while playing within the game, hit
lon Cannon. Start to pause and you should notice a
and-white pictures. Just enter the code
@ Air Strike Code: A, B, C, Left, XXXX on the Passcode Screen.
new option, “Cheat!” This menu gives
Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, you two new options: Immortal Mode
Up, C. An Air Strike icon will appear. and Level Select.
@ Laser Code: X, Y, Z, Right, Daytona US, ‘CE
Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, Mirror Mode
Up, X. For this to work, you must have
the Orca VTOL (helicopter). At the Course Select Screen, press Invincibility Cheat
Build Up Code: Y, A, B, B, A, and hold X+Y+Z. Then select your
Anywhere within a level, using
track with A or C. At the Course Select
Down, A, B, B, A, Down, Up. You
Continued on Page 53
Sega Saturn ¢ Dragon Force to Tomb Raider

controller one hit Start to pause and hilarious skit called “Answering
enter: Down, Y, X, R button, Right, L Machine” by the Dead Alewives on
button, Left and B. If the trick was the Confirmation Screen. (Note: The
entered correctly, the phrase “All Special Easter Eggs skit is meant for a mature audience.)
Powerful Mode On” will appear and Access the Restore Game Option. During gameplay in D-pad Mode, press
your eyes will begin to glow. On this screen, highlight “Enter Start to pause. Press the top L and
R buttons simultaneously to skip to
Password” and go into this screen.
Enter the following codes: the next level.
@ Free For All: Up, Y, A, Right, Up, Y,
To skip levels in Gun Mode, do the
Debug Mode B, Down, Right, Down.
DRY Code and then pause the game by Street Fighter Alpha 2
Get All Flags: Down, Y, Right, A, pressing Start on the gun. Use the trig-
To access this, begin by turning on
ger to select the Quit Option. After ask- Rapid Fire in Training
the system. While the game is booting, Right, Up, Right, B, A, Down.
@ Credit Heads: A, Y, A, Right, ing for confirmation, choose YES. Then Access the Training Mode, and when
press and hold: L button+R button+
Down, Y, Up, Right, Right, A. it will advance you to the next level. you get to the Character Select Screen,
X+Z+Start. Then when at the Title
Screen (while still holding those but- Hidden Options Screen press and hold R button+Start while
tons) press Down, Down, Up, Down, you choose your character. Then let go
To get Mimic Mode, do the DRY and pick your computer opponent.
Down, Left, Left, Left, Up, Down,
Tantalus Bike Code again. Go in D-pad Mode. When the match begins, you can hold
Right, Right, Right. Let go of the Start
Choose two players with B. On the any button that does a move and it will
button and then press it once more. At the Main Menu Screen, highlight Confirmation Screen, go to “Let's Play” automatically be in Rapid Fire Mode!
If entered correctly, “Debug Mode” and choose the Arcade Mode. Select and press C. When the screen fades to
should appear at the bottom of the your course on the next screen and the Sakura’s New Winning Poses
black, pull out controller two. Make
Game/Options Screen. Begin your on the Transmission Select Screen, sure you do this before the disc spins To get Sakura to do some fancy vic-
game to find a Debug Option at the quickly press L, L, R, R, Left, Right,
Main Map Menu and other menus.
or it won't work. You'll be in control tory animations any time you win, just
Left, Z, Y, Z. You will have a very short of two players after it's done loading. do the following tricks: Little dance:
time to do this code, so enter it before Using the first controller, you control Hold B as soon as you win; Kick off
Duke Nukem 3D the screen changes. Next, wait for the both characters and sport double shoe: Hold A as soon as you win.
time to run out. When you begin the the firepower!
Secret Codes race, you will see that your bike is gray Play as Special Sakura
All Weapons: Pause the game and and your rider will have the Tantalus
On the Mode Select Screen, take
press Z, X, X, Z, Y, Z, Y, X, Y. logo on his back. controller one and enter Survival
@ No Monsters: At the Difficulty Manipulate the Title Screen Mode. Move to Sakura and press
Screen press Z, Z, X, X, Y, X, Y, X, Z. Mega Man X4 Start. Now press Up, Left, Down,
To have a little fun with the Title
Turok-style Controls: Pause the Left, Down, Right, Right, Down, Left,
New Suits of Armor Screen, wait a moment, then fiddle
game; press Y, Y, Z, Z, X, X, Y, X, Z. Left, Down, Down, Down, Right, Up,
with the D-pad. The “R” logo on screen
@ Unleash Death Tank Zwei: To get To get new suits of armor for Mega Up, Right. Now press and hold the
will rotate freely. If you press B, the
this hidden treat, beat the game while Man and Zero, enter these codes at Start button. Then choose Ryu to get
logo will change color. Pressing A
destroying all the toilet bowls in the the Character Select Screen. It doesn’t the special Sakura!
restores the logo to its former color.
process. You can also get it by having seem like the new suits come with Pressing Y or X will darken or lighten
a save file from Quake or Powerslave extra abilities, but they sure look cool:
on the Saturn saved game memory.
the logo. Street Fighter Collection
Hi Mega Man: Highlight him in the
@ God Mode: Pause the game; Player Select Screen. Press B twice, Hidden Characters
press X, Z, Z, X, Y, X, Y, Z, Y. Sonic 3D Blast
then press Left six times. Finally, hold This awesome collection has a
the L and R buttons and press Start. Enable Cheat Mode couple of secret characters. Follow the
i Zero: Highlight him in the Player methods below to find each one:
At the Main Title Screen, hold Up-
Select Screen. Hold the R button and @ Play As Akuma: On Disc 1,
Hyper Mode Left+A+C. While holding these down,
press Right six times. Release the R choose the Super Street Fighter II Turbo
press Start. Then pause within the
To get a speed boost in the game, button, hold down B and press Start. game and on the Player Select Screen
game and press the following at the
play 100 rounds. You will be able to (in either Arcade or Versus Mode), high-
Pause Screen to:
access Hyper Mode. Need for Speed light Ryu, hold the L button and then
@ Skip one act: A.
Play as Secret Character Meat kip two acts and the Boss: B press the R button. Akuma’s shadow
Hidden Track, Car, Etc. will appear and you can use him.
@ Warp to the final Boss: C.
To access Meat, load the game @ Play As Cammy: On Disc 2, begin
In the Race Type Menu, choose @ Get an extra life: X.
up to the Title Screen and then turn a One-Player Arcade Mode game on
Tournament. Pick the Passcode Option @ Get an extra medal: Y.
off the machine. Do this at least 30 and enter TSYBNS. Press A. Go back Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold and win the
times. Now go back to the Character to Race Type and choose a different game with M. Bison, getting first place
Select Screen and highlight Kumachan. one (like Head-to-Head). At the Race
Soviet Strike (above 50,000 points). Enter your high
Choose him with X to play as the Location Screen, scroll through until score name as CAM. Now choose
Level Codes
new character. you find the hidden track, Lost Vegas. Versus Mode, and if you have the
Go to the Load/Save Option and Shortcut Option on, you will see a list
With this location highlighted, hold the
choose Enter. When the password box of names. The last name on the list
hting Vipers top L and R buttons for Lost Rally
(Rally Mode). At the Vehicle Selection
appears, put in these level codes:
will be Cammy. Now you can choose
Options Plus Menu @ Black Sea—KRAZHA
Screen, highlight any car and press her as a playable character.
Finish the game in Normal difficulty. and hold the top L and R buttons. You
®@ Dracula—YADRO
This menu will be selectable on the will see the Warrior car! Choose it for Tomb Raider
Start/Options Screen. an incredibly fast ride! Also, if you go
Play as B.M. and Mauler
back to Race Type, highlight the Head- Incredible Cheat Codes Level Skip
to-Head Option and press and hold the
While at the Password Screen enter Any time during play, press Start
Finish the game on the hardest top L and R buttons. This will give you to pause the game. Go to the last
the following cheats. You should see
difficulty with any character, and they No Mercy Mode (no cops or traffic). page of your passport book, “Exit to
the word “Classified” if the code was
will be selectable on the Character
entered correctly: title,” and press Z, Y, Z, Y, X, X, X
Select Screen by scrolling past the
Resident E @ Unlimited Fuel: COLDPIZZA (Fuel then Start. Lara will make a groaning
visible list of characters. sound. After you hear this, press A.
should return to 100 after hitting zero.)
Special Mode Battle Game This will exit to a Statistics Screen of
Play as Kumachan @ 1 Extra Life: FREEBIE
This game forces you to just fight all @ 4 Extra Lives: VOODOO that level. Then you will warp to the
On the Character Select Screen, play
of the monsters on a given level. First @ 4X Weapon Power: GABRIEL next level!
in Versus Mode and play through at
start the game normally and save at @ 1/2 Fuel Consumption Speed:
least 40 matches (more or less). He Weapons Cheat
will be selectable on the Character
any point. Once you have saved the ALBATROSS
game, restart the system. When you Go to the Inventory Screen within
Select Screen in the same manner as a game and enter: X, Y, X, Y, Z, Z,
come to the Title Screen press and
B.M. and Mauler. Steep Slope Sliders Z, Z, Y, Z, Y, X, X, X and Start.
hold X+¥+Z on the second controller.
Big Head Mode Then press Start. After the screen Hidden “Shooters” Game Lara will make a sound. Then enter
flashes press Start on the first con- the Level Skip Code (see above) at
Finish the game on the hardest set- To find a hidden game called Steep
troller and scroll through the Menu the “End to Title” Screen. Lara will
ting in Hyper Mode, which is selectable Slope Shooters, go to the Title Screen
Options. You should now see the sound again. Then press A to skip.
from the Gameplay Options Screen and hold X, Y, Z, B, C, L button
addition of the Battle Game Mode. Continue this code to complete the
(activated on the Character Select and R button. With these held, press game. Then, begin a new game and
Screen). This opens up one of the Start. While still holding them, move go back to the Inventory Screen
question marks in the Option Plus Scud: The Disposable Assassin down to the Options and press A.
and enter the Weapons Cheat Code
Menu, which will be Big Head Mode. In the Options, use the D-pad to high- once more. Now, enter the Level
Level Skip
light Exit and while still holding the Skip Code to proceed to the next
No Walls Mode
Go to the Title Screen. Press and designated buttons, press A. Now level. Go to your inventory to see
Get an “OK” by every move for every hold diagonally Down-Right and press Steep Slope Shooters will appear. an added variety of weapons!
character in the Training Mode. This will Y+Start simultaneously (This spells Press A or C to start or B to exit.
open up the second question mark. DRY). If done correctly, you'll hear a
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Depending on the event you're in,

The Terrain)
you'll want to choose a specific charac-
What terrain
ter and board. For the trick events, use
| Ricky Winterborn with the long B-Line you ride your
= 104. For the speed events, you'll want i a on uh
= touse the Tahoe 151 with Rob . ( SaaS te
Haywood. After hours of testing, these Choose carefully to put oa reli
gs Were TOU to be the best choices.
found the odds iin your favor. [ estyou

Quek Stare
There is a way to get a quick boost of
speed at the beginning of a race. Press
Forward and the Z button at the same
time when the number one of the timer
starts disappearing. You'll know you’ve
is technique: 1080° done it right when you leap forward.
Snowboarding is a fast- This works well for all courses, but it The boost will help you get a
paced racer with all sorts can mess you up on the Halfpipe. higher score in the Air Make.
4 of events to master. While Loose Snow:
it’s impossible to do the
= wackier moves like flips, Contest Tips + Easier to makes turns on
Slows you down a lot
you can do a lot of spins. The Contest Mode sends you into
The computer's Al plays each track, the Halfpipe and the Air
exactly the same on all of Make. You can earn the most points
= the difficulty settings, possible during the actual races. How?
cept for the number of Charge your jump, and do a spin on flat
times it falls. You can ground. You can get up to 5,000 points
from an easy jump. Once you have the Tricks are the key!
often pass a computer
rotations down, you'll win!
opponent using short-
§ cuts, but it will follow
= you if you're in the lead. + Speeds you up greatly
Some definite advan- Hard to make real turns
tages for winning include G2 ata
4 two hidden tracks as well
as three hidden racers.
Once you defeat the
Expert course, you'll be
challenged by a guy who
>4 looks like the Silver
Surfer. Beat him to face a
gold version. Only the Pavement:
+ Less slippery than ice
best will be able to beat
Moderate speed
this guy. We don’t want
to spoil all of the secrets Each racer
just yet...
Learn the terrain, and
has a set of
grabs based
Rotation Moves
practice landing on the on his/her The best way to get the
F Air Make. If you can land, technique most points in the events
you can win. rating. This is with combos. The easi-
—Andrew "The shows who est way to make combos
Inquisition” Baran does what. KenisukeyKinacrn
Rob)Haywood is with rotation moves.
Your standard 180° will
get you an easy 100
Special thanks goes to
points, but it doesn’t count
4 Nintendo for their help. toward a combo total. Rotations make
360°s and 520°s are your for the fastest
best bet, because they combinations.
are easy to do in quick a
succession. While the S
more difficult moves
will get you a lot of
points individually,
challenge: they take time away
from your precious
@ really fast? combos. Go for the
yup quick points.
resolution kept?
Easy Moves: If you have a worn-out controller
yes (hee hee)
with a loose analog stick, you can use this to
get some major combos!
Crystal Peak © Two More levels
A) Easy Speed: A) Easy Speed: Like Opening Them:
A Don’t bother with the A on the first level, you There are two
ramps. Stick to the can make some real tracks not avail-
left side and you'll time by avoiding all able when you first
make some time. the jumps. Go left. start the game.
These two are the
B) Shortcut: After the |. B) Icy Turn: Not only best tracks in the game, as they are
jump, head to the i is this area confusing, ultra-fast. You must beat the Hard
right. There’s a short- there’s ice here too! setting to open up Dragon Cave,
cut right past the Keep to the right at and Expert to be able to play in
€—@ lodge. Use the ramp. all times. Deadly Fall.
Tip: After the first
C) Big Jump: You'll C) Ice Hazard: The bridge, look for
need to make sure to left-hand passage a secret tunnel
land properly or you'll has slick ice. It’s good along the left side.
lose a lot of time. Hit for speed, but be sure It'll save you lots
the edge straight-on. to lean to the right. of time.

Crystal Lake: This level is pretty simple, no Crystal Peak: This level offers more hazards
matter what difficulty you have it on. The in the way of rocks and little clumps of snow.
beginning has a few tight turns. You can Right after Point B there is a series of nasty
handle these if you ease off the Z button. mounds. Cling to the side of the area.

A) Fast Ice Path: A) Parked Cars:

When you get to the Watch out for parked
In the Air Make you have a
open area, look to the cars in the town. Use
single jump to get as many
right for a lightning- the pavement for
points as you can. The best
juick ice road. speed if you can.
way to do this is combos. Start
your combo with a rotation,
B) Tree Trouble: At B) Ice Cave: Take
then finish it off with a flurry of
this point you will very path that goes
fast grabs. The grabs make it
have to dodge trees to the right, and you'll
easier to land, and you can do
in deep snow. Keep be set up favorably
a lot of them in quick succes-
your eyes open. for the stuff ahead.
sion. Make sure you land
properly, or you won't get any
C) Secret Route: C) Mega Jump:
points at all!
There will be an Jump from the center
outcropping of trees of the shed or you'll
that conceal a really end up facing a
good pathway. bunch of deadly hills.

Golden Forest: Things will get a lot faster Mountain Village: This is the toughest level, Make sure to hold down the Z
with this level. Comering is important. Pull even when compared to the two after it. The button to cushion your landing,
diagonally back when turning a tight turn, - reason is that you'll take a lot of damage. and to hold forward. It'll take
and you'll make it through the tough turns.. Practice this one in another mode. some practice.

1. Turn hard to the left, start hold-

ing the Jump button about 10 feet
The key to scoring in Subsequent moves will from the rim.
the halfpipe is to get as Ww build up combo bonuses. 2. Release the jump at the top-
many combos possible. >> Lad most edge of the halfpipe. i
To make a combo you ~~ 3. Do the tricks, and charge the
must do repeated a | jump as soon as you land. Repeat.
moves inasingle jump. Good
180°s don’t count :
toward this combo total. CED id Move.
Don’t bother with grabs. Try to keep yo ur turns tight.
They aren't worth many The wider your turns, the closer
points. to the finish you get.

Harder slides. Bigger collisions. Tougher catches. Meaner stuff.

PlayStation | ©1998 Electronic Arts, Electonic Arts, EA SPORTS, EA SPORTS logo, Triple Play Baseball, and “If it’s in the game, it's in the game.” are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts
ee Properties, inc. © MLBPA. Officially Licensed By Major League Baseball Players Association. Licensed by Sony Computer Entertainment America for use with the PlayStation game console.


Triple Play 99. The highlight reel you play.

in the U.S. and/or other countries. All rights reserved. Major League Baseball trademarks and copyrights are used with permission of Major League Baseball
PlayStation and the PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Character ‘Moves a

ae TST Ts
4 Getting in the Lead: When.
you first start the race, press _
Forward along with the Jump
Move 1: Hold down A, press Up, Down,
then hold Up and release the A button.

Move 2: Hold down A, press Left,

iv talk button. This will give you a Right, then Right again and release
boost that'll zip you ahead the A button. hy
here is one strategy of the pack. Move 3: Hold down A, press
that will carry you Staying There: The bottom of Right, Left, Right, Left, hold Left il
each race is a lift. To enter the |<
through the entire game: and release the A button. —
lift you must drive through the |2 éA
Build up your money by gate. Hit it right in the center or
racing the first race over you're going to fall over. Try to
4 and over. Save up until bump the enemies to the sides of Move 1: Hold down A, press Left, Right,
you can get the best this area. hold Right and release the A button.

_Weapens $$
boards, then try the Move 2: Hold down A, press Left, Right,

races. This way you won't Left, Right, then hold Right and release the
A button.
be hindered by the poor- Avoid Getting Hit: The best Move 3: Hold down A, press Up, Down, Up,
controlling early boards. way to avoid getting hit is to Down, hold Down and release 2
When you reach a tight make sure the enemies cannot
the A button. ny) \j
curve, pull back on the collect the weapons. Pick up Move 4: Hold down A, press é
stick and in the direction every weapon pod you can— Down, Up, Pause, Left, hold »
of the turn. This will help that way the enemies won't be Left and release the A button x
able to.
you corner, but don’t
The Coins: The most powerful
overdo it. If you turn too
weapon you can get is the 4
much, you might end up Coin. This will automatically hit Move 1: Hold down A, press Left, Right,
sliding backward. all enemies. Unfortunately you hold Right and release the A button.
4 The enemy attacks in cannot dodge when the com- Move 2: Press Diagonally Up and to the
2 the game are frustrating, puter does it. whenever there is a curve. Left, Pause, then Diagonally Up and to
but if you keep them Dodge Normal Weapons: Most weapons can be thrown the right.

# from the weapons, you Weave your snowboard off by this simple ploy. Move 3: Hold down A, press Down, Up,
slightly and make hard turns Pause, Left, hold Left and release
a stand a much better
the A button.
= chance at winning.
Learn each track in the Special Boards Move 4: Hold down A, press
Left, Right, Pause, Up, Down,
A x

S time trials to get an edge Star Board: Once you have simply buy all of the other hold Down and release the
2 on the competition. defeated Shinobin the Ninja, board-types. A button.
—Andrew “Inquisition” look in the shop. In the Special Feather Board: The hardest
Baran Section you'll find this board board to earn, you must score
for 80,000 G. at least 2,500 points in the Move 1: Hold down A, press Right,
Ice Board: This worthless Trick Game. For the small
Left, Right, hold Right and release ee)
board can be yours for only price of 100,000 G you can the A button. SS u
1,000 G. To be able to buy it, have this cool trick board. Move 2: Hold down A, press 4
Left, Right, Left, Right, then hold
Right and release the A button.

Move 1: Hold down A, press Left, Right,

hold Right release the A button.
Move 2: Hold down A, press Left, Right,
Pause, Up, Down, hold Down and %
Super Cheat! ) release the A button. n>
Move 3: Hold down A, press Up,
If you don’t want to bother Down, Up, Down, Pause, Right, ar ; a
trying to open up the hidden hold Right and release the A button.
courses, the extra boards or the
time to complete:
one day
secret racer, just enter this code Play as Shinobin
at the Title Screen:
challenge: Down on the Control Stick,
moderate Up on the Control Stick, Down
ts of secrets? on the D-pad, Up on the D- pad,
quite a bit Bottom-C, Top-C, L, R, Z, Left
best movie short on the D-pad, Right-C, Up on
troops the Control Stick, B, Right on
the D-pad, Left-C, then Start. thing will be opened up. It may
M warhammer army:
You'll hear a voice, and every- take a few tries.
Adam altoncohary
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= What's New
in Tekken 3
There’s been a lot of changes in
Tekken 3—some have to do with the
characters while some have to do with
the engine itself. Below is a list of the
more important strategy changes.

The returning charac: off the same amount of

new characters (Jin, Xiaoyu,
ters from Tekken 2 (whether it’s the damage no matter what
Hwoarang, Bryan, Eddy and
direct offspring, a coma patient, etc.) the move. This action is
Julia) are all excellent addi-
are: Paul, Law, Nina, King, Lei, not highly useful, but if your
tions to the roster and include
Yoshimitsu, Kuma, Jack and Heihachi. opponent is near dying and is
some of the now most powerful
These characters all have additions and simply too stupid to fall, this will help
guys/gals in the game. Some of these
a few changes in gameplay. Read about the process.
may look familiar, but they are actually
them in their half-page strategies. The
different than their predecessors. Also
I was on Review new to the home version of Tekken 3
This is the most
Crew in EGM, I'd important addition to Tekken. | repeat,
are the characters Gon (a small
this is THE most important addition to
have to give Tekken 3 a dinosaur from a Japanese anime) and
Tekken. Yes, keeping opponents on the
Of \0. Tekken 3 in the arcade Doctor Boskonovich (the same doctor
ground is the easiest and best way to
who has helped Yoshimitsu, Jack and
‘ was (still is actually) the win in Tekken, but there’s nothing more
others in past games). Anna is also her
best fighting game so far. own character in Tekken 3, instead of a
annoying. Press LP & RP at the same
f It didn’t have quite as pallet swap for Nina. Not to mention the
time at the exact moment you hit the
ground to immediately get up.
many new features as I monster who is Ogre. Once again look
had hoped for, yet I still to the following guide.
spent endless time play-
By hitting all four
ing the game. It also
buttons (two kicks for Doctor B.)
< looks pretty damn good you will appear to be going into an
| too. (OK, so the charac- unblockable. Your hands will glow for
ters don’t look quite as three seconds and you will cause
good as they do in Virtua blocking damage. Every hit takes

3, but look how well VF3

plays.) Tekken 3 on the
PlayStation is the arcade This guide will teach you Beginner and Intermediate
version times about Io. moves and combos. Look in the next couple of
We're talkin’ kick-ass months for Advanced Strategies and combos.
intro and cinemas, a few
extra modes and two
4 characters not seen in the # ORMA 0)
Ya arcade. Anna is also her L M DES
own character in this g Here is a rundown of the modes in Tekken 3. They
* game as opposed toa are all competition-based, whether it be against the

Nina palette swap like in ro ee ae

’ * * computer or another person.

This mode is pretty much what it says.

the arcade. However, the A clock is in the right-hand corner timing how long it
extra modes
are not all takes you to go through a normal one-player
9 that exciting. Tekken
Force Mode (Final Fight ak
Tekken) seems like an The ever-so-popular, up-
to- eightopponents team battle. One bad
afterthought to the actual
thing about this mode is
game. The Ball Mode is
the fact you can't
actually pretty cool. choose Eddy eight
Don’t automatically dis- times. This upset
©) count it. All around an A+ some cheap players.
© for sure. txsear com
—Mark “El Nino” Hain a eS You
choose your character, and
WARNING: This guide contains which character you want to
hidden material you unlock kick the crap out of.

Automatically a menu pops

up and gives you a ton of
awesome options: The
| choice to train combos,
fight free or Vs. a CPU,
and a lot of other cool
best fight game ever?
pretty much
challenge: I This is the mode all
up to the player the dorks out there love beyond anything.
better than arcade? “| won 96 matches with King! Beat that!
‘ . . Py Actually it is pretty cool to see how long
just alittle bit you can last. If you win the one-round
hours playing: = match, you get a small amount of life for
only like 130 or so... 7 the next round.

This mode actually is pretty boring.
It's like Final Fight, but the ene-
mies are just an annoyance. They
This mode automatically seems
have moves that allow them to curb cheap-
lame, but it's actually kind of fun.
ness from you such as Yoshi's Dashing
You and an opponent basically
Knee. However, it’s not enough to make
play volleyball/ping pong with a ball. You
the game interesting. It’s not easy by any
choose how much damage the ball will be means, especially toward the end. You
capable of achieving. Here’s the beef: The
probably won't run out of time,
ball cannot hit the ground, if it does the
but you will have to make sure
side the ball lands on will be hurt. 1) If you
to pick up the food (your Life
jab the ball, it will blink for a second and
Up) when you NEED it. This
go to the other side for no damage. If you
sounds obvious; however, in the
use special moves, however, each move
heat of battle, you happen to
charges the ball with more damage. Back
run over the food when you
and forth you hit the ball until one person
already have a full meter.
gets hit by it. 2) The meter in the lower
The Force Mode
right/left is how much energy the ball has
has four stages,
been charged with. If you fully charge the
each of which you
ball, it will cause the amount of damage
get full health for at
dependent on which ball
the start. There are
you chose: three different keys
Beginner: Beach Ball—
to obtain in this
60 percent, Expert:
mode. Each time
Gumball— 80 percent, or
you complete all
Grandmaster: Iron Ball— four stages, you get
100 percent. a key. After you get
You can also hit the other
all three keys, the
player. It doesn’t do any
last person you fight
actual damage, but it can
will be Doctor
keep your foe from hitting
Boskonovich. After
the ball back at you.
defeating him,
It is believed that you
he will be a
will receive Gon if you
playable character
beat him in this mode.
in the game.


the beginner, but it screams out to
There are A LOT of basics involved in the gameplay of Tekken 3. ° Tap Direction > an experienced player. Any time your
Learning how to defend yourself, attack and make it count plus Opponent misses with a powerful
throwing and avoiding throws among other things. Below are some e Hold Direction move, he/she is most likely open to
general tips to help you learn what you need to know to defeat other players. m Joystick Neutral N attack. Up close, your opponent is

It seems obvious, but the first thing you need to ‘ open to throws which is devastating,
learn is how to block. You may not even need to block against unexperienced ° Left Punch especially when playing certain charac-
button jaggers, but against people who know what they are doing. Basically to - Right Punch mx ters (Jack, King, Jin or Nina). Eddy is a
learn blocking, you must have an understanding of how to attack. If you try to 5 5 prime example, albeit a bit of an exag-
block too close, you will be thrown. If you try to block too far away, you let your ¢ Left Kick = geration compared to most players.
opponent in on e Ri . ° Eddy’s moves are strong and unpre-
what you are going Right Kick dictable, however they leave him open
to do and they can ¢ While Standing WS before and after being executed. His
come up with Fi back is sometimes turned, he is
another strategy to 2 SideStep SS standing up from lying on the ground
kick your ass. Try e Back Turned BT and generally can just be smashed if
to learn the main he miscalculates his strategy.
power characters’ Throwing is another huge part of
This is passive blocking and can be
attacks. They all have Tekken. This previously taboo part of
best used during strings or not so
learnable patterns you fighting games is a primary strategy
aggressive attacks. The other way to
can easily defend for some and a useful tool for others.
block is holding Back or Down Back
against. Jin, for exam- The key is not to get thrown. To escape
(duh). This is necessary for players
ple, has a lot of mix-ups, a throw, you must first try to predict
constantly on top of you. Lastly, side-
however his best which throw your opponent is attempt-
stepping is extremely useful (except
attacks hit high. ing. Watch the arm grab done by the
against Eddy who you cannot sidestep
Another thing to enemy, and press the Punch button of
or Ogre who can sidestep better than
know about blocking whichever arm is sticking out farther.
anyone). Tap Up, Down, Forward or
is the fact you don't This must be done right before the
Backward for quick steps that will help
necessarily have to throw animation would start. If it’s a
you avoid incoming attacks.
press a direction to side throw, hit the Punch button of
block. As in Tekken 2, Knowing whatever side the opponent is throwing
your character will auto when and how to hit your opponent you from. Back throws cannot be
block any high attacks. is also key to winning in Tekken 2 escaped from. Look for more advanced
Also, simply holding One of the best ways to hit is when you _ strategy for Tekken 3 in the next couple
Down will block down. see an opening. Not too obvious to of months.
arguably pretty useless. “But he has awesome moves
and unblockable combos and..." his moves and combos
are easily predictable, and he’s extremely slow.
¢ HEALING One of the coolest abilities Yoshi has had is
the ability to heal. Now you have the means to take your
opponent's life and give it to yourself as well.
e YOSHIMITSU’S RANGE Yoshi's range is excellent, as
he has moves that will do damage from anywhere. The
problem is if you think his mid- to close-range attacks
Vs. King: Same story
are slow...his long-range are almost unbearable. here, keep the guy away |_| you-to-death player. Nina
from you. Try his new copter doesn't have much power,
move to escape. but she has speed.
Vs. Yoshimitsu: Just don’t let Vs. Xiaoyu: She has the best Vs. Lei: Lei is weird. His
him heal. If he sits or turns sidestepping game, therefore stances make him unpre-
his back smash him; but step around him and either dictable and the damage he
watch for counters. wait or create an opening. can offer is high.
r I
Vs. Law: Fastest in the game, Vs. Jin: Yoshi must stay out Vs. Hwoarang: Again, quick Vs. Paul: Paul is dangerous Vs. Eddy: Avoid him at all
Law can easily kick Yoshi's |_| of his way. You can’t fight up kick combos. You have to keep || up close, more so than costs. This guy can mess
ass. Keep your distance and close very easily so go mid- him away or he will inch you Yoshi, so stick to mid-range you from all ranges. Stick
watch for quick combos. to long-range. to death. attacks, but far is better. and move.

Saber Stab <<) @e)® 3-Hit Combo Wd fc OOe

Saber Spin <1 @*>Ne 3-Hit Combo =<*e<"*
Overhead Slice VA Juggle Combo“ > ZigZag ><
ra Juggle Combo #2 1¢>< BX5
Side Throw (left) or se
Tugle Combo #3 (>=), 0 7X5 Sorte
Juggle Combo #4 (4), 0+ Side Throw (right)

Copter Slice a Vv
Juggle Combo #6 “ie? ,Bet eee
Reversal 1 #0or Vc’
Juggle Combo #7 @*PX3, BPX2,>4% Reversal 2 <i«*

Dbli Group Suicide Pe OP Juggle Combo #8 (B-Hit) Bch Locke

fee coe Unblockable <) «>
Spin Attack Vee <a X5 Juggle Combo #9 © (Can add N,*>)


simple Baek (resident button jagger from Tekken 2). He
has two different punch and kick stances, both of which
offer a different set of moves. FYI: When a move or
combo states “Left” or “Right,” that is the stance you
have to be in to complete that move or combo.
ty scary up close. His kicks are fierce, fast and hard to
predict. Once you ground your opponent, just about any
low kicks will keep them on the ground (cheap Tekken
Vs. King: Feel him Vs. Nina: About equal in tactic #1).
out. Do not attack first, respect to damage. Keep © DEFENSE Not a very defensive player. Cheap Shot
King has multiple counters some distance. His B + RK and other mid to low attacks are good counters at
and throws waiting. attack is a good counter move. close range. Flip stances and sidestep to avoid
i I attacks and stay

Vs. Yoshimitsu: Not too hard Vs. Xiaoyu: People who use Vs. Lei: Pretty much an even on the offensive.
to counter, just watch for his her usually like punch com- fight, Hwoarang has a small
unblockables. Most of his bos of some kind. Avoid advantage in range, far range
attacks are high. then juggle for a combo. in particular.
Vs. Law: You have to be fast Vs. Jin: Another reversal Vs. Hwoarang: Block and Vs. Paul: Watch his feet, Vs. Eddy: Low attacks work
and on the move. Don't try crazy character, so don’t counter. His combos are most of his juggles start with well since Eddy loves to be
to button jag as Law’s jump out and attack right quick and powerful, so a quick knee then punch. in his Headstand Stance.
moves are too fast. away. Use mid-/low counter. prepare to counter. Again don’t attack first. Unblockables work well too.

BEGINNER MOVES Snap Spin Kick 4 ct

@ Reversal (7#*(or
SHit Combo hs
3-Hit Combo ae

@ Side Throw SS >>*

4Hit Combo
@ Unblockable #1 P-
GHit Combo oo, ¥ ee
© Unblockable #2 (Left) <* Spinning Kick Attack (kb) ee 4-Hit Combo

@ Change Kick Stance

Juggle Combo #4 > chehe Eeoe
Juggle Combo #2 Us 5
@ Change Punch Stance * Jump Spin Attack “4,+c
Double Kick Attack SAE (OA), (HR) Juggle Combo #4 ONO SOS8
monster. His movements are very hard to predict.
e HANDSTAND Eddy’s most useful tool by far. Many
attacks can start from here. The problem is jagging on
the buttons sometimes gives better results than
planned attacks. Just mix up your plan of attack often;
it will be enough to throw less-experienced players off.
¢ EDDY’S RANGE You want to stay in mid-range when
fighting as Eddy. He has some long-range attacks but
virtually nothing close up. Stick to at least the edge of
Vs. King: Just keep Vs. he’s a good
where Eddy’s handstand kicks hit your opponent.
moving. If King gets fighter at any range.
close, he'll put Eddy down in Watch for quick juggles, and
a heartbeat. avoid the handstand position.

Vs. Yoshimitsu: Pretty funky Vs. Xiaoyu: She has some Vs. Lei: A joke when paired
on his own. Just keep on killer combos but her range with Eddy. Lei’s range is
top of him and keep. is nothing. Stck to mid- to weird and he will succumb to
hitting him. far range and you'll win. constant barrage
Vs. Law: The only character Vs. Jin: Eddy’s range wins Vs. Hwoarang: Constantly Vs. Paul: Has enough jug- Vs. Eddy: Will be difficult.
who can even remotely keep out. Stick to Handstand move in and out against gles and knock-out-of-the-air Pretty much mimic the other
up with Eddy. Avoid large Kicks and combos to Hwoarang. Watch his quick moves to beat Eddy. Stick to guy's moves and try to pre-
kick combos. keep away. kicks in short-range attacks. far range. dict and block.

Juggle Combo #4 Ate
Sb (eetece)
@ Unblockable 3-Way Combo SS, Q#D 3-Hit Combo SS Pad

3-Hit Combo SS, fe,eS he

But Combo S84, 0.0,
@ Spin Kicks 3-Way Combo #2 D2 FS {i ee

© Whirlwind Kicks > +<, Handstand Combo #2 — (#°),< #: {ee

@ Whirlwind Sweep SS ,¢
@ Low Drill <2#(“*>) y
© Handstand Position es Juggle Combo Eat &
(Must Hold > To Stay
4) Juggle Combo #2 Cee (PL) (Lo)

GENERAL STRATEGY Pau is still about

the strongest there is, only now he has the ability
to combo even more than before. Shoulder Tackle:
best addition.
© REVERSALS The best place to employ reversals is
in medium range. At this range most attacks are more
predictable and easierto counter. Paul's reversal range
is excellent.
° S$ RANGE His best range is mid to close. This is
the range where his Phoenix Smasher and other punches
do the most damage. From far away, however, he has Vs. King: Use Paul's Vs. Nina: Nina can’t
some of his most unpredictable moves (such as his Smasher to keep King || stand up to Paul's
Triple Hop Kick Combo). at bay, and then use rever- power. Simply go in close
sals whenever possible. and beat her senseless.


Vs. Yoshimitsu: Yoshimitsu Vs. Xiaoyu: Utilizing Ling’s Vs. Lei: Lei can avoid quite a
is easily beaten, especially if weakness in range, use the few of Paul's attacks. His
you know how to block his same technique you'd use Drunken Monkey stance is
strings. Mid-range is best. for King; attack from afar. the best against him.
r I

Vs. Law: Law is the same Vs. Jin: Against Jin, Paul is Vs. Hwoarang: Hwoarang is Vs. Paul: Paul will be at an Vs. Eddy: Eddy is not one to
story as Yoshi, just not quite almost at a standstill. Flat another “learn-the-blocking-and- all blocking war. You know the be messed with up close. As
as predictable. Block and out power won't work. Try far- you-willrule” character. Watch ‘10 strings so just be pre- with King, use elbows and
slam or combo. range attacks. quick close in combos. pared to block. Phoenix to push.

4-Hit Combo 4% Vee Vvae BEGINNER MOVES

4-Hit Combo VAS ¢
Shoulder Tackle >«*

Phoenix Smasher VAS dp

Neutron Bomb *>°><*

Double Hop Kick Combo(high) °> {> Fe ,<:* ,* Flash Elbow ><
Double Hop Kick Combo(lo) °>o> # f°, 2 #de
Unblockable +
Triple Hop Kick Combo > OF aor
Countering C. >, > + (@#*)(@+%) Hammer Punch V«>
MOVES/COMBOS Countering C. VED Whe oh (Add <% For Punch)
One of the best “all-around” characters in Tekken 3, Nina
fits neat in either offensive or defensive strategies. Her
combos are quick and easy, her arm breaks have been
increased a bit and she has some of the best reversals
in the game.
¢ THE ART OF ANNOYANCE Nina is a lot like Xiaoyu in
the respect that she can inch you enough to block then
smash with either high or low attacks.
AND DEFENSIVE RANGE The only range to
play Nina is close to very close. Her Twin Punch Low some cool arm breaks,
attack is perfect (F,F HP) to get people with after jabbing but who cares ‘cause King’s moves for you to have a dif-
high, and she has the same for low to high. better. Stay out of range. ferent game plan so use it.

‘Hina Willian
Vs. Yoshimitsu: Fight Yoshi the Vs. Xiaoyu: Pretty simple, just Vs. Lei: Get him on the
same as anyone would. Stay in play defensively. Keep to simple ground (even though it’s
close range, and block high to moves to perform short hitting where he has his best
avoid his slapping combos. combos and attacks. attacks) and keep him there.

Vs. Law: Pretty even fight Vs. Jin: Weird combination Vs. Hwoarang: His best Vs. Paul: Her toughest bat- Vs. Eddy: Stay outside of the
here, except for in the kick here. Jin is fast but players range is your worst, from mid- tle, he is nigh invincible in range of those flying legs. Take
department. Either avoid or will probably just combo you. to far range. Close the gap and her best range up close. advantage of the time lapse
stay on the offensive. Counter, attack, then get out. attack him head-on. Defend then attack viciously. after his moves and attack.

[iowBlow OO ————*d hainTirows id BEGINNER MOVES

Throw #1

ighunge Punch Oo

—Link Throw &

Quick Uppercut _$5
Side Pop Up SS‘ Fake Out V2 @<
—Link Throw

Reversals ae or V8
Focused Fists SS * — Squeeze Snap “#>ee>
5S-Hit Combo 4,2 ec eae Unblockable #1 [+5
TwoHit Spin
Can Opener Ue GHit Combo 2+,\7e#)X2,>0> Unblockable #2 V/c\> Be
Double Slap <
. 8-Hit Combo

Law was always one of the cheapest and easiest charac-
ters to learn. This is still true, however, his act is getting
old; his moves and combos reek of Marshall in T1 & T2,
and are a bit predictable. Rely on in-close combos and
attacks and keeping opponents on the ground when you
knock them down.
© OFFENSIVE RANGE Law's best range has always been
up close, although he has plenty of long-range attacks as
well. Just stick to his easy close-range combos.
Vs. King: Play King as Vs. Nina: A classic duk- ¢ KEEP YOUR OPPONENT ON THE GROUND This is a
you normally would. ing match. Try to antici- prime area of strategy for Law, because he has the best
Avoid close-range throw area pate her punch combos, array of pop-ups and low attacks—knock them down and
attacks. Use your speed. counter and then combo her. keep them there.
I of
Vs. Yoshimitsu: Yoshi just can't Vs. Xiaoyu: Can probably Vs. Lei: A pretty defensive fight
compete in the combo area. take her down since his spe- for Law, Lei uses a lot of punch-
Don’t let him start one though, cial kick combos can knock es. Try and SS or Fake Step and
they end with unblockables. her out of her stances. counter his advances.
Vs. Law: The key is to out- Vs. Jin: His is a game with Vs. Hwoarang: Yet another Vs. Paul: Since Law has such Vs. Eddy: Learn his high and
evade and out-combo your more dominant punches defensive fight. He can slam a fast evasion game, he can low advances. Look for open-
Opponent. Sidestep and use opposite Law’s kicking you head-on. Better if you tackle this unstoppable foe. [| ings right after he performs
his Dragon Whip/Tail. game. More range for Law. hang back and counter him. Fight at mid-/far range. failed moves and pop him up.

BEGINNER MOVES Back Flip Kick W4#(OR ® OR @) Fake Step @ *(CAN ADD )

© Low Sweep WAV a

Hit Combo vie ¥ 7

© Flip Kick Advance

© Throw #1 >»

SH Combo > OTe

© Throw #2 into

© Reversal “7%or V7’

TH Combo 22 0,0,0 08 2,
© Unblockable [+> aaa ee
Double Flip Kicks ae aes SOSIN
Xiaoyu’s speed and agility make her the fastest charac-
ter in the game. Her moves are extremely hard to pre-
dict (even moreso than Eddy’s), therefore she can pop-
up for huge combos. (FYI: BT means Back Turned)
© OFFENSIVE RANGE Xiaoyu's best range is up close
and personal—sweep distance. . WS + RP is one of her
best combo starters. Try this high attack and others,
after forcing your opponent to block low several times.
Vs. Kin; ing can go some of the best moves for this. Try tapping Forward
toe to toe with King, inge with Nina,
then holding Forward + LK OR tapping Up + RK OR
just play offensively or you'll she’s too good of a close-
range fighter. Play defensive. RK,LK on a grounded opponent to keep him/her there.
get thrown.
I r
Vs. Yoshimitsu: You can side- Vs. Xiaoyu: You want to out Vs. Lei: Lei won't stand much
step and counter just about juke the other Ling and go of a chance. Whenever he
everything Yoshi’s got. As with counter attacks and low lies down look at the oppo-
always watch unblockables. string combos on offense. nent grounding rules above.
Vs. Law: When fighting Law, Vs. Jin: Most of his attacks Vs. Hwoarang: Watch this Vs. Paul: Keep your distance Vs. Eddy: Once again, dis-
avoid or block his punch. take priority over Ling’s guy's unblockables and with Paul, his most damag- tance. Most of the “Keep
combos and WS + RP into so watch for openings and short combos. Stay at mid- ing moves are up close. opponents grounded” moves
some big combos. mistakes to attack. range against him. work well against Eddy.

BEGINNER MOVES Back Breaker BTV (OR ¥) &

@ Phoenix Stance Hop Throw BT >%>% OR i

@ Backward Stance <1 Sidestep Slam

3-Hit Combo ade
fe Dé
@ Reversal Mid «* AHit Combo >> ce De tom
© Reversal Low 4-Hit Combo Oe > :
SHit Combo Ve
© Taunts % ort
GHit Combo _WS 5/70 4K,
© Midsection Crunch 4 THit Combo _V+, We Sie
| ee a TTT, SOSIN
He may look like Kazuya, but he’s quite a bit more. A
near-perfect hybrid of his mother Jun and Kazuya, he
has her speed and his massive damage. He also utilizes
excellent counters and the largest array of strings in T3.
STRINGS It is essential to practice strings when learn-
ing Jin. Up close you want a quick, easy-to-per form
combo as opposed to mid or far range where anything
goes—just don’t leave yourself open to easy attacks.
AND DEFENSIVE RANGE Jin has an attack Even though
for every occasion. Try Twin Pistons for low attacks and fighter, |_| is good up close, Ni
some cool kick combos (the LK,RP,RK,LK starter is good) beware of damaging close-in is better, so stay back. When
attacks like the Flicker Kicks. winning, go in for the kill.
for mid- to high attacks. i
Vs. Yoshimitsu: Jin can Vs. Xiaoyu: Block often. Ling Vs. Lei: A joke. While he’s
counter just about anything fools people into blocking low changing poses pound him.
Yoshi can throw. Just stay close then smashing them, so block Watch for his Tekken 2
and watch for unblockables. high. Don't let her turn her back. High/Low combos.
I a

Vs. Law: Tough because his Vs. Jin: Remember the Vs. Hwoarang: Fight his Vs. Paul: Either play defen- Vs. Eddy: No choice but to
combos are very easy to per- strings, and pull as many vari- speed with evasion and coun- sively or never let up. If you play defensively. Jin has a
form (damaging too!). Watch ous combos as you can. Mix tering. Quite a few of his hits let him hit, he has devastat- hard time blocking low so
for his Double Flip Kicks. it up or it will be a standstill. are mid to high. ing combos so stay on him. watch Headstand Boy.

Throw #1 ><>

Throw #2 (+

Wrist Twist “4%

Reversal <ateor <x

Unblockable #1. <+*

Unblockable #2 @
One of the most annoying characters in T3, some of Lei’s
best moves are performed on the ground where he can
evade attacks. Plus he has five stances to change into,
unfortunately one hit takes him out of them.
¢ ANIMAL STANCES Lei’s unlike any other character
because he can change his entire fighting style with one
hit of the buttons. Use the Drunken Master for big dam-
age, and the Cannonball move to avoid throws.
sive range is mid or sweep range. He has excellent us,Vs. King: Lei can keep | |Vs. Nina: Don’t turn w,
King on the ground with |_| your back on her, she can
punch and kick combos that all hit at this range. His best combos and rush-in attacks, beat you up quick. She'll mix
defense is one of avoidance. Sidestep then attack. so do it! up high and low; try to block.
Vs. Yoshimitsu: When fighting Vs. Xiaoyu: You have to watch Vs. Lei: Once again, your
Yoshi, use play dead tech- her because of her ability to fighting styles will be slightly
niques and switch stances to block mid- to high attacks then different. Try to mix up
add confusion. quick attacks. attacks.
Vs. Law: Law shouldn’t have Vs. Jin: Almost an even box- Vs. Hwoarang: Most people will Vs. Paul: Tough, you'll have to VS. Eddy: Tough fight ‘cause
a problem, just stick to quick ing match, just watch his attack from the Left Flamingo |_| play defensively. Try playing Eddy can hit the ground and
combos and don’t leave power. Probably good idea to Stance so watch mid- to low dead tactics as most of Paul's standing victims at the same.
yourself open. stay at mid-/far range. attacks. Counter and smash! attacks don't hit the ground. Stay at mid-/far range.

Snake Attack #1 Phoenix Strike <)** °° BEGINNER MOVES

Snake Attack #2 Head Butt <<
Snake Attack #3 o> 1,2 Kick ONS, oe
@ Snake Stance >
Snake Attack #4 < Hi-Lo Kicks “©, © Dragon Stance >,
Tiger Attacks 3 Hit Combo 4 ,*)
© Panther Stance > ,V
3+Hit Combo (TIGER)
Crane Attacks ORS OR ORs 4Hit Combo ">; © Tiger Stance OY ,4,4
5-Hit Combo <; TTcBe cEockoct
© Crane Stance >%,V7,V
SHit Combo _BT V+) 4X, +
6-Hit Combo << #2 > Nebcpebfe © Reversals \/%> OR Pr
fryngewow eroe | id
King makes Zangief look like a wuss with his array of grap-
ple moves. He can change his throws so much you never
know what's coming. His weakness is his lame array of
offensive moves and the fact he’s slow as an ox.
© OFFENSIVE RANGE Up close of course, where you can
quickly throw or get a power hit in. One of his offensive
attacks, the Konvict Kick does counter almost everything,
and his Tackles are good for that as well.
© THROWS No longer just a cheap device for winning,
Vs. King: Try to do the Vs. Nina is best King's throws have improved immensely. In T2 he had
opposite of your oppo- up close, but not near
some links, however, he can now link just about any of
nent, if he throws knock him as good as you. Let her try
his throws. He also has ground throws. There is a way
with a power hit. combos, evade or counter.
i to break any of these

throws however, so om
Vs. Yoshimitsu: Yoshi is way Vs. Xiaoyu: One of the few Vs. Lei: Try mid-/far range. His
weak against King. Don’t let that force King to be defen- attacks won't quite hit you and don't be predictable.
him get a single slow attack sive. She'll try dodging a lot you can quickly jump in to.
off; stay on top of him. so try Side Kick and others. counter or chain throw.

Vs. Law: Forget evading for Vs. Jin: He will attempt to Vs. Hwoarang: Once again, Vs. Paul: Mid-/far range is still Vs. Eddy: More than the rest,
the most part, Law can make this a boxing match, stick to mid-/far range. Most good, but Paul can still hit you |_| stay out of his way. Don’t
attack from any angle. Let but stay out of range, then of his combos will miss, so try heel slams and chain bother to throw him, stick to
him come to you and counter. jump in and throw or attack. allowing you to get in there. throws against his Phoenix. kicking him out of stances.

BEGINNER MOVES [Exploder PORSDS ‘| ChainThrows id

@ Throw #1 W2V Be

othowsa DOS
© Reversals “7**or Vor @%
FaumpSpinKickss | PileDriver Oaea
© Unblockable #1 BT

@ Unblockable #2 >
Standing Heel Hold OO@E
— Scorpion Deathlock
K’s Flicker OO
© Unblockable #3 >> Shin Kicker ce — Indian Death Lock *+><s
Turnaround Combo“
CEES Gunjack is unfortunately not much different from the past
Jacks. He has moves from Jack, PJack and a couple from
Ganryu. He is harder to juggle because of his size and he

CEE 4 takes less damage. He obviously lacks speed and his

large size leaves him more open to combos.

You would think that with his
RING power, heavy hit would be the strategy. The trick is to make
every hit count and you're more likely to hit with short easy
combos. Switch between Hi/Lo attacks to confuse. Also
use his wide array of throws at close range.
Your array Hang back
Keep opponents away! At close range he
of throws are nothing against this close range
to King. Use simple low foe. Try Cut Saw if you think simply doesn’t have the speed to compete, he has mas-
punches to push him back. she will attack. sive mid/far range attacks and counter with dash punches
VS. Yoshimitsu: It doesn’t pay VS. Xiaoyu: Her speed really VS. Lei: Can stay on offensive
to play defensively against screws up Jack. Keep to mid if you keep on him or keep him
Yoshi's unblockables so take range to avoid her combos. on the ground. Otherwise,
the fight to him. Look for openings after moves watch for stances to break. o
VS. Law: Against Law, howev- VS. Jin: Again, stay back. He VS. Hwoarang: If you know VS. Paul: Yet again, a defen- VS. Eddy: Jack'll have a hard
er, you must play defensively. has immense speed with him, block his mid/hi kick sive fight. Watch for his time cause he has few low
If he punch combos in close, Hi/Lo mix-ups. Break him out combos and throw. From far, Phoenix punches, stay out of [| attacks. A low punch close will
throw him, same with kicks. of strings with low punches. dash punch or try and combo range and counter with power. help knock him out of stances

© Throw #1 VAs o
Jab Elbow

© Throw #2 VO Windup Punch ©/2</<\ (CAN ADD 5X)

© Throw #3 Ue, a

© Throw #4 2 > Super Arm Sweep

Low Blow AS
© Double Upper
Take Down
Killing Upper WS:
© Sumo Stomp
Fist of Death >*

Kuma’s strengths are his power and range. He also
can't be tackled or low thrown just because of his size.
j= entional 10-Hit String, hov
However his size and his almost unbearable (ahem) lack
of speed mixed with his small legs leave him vulnerable to = al 5- to 6:
€ sh combos. Try
ground attacks and unable to connect with a lot of kicks.
oP combos similar to Gunja
and go from left punch to right punch or vice
Also no 10-Hit Combo (sob!). wo . You can also in one of his dash punch
He has many attacks up close, as S or sometimes ible.
well as farther away but far away is not a good idea
against faster characters that can dance all around you.
Try the G-Clef Cannon or dashing forward fist slams.
Vs. Nina: Nina can also
His Double Claw and other offen- have to be as scared of |_| quickly combo you into
sive powerhouses make for good counters and mid/far King 'cause he'll have a hard oblivion. Stay mid-/far and
range. Try for first hit of G-Clef, the other hits are too slow. time throwing. Play defensive. when she advances, attack.
Vs. Yoshimitsu: One of the easi- Vs. Xiaoyu: Tough ‘cause Vs. Lei: Can avoid a lot of
est fights, however it is harder she can go Hi/Lo so fast. If Kuma’s advances so you'll
for Kuma to avoid unblockables she tries stances, dash for- have to rely on surprise dash
so watch combos. ward punches work well. attacks and throws.
I =
Vs. Law: Mostly block high, Vs. Jin: One of his hardest Vs. Hwoarang: Mid-/far is a good Vs. Paul: Always a fun fight, if Vs. Eddy: You'll have to be patient
and let him come to you so fights, Jin has réally good || range, try SS'ing toavoid kick com- you can handle it up close is and wait for openings. Double
you can counter and smash range. Try to push him back or bos. Batter him then follow with most damage but far range is Hammer and Claw are good for
or just throw him. up close counter and throw. Deadly Claw and combos. safer to avoid his strong hits. knocking out of stances.

G-Clef Cannon Deeps

Double Claw Dos
Salmon Hunter “> Dance (DOWNED OPPONENT),
Grizzly Claw QBY @& Demon Upper >
So cfpefp kokch
fe eb
Sit Down and Punches :
Rising Claw WS:

Triple Claw Smash *

Triple Uppercut #1 7 @ © Unblockable #3 <+>
MOVES/COMBOS -can add DAV 2GGS for roll

Anna is a lot like Nina. Her range and moves mimic her
sister a lot. However she is missing arm breaks and
other chain throws, and they have been replaced by more
offensive attacks.
© OFFENSIVE RANGE Mic- to close range is the best
range for Anna, same as Nina. Anna does have better
capabilities from farther range due to some new moves,
but the Dragon Tail attacks will help from any range. She
also has an extra unblockable.
© DEFENSIVE STRATEGY Anna has reversals same as Vs. King: Anna may
her sister, but she also has some really cool offensive have some cool arm |_| arm breaks against her
breaks, but she'll lose that sister. Stick to her Tail up
counter moves as well, Dragon Tail being one of them. battle. Stay out of his range. close or a quick combo.

(Giiinia Willian,

Vs. Yoshimitsu: Avoid unblock- Vs. Xiaoyu: Like Nina, just Vs. Lei: You can really keep
ables. Close in works well here; play defensively. Keep it simple his face in the dirt with Anna.
Triple Slap him then hit with her to perform shorthitting combos Look for funky stances, use
Bomb or a long combo. and attacks. reversals then stay on him.
Vs. Law: Pretty even fight Vs. Jin: This is a defensive Vs. Hwoarang: Not a good Vs. Paul: Her toughest bat- VS. Eddy: Stay outside of the
here, even in the kick depart- fight. Stay out of close range offensive close-up fight. Stick tle, he is nigh invincible in range of those flying legs. Watch
ment. Fight very offensively and try to jump in for quick to far or learn his attacks and her best range up close. the time lapse after his moves
or defensively. combos or a Tail move. start reversing. Defend then attack viciously. and use her Tail or Bomb.

Mini Slaps “\ce* Triple Slap 9epee BEGINNER MOVES

Blonde Bomb ><
orators © Throw #1
Overhead Strike #* Elbow Smash

Backhand >> —Arm Snap ieee? @ —Link Throw *:«>

Spinning Midsection —Double Snap oe
Ss ¢ 4
® —Link Throw
ide Pop-Up SS —Arm Break #><<«>
Slow Dragon Tail V4 (WOR @)% Falling Arm Break © Reversals <*> or Ve
Dragon Tail 4<* Double Arm Break <°¢><£+ fe"
© Unblockable #1 &
Two-Hit Spin \7c2,*2
Can Opener U<ecpcie ® Unblockable #2 ‘7+
Double Slap <O% 8-Hit Combo ii

Heihachi's power is amazing. He’s a mix of past Kazuyas
and even a bit of Paul. Not only that, but he performs
some of their moves better (faster/more powerful) than
they do. No reversals, but who cares, this guy rocks!
© COMBO CRAZY Heihachi has the best combos in the
business. Because of this, his best range is up close,
performing them. He also has a new-and-improved Demon
Breath which takes priority over almost anything in the
game. He’s really good just about anywhere.

Ny Vs. King: Heihachi is Vs. Nina: Keep her out

© DEFENSE STRATEGY Demon Breath is, once again, a
powerful, but King can of your face. She is great new move he can counter with. His Flash Punch
still throw him so stick to nigh useless mid-/far range combo also has priority over most other moves and is
mid-/far range. especially Vs. Heihachi. good to counter with. He can also evade (dash back) well.
I i
Vs. Yoshimitsu: Not a contest, Vs. Xiaoyu: Another tough Vs. Lei: Heihachi wins. Just
Heihachi’s Demon Breath can fight. Play defensively. Your stay on top of him, let him play
counter anything he has, except moves leave you open to her dead and slam him with low
the ever-so-slow unblockables. aggressive speed. attacks to keep him dead.

Vs. Law: Play him as nor- Vs. Jin: Heihachi is Jin (minus Vs. Hwoarang: Not too hard a Vs. Paul: Paul is a decent Vs. Eddy: Not too hard a
mal, wait for his Flip Kicks reversals) but way, way better. fight, especially if you know match. Watch for overhead |_| fight for Heihachi. Just sit
and punches and kick the Just watch for jumping kick Hwoarang’s combos. Look for punches as well as low pop- back out of range of his.
crap out of him. combos, as well as his strings. an opening then kill. ups. Don’t let yourself juggle. strings then leap in.

BEGINNER MOVES _) Heavy Lunge Punch °<\

Demon Uppercut Ook
| © Throw #1 >P% Flying Uppercut ONY
Rising Uppercut NV
Jumping Mid Kick >NV< ‘ Spinning Demon ONVAt e

Ue 3-Hit Combo

} © Taunt <
S.Hit Combo
5-Hit Combo Odd € °

Leaping Side Kick >>> 6-Hit Combo :

| © Side Step GOON
t Left Axe Kick (COUNTER) Dh <adoe
Bryan is probably the most powerful non-combo character
in the game. He is comparable to Bruce in T2, but with
more Hi/Lo mix-ups and the worst (all high hits) 10 string
in the game.
© OFFENSIVE RANGE Because of his Mach Breaker and
other heavy-hitting punch combos, mid- to far range is
about the best to fight with. If your opponent misses with
any attack, use these punches to knock him/her out.
© DEFENSE STRATEGY Not much of a defensive charac-
ter, but he can counter. His worst range is long by far. He
has nothing. In mid-range he does have a couple of knee
Bryan's combos will advance bos close in will force you to and elbow combos that work well against incoming moves,
you into throw range. fight at mid-range or farther. but the best thing to do is not let them attack.

Vs. Yoshimitsu: Not a contest, Vs. Xiaoyu: Just about a Vs. Lei: Bruce can smash Lei
Bryan's way faster and can straight-up fight. Try the Flying out of just about anything he
simply stop Yoshi’s advances. Heel Kick to knock her out does. Watch his Drunken
As always, watch unblockables. of stances. Money attacks.
Vs. Law: Law is a good fight. Vs. Jin: Yet another pretty Vs. Hwoarang: His combos Vs. Paul: Paul has heavy-duty Vs. Eddy: Actually not too
Watch for his Flip Kicks to even fight, except Bruce has are better than Bryan’s so mid and close punches, but |_| hard. Eddy's moves are slow
leave him wide open to mid- the advantage with more stay outside of mid range. Go so do you. You can fight head- at first and they leave him
/low attacks. short easy combos. for larger combos if possible. on if you know Paul's attacks. open. Use Bruce's Special.

Small Kick Combo =*?<0,
@ Throw #1 W4\\7
[tetFoke ss
Left Fake SS eo
| ShortUpper we
Unblockable #1. <i<* Bruce Special ,*4)<
Nose Breaker WS
Unblockable #2 >«* MD >
Backhand Vulcan Cannon
Low Sweep “ce 2Hit Juggle (WS PPS), OPF
Take Down > 3-Hit Combo =.“ ,WS “ee
Punch Dance
Head Fake VDONE 4-Hit Combo do N,& > mfp

Left Upper WS *° Overhead Barrage <) 4+ 5-Hit Combo (WS 2O2)0,5,0,0

Hands of Doom

Julia is actually kind of unique in Tekken 3, mostly due to
no Michelle or Wang in this game. She has a lot of quick
hits that can annoy opponents and she then has a few
heavier moves to slam them.
© OFFENSIVE RANGE Mid-range is the best for Julia since
a lot of her moves advance her forward. Her Hop kick is
used for pop-ups, and you can add some Hi-Lo mix-ups to
confuse your opponent.
© DEFENSIVE STRATEGY Julia's not a very defensive
player. She has a few low punch combos that can keep Vs. King: Not a tough Vs. Nina: Nina will try to
opponents at bay, while keeping opponents on the fight as long as you stay |_| get you with Hi/Lo mix-
out of throw range. Watch his ups. She has low attacks that
ground when they fall.
mid-/low most damaging moves. beat yours so watch low.
Vs. Yoshimitsu: Yoshi is a Vs. Xiaoyu: Keep her from Vs. Lei: Lei is not that tough of a
tough fight because of his dis- getting on any kind of offen- fight. Stay at mid-/close range
tance-crossing moves, plus his sive roll. Use her punch and use the Cannon (and other
attacks are mostly high. slams to knock Ling out. punch) combos to win.

Vs. Law: A very defensive fight Vs. Jin: An easier fight, since Vs. Hwoarang: Watch for Vs. Paul: Not an impossible Vs. Eddy: Eddy has priority
since Law's attacks are so the ranges are’so different. shortrange kick combos as foe, but once again it must over most of Julia’s moves.
quick and devastating. Try mid- His is close and hers is not. always, mix up low attacks with be defensive and mid/far Try inching his life away
range with your own combos. Try jumping in combos. some high. range. Watch for openings. from far range with kicks.

Throw #1 VE OP

Throw #2 (7Be
Throw #3 W2V

Spin and Kick coupe ee Reversal

OG KE Ogre is just incredible. He is basically STRATEGY
a hybrid of the Tekken 2 time-released True, Ogre’s actually not
Bosses. He is very fast and has good evasion capabilities. as good as Ogre Prime.
Last off, no 10 strings which makes him worthless (NOT!!). He's bigger, slower and
Even “Small Ogre” is pretty big and, easier to hit. He does
therefore, up close he'll just get his butt kicked trying to have fire-breathing
attack. His best range is mid-, right-at-sweep range. Ogre capabilities, and he is
needs a little room to breathe to get his moves off. stronger but just not
Ogre was made to kick ass, not as good.
block. Therefore he has few defensive moves. He does have
Kazuya's Heavy Body Blow and Lee’s Blazing Kick, both of Up close, Small Ogre is
pretty useless. True Ogre is
which can be used for counters.
very useless. Same as Ogre,
his best range is mid- to far. If too
far, all you can do is breathe fire, so
stay in mid if possible.
Foot Bazooka > ><*
His Right Swing (enhanced in range for
True Ogre), Tail Spins and Fire attacks are all good to counter

Tooth Fairy with. If they lie down a lot or try to get too close, burn them. If
you are forced to fight too close, SS and throw.
Groin Punch 9W>«>

Exploder OO
Burning Double Knuckle ON 4
Heavy Body Blow
Demon Slayer
Flash Punch Combo
WS “&

= ¢?#%
[ShoulderTackle OS | Kunlmfteu Moves ___—_—_—s
|Back DooSanMoves | Deadly Slash SON | Unblockable #2.
Unblockable #3.

Spinning Slide Kick _>O Head Ram (%

Hammer Heel_©>N Tail Spin “ct

|BrucetvinMoves | Wang
Low Tail Spin “7
Dragon Power Punch <<)+% Evil Wheel O@

In case you don't know, Mokujin is a Doctor Boskonovich is hilarious. He
wooden training dummy brought to can't stand up very well (he can walk
life. He can mimic anyone in the game forward all day, but if you step back-
except Ogre. ward you have to immediately step
However, his forward to gain your balance or he
attacks do will fall), and he constantly plugs him-
not quite self with electricity for some weird
«) work so well y Nn reason. He has
for some people. He does Gg iN GENERAL STRATEGY several characters’
not increase in speed or x way Gon is not even a realistic fighter. He moves, and he
agility when he mimics, has some cute little tail moves and doesn't jump.
nor does his reach. he's the first normal character to have a “projectile.” If you
Even so, it is a good show-off move in a O seriously want to fight with him, try to stay on your oppo- You'll
fight to choose this character. nent. Gon does not only jump, he rolls around on the probably have to
ground when the D-pad is tapped up and down (holding play this guy like
Mokujin is slower, his legs are will result in jumping). Lei, seeing as how
shorter and as stated before, his Gon does have a cou- moving backward too much lands you on your butt.
speed and range don't increase ¥’ ple decent moves. His F, F + (LP + RK) roll, Tap D + (LP + When he’s playing dead, however, he is not useless. F
8) RK) fire projectile and Hold D + (LP + RK) play dead posi-
when he mimics a style. This is He has quite a few get-up attacks as well as Lei,
for the most part unnoticeable tion all set up for good damage. Law and Yoshi type kicking combos. Among his other
to the Gon’s range for moves is Yoshi's unblockable, but
average the most part is a joke. Yes he does have now it is performed by holding B + i
player. You one 4 that projectile for mid- to far range. Other (LP + RP), and when it hits, the 4
do have every 1 4 than that you must be in sweep range to opponent is electrified until Dr. B f
move and | hits him again. Overall, you can
} do any damage. Tapping LP repeatedly
combo (not to either play defensive or offensive
will start his infinity punches and this
mention 1 since he can avoid most attacks
sword, | does pretty decent damage on an and has a good array of put-down
© in one k 3 unsuspecting opponent. It is almost impossible moves to boot.
alien's case). Advanced players will J to juggle with Gon, because of his lack of speed. Also use Defense is not so simple.
have to make minor adjustments a his tail, it's his best weapon. The best way is to play offensively with all of his
depending on what character they His UF + RK at close range is a various combos. He doesn't have any reversals, so
are using. He is not as fast as Law, nor is his reach good pop-up for offense or a getting-them-out-of-your-face you'll have to use some of his more powerful
quite as good as King’s or Eddy’s. Make range
defense. He does not have reversals so try to avoid a punches and kicks as counters.
adjustments by double sidestepping and getting in
knock-down, dragged-out fight.
closer when attacking.

74. EGM
r ey vy) . ee 4
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ares S All You Need To ow

-videogamespot company
General Hints 1 °
fi die-hardRPG f © Always check every nook and cranny when Camping
ve at least pl yed a
— you are going through a new area. New items Camping can be a great help any time
in chests are usually much better than store- you are stuck or are getting ready to go
bought items. into an area that could be dangerous.
© Don’t be afraid to kick back and do some fish- While camped you can talk to any party
ing. The world will wait for you and that bass may members you have and they will give you
save your...butt. some kind of direction to go. You can also
© DON'T sell rare items anywhere except in the view the list of known skills and masters.
j antique shop in the Faerie World. They will give Resting in camp can save you a few zenny
sm 8oe you close to nothing for your items. if you don’t want to go to an inn, but it can-
incites“althou it has ® Save and save often. You never know when that not recover the HPs that you temporarily
een along tim since next baddie will come and whack you. lose if you have been hurt in a battle.
3 the last one hit the © The end is never near, so take time to build Only an inn or a bed can
she ves, itwa your characters. recover those lost HPs. The
main asset camping has is
the save feature. =

During the course of the game you will

come across many monsters that have some 7.
pretty lethal abilities. Some of these skills Weakness
can be learned by a character using the Many of the monsters you will fight in
Examine command on the attacking mon- the game will have inherent weaknesses
ster. This doesn’t always work and may take to them. Discovering these weaknesses can
a couple of tries. Most of the skills you may be very difficult though. Some of the things
H get are not that useful. Some of them, though, to try to use to find the weakness are the
Gosektpes can F are almost invaluable. Skills such as Charge name of the monster (i.e., Eye Goo is weak
faa and Rest may be very helpful to you in the toward blindness attacks), the area that you
: beginning when you don't have much to fall fight the monster (i.e., monsters fought in the
back on. However, later in the game, the com- volcano are weak toward ice attacks) and
mand loses a
bit of its appeal because you sometimes the look of the monster (i.e., if it
are mostly trying to just stay alive. looks like a water creature try lightning).


Cedar Woods
McNeil Village
Arena (Genmel)
Plant & Dump
Mt. Zublo
Angel Tower
Duana Mine
Sin City
Tidal Caves
Steel Beach
Junk Town
Urkan Tapa
nner Sea
Outer Sea
Desert of Death
Oasis City
Caer Xhan
This is where you'll start your adventure. 1. After a botched attempt to rob some peo-
1. When you are forced into the battle ple on the Yrall road, you will get caught by
with the miners at the start, use your | ©=Bunyan. He will send Rei off to Glaus Mt. and
Whelp Breath to take them out in one f@ you will follow him shortly. The key to cutting
hit. From there take the north path and fm the logs at Bunyan’s is to wait for the log to
head east. B start to drop from Teepo’s hand.
2. Continue to head east to reach the
end. You can explore a little more, but The road to Mt. Glaus is really just an area to get
you will find nothing except a couple some experience. 2. You can find a secret area
more scared miners. by using Teepo to kick out the rock from under
3. When you reach this point, head this boulder, then follow the dry path to some loot.
south and then east. As soon as you
attack, a cinema will take over. 3. When you reach the sliding cliff, use the spots
4. To escape from of vegetation as a reference on where to slide.
your cage, press all
the Directions but- 4. The Nue is very easy the first time you face it.
tons to shake the Simple attacks will kill the beast
cage and force it off eventually and it doesn’t dish out
of the train. too much damage.

5. After beating off the Nue, you

can use the dragon statue
to save your progress.

After meeting with a particularly shady 6. Follow the blood stains

guy named Loki, you will be off to the to see where the monster
mansion. 1. To get into the mansion jumped in the water. Take
grounds, examine the discolored wall the north tunnel and jump
directly north of the hut by the entrance. off the ledge to reach
the monster.
As you go through this area you will need
to avoid the guys with the lanterns and
bribe a couple of the guards. You can get
an easy 50 zenny from a thief south and 8S
west of where you enter. To get past the
guard who lost his wallet, head back west along the upper
walkway and look in the corner of the first turn you come to.
You will find the wallet there. That will open up the way for
you to go even farther on the grounds. 2. At the bell tower,
use your sword on the bell to sound it and clear the path to 3. The rooster is not that tough to beat, and
one more guard. Take that path up and talk to the guard who gives a magic shard if stolen from it. Once you
is sitting down to fight the guard dog. beat him, backtrack and head toward the main door. 4. On the roof you will
want to head to the west side to find the grappling hook. Be sure to check
After you beat the dog, head north and east. Check around the roof area for special items—there are a couple. 5. Inside the other build-
until you see a couple of people—talk to them. Then go back ing you will face yet another ghost. Even though he is five ghosts combined,
and talk to the guard in front of the chicken coop. he is still not tough. Normal attacks with one guy healing will beat him easily.

Name of Gene Properties Gosts Where Found

Flame Adds fire property 5 Starts with
Frost Adds frost property & Maekyss Gorge
Here is a list of the different Thunder Adds electric property 5 Building west of Rhapala
dragon genes you can find in the Shadow Adds shadow property 5 Duana Mine, 2nd time

a ea wee OR can findthem J Radiance Adds holy property 5 Container Yard

‘ost to use.
py a tee ge Force Adds powerful form 8 The Plant
FAVORITE COMBINATIONS Defender ‘Adds defensive form 8
Behemoth Electric + Miracle SRE
Warrior Force + Eldritch Eldritch 8
Tiamat Trance + Shadow + Gross fj Miracle
Mammoth 222 + Miracle + Force
Trygon Fire + Ice + Thunder ae
Rocket Crash Site _
Level1 Mil Level 2 Level3 ffReverse ‘Road near Mt. Buomore
You may be tempted to rush into every Mutant Steel Beach
battle with with one of the huge dragons when 222 Mystery Effect 8 South of Steel Beach
confronting a Boss. Although this can give you ¢ A
an advantage since you will be the only target pea MysteryEffect ul ogdrasil west Kombinatc!
and will have a huge amount of HPs, remem- Failure Unknown 1 Colony
ber thatifyou are paralyzed or otherwise Fusion Combines power with allies 16 Duana Mine, 2nd time
incapagitateditwilleitherbe gamesover oF Infinity Unleashes full power of the brood 40 Dragnier
you will be forced to watch the enemy pound
you while your magic is whittled away.
EGM 79
The Crypt of Wyndia
Through this mountain is the city of 1. After a scene in front of the king you and
Wyndia, where you hope Rei and Teepo the criminals are thrown into the dungeon.
are. There are several chests around Nina comes to visit you and releases the
this area, but there are also some dan- baddies. To get out of your cell, try to ram it
gerous monsters. Avoid the tar-men if down twice.
possible, they are very tough to beat
without a Freezing spell of some kind. 2. Follow the stairway down and chase after
1. When you reach the top you will con- the princess. You will have to lose another battle
front the two hoodlums who torched against the pair. After you are defeated, you will
your home. 2. They will stab you again be revived and will have to race into the crypts.
and then take you as a prize to Wyndia.
3. Read this plaque to learn you must remember
LEGA. the words spoken. In order to be able to click the
tombstones without falling you will have to click
the green text, but be sure }
Mt. Buomore to remember the red text. d]
That’s the important text. Z,
After escaping from Balio and Sunder
again in Genmel you will need to go 4. To get through this say-
through here. There is not much trea- ing, you must select all of the
sure around, but there are some pretty red text that was on the . 4
tough monsters. previous tombstones. Here Vo
1. When you reach the top don’t talk to is the correct order to "
the guy in front of the door yet. Instead enter: red, climbing,
go past and hop down the ledge to get |, is, look, beneath
a treasure chest. and this. | a /
2. Once you get off the mountain, head
south and check out the narrow road to
pick up the reverse dragon gene.

This is the first area you will stumble

across after you leave Mt. Buomore.
1. When you first get here you will Before you leave this area you will want to
want to solve this puzzle. To open search the surrounding forest. You should be
the outside crystals to magical ener- able to find the Thorn dragon gene here.
gy you will need to first go inside. This gene will prove to be invaluable in the
upcoming battles.
2. Inside there is a large crystal. Hit
this with Nina’s magic to give you 30
seconds to power the other four. Head
to the west stairs and go up and out the
south exit. Be sure to run! The Plant & Dump
3. Once you finish that follow the open After talking to the doctor at the coffee shop you
path to meet Momo performing one of will head to the plant. 1. There find and talk to
her experiments. After a short dialogue the director of the plant and find out where to go
she will join you on your journey. next. 2. While you are still in the plant you may
want to pick up some Mandrake. It will recover all
4. This puzzle is similar to a sliding your HP but lower your Max HP temporarily.
block puzzle. Try to work the puzzle
from one : end to the other to get it 3. In the dump you will want to use this control to
done quickly. slide the boxes a couple times and get access to
some treasures. 4. At these controls you can
5. Click the upper right-most cube and move the boxes back and forth. The treasure that
the upper right one from the bottom. you can claim from this one is an Artemis Cap.
Then you should be Be sure to line it up so that you can go across
able to walk from the far side of the raised parts.
right through.
5. The Boss is a little tough.
At the end you'll Use flame attacks to
need to open make him feel pain and
the escape f eventually
rocket. The z ih remove his §
button is RY V7 “42 regeneration
behind the -—«_ powers.
desk. D 5
From now on you will gain Peco in
From now on you will gain Momo your party. He is a pretty good fighter
in your party. She will be a strong once you build him up, with the power
fighter with a little magic. to heal himself after every round.

80 EGM
After being caught in the failed attempt to After the gorge you should be
sneak past the roadblock, you will arrive here able to make your way back to
again. This time you must fight in a tourna- Wyndia. From here you will need
ment to get out. to control Nina for a while.
1. After hearing a dish drop and
1. Your first battle is in the Hall of Fire. You talking to the servant, you will
will face three opponents but will have three see Honey run away. Follow her (2
“lives.” If your character is defeated, the next in down past the kitchen and into
the battle order will come in. Avoid attacking the the cellar. 2. In the cellar you will
Dodai that are holding up the platforms, instead need to shift the camera to see
concentrate on attacking the character on the plat- Honey hidden next to one of the
form. Avoid using Dragon Breath if you change bottom barrels. You will also
forms or you will harm your own platform. need to find a mouse that is
hidden behind a barrel to get
2. The second baitle pits your team against some cheese.
another team. You must kill all of
the opponents to win the bat- 3. After scaring off Honey from
tle. The leader will fall easier the cellar, make your way back
than the others, so concentrat- up to Nina’s bedroom. Go out to
ed attacks on him would help. the balcony and you will see
Honey. Talk to her in order to
3. The last battle is rigged, so affect your escape.
you can't win it. Try to fight the
battle if you want but the story
Shortly after this area you will gain
will go on when you lose.
Garr as a companion. He can
Follow him to Balio’s office to
become your strongest fighter.
get your other companion.

The ship here is missing. To

help Beyd get together with
Shadis you will need to train
On your way home you will be attacked here. him. One way to help him
Balio and Sunder will combine and go after you. out is to equip some of your
If you team up with strong fighters you should be weakest weapons on your-
able to take him out. Don’t attack him with magic self. Also be sure to heal him when he’s extremely hurt.
users as he will immediately set up barriers and Remember though that the only way he will build
resist spells to counter any magic effect. defense is when he blocks. He will only block when his
health is low so let it stay low sometimes.

Name of Fish Properties

Fishing is something that you can do to pass
Jellyfish 22222222
time or to get some special items. Many of __Restores 20 HP
the fish can be used as healing items in the Flame attack against 1 target
rest of the game, the rest of them can be
used to damage or incapacitate the enemy. T ___Restores40HP
Rainbow Trout Restores AP
LURES & RODS i The technique you use 22222
: while your lure is in the
Wooden Rod Breaks easily - Low Range
water can determine
Bamboo Rod Long Range + Breaks i
whether or not you will
catch a fish. The higher
Spanner Strongest rod the technique the more
Worm Good for deep-water fish likely a fish will be attract-
Coin Use to catch Manillo ed to the lure.
Sinker Sinks and floats
Heavy Caro Large, weighted lure Level 1 technique:
Toad Looks like a frog, swims Tug, Skip, Tug Blowfish tires poison in the party
Baby Frog This has a lead sinker Level 2 technique:
Tug, Tug
Sea Bream Restores 5 AP
Old Popper
Sinks when moved
Tends to sink Level 3 technique: SeaBass | as g
Tug, Tug, Skip, Tug Black Porgy Restores 20 AP
Fat Frog Sinks when moved
Level 4 technique:
Top Sinks when moved
Tug, Tug, Skip, Skip, Tug,
Octopus Induces blindness in all targets
Frog. Good balanced lure Skip, Tug Angler Earthquake vs. all targets
Deep Diver Good for deep-water fish
*: Devilfish Electric vs. 1 target
Popper Stays on surface, low
range : Spearfish 2222222
Caro Fast lead sinker with HP recovering fish : 22222 2222222
worm Mackerel Used to make Shisu
AP recovering fish
Hanger Good balanced lure
iManillo Catch him to enter his trading shop
Spirit Lure with a lead sinker Combat item
EGM’ 81
Lighthouse Faerie World
After helping Beyd, he will give you With the ship still not back you'll have
badges to get to the lighthouse. Be sure some time. Use the faerie tiara to go
to have some crysm on you before you into the Faerie World. 1. Once there talk
try to activate the main generator. to the leader to find out why they wanted
the lighthouse off so bad.
1. To activate the main generator you
will need to first put some crysm into 2. After talking to the leader head down
the machine. Then you will need to flip to the beach and get ready to fight a Boss. After
the switch when the curve reaches the a pretty funny dialogue, you will be attacked by
top of the middle and flashes. a dolphin. He is weak toward electric attacks
but can dish out some strong party-affecting
2. Once power is regained you will want magics. Once you defeat him the Faerie World
to find these two switches and flip them will be free. (SEE FAERIE WORLD LATER IN
to divert power to the lighthouse. There THE GUIDE.)
is one north from the main generator
and one west of it.

3. On your way up to the light you will

have to fight Gazer. He is heavy on the
magic and can shoot a beam weapon
that does massive damage to one party You will be best equipped if you come
member. Quake and normal attacks do into this area with 99 healing herbs and
good damage against him. a shot of flameblock from Rhapala.
Also, if you have option items that resist
4. On top flip the switch to activate the flame, equip those as they will probably
lighthouse and to meet the faeries. save your butt more than once.
Save, then go to a flower ring and use
the tiara. 1. Avoid the steam vents and lava when you
can since they will drop your HP. You can only
be dropped to 1 HP, but if you get in a battle
you will be in trouble. 2. Most of the areas that
are blocked by lava and steam vents hold trea-
Angel Tower sure chests on the other side. If you have the
herbs it is worth it to walk across the lava and
1. When outside of the tower be sure get the chests.
to check all the ledges. You should be
able to find two chests that contain 3. The final Boss is a pain. He will heal his
items. You will need to hop down them creatures and does some big damage. Equip
from upper levels. your characters with flame-resistant equipment
and use your Ice spells a lot. Kill the creatures
2. The east underground area is not before the old man to ease the battle.
necessary for anything yet. But don’t
forget about it.

3. This is the only real puzzle in the

tower. You will need Garr in your party 4. When you head to the lower level you
to push the blocks around. Head to will be in for a surprise. Garr decides to
the top side first, push that block attack you! He is not as strong against
down. Then come around to the you as he was in the arena, but he can
other side and slide that block still cause some damage. One way to
against the wall. Push the next two keep you alive is to have any flame resis-
blocks out together to make a bridge tant options equipped. Normal attacks will
to the center island. Then follow that take him down without too much trouble.
across and downstairs.

After you finish with Angel Tower and are Clear __Clears the land for building
grown up, head to the Faerie World. i i ill:
Once there you will find out that they Scholar Studies new technologies
need your help to build their village. You Jobs - Researches new jobs
must choose which jobs they perform and Culture - Raises the culture level
which ones they are best suited to do.
EsWeapon - Sells strong weapons
Items - Sells various items
Be sure to keep at Handyman - Puts together various speed or agility things
least a third of your Inn Runs a cheap inn
total faeries hunting
for food or they will
starve and die off. Try
to keep the faerie with
the strongest attribute
in her job.
Copy Can copy any item...sometimes
82 EGM
Ogre Road
Making your way through this mine is This area is little more than a
not that hard at all. 1. The mine cart level-raising area, until you get to
puzzle is the only puzzle of the place. the end. There are a couple of
2. Use the switchboxes to alter the chests scattered around with
path of the cart. You can then use items that will help you at the end
Garr to push the cart to its destination. of the road. There you will need to
3. When you are nearing the exit you'll face a Boss. He is not too tough
encounter a spirit of the and normal attacks will kill him.
dragons. This Boss hits
strong and can poison
the party. Sometimes it's
better to leave them poi-
soned and keep fighting.

In order to get a passport to the eastern

lands you must first investigate the plant
you were at before. 1. Here you will
reunite with Momo and she will tell you
that they are missing the director of the
Head to Sin City to stock up on some plant Palet. She will also tell you that
new weapons and items. There you will Peco is still in the area.
start hearing rumors about a man-eat- 2. Head to Ygddrassil east of the plant @
ing tiger on Ogre Road. 1. After defeat- and reunite with Peco, then head back
ing him head back to Cedar Woods and to the plant.
to the hut that was your first home. If
any of your guys are apprenticed to 3. Upon returning to the plant you will
Bunyan you should visit him now. notice the green gas in all the green-
houses. Use Peco to push the rocks
2. From there head to McNeil village to the spots marked with X’s and then
and go through some story. You will have him run from a distance into
also meet up with Nina and she will join the rocks to send them flying into
your party and suggest you head back the house.
to Sin City.
4. Once in the secret laboratory you will
3. When you get to Sin City you will face two major Bosses. The first can be
notice the whole place is trashed. Make beaten if you cast Fire spells on him quickly.
your way to the end and be sure to talk 5. The second is the opposite as he will be
to the guy hidden on the right by the casting a lot of spells on your party. Have
mountain. one healer and two fighters.

4. After learning that the

Boss went to the checkpoint
you should follow. This Boss
is a tough one but can be
beat easier if you revive Rei.
Be aware that he will go
crazy as the battle ensues,
so be prepared to resurrect
some party members.

These children will teach you the last three

formations. You must become apprenticed
Something that may be overlooked in the to them and raise at least three levels.
game can be a most powerful tool. When you Then come back and they will teach you
start the game, you will only have three forms a new formation. One of them will give you
to play with, more can be received from the a Cupid Lyre instead of teaching you a
four children in Wyndia after you find them. new formation.

This is the basic This formation This formation This formation This formation This formation
starting forma- gives improved gives the person gives all people gives the party lets the party
tion. It gives no defense for all, at the point of ita in the party member in the recover a couple
bonuses and has but takes away power boost, but the agility of the back a bonus to of HP at the end
no penalties on it. from your power. makes him more point person. their magic. of every turn.
of a target.

EGM 83
Tidal Caves & Gaist
1. In order to find some direction you When you reach Junk Town you will
must first go to Angel Tower again. Be find out that the ship is there and it is
sure to have Garr in the party when you § still broke. 1. Momo will ask you to
enter the Tower. 2. When Garr prays to ‘ gather up some parts for her to make
his god, he finds out that you must find repairs. Word is the best place to start
another guardian. Head to Urkan to find is at Steel Beach.
out that this guardian is southeast by
Jad Gos aneeared 2. When you get there you will have to
the tidal caves.
re the
have Garr in the party and have him help pull
3. To get through the caves you have to up some salvage with the foreman. The trick
be very quick, or the tide will come up is to pull as much as you can when it is your
and block the caves you need to go to. turn. 3. Unfortunately the salvage you pull
If you are willing to spend some time in up is a Boss. He is a strong one and will take
the caves you can find a total of two some serious damage to kill. Be sure to have
chests inside and one outside. Also be Nina cast her Lightning spells and have at
sure to get the dragon gene that is at least one person attack each round.
the end of the caves.
4. When you can finally get into the freighter
4. Once you get through the caves you will find pieces lying everywhere. They will
head to the village that is down there. be in just about every spot that is hard to see
Be sure to rest and save in the inn normally. You will have to use the camera shift
at the top of the town. Once 4 a lot in this area. There are several pieces of
you are ready, go visit Gaist. every item you will need to find. At least two of
He will give you more informa- every part that is on the list will need to be
tion about the Brood and the found, for some of them three must be found.
war. He will then challenge you. Once you get all of the pieces head back to
In order to beat him, you must Momo and give them to her to get the ship
first take out the two torches running again.
next to you. Once that’s done,
take the form of a frost dragon
and attack.

ck Ship
After a failed attempt to board the ship
you determine that you must ram it.
1. To do this you must use the boost
After fixing the boat you find out that
when right behind the ship.
you can’t make the trip with it. It is
too weak. But you find out about some-
2. Once in the ship be sure to explore
one who might be able to. The only
as much as possible. There are many
problem is that the mayor is not being
treasures to be had in this ship.
cooperative. The only way to raise his
spirits is to make him some food from
3. Once the crane is reactivated you will
his hometown.
want to go back there and use it to grab all
of the smaller boxes. These boxes will make
1. The recipe and some of the ingredi-
a bridge that will allow you to get to some
ents can be found here. It is the house
important areas in the ship, like a resting
in the Maekyss Gorge.
point and the bridge.
2. Getting the mixture right is the trick.
4. This switch can be a godsend if you are
The ingredients are also spread out all
low on health or magic. Once this is flipped
over the place. You can find the shaly
the bridge will always stay up and it leads right
seeds at the house, the horseradish on
to your other ship. From there you can save
the Ogre road, the vinegar at the coffee
and rest.
house and the mackerel at the fishing
spot close to the house. To make some
One puzzle that will be a problem is the boost-
good shisu put in one piece of macker-
er puzzle. For this one you will need to listen
el, put in enough shaly seeds so the
to the pings in the background. After Momo
ball it makes is the size of the mackerel.
activates it run down and watch the counter on
For every four seeds you use, use one
it. Once it reaches 70 or 80 then head back up
vinegar. For every vinegar use one or
to the bridge. Be sure to continue to count the
two horseradish.
pings so you can get the count just right.
When the counter reaches 100 then talk to
3. Take your time here and collect all of
Momo and have her flip the switch.
the chests. You will need to use
the boost in order to get them
5. After a short time you will be attacked by a
in time. 4. Once you are done
pair of sea creatures. They will give you an
with that, talk to the mariner.
opportunity to pull a little back on the ship and
gain better ground. When you get attacked try
5. He will tell you that you need
to use any lightning attacks you can. This is
to get on the black ship. That is
one battle where the thunder dragon is very
the only way to get across the
well-suited to fight in.
outer ocean.

84 EGM
1. When you first get to this area This Boss you will have to fight is pret-
you may not have what you need in ty tough. You can’t use any dragon
order to operate the machine. If you forms to protect yourself; however, you
got the key from the portal drive you can use any other magic that you want
can use the laser and mirrors to to use. This is one of the toughest bat-
power up the portal drive. 2. This tles that you will have to go through.
is how the mirrors should be set Dragnier has no particular weakness
up to get the drive powered up. but will occasionally waste a round with
his bad back move. Once you defeat him you receive the strongest
3. This puzzle can give you many dragon gene in the game...the infinity gene.
headaches if you let it. You have
to flip the switches in the right
order to get the bridges to be in
the right place so you can get to Desert of Death
the northern door. Flip the switches
in this order to get it to work: red The desert is the most tedious puzzle
switch, blue switch, cyan switch, of the game. 1. The trick to finding the
brown switch. This will set the oasis is to follow the false north star.
bridges up in the right way to Eventually an oasis will appear and
continue in the level. then disappear. When it disappears
follow the normal north star and a little
4. This is an easy puzzle. to the left of it.
Operate the dish and swing it
around until you find the direc- 2. Eventually you will run into this bad
tion with the least amount of boy. After plodding through the desert
line noise. Activate the dish and all this time this guy should be no
then make your way back down challenge. Ice attacks do very good
to the portal room and teleport damage against him, but pretty much
to Dragnier. any combination of attacks will take
him down. Be sure to have one person ‘gs
healing the party. ‘i

1. The first part of these ruins used

to be a town. There are a couple of
places with robots in them. The
weapon shop and the item shop are
two places that should definitely be 2. Teepo is a tough dragon to beat.
checked. There is also a place to rest. If you use the warrior dragon form it
will be a little easier.
Once you are ready to go up to the station you should head to the 3. With the final Boss, equip your
north building with a little robot in it that looks like Honey. Follow that party with every status protector that you can and use the hourglasses
out to activate the lift. as much as you can.

Masters are spread throughout

the world. When apprenticed to
them, they will give attribute
bonuses and after a few level-
ups will give new skills. Certain : 7
masters require certain items Fat G HP-1, AP-2
before they will allow appren- D - 99999) ACIS =
tices in. Masters like Yggdrasil Wyndia Pwr-l, 4 if "5
want items like a Wisdom fruit, Giotto.Fi _______ Southof = Rhapala HP+4, AP+3 _ z 7
while masters like Emitai just a
want some money. Some will ree
tachi Mt. Zublo AP+S, Pure, Agi. Inte3 HP-3, Def-3 =
want nothing at all. After you Bais Wyndia P
raise eight to 10 levels being Wyndia Def
apprenticed to any master you ree Wyndia Inte1
should be able to get all =~ Wyndia
the skills they offer.A ¢ rene
1 Wyndia HP+1 HP-6, AP-6
star will appear next y Dragnier [OLE Pe HP-1, Pwr-1, Def
pose master aano nas ”) Hondara Urkan Tapa AP+1, Int+1 Pwr-2
nothing left to offer.
aGa Frontier boasts In addition to improving stats, you gain new abilities Mystics advance by using their Mystic abilities of Sword, Gloves and
more than 140 hours through combat. Your skills will advance most quickly Boots. Each time you hit a monster with one of these abilities there is
of gameplay. Since you if you fight tougher monsters, but each of the differ- a chance that you will absorb the monster into your mystical weapon.
ent ability types advances in a different way. This will grant you additional special abilities, and may unlock additior
can play as one of seven
al Mystic abilities for you. You will notice new abilities after fighting.
characters, that’s about
20 hours each. lords: PAD VANGING/MECHS
Of course there are side Mechs advance by “downloading” the abilities of enemy Mechs. It
quests to distract you. is a good idea to move your mechs into a different fighting group
But the side quests are the specifically for facing other mechs. Unless there are enemy mechs
same for all characters. in the opposing group, there is not much point in including mechs on
your combat team, as they can gain nothing from the fight. Mechs
If you've done it once, can equip almost any mundane item including multiple weapons and
you're unlikely to want to 8 Unlike Fighting and Swords, armor, So you can jack them up very quickly between battles.
do it for the other six. these skills advance more quickly if you use more
To top it off, the game advanced skills, instead of sticking to the basics.
Unlike the physical skills which advance during
pads out the story with
combat, these two skill types advance after combat. Monsters advance by absorbing the abilities of other monsters. They
mindless combat. The have only eight “slots” to fill with abilities, and each time you defeat ar
normal fights are too When you cannot gain any new skills, it is enemy monster, the ability in the last slot can be exchanged for a nev
easy, and the Bosses important to SEAL some after each fight. ability. It is extremely important to move your best abilities to the top
insanely difficult. At times | Keep your six best skills (a good mix of of the list and choose your worst ability for the eighth slot after every
« ‘ : ” S defensive, offensive and fight. Don't get attached to it—it must remain temporary because
my “strategy” was simply & multi-attacks) and seal absorbing new monsters is the only way to get more skills.
to tape down the Action =
[| the rest, leaving
button and walk away for a you two open
skill slots.
Using the walk-throughs
to keep you on track, you
can reach the final Boss in
, two to four hours. Then
settle in for another six or
> so hours of “gameplay” { ut :
- while you power up to i . ; : | AT EA GIES!
beat the Boss, and AC . Yi?
you're all set. Enjoy! ] The basic offensive strategy is very simple:
Sates Always attack the weakest enemy first. i)
—Benjamin An enemy with one HP left can still !
“Alderaan” deal full damage to your characters, so U
Durbin and it is best to pile all of your characters on iS)
eR e a single target and stick with it until it is
Tim Titanic ‘ g dead. If the target dies, any characters who
Davis y < have not acted yet will automatically switch to { EEE

Deflect is a very basic skill they will learn

early, and although you can’t control when it
will go off, it completely negates any attack.
This even works to defend other char-
acters, not just the swordsman.
The more human swordsmen Huso
per group, the bett

The idea behind combos is to

link one character’s attack with
another. Two characters acting
i A \ together form a Level Two
“e best race: f ’ Combination, three characters form
P ij J * a Level Three, etc. Use
best combat skill: . : \ . your Level Two combos =~ ee
2). E i and then try different Se
4 ine: yy : attacks with the remaining play-
rceay Sloe yetine: —S ers and look for additional links.
7260's quest is first: to find out what his
original program is and second, to carry
out that mission. He’s a great character to
start with because you can simply throw
bigger and better equipment on T260 and his Mec allies. You don’t have to
worry about sealing skills— st collect heavier guns and go to it!


™@ As soon as you can, go to the Combat Dome @ Now that you have
O98 and fight all the combats. Make sure you return to Leonard in your party
the Slime each time to collect your reward. After you can access some
the last fight, return back to Junk and have the more areas. Using her
Octopus repair all of your items, and buy a few pass, go to Tartaros. Once there
Repair Kits. Then return to the Combat Dome you will enter into a catwalk area. To pass beyond
and enter the bar again. the door at the top of the catwalks, you must first
@ After defeating Caballero’s Mec, exit to the throw the switch—it can be found by moving down
map, then back into the Combat Dome and to the the stairs on your left, then across to the next
bar. This should trigger the kidnapping of Time. screen on the right. Once past this first door you
Then go to the Scrap area to rescue Time. Once will enter into the cave area. In this area you will
you find Time you will have a quick fight (notice find four switches you must trigger to open the door
Gen pick up the pipe which he uses as a sword). to the next area. Each switch is guarded by a
After saving Time, you will leave with Gen to HUGE Meg; it is best to simply avoid these com-
confront Caballero on his own terms on Scrap. ® Go to Nakajima Robotics. Talk to the men there bats, although these big Mecs have some nice pro-
and they can help you out—but not until you grams your Mecs can absorb.
retrieve their “MouseMec” from Sei’s tomb. Before @ Once you are through the door, find the base
you go, head to the top of the workroom and computer and download the location of HQ. Return
recruit the EngineerCar into your party. Put him in to Manhattan and talk to the ticket agent; he will
@ Getting Lute to your main party and juice him up with lots of armor. now be able to transport you to HQ.
Join: Enter the first @ Once you have returned from Sei’s tomb you
building on the right can enlist ZEKE into your party. You can also
to get Lute to join change body types here, as often as you wish
your party.
@ Fight Caballero: @ Your first task in
If you've used the HQ is to find the
“Junk Shop” to computer. You will
power up, you are in very little danger from 5 SHINGROW find lots of goodies
enemy fire, so just go straight tothe top of the guarded by Mecs
factory and fight Caballero's guard Mecs (three ™@ Go to the Ruins in the upper left. Enter the but ignore them for
Tractors and one Hermes). If you want to take spaceship at the top of the screen. Search around now. Once you find
out the gun emplacements first, use the switches and collect some nice high-tech goodies while you the computer core you will enter cyberspace. Make
to activate the factory equipment. look for the computer your way down and to the right until you reach a
room. After you find the castle. You may have to kill some “bugs” on the
computer room (behind way; this will repair the path around the bug.
a curtain of vines) Once you enter the castle you must destroy all the
download the info viruses protecting the HQcore. When the HQcore
f= @ Gather Data: Enter the doorway behind the there and head back is vulnerable, have T260 use the “CONTACT”
chicken and find the data terminal. You'll find to Nakajima Robotics power on it.
several clues to keep you going. on Shrike. , 3 m Exit the castle and head back to the left until
you see a bridge. Cross the bridge and head down
to the next castle. Inside there are some puzzles
for you to solve. The HQcore will finally tell you
MANHATTAN 7? MANHATTAN what your mission is.
@ RB3: Doomsday Machine
@ Go first to the Shopping Mall, and head to the @ Now head back to Manhattan. In Leonard’s lab Your first task is to turn off the security lasers you
‘Snack Shop. Talk to the blond customer. She'll you will meet LeonardMec, who now houses all will see as you head across the bridge. Enter the
take you to the Central Gate where you can meet the brains and memories of Dr. Leonard. Once door and move to the upper-right exit; use the
with Leonard. Leonard joins your party, you should have a computer there and listen for a click. Make your
formidable fighting force: four Mecs and (prefer- way to the lower-left; use the computer there and
ably) Gen. the ship will shake as the lasers are disabled.
@ Head outside and down to the
Junk Shop Trick: , accessway. Trip all the pink
There's a trick here where you can ® switches to open the gate.
get infinite picks from the stock: Pay @ Run to the circular pad at
the shopkeeper, enter the scrap sec- @ the top. You will have to fight
tion and choose your items. Then, me several waves of Mecs and a
return to the shopkeeper and choose m@ 1260 Mec § sub-Boss “MecGod” before you
SELL ITEMS. Highlight the last item Mec m enter RB3's main memory.
m@ EngineerCar me Once in RB3’s memory, keep
on the list and press <circle> a few
times. Then exit this menu and m ZEKE Mec § moving from left to right and
simply walk back into the scrap @ Leonard Mec M@® destroying as many enemies
section again and help yourself. m@ Gen Swords § as you can. Eventually you will
§ encounter RB3 in the form of a
i tree growing in the desert.

EGM? 87
Riki's quest is to save his homeland by finding
eight mystical rings. You begin with the Ring
of the Guardian and must quest for the other
eight rings. After talking to the Elder, your
quest will begin in earnest. If you get stuck, try looking for a different
> ‘} ring. You will not be allowed to find some of the rings until you are
Saul ) tough en

y Ls
‘™ When you @ By talking to Mei Ling you will find that one of
first enter Scrap the rings can be found in a shop in Manhattan. Go
you will be in the to the shop and you will see the ring listed at the
bar. Talk to all of bottom of the inventory: SOLD. The businessman
the people here bye who purchased the
and you'll imme- ting lives on Owmi.
diately fill out i ‘6 Go there and head
your party with up the road to his
Mei Ling, Lute, mansion. Once
T260 and Gen inside the business-
(who will join man will confront you
you when you leave). Once you are done, head and dump you into
over to the office and talk to Caballero, who has his dungeon. Work
the first ring. You'll have to defeat him over at the your way back up
eciory to get it, though. @ When you reach Yorkland, find the wealthy busi- through the dungeon. Once you are back to the
nessman’s house and speak to him. He will inform upper floors of the mansion search around, there
you that his daughter is sick. Return to Koorong are lots of free goodies in the many rooms there.
2 THIEF RING and find Dr. Nusakan in his back-alley office. Dr. You will find the businessman in his private quar-
ters, where he will finally give you the ring.
Nusakan will join your party and go back to
® To find the other rings you will need to take Yorkland with you to save the girl. To defeat the
-Mei-Ling’s taxi service to Koorong. On the way Boss here, don’t do too much damage or it will run
there your ship will be swallowed by a giant crea- away. After a few rounds the creature will destroy LORD RING
ture called Tanzer. Inside the belly of this creature the bed and start attacking the little girl. Now you
are many castaways from other ships including a should go all out and kill it before it drains her life. @ Go straight up the center staircase and talk to
crime boss, who has the next ring. Inside this Afterward you will get the ring. the Ring Lord, who will only let you battle for the
area you will also meet Fei-On who will join your ting if you first collect the eight Virgil Keys from
party. The final Boss in this area (Tanzer) has the eight rooms of the palace. Once you have
a lot of HPs so you will need to use powerful collected all eight Virgil Keys you can return to the
combos to defeat it. center room (QuickSave outside first) and chal-
5 HERO RING lenge the Ring Lord. This is not difficult but takes
some patience. The Ring Lord is invincible—all
™@ This is an easy one. Make your way downstairs you can do is perform impressive combos which
and find the gambler in his office. Very soon he will will earn you points for entertainment value. Only
lose the ring to a mouse. You will then have to Level 3 combos or higher will earn you any points,
chase the mouse all the way up to the top of the and you cannot repeat any combos. When you
hotel. Keep chasing the mouse and eventually you have 10 points you win. The best way to do this
will catch it. is to write down your combos as you go along.
When the Ring Lord gets upset and starts killing
you, just start over from your QuickSave and try
@ HERMIT RING different combos until you have a nice long list—
more than 10 points’ worth, just to be safe. When
® To get this ring you must first talk to Annie. She you are finally ready start over again and just work
is the blond-haired girl outside the restaurant in down your list.
Koorong. She can get you into Despair to find the
prisoner who has the ring. You will have to make
your way through many pipes—avoid the slimes
by moving over them when they disappear. When
you finally find the prisoner, he will gladly give you
Final Boss
the ring. NOTE: The Rune of Freedom is in this After you return from
area. If you want to learn Rune magic, do it now, = the cinematics, remove
@ The next ring is
because Annie will not bring you back here again. ihMei Ling from your
located in the small
village of Shrike,in ® main group and
Sei’s tomb. There is QuickSave. Mei Ling
very little to do in
Shrike, and by talking
Wiest Adventure party * will transform into the
“Master Ring” and
to the villagers, you attack you, along with the nine personas of the other
will soon be led to the rings. Make sure you still have your rings equipped
tomb. Once inside you must find three artifacts for this battle. Defense against Sonics, Gaze attacks,
to reach Sei himself. Each artifact you find Faint attacks and Charm will be very important here.
allows you to use one of the glowing plates Make sure Riki has the Healer, Merchant, Thief and
in the main chamber. Once you have all Guardian Rings. Use the Merchant Ring on the first
three artifacts, return to the small circular turn and concentrate all your efforts on killing one
room and place them on the pedestals to ring at a time—don’t spread your damage around.
open Sei’s tomb.


88 EGM*
¢] QUEST PREP. Ba ARCANE MAGIC While you are out collecting spells,
@ Begin in either Devin or Luminous. For now, ® Go first to IRPO to collect the Rouge will be doing the same. After
choose Devin. Once there, go to the Rune and Shield card. Once you get to the your fight with Rouge, your two spell
Arcane shops and get the info you will need to mountain, follow the path all the
lists will combine into one HUGE list
i of spells. Since Rouge is computer-
learn these magics. Leave Devin and go to way to the top, fight the Boss
Koorong. Head into the back alley and get Dr. and get the card.
controlled, he will gain spells faster.
Nasukan to join your party. Head back upstairs @ You will find yourself back in
For this reason it is better to study
and talk to the Skeleton, then go to Scrap. Here Koorong. Buy five bars of gold, Shadow and Arcane spells on your
you can pick up Gen, Mei Ling and Lute, then then go to Baccarat. Talk to
own and then “steal” the full list of Light and Rune spells from Rouge.
use your Region Map to go to Luminous. Emelia and she will help you find
the Gnomes. Talk to the Gnomes
there and trade your gold for the Gold card.
™@ Next stop: Wakaru. Gen will lead you to a small
28 LIGHT MAGIC room that has a set of shadowy shapes on the HAdVventureyparty)
wall. When you hear the clank of the swords, press
@ In Luminous you have the choice of learning the Action button.
fm either Light or Shadow magic. If you choose @ The final card is in Yorkland. Talk to the people Blue
Light, head to the left and speak to the man there
\ who will send you to the Luminous Labyrinth.
in the breweries, who will eventually send you to Gen
the swamp. Make your
L¢ Here you must use mirrors to focus a beam of way through the swamp Lute
light on the exit. In the first room you only have to (not easy since you are Fuse
move the mirrors. In the second room you must drunk!) and up the stairs. Mei Ling
also move the gem to another pedestal in order Approach the cup and
to get both beams of light to strike the exit. In the the final card will fall
last room the light beams also pass through vari- down for you.
ous color filters before striking the north wall. The 4{5 SPACE MAGIC
color of light determines what you will receive if
you approach the wall: ™ To get Space magic you need to go to Devin.
Red/Dark Blue: Enemy BL) RUNE MAGIC Run to the right and up to the shrine on the moun-
Light Blue/Purple: Items taintop. Save, then talk to the girl there to enter the
Yellow: 400 credits Space realm. Once inside you must make your
White: Exit the labyrinth way through the puzzles until you reach the white
staircase. Head through and fight the ki-rin to
21>) SHADOW MAGIC acquire the Space spells.
@ Once you have either set of spells the time will
™ If you choose Shadow, the path is more diffi- come to challenge your brother Rouge. He will
cult. Mei Ling will not be able to go with you have the same number of HP and LP that you do.
Each time one of you loses all HP you will revive
Once inside your shadow will run away from you
@ If you choose Rune magic, go first to Kowloon. and keep fighting. To win, you must deplete him of
and you must find it to escape. In the opening
Head into the deep sewers to find the first Rune. LP. The simplest way to win is to use Magic Stones
room there are no monsters, but make sure you
@ Next head to Shrike, to Mu’s Tomb. When you or a hefty sword. Sad but true.
talk to all of the shadows especially the shadow
find the room with the dragon bones, you must
of Silence, who will join you when you make it
fight this creature to gain access to the Rune.
out. You may also want to visit the shop here;
@ Now go to Koorong and select any flight:
they have cut-rate potions and Magic Stones,
During the flight you will be swallowed by Tanzer.
which will come in very handy later.
The Vitality Rune is found inside.
® To solve this puzzle find the room of shadows. @ Go home to the Magic Kingdom. Head up to the
@ The final Rune is in Despair. To get in here, you
Touch the shadow that looks like you—look for top, across the pipes and then underground. Go
will need to talk to Annie. The rune is at the center down to the bottom where you will find a
the ponytail—and it will cross over to the upper
of the prison.
balcony. Head over there and touch the shadow shrine with three glowing orbs. Pick up
again and it will walk into the upper room, where the orbs in this order: Left, Right, Center.
you can rejoin it. Return to the statues of the Goddesses
and speak to the middle one. Climb _ ei
Ge, TIME MAGIC down the statues and keep Fax 4
going up the path until 2
@ To get Time magic talk to the Ring Lord, who your way is blocked =S3
will send you to the Realm of Time, where you will by one of the
find a broken hourglass. Return to the Ring Lord townsfolk. Once
and he will send you to Fascinatru to pick up a you are ready,
SandVessel to fix the hourglass. This purchase will enter Hell...
cost you 1 LP. Return to the Ring Lord once again @ Follow the path
and he will send you back to repair the hourglass. until you reach a stair-
Run up behind it and you will jump on top of it and case with two columns
fix it. Head up to the drawbridge (SAVE!) and chal- of smoke. SAVE. Enter
lenge the Time Lord in the next room. If you beat and defeat the final
him, you receive all the Time spells. Boss, Hell’sLord.

PROFILE Blue’s quest is to study all the types of magic in

the Realms in order to find and slay his brother
Rouge. Ultimately Blue will become the master
of all the schools of magic, even conflicting
schools, and of the incredibly powerful magic of
Space and Time. All this in preparation for his role as protector of the Magic
Kingdom, and his ultimate quest to defeat the Duke of Hell...
Asellus is half-human, half- ™ As you cross the bridge, you will find out ™ Once you defeat the three mundane assassins
mystic, giving her all the best about Mesarthim who is being held by the Orlouge will start sending the mystic nobility after
abilities of both races. It is best lord of the village. Go to his mansion and you. Go ahead to Devin and start the Arcane
to advance her as a normal talk to him and the mermaid. When you quest. When you get to Yorkland to find the Grail
human (especially with swords leave with the mermaid, the lord will tell you card, you will be attacked by Princess Lion.
and magic), but from time to time she will learn one of not to leave. Go to the basement and @ She is a very tough swordfighter. Prepare your-
the special Mystic abilities. When you use one of these through the chained door. Keep going down self with other swordfighters with bucklers and the
abilities in combat, you become more and more Mystical. until you meet the Deflect skill. She hits very hard and can kill most
big squid. Kill him characters in one hit, but she has few multi-
and enter the door character attacks.
on his left. Approach
the pool and Mesarthim
will leave you. © NOBLES
® Go to Koorong and
talk to the skeleton,
Asellus then to Scrap to pick
Lute up Gen, and finally to
White Rose @ After Mesarthim leaves, the scene changes to
Wakatu to find the
Rouge Orlouge’s throne room. Once the scene ends, go
Sword tarot card. On
your way out you will
Silence back to the travel agency and have your human
be confronted by Ildon. However, he has been sent
friend take you to Shrike to visit your grandmother.
by another mystic to protect you. He will join your
On the map of Shrike look for “My House” and
party now.
enter this area. You will be attacked by the first
@ Go to Shingrow. Go to the ruins in the upper
“| FACINATURU assassin, FireSage.
right. When you enter, Ciato should find you and
BAt this point you are on borrowed time waiting for
attack. His form here is called “HunterKnight.” He
@ As soon as you have control over yourself, the assassins to track you down. You should go out
is big but fights basically like Princess Lion.
leave your room and head to the tower in the and find companions for yourself: Lute, Shadow
upper left. Step into the pool, and you will find and Rouge are excellent choices.
yourself transported to another room. Enter the 7 LABYRINTH OF DARKNESS
garden where you will be stabbed by Ciato, one
of the mystics. Lord Orlouge will explain a bit @ After you defeat Ciato go to Luminous. As soon
more about your situation. as you step off the ship, Orlouge will teleport you
® Go with Ildon out of the castle to the village into his labyrinth. To escape, start by entering green
and pick up your new dress. When you return, doors. Keep moving through green doors until you
58 go to the lower-right tower to train with Ildon. get to the room with Red Turnip in it. After you talk
@ Take Ildon to the tower on the upper right, to him, move through the red door in the center
where Queen White to escape.
Rose will join you. Go ® You will exit the maze but your friends will be left
with both of them back MORE ASSASSINS behind. Keep pressing the Action button to move
to Rootville and talk to through this sad sequence. When you are under
the shopkeeper. He will @ Once you have some more allies head for control again, go to Devin. Go to the top of the
be less rude if you have Devin. Go to the top of the mountain there and mountain there and all your friends—except one—
mystics with you. you should be attacked by the next assassin, a will rejoin you there.
@ Return to your own Water knight. ® Go to Owmi. Your human pilot friend should be
room (center top) and @ Go back to Shrike once again and into Sei’s here and willing to take you back to Facinaturu.
ditch the mystics. Go back to the root village and tomb. Collect the various artifacts from the tomb
talk to the girl in the dress shop again. When you and you should be attacked by the next assassin,
return home, Ciato will find you and tell you about the GreenSage.
a way to escape. You must convince White Rose
to help you in this escape, as it will require sever- @ You must find a way into the top tower. Head
: WV,
al gold bars to buy if up the back path past all the monsters. Kill the
passage on the ship guardian giant and head around to the right. You
out of here. will enter the garden area you saw at the beginning
of the game. Exit the garden by the right-hand side,
and you will come to the tower previously guarded
by Ciato. Save and defeat his new incarnation. Be
ready for loss of poison and palsy attacks.
@ Just past Ciato you will have to face Princess
Lion again.
@ Keep climbing up the stairs until you find
Orlouge on the balcony. Save, then head back
out to the right and face Orlouge.

Asellus is a half-human, half-mystic character. She is

_ trampled under the carriage of the haughty Prince
Orlouge, ruler of the mystics, but she is brought back
es to life by a transfusion of mystic blood. Unfortunately
she is more a curiosity or plaything to the mystics, and
is considered an abomination by the humans. As a result, she spends much of her time wander-
ing aimlessly or fleeing from her enemies. As you might expect, she has a hard time finding
allies, making hers a very difficult story to play through. Ah, cruel fate.
PRO ELE Emelia’s quest is to follow a man called “Joker” =
Se who has framed her for killing her husband. im 2 |a
Race: @ Human Unfortunately, Joker's identity is never revealed
Assets: ™ Outfits for every and the final Boss has nothing to do with the
occasion story. Until that point, however, Emelia’s is one of
Drawbacks: :@ Starts weak and the funniest and easiest quests to follow. To get her next mission, all you have to do is
i learns very slowly; train on the shooting range, rest in the back room and go talk to Roufas.
+ story never solved


@ Your first task is to escape Despair through the ™@ Once you are back in Koorong take a side trip
pipes. You can move over the slimes when they
to Scrap. You can pick up allies here but be careful
disappear. Head down at first, then keep heading
equipping them as they can’t go with you on
left until you find the room with a hole in the floor.
Gradius missions. Be careful with your spending
Save. Jump down and hide in the locker until the here as it will cost you 100 to return to Koorong.
guard leaves, then Once back in Koorong buy Jet Boots for every
grab the gun and
member of your party. Go back to HQ, rest and go
hide again. Now speak to Roufas to get your next mission.
search for the Rune,
following Annie's
lead. When you
reach the grate by BACCARAT
the big fan, fight the
sub-Boss then touch @ First off you'll notice you have a cool
the Rune. Freedom! bunny outfit for this mission. Keep it
handy, nothing tops kicking enemy butt
in a bunny outfit.
EMELIA’S @ Talk to the other bunny waitresses for info about ® In this mission you have to go back to Trinity
HOUSE Joker. They will tell you where to look for him. base all alone. Don’t bother powering up here
Follow the Joker up one floor, then take the eleva- Since you're alone, you will probably lose every
@ Head back to your tor down to the parking lot and into the grate combat. Your only choice is to avoid the monsters.
own house. Joker (Annie and Liza will rejoin you). @ Go back to the Trinity commander's room. You
will show up, but so @ Enter the tunnels. Make your way to the next will have to bypass the sentry Mec by going all the
will Roufus, who will screen by exiting on the bottom left. In the next way down to the ground floor and around—basical-
run him off. Go with room push hard along the left wall until you stum- ly the reverse of your escape from last mission.
Roufas to find out ble into the secret exit. In the next room go north to @ After you have talked with the commander you
about his secret society, and join up. They will confront Joker. He will escape; follow him out to will meet up with Roufas and the rest of the gang.
give you some “training” then you are on your the south until you come across the next sub-Boss, Once again, you will have to escape the base. You
own. Rest up in the back room, add Liza to your Gargantu. Make sure you have your jet-boots should know the way by now...
group, and train on the shooting range. Return to equipped, and he should pose no problem.
Roufas. If he advises you to collect the Runes,
ignore this. Return and talk to him again for
Mission 1.
SHINGROW PALACE ™@ Before you tackle the
final Boss, power up
@ Get in line for the martial arts tournament. Win
the group in the Yorkland
or lose (probably lose!), you will see Joker walk-
swamps. You will either
ing by up in the balcony (popular spot for bad-guy
need to learn “Dodge
cameos). Run up the stairs to the left and up to
YARUTO’S HAREM Gaze” or collect Purple
the next floor. Head north into the round room;
Eye amulets.
there are two exits on the right-hand wall. Joker ® Your next mission will force you into the harem @ The final Boss “Diva”
will flee down the secret passage in the lower- of the Trinity commander (another nice outfit). After has three attack forms:
tight room—open it up by pressing the brown this scene plays out, head outside where you will gaze attacks, sword attacks and thunder attacks.
vase. Follow him down and to the right. Fight his find Asellus and White Rose. They will help you You need to make sure that everyone in your battle
thugs (two fighters and a Goblin). find Zozma and escape the base. party is immune to gazes. Equip everyone with a
@ Go to the ground floor by way of the spiral stairs, buckler and the Deflect sword skill. To defend
then take the lift at the back of against her Thunder attacks, just make sure you
the room. Keep heading right have plenty of healing. When you are ready, talk to
i. H until you see the Mec sentry. Roufas to start this final mission.
Tips for Emelia Cross the hall, go all the way
@ It’s always important, but more to the bottom floor again,
so for Emelia because she is so ithen just keep heading left
weak: save often. until you walk out. Best Acwaenture Pargy
™ Be careful equipping your party
as allies come and go all the time.
Don't let your best items walk away! ¥ = " Swords
To stay on track and get your next ws id Swords
mission, Train, Rest and Talk to Fists
Roufas. Ignore the side quests. * - Mystic

EGM? 91
Lute starts off as a punk rocker (yes, he carries his
guitar around) who runs away from home in
Yorkland. He’s on a quest...well, who knows where
he’s going? He’s just out to have a good time in the
real world—and perhaps stumble upon some surprises
about his past. In the walk-through below, you may be able to pick
up characters earlier or later, this is just one order. Also, it’s strongly
suggested that you take the time to build up Lute’s sword skills.


@ Here, you will find some @ At the Bio Research Center, look for a secret
key people to add to your door on the second floor behind a bookcase. Go
party. Go to the pub to upstairs to find an imprisoned Cotton, a Tidi mon-
meet Gen—the guy you ster who will join your party. At Nakajima Robotics,
should have heard about pick up another robot, EngineerCar.
in Koorong. He will join
your party. T260, the robot
next to him, will also join
@ As you leave home, look for the ship just your party if you talk to him. Riki and Mei Ling will “© OWAAI
outside of town. Visit a couple of cities and then also join your party if you talk to them in the bar.
return back to Yorkland. Go back home and talk OPTIONAL SPOILER: At the junk shop, do the T- @ First go into the seafood restaurant and talk to
to your brother. He will ask to join your party. Let 260 cheat here if you want to build up characters. the captain. She will invite you to see her ship in
him: This will give you a chance to survive those Nelson sometime. NOTE: Stay for free at the inn
early fights. As for the mysterious swamp and the here. After that, go to the lord's manor. Go to the
brewing town, those are reserved for one of the attic to find two treasures: Kris Knife and Ghost
side magic quests. @ WAKATU Cannon. In the basement of the manor are two
more treasure boxes: Rubber Suit and Max Cure.
@ Go to this mysterious ghost city after making a There is a dungeon beneath the manor. You should
2 DEVIN CITY quick pit stop in Koorong to rest and buy any items find Magi-Water and Sanctuary Stone. In the next
you need. Look for Iron Clogs—a very cool one- room is Rotten Meat and Jet Boots. Next is a
@ Here, visit the man in the tent who will tell shot weapon that combos well with other skills. gigantic squid guarding the stairway. There’s a trap
you about Rune Magic. Ask him about acquiring Also look for Twin Dragon. Follow the path that that looks like treasure next
the gift, and he will tell you the locations of the Gen takes. To get the SABER CARD at the end, to the squid. If you fall, look
four places to get the four runes. Then visit the match all three shadows (preferably the bunny for some small treasures.
woman in the house with the tarot cards on top. shadows)—sort of like a slot machine. Guess Also look for the JACKAL
She'll tell you about Arcane Magic. Ask her wrong and fight a monster. The good news is that SWORD, “hidden” by a wall
about acquiring the gift, and she will tell you the if your guess is just slightly off, the enemy you in front of a staircase that
locations of the four places to get the cards. have to fight isn’t as tough. If you miss on purpose, seems to lead to nothing!
this is another quick way to build up characters!

@ Look fora
guy who will talk @ En route to Nelson, you'll ride the Victoria, a
to you about a @ If you go upstairs first, you'll meet an employee special fighter ship. Talk to Capt. Hamilton. She
sword skill found who shows you a gnome. Follow the gnome up to will join your party. She will ask if you want to fin-
only in Wakatu. the bar. Then head down and take the elevator to ish your quest. If you want to give it a shot, save
This skilled the parking lot. You'll see a sewer grate and meet the game before you say “yes.” However, you're
swordsman probably not powerful enough yet unless you do
can be found at the Scrap junk shop cheat and have lots of
Scrap, wears a potions handy. So visit places such as Wakatu for
headband and 8 KYO cool treasure/build-up skills, and take the time to
T-shirt and goes by the name Gen. Then do a couple of magic side quests.
explore the city to find a pair of stair guards @ Go here to learn more about mind magic. If
blocking your entrance to the sewers below. you think you're powerful enough by now, you
While in the sewers, look for: 200 Credits can train to get this magic. But be careful—you
Bags, a Memory Board and an Ice Crystal. can only train once! If you mess it up, you can
settle for buying the spells. If you're still feeling
Look for a cool weapons store with smuggled
weapons from Trinity—remember this place unsure about training, save this for later. Base
when you've got the money. After you leave
the natural cave and return to the sewers, look Try avoiding monsters
for a Fire Crystal. If you make it this far, you'll if you can while here.
be back to the start of Koorong! The Boss you will face
has several tough
Best Adventure Party) : forms. Some advice:
@ Have fully armored robots who can withstand major
4 LUMINOUS damage. One should be the primary healer; the other
@ At this moonlit magical city, you will meet
F)atolUl(ohof-ie-10)=Cong atct=\ (0)oo)om(R=Heatle] al=1-10@r-19
4 Rouge from the Magic Kingdom. Answer “yes”
@ Equip Jet Boots on all characters.
™@ Try to attack only with Level 2 or 3. combos.
to his question to add this character to your
party. Later on, you may want to come here to
Your greatest challenge won't be to survive, but to
learn about light and shadow magic—but you
keep Lute from losing all his life points. Anything you
don’t have to do this right away.
can do to guard Lute from dying—do so!

Ve = TT
92 EGM
BACCARAT KOWLOON Return to Manhattan to speak with
Cindy Campbell. You can pick up Fuse
@ After the opening sequences you will find @ Ignore the kids and walk
in the snack shop first, then head over
yourself aboard the Cygnus. After talking to Yuria on down the stairs. Do some
to the CTC Building. Once inside Cindy
head to the front of the ship and down to the shopping then head back up
will sabotage the elevator; get out an
engineering room. Help Hawk land the ship in to where you saw the kids.
continue to the top of the building
Baccarat and then you are on your own to pursue Defeat the monster then
where you must defeat Cindy. This is
BlackX. Walk up through the casino and talk to chase the monk in the floppy
your last free time for the rest of the
any of the BlackX Operatives that you see. After hat into the sewers. You will game, so spend all your money on PowerCures to finish the game.
j the large group runs away, go to the elevator and end up back on the Cygnus.
fg down to the parking lot. Fight the BlackX ops
i) there and your first mission is over.
™@ Go to the area called Syoin. Speak to the guard Base Acheature Pansy
outside, then return to the Cygnus.
@ Every good superhero needs a sidekick. When
mw Red Swords
you land on Shrike, head to the Bio Research lab
m Gen Swords
and go upstairs to the library. Open the bookcase } SHINGROW @ Thunder Monster
on the back wall and enter. Make your way
through the secret passage to the stairwell, then ®@ Go to Shingrow Palace and get in line for the @ Lute Swords §
head up and through the red door. Defeat the martial arts competition. After the contest Dr. Klein = Cotton Monster
evil scientists and walks by upstairs. Head up the stairs on the left
release Cotton, who and chase after him. Dr. Klein will head down a
will join you. Power secret passage you activate by pressing a brown
af up Red and Cotton
*| here in the labs.
vase. Head down the BERVA
stairs and take the pas-
Make sure Cotton sage that leads off to the ™® Go to Shingrow. Talk to the girl in the travel
absorbs a full supply right. Keep going until office and let her join, then make your way into the
of monster abilities. you reach the sub-Boss. Ruins in the upper right-hand corner. Keep working
Return to the Cygnus. your way deeper into the ruins. You will find Berva
in a room guarded by five Golden Slimes. Defeat
him and he will flee to Shingrow Palace. Once
MANHATTAN inside, head to the left, and talk to the girls there to
heal up. Berva will have a new power defense
® Have a look around then return to the Cygnus called BervaCounter; defeat this by using “ranged”
and go to the cargo hold. After finding illegal ® Go talk to Hawk and attacks such as GaleSlash and ShadowCounter.
weapons there you will head to the CNC Building let him know you want to
to confront Cindy Campbell about her company. leave the Cygnus. He'll
Return to the Cygnus and wait for the pirate drop you off in Yorkland, BLACK REV
attack. Fuse will show up again and help you but you should turn
defeat the pirates. around and head back to Koorong. Now you ™@ Once you have defeated these Bosses you will
@ Climb up the vent and go to the front of the will need to power up your party. Go to Scrap and be called back to the Cygnus where Hawk will give
plane. Stick to the left wall and enter the rooms in recruit Lute, then go to Yorkland and get Thunder you a BlackX uniform so you can sneak onto their
the left hall (where you normally go to collect your to join. Return to Koorong. Go up the stairs and ship. Once on board make your way to the elevator
pay). Defeat any of the monsters in these rooms talk to Annie at the restaurant, to get into Shuzer’s and up to the third floor. Head into either of the
then kill the sentry in front of the pilot's area. base. She will lead you to the base and then join doors at the top of the room. Now you must run
@ After you kill the sentry head down the ramp you. Power up your humans with sword abilities from room to room until the ship reaches the
and across the outdoor accessway. Make sure and your monsters with monster abilities (Shrike BlackX base. If you backtrack on a room you
you run full speed from the time you start to open is a good place to do this). Return to Koorong and already entered, Black will catch you and blow up
the first door until you are safe behind the next follow Annie's lead to the first sub-Boss, the ship—don't bother fighting him, just restart.
door. Now you can fight the pirate leader. CYCLOPS. Defeat him, leave the sewers and rest
up in the hotel in Koorong, then go back and move
farther into the base until you find Shuzer. Defeat BLACK-X BASE
him once and he will flee; pursue him as Alkaiser.
Defeat him again and return to Koorong. @ Make your way into the base until
you find a room where you can climb
across the pipes to a small room holding
MABLACK your mother and sister. Talk to them. Go
downstairs.and through the door at
@ Enter the Syoin temple through the parchment. the top of the room. (Save your
Once inside, find the furnace room. Red will set game now and equip “Dodge
charges here to destroy the base. Make your way Gaze” if you have it!) Move on
out but SAVE before you leave. ahead and fight ALL the sub-
Bosses and finally, BOSS-X.

Red's quest is to track down the man who killed
his father, the evil Dr. Klein of BlackX. To trigger
, Race: the next section of your story, go to the engi-
Assets: Mighty-morphin neering room and talk to Hawk. If he says, “Are
q action hero! you ready?” answer YES, and he will land the ship
Drawbacks: @ Cannot morph in the next area you must explore. Eventually you will leave the Cygnus so just follow
y : while allies are the walk-through and you won't get sidetracked.
+ watching
Below is a list of the spells, skills and allies you can acquire throughout the game. Because of the random nature of
skill advancement and the complexity of the story line,
there may be more out there waiting to be discovered!

LIGHT Annie HUMAN (Swords expert) Find her in Koorong for Freedom Rune
SunRay Effective against undead Cotton MONSTER Found in the Bio-Research lab in Shrike
StarlightHeal Restores one ally’s HP Doll (Undercover officer) May join Red at Shingrow
FlashFire Attacks all enemies: Blind effect Engineer Car (Repair ability) Found in Nakajima Robotics
FlashFlood Drives all enemies out Fei-On N (Fighting expert) Found in Tanzer during Vitality Rune event
Light Sword Creates protective light sword Fuse \ (Quick Learner) Will join at IRPO during Shield Arcane
eS bee Attacks alllenemles: m Gen (Swords expert) Will join up in Scrap for Swords Arcane
PowerGrab Steals enemy's HP Hamilton HUMAN (Guns expert) Will join Lute on way to Nelson
HideBehind Attack enemy from behind Leonard MEC (Recharge WP ability) | Will eventually join T260 in Manhattan
ShadowNet Paralyze all enemies Liza HUMAN ((airelninem=y4e\-149) Will join Emelia in Koorong
DarkSphere Attack with large bomb Mei Ling HUMAN (Guns/Magic dabbler) | Found in Scrap; will join almost anyone
ShadowServant Create a shadow of yourself Mesarthim MYSTIC (Mermaid) Will join in Owmi if other Mystics present
ARCANE ... if Nasukan MYSTIC (Dark magics) Will join some 's in Koorong
saber Alpers enemy an Het sores Rabbit MEC (Anti-Mec model) Sometimes found in Kyo gardens
San raat wihiaeld Roufus HUMAN (Conia cy Will join at Shrike for Victory Rune event
Grail Removes all status problems Rouge HUMAN a Will join some parties from Luminous
Death Takes away enemy's LP Sei MONSTER y id King) | Will join anyone who can defeat him
Fool Lower attack values Silence MYSTIC (Dark magics) Will join after Shadow Magic event
Wizard Attack enemy with your twin Slime MONSTER Sometimes sneaks in after Vitality Rune
Tower Convert magic power to damage Thunder MONSTER (Powers up fast) Will join if Lute is in party
none | aes Rai tacks . White Rose MYSTIC Will join Emelia in Trinity Base
epee Hees a
Gives allies regenerative abil
Will join T260 at Nakajima Roboti
nee Hiner ally} we Zozma MYSTIC Will join Emelia or Asellus
Freedom Protect from Petrify, Paralyze
Wall Protect ally from Projectiles
Dwarf Lowers enemy strength
Stasis Places caster and target in stasis
Soul Temporarily raise all abilities OPHER SKIL

VaporBlast Attack enemy with air spears

LightShitt Brings sunlight
DarkShift Brings death
Makes enemies vanish
Cancels all magic attacks
_Stun effect
Alkaiser only
‘ | Deflect Protects allies from attack Air Throw Throw move that stuns enemy
Reverse Sravily ; Attack all enemies DoubleSlash site Chop
TIME ee Cancels enemy attack
Delay Order Lower enemies quickness Cocca Abac with: wo.solds ae
Tipe Eea3
TimeEclipse Endsjeneripa
Petrifies enemy,uralowers quickness SwallowSwin
a ‘9 Anti-air
say attack KO Throw Counter enemy's punch

TimeTwister Gives ally an extra turn

Move that uses both
Move itiat Both
handshand: Rolling
Cradle Throw move that stuns enemy
Ground attack: Stun effect
ChaosStream Attacks all enemies en een Stinelict eae Fra ena Alkaiser only; heal entire party
OverDrive Gain seven actions this turn eave e Un SNe We Pee
EVIL fotadal esaeneelesan sae Smash Fist Excellent combo linker
PaRDOUBIGE Doubles damage inflicted MoonlightCut Sword technique Rotation Kick
RavaShot Stun effect ShadowCounter Sword technique CrushBeat
SharpPain Stuns all enemies WillowBranch
WRI Scuffle
Deathcurse Defeats enemy by gambling your LP feel cpr
Throw move that stuns enemy
BearCrush LocomotionG Throw move that stuns enemy
Evaporate ri
Lets you hide from enemies a GaleSlash
Saaaiaeh Attacks all, anti-air move
Rete OgreRun
Ganiaa Ground attack: Stun effect
Lifewave Attacks enemy with lifeforce spear Bee pos te pants Wing Faint effect
Restores one’s HP completely
HeadWind - GoldHand
‘ Kasumi ‘ Dodge and counterattack ‘
Tricks enemy by creating a phantom
Sword technique SkyTwister
MYSTIC a sae
DeadEnd Faint effect a ay iso
NoMoment - SPECIAL
PhantasmShot cham phantom beasts
Summons TripleThrust
ae ng falta , CombatMast
Crosehatia Ri
Ge tack a Ballet
th sword
GlassShield Protects with
aglass shield eicerveng ANVOORANDAHAELARWONNNNYNA+==0
aueer ony’ ee aa i REsinee NOS WE ical
MirrorShade Create an illusion of caster a GUN neroySupEy
Evasion Bullet -
Opens doors to different dimensions QuickDraw Draws your gun quickly Evasion Laser =
Twogun Uses two guns: 2x damage Evasion Rocket Evades rocket attack
EnergyChain Attacks enemy with chain of energy StunShot Stuns all enemies in range HypnoFlash Puts all enemies to Sleep
PsychoArmor Protects one with magic armor
Makes enemy implode3 SharpShot
Critical hits on some
Performs an unexpected
Intercepts enemies
Stuns all enemy Mecs
with missiles

pevee Bie Seals enpmig ggcorn sea? ReactionShot Counterattacks enemy's move [MJ LogicBomb Makes enemy Mecs malfunction
VermillionSand Attacks all enemies: blind effect
CrossShot 100 percent accuracy shot MaxwellProgram Restores WP automatically
LIFE P FocusShot = PluralSlash
Sacrifice Restores allies
TotalShot Attacks all enemies RangeFire
Reviva Protect an ally from death BoundShot =

94 GM?

Gus) a

° Einhander
e Gex: Enter the Gecko
e Klonoa

e Gran Turismo,
e Dead or
e MLB 99
Gameplay Types:
Arcade Style: The game is very fast, and you can take turns in
speeds that would normally flip you over. This mode will appeal
to neophyte racers who just love to race.

Simulation Style: For hardcore enthusiasts only, you will have to

take your turns at realistic speeds or you will flip over. The Corvette
is the most stable of cars and is best for this mode.

La ref you love driving Powerslides

Jy: games, this title is
The best way to
f just about the best one navigate the hairpin
you can get. The cars curves. Do this by
all play differently, and letting off the gas,
the Al of the game is turn hard and hit the
brakes. Hit the gas
Need For Speed III is halfway through. Slide through turns.
easy to get into, even if
you aren’t normally the
greatest at these types
of games. If you want
o play the game in
Automatic, you won't
automatically be smoked
by the computer. If
7 you play the game in
Manual, you will be in If you are taking the turn
for a real challenge. before the first bridge too
To get the most out . wide, you can slide through
of NFS3, you'll want to Mj || the left side. It'll slow you down
4 experiment with the
14 a bit, but it’s better than crash-
ing. Better still, powerslide so
—— S Weather
various cars to get a The left side of the
you can actually make it into
good feel for them. bridge has a path.
If you race in the rain,
Some cars are better
the turns on the track will
for certain players. | become easier in a sense,
personally like sliding as the slides are easier to
around every turn, so the If you are having a hard time
do. In Simulation, the rain
making this turn, there is a
Ferraris are my favorite. If will almost always wipe you
point in front of the school
speed’s your thing, try where you can go to make a
out in a turn.
the Lamborghinis. wider turn. Just make sure you
Overcompensate for your
The tracks in this game turns by starting about two
don’t hit the flag or other obsta-
Slide around the lengths earlier than you
are beautiful in terms of cles, otherwise you'll flip your
school’s front area. WZoY0](e Moai: Me]a VmU-\eL.@
Fa look and design. You will car over.
not be forced to slam on
the brakes constantly,
/; and you can really put The toughest turn in the first
the cars to the test. track is at the edge of town.
—Andrew “Inquisition You'd better start braking at the
Baran turn before it and powerslide
around. Your speed will be low,
but at least you'll make it.
Watch out for the computer
cars crashing here.

time to master:
2-3 days
variable (not cheap)
price tag of cars:
3% =more than Ill see...
q best car?
enera Computer Al
You will rarely have to brake on most of Each computer racer
the turns in these two courses. There are drives a certain way. Learn
a couple of tight turns, and a slalom-like to identify them, and you
spot in the Lost Canyon, but these tracks will have an edge over
aren't bad. Each has one location that the competition.
you're bound to wipe out in, so do the
best you can, and use the rest of the
course to make up for lost time.
The #1 racer. He's very
fast. He doesn’t make a
lot of mistakes, but he’s
a fairly clean racer.

Fast and aggressive.
He'll get a speed burst if
you try to ram him. He'll
try to hit you off the road.

This guy always tries to
block, and will dog you if
Level Strat you get ahead of him.
Average speed.
After the rocky crags, Terror
there will be a tight turn, Extremely aggressive to
along with a jump. If you the point of turning
hang to the right, you'll get around and going after
to an area where you can you if you honk.
jump. It’s risky, but you can This risky jump can
save a lot of time using the save you time.
high road.
A loose driving style. The
best way to pass by him
The biggest hazard of the is to shoot through the
a sty beginner track is the mesa. inside of the curves.
There’s a shortcut in front of
Each camera angle
it, so turn wide and slide Tad
plays differently. The
right on through. If you slide A pretty slow driver
first-person view is
(just right, you can bounce There’s a shortcut whose skills are average.
the best, because
1] off the rock and go. This is in front of the mesa. He'll often honk his horn
the control is totally
essential for this level. at you in anger.
responsive. The two
other perspectives
from outside the car Karkas
The temple has a stairway The slowest driver, honk-
control a little bit
you can use to avoid the ing will make him ner-
sluggishly in compari-
tight turn. Just make sure vous. If you honk, he'll
son. You might find your car is aimed to the
yourself oversteering swerve off the road!
right when you jump, or you
into walls.
could fly into one of the The temple stairs
stone pillars. are a good shortcut.

Corvette Nazea c2
Pros: Good top speed Pros: Good handling Pros: Terrific speed for Pros: Handles like a dream
and handling. | through various driving the early cars. The top and has good speed.
Cons: No real flaws, conditions. speed is pretty good. This Cons: It is outclassed
except that it's really Cons: This car has the car is heavy, thus good by the other cars in terms
easy to overcompensate | lowest top speed in for ramming cars. of acceleration. It lags
when you powerslide. | the game. You could Cons: The handling of a little before turning on
Very unstable and hard | get outclassed. the Countach is a little the speed.
to recover.
To Earn: Playable, but
| To Earn: This car is
| always playable.
unstable, especially at
high speeds. 1uryBroquiey
To Earn: This car is
playable once you
not in Pursuit Mode. To Earn: This car is have placed in the
always playable. beginner’s tournament.

Atlantica/Aquatica Hot Pursuit
Practice Mode:
. General Tips__)
These two tracks are really fast, and
Most players will skip over a very use-
ful tool when they play Need For Speed
This fast-paced mode
has you racing while the
Ill. The Practice Mode will teach even police are trying to catch
the slightest mistake on any of the
the worst driver the basics. A set of you. Don’t get boxed in
turns will send you crashing into an
tracks will show you the optimum and pulled over!
obstacle. Use the Practice Mode
path for each track. This does
to get a good feel on where
not show the shortcuts how-
each turn leads and what
ever. Still, it’s a great way to
hazards are posed. This
see how the game works.
level also introduces
multiple levels of road. Follow the
Remember that tire tracks to
going uphill slows find the best
you down. route on all
of the tracks.

Beating the Long

Arm of the Law: Keep in
front of them by at least a
car length. Nudge their
front to send them out of
control, but make sure
you hit them first.
The police can stop
you if your speed is 50
MPH or lower, so keep
on the gas at all times.
Heavy cars like the
Countach are better
Shifting against the cops. They
Automatic: The car automatically are better at resisting the
shifts, cutting down on acceleration. ramming the cops love
You'll have to slide in your turns. to do.
Use the shortcuts, as
Manual: For hardcore racers out the police will not use
there, the competition is stiffer, but these routes. This is
you can downshift your turns. helpful in avoiding the
nasty tire shredders.

There is a hidden path The dome section is the

to the right side of the track toughest part of the race.
in Atlantica. This will lead to Try a powerslide right about
a giant jump that will take ] halfway, then jink to the left
you to the viaducts. J before you hit the rail.

The viaducts are a high- Aquatica has a nice

speed location where the 1] shortcut that’s built into the
slightest mistake will wipe 4 side of a mountain. Smash
you. Take the middle road 4 the horses and you'll find a
and watch out for pillars. @ tunnel devoid of cars.

Ferrari 550 Maranello taouae Xjr-15
Pros: This car is really Pros: Godlike top speed | Pros: Near-perfect hand- Pros: The god car. This
well-balanced. and decent acceleration. | ing and acceleration. car has it all. Great in
Cons: The fact that it is Cons: The Diablo does | Cons: Handles like a bro- all categories.
so balanced means that not like to turn. On cours- ken er...gearshaft when Cons: Unless you have
the Maranello is out- es with lots of curves, | driven in the rain. Good the right tires, do not
shined by the other cars. you will get smoked. | speed but not great. drive in the rain
To Earn: This car is To Earn: This car is To Earn: This car is (Simulation Mode).
playable once you have playable once you have | playable once you To Earn: This car is Sapaal
placed in the beginner’s placed in the beginner's | have won the beginner's playable once you
tournament. Not available tournament. | tournament. have won the expert
in Pursuit Mod tournament.
Empire City
Win the beginner Knockout
Mode and you will be able
to race in Empire City
whenever you want. Make
sure to save your game
after winning this!
. General Tips)
The mountain courses are loaded
with tight turns. Hopefully by now,
you've mastered the fine art of
sliding. As long as you know
when you bail out of a
slide you should be OK. A
big threat to your position
will be the trees and the
lightpoles. Even though
they are small, a light tap
on one of them can really Advanced Options
ruin your chances at winning Win both the Tournament
the race. and Knockout Modes using
[a] the Simulation settings.
A These options will allow you
Level Strategies to adjust the handling,
Th = <a Steering and braking for
your cars. Tip: The ‘vette
Along the left side of the The best way to navigate controls the best for the
road will be some rocky ter- the town is to look for a simulation games.
rain. Try to keep away, straight path. The more turns
because if you accidentally you make, the more time you
get a tire caught in it, you 2 TS waste. You don’t want to end
Bonus Car
might flip over or get shoved Don’t let your up hitting a light pole. Many A straight line can
If you can manage to beat
into the embankment. tires get caught. have lost this way. get you through.
the Knockout Mode on its
hardest setting, you will be
awarded a bonus car.
] This is the nastiest turn Right before the finish line
i of the track. Brake well in is a massive jump (assum- Cool Secrets
i advance, and then slide as ng you have the speed). If Codes
The folks at EA have
(} soon as you see the big you are not positioned right,
spoken in hushed whispers
rock. With luck, you'll make aati you can fly right into the
Just hope that another The toughest trees. Keep yourself cen- Watch how you
about a great many secret
codes that unlocks all sorts
} car doesn’t hit you. turn of this track. tered at all times. land, or else!
of good stuff. Coming soon.

This is the fastest, easiest track in the

game. You will rarely ever have to fi]
brake, except around
the lightpoles.
You can get an early jump
on the competition with this
handy shortcut. Look on the
left side by the crane. There
is an alley you can use. This =
will give you about three Duck down the alley
second’s worth of lead. for an easy lead.

Follow the parking

garage’s path, and you
can use the high ground to
avoid traffic and cops.
However, you will probably
end up crashing.
MY hile there are a lot
VP 4 oof fighting games
~. for the PS, there’s never
™@ The best bet when fighting the CPU is to] launching an effective counter as it gets up.
Y been one quite like Dead
keep varying your moves. Follow a throw This varying of distance can also prompt the
or Alive. DoA combines with a jumping attack with a short combo, CPU into launching attacks from too far
> the speed of Tekken with for instance. Try to use as many of your away, giving you a chance to counter attack.
the strategy of Virtua moves as you can—don't rely on just a Whenever you knock the CPU off its feet, try
handful, or the CPU will catch on and start to follow it with a juggle.
© Fighter, and tosses in
countering. Constantly vary your distance
& plenty of new features from the CPU when you knock it down (i.e.,] ™ When you are knocked down, roll away
at the same time, such advance, retreat), that will keep it from from the CPU to vary the range before you
= as the innovative “hold” get up. As you rise, unless
you are using a very fast
button. DoA really stands
character against a very
= out in the gameplay slow character, be ready to
© department as well. | block. The CPU loves to
= While it does have the Accessed from the Options Menu, this sub- UNE | nail you as you get up.
menu is initially filled with question marks.
now traditional punch, Each option is activated by accomplishing a
punch, kick move logic certain task during the game, or by simply let-
= and “canned” combos ting the game run long enough. Most of these
strings, it puts its own settings will affect Tournament, Versus and
Team Mode only. Safety zone size will work in
= spin on things. every game mode.
It’s also packed with
extras waiting to be dis-
; covered by the talented Beat the game once with any cl cter. Allows you to modify the lineup of
and/or patient player. opponents in Tournament Mode, either default, manual or random. ™@ If you get the CPU to
do a combo, and you block
© Multiple costumes can be Safety Zone Size it, it will be in a perfect
“won” for each character, Activates after nine hours. Lets you set the size of the “safe” (i.e., not explosive) position to throw. Hit it with
», and others still waiting to fighting area. Can be set to nothing, all or normal. your most powerful single

be unveiled, making this part throw at this point.

one worth the effort. This activated after the game had been on 10 hours, and Time Attack Mode had
—Pat “Hurricane been completed. It also activated on its own once, after the game had been running
Andrew” Dolan and Tim 11 hours. Lets you set the amount of damage the characters will take when they fall
in the danger zone. It can be set to no damage, small, normal, large or critical.
“Titanic” Davis
Special thanks to:
leifang167 Activated after the game had been on for 12 hours. Lets you change how high in
Grame Norval the air the characters are thrown by the explosions in the danger zone. Settings are
(norval no bound, normal and high.
za) for his informative faq.
and Justin Pierce
is you to change the announcéer’s voice. Settings are
(japierce @ for all default, Kasumi or Ayane (Ayane only appears once you've activated her as a
of his help in making this playable character).
guide possible.

Activated by finishing one character's moves in training. Lets you access

a menu to toggle character voices between standard and extra.

time to complete: es for all characters, regular and hidden.

Lets you cycle through some artwork for each character. You can
also view these files by putting the DoA CD into your computer
challenge: (much easier).

} '80s band better? O UN

Each character starts out with three costumes, but they all have extra
costumes that can be earned by beating the Tournament Mode with a
costume to get: e particular character, one costume awarded per game beaten.

\ how I feel right now: \ \

700 2
ESDati O£
Zack is all about reach. With his long limbs, he can hit
opponents before they get near enol to give him grief.
@ In Tournament Mode, there isn’t
much to worry about when fighting
With careful strategy, he can offset his lack of combos Zack. The Al won't really do more than @ Avoid getting Zack turned around in his
and throws with reach and fairly strong hits. keep standing him up so you can knock combos, his turnaround
him down again. At higher skill levels, attacks are painfully slow
be very aware of how far away he can and easy to block. Rely
hit you from. Also, watch out for his Inferno more on single,
Rush, it's easy to forget to block all those powerful hits y
low hits. rather than
Rising Knee > @ Against a human, toss some combos in and try to
Upper Elbow > to keep them on their toes. You can also get keep your
“ away with some of his slower, more power- opponent at a
Beast Fang
ful hits and distance. When
really take he/she
Specials advantage of advances, hit
his long kicks. him/her with your
Combos longer reach, or
Volcanic Knee |Q Q@ *@ nail him/her with an
Inferno Rush |*Q@ @ @ @ advancing attack.
Heaven Smash| 4 Q@ O+F4 @ OF4 ©

Ruuiis a faster than average character with some unpre- |

dictable, hard-to-follow moves. However, most of these more |
@ Use his Moonsault Kick and Rainbow to _ elaborate moves leave him wide open to attack. Luckily, he’s |
sucker the CPU left and right. Upper Knee is _ got a good assortment of basic moves that he can rely on. |
good for attacking when you see an opening
and popping the victim into the air
for a juggle.
@ You'll need to learn a lot
of his moves
and be very
aware of what ™@The CPU won't really use him to his
they do and what Tornado @, @ (2 hits)
fullest ability since you're only on the
position he'll be in Moonsault K. |¥, @ (Back flip Attack)
second match, so you can get away
when they com-
Rainbow K. 4, @ (Front flip Attack)
with a lot of tricks. On higher skill levels
plete. Avoid anything Upper Knee », @ (Good Juggle)
though, watch out. The CPU will con-
f that leads to a hand- Swing Throw ¥, #& 4 O+0
stantly change attack styles to keep you
stand unless it’s part guessing what it’s going to do next. Just
of a combo that remember to block and always attack Specials
you're certain will when you see him doing his handstand.
knock your oppo-
nent down. Shower Blows QQ
VS. Ground Cutter Lg

i‘el Fang has a pretty good overall assortment of

“moves. Her best damage comes from her combos, but
@ Another early
opponent in the
tournament, the
‘they're fairly easy to counter. Luckily, all of her moves worl CPU likes to hold @ Lightning Strike is
retty well, and by mixing them up, she can throw oppo- and counter your a great sucker ploy
“nents off guard with a wide range of effective attacks. attacks, then fol- against the CPU, and
low with a combo Eastern Wind is good
or simple throw. The CPU will also start to nail advancing
blocking your combos more effectively at opponents with.
this point. Her combos are fast, but not Storm Front is useful
blindingly so; you can usually tell what she’s as well, but try to use
doing and block appropriately. Just make it after the CPU has
Pea So sure you block all the hits, or are certain you committed to an
can beat her to the punch during a pause. attack, or you'll
Storm Front ¢ %, @ (Good starter)
wind up right in
Eastern Wind |¥, @
Ltme a human, most of her moves are throw range.
L. Strike 4, @, @ (Double kick)
Trapped Light |», ®, © (Throw) pretty useful. Her combos are quick and effi-
cient, hitting both high and low. Just cycle
Spe through moves to keep them off guard;
Combos they're all pretty useful.

Storm Crash |¥ QQ @
Thunder Strike]}Q Q ¢ @ ©
Player | VS.

EGM’? 101
Jannvee——— Greased Lightning. That's the best way to describe Jann
Lee. He’s got speed, moves, power and style. The easiest
character to spazz out with, nonetheless, he does have a
@ When fighting the CPU, use his Double weakness; his best combos have a nasty pause right before
Upper Kick. Also, most of his combos will the last, most powerful blow.
work, for the first three hits at least, just =
remember to end them before you do the 7 ———

® Against humans, switch between

combos that look the same, but
end differently. When you a 3
WX knock your opponent down, ™ Don'ttry to beat him Dragon Kick |, #, , @ — (Flying Kick)
be sure to pounce with to the punch or take D. Upper Kick |#, @, @ (Double Kick)
Enter the Dragon. It’s advantage of apause in The Dragon 4, ©4048 =(Enemy down)
more damaging than his combos, it's not Headlock ¥, 4 > © then 4 #0
tthe normal pounce, | — worth it. Just block and
and it really bugs counter. The CPU loves Specials
people when you hit to end with that delayed knuckle punch, b
ren witnit (Gspecialiyil and that leaves him wide open for any- Combos
you mimic Jann thing you want to do.
Dragon Cannon Q9QQ0
Lee's cry while he We Flash Kick -?Qo |
does it). VS Low Flash Kick -PrQre

m When fighting Gen Fu, make sure

CCS et cufon leet Nace -lutel MUM ccrellagl) he’s done with his combo before you
Elilohiglol aaa) elute Hela taal-.-re (ei WVarle aon) Meguica! drop your guard. While his combos ™@ Gen Fu can be quite hard to master.
Opponent and use each move at precisely the right time in appear slow, each individual move is Unlike Ryu, he doesn’t have an assortment
Colcol1aoll -M-(olla) ean omaaeUc(almom mmeligelt- mural very fast. Try to keep him at a distance of general purpose moves to fall back on.
can be very deadly. whenever possible, it drastically Almost all his moves need to be understood
lessens his options and gives you a and mastered to make him effective.
chance to hit as he advances. Against the CPU, the Palm Strike is handy,
as is the Sky Throw, if it’s
immediately followed with a
juggle as your foe falls to
the ground.

Skull Strike O10 ™ Once mastered,

Palm Strike > > Oo Gen Fu can be
Sky Throw v, >, C1010 quite frustrating for
Gut Punch ¥, 4 > © then¥, 4 » O a human player to
fight against. His
{ Specials } moves can be
hard to read, and
Combos can be very powerful if
|¢Q > Q O+0 they all connect.
Triple Strike
Adv. Palm >QQ0

Tina has good speed and good reach, allowing her to

vary her fighting style effectively, but her best bet is her
@ Although able to fight effectively with
punches and kicks, Tina really needs to use library of throws. They're pretty easy to activate and do an
her throws if she wants to cause damage. impressive amount of damage.
It's best to force the CPU to advance on her,
then hit with a fast advancing
attack, or one of her simpler
‘two part, at most) throws after
blocking an incoming combo.
ae aa al sae tal
® Against a human, of m@ The CPU likes to keep Tina crouched Sh. Tackle ¢4>,0
pee ae eM and performing low attacks, which can Knee Thrust », @ (Good Juggler)
nescaButdontuse make it tricky to hit her with jump/flip Jo Cyclone Vv, >, O10
them exclusively or attacks. If you keep her at a distance, you'll Flying Major |¥, &, 4 O+0
your opponent will make her easier to hit Surfboard + >, O10
wee é while she advances Tackle Throw > 4 4,0
simply keep escaping js 2 i H
after the first part of the ane ene ate Giant Swing 42 ¥, 4 > oO
ithrow is done. SU SSSE po pecials
e - Combos
r VS. ss The Ultimate |*@ @@ |
is a strong, slow character with some great multi-
part throws. He doesn't really have any good combos, j -
they're either short and weak, or slow and strong. His best @ Nail the CPU with Shoulder Tackle or
bet is to block incoming attacks and counter with a throw or Palm Arrow as they advance.
a couple of powerful blows. Or, block their incoming combo
: and hit ’em with the
Quebradora Congiro.

@ Against a human,
you can use his
range of cool
™ Bayman is very defensive and will
multipart throws.
block an awful lot of attacks thrown at
aided be S (Sood Advancement) an him. Your best bet is to block his ape poate :
Gross Hold v iq 40 65% attack and counter with one of your 2.vag ut t ey a fi
eran <« » ¥. 4 > © 75% own while he’s recovering. When he ne iren ins ete
ATATLGEEe ry re oO Be -% advances, don’t block until you see ne eNO oRne nae
ne? his move activate or he'll estlisiica tortheeseon d
: : Gn D just get you with a throw. and third parts.

Rush Sobat |Q *Q @ 65% WS.

Rev. Hammer |Q@ @ © 87%

Able to attack surprisingly fast for someone of his size,

® He plays almost like a bigger, stronger f : ae can use either pure strength, or some nasty throws
version of Bayman. His combos are useless P s to crush his opponent. His biggest weakness is the lengthy
against the CPU, but then again he doesn’t s delay after most of his moves go off, leaving him wide open
have to hit very often to do a lot of damage. 4 for counterattacks.
Try to block and counter with Super Freak or
Buffalo Crush (this can be done twice in a
row for a handy juggle). The CPU is also
fairly vulnerable to the Buffalo Crush.

® Bass can be used offensively more easily @ Bass can be very dangerous in the hands
than Bayman, especially against a human of the CPU. It will use his best, hardest to i
opponent, he’s got great advancing moves activate moves without batting aneye. Keep Buffalo Crush “4, 4, 0 35%
and a very long reach. As always, multipart out of throw range and don’t block until you Super Freak 42 ¥, 4 DO 75 %
throws are very useful against humans, long see the move starting or he'll just dart for- Kitchen Sink |¥, B, 4, O40 - %
as you break up your pattern with some ward and throw you, and you really don’t Double Arm =| #, ©4040 85 %
other moves. Luckily, most of Bass’ basic want that to happen. Remember to tap Power Slam v, 4 > @ -%
moves are useful and powerful, so you can H+P+K if he grabs you. Try to sucker him Stampede | nv, 4 > O 90%
easily weaken the opposition before surpris- into attacking, then block and counter while
ing them with a big throw. he”s got his guard down. Gz=nD
ce Combos
Player | WSs Kick Rush |Q@@0 |60%

i i : Pein
Kasumi is a fast character with some tricky combos that | ment mode, |
can take opponents by surprise. Misdirection is her key | Kasumi's often ~\
strategy, hitting low when the opponent thinks she'll hit high, joing to be en4 ' ™@ Against the CPU, use her Moonsault
EUAN UUL ALA a VCO MCMC ECUCRUCERE your biggest Pra Kick or Heavens Arrow. Moonsault will catch
she’s a very useful character. | challenge. The | = = advancing characters or those that have
- — = CPU likes to just extended an arm or leg to
keep her duck- attack with.
ing, making it harder to hit her with jumping
attacks, and it uses those unpredictable | When fighting a human,
ate] make full use of those com-
x ey combos whenever possible, though it seems
4 esa eS to prefer ending with a low hit. When you bos and keep changing ‘em
a eee knock her down, quickly back up to force her around. Her speed makes it

Heaven Arrow |a,#, @ (Front Flip Attack) 28% _ into advancing. More so than with any other tricky to ot to her
Moonsault K. | ¥, @ Back Flip Attack) 40% % > we character, you Moves visually, so
Round A Bout |¥, Ueprste4, *at re) (Throw) , 55% |
j sealants
7 Y
want to keep
| her at a dis-
they'll often just
assume you're doing % “VU
Specials tance & hit the same combo you
a her as she did last time.
Moon Flash Q@Qro 44%
SpinCombo |Q@ @ *@ ¥@ 51% WS.
Dirk Combo 19 @ ®Q@@ 56 %

EGM’ 103
At a glanee.. three
There are three basic “types” of moves
To active th
THROWS. When two characters acti-
vate attacks at the same time, only one @ Raidou can be released by activating all the lumber 5 for male).
will succeed, based on the following costumes for each character, then beating the ® Once Raidou is activated, simply beat the
logic: game with any character who is wearing their game with him to activate Ayane as a playable
ATTACK beats THROW last costume (number 14 for female characters, character. She has 11 costumes to get, just like
THROW beats HOLD all the other female characters.
HOLD beats ATTACK Extras made Easy
@ First off, leave your PS on and let it rack up moves you can remember and counter easily, then
some hours for the Time Released Options. set them to be your opponent in every match)
You don’t have to be playing it after all, it just has ™ This gives you a consistently predictable oppo-
to be running. nent to fight against, and allows you to win rounds
Don't avoid using long combos, as the @ Second, activate the following extra config by simply knocking them down to the mat two or
CPU will usually counter, block or options (see “extra config” for details): fighting order, three times. Note, you cannot change settings in the
reverse them. High/low variations don’t safety zone size, danger zone damage and danger main Options Menu if you want to activate any of
‘seem to bother the CPU much either, it bounce. Set them as follows: the cheats. These must be left at their default set-
can react to pretty much any alteration Safety zone size: Nothing tings. With these settings, you'll fight a consistently
you do in your combo. Multipart throws Danger zone damage: Critical predictable opponent (until you bump into Ayane or
are pretty useless against any high- Danger bounce: High Raidou), and you only need to knock the CPU off its
level CPU opponent, it will simply Fighting order: manual (find one character whose feet a couple of times in order to win each round.
break loose after the first part of the
throw and launch an attack of it own.

Ayane Fast, unpredictable and hard to master. Ayane has, very likely, |
| the fastest moves in the game, with a lot of similar combos that |
@ Her Crescent Rose move is a backflip | end differently (perfect for keeping opponents off balance).
that works well against the CPU, but it | However, many of her moves leave her completely defenseless,
leaves her with her back turned. However, if _ with her back to her opponent. This is not an easy thing to
they didn’t immediately knock you down or | adjus' she's i i
throw you, triggering the move again will flip
you back where you were and nail your
opponent at the same time. Her combos are
™@ The CPU has no trouble with Ayane’s
so fast that you can often catch the CPU harder-to-activate moves, and will constantly
with them. Learn to get her facing the right turn her around and start up combos. The
way as quickly as possible, since many of
CPU can re-orient Ayane at a moment's
her moves will leave her in that state.
notice and start up a wide range of hard to
Dragon’s Tail , @ (Front flip attack)
follow combos. Unlike Kasumi, Ayane can be
@ If you can master her various combos and Crescent Rose , @ (Back flip attack)
just as dangerous at a distance as close, so
the whole backward facing business, you Mirror Image @ (Turns Ayane around)
you simply have to learn to block and
can drive human opponents completely nuts
counter at either range. Your best opening Snowslide eo
with Ayane. Her combos are far too fast to for an attack is right when she turns her back Specia
watch and react to, your opponent has to
to you. Better still, if you’re playing to get the
guess, or react based on what you did with
costumes, simply use up more than 10 con- Gree
your last combo if
as ceretk tinues before you defeat KnifeDance |Q@ @ ¢€Q QO
Player |
they want to block. VS Kasumi, and you won't Edge Dance 12 Q@ ¢€QQQ¥O
Se even have to face Ayane. Cutter Dance '@ @ €QQ ¥@

@ Several
Raidou isn't really a unique character, so much as a strategies work
merging of the other characters. All his moves come from against Raidou,
other characters in the game, and they don't really comple- mainly because @ Make his hits count, don’t get caught up
ment each other. As a result, he doesn’t really have a style, of his jumbled in combos that leave you open. Use any
and seems surprisingly weak for a Boss character. move library. He combos that worked for you from other char-
tends to pause acters. If he’s got them, they'll be pretty
significantly dur- much identical. As usual, the Flip Kicks work
ing his combos, which fast characters can well against the CPU. One handy aspect of
take advantage of, he’s very vulnerable to Raidou is that he has most of the more use-
jumping attacks, and he’s not too hard to ful fast advancing/rushing attacks, and those
block against. Be aware though, that he hits are always helpful.
hard when he connects, his moves go off
Moonsault K. |¥, @ (Back flip attack) very quickly, and he has a couple of nasty
Shdr. Tackle +4>,0 throws he can pull without even raising a
Knee Thrust >, @ (Good pop up hit) sweat. Don't let him stay close, make him
Quedradora #2, 4 > Oo come to you and nail him while he
advances. The CPU has a habit of being
really aggressive, then sort of relaxing, giv-
ing you a chance to counter. He’s very, very
vulnerable to jump/flip attacks.
Heel Spike +9
Leg Spike Rae)
Heaven Smash
Limited-Edition Video Game Specials


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First, | set myself up in the
Attributes Screen (left). I'm only
52” and 115 Ibs., which didn’t
make me much of a power hitter.
Bulk up if you want a strong hitter.

Then | chose a skill position. | took

first base; it seems to be an error-free posi-

Reports from tion to play. The outfielders get a lot of

action, but are tough to play.

Spring Training!
g baseball games have Next comes the
~ reached their peak, the Attributes Screen (right). After
wily developers at Sony fiddling around with several
come up with even more settings, it seems they have a
useful innovations. rather negligible effect on hit-
Spring Training ting performance. So | just kept
I was most impressed
with the addition of Total = them at the defaults.
Control Batting, which > i Finally, !'sae the
adds a whole new level of = Tlabit: Did Abilities Screen (left). |
strategy to the aim-and- you know ‘ £ figure that stuff like field-
hit batting interface. Z there are 25 ing and batting | can
(More info is on these : eMeiccaria controt—meaning that
pages.) Even better was Ba ting styles to good gameplay over-
a new Spring Training Be ee : choose from? comes average stats in
those categories. So all
Mode, in which you make § kere my points go into power.
a player and try to get My hitting skills will play
them to “The Show” and a major role later...
beyond—definitely fun!
At first, it looked so
easy that I said to myself, » Stadium Extra: MLB
99 has stadium mod- 7 “fe Tidbit: There
“Self, 1 bet I could get my
els designed specifi- z S are more than
little sister into the Major cally for the Spring 4 12,000 new
Leagues.” So that’s what I Training Mode, such j BUSS animations in
did; I made my sister : as those in Kansas j MLB 99, from
(why aren't there any (top) and Arizona. However, if you pick | ; diving throws
female polygonal mod- a strong-hitting to home-plate
els?) a first baseman, team, you get more collisions!
er, woman. chances at bat to
Of course, my sister got “show your stuff.”
more than she bargained Surprisingly, one of the toughest
parts of the game to master is baserun-
, for. Not only are the Al ning, mainly because everything happens
batters sharp, but hitting so quickly. Master the use of the R2 button,
is itself a challenge to which stops runners, on any pop-up, then
master. The various flip-flop the batting order use the Square or Circle buttons to forward
« “lessons” she learned so you’re near the top or retreat them, respectively. The computer
along the way are printed will still nail you on line-drive catches, but
here for those MLB 99ers for the most part, you should be fine.
trying to go pro as well.
—Nelson “Great Why don’t more people use
Chicago Fire” Taruc R2 to move their batters in the box? |
actually move during the pitch to cen-
ter the bat’s sweet spot (the center
crosshairs) just below the ball. You can
hit tons of homers this way, even with
_ who juiced up AI for: pitches outside the strike zone!
Florida Marlins—wow! so you're
; coolest animation: better off playing the
f crashing the wall six games.
'. sis plays baseball?
© only in video games ful Did You Know? Sony
traveled to many MLB
better than TP 99? 4 Spring Training camps to
; _ EGM’s review: ‘ do motion-capture work
\ back in operation: and get player feedback
{ ™y rockin’ drum set Choose. A Jeam for this game!
106. EGM?
Ih ge
After the Game
Regardless of whether you
win or lose, your manager will
talk to you (right) after the box ) lias afraidthatmighthappen. You
layed sold,batastcoleg fo ake
scores to give you a status report.
HDS opealt yonsot
Tame experince 206 2 bile
A Note on Playing Difficulty: be mars. Maybe next lime.
Here are the primary differences Below is a handy chart you can
between the difficulty settings. use to figure out progress:

® Rookie Mode: Fairly easy to

start with; batting only requires
the right timing.
@ Veteran Mode: Surprisingly
tough (against playoff teams, Game Result Status Points Earned (Ability/Status)
anyway). Uses batting cursors
and Total Control interfaces. 0 Hits, Fielding Errors You stink! 0 pts./0 pts.
@ All-Star Mode: Same as 1 Hit, Fielding/Run Errors You're a little nervous... 0 pts./1 pt.
above, but with faster speed 1 Hit, Maybe a Baserunning
and smaller batting cursors. Mistake, O Fielding Errors Barely OK. Try harder. 1 pt./4 pts.
2 Hits, No Baserunning
Errors, O Fielding Errors Promising signs. 2 pts./9 pts.
Arcade vs. Sim? While both play 3 Hits, No Baserunning
similarly for the most part, the Errors, O Fielding Errors You look like you belong. | 3 pts./12 pts.
Arcade Mode lets pitchers put
4 Hits, Good Fielding,
aftertouch on the ball. It seems Keep up the solid play! 9 pts./36 pts.
Scored Run(s) or RBI(s)
hitting is exaggerated (i.e., more
Better than Above Who knows? 22?
home runs, hits per game).

The best | played was a four-hit game, so | In your

Power vs. Contact Hitting: don’t know if there’s anything better than that yet. If quest for more
For your character, stick to you’re a consistent hitter, you should be getting on ability points,
contact hitting at all times— average nine status points/two ability points per avoid high-risk
you need base hits, not game. Ability points seem directly linked to hitting plays such as hit
home runs. For all other hit- and making outs; focus all new points on abilities and runs or base
ters, try to use power until like power to start off (below)! stealing—unless
you're behind in the count. you've built up a
speed demon.

Total Control Batting is a must-

learn skill to survive Spring Training.
With it, you can predict the pitch and
its location. Below are some hard facts
about it:

How Does Total Control Batting Work? Two notes about fielding.
First, stick to the High Cam. It’s the
Basically, holding L2 during an at-bat lets you “call” best for getting under fly balls.
the location and/or pitch you expect next. If you Next, be careful about holding
guess both correctly, your batting power goes up 10 down the turbo (Circle) button.
to 15 percent, plus you will make guaranteed con- Sometimes it registers as a throw
tact with the ball (you still have to time the swing to first base accidentally. mir ave ©
properly, however). If you guess half right, the cursor
size should increase dramatically.
- Use R1 and R2: The Double Play Infield and the Deep Outfield is the
What If | Guess Wrong? best setup with any runners on base. The computer rarely bunts.
If you guess wrong, the batting cursor will shrink,
making it harder to hit the ball. You won't lose any Unlike other baseball games, there isn’t
hitting power. The shrinking cursor is bad, but when any “magic pattern” to strike out batters. But
you see it shrink, you'll know a different pitch is I've come close by:
coming than you expected. So that’s a plus! 1. Replacing pitchers every three innings,
regardless of condition (I use a lot of fastballs).
Any Technique Advice? 2. Never pitch in the strike zone against power
™ For power hitters, always call for a high fast- hitters. Paint the corners at worst. If worst comes to worst, restart
3. Mixing up speeds. My favorite combo: A after every bad game, and
ball—consistently called, you'll get at least one
home run per game in the Veteran Level! juiced low inside fastball; a slow changeup or only save when you get a
™ For the rest, | mix it up. Try calling the opposite sinker; a way-outside slow curve, then a very ton of points!
low fastball.
location for the pitch last thrown to you.

EGM 107
(afollowing is a list of special game moves.
A few are new but most are preserved from
last year’s version. Along with these moves
are notes to maximize their effectiveness.
® Scaling the Wall: Press ~ to rob someone of
a home run at the fence. Note: You have to be
at the wall to pull this move off, so calling a
deep outfield (use ® to raise this menu) gets
you closer—call this field positioning against all
| power hitters.
ike bitter cross-town
| @ Running Down the Bunt: Press © to charge
rivals, the two top
a bunt, make a barehanded grab and throw the 1. New Stadiums
baseball games of the ball to beat the runner—all in one motion.
; season are once again Note: Make sure to call the infield in for a bunt
butting heads. | (use @ to raise this menu) if the situation war-
EA Sports’ developers . | rants (i.e., a squeeze play). oooakoog
offer a strong sequel to » || @ Running for Home: Press © repeatedly to i}
TP 98, which boasted : barrel through the catcher on a close throw to |
features such as a two- | home. Note: You stand a greater chance of {|
man broadcasting 3 knocking the ball loose or forcing a wild throw
booth and 3D motion- with this move, so use it whenever possible.
» captured animation. ™ Special Grab and Throw: Press “ to throw
Historically, the Triple the ball immediately after picking it up—instead 2. Player Data
Play series has appealed of using the standard turn-then-throw with the
= to the die-hard sim and © button. Note: The time saved with this throw
stat junkie. TP 99 leaves makes it ideal for any double-play attempt. hd
virtually no stone
unturned in its quest to
> continue this trend: new
- ballpark graphics, added
- ambient sounds, beefed-
up AI plus new animation
and camera angles—just 3. Announcer
for starters. Yet, TP 99
also seeks to attract bg hey
newer fans, thanks to a
*, new Difficulty Mode and
an easy-to-use interface. =
The result? A game that the computer. This allows 1 | 4. Commercials
Jump in and get a feel for hitting and ‘pitching i} +0+h+D
caters to both die-hards
and rookies alike. very slow speed. | <0>
The advice on these |Rookie: The speed steps up
» pages should give you a ith the computer Al. Mi nat the 5. Secret Credits
ball,abe in by the pil one : ; +H+nen
jump on both computer
» and human foes—plus towel Op plate 2000
help prospective buyers
« decide whether this game al levels are designed
is their cup of tea. so anyone can “pick up
|} and play as well as
—Ryan “The Big One |
}} grow with” the game.
(California)” Mac Donald * | Here’s a rundown of

eM Bie
these stats are:
’ Nelson Taruc’s
mean TP 99 prank:
bean/injure Ripken TP 99 preserves many of the quirky touches
don't forget! from last year’s version, such as the fake ads
*. PC version available (left) and plugs plus the trivia contests. A funny
compared to TP 98: side note: Check out what the announcers say
4 it’s just as good
\sed farewell to:
Harry Caray


“Novice \\ New View
Advice: Try \\
the Home Run
Derby first to get a \
feel for batting—the key \\_
is to time swings with the \\
Novice ==
pitch crossing the plate.
Advice: Always know where
Intermediate Advice: If you push the next play is going to be. If you
the D-pad in a direction at the same \\ have to decide where to throw the ball
time you swing, the ball will head in that after it’s been hit, you’re too late.
direction. For example: \
Intermediate Advice: Watch the mark-
| 4 makes the ball rise. This increases your er's direction and size. Sometimes the
| chance for homers—and pop flies. player the computer picks for you
@ or ® on the D-pad pulls the ball in that ‘ isn’t always the closest man to
direction, which is key for hitting down the \\ where the ball is going to be. You
iyeray "line or through a gap. \ may want to pick
another outfielder.
| ¥ on the D-pad keeps the ball closer to the ground,
which is ideal for plays such as the hit-and-run. Advanced Advice:
The Aerial View is
Advanced Advice: By default, the computer positions your bat- \\\, great for outfield- |
| ter in the center of the box. A good rule of thumb: Move him to ing, but a little
the rear of the box and a nudge or two away from the plate. That tricky to use in
| way, if the pitch is thrown over the center of the plate, it the infield.
| will hit off the end of your bat. This position also
puts inside pitches in your “sweet spot.”
Just watch out for pitches just
Novice Advice: An easy yet
- - outside your
effective way to boost your playing
edge: Know when to position fielders
(done by pressing @ or ® while in a game). If
you anticipate a sacrifice bunt to move a runner along,
push infielders in. In situations where you face a power hitter
on a home-run streak, move your outfielders farther back.
Intermediate Advice: Creating
players is really a no-brainer
since the computer allows you to |
jack all of a creative player’s
attributes up to 99; all that
Novice 3] you really need to stress over
Advice: The @ _ is picking a good name.
best way to get strikes When you try to get your
is to work the corners of the self-made superstar out of
plate. Hold @ down during the wind- the free-agent pool, and
up to make the pitcher put more “zip” on the the computer tells you
\\ delivery. Make sure you release © before he releas- this would be unfair, just
Y es or you may wind up throwing the pitch away. pick the “Still
Note: Use this extra “zip” when you really need a Dolt
strike; excessive use tires Anyway
), your pitcher out faster.) Option.
| Intermediate Advice: Subtle
nudges on the D-pad after the
pitch will get the ball over to
one side of the plate. Learn
how your pitcher throws and how
much push on the D-pad is need-
ed to get the ball where you
) a want it.

Passwor dilie.


f to vals your
timing and jumping
skills put to the test!
: Pitfall 3D is sure to vex
2 even the best 3D-action
gamers, as its stages $ canaiee
become increasingly | Boss 1:-The Gl
difficult to navigate.
= Learning to deal with
= enemies early on proves
to be the most helpful
piece of advice. Extra
: lives mean all the differ-
= ence toward the end,
especially if you're going
E for all the gold bars.
© (Speaking of which, a
: source at Activision
= confirmed the last two
levels have only five gold
> bars each, for a total of
go to find—why not an
4 even 100? Hmm...)
Below is a key to help
you read the flowchart
: level maps for the game’s
» toughest levels.
—Jim “Locust Swarm”

really start
to gel
rough here!
1 barely have|

time to complete: = F
three long days = paths for conve
looking for gold: ; o but I think 1 me :
10 hours any order. Earth
Thank goodness | had
eapons early on..
moderate ‘
» ny favorite game: f - - :
GoldenEye \ In Pitfall 3D, hidden areas are mainly spots obscured by the Be.
\ my favorite soap: main camera. But once seen, they’re simple to get to. Look in all ba
Sunset Beach four directions in as many places as possible to find these areas. ep

EGM ™ ~ a
Level 6 .
oN =
Descent Into the Volcano ce

I've seen some tough

spots in my day, but
this area was the
most confusing vet!
The gold bars were
easy to reach, but the
awkward visibility made
it hard for me to see
them. | encountered
se creatures
ook them

Level 7

This area was

broken up into
E four primary
parts, one for each teleporter. I noticed
the gold bars were spread oul pretty ever
1 had to look for them the whole w.
this area. Although small, miost of t
place in the air. Fortunately | didn’t

zagging back and forth on

e tiles as fast as possi-

he regular monsters
me, this snake Boss
jovement—so don’t
and there like an idiot!
EGM? 111
| Get Into the ‘Swing

a variely
d chasnis
e, and it took
search them
gold bars on
iong the hardest
1g me to make
LF") some pretty interise umips.
Fortunately | was able to remeriber
The directional markers help you with which way to go, but their exact locations so | could jot
often they can mislead you. If there are two paths, usually the them down later. The whole time
directional marker points to one of them. Always go the other here my only concern was to get
way first. Ninety percent of the time, this will lead to great “oul as fast as possible-I knew | had
secrets like extra lives, special weapons and gold bars. save Mira, ard fast!
=erealures Gareal & Dead |
Level 19 :

itco) n actions, bul with
precision, timing arid fine I pulled through.
Other than the Lucense fi
fe pretty simpl Mavigal
Electric fields—how irritating! It seems like no _
any trouble nding the
matter what you do, you get fried half the time.
Try looking for alternate ways around these
electric fields. | found a number of fields that
you could simply walk or jump right around.

my map. | think
ne leader, Scourge...


ee i “gus
You'll have tobeat Scourge
three times—and it gets
tougher each time through. ©
—— Bee les a

Once again, the “-s%

gameplay in | oS
; Ehrgeiz is fully
3D (Think War
Gods that “4
works). This t
means that Sc
when you
- attempt an attack, you must
make sure you are directly facing
your opponent. Otherwise, you'll
miss to the left or right. There is
f hrgeiz is one of the also.a point system where you
most original fight- earn points depending on the
ing games to hit the moves, combos or times you hit.
arcades in a long time.
The gameplay is like the
dE aes) B)
Tobal series where you | The Boss in
can run anywhere on the
3D background.
\e. Ehrgeiz is a
Red XIl-looking
lion. Most of
—Mark “Fl Nino” Hain his moves
are physical
attacks: Swipes with his.claws,
Fifty years ago, a sword kicks or body lunges. He also must defeat a manticore-look-
containing an unknown has a fireball for long-range ing version (his name does not
material was found in the attacks. Diango seems to have appear; therefore he may be
ruins of an ancient German If you can see the ground, you can two forms as well. After you another entity altogether).
castle. This weapon took walk on it. You can even use defeat him the first time, you
the name EHRGEIZ and obstacles (like crates) as weapons.
became the symbol for a
tournament that would
= decide the world’s
strongest fighter. The
sword was given to the
champion. Meanwhile, a
One-Two Kick H,H,H
secret excavation of a Double Scorpion AURA
Middle Eastern desert ruin Mach Punch H,L,H,H,H,H,H,H,H,H,H
was ordered by a mystery Spinning Uppercut L+H
organization called Red Double Uppercut H+S, H
Scorpion. It was rumored Low Kick L or While Getting Up, L
that the ruins contained the Falling Sweep L+S
secret of immortality. As a Break Fist L+S,H
Liceyalemat-cemolerelse)(e)8) Lightning Slide L+S,L
claimed to be an interna- Stomach Crush L+S, L+H Once a mercenary for Red Scorpion,
tional organization estab- Stomach Crush Left L+S,H, Lb Godhead left the organization and took
lished to protect interna- Heel Sword G+H with him the knowledge of the hyper-
tional archeological trea- Low Thrust Kick G+L ancient ruin. Resigning from the organi-
sures and ruins. In reality,
Low-High Kick G+L,H zation meant cutting off one’s right hand.
the organization is a
Mirage Spin G+H+S, As painful as it was, Godhead did the
weapons manufacturer col-
Falling Scissors G+L+S deed—then betrayed Red Scorpion by
laborating to develop bio-
Rising Force L+H+S EXEC. ATTACKS selling the info to a wealthy syndicate.
weapons. They hope to
Swing Upper QCF ,H They formed a company to seize control
rediscover and use the
Hammer Smash Step, H of the hyper-ancient ruin in the Middle
technology founded by
Death Scissors While on Higher Level, L+H East. As part of his deal, he got a new
hyper-ancient cultures.
right arm, plus he learned that | the
Hammer Break Fist Step, H, H
Hammer Falling Sweep Step, H, L
stone may
Wind Godhand Step, L, H
be the
Lightning Godhand Step, L, L+H door’s key.
Double Sweep Step, L, L, L He must
KEY TO MOVES Shatter Fist Fully Crouched, H become
G = Guard Button Press Death Fist Fully Crouched, Hold H champion
L = Low Button Press Godhand’'s; special weapon
Heaven Cannon While Getting Up, H and bear
H = High Button Press is a laser cannon.
Slash Down Kick While Getting Up, H+S the sword!
S = Special Button Press
Hammer Sword While Walking, H, H
Step = Fully crouched, tap
3) toward your opponent to Sliding While Running, L
FS<)1) Air Raid Kick While Running, G+L
QCF = Quarter Circle down Bull Horn While Running, L+H
= to forward Escape Kick Stick in any Direction, G, H
C Clockwise = Counter
4 Me
Cat Scratch H,H,H
Cat's Tail H,H,L
Sleeping Cat H,L
Slap Dragon H,S
Breaking Up H,S,H,H,H,H
Full Moon L+H
: Yoko has a few moves where
Snap Dragon H+S
SHE is the weapon.
Low Kick is
High tide L,L,H
Born the daughter of a martial artist/adven-
Low Tide LLL
turer/archeologist, Yoko was also the succes-
Spinning Orchid LIGS.
| sor to the Hariti form of Ju-jutsu. Her mother
Welcome Home L+S
) raised her from the age of 10 after her par-
Dinner Maker L+S,H
) ents were divorced. Still a high school stu-
dent, she is invited by the ICPO to participate Can't Touch This! L+S, L+H
in a research study of short-range anti-per- Half Moon G+H
vail 4 Shadow Moon G+L
' sonnel strategy because of her talents in Ju-
Her low attacks are awesome as Jacob’s Ladder G+L,H,H,H,H
|) jutsu. One day she was assigned to partici-
well, and can knock you down. |
) pate in the EHRGEIZ tournament due to the Hop Kick G+H+S
rumors surrounding EHRGEIZ. In Inverted Moon G+L+S
a secret reference photo, she Spiral Kick
saw her father, proudly hoisting Moonsault While on Higher Level, L+H
» the sword over his head. Jack Knife While Getting Up, Hold H+S
Reincarnation While Getting Up, H+S
Highway to Heaven While Getting Up, Hold H+S
Nose Gunner While Getting Up, G+H
Tail Gunner While Walking, H,H,H,H,H,H
Double Round-a-bout While Running, H,L
Triple Cyclone While Running, H,H,H
Sliding While Running, L
Yoko has some really cool GET OVER HERE! Yoko can use
Running Dive While Running, L+H
kick-flipping combos. her special just like Scorpion!
Half Moon While Running, G+H
Reflection Moon Stick in any Direction, G, H

Prisoner Kicks H,H.H(a)
Tornado Sweeper FGH;E
Death Sentence H,H,L,H,(a)
Hunting Wolf High H,L,H
Hunting Wolf Low H,L.L(a)
Lightning Somersault L+H
Fang Kick H+S
Illusion Fang H+S,H,H Jo's special is a transformation
Fang to Beast Barrage H+S,L,L(a),H,H(a),H(a) into who knows what?
Fang to Beast Rush H+S,L,L(a),H,L+H,L+H
Fang to Beast Tail H+S,L,L(a),H,L+H,L(b) In an Amazon plane crash, only an infant baby girl survived.
Rage Ball L+H+S Suffering a slight wound to the head, she was rescued by a wolf.
Gone Postal Press L+H+S Rapidly Raised by animals, she acquired strength three times more pow-
Wolf Claw L erful than the average human. After her wolf mother passed on,
Jail Combo U( b) sHi (a),H, H,H she would often attack nearby jungle villages. She was known as
the “Cannibal Wolf Girl.”
Arrest Kicks L( b) sH(a(a),H She was finally captured and sent to prison. Like
Detain Kicks L( b) H(a(a),L the untamed animal she was, she could not be
Beast Barrage L( b), Le H,H(a),H(a) domesticated. Upon hearing about the wolf girl,
Wolf Claw to Beast Rush L( b), L,H,L+H,L+H Red Scorpion arranged her release under his
Wolf Claw to Beast Tail L( b), LA,L+H,L(b) personal recognizance. She was given the name
Wolf Pack L( b),L. L(a),H(a) “Jo”. The next day she was whisked off to fight in
Wolf Sickle the EHRGEIZ tournament.
Beast Toss
Cyclone Kicks
Tornado Kicks
Iron Cutter
Steel Cutter
Devil Scythe
Death Cutter
Spin Fang
Hop Kick G+H+S
In her “dog” form, she is faster, Jo has moves not unlike Eddy
Falling Scissors G+L+S and can jump way higher. Gordo from Tekken 3.
Wheel Cutter QCF, H
One-Two Slash H,H,H
Ninja Rush H,H,L
Ninja Sword Rush H,H,H,L,H
/ Backflip L+H
t oil Double Backflip to Slash = L+H, L+H, H
Sasuke has a projectile as Overhead Slash H+S
well: throwing stars. Cutting Rage H+S,H
3 Shin Cutter L
Red Scorpion currently employs this Somersault Rush L.H,H
dark, mysterious fighter as a covert 2 | Bamboo Burial L4SL
operative. His true identity is unknown ; Siash Kick G+H
even to himself due to an injury that Ree: Tsunami Kick Git
| resulted in memory loss. While trying ; : Hop Kick Gihis
to assassinate Koji Masuda, the mys- § a f Fiip Siash Galas
terious light on EHRGEIZ triggers part
of his lost memory. Sasuke is now
| motivated to win the tournament and
| the legendary weapon. He believes = ye
that the weapon and its mysterious One of the best moves:
stone can return his memory. his triple sword slice.

Straight Knuckle H
Hellstorm H,H,H,H
ACL Breaker H,L
ACL to Uppercut H,L,H
ACL to Dagger Punch = -4H,L,L
Cold Shoulder L+H
Falling Dragon L+H+S
Dragon Cannon Hold L+H+S
Tiger Paim Punch H+S is ; ;
Tiger's Fake
‘Tiger's Bush
HiS: Then Hoid Left or Right
HS HH Tee h few Wan
Chinese martial art
kill with a single blow. Legend
eadh's I" ee has a i} says that he, the founder of the Lee style of
ae weeD RS eeu Bazhichuen and Shen Chung (the god of spear)
Tiger's Rage LH were killed by poison. Miraculously, an antidote
Earth Sweep L+S of special oils found by Red Scorpion in the
Falling Leaf UL mn re Shih-huang-ti Mausoleum saved Shuwen’s life.
Shadowless Fist Hold G+H, Quickly Release G, Then H , The oil has the power to reverse aging! If Lee
Heel Spin Kick G+L Laan | continues to grow younger, he will perish. He
Hop Kick G+H+S Eeeiniidehpeee needs the EHRGEIZ stone to unlock the door to
a eiiccsme ne ruins and get the medicine of immortality.


i Straight to Slash
] Straight to Knee Slash AIL
iOne-Two to Slash Kick H,H,L.H
| Bone Crush Combo H,H,H,L,H
i Bone Break Combo H,H,H,L,L
Naseem has plenty of
vicious kick attacks.
Demolition H,H,H,4,L,L
| Body Break Crash H,H,H,H,L,H
lash Combo H,G+H,H
oe L+H+S
way. To increase his strength and power, he ei EH
eeks a stronger opponent each day. The list | i GE
f worthy kickboxing opponents is short and lash Straight G+H
| he soon becomes bored with : . Hurricane Low Kick Gal
| unarmed battles. After hearing : J ie uper Axe Kick G+l4s
| about the EHRGEIZ tournament “ y ; Ginis
in which weapons, firearms and ; ;
) even mind tricks are used, he
a decides to give it a try. The lore .
ind power of EHRGEIZ is of no : He
| interest to him. Naseem lives His special, a flamethrower,
» only for the thrill of the fight. has a decent range.

116 EGM
Decapitator Press and Hold H
s ; } Rolling Uppercut L+H
“e Hay Maker H+S
is Stomp ie
RAPS Grand Stomp Press and Hold L,L
Inoba, like SF’s Zangief, has | Leg Sweep L+S
a Spinning Piledriver. | Hammer Chop Press and Hold G+H
/ Throat Chop Press and Hold G+H, release G, then H
Inoba was once a student of Karl Schneider, a leading figure in the |) The Runs During “Throat Chop,” S
sport of pro wrestling and the founder of the EHRGEIZ tourna- G+L
ment. Inoba serves as a member on the EHRGEIZ tournament G4L+s
commission. A short time after Schneider passed away, Inoba (ena
found a note within Schneider's teaching articles. It concluded i 5 i
there was a relationship between pe
the EHRGEIZ stone and the
hyper-ancient ruin. Inoba agrees
with this finding, as he too had
this premonition when seeing the
light of the stone. To resolve his
teacher’s theory and his own, he
seeks out the legendary weapon.


a ed RES
Inoba has plenty of close-range Maybe he’s more like King—a lot
power-punch hits. of his throws look the same.

Killing Jab H
Killing Blade H,H,L
One-Two Reverse Kick H,H,H,L
Lightning Kicks H,H,H,L,H
Knee Stab L
Rave Spin L+S or Fully Crouched, L
Rave Spin to Flamingo L+S,H or Fully Crouched, L,H
Pile Driver Kick H+S
Swallow Hunting L+H,H
Eagle Hunter G+H Daehan is a young and famous action-movie star. A mas-
Snake Tail G+L ter of tae kwan do who performs all his own stunts,
Demented Snake G+L,H,H Daehan has an artificial right leg—a secret known by only
Creeping Snake G+L,L,L,L a few. One year ago, while filming on location in the
Hop Kick G+H+S Middle East, his right leg suddenly became covered in
Diving Axe G+L+S smoke and shrouded in
darkness. The memories of
this strange day still linger
on. While researching this
strange phenomenon, he
read about a similar occur-
rence that happened a few
decades ago. The occur-
rence was linked to a leg- Han has more than the means
endary hyper-ancient ruin... to knock you to the canvas.

His special is a rocket Han’s moves are mostly
launcher—it’s his leg! straight-up karate combos.
Difficulty: Hasy Time to Beat: Two Days

Rez Form One: As soon as you

enter his chamber, he will try to
smash into you. (1) Stand by a wall,
and dodge him. When Rez hits the
wall, he’ll be stunned. (2) This is
when you'll want to hit him. Three
Lure Rez into flying near a —_hits change him into his second Jump over his sweeping
wall, then whack him. form. However, every time you arm and keep running.
damage him, the camera switches
to Rez’s perspective. (3) When this
happens, start jumping around. This
prevents the Boss from targeting
you easily. When the missiles hit
the ground, they’ll explode. If you
get too close to them, they'll take
away yout life.
Rez Form Two: After you smack
Rez will stun himself when he Rez three times, he'll sink into the Dodge the beams and position
hits a wall. Get him. center of the chamber then grow to yourself on the light.
huge proportions. (1) His first series
of attacks: arm swipes. (2) Run ina
circular fashion around the room to
avoid his arms and homing
eye lasers. (3) About this
time, you'll see a green-
lit pedestal. Lure Rez
into smashing it with his
fist to drop a TV on
him. Three hits are .
Keep jumping when Rez
needed to defeat ~ i / Be sure to dodge
starts firing the missiles. bine : " Rez’s smashing arm.
June 1998
June’s issue has two N64 baseball Legends is finally being released for
games fighting to be number one the PS. EGM?’ will provide a huge
with gamers: Mike Piazza’s strategy for this action-adven-
StrikeZone and Major League ture-RPG (yes, RPG) game.
Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey, Jr. One man’s disaster can be
We’ll have guides on each game another man’s lucky day. In the
pointing out the pros and cons. Forsaken guide, we’ll show you
Formerly known as Mega Man how to get rich quick while
Nova and Mega Man Neo, Mega Man staying alive.

Even though we’ve finally pre- look forward to plenty of coverage

sented our big RPG wrap-up, don’t including a massive Turok 2
worry, there’s plenty more on the blowout (next month’s cover
is the fol-
way. In fact, the EGM Review Crew story), Fighting Force 64 and
low-up to
will put more RPGs to the test World Grand Prix. This is in
a the great
Turok 2 is one of such as Breath of Fire III for the addition to some interesting
PS real-
the most anticipat- * PlayStation and the unique Panzer PlayStation games including
time strate-
ed N64 games, and EGM Dragoon Saga for the Saturn. Mortal Kombat 4 and Red
gy game.
will give you the full scoop! Nintendo 64 players can also Alert: Retaliation.

June 1998
Readers, start your engines for ranks among PlayStation’s 10
er rerrreyy supe sats
the most extensive Gran Turismo Greatest...Racing Games. et 7
coverage you'll find anywhere. In Plus, we’ll dissect Namco’s latest
addition to a tell-all review and entry in the King of the Iron Fist
feature, we’ll show you how to Tournament, Tekken 3 and intro-
blow the doors off the competition duce you to the pint-sized pugilists
in our high-octane Gran Turismo of Capcom’s Pocket Fighter.
strategy. If that weren’t enough, All in the next issue of Official
we'll tell you how SCEA’s new racer U.S. PlayStation Magazine.
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available for Nintendo” Station.” Sega Saturn.” Coming soc
Day 42.The standoff continues. Suspect presumed paranoid. Has been known to roam dungeons and consort with bandits and sprites in Shining Force III. fo
Believed to be mutilating and blowing heads off zombies in House of the Dead. Purported member of Panzer Dragoon Saga cult, which claims that pes
ancient, morphing “dragon friend” holds the key to salvation from evil. Approach with extreme caution: suspect known to use thumbs when threatened. ee)
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DEESO MSE US cli iolmeEte Scorn

INKoy forKoy TES Tne Kole) iol Se) SCEMMS, TAKoLe CKO WE) CLE ETA’


MS SUGY, VISES) Ko) TnKohe SU oyoxoyne davedan) clave! Cokes exe US |

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