EGM2 Issue 44 (February 1998)

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oe The Authority on Tricks; Arcale“s

& trategies

’‘ All moves for both
i, ae & PS versions

» RaiderZ
‘ Hot Maps & Codes
a ” ee
ge. Iwist
" = Find all 141 Crowns
ze a

Alundra ee.
cates carada
| : — Yo
Walk-through! ’ ils
cai ras


One ¢ Spawn ¢ Broken Sword ° C&C: Red Alert

01M 4024"06964" "6
Monster Rancher e¢ Beast t Wars, e« MK Mythologies
il «&
Read this while you still have time to save a life.

ernie aicie Vie

Act quickly. Get to the

Stop the Call for
The victim nearest
game. help.
may faint. hospital.





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Bulujoesg OU PUD asind Ou

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Bulujosiq pun asindj| @












In most Eidos-related emergencies, your first response

will be to finish the victim’s game, potentially resulting
in the loss of a lot more than a friendship. So before
playing games like Tomb Raider 2 or Deathtrap Dungeon,

study the enclosed first aid instructions. Then mount
them in an easily accesible location near your
PlayStation: And rest assured that once you've assisted
the injured, you can finish what their lame ass couldn’t.
You’ve been warned.
Many features and functions of gaming have been ana-
lyzed and debated, but perhaps one of the most impor-
tant and overlooked features raised quite a debate in the
Office lately: saving games. This unspectacular and yet
‘Number 4.3. immensely important feature is literally our “saving”
Editorial Statf
grace. Whether it’s a memory card function or an in-
game save feature, this is clearly an important part of gam-
editorial director
ing. So what stirred up this discussion in our offices? Well,
several great games as of late have had some interesting implementations
editor in chiet with saving that have actually affected their playability or enjoyment.
managing editor One of the focal points was the concern of
associate editors drew Baran * Carey Wise saves and how they influence the difficulty and replay value of a game. In
im Davis * Benjamin Durbin
contributing editors ‘Scott Jacobs » Jason Morgan the case of Castlevania, there are not only numerous saves, but they
an MacDonald restored all life and magic. These abundant save points made the game eas-
arcade editor
ier with a completion time of about 15 hours, including most secrets (at
tricks editor least enough to get the good ending). On the opposite end of the scale is
online editor Red Alert, which has no in-game saves and relies strictly on passwords at
chief correspondent
foreign correspondents the end of each level. The original PC version has on-the-fly saving, and
managing copy editor without this feature, the game proves a lot more difficult on the console.
senior copy editor
copy editor Lastly, the challenging Abe’s Oddysee used a compromising method where
you can save in the game but only at certain checkpoints. This is mainly a
creative director
art director puzzle-orientated game, but you simply couldn’t save in the midst of partial-
art consultant ly completing the objective. The game required you to complete the task
and then to go to the nearest checkpoint. By doing this it increased the dif-
production director
prepress manager ficulty of simply saving each stage of progress, but likewise it didn’t put the
assoc. prepress manager demand on the player to go through a very long sequence in order to save.
production assistant
Some like the challenge and feel that too
network manager many saves make a game too easy while others argue the fact of replay and
secret searching through the use of many saves. The balance is an integral
circulation director loan McInerney point of a game’s longevity as well as the overall experience of frustrations
newsstand sales manager on Galen or over simplification. Personally, | like to be able to save and explore at my
circulation coordinator
subscription service number whim, but if it is not balanced, it becomes too easy. The key is balancing in
terms of gameplay. If lack of saves are being used to exploit replay or diffi-
business manager
culty, then it’s simply done wrong. On the same token, if saves are used too
advertising f-Davis Inc. frivolously, it can reduce and simplify gameplay.
inquiries 20 Highland Ave. Suite 222
contac ‘Lombard, IL 60148
On a similar note, the saving
lephone: (630) 916-7222 of features and codes took issue with a few games. One of the interesting
x: (630) 916-9254 cases that fueled the fire was the recent hit Diddy Kong Racing. After you
Assoc. Publisher Sales & Mrkt Jennie Parker beat the game, you get one of 21 codes. The problem is that the game
Account Executive doesn’t save the codes. This requires you to remember them all and enter
Midwest & East Coast the ones you want to use each time you power up. This hit several editors
District Ad Sales Manager Anthony George pretty hard, especially after playing GoldenEye which let you save all the
West Coast cool multiplayer codes. Another area of feature saving arose in our discus-
District Ad Sales Manager sion with many fighting games such as SF EX+ Alpha. | love this game and
Northwest unlocked all the characters, but then you’re stuck with this memory card
San Francisco, CA 94105
lephone: ne 857-5322 that you must always keep and take with you (unless you use
Fax: (415) 357-5201 the cheat code, but what's the sense of accomplishment —_
E-mail: jon_yoffie@zd,
there?) in order to play as the extra characters. This is a lot i
District Ad Sales Manager ren Landon less severe than the previous example, but it would be
Southwest ©) Main Street
San Francisco, CA 94105 nice to not have to worry about the card. The idea of |
Telephone: (415) 357-5460 earning codes is awesome, but | think we all
» Fax: (415) 357-5201 agreed that they need to be as accessible as
- £-mail:
possible. After all, how many codes can you
Send Advertising Material remember and how many memory cards can
Advertising Coordinator Mike Darling
you afford?

Hardest-worker in Show biz

Sucker for animals?
Latest multiplayer trend
Recovering from
Most company gifts

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Mass Destruction” is a trademark of BMG Interactive International, a unit of BMG Entertainment. 61997 NMS Software, Ltd. ASC Games* Is a trademark of American Softworks
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Music. Play Station” and the Playstation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. Windows® 95 is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. Se and the Sega Saturn”
logo are trademarks of Sega Enterprises, Ltd. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Association. All rights reser’
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Sooo Oo: ——as

9 7
President Ronni Sonnenberg
President, U.S. Publications Claude Sheer
President. Interactive Media Jeffrey Ballowe
and Development Group
President. 2DBrand and Terri Holbrooke
jarket Group
President, Computer Bob Brown
President, Training and William Rosenthal
Suppers eabieaie roup
Vice President, Rayna Brown
Human Resources
Vice President, Steve Gladyszewski
Information Systems
Vice President, General Counsel J. Malcolm Morris
and Secretary
Vice President, Controller Mark Moyer
Timothy O'Brien
Chief FIASnciol Uicet
Vice President,

Vice President, Planning Daryl R. Otte

Treasurer Thomas L. Wright

U.S. Publications Group
President, U.S. Publications Claude Sheer
Executive Vice President Lawrence C. Burstein
Executive Vice President Don Byrnes
Executive Vice President Jack Dolce
Executive Vice President Al DiGuido
Executive Vice President Thomas McGrade
Senior Vice President. Baird Davis
Vice President, Bob Bader
Central Advertising Sales
Vice President Chris Dobbrow
Vice President John Dodge
Vice President, Production Roger Herrmann

Marketing Seivices Jim Manning

Vice President Michael J.Miller
Vice President Nancy Newman
Vice President.
Circulation Services
James F. Ramaley

Vice President Paul Somerson
Vice President, Product Testing Mark Van Name
Vice President Sam Whitmore
Executive Director, Licensing Gertrud Borchardt
Director, ZD Labs Mark Hall
Finally there’s an instant way to get the latest gaming Director, Benchmark

Interactive Media
Operation Bill Catchings
And Development Group
information and interact with the game editors at EGM & EGM’ Jeffrey Ballowe

without using snail mail or the Internet! Executive Vice President David Shnaider
Executls aaident 2ONet Daniel Rosenweig
Daniel Farber

Listen to the Q-Mann for the hottest news in the industry! Vice President, ZDTV Richard Fisher

Editorial Director, ZDTV Jim Louderback

REVIEW CREW General Manager 20Net James Savage

EGM’s Review Crew cuts loose with their trademark Editorial Director, Bill Machrone
New Products
no-holds-barred reviews! ZD Brand And Market Group


President, ZD Brand and Terri Holbrooke

President. Computer
Tell us your reviews or strategies, then read ’em online— intelligence Bob Brown,

or maybe even in the next EGM and EGM'! Vice President, ZD Brand Herb Stern
Vice President, ZD Research Elda Vale
Director, Corporate Relations Gregory Jarboe
COMING SOON Executive Vice President,
Corporate Sales Joe Gillespie
Be first to unearth the next big thing in EGM and EGM'! Executive Director Mike Perkowski
ales &Marketing
ere Davia Meds letwork
eff Bruce
‘xecutive Directors:
cott Murphy
Managing Director Rita Burke
Directors Ken Beach
an DalyBird
—— MONTHLY Melinda Maginn
Associate Network Directors bin Kofsky
Be sure to get your parents’ permission to use EGM's Talkline if you are under 18 years bbie Moss
Julie Tuttle
of age. Make sure you have a touch-tone phone. Messages subject to change Ziff-Davis Inc.,
without notice. A service of EGM and EGM’. A SOFTBANK Company
© different
cowses, cach ewer
@ different tervaiw

S differemt
characters te
cheese from

S different
licludimg & z \ Wares Oh
half pipe a d hs 1 ayes
ni & Tricks (
\ -Tips

© ATLUS / RACDYM 1997 US. Patent Number 5.269.687,5.354.202 and 5.577.913 and related informational Patents are used under license from Atari Games Corp. Licensed by Nintendo, the Official Seal, Nintendo 64, the
3-D'N’ logo, and the Rumble Pak are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. ©1996 Nintendo of America Inc.
GE forum”


947 tomb raider.2

Make Lara explode, get allthe
weapons ot skip a level with
these neattricks.

OV wayne gretzky 98 O97 sx empire strikes back

Get a fresh, new look for your
Receive various codeéssuch as 99
players-by entering:in the Debug
lives, unlimitedthermal bombs
Mode code.
and all jedi powers.

@) 09 Aast bronx
: By beating the game without losing
and getting all the portraits, you'll Sa ee
receive some silly weapons.

$6 a ee /tekek of the month”

stax wars: mobk
Play through the game-using
different characters to unlock
various hidden fighters.
EGM’ takes its
pound of flesh
Return to Raccoon City where the zombies are
not content to just “stay at home.” This time
around, two people—Leon and Claire—must J
battle against the hungry flesh-eaters, but it e aes ; Z
won't be easy. In our first part of the Resident :
Evil 2 guide, the first half of both Leon’s and : x body slam
Claire's scenarios have been mapped out. °
We'll show you what new monstrosities you can Wrestling is finally making its pres-
expect. (You definitely will want to play with the 2°) ence truly known on the consoles: WCW.
lights on.) Begin defeating the evil on PAGE 34. vs. Nitro is justone wrestling gameand we
highlight all the right moves you'll need to get
the belt, Slam into af
“the zombies have definitely *5 ‘
y the action on”,
rotten quicker.”
: PAGE 86, 4a r

~ lettvith yAdethanger jy
Welcome back’Ag ourr second instal to“theTomb Raider f Strategy guide. Once again, we have
anery detailed: guide showing you the locations to the secrets needed to get tothe next level: As
well/we/also pinpoint where the baddies will Me,so you can either avoid them or blow their heads
off,And just for arvédded bonus, we have a/iy, of cool tricks for Vy $607 Pick’ip where we last
LyLeva wy) or SE)267

ty —————~ “uy thistrophy isprotectedfyahari tingAppermaniy

Y Ue dns/and Outs of
VU iseatiocind Your, eneny
For all tHe generals who commandAbelKtoops. from Ai Lazy E-Boys,/ we toe Ae strategy
guide for you. In thisiissue,we coversome/of the ASugher missions for the PS version of
Coes Conquer: Red AlertThe ayiide also’showsthe general locations-ot enemies‘and
valuable iy Yay 6 ji manualto iy jf On PAGE PAGE 66.:
hed Ubi

“send one soldier ta

assassinate the leader.”
V4 WY,

it'sdefinitely a “hae, AC
world out there
‘pide is. a mind-boggling game that will leave some peoplevery frustrated. However, ECM
wilt help yau with asix=page strategy guide on the first-half of the game. We'llprovide maps
We're calling and answers to all ofthe difficult puzzles. So plunge into fantasy land on PAGE 82,
prevent him f

ae “Don’t forget tostash at the shrubbery to unveil sécret items.”

0 Written by Gamers’ Forum goes above and
beyond the normal letters section:
The Gaming Lear who’s scored big, gripe about
gaming wrongdoings, find out what
Goddess bigwig said what about whom, throw
around some trash talk, check out the
EG Gamers’ Forum coolest envelope art around—and
1920 Highland Ave. Suite 222 that’s just the start! Include your
Lombard, IL 60148 name and complete mailing address
E-MAIL: EGM2@ZD.COM when submitting letters.

Boogie time Sumo Santa is accessible by

a code and Lockjaw is in the
Dear EGM’, game’s credits. However, we're
In MDK is there supposed to unaware of any codes that will
. keels sg,
Fighting imitation isn’t flattery be a secret music video after you
beat the game? | read that there
make him accessible.

Dear EGM’, who don’t derive their ideas is supposed to be one, but I’ve
| am really concerned with from some games that they done everything and still haven't
gotten a music video. So how do
Gem count
the path that fighting games are had previously seen and want Dear EGM,
following today. Sure, they to imitate. you get it? How many yellow crystals are
changed things around by Charles Turner Ryan Campogiani there in Mischief Makers?
going from leveled 2-D planes Sardis, MS Birdsboro, PA 1.0.
to expanded 3-D ones. Even At the time the MDK strategy Address withheld
though they have changed a We’ve said this before: When guide was being completed in For each Boss and level there
bit, they still follow the same companies see a good thing EGM®, there was supposed to is one yellow crystal.
basic structures in their like the success of fighting be a music video in the game.
sequels, like all the different games, they want to jump on However, at the last minute, due
Street Fighter and Mortal the bandwagon to reap the to a conflict with the artists who
made the video, it was pulled
Bearing it...
Kombat games. rewards also. Of course, some- Dear EGM’,
You can just look at Street times this means gamers are from the game. The Crash Bandicoot 2
Fighter and see all the different stuck with a less than par strategy guides were awesome
games that have spawned off
of it with similar characters,
fighting game.
If we had a nickel for every Missing characters (and so is EGM).

moves and commands. World time a new fighter came in and Dear EGM’,
we could see it was a “clone” | recently rented Clay Fighter
Heroes, Fighter’s History and
of another fighter...well, we 63 1/3 and truly enjoyed it. |
Toshinden are just a few.
Games today need to be would be publishing the book noticed that in the ads for Clay
innovative and unique. They in the Bahamas. Fighter 63 1/3 there were more
need something to help them However, there are some characters, such as Sumo Santa
set standards between them good fighters coming out that and Lockjaw.
and other games. have something to add to If they are accessible by code,
Some games are doing that the genre. please tell me.
So how can we put a stop to C. Hyde
such as Bushido Blade, Tobal
Gretna, LA
2 and Tekken 3. Yet, you can bad fighting games being
see how Tekken designers released? We, as the con- Poor little guy! But if you squash
got some of their ideas from sumers, have to stop buying him, you get more lives.
Virtual Fighter. them. Put a little research into
Companies today need to buying a fighting game, even if
hire designers who have a it might have the word “street”
set of original ideas and or “kombat” in it. Because as * Keith Levison from
the old saying goes: You Westwood Studios
get what you pay for. And
Charles won an who really wants another * Nemer Velasques
InterAct Control | crummy fighting game? q from Sony
Pad for the
N64,PlayStation Is this really the jolly, old fat man
or Saturn! who slides down chimneys?



Resident Evil 2 X-Men vs. SF

Bloody Roar Resident Evil 2
Skullmonkeys Alundra
NFL Blitz Monster Rancher
Lost World Tomb Raider 2



1 Diddy Kong Racing Tomb Raider 2

z 2. Armored Core Diddy Kong Racing
Find out which games made 3. C&C: Red Alert Abe's Oddysee
#1 on the console systems, z 4 Castlevania: SotN Bomberman 64
Ucer-(o (Mma mN-191-(0) GoldenEye 007 GoldenEye 007
5 " 5.
and in the editors’ eyes.
Get more lives by squashing bears in Crash Bandicoot 2, learn how to
play as Luke's dad and choose which way is best to defeat the Wind God.

Anyway, | have a tip that can ® For Blood Refill: While playing, For more Lemmings codes, However, by following your sug-
get you about 18 lives. Once you press Up, Right, Square, Circle, turn to last issue’s Best of '97 gestion, you run the risk of flip-
get to the second platform, after Up, Down, Right, Left. Tricks of the Trade. ping off the ledge. (By the way,
you defeat Ripper Roo, hit the ® For Full Magic: While playing, Justin Farkin of Green Valley, Ill.,

I’m your father

little polar bear outside the portal press Right, Right, Square, 3 also wrote in with the same sug-
“Bear It.” Keep hitting him until he Circle, Up, Down, Right, Left. gestion. Ours is still an “easier”
gives you about 18 lives! ®@ To View All CG Videos: Press Dear EGM’, way of handling the Wind God.)
Brad and Chelsey Hauston Left, Right, Square, Circle, Up, In Star Wars: Masters of Teras
Hull, MA Down, Right, Left while playing Kasi, | can’t seem to get Darth
Thanks for the helpful tip, Brad then press Select to view the Vader as a secret character.
and Chelsey—just make sure no Dark Diary. Could you help me out and give
animal activists are watching you me the code? Thanks!
while you do it! Pete Simmins
Up, up and away... Salt Lake City, Utah

Stuck in a tomb Dear EGM’, To get Darth Vader as a

When playing playable character, you must play
Dear EG’, Diddy Kong Racing, through the game as Luke
| can’t find any codes for Tomb | have fe Skywalker. Don't forget to check
Raider 2. Can you please help? noticed a out the last of issue EGM’, Pete, Oe eal PANE
5 my 2
Reno DeVito minor flaw since we published how to get It doesn’t matter how you defeat the
NG pe
Franklin, NY in Everfrost most of the hidden players (Darth Wind God as long as you do beat him.
All you gamers who are clamor- Peak. After \“= Vader, the stormtrooper, Jodo
ing for codes should turn to this you finish a + Kast) in that guide.
issue's Tricks of the Trade section race, the computer starts
for Tomb Raider2 codes and to steer your plane. When it gets
cheats that will surely help you to the first tree on the ledge, it
beat this tough game! Also, don’t hits it. Did Nintendo overlook this
forget to turn to Part Two of the flaw or do | have a glitchy copy?
Tomb Raider 2 strategy guide! Kyle Roberts
Reedsville, WI
It's just a predetermined course
that the computer takes all planes
through, Kyle. You do not have a
glitchy copy.

Follow the leader

Darth Vader has similar moves as
Luke Skywalker does.
Dear EGM*,
| have recently bought 3D
Lemmings for the PlayStation. | One way or another
want to know if you could give Dear EGM,
Cause Lara to explode by entering
me passwords or codes for it? | wanted to tell you that your
the Self-destruct code.
Pete Oncale guide to MK Mythologies was
Garyville, LA
Bloody codes
messed up on how to kill the
To get a Hidden Level Select Wind God. To kill him, you should
Dear EGM’, Screen, select the Password run to the ledge at the right side
| was wondering if you had any Option. At the Password Screen, when he is getting the cyclone
codes for Blood Omen: Legacy of enter: LAMPWICK. If entered ready and press Down. From
Kain? I’m stuck and need some correctly, “Password Correct” there, you should be able to hang
help. will appear. Select the difficulty on the ledge and the Wind God
Daniel Jones you want to play. After you will explode in the cyclone.
Salem, KY choose Play, you will be taken Frank Hobyak
Here are a few cheats for to a screen full of levels to E. Lansing, MI
you Daniel: choose from. Both ways will work, Frank.


. Tekken 3 1. X-Men vs. Street Fighter

INE Wuatere} SAT/Capcom
. Golden Tee ’97 . RPG School 3
Incred. Tech PS/ASCII
. Striker 1945 Part Il . Puyo Puyo Sun
Worldwide Video PS/Compile
Dead Or Alive . Sega Touring Car Ch
Fabtek SAT/Sega
Police Trainer . dLeague Pro Soccer Club Tsukurou! 2
P&P Mktg./ICE SAT/Sega
EGM? 13
pei a 5
The Goddess answers why Felony 11-79 still ROCKS even though it only has three
tracks, asks why cheats are needed in a game and gives thanks a 69-year-old gamer!

Tis a felony However, the point that needs
emphasizing in the strat stats of
Trevelyan: You could have joined me,
‘i _ James, but you'had to side
With the! én pushers:
OK, here’s another chance to let
your creativity really shine! Send your
Dear EGM’,
the guide is “time to complete.” “what Ifs” in and maybe they'll get
In your September issue, you
For the person who played published in our mag! All you have to
said that Felony 11-79 “ROCKS,”
through the game just to simply do is think of the weirdest possible
and that it would take two to
beat it only completed about 25 thing you can imagine and write it
three hours to complete. | would
percent of it. Each course must down! Easy enough!
assume that’s how long it would
be raced four different ways—12
take if you got really good at the
in total—depending on the objec-
game. However, it only took me
tive required and the player who ...we could use PlayStation con-
45 minutes and my friend one
wants to complete the game and trollers to control our siblings?
hour to beat it on the first try. If GoldenEye’s cheats are too hard
obtain all the items hidden in it (in ... Turok hunted for Barney and
| have to say that | was very dis- to get, then why bother trying?
this case, all 22 vehicles). Baby Bop?
appointed. (Only three tracks?
cheat in a game, but then make it the game Independence
What’s up with that?)
For a racing game to be good, Pesky cheaters almost impossible to pull it off.
Readers, what are your opin-
Day, you could be the aliens and
destroy the world?
you need a lot more tracks than Dear EGM’, ions on cheats? Should access- ..Lara Croft fell madly in love
that. Didn’t they learn that from Is it me or are the cheat codes ing a cheat be easier/harder to with the bear?
Ridge Racer? This game was a in GoldenEye kind of pointless? do in a game or should codes not Nick Bartolerop
great idea gone wrong! | mean they’re neat to have, but be in the game at all? Write us Waukesha, WI
Matt Salacain trying to get the hard ones are with your opinions.
Rochester, NY ridiculous. | have been trying for ...Doom only had Nerf ammo?
You're correct in stating that the invisibility code for about a
there are only three levels in the month now and it is too hard. | Age-old wisdom ...the VF Kids hit puberty?
Samantha Booth
game, and most gamers should have tried hundreds of routes Dear EGM’, Santa Cruz, CA
be able to beat it within an hour around the level but to no avail—I | really enjoy your magazine,
or so. am still 15 seconds off the mark. and | am glad that | subscribe to ...the 64DD is Diddy 46
C. Jameson it. My husband passed away a backward?
via Internet few years ago, and | did not know ...Reptile on MKy is an alien?
Aren't all cheats “kind of point- what to do. So my son (age 34) -if he is, then will Will Smith be
less?” You can play a game all started me (age 69) out ona a secret character?
the way through without using Nintendo. Soon | bought the AUDIODAVE
them and still have as much fun Super NES, the N64 and the via the Internet
as with using them. Cheats are PlayStation. I’ve completed 45
just that—using the easy way out games in my lonely days and ...Tickle Me Elmo became a video
of a difficult situation. (Granted have received lots of help from game?
some games are extremely hard your mag. ..-it sold more than the doll?
and the cheats do come in Evelyn Dalton Melissa Woodford
handy.) So why should the game Hilton, NY Sherwood Park, Alberta
Felony 11-79’s tracks can be raced makers create a cheat that is See fellow readers, you are
many different ways. easy to get? Then never too old to start gaming!
again, game makers Thanks for the letter, Evelyn! It
shouldn't have a meant a lot to us!

Haly Chhe, of
Long Beach,
CA, won an

and A Stamp Can Make You Immortal* Specialized

Control Pad
Hank LaFramboise “Tekno Kat” for the
Rapid City, SD Lake Forest, CA PEWAICAICO

Lance Stewart
Springfield, MO

| LGIT" Lerma Aer Put your creative skills

to the test by decking out a plain #10
(20 hyphbeed Ave
Charles Kusiak | Site otad
envelope (you know, the long business
Macomb Twp., Mi Lombard, Et 60/95"
type) with your own unique touch.
Send your letter art submission to: EGM’
Letter Art, 1920 Highland Avenue, Suite 222,
Lombard, IL 60148. (Note: Entries submitted on any-
thing other than a #10 envelope will be disqualified.)
ORacl ON

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Thankfully, Tekken 3 will not require any hardware add-on to run it.
It looks like the arcade version, but how close will it play like it?

@ We knew it was coming—Tekken 3 for SEARCH»

the Sony PlayStation. Namco reps target a Seems,
release date in 98, and based on the PS USER'SERVICES pee eae
screen shots shown here (there are more of UNTER
these shots on VideoGameSpot), it looks sh aayae
virtually identical to its coin-op original. i : :
Namco also squashed rumors that the a mec
game would require an add-on device to PORDAS STNG ES FaninG |pura
handle the 3-D graphics. Still, the develop- 2 Siac:
ment team in Japan expects it to be a
straight-on conversion with all characters.

@ The PlayStation and Nintendo 64 home conversions of Mortal Kombat anITURtIarS |onivinairivng |Fianna PLATFORM,
4 have been delayed from March to an unspecified date. VideoGameSpot S siemens Ter TRATEGYSUM |ACCESSOMEE
reports these versions will be more than just ports, with at least one extra
character added for both, plus new introductory FMVs for the PS version.

Bargain Bin?_ ,3) ideo fame

Bargain Bin

Pease ora eens AeaNS |ASG
The holidays may be over, but it’s never
too late to find the best deal on a new video
game system. If you’re a potential buyer, f PO VERter ew! December
make sure you don’t miss VideoGameSpot’s ‘ “st 1a palit G emagna's GxTV
holiday report about how to get the most New features plus EGM”-based strategies
video game out of your hard-earned cash! can be found in the Features section.

If you just can’t get enough of EGM? (or our sister publication EGM) in print, check us out online with
our newly redesigned Web site! It's the only place where you'll get expanded
coverage about our features, news, previews,
reviews and strategy guides—as well as give
@ you the chance to offer feedback! Here's just a
snippet of cool info found in EGM issue 103:

...From the files of Q-Mann: Rumor has it that Sony is considering a different
format for the PlayStation 64. It'll either be a recordable DVD or a proprietary
MiniDisc format. Whatever the choice (cost is the major factor of the moment),
the PlayStation 64 seeks CD capacity plus game rewriteability-something
Nintendo boasts with the Nintendo 64 “Bulky Drive”...
.-Speaking of “Bulky Drive,” EGM has an in-depth feature about the state of
this much-awaited peripheral, featuring information acquired directly from SF D2 FELS PAYEE
Nintendo's top officials. Slated for a June '98 release in Japan, the Nintendo 64 tion
add-on hopes to combine cartridges and disks to create new, revisable games. euecreOue EG’ PiayStatio

For daily news updates from

the editors of (Re fie
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Mg; The Giant, Dean’ Malenko, a and many more!
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Inset photo (above): Without warning,
tea time becomes TR I time.

You’ve been warned.
Score big with a
GameShark from
Accessories System PlayStation Publisher Lacez

If your trick is
selected as
the Trick ofth ie AS ;
ah yan MARA JADE
will win a free t RELEASED
GameShark {
| provided by
the people
at InterAct. If
you are given To get Mara Jade you must hold Enter Team Mode and win the To get your secret scroll left or
aiSus er submiting a great trick in this down the L1+L2+R1 buttons here. _ following battle on Jedi difficulty. right on the Character Select.
section. you will win a free game.
more details and rules on the contest, In the game there are sever- _ Slave Leia: Beat the game with You can also get a Level
read the text below. E-mail your tricks } al secret characters that you Princess Leia on the Jedi Level _—Select if you play through
and cheats to: tricks can get. Follow the directions of difficulty. the game with Chewbacca
and be sure to include your name, to release each one. Mara Jade: To get Mara Jade on any setting.
address, city, state and zip. Or you Stormtrooper: Play through you must press and hold Ismail Rascil
can mail your tricks to: the game on a hard setting L1+L2+R1 when you enter the Potomac, MD
Tricks of the Trade with Han Solo. Team Mode. The difficulty
1920 Highland Avenue Suite 222 Darth Vader: Play through the setting must be set on Jedi.
Lombard, IL 60148 game using Luke Skywalker on If done correctly, the computer
Contests like this are only found in the any setting. will automatically select your
Best Video Game Mag, EGM*! Jodo Kast: Play the Survival fighters and the battle for Mara
Mode and go through all Jade will begin. If you beat the
10 fighters. computer, she will become a
playable fighter.
Contest Rules
1. No Purchase Necessary: To enter, send alotor or standard size postcard
with your best trick codes for any video game to “Tricks ofthe Trade’, 1920
Highland Avenue, Suite 222, Lombard, lines 60148, or e-mail us at
cegmiks, Be sue to include your name, addtess, andphonenumber,
Cheat Sheet
No purchase or payment of any money is necessary to ener. One enty per Play through the game with a ai
exc opto Spas adwantostood tram Secret certain character at various difficulty =-s f|
postage orsec oes,Spnan conebeiutocoel Fighters levels to unlock hidden fighters. Sos | zi
‘contest at anytime with appropriate notice. Only one prize per family, organiza = worthless
ton, or household per issue, Winning entries may be printed in EGM’ andlor
EGM, however, only one prize shall be awarded.
2, Prizes: First Prize winners will have their name and tick displayed in the
‘magazine and wil receiveavideo game cartidge selected by Sponsor. Ftst
Prize has an approximate retail valueof$60.00. The best trick submited by the
First Prize winners wil be declared the Grand Prize Winner. One Grand Prize
‘winner wil receive (in addition to the First Prize awards) one (1) GameShark
Grand Prize has an approximate roti valve of $109.95. Winners wil beselect
ed by a judging panel whose decisions are final. Winners shal be selected from
all valid entries received. Entries shall be judged on the folowing cftea: ()
iquonoss (25%); (i) Novelty (25%); (il) Accuracy (25%); and () Originality
25%). Judging to beheldonor about February25,1997. All prize winners wil
be lied by mal, Prizes) are non-transferable, No substitutions of prizes) are
alowed, except atthe option of Sponsors should the featured prizesbecome
3. Odds of Winning: The numberof winnors and th ods of winning wil be
<etermined by numberof valid entries received To access the Cheat Menu enter this code at the Title
4. Eligibility: Contest open to residents of United tates and Canada, Void in
Quebec. Non-compliance wit the time parametors contained herein or retumn of Screen: L, L, L button, L button, R, R, L, L
any prizelprize notification asundeliverable wilresult in disqualification, Winners « Monsters Off/On: L button, L-C button, L, R button,
: ° & » RC button, R, L, L, R
fee to tho use of their name andor likeness for purposes ofadvertising,
trade, or promotionwithout futher compensation, unless prohibited bylaw. Invincibility: R button seven times then L
Sims sheidstentorShim
Zt ersiheual ash Sosied
Assstenca orhot spec pe hig Turn items i on: R button, : R-C button, R, L NEW Gane
Sanoges tes, a epeso thacrsones mipna2eat co ¢ button, L-C button, L, R-C button, R LOAD GANE
test or receipt of prize. Winners accepting prizes agree tl OPTIONS
1d on the condition that Zit-Davis Inc, InerAct Accessor
representatives, and employees will have no lability whatso Ti Ho CHEATS
losses, or damages of any kind resulting from acceptan
the prizes. Manassas Park, VA
5. Winners List: Fora istofwinners, send astamped, sol addressed enve
lope identiying the th fr which the winners sts requested to“Ticks of the “N Enter all of the codes
Trade Winners Uist", 1920 Highland Avenue,Sule 222,Lombard, lines 60148,
Requests for winners lists must be received bythe 15th day of next month fo from the Main Menu Screen.
lowing the on-sale date of the publication. Allow 4 weeks for delivery of winners
6, Restrictions: Void where prohibited orrestricted bylaw.Al fedora, state and
7: ponver:Thscial sprsredby 2a ard edt i
Accassoves, ne. ©1008 Zi-Davi ne, Al Pighs Reserved. Pied inU
@ Cheat Menu J
heats f 1
and c & : worthless useful godlike

20 EGM
Wayne Gretzky '98

While in a mission go to the J FEnter the Debug Mode from

ip sidebar and hit the Cancel but- °
ton over the correct order of
the Options Screen. From
there use the C and R button
Star Wars: Masters
symbols. Some codes will
of Teras Kasi
to adjust the appearance of
Enter the codes from the option
carry over to other missions. pthe characters.
menu, then start a game.

0 activate these codes or any of these codes to (LucasArts/PlayStation)

you must go to the side- work you must first go Remove Power
bar while in mission. Hit the into the Debug Mode. To do and Force Bars
Cancel button over the sym- that go to the Options
bols in the order listed. Screen and hit C-Down but- By entering this code
Money: Square, Square, O, X, ton+R button, C-Left but- you will remove the force
ton+R button. A window will and power bars on the
Triangle, O
pop up that will allow you to Fighting Screen. Hold
Free Nuke: O, X, O, Triangle,
Square, Triangle change the appearance of L1+R2+Select while the
your players. Press C-Down match is being loaded.
Free Chronoshift: Triangle, O,
button+R button to change You can get some seriously funny
O, Square, Square, X
Unshroud the Map: Square, the head size; C-Left but- games going with these codes.
Triangle, O, X, Triangle, ton+R button to change the
body size; C-Up button+R 000100: Large Players,
button to change the height. Large Announcer
Soylent Green: X, O, Triangle,
Here are some examples as 000010: Crunched Players,
Triangle, O, X .
they would look in the win- Small Announcer
Win Level: X,
000001: Elongated Players,
Square, dow and the effect.
100000: Stocky Players Large Announcer
Square, O,
010000: Stocky Players, 110110: Large Players, Small
Triangle, O
Big Heads heads, Large Announcer
Jason Lim 110000: Stocky Players, 010010: Crunched Players,
Small Heads Large Heads, Small
Ventura, CA
001000: Small Players, Announcer
Small Announcer Benjamin Yavitz
St. Louis, MO Bomberman 64

(Hudson Soft/Nintendo 64)

Custom Parts
In the game there are
several custom body
Cheat Codes Special Moves parts that you can find
for Bomberman. Here
Use the first code to enter a few of them and wh
@ While you are playing in a
into a Debug Mode. Then game, perform these con-
to find them:
from an in-game pause type in F troller combinations to get a Tennis Shoes: |n the blue
‘the other codes to get the var- special move. resort. It is in Level 1
Hold X+¥+Z for about 10 seconds under the bridge that has
ious effects listed.
here to start the code. a box under it and a blue
guy on the bridge.
aAY 0 enter a kind of Debug ou can make your player fron Armor: In the white
Mode where you can ‘do some special moves glacier. It is in Level 4
enter in some cheat codes at any time while you are play- behind one of the hous-
to affect play you must ing in a game. To do these es. Take a pump bomb
press and hold X, Y and Z you must perform a series of and throw it at the hous-
for about 10 seconds at the keystrokes while playing. es. Run over the roof and
Main Menu Screen. If you Back Flip: When running put a bomb by the tree to
held it long enough, you will press back, forward then B.
see “input info on” appear Side Step: When running "s in the blue
on the bottom of the screen. double tap to the right or left. resort on Level 3.
With this code you will have
Once that code is entered, Rainbow Kick: Press Left,
press pause while in game your inventory filled. Left+Down, Down,
and hit these keys for Right+Down, Right+B.
special modes. *NOTE: Done on a pre-production copy of the
game. Subject to change without notice.
All Weapons: Z, X, X, Z, Y,
God Mode: X, Z, Z, X, Y, X,
WZ nye
Level Select: X, Y, Z, Z, Y,
No Monsters: Z, Z, X, X,
Put on God Mode to cruise
Y, X, Y, X, Z (DONE AT
through any level.

EGM 21
ez. ~

(T*HQ Software/Nintendo 64)

Bonus Characters
Try to complete all You will get a new plane in If you complete all the bonus
of the missions. Deathmatch for each mission. missions, you will get Spanky.

These codes will give you a Extra Pilot and Plane: At the
couple of new pilots and some Title Screen, not the Main
new planes. Some of them Menu Screen, press C-Left, C-
must be earned while others Down, C-Right, C-Up, C-Left, C-
are codes. See each one for Right, C-Down. Then check in
diwith ¢ what you get and how to the Plane Select Screen on the
obtain the extras: far left.
_ secret characters. The Enable Spanky: To get him
characters a jiamond you must complete all three Garret Gooch
Dallas Page bonus missions. Memphis, TN
New Planes in Deathmatch: The new pilot and plane will be
For each mission you com- available once you enter the code
plete you will get a new plane. at the screen above-don’t enter
the code at the Main Menu.

Extra Pilots
and Planes y


All Weapons/Level Skip TIME LIMIT
Ure E
Here are a couple of codes
that will help you out if yo
stuck. Enter them at the
Password Screen.
All Weapons: Maxpowe
Level Select: Hevyfeet COSEGADTERDRESES,L1D, 19961907

Turn the machine of and on and You will then be rewarded with To get the new weapon, you must
get to this point 15 times. three new difficulty levels. have three portraits for a fighter.

This game has many cheats. In order to get them, For example, for Joe press
secrets to it. One secret is you must play through difficul- and hold Right on the D-pad.
the special difficulty levels. ty levels Normal, Hard and Movies: If you enter into
(Konami/PlayStatior ) Once you have opened the Arcade. You must play through Saturn Mode and play
door of your Saturn and each level without losing to a through, you will be rewarded
Special Audio Track started the game 15 times, single fighter. with a movie of your character
To hear a very special you will be rewarded with Joke Weapons: Once you and his arch-enemy. Press the
song you must insert your — three new difficulty settings: obtain all three portraits for a A or C buttons to watch the
Castlevai Defense, Berserk and Judo. character, you will be able to movie and the B button at any
CD player« Portraits: There are three get the weapon for that char- time to return to the Movie
sets of portraits for each acter. The column that your Viewing Screen.
character. Obtaining these character is in is the direction
portraits will open up other that you must press and hold.

Secret Movies
and Weapons
- e) VER and
4 GrYZ
B P Pe
PE = Oe i OOPe,
reom a si A MD ir
Ever feel like driving a Porsche®? Want to? The Alps Gamepad for theyPlnystanonlignimelconso)e)
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— —4
This is your inventory before the This is after the code. You will Although cool to watch, self-
All-weapons code is used. have 5,000 shots for each weapon. destructing makes you restart.

Enter these codes to get All Weapons: This trick is the

some helpful, and not so help- same as the level skip except
ful but funny, results. Each at the end do a backflip and
code must be entered while in turn instead of a front jump.
a level. You should hear a click if you
Level Skip: Sidestep left, side- did the trick right.
step right, sidestep left, walk Self-Destruct: Step forward,
one step back, walk one step step backward, turn around
forward, turn around three three times, then jump any
times, then do a front jump direction.
and turn around in midair The level skip can be very useful
(Up+Square, then Circle). Jeremy Melis if you get stuck in one of the very
Terre Haute, IN
long levels. It takes you to the
end cinema.

© godlike

ai is
Access All
Use these codes to get some 4 Enter the Password Screen
iP secret characters and also q and type in the password
P beat the game to get a secret “pantalon.” This will give you
combo gauge. g access to all of the hidden
Press Start during your victory
bonus levels.
stance to keep fighting.
: Continues and Shi
To get an extra menu ep here are a couple of epnter the Password
‘ou will be able to mani| secret characters to Screen. From there enter
ie amount of lives you st play as in this killer the password “PANTALON.”
ith, the amount of continu: fighting game. This will open up all of the
‘hat you will have, and the Gouki: Go to the top row of bonus levels in the game.
amount of shots that you can characters and press Up
fire, you must do some sharp once more.
shooting. You must shoot the Alpha Chun-Li: Hold Start
gun at the hole in the R in the when highlighting Chun-Li
and press any button.
@ You can get a random Go to the sides and hold Left or Over the next
select by highlighting any Right to get a random select. couple of months,
character on the left or right
|} I will print lists
side and press and hold Left
or Right until the random of monsters for
selection starts. Monster Rancher. I
= To get the combo
gauge, you have to beat will show you what
the game twice. it takes to create
= You can still beat on each one and rate
your opponent after you
defeat him in the normal their rarity. Keep
rounds. While you are doing
To get Gouki, press Up once more watching future
your victory stance, press issues for info...
at the very top.
Start. You can then move
around and execute moves.
Nintendo 64/Nintendo PlayStation/Electronic Arts
Nintendo 64/Midway
Racing Cheat Codes Many Cool Codes
Level Passwords
Enter these codes in the Magic Codes
These passwords will take you to some of the hardest levels in the game. On Here are some awesome codes for
Menu. If you turn off the power, you NCAA Football '98. At the User
the Title Screen, go into the Options. From the Options, choose Password and
will have to re-enter the codes. Records Screen, enter one of these
enter these codes as shown:
The Terraformer: CB92NBPLSYL?JO27 Main Engineering: BXYH?G416Z4JPJ2Z
names to release a cheat for either a
Two-Player Adventure: JOINTVENTURE new team, or a cool code. Check out
Holding Area: CYCCMGPKX47GTS2B Tech Center: CF3?PG6DS12ZPFKB
All Balloons are Yellow: BODYARMOR these tricks:
Alpha Quadrant: BXROTH1F52GG7W?B Research Lab: BBXWHLGSXB8F4RKB.
All Balloons are Rainbow: FOOTBALL CHEATS
All Balloons are Green: SEE FMV—Enables the FMV Menu
TOXICOFFENDER Donkey Kong Country 3 WHOLE POLL—See 112 teams in
All Balloons are Red: BOMBSAWAY the poll
PlayStation/Virgin Interactive Super NES/Nintendo
All Balloons are Blue: ROCKETFUEL GB SPEED—Fast Players
Game Passwords Cheat Codes
Disable Weapons:
Enter the fol- COOLSITE—Show all stadiums
BYEBYEBALLOONS Just enter the Cheat Enable code first. EASPORTS—EA Sports Team
lowing pass- To do this, go to the Game Select
No Limit to Bananas: VITAMINB TIBURON—Tiburon Team
words at the Screen and press buttons: L, R, R, L,
Bananas reduce speed: SHORT QUART—15 second quarters
Password R, R, L, R, L, R. An Enter Code Screen
Screen to will appear. Now, enter any of the fol-
Disable Bananas: NOYELLOWSTUFF
access vari- lowing codes in the space given to
Zap the Zippers: ZAPTHEZIPPERS
ous levels receive various cheats and effects in
Ultimate Al: TIMETOLOSE Nintendo 64/Nintendo
within the the game. Enter MUSIC for a Music
Maximum Power-up: FREEFORALL Special Codes
game. The Test. Enter LIVES for 50 lives at the
Start with 10 bananas: FREEFRUIT Use this key for the Music and Stage
vases will spin if entered correctly. start of your game. Enter COLOR for a
Music Menu: JUKEBOX select trick: 1=Quick Punch,
For “Hero’s Gauntlet” enter: change of clothes on Dixie and Kiddy.
Big Characters: ARNOLD 2=Medium Punch, 3=Fierce Punch,
Hydra/Medusa/Shield/ Medusa. Enter MERRY for Christmas music on
Small Characters: TEENYWEENIES ledium Kick,
For “Centaurs Forest” enter: the Bonus levels. Enter TUFST for no
Select Same Player: DOUBLEVISION 6=Fierce Kick, U=Up, D=Down. To
Centaur/Here’s head/ Continue barrels. Enter ASAVE to
Display Credits: WHODIDTHIS access the Music and Stage Select: In
Minotaur/Archer. automatically save after completing a
Four-wheel Drive: OFFROAD a two-player game, the first person will
For “Big Olive” enter: level. Enter choose the stage and the second per-
Centaur/Shield/Hydra/Herc’s Head. WATER to son will choose the music. Hold the
For “Hydra Canyon” enter: enter the buttons accordingly for the results:
Shield/Helmet/Shield/Soldier. waterfall for Sabrewulf's Lair—U+1, Maya’s
For “Medusa’s Lair” enter: a hidden
Saturn/Capcom Jungle—U+2, Glacius’ Crash Site—
Archer/Pegasus/Archer/Centaur. bonus game.
Battle Game U+3, Tusk’s Stone Henge—U+4,
For “Cyclops Attacks” enter: Enter ERASE
There is a special mode in the Fulgore’s Museum—U+5, Orchid's
Helmet/Pegasus/Herc’s Head/Archer to erase the
game. In this mode you are given Helipad—U+6, Jago’s Bridge—D+1,
For “Titan Flight” enter: record times. Entering HARDR will
most of the weapons, a ton of Gargos’ Castle—D+2, Combo’s
Soldier/Shield/Shield/Lightning. make the game a little more difficult
ammo and a whole bunch of tar- Street—D+3, Kim Wu's Dojo—D+4,
For “Passageways of Eternal (but the effect is hard to notice).
gets. To get this mode you must Spinal’s Ship—D+5, Sky Stage—D+5
Torment” enter:
first start a normal game and (Both players must press). For
save anywhere. Reset the game Random Select: Hold Up and press.
For “Vortex of Souls” enter:
then and when it comes to the Start at the Character Selection
Title Screen hold X, Y, Z Screen. To access Gargos: At the
One more code to try out is the FMV
on controller two, and Genesis/Sega character profile demo, press Z, A, R,
cheat. Just go to the Password
press Start. The Level Select Z, A, B. You'll hear Gargos laugh. Now
Screen and enter:
screen will flash and At the Password Screen, enter the he is selectable. To Change Colors: At
you should now be password | LOVE U to gain access the character profile demo, press Z,
Once this code is entered, you should
able to select Battle to all levels of the game. If done B, A, Z, A, L. You'll hear, “Welcome.”
be able to view all the videos within
Game Mode. correctly, you will see "Select You can now choose the gold, shadow,
the game.
Active" after entering the code. etc. colors.

Nintendo 64 Codes SMGs/Grenade Launcher:

Infinite Missiles: 802a5a0f0Off
Aerofighters Assault
Cheat Menu: 801012d80001. Infinite Pipe Bomb Ammo:
Infinite Chaffs: 8027e017000a
Expander/Missile Launcher: 802a5a0900ff
Infinite Special Weapons:
812a5ac00101 Infinite Plasma Ammo: 802a5a1100ff
Have All Keys:
IE of these THREE CARS

4 Bare

= —4
INFOGRAMES fae Playstation Speed and Electronic Arts are trademarksor registered trademarks
ofElectronic Arts in the U.S. and/or other c Rally, INFOGRAMES MULTIMEDIA
and the
nt inf the game, arereproduced
and used with the formal authorization of th Company names, lo are protected byIntellectual Property Rights.

ae pe Oe
we V


AMES MULTIN oftware © Infograme Multimedia 1997. Allvehicles, company names, trademarks
Computer Entertainment Inc.
Pitfall: The Mayan
Nintendo 64/Midway
Adventure PlayStation/Williams Entertainment Saturn/Sega
Special Cheat Menu Secret Konfigure Menu Various Cheats
As soon as the War Gods logo appears Super NES/Activision On the Main Menu Screen, highlight For Options Plus Menu: Finish the
on the screen, use the directional pad Infinite Continues and choose "Options." In the Options game in Normal difficulty. It will be
and the buttons (not the analog joy- Once the Continue Screen appears, Screen, highlight one of the selectable selectable on the Start/Options
stick) to enter the following code very rapidly press the Start button on boxes and hold the top four L and R Screen. For B.M. and Mauler as selec-
quickly: Right, Right, Right, B, B, A, A. controller one. If done correctly, you buttons. With these held, hold table characters: Finish the game on
If you did it quickly enough, you will will receive nine Up. The game will make a the hardest setting with any character
hear the announcer say, “All too easy.” continues. You noise and the screen will and they will be selectable on the
At the Main Menu (Start/Options) can do this repeat- shake. Now you may Character Select Screen by scrolling
Screen, highlight Options and enter it. edly, so technical- access the Secret past the visible list of characters. For
A new option will be available called ly, you can get infi- Konfigure Mode that will let Kumachan as a selectable character:
“Cheat Menu.” Choose this menu to nite continues! you turn on or off these On the Character Select Screen, play
get a new screen filled with Options special options. in Versus Mode and play through at
such as a Level Select, Timer Option least 40 matches (more or less). He
and skill levels for players one and will be selectable on the Character
two. Depending on the length of these Select Screen in the same manner as
meters, your life meter in the game will Nintendo 64/Williams Entertainment B.M. and Mauler. For Big Head Mode:
either go down slower or quicker. Also, Various Cheats Finish the game on the hardest set-
easy fatalities will be available. When In order to change the players’ attributes, go to the Options Screen. Press ting in Hyper Mode, which is selec-
you are about to finish your opponent, and hold any of the C buttons and then press R (shift). By doing this it table from the Gameplay Options
make sure to stand the correct dis- will change the “Specials” numbers at the bottom. Enter the following for Screen (activated on the Character
tance with your character, and press various results: Select Screen). This will open up one
A+B+Top C+Right C buttons simultane- 1100000=Small heads of the question marks in the Option
ously for the fatality. 0100000=Giant heads Plus Menu, which will be Big Head
1101100=Giant players, small heads Mode. For Other Question Mark (No
0101100=Giant players, giant heads Walls Mode): Get an “OK” by every
0001010=Giant players move for
0110010=Midget players, giant heads every char-
PlayStation/Namco 0000100=Crunched players acter in the
Hidden Game 0000010=Elongated players Training
Go into the museum and from the To turn players invisible, go into the “Replay” Option before the faceoff and Mode. This
information booth, go right and up the press L or R. While the players are flashing press the Z button to make them will open
stairs. Now, turn to the left and you disappear. Then continue your game to see your invisible player. up the sec-
will see a room next to the game ond ques-
rooms called the X-Room. Go into this tion mark.
room and hold the L1+L2+R1+R2+Up
simultaneously. With these held,
press Triangle. You will hear a sound Saturn/Working Designs
and the room will flash white for a PlayStation/Fox Interactive Debug Mode
second. To the right of the dark room Level Select To access this, begin by turning on the system. While the game is booting,
will be a woman with green clothes. With this code you will have access to press and hold buttons: L+R+X+Z+Start. Then when at the Title Screen
Stand in front of her and press X. She all of the levels, including the secret (while still holding those buttons) press Down, Down, Up, Down, Down,
will then disappear and you will be left one. For the code to work you must Left, Left, Left, Up, Down, Right, Right, Right. Let go of the Start button and
with the pedestal in the middle of the enter the Password Screen and then press it once more. If entered correctly, “Debug Mode” should appear at
room and the words “Assault Plus” hit Left, Left, Left, Left, the bottom of the Game/Options Screen. Then begin your game and you will
flashing above it. Access the pedestal Down, Right, Right, Left, be able to find a Debug Option at the Main Map Menu as well as other
and the arcade game will be the new Left, Down, Right, Down, Debugging Menus.
Assault Plus game! Left, Up, Right.

Super Mario RPG

Genesis/Data East PlayStation/Williams Entertainment
Secret Debug Menu Bonus Levels
Super NES/Nintendo Unlimited Coins
At the Title Screen, wait for the “Press The following passwords are to the
Near Tadpole Pond, there is a place called Rose Way. (This is where the trick
Start” to flash and then enter the fol- Secret Bonus Levels. Just enter them
is to be done at.) Go to the screen with the five chests and the shyguys on
lowing code: A, B, B, A, C, A, B. Now, at the Password Screen, to warp
top of them. Proceed to hit the chests very quickly (so the shyguy doesn’t hit
start the game as normal. Press Start ahead. Level 55 (Fortress of
you), until you receive the five coins that were in the chest. Proceed to the
to get to the statistics/subscreen. Mystery):PF7XZ3NVVV. Level 56
next chest. Skip the chest with the mushroom inside. Once finished, leave
From here, press button A to access (Military Base): 3P67ZNBQJG. Level
the screen (from either side) and then re-enter. The chests should all be
the pocket secretary. Now, move down 57 (The Marshes): JCGDNFL555.
back! Begin this method over again until you receive your desired amount of
past the Save/Load Game Option Level 58 (The Mansion): WLHY-
cash! Also, if you kill the two bandit guys who chase you, you shouldn't have
below! Here, you can choose any HCPQQQ. Level 59 (Club Doom):
to fight at all—unless you accidentally touch a shyguy when he pops out of
cheat you like! JCGDNFL556.
the chest.

812a5ac20101 Tetrisphere Tetrisphere Level 6 Points: 803243290064

FIFA Soccer 64 Infinite Misses: 80112f9f0003 Extra Cash: 810b9992ffff Extra Tracks: 803243ce00ff
Away Team Scores 0: 801190430000
Away Team Scores 9: 801190430009
Extra Characters: 8006066500ff
Top Gear Rally
Extra Vehicles: 803243ccOOff
PlayStation Codes
Armored Core
Home Team Scores 0: Level 4 Points: 8032431f0064
3210 ite, Enerey
PlayStation/Williams Entertainment Nintendo 64/Nintendo PlayStation/Konami
Level Passwords Find Yoshi Cheat Codes
Genesis/Williams Entertainment
There have always been great cheats The final event you can get in Mario is Enter these codes at the Main
Three Secret Menus
for the Doom games. Here are all obtaining Yoshi. The first requirement Title Screen to receive many cool
This trick will give you three secret
the Level Passwords to the Final you have to achieve is to collect all items. You should hear a sound, if
menus with many cheats inside them.
Chapter of Doom that offer plenty of 120 stars in the game. Once this has entered correctly.
At the Title Screen (with Start
added weapons, health and shields to been achieved, proceed to the outside For Weapon Select enter:
Game/Options), quickly press A, C,
get you through. Just enter them at of the castle. The grate near the pond L2, R2, L1, R1, Up, Down, Down, Up.
Up, B, Up, B, A, Down. New menus
the Password Screen within the will now be open and a cannon will be For Unlimited Continues enter: L2,
will appear underneath the Options
Options Menu. in there. Fire yourself onto R2, L4, R41, Left, Right, Right, Left.
called Cheats, Secrets and Killer
Level 2: !2CJO77J79 the roof of the castle and For SFX Browser enter:
Codes. Under these menus, you will
Level 3: 9JBQTR728! there, wandering aim- R2, R41, L1, L2, Up, Right, Down, Left.
be able to access a sound test,
Level 4: HS3!1HH!IHK lessly, will be Yoshi. For Movie Player enter:
increase your continues, play a hidden
Level 5: ZTMSKZOSZ1 Talk to him to L2, L4, R41, R2, Up, Left, Down, Right.
game and much more. You can even
Level 6: 17NRHYW820 receive 100 lives and For Bamboo Arcade Pac-Man enter:
enable the Bosses so you can choose
Level 7: F4!S3WDGLDB a new Triple Jump. R2, R14, Right, Left, L1, L2.
them at the Player Selection Screen.
Level 8: 8XJRLG8W64 For Bamboo Arcade Gyruss enter: L2,
Level 9: 4JDHZ!40!8 L1, Left, Right, R1, R2.
Level 10: RF2VHNQBNL
Level 11: C!670JBQJG
Level 12: 9YKBLD5B53
Level 13: 3KCJ5G7J79 Nintendo 64/Midway Nintendo 64/Konami
Level 14: 15SBIZYMYW Don't Use Up Continues Big Heads and New Teams
Level 15: 2PTLCXXLXV Start a one-player game. Choose your player at the Character Select Screen. It has been found that this game has
Level 16: TQ3!LHFTHK Now when you have been defeated and it says, “Finish Him,” press Start on two additional teams that have been
Level 17: CX1W3PRCPM the second player's controller. Back at the Player Select Screen, choose a hidden. There are two ways you can
Level 18: 02FG7R9Z97 character for players one and two. It doesn’t matter who you pick. Have player find them. You can either play through
Level 19: JZV2!8R2RT one defeat player two. After you do this, continue a one-player game and you and beat the entire League Mode, or
Level 20: YXJTILOW64 will have all of your continues intact. Now you can keep doing this trick to get go to the Title Screen and put in the
Level 21: 1KFR1H1G97 through the game without worry of losing any continues. code as follows with the control pad
Level 22: RT49TGGSGJ and buttons: Up, L button, Up, L but-
Level 23: OKCJT77J79 Super Empire ton, Down, L button, Down, L button,
Level 24: 1YHDP6LD35 Left, R button, Right, R button, Left, R
Strikes Back
Level 25: T370XCKPCF PlayStation/Acclaim button, Right, R button, B, A, press
Level 26: HF2VRNQBNL
More Credits, Another World and hold the Z button and press
Level 27: SQLTK!FIO2 From the Title Menu, choose Options. Start. You will hear a sound confirm-
Various codes
Level 28: QP85KFSNBD In the Options Menu, press Left, ing that it worked. Now, choose your
All of these codes are to be done with
Level 29: R571XDKPCF Right, R1, R2, L2, L1, Up, Down. A mode of play and a one- or two-player
controller one at the Title/Selection
Level 30; RP85NI9NBD timer counting down from 30 seconds game, both VS. CPU or CPU VS. CPU.
Screen. If done correctly, Vader will
will appear. Highlight the Credits On the next screen, scroll through the
say, “Impressive.” (Note: Do not reset
the game when you enter the codes. Option and press the X button quickly teams and you will see there are two

Turn your Super NES off and then on

and repeatedly. Your credits will build new team icons to choose.
up quickly at first, but then they'll be Another code is big heads for the
Saturn/Sega again every time you want to do any of
harder to get as you accumulate players. Go to the Title Screen and
Secret Horse Trick these tricks.) For 99 Lives: At the
Title/Selection Screen, press X, Y, B, more. Once the timer counts to zero, enter this code as shown: Top C,
There are actually two ways to be
B, B, X, A, Y, Y, B, A, X, Y. Start with
you can’t try any more. You may Top C, Bottom C, Bottom C, Left C,
able to choose the horse for a receive up to 30 credits, depending Right C, Left C, Right C, B, A, then
race. The first way is to place all Jedi Powers: At the Title/Selection
Screen, press X, B, B, Y, X, A, A, X. on how quick you are. hold the Z button and press Start. All
first on all three tracks while For Another World: When the Title of the players on the screen now have
playing in Saturn Mode. You Unlimited Thermal Bombs: At the
Title/Selection Screen, press A, X, B,
Screen appears, press Start to get to huge heads!
should then be able to choose the menu (with Game Start, Time
the horse from the Mission X, X, A, Y. Unlimited Thermal Bombs
Attack and Options). Now press Ri,
Select Screen and race it. The and Start with all Jedi Powers: At the
Up, L2, Down. A little character will
second way, which is much easi- Title/Selection Screen, press A, B, Y,
appear in the right-hand corner of the
er, is to hold the contro! pad X, A, B, Y, X, A, B, A, B, Y, X, X,Y, A, Genesis/Namco
screen. Highlight Game Start and
diagonally Up-Left and press A, B, B, Y, X. Skip to Final Battle with Darth Play Hidden Pac Games
choose it. In the Game Select Option
X, Z all at the same time during Vader: At the Enter these passwords at the
under Puzzle Game will be “Another
the Title cinema. Press Start at World.” Choose to play the Puzzle
Password Screen and then press
the Title Screen and pick Saturn Screen, press Start for the hidden Pac-games: For
Game and you will be trying to com-
Mode. Then when choosing your A, X, B, A, Y, X, the original Pac-Man enter:
plete a brand-new set of puzzles
car at the Mission Select Screen, B, A, A, X, B, B,
that are similar to the originals.
PCMNORG. For Pac Jr. enter:
scroll to the left until you locate Y, X. PCJRDPW.
the two different horses.

800413020028 Nuclear Strike Extra Characters: 800bef5e ffff

Crash Bandicoot 2 Infinite Ammo: 8005a9380000 Low Health P2: 800ac28c 0000
All Crystals: 8006cda4ffff Infinite Fuel: 800399980000 Infinite Health P1: 800ac2741000
Rampage World Tour Street Fighter Alpha EX Plus
Infinite Health C
Nintendo 64/Midway Saturn/Sega
PlayStation/Virgin Interactive
Change Car Appearance and More Make Jeffry Do Weird Poses,
Many Cheats
These codes are done on the Car Stop Slot Machine
Here are several cheats to enter during the game. To access a Two-player
Select Screen. On the Expert course, drive up to the
Mode (where it’s you against your buddy), go to the Main Title Screen and
Back Tire Size: Press and hold Right statue of Jeffry. Stop in front of it, so
press Select+R2 on both controllers at the same time. You should hear a
C, then Left C, release and reverse. you can see most of the figure. Now
sound, if done correctly. Go into the Options Menu and back to the Main Title
Car Size: Press and hold Down C, take your controller and press the X
Screen. You should find a Two-player Option that will let you play in an exciting
then Up C, release, then press Up button rapidly. The statue will start to
Deathmatch Mode. To enable the in-game cheats, begin a game and pause.
C, then Down C. Release to activate turn around. Eventually, the statue will
Then press Select, L2, Select, R2 and enter any of the following codes to
the code. turn upside down on its head. To stop
trigger various results.
Drive Burning Hulk: Hold Up C, and the Slot machine, start on the
Max Fuel/Ammo: Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Circle. Max Weapons: L1, L2,
press Z, Z, Z, Z. Beginner course. Just before the
R1, R2. Summon Wingman: Square, Square, Square, Circle. Mission
Front Tire Size: Press and hold Left mountain (with Sonic the Hedgehog
Complete: Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Down, Down, Down. Upgrade Current
C, then Right C. Release. Then, carved into it) is a slot machine that
Weapon: L1, L1, R1, R1. Screen Toggle: Down, R1, R2. You should hear,
press and hold Right C, then is constantly spinning. Stop in front of
“Way to Go!” if entered correctly.
Left C. Release. it and press the X button to stop the
Turn Car Into Mine: Press Right C, first reel. Press the X button again to
Right C, Z, Down C, Up C, Z, Left C, stop the second reel and again to
Left C. stop the third one. Press it once again
Do these codes on the Setup Screen. to start them all spinning.
Change Track Texture: Press and
hold Right C, then the L button.
Super NES/Capcom Saturn/Sega Multiplayer Game
Release and press Z. Repeat.
Super Turbo Chun-Li The only way you could play a multiplayer game before was within Standard
Resurrect In Place: Hold the Z button,
In order to play as the Super Turbo Mode. Well, here is a great trick to take control of the opposing forces or play
then press and hold Left C then Right
Edition of Chun-Li, go to the Character a multiplayer game within Campaign Mode! To do this, just go into Campaign
C. Keep holding the Z button but
Select Screen, highlight Chun-Li, hold Mode and begin a game. Then, open the system file and enter the Sound
release the others. Press and hold
down the Start button and press A, B Screen. Here, set the BMG to 5 and play every sound effect (that’s 1 to 116,
Right C then Left C.
and either the X in case you didn’t know) using the D-pad and button C. Note: You don't have
or Y button. She to listen to the whole sound. Just a second or two of each one. When fin-
should begin ished, exit the Sound Screen and go into the Options Menu. You should now
PlayStation/Jaleco get into what you weren't able to before.
the match with
Easy Game a new outfit.
To make this game a little easier, put
in this trick. Go to the title screen with
the “Press Start Button” flashing. At
this screen, hold Up-Right+X+Square. PlayStation/Activision Saturn/Capcom
While holding these, press Start. Infinite Lives Play As The Bosses
You'll hear a slightly different selec- PlayStation/Sony Computer Ent. For infinite lives in Blast Chamber, go First, you must beat the game and
tion sound than normal. Begin your Hidden Intro to the Main Menu Screen and with save it in the Backup Menu. Now play
game and you will notice some new To find the hidden introduction controller one, enter Square, Left, Arcade Mode with the Shortcut
aspects about the level. The enemies sequence in the game, hold Up on the Square, Right, Circle, Down, Circle, Options off, so the players’ pictures
will be easier to kill, you have more directional pad and Triangle at the Up. Go into the “Games” Option and are there. Now go to the Player Select
time to complete the level, and the same time at the Camelot Software Choose the “Solo Survivor” Option. Screen and do the following tricks to
enemies will leave more powerful logo. If you do it correctly, you will see Once you select this, you will have access these secret characters:
items behind. This will make the a computer-generated sequence after chosen One-player Mode. Go back to Dr. Doom: Press Down, then hold
game less challenging, but it will give the logo, showing the main character the Main Menu and begin your game. Down and press and hold A. With A
you the ability to win it with a little Bandore and more. Now when you die in the game, your held, press and hold B. With A and B
more ease. lives meter will not go down! held, press and hold C. Do this in
succession with Down held at the
same time. You must do this in a
relatively quick manner. If you did it
Su Metroid
Genesis/Disney Interactive correctly, the picture should change
Invincibility, Level Select into Dr. Doom!
Super NES/Nintendo
To turn Woody invincible, just enter Thanos: Press Up, then hold Up and
Gain Energy Back
the second level, “Red Alert,” and press and hold Z. With Z held, press
With the controller's default setting, you must have at least 10 missiles, 10
collect seven and only seven stars, and hold Y. With Z and Y held, press
super missiles, 11 power bombs and 50 points or less in your Life Meter.
Your reserve tanks must also be empty. At any point in the game, roll into a
then jump into the toybox. Press Down and hold X. Do this in succession with
for about five seconds or until you see Down held at the same time. You
ball and press the Select button three times. Drop a power bomb with the X
the top- left star start spinning. This must do this in a relatively quick man-
button. Keep X held and also press and hold these buttons on the controller
means you are now invincible! ner. If you did it correctly, the picture
simultaneously: L button, R button and Down. Once you've done this, the
For a Level Skip, enter: A, B, Right, A, should change into Thanos!
bomb will make the screen white. Then you will see Samus floating in a ball
C, A, Down, A, B, Right, A at the Title
of white light while 14 of your energy tanks get filled.
Screen. While in the game, press
Start to pause and hit A.

8008c5ac OOff Last Bronx Infinite Energy P2: 160940ceffff Infinite Lumber (Humans):
Infinite Grenades: 8008c5bc OOff Infinite Health P1: 160955b80090 Albert Odyssey 160d560a270f
Infinite Harpoons: 8008c5b8 OOff Infinite Health P2: 160955dc0090 _ Quick Level Gain Pike: 160366b2ffff Infinite Gold (Humans):
Anfinite 8008c5c0 OOff Quick Level Gain Amon: 16036782ffff 160d564a270f
Quick Level Gain Eka: 160366e6ffff Infinite Oil (Humans): 160d568a270f
Level Gain Gryzz:
unky Gettin’ Vertical

Punky Skunk ©1998 Visit Co., Ltd, Presented by JALECO USA. Jaleco and the Jaleco logo are
trademarks of Jaleco Ltd,
PlayStation and PlayStation logos are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The ratings
PlayStation icon is a trademark of the interactive Digital Software Association.
Resident Ry
5 sKnife
Don’t even bother using it.
Those relentless undead are tough to
You're better off running away
kill, especially since they're already dead!
instead of trading blows.
Since ammunition gets scarce, you'll want
to find ways to take them down with the
fewest shots possible. ia = Handgun
A . Generally, it takes four consecutive
handgun shots to down a zombie, then
This is your basic weapon. It
4 Playstation two more in a row to finish the job. The
takes at least four hits to kill
your average zombie.
publisher! Capcom key is consecutive shots—missing every
developer: Capcom (Japan)
other shot will waste ammo. Weapons like

strategy talk
the flamethrower and grenade launcher
can take out multiple enemies at the same
(Leon) If he doesn’t get this in
time, which helps conserve ammo.
the weapon shop, he'll find it
later in the police station.
y on’t play thisgame ¢ aed gs s es iia
é D with the lights on!
@ That's the best advice to
give to anyone booting
up the newest chapter in
the Resident Evil series.
aL It seems Leon has a slightly tougher first half of
(Claire) Get this in the weapon
shop; it scores multiple hits
per shot, so aim it smartly.
While the feel of the a game; he doesn’t have access to Claire’s more
game is preserved from powerful weapons and starts off with the Lighter Magi
the original, Capcom has rather than the Lockpick. His quest is very straight-
added elements to (Leon) This heavy-duty
forward. He can carry up to eight items to start.
wonder is more powerful
enhance its replay value:
than the handgun.

alternate paths, different
story lines for the two
characters and a bigger
ema’ Gren. Launcher
While Claire may have an easier 2
area to explore. Also new time with the game from a weapons standpoint, (Claire) This should be her
are the protagonists, she actually has the tougher puzzle story line weapon of choice, especially
Claire and Leon, who are (namely at the end, but we won’t spoil that yet). later in the game.
out to solve the mystery
in Raccoon City.
This hands-on strategy
She starts with the Lockpick, which is another major
advantage for her. Also, it seems that she takes less
damage per hit compared to Leon.

ad Submachine
(Claire) Unlike other guns, this
guide covers about half takes up two slots. Shoot in
the game, playing both short bursts to save ammo.
characters on the default
path. It is meant to help
“4, you solve puzzles and
ad =SPark Shot
= find items, while the (Claire) This powerful weapon
% maps can ensure you should be saved for the bigger
don’t miss any rooms. Bosses near the end.
However, we intentionally
omitted some gameplay Flamethrower
elements that would spoil (Leon) Leon finds this in the
the story line, especially laboratory. It's great for taking
near the end. out the plant creatures.
In any case, this guide
should be enough to get
you to the end...but if
f not, look for complete (Leon) The shotgun, magnum
EYatoMat-(atelo]0la merle el- miele] o1-0]
= updates in future issues.
Herbs are an important part of the game. up with these items.
—The ECM? Deadline

You can either take them straight, or combine
“Tag Team” Crew them to improve their effects—combining also
frees up inventory space in a pinch.

strat-stats eo Green Herb: This is the most

common herb to find. It will heal
Volelm VelUareome omCoMelal-Mel-le]¢-\-Meli
Things will get tough
pretty quickly. Only by con-
serving your ammunition
time to complete: health. Combine two together! can you hope to survive.
23 hours One thing that those playing
challenge: aie
ae Red Herb: Like in the first game, Leon may pass up: Some
none for RE veterans
this herb is best used to augment vcr lelelatwer-lal oL-me] fe]-(0l-10
the strength of the green herbs. a atTaMVolU milare Mar=tarelo[¥la)
better story line: It’s of little use by itself. parts, try combining them
Claire’s with your handgun to make
best weapon: Blue Herb: Usually found before it more powerful. Save your
Claire’s Spark Shot or after fighting poisonous foes, larger weapons for groups
A) have you heard? this herb (duh!) clears poison or really powerful baddies.
Resident Gigolo ‘from a characters status.

Me Warning: Strategy was done from a preliminary copy, and is subject to change without notice..
because the corpse on the floor
will come alive. Pump it with
bullets before it ae

Look around the shop ane Take a shortcut through the

vodll find two boxes of Ha bus to find the way to the
Exit through the back of the Raccoon City Police
ets. You'll need fen,
shop. Continue through the Station. Inside the bus
Because the store will be
invaded by zombies. Stand
alleyway, passing by the zom- i is abag
between the counters (you
bie punks. Check in the van at |) that
won't be surrounded this way),
the end of the corridor. Inside f contains
and kill them all. Search the is a box of Handgun Bullets. | box of
body of the shopkeeper for a
Head back, and the zombie | Handgun
will open the gate and attack.
n for Claire or a
Fend them off, and run to get
for Leon.
to the area beyond. To offer replay value, the
game has a “second”
f) quest—explained in the |
| game’s intro by what side of |
§ the car wreck you start on.
For the most part, Claire and Leon &) This strategy covers the
must solve the same puzzles. } default setting for both char- |
However, their story lines differ wildly acters, which is the left side
in terms of who they meet (Claire } that leads to the gun shop.
befriends a little girl, while Leon meets The other side
. a Sultry dame). Also, there are some could be a whole
rooms that only one of them can go ») different story...
into—not many, but enough to set the
two quests apart.

You will find the second

Jewel in Room 6 of the
second floor. It’s clutched in
the hand of a statue. Move the
two miniature statues to spots
seen on the ground to get it.
In the first floor briefing
| Once in the Use the gems later in Room
room (Room 6), use the
Police Station, find
lighter in the fireplace. When
15 on the second floor by
he unlocked door placing them on the busts. Find the fountain in the first
you light it, the picture above
and enter Room 3 floor Room 1 and place on its
will burn away,
on the first floor. base the|
revealing a Red
inside is a wounded oin, found in the
. Leon can
police officer who will second floor Room
do this right at the
| giveyoua ——. 3. This will release
start of the game.
Use the card on the the §
§ computer in the main hall
(Room 1) to unlock the
mother door on that side of
| the room. But beware,
the next time you see this
| helpful stranger...

When Alaa down the first-floor hallway on

the left (Room 4), you will hear a steady dripping
| noise. Draw your largest weapon, and slowly walk to
the pool of blood. The Licker will
drop down and attack. Run back
to gain some distance
f between you two. Then
(Don'tjttage’a seed oe blast away until it’s a
look ; g bleeding ruin.
Handgun Ammunition Once:you reach the library
Small Key #2 (second floor, Room 1), climb the
Room 11: Diamond Key Needed _ stairs. You'll fall through a weak
Cord spot in the floor. Nearby is a pic-

OUTSIDE First Aid Spray

Rook Plug (Leon)
ture that will give you a clue for
the next puzzle. Now use the
Eagle Stone (Claire) buttons on the end of each book-
Gun Shop:
Handgun Ammunition (X2)
Room 12: case to move them forward and
Red Herb back until they reach the pattern
Shotgun (Leon)
Bow Gun (Claire) Room 13: shown in the picture. You will : i
Green Herb receive the Bishop Plug (Leon) First, you will want to fall
Back of Van:
Shotgun Shells (Leon) or the Serpent Stone (Claire). through a hole in the floor.
Handgun Ammunition
Room 14:
Trash after B-Ball Court:
Green Herb
Handgun Ammunition Room 15; General Office
Ink Ribbon
Handgun Ammunition
R15 A: Area with Safe
PALCeesTAIN ck Green Herb
Shotgun Shells (Leon)
Room 1: Plastic Bomb (Claire) Rens 2
Handgun Ammunition (X2) R15B: Hallway |. Check out the picture for a clue. 2. Hit the switches on the end of
Ink Ribbon , Handgun Ammunition the bookshelf until they’re lined up right. 3. Get the hidden item.
Precinct Key (spade) Room 17: Diamond Key Needed
Room 2: Film
Police Memorandum Shotgun Shells (Leon) Y|
First Aid Spray Plastic Bomb (Claire)
Room 18: Club Key Needed In Baan 18 (first float ),get the
Room 3:
Golden Cog Wheel (Puzzle) LeTo} [o[-Tamezele] Wheel by turning on the
Key Card
9 ? torches in this order—12, 13, 11—after
Green Herb Film B pearets ; j
. | A See g lighting the furnace with the lighter.
Handgun Ammunition
Room\19.Club Key Needed While you're here, don’t forget to grab
Memo to Leon
Shotgun Shells (Leon) some Film on a table.
Precinct Key (heart) (Leon) Magnum (Leon) £ :
Detonator (Claire) Night Watchman’s Diary
_ Room 4: Hallway Acid Rounds (Claire)
Handgun Ammunition

Green Herb
Room 5: File Room
Patrol Report
Ink Ribbon In the office area (first floor, Room
Crank 15), you will find a safe in the corner.
Room 6: Briefing Room Check your memos and police files,
Operation Report and you will come across the safe
Red Jewel combination in one of them. The
Handgun Ammunition number in our version is “2236,”
Room 8: Staircase although this may change in the final
Green Herb version of the game. Inside are some
Room 9: Acid Rounds (Claire) or Shotgun Third digit amber?
Ink Ribbon Shells (Leon), and possibly more... Lagos
Operation Report #2

36 EGM Warning: Strategy was done from a preliminary copy, and is subject to change ‘without notice...


“A total rush...
The undisputed
king of combat
racing games!”
-Tips and Tricks
A helicopter has crashed
into the Police Department,
Room 1:
and its burning hulk is caus-
Bishop Plug (Leon)
ing an obstruction. What
Serpent Stone (Claire) you must do is find the
Red Herb
Valve Handle (second floor,
Room 2: i Bow Gun Bolts(Claire) Room 18). Use the handle
Handgun Ammunition (Leon) i un (Chelle) ~ on the water pressure valve.
Handgun Parts (Leon) It's behind the open fence
Room 3: S.T.A.R.S. Room — next to the copter. Once this
First Aid Spray is done, water will come
Look for stairs to the right
ESJiTe) (eU1n (Tey) rushing out, and quench the
of the burning helicopters
Grenade Launcher (Claire) y flames, allowing you
Chris’ Diary ™ ‘ entrance into Room 15
Handgun Ammunition — on the second floor.
Unicorn Medal an SiG _ Check the smoke for ce
Fax Report to |
Chris tA some Hand Gun
Room 6: fe
Red Jewel
Room 8:

Ink Ribbon.

Room 10: the Plastic Explosives.
prprecaeen, Rey | Exit through the other door in
A this room to meet up with the
officer you met with earlier.
Precinct be reat) (Cl Use the Diamond Key to
However, this time it looks as if -
Room 13: enter the evidence room (first
the mysterious virus has taken
Handgun Ammuni Mt W/guir, floor, Room 17). Here you'll find
control of him. Pick up the
Room 15: ie Film. Leon will find Shotgun
Precinct Key (Leon/heart) or
Precinct Key (diamond) Shells, and Claire will acquire
Detonator (Claire).
Shotgun Shells a7
King Plug (Leon)
Blue Stone (Claire)
Room 16:
Green Herb (X38)
Room 17: $
Handgun Ammunition.
Room 18:
Ink Ribbon:
ValveHfandle iy
Handgun Ammunition re »)
Bow Gun Bolts -

Oe suid Jn
Room 1:
Knight Plug (Leon)
Blue Stone (Claire)
38 EGM*
The only third-floor puzzle
L/h ra lj deals with a series of gears you
have to get running again. First,
heHe = you need to reveal a staircase
by using the crank found in the ef
file room (first floor Room 5) on ‘i j
a square hole in the wall. Climb |~ f
those stairs to the engine B =
assembly. If you have the
Golden Cog Wheel from the
first-floor Room 18, insert it into
' the assembly and press the red
button to get it running. A door
to the right should lift to reveal a
chute and the Knight
(Hola) Mola =]10 (Moy Cola) orice

This is the first area where Claire and
Leon have rooms only they can
visit—and also where you play as an
alternate character: Claire has Sherry
while Leon has Ada. Playing as these
characters, you have to solve the
same Puzzle 12 (see below).

iii . =

PUCZir i2

Claire and Leon must fight
the same creature—just in
fi yAtter leon killshis Here's the way-too-easy puz-
ing different ease creature, Leon must open the zle in Room 2 that Sherry or
fighting spaces are pretty ; :
Hiaht: somake sure youback door (in Room 1) with the four Ada must solve. Move the
He iiigkt before eheche chess pieces he must find in boxes in the manner shown
ae Me Sait BUe litte the Police Station, and plug above, then turn on the water.
crawlers that ak enio tie them into the holes on the The boxes will float to make a
g OF os panel. Do this as a separate bridge so the character can
character. These nuisances i Hi | 4 lon
don't hurt too.bad. bul tne task from fighting the Boss get the . Don't leave
Willpraventveu fron Boa here so you don't clog up your the |room without the
3 y inventory with useless items. sposal Map found on the
ing, so kill them as well.
wall near the door.
was done from a preliminary copy EGM’ 39



ei ssc ad) Gs a Breed Peo Entertainment inc. underlense fron)Crystal Dynamics, Inc.CrystalDynamics,thitl Oye ln, EX. andtheGEX character arfe
tdra of Coal Dynes 1998 CrystalDynamicstne,
ae‘coord, Nnmen Nintendo
64and the3-0 rn of Nand cfm ne ©1560 tend ol vr, consed byNintendo, Paystaion a PlayStation logosare trademarks
ofSony Computer Entertainm



_ he


v= =)
PlayStation A



This room may require The only way to get to the trolley
you to shuttle back and is to get both the wolf medal and
forth from the inventory the eagle medal, then use them
trunk. You'll need the in Room 3 on the machine below.
valve handle to move the This should turn off the waterfall.
bridge down to cross. Once you get off the trolley, make
Make sure to crank the sure to light the flare gun at its
See ya later, alligator! Blow up
bridge up to its original exit to reveal the Weapons
the canister in its jaws.
position before leaving Room Key. Also after the trolley,
the room; it'll save you Have clean underwear on oo) aicolar Mele) Val-ro Welanloliemare)(elale)
lots of time. when this creature comes out a key weapons item...
of the sewers—you'll need it!
Seriously, this scary gigantic
sewer alligator is a joke to kill.
Just let it follow you until it
grabs a metal canister in its
jaws. Shoot at the canister!


While you take the

tractor elevator to the
basement, you'll run
into this creature
(we're being vague as
to keep the story line
a secret). If you’re
Claire, use the
grenade launcher or
spark shot to easily
beat it. Otherwise, use Leon’s
shotgun. Keep a safe distance
from it by running in circles around
the train vehicle.

42 EGM

(ABORAIORY. 24 <I SPRr a eg] Vogleeseenetttineeseere=»

Room 2:
Green Herb iy coral ‘!

eS ae
Shotgun Shells (Leon) The final area requires Claire to do
Magnum Bullets (Leon) several more tasks than Leon, but both
Acid Rounds (Claire) will visit all the same rooms. Some
Fire Rounds (Claire) quick notes to help you along:
Ink Ribbon @ First, go to Room 4 on Level 4. In this
Room 4: Frozen Lab Room cold room you'll find the Fuse Case.
Fuse Case Use the fuse case on the one-arm
Fuse machine on the right to get the Fuse.
First Aid Spray Don't forget a can of First Aid Spray
Room 5: Big Plant while you're there. Use the fuse in the
Green Herb (X2) middle of the level to turn on the lights.
Room 6: B.O.W. Sprinkler Comp.
@ Turn on the computer in Room 6 on
Blue Herbs (whole bush)
Level 4, then kill the plant in the air
Laboratory Security Manual
shaft to get to Room 7.
Temporary User Registration
Flamethrower (Leon) ™ On Level 4, Room 5 houses the lad-
Bow Gun Bolts (Claire) der between the two laboratory levels.
Room 7: On the floor in the top area are Green
Tales tlelefeya) Herbs that you might miss with all the
Shotgun Shells (X2) (Leon) green foliage around.
Grenade Rounds (X2) (Claire)
Room 8: Need Lab Key To Enter
Magnum Rounds (Leon)
G-Virus (Leon)
First Aid Spray (Leon)
AVofoi[at=m@r-Vatalele[-M (@qI-Ulk-))
“ wYou'll find the Laboratory
BERRI. BS Map underneath the room with
the big monitors on the wall
Room 2: (Level 5, Room 3).
Green Herb (X3) On Level 5, Room 7 has the
Room 3: ; Lab Key Card needed to reach
Laboratory Map File ‘the giant moth in the room shown at
Room 4: right (Level 5, Room 6). Clear out the
Red Herb vermin on the computer to gain access
Serum Instructions (Claire) to the computer. The password is
Room 5: “guest,” which you can find in a file in
Magnum Parts (Leon) Level 4, Room 6.
Grenade Rounds (X2) (Claire)
First Aid Spray ™ The MO card opens the
Room 7: . door to the exit. The
coast seems Clear...
Lab Card Key

EGM? 43
tat pie te
wolhhd pi


imLtd. All Right logo are registere filmLtd., us www.
Name of Item Loeattion
1) Stern Key —
™ On the side of
/a cliff above the
2) Cabin Key barracuda-
infested pool.
3) Storage Key
|= On a crate on
|the yellow raft.
= On the
| Uppermost part
Of the ship,
elcome to FGM’’s above the deck.
second and final
installment to our follow- Item Checklist
| up of perhaps one of the
biggest sequels of all ..Starts/finishes/joins-a level
time, Tomb Raider 2. .. key location
Be forewarned! As with «. indicates a lever
| last issue, the purpose
behind this guide is to
present a straightforward
NYU cnivsycolttesstaconacos-benl es
in need of a little help.
1 Return to the sandy passage, enter the
Players who don’t want to eabove-noted well-lit alcove and climb your
have the story or puzzles way to the top of The Deck. Sweep it clean of
; in the game ruined for bad guys, then drop to the next lower deck
; them are strongly urged level (the one with the swimming pool). When
the action is over, you can seize this mission's
to skip this section. next secret.
As for everyone else, Check out that off-color section in the
I'm glad you're here and 4 efar- right corner of the pool. The secret is
hope the next eight pages hidden in a small tunnel just behind that door.
search the shore for the Stern Key. Unfortunately, this trophy’s protected by a
provide the answers When you reach the crates, manipulate them to harpoon gun-toting flipperman.
you're looking for. As ereveal the Stern Door. Now pull the submerged From the right area of The Deck’s second
anyone who has played lever inside to open the trap door outside. The trap door, story, jump to the first tower, then leap and
located near where you first emerged with the Stern
the game can tell you, grab to the second. Atop this second tower,
Key, leads to a switch that drains the stern of water. Go leap to the top of the large copper structure.
this game's difficulty back there again and pull out the crate and follow the
level ranks up there with path that leads to a pond with a life raft in the middle of
some of the most frustrat-

it. Search for the secret past it and take the path beyond

ing video games on the and to the left. Follow it all the way to the top.
2 Be sure to replenish Lara’s health completely and
market today. So enjoy! edrop down the hole to pick up the Cabin Key below.
—Tim “The Ref” Davis Now make your way to the ship’s deck by following the
and Ryan “Hollywood cavern path to the left you originally passed up to After you've landed on the huge copper
Hogan” McDonald acquire the Cabin Key. structure, run to.the far.side, following the
seam where the flat portion of the rooftop and
the downward slope join. Turn around and hop
P.S. Extra special thanks off the side with)the Grab button held down.
4 goes out to Gary Keith of Release the roof and get ready to latch
@ Eidos Int. and the crew at &# eonto along erack in the wall. Shimmy left
VideoGameSpot for all of to where you can stand, then leap to the
tunnel beyond. Follow the tunnel to its end and
their help with this the rooftops beyond. Now make your way up.
4 mother of a to the main cabin and use the key to get in.
video game!

1 Flip the switch

einside to open up
time to complete: access to the rooftops above and jump across to the bow of the
ship. On the far side of it lies the Storage Key which is needed in
order to open access to the end of the stage and the Seraph Key.
challenge: To get the final secret in the level, take the path you ran before
4# When you climbed on top of the stern. Stop on the cliff just
best new feature: before it and perform a running jump/hang to the area just to its
right. Shimmy your way across to the opening and grab the
secret. Finally, hop your way down and open the storage room
actress who should on the opposite side of the stern to exit the level.
have starred in
Mi Titanic:
(®) The Storage Key
® Of len
1) Drawbridge Key
™ Hidden in a room just
below the avalanch
2) Hut Key e area.
| = Located in the ice
i broken up by the
| avalanche caused
your snowmobile,

2D Sa va
Blast the eagle and make your
way to the other end of the bowl.
the ledge, grabbing to stop the fall.
Release to slide down, again with the
3 =
Run for the bars on the right. You'll on the platform, point it down the
find the first secret statuette near the long, ramped runway and dismount.
Turn right and jump through the gap Grab button held down. After hanging
grating, waiting. Dash down the rampway.
in the rocks. Leap over the first set of on the ledge, release to fall on firm
Turn the snowmobile around and Check out the huge, rectangular
snow boulders, press ahead, then ground. Make your way through the
rampage down the tunnel. Run 4d eice block—actually two blocks in
duck into the alcove on the left wall to tunnel on your left, taking care to
through the bad guy who appears one. Shove them both into the tunnel,
wait out a second avalanche. avoid unstable stalactites. When you
(fun!), and continue to the open-air then return to the snowmobile.
Since you can’t simply leap come to the ledge overlooking the
4# across the crevasse, you'll have
ramp arena. Once there, blast up the Drive until you see the ladder on
main area of water, turn right and
to turn around and hop backward off
ramp, aiming for the right edge of the the right wall made of ice. Climb
make your way up it.
ramp and the wide, flat area beyond up it and move the lever to continue.
Hit the Action button for an extra Approach the top edge of the chasm
burst of speed as you roar up the to trigger the first set of snowballs.
ramp. Hit the brakes hard when you 4 Look for the ice ladder going
land and crash-steer into the wall to edown the chasm. Jump over the
keep from slipping off the platform ice ladder wall to the angled ground.
After you've planted the snowmobile Hit the Grab button as you slide. Drop
a9 - toa down to the lower edge of
the cave below you and
pull up. At the back of tl
cave you'll find the
Drawbridge Key. Now
follow the path back up
the second secret. This large open- to your snow mobile.
air area contains more than a wild
1 Enter the frozen pond area and snowmobile jump—it also is the cur-
edismount the sled. The key lock rent resting place of the your little
is around the left corner from where green dragon friend. Jump across to
you entered. After raising the bridge, claim it. Beware the pretty kitties that
make your way to the beginning of come out to play the moment you After suc-
the ramp on the other side of the grab it. Head back to the hut where cessfully
pond and follow the ledge around. you first picked up the snowmobile. sedating the ter-
Goose the sled to safety past the Now use the Hut Key to gain rorists, go through
snowballs’ blast and past the eentrance, yank the switch inside the gate you just opened—guns still ledge that flanks the left side of the
to unlock the gate past the hut, and drawn—and snipe the snowmobile- chasm. Once across, stop for the final
crevasse by using the left snow
ramp, then hook around into the get out of the building as fast riding baddie. Take his snowmobile for mission secret. Of course, a few more
main area. Search the snowy area to as you can! a ride after he’s done with it. of Bartoli’s boys find Lara’s intrusion

[3 2 Stop at the edge of the chasm: wholly objectionable.

the left of the crater for the Hut Key.
You can’t jump across! Back up, 3 The critics silenced, it’s all clear
Just watch out for the bad guy on
and tread across the arched, angled eto perform a swan dive below.
the black, machine-gun snowmobile.
9 Put the key in pocket; mount
eyour trusty red snowmobile.
Drive back to the big jump area and
stop on the other side of the jump for
1) Main Hall Key = On the top floor of t
Buddha room.
2) Strongroom Key =
= In the room to the
| of the Buddha room.
3) Rooftops Key ; = In the Strongroom.
Climb the ladder on the side of and beyond the pool.
the cliff opposite the temple’s You'll need precise timing to
4 ) Gemstones
= Behind glass beneath
main doors and follow the path that dash past the moving doors
leads into the building’s upper floor. ahead of you, but the reward is worth 5) Trapdoor Key the trap door floor.
= On a pedestal at the
Once inside, go to the room with the the effort—_the first Prayer Wheell To e
| of the Gauntlet.
giant Buddha statue and get the Main exit the room containing the item, find sa
and pull out a moveable wooden
6) 5 Prayer Wheels
Hall Key.
Continue to follow the balcony box that’s blocking further passage.
*around, past the giant boulders

¢3)) Second Prayer Wheel

This time, take the far-right corridor past the bumer and spiked guillotines
Use the Main Hall Key to access all of the Buddha room this time. Ont
leading out of the Buddha room. with minimal damage. After picking up
1 einside, take the first hall on the right and retrieve the Strongroom Key. Take
Where it splits into a “Y” intersec- your reward, the Trapdoor Key, dou-
your newly found key back to the room where you first entered the temple
tion, take the left path and crash ble back and take a right down the
through and unlock the room containing the Rooftops Key. Access to the
through the windows ahead of you out hall with the cutting disc. Outrun the
rooftops is just beyond the room with the two cutting discs.
onto the cobblestone below. Hopefully cutting disc moving side to side to
Once above, flip the lever to drop through the trap doors and claim the two
you're on friendly terms with the pick up the level’s next secret hidden
2 egemstones. Use one of them above ground near the dragon likeness to
locals here and they’re not really behind a closing set of steel doors.
open access to the second Prayer Wheel. Now make your way back to the
an issue. To claim the third
Buddha room.
Prayer Wheel, climb all the way
up the tower ahead of you and
retrieve it from its resting spot.

()) Fourth Prayer Wheel

2 On the way down, be
eready for an all-out ambush
of soldiers with high-powered
fire arms. Now take the path
you would normally take to
Find the ladder on the right side of the room that
retum to the Buddha statue,
allows you to climb across him. Get rid of your other but this time take a right at the
gem in a receptacle just past his right palm. The
main hall and follow it down
trap door leads to a puzzle next to the indoor pool until you reach the Gauntlet.
which drains it so you can move the crate in there atience is the key to getting
and obtain the fourth Prayer Wheel.

1 To obtain the fifth and final Prayer Wheel, again start from the
Buddha room and use your handy-dandy Trapdoor Key to open it up.
This path leads you through numerous different cavems until it ends with
the structure containing the final item. The door is locked, so
Lara must leap her way on the ledges on the near side to
vault herself onto the roof of the building.
2 Simply drop down though the trapdoor and into the room
ebelow. Once you have the last wheel, head back to the
Buddha shrine and head for the room on the lower level to
the left of the great statue. Before you enter though, search
around the back of it first and pick up the level's final secret.
Name of Item |
4) Golden Mask 1 | = Locked away in a
cage on the upper ledge
2) Golden Mask 2 | in the room with the pool.
ed in
= On a pedestal locat
r the
| a pool hidden unde
| melted ice.

When you enter the first room, 2 From this square ledge, leap to Place the mask in the lock you find in
in the wall opposite the building. Jump
emake for the ladder in the right ethe ramp on your left. Run up and the right wall. to grab, then climb on in. Angle to the
wall or pause for the first secret. Run don’t stop until the snowballs begin 1 When you dash into the next area, left and head toward the icy pond.
to the crack in the wall, grab it and rumbling toward you. The moment ebeware of the rolling boulders. Hang a right at the pond and blast
shimmy to the right. Go over the ledge you release them, stop and backflip to Run at them, jumping to the left or through the cave opening. Climb the
for the dragon. Return to the entrance the ledge above. From the ledge right at the last moment and you'll live blocks immediately to your left.
of the room. When you reach the bot- above (the Tibetan Mask cage ledge), to fight the good fight. 3 Drop to the other side of the
tom of the ladder, pull the switch next angle a leap to the right so that you When the action dies down, head eblocks and enter the water. The
to the bars, then retake the ladder to land on the snowy outcropping above 44 efor lowest square below the hole second Tibetan Mask beckons.
the top of the room. Slide down the the pool. Hook around to the left and
ramp, leap through the opening in the over the unstable floor plates.
far wall, watch for stalactites and bat- Climb the ladder you find to
tle down the stairs. From the bottom e(almost) the top; then backflip to
stair, leap to the small square platform the ledge behind. Pull atop the small 1 Enter the large area and pause at
that’s half-covered in snow. ramp to draw up the cage protecting ethe doorway. It’s about to get inter-
the first Tibetan Mask. esting. This is it: the end of the mis-
sion. You do like evading boulders and
4 Leap to the Mask,
death spikes, don’t you? Leap to the
ethen head for the
hole in the center of the flat platform above the snarling cats.
now-empty pool. Note the ice wall on the right.
44 Then trigger the boulders dead
ahead first (jump up the ramp, then
jump over them as they come at
you). Next trigger the boulders up the
left ramp; evade them with a side-
ways jump toward the other ramp. through and stop. Turn left and
These boulders will smash the wall. approach the corner—specifically the
As you enter the newly opened section of wall that could double for a
earea, note the pair of floor plates. ladder. To end this mission, run like
The near plate opens a door in the hell over the first floor plate, then
room beyond. The far plate, to the keep up the pressure over the
left, opens the door in the wall near it. second. Now come the jumps: Leap
Yank the switch you find next to the bowl, draw your best yeti-killing device Of course, things being what they through the first doorway—angle right
eand let them have it. After that, find the box in the right corner, near the are, each door is timed. Ignore the a tad—and immediately jump again
switch. Pull/push it under the near set of raised bars. Pull the switch on the back near floor plate and head for the floor to clear the spikes and make it past
wall, then exit the yeti room the same way you entered, Your destination is the plate that opens the first door. Jump the far door before it closes.
now-familiar hole in the wall next to the boulder ramp. Past the hole in the wall,
dash down the rope bridge and go through the newly opened door.
Once over the bridges, leap to the ladder on the right and make your
&# away to the next level
secret. Lastly, look for
the second suspended
ladder on the other side
of the pools to find the
lever that opens up the
main doors.

cient Traps
EGM? 49
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Posey, Ras hc acol atiore 2 : > fe ies

2 La f; 2 .
1) Tibetan Mask
. In a room past the
| Springboard area
2) Gong Hammer. guarded
by several white tiger
"At the end of foot
3) The Talion | bridge, below the pool
| of melted ice.
| = In the center of the
Ice Palace near the
| level’s end, guarded
a giant Golem.

this springboard. Grab the window/bar

coverings high above. When you get
there, turn and take pot shots at the
bell until it rings. Drop backward off
the ledge to grab it, then release
when ready.
92 Go under the raised set of double
ebars. Put your back to the double
1 Run right at the spring- set of bars and gingerly step onto the
eboard, guns drawn and shoot the
Shoot the bell and go in—the door’s locate the opening in the cage on the springboard, ready to grab (or land
bell. The forward momentum should on) the ledge high above. Once up
open! second level near where you landed. bring you to the slide. Holster your
1 Explore the main floor, wary of Go through this opening and locate top, turn around. Jump to the same
weapons midair, and grab any ledges
ethe off-color floor squares. the off-colored square in the wall slide the bell is on (the left), ready to
to slow your fall (if necessary). When
Those innocent-looking squares are, Pull the block out of the wall to grab. Then shimmy to the end. Gather
you ring the bell, the first set of bars your wits, as this is a tough bell to
in reality, springboards. Guns hol- ereveal a very secret, and a fabu-
beyond the set of double spring-
stered, step onto the double spring- lously confounding, room. That drag- ting. Make your way to under the
boards opens. Guns holstered, stand
board with just a tad of forward on is a lot easier to get than you now-open bars and climb the ladder.
so that the double set of bars are to Work your way to the large room
momentum. Your goal is to grab (or could possibly imagine. All you have
your right shoulder. Step forward onto
even land on) the top ledge. Once to do is walk. That’s right, walk. As in above. Once at the box, go through
there, turn around and locate the off the ledge. And walk across the the opening in the wall to
wall switch. Select your favorite yeti- invisible platform. the right.
slaughtering tool, then pull it. Drop 3 Then head out and to the left; 3 Make haste straight
off the left ledge to land on the sec- efind the switch in the room at edown the tunnel, take
ond level. When the fun’s over, the end of the passage. it around left and grab
the Tibetan Mask that
should be there.

Take the narrow passage to a mission. Place the Tibetan Mask in

every narrow cage room. Drop its lock, drop down to the main floor,
down the hole at the end of the turn right and find the square open-
cage, dispatch the yeti and head for ing in the same wall. Dash across
the far rectangular hole in floor. Face
where you entered the area and toss
the footbridge, take a left when you
get to the end and worm into the Talion Key
a few flares into the blackness to passage you find. Hop across the
spot a thundering snowman. Shoot ledges en route to the switch in the Descend from the gong area and the open doorways into the heart of
him dead him from above, if possi- wall. Pull it to dump boiling oil onto emake for the far-left corner. Jump. the Ice Palace.
ble, then pick a safe spot among the the frozen pond. Now search the to it and climb down. Turn left and Y The Talion Key rests on the large
clumps of spikes and drop to the lake below for the Gong Hammer. drop off the ledge to the square eblock. Select your favorite
floor. Hug the left wall and search for Then sprint your way past the below. Drop off that square to the weapon and head for the floor.
the second rectangular opening. Pull eavalanche and climb up the lad- ground. Pull the switch to open the This Boss possesses no ranged
up and you'll find yourself on the der of ice. Drop onto the Gong below. door in the building next to the Ice eattacks and is too big to climb.
red balcony noted in the previous@ Palace. Climb back out and when The easiest victory path begins when

1 you're at the top of the ladder, back-

flip to the niche carved in the snow.
you call him into action (by setting
foot on the ground). Immediately turn
Claim the dragon, then loop around to tail and climb to a safe position on the
the front of the Ice Palace. Go into Ice Palace while firing away.
w r T

(Cc) The Gong Hammer

52 EGM
Be sure to save your game
before attempting these
critically timed jumps. Don’t
worry too much about the
spiked walls closing in on you
as you drop down into the
room below, as long as you
1 You'll want to re-position back to the ledge in front of maintain your running pace. Flip the switch at the end, then roll and run
eLara with a timed flip so that the waterfall you fell from earlier. back—those spikes shouldn't come close. In the room beyond, flip the switch
she’s sliding down the waterfall back- Carefully shimmy your way on the right side of the doorway first, then side jump over an the left one.
ward. To pick up this stage’s first earound this room, pausing long 2 Awell-timed running jump/hang will get you away from that pesky
secret, simply hang from the edge of enough to collect the secret near the boulder situation. Now pull yourself up and claim the Dragon Seal.
the waterfall and shimmy over to the bottom floor.
room to the left and claim her. prize. 4 You must also be quick on your
Just past the waterfall, in a sub- etoes in many instances through-
emerged cavern to the left, lies the out the level if you wish to avoid
temple’s main entrance. You won't be certain death.
able to enter though until you perform At the height of the climb, you'll
a series of tasks first. (So what else is id a lever to flip which opens
new?) Instead, you must springboard ain doors to the temple. (Just
your way on the roof and move the were you’d expect it be, right?)
lever on the opposite side. Now swim

Use your newly acquired Silver Key to open up the final chambers of the level.
Of course, traps abound in here so keep an eye peeled for the ever-present
boulder rolling your way. Don’t worry about the disc cutter in the room just
before the wooden suspending bridge. It won't start moving until you've
cleared the room first. Just remember that it will be active on your retum trip.

@) Get The Keys On the other side of the bridge is a switch that opens up the last room.
Infortunately, to reach it you have to go through everything again—only this
time backward. After you clear the second disc cutter, spring board your way
up to the highest areas of the chamber.
1 From the Dragon Seal platform, climb your way around the left side of the In the final room, climb up the ladder ahead of you and follow the
Statue and move the switch to raise the lava-filled floor. You'll have to 1. path along the roof to the switch waiting at the end.
master using the springboards effectively in here, as one wrong landing can Grab the Main Chamber Key from its platform and slide down
toss her into the lava pits below or into the path of an oncoming boulder. athe dragon statue’s tail, and make your way around hopping
2 Enter the room beyond and drop down a floor with the armed knights from’ ledge to ledge until you reach the final set of ladders in the room
ebelow. Use the Dragon Seal to open the door ahead. In the water-filled and ultimately, the level's exit.
room you need to flip three cleverly hidden switches on the walls to open up
a hidden passage.
3 The puzzle that follows will really test Lara’s lung capacity. First, move
ethe submerged lever at the end of the room to raise the water level.
Next, flip the lever located across from the gate it opens hidden in a long
corridor, then immediately hit the switch beyond to open up access to the
last switch she must move in the room (Whew). The water-filled tunnel
beyond will take you directly to the Gold Key. Use the key to open up a
hidden cavem near the waterfall and a platform containing the Silver Key.

Item Checklist
Name of ttem
1) Dragon Seal j= In a room past the
| Swinging spikes.
2) Gold Key = Past the room
q ith the adjustable
3) Silver Key |water level.
In a room Past the
spider domain.
4) Main
Key Chamber | = Past the Spiked wall
pin the Main Chamber.

1) Mystic Plaque 1 = In the room above the
Switch-activated trap
2) Mystic Plaque 2 door.

= Located on a separate
island just below you
From the start, jump to the slant more baddies when you exit. When at
the Start of the level.
eed green island. Execute your all's quiet, head for the edge of the It’s
island; jump up to the roof of the easier, however, to
jump a few feet before the edge of skip it
the slide, then jump again with a last- building via the rocks to find a secret. until you go and Pick
second grab. Pull up and dash for the At the edge of the island, turn to Mystic Plaque 1 first.
switch dead ahead. Pull it to unhinge 4&4 eface the building (the tree will be
a trapdoor on the underside of the to your right), drop down and climb
building that rests on this area’s main your way up the islands beyond. The
island (to the right of the switch). one near the building where you found
Dash down the caged hall; drop the first plaque holds the second one
down the slide; jump near the bottom in plain sight below for the taking.
to make the next slide. Now climb up Place both plaques in their
into the building and claim the first of erespective areas on each side
two Mystic Plaques. Watch out for of the main door and go through.

Approach the green box, pull it back two

notches, climb up and jump to grab the
ledge above. Yank the switch that waits for
you. Retrace your steps to the edge of the
trench and drop in. Yank the switch you'll
You'll find a hidden path that leads find on. the platform below, then make your
to a level secret at the right side of escape to the left. Return to the switch
the room just after you pass above the main floor, then climb up to the ledge overlooking the lava pit and
the now-opened trapdoor in the pit.
through the main doors.
1 Run, jump and dive (that’s right, dive!) through the opening in the lava.
Carefully execute a diago-
«Swim to the surface and plow forward to the switch. Pull it and retrace
“nal jump down to the bridge 1
your slog; submerge and swim left when you get to the T-intersection. When
below and move back in the
you see the surface of the water, go straight up. Watch out for those blades!
direction you came from. Pull the switch in the room beyond and
double back to a small room to her immediate left and prepare for a Turn around, locate the switch in the niche above the water to shut off the
little ride. Climb up the rest of wall that you land in front of and make blades, then head to the ledges above and beyond the blade corridor.
your way to the rooftops and outside balconies of the building, being Now turn right at the top and return to the main area.
wary of the occasional boulder or two trying to impede your progress.
From the second-highest ledge you can execute a running jump/hang
to the island ahead that contains another zip line.
© Follow this one all the way down, past the bridges you've been
4 *on before into one of the most bizarre areas seen thus far. @) The Caged Arena
Drop down from this room and battle the bad guys in here. Then ascend
the latter ahead. A little more than halfway up, move right. Then backflip
with a grabbing twist. Do it right and you'll find yourself hanging on another
golden ladder. Ascend to the large flag-like color bar beneath the ladder.
Backflip with another twisting grab to snag the next gold ladder. Climb to the
top, pull up and start jumping back and forth angling for solid ground. Move
the box you find at the far end of the ledge under the zip line. You'll take it
down to end the level. But before you go—pause for a moment and decide if
you want to acquire the final secret trophy of the game.
For the last secret in Tomb Raider II, instead of mov-
eing the box under the zip line, pull it out one more
square, then leap down to the flat area on the rocks below
(to the left). Go down the flat area and turn right at the
end. Step onto the square outcropping, then jump across
the lava trench to the deep niche cut out of the rocks (just
a shade to the right). Turn around and leap to the flat por-
tion of rock back on the other side of the trench (a shade
to the right). Pull up into the opening and follow the pas-
sage all the way to the end; the gold dragon is waiting...
From the start room, slip past the frozen guard.
= Blast the baddies and pull the switches. Then 1) Mystic Plaque 3
= In a room beyond
*enter the dark pillar room th
Chamber of Xin, na
3 Grease Bartoli’s boys. One.of the last guys you e
locked door. Defeat
ekill coughs up the key to the final room and the ing
final showdown. one of the enemie
s in this
Once through the double doors. area will grant you
iter the large room the
and stop. This is it. Select your Uzis, then take stock Mystic Plaque and
of the area. Note Bartoli’s “corpse” in the center to the room beyond
of the room. Note the square, watery holes that
surround the body (you'll find submerged ammo
and health). Finally, note (if you can see them)
the closed doors beyond Bartoli that’s the way
to the exit. The stage set, approach the body
with guns drawn.

When you drop the dragon, approach the body

eand follow the swirl of magic stars to the belly of
the beast. Quickly pull out the Dagger—that’s the only
way to kill it for good. The only way! (If you don’t get the
Dagger in time, the beast gets back up and the battle
begins anew.) Dagger in hand; make for the exit via the
doors you open by taking the Dagger. (The exit doors you
noted when a
you first entered
the area.)
Now run
like hell...

en you get close, call forth the power of the dragon,

in the form of a big, angry, fire-breathing, gold dragon.
1 Sideways jump and don’t stop firing. If you get
eflamed, make for the water holes—that’s what they’re
there for. Good luck.

} y
Croft's. Codez
& During a level, perform the following commands in
the sequence below to receive secret help:

@ Sidestep left, right, left.

The Dagger of Xian is a fine trophy— baddies (the first will proba- ™ Walk one step backward, then forward.
one that Lara lovingly admires at the bly be to the left, on the ™ Turn around three times.
opening of this final, final mission. other side of the windows). ™ Backward jump, then press roll while in air.
1 The moment the alarm sounds, Battle your way down out of the
edash around the bed and head 44 bedroom, down the stairs and
for the door next to the bathroom head outside.
doorway. Plug a key in the lock next Kill them all to end the mission
to the door (you already have the eand the game. The last baddie is @ Sidestep left, right, left.
key), then scoop up the shotgun and a Boss of sorts. He’s big, he’s mean @ Walk one step forward, then backward.
as much ammo and health as you and he’s got automatic firepower to ™ Turn around three times.
can. Time is short, so make every boot. He's definitely one man you ® Forward jump, then press roll while in air.
movement count. Then dash back can't miss. After you drop him, kick
into the bedroom and begin blasting back and let Lara have the last word.

@ Sidestep left, right, left

® Walk one step backward, then forward.
® Turn around three times.
@ Forward jump, then press roll while in air

EG?) 55

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Stale ab-fane- (ones

Throughout the game, you will
run into several opponents out
for your blood! Depending on
who they are, you'll want to take
special precautions and perform
certain moves to stay alive. Here
04 t’s quite a known are some useful tactics to use
fact that Spawn is during a fight:
EF @ When
& one of the hottest comics
#*) using Fire
#/ +o hit in recent years—so ~ and Ice
it’s no surprise that he’s Blasts, keep
starring in his own game! in mind that
they are
In this four-level
adventure, Spawn travels difficult to
from realm to realm, execute,
seeking out the secrets especially

that will lead him down eet ia

MSA aiicclata
when there is slowdown in the
game. Try using the Hell
to hell. But it won’t come Gauntlets. They're easy to per-
easy with Malebolgia Here in this desolate cityscape is where Spawn once lived. Your main form and can also be very useful.
concern throughout this level is to learn your moves and techniques well.
sending his demon force As far as the Magic Blasts, don’t
Get associated with what might be around the corner. Once you have bother. This energy is better
to slow you down. mastered your skills, be prepared to use them on Violator at the end.
reserved for healing yourself.
When you begin, you @ The Arm Rip is very useful and
will come across some 1. Necroplasmic Sphere: At the beginning of the also entertaining! One of the
easy opponents and level, there will be one of these out of reach. Just opponents worthy of this move is
, jump up on the trash can to access this power-up. the Shamen, which are difficult to
traps. Both will help you
defeat otherwise. Try to practice
learn the basics of the 2. Rusty Key: Having trouble finding this key? Just this move before using it in a vital
game. From then on, you smash the trash can in the diner to locate it. moment. Keep in mind that
are challenged with more 3. Secret Passageway: You may also run into secret Spawn can only Arm Rip oppo-
areas, such as this one. Some have plenty
of helpful nents that are his size or smaller.
difficult tasks.
power-ups for the taking. Using this move on zombies
The levels listed in this won't affect
strategy show highlights 4. Overkill: When you run into this guy,try to. its strength.
corner him. Then alternate between ‘combina-
to the more difficult areas @ Another
tions one and two, and you shoul good thing to
and enemies to get by. As defeat him. consider is
long as you learn Spawn’s 5. Overkill 2: When you come across Overkill _ that some
moves, techniques and again, watch out for his laser! Start dodging — enemies are
the combinations listed his shots and begin to use combination somewhat
here, you should have no one repeatedly. aha short. High
Attacks won't
problem getting to the 6. Redeemer: He is a pretty good opponent. be very effective in this case. Try
end of the game. Take Dodge his magic blasts alternating Crouch Kicks. Even
and then perform a combo.
things slow and don’t be Repeat this over again to kill
Crouching Spin Kicks can
prove effective.
afraid to explore around. him. You might want to try to P) @ There are a few com-
You might just run into a
use a Hell Gauntlet. bos that can help Spawn
secret area! 7. Falling Objects: Slowly S get through most of the
inch your way through > x game. They are listed
—Jason “Ric Flair" in descending order of

Morgan and Carey “The usefulness below:
Undertaker” Wise

12 hours ©
~~ moderate
coolest Boss:
replay value: when approaching
none Violator. His long
Ki coolest realm: spindly arms have a |
Hell way of getting in
your path!
STodd McFarlane Productions
Battle your way through zombies and rabid werewolves, as you continue This primitive stage in the game offers plenty of confusing corridors and
your quest for hidden keys and added strength. There are many sharp puzzling traps to slow you down. Don't forget to check out everything. You
objects to stay clear of, so take it slow and know your next step. might find something you need or discover a better way!

1. Platform Room: When you enter this.root

‘look a bit intimidating. After all, that greenish goop at
the bottom doesn't look too inviting. In case you do fall, mind that there is a teleporter along the.
wall you can: jescape to: y

allthe tombstones for hidden power-ups as wel as

the Globe of Shadows. This will help youpe aie th
zombie that's around the seiner
3. Werewolf Primar i E may spikes that contains a Fllices
isn’t as tough as you tl i 1 is es wall button you need to hit.
him off with a few quick combos. i _ Then take the green platform
§ 4. Direction Block Root SO 5 t. ‘3 oe BtO.exits
as you enter this room, start ; . Sharp Spikes: Don't
ing the blocks you've collected into the keyholes located = iE 3 attempt to crawl under
in the four corners of the room. If you delay, fireballs will y __ these. Jump down into the.
begin shooting. _ water and go behind the
5. Steel Trap: To avoid getting sliced, (p-8"5-F 5-5 oF 5-5 5-5)
_@ waterfall to hit the switch that
| ZA will turn off the spike trap.
slowly inch your way along the edge
of the wall. Tra B 5. Makula: This guy enjoys
throwing plenty of fireballs your
6. Lava Pit: When you arrive here,
way. Again, dodge and then
your first job is to jump over the lava
move in to assault him
pit. Be sure to take a running start
using combination
and then jump at the edge to make it
over. When you get to the stone skull number four. i
platforms, jump on the block right in 6. Spike Obstacle: If
front of you (look down). Then jump you go about this the
onto the right way, it’s not that
next two float- hard. Choose to go
ing blocks. straight up the middle.
7. Blood Key: If you want to go after the Hell Gauntlet Ho! oe ee
and Necroplasmic spheres, inch your way along the th
edge (the corners are safe spots). Then roll across the 7. Fireball Trap: Be: aecautious when
line of fire to collect them. Note: This area is very approcciane9 this. per esesi
hard to get past without getting hit. get close. S
8. Open Casket: Head Left as soon as you enter Roll, when yor sure.
the room to avoid the spikes. Then break open 8. Horrog: Yo
the coffins to find more surprises. actually don't
9. Vampire King: You better know how to dodge,
because you're going to need to. By using a few
combos along with an occasional Hell Gauntlet,
you should have this guy under control.

Buzzsaw Hall: This tricky area'isn't's@ bad ihyou take.

slow. At the first saw hall (1),"stay tothe fidht edge ofee
Here is where it all comes down to—and where you need to use all that the first blade.and inci your way Up: Thelv move te the
you got! There are eight spheres or levels within this realm. Each sphere center and jump forward. At the second hall(2)i weil
has its own bad guys to get through. They will whip out every starting in the middle, jump diagonally leipow
source of evil to bring you down, so think and act quickly! 7 oraz blades. Then jump forward tojel
test. There are. Necroplasmics atthe end.
(3). You will also find the hand. Key (4)
) of the pit and not down in it.
This walking flame can be
few Ice Blasts! ;

forward and then jump bac

low follow its retreat to th

Use your Panter two combo to take him

stone floor on the left without any blood stains,

7. End Bosses: Near the end, you'll run into some of the -
same opponents you've fought before. Just continue to
dodge and use the same combinations that have gotten
you this far and you should do fine!

EGM? 59
See No Evil... Hear No Evil...

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BP Nite
PlayStation Pen
Pick up the newspaper and read for info. Go to the costume shop and show him the photo then
Proceed to the construction area. ask about the clown.
After the interview with the detective (Rosso) in the cafe, Leave the costume shop and go to a phone to call the
talk to the journalist (Nicole). tailor. Ask the tailor about Khan using the photograph. He
Ask her about the clown and Plantard until she gives you will then direct you to the Hotel Ubu.
her number.
Enter the hotel and talk to Lady Piermont.
Go upstairs (the door will be locked).
Head back down and get Lady Piermont to distract the
clerk so you can grab the room key.
Enter the first room on the right.

[o> Seusnmesne>
wacenmmews, Go outside the window and enter the next window over to
get to the other room.
Try leaving the room through the door.
After the killer leaves the room, check the pants on the
Go back to the construction area and talk to the worker. bed for two items.
elcome to the world Give him your newspaper. Show the clerk the ID card to try to get a package intend-
of George Stobbard, Grab the T-shaped tool from the toolbox. ed for the killer.
an American who’s trying Go to the alley across from the cafe and then open the
to enjoy a nice cup of sewer lid with the T-shaped tool.
Go down the sewer entrance and pick up the clown nose.
coffee at a local Parisian
Continue on and pick up the tis-
> cafe. But after a hideous sue and scrap of material.
; sinister act takes place, Go up the ladder and out to the
| George is hurled into a hotel courtyard.
mystery that takes him Talk to the concierge about the
i around the globe and on material. (You will need to show
to the secrets of the him Rosso’s card before you ask Use Lady Piermont by showing her the ID card to help

Knights Templar. him this.) you deal with the clerk and get the package.
Ask about the green jacket for clues. Go upstairs and into the first room.
This mystery adventure
Go to the construction area and call Nicole for Drop the manuscript off the ledge to avoid being caught
with an easy-to-follow
her address. by the men outside the hotel.
interface will captivate Proceed to the area map to go to Nicole's apartment Leave the hotel and after being searched, go to the alley
you with its strong story (Rue Jarry). to retrieve the manuscript.
: line and rich music, done Look at the manuscript with Nicole.
by one of Britain's pre- Talk to the flower lady for info on the whereabouts of
mier composers, the apartment. Proceed to the Crune Museum.
Barrington Pheloung. Go inside Nicole’s apartment. Go to the tripod exhibit at the center of the room and

This simple walk- Take the photograph from her after showing the material. examine it for more clues.
Go to Nicole’s apartment and discuss the tripod and
through breaks the game
next plan.
up into several acts that
Go to the airport and fly to Ireland.
take you from country to
country, Stay alert to the
clues given out; you may
, need to remember them Talk to the boy Maguire to find more clues
about Peagram.
later on. If you breeze
Enter MacDevitts (the bar) and talk to Sean
through the levels, you Fitzgerald.
may miss something Talk to the bartender and snatch the towel
important, so take it by the beer pump.
slow. Also, try to pick up Talk to the poacher (Sneezy) and take his
anything you can to help wire trap when he leaves it on the table.
yourself through difficult Go back to Fitzgerald and ask about the dig.
areas. You will soon find (He won't say much).
Leave the bar and talk to the kid again. Then go back to the cellar and retrieve the gem.
that George has a big
Go back inside the bar and confront Fitzgerald about Rinse the towel under the running water.
enough jacket to carry Leave the bar and take the path out of town.
Peagram and the package.
just about anything!
—Carey “The Talk to Fitzgerald's uncle by the
Undertaker” Wise hay wagon and ask him about
Sean Fitzgerald.
N When he leaves, climb the haystack.

Strat-stats Use the T-shaped tool to create a

step and get yourself over the wall.
To get past the goat, head toward
time to ante the ladder. When you get knocked
After Fitzgerald leaves, go outside and talk to the boy down by the goat, click on the plow to distract and trap the
challenge: about the accident. goat. Now you can continue down the ladder.
Turn off the exposed switch by the front door. (This will Grab the plaster out of the sack that’s on the table.
favorite character: turn off the beer pump.) Knock over the stone statue to
Ask the bartender for a drink. (He will notice the pump reveal holes in the ground.
isn’t working.) Place the plaster on these holes.
cold medicine Squeeze the wet towel over the
Show him your ID card.
consumed: plaster and then place the plaster
Fix the glass washer with the wire.
Go down to the cellar and turn on the switch. piece on the switch by the door.
Return to the street and open the trapdoor. Then enter the room.
Act 3: Paris = Act 4: Montfaucon Catacombs
© While at Nicole's Apartrnent, show her the gem.
© Go to the Crune Museum and talk to André about the Knights
of Templar.
© Proceed to the Police Station and talk to the sergeant about Marquet.
© Leave and go to the hospital.
© To see Marquet, show the receptionist your ID card.
* Once you've received directions to the room, continue
down the corridor. © Go up to the juggler and try to juggle.
© You will run into a custodian. Unplug his machine and © Then go back to the officer and show him the clown nose.
© Try to juggle once again to get rid of the officer and juggler.
of the closet. Then return © Now open the sewer lid with the T-shaped tool.
to the lobby. Catacombs
© Talk to Felix and Benoir (two doctors in lobby). © In the sewer system go over and punch a hole with the T-shaped tool on the
© Return to the ward. You will be stopped by a first arch of the right wall.
pesky patient. To deal with him, go to Benoir and © Pull the lever inside the hole.
give him the pressure gauge. ® Go onto the boat and lower the chain from the crane.
© Then proceed into Marquet’s room and talk © Pick up the chain and attach it to the cog inside the hole.
to him,
© Go back to the boat and crank the chain to demolish the wall.
© After talking to Nicole, go back to the museum ® Then go into the hidden room.
and talk to André. © Look through the hole to view a secret
© Open the window and hide in the sarcophagus. meeting of the Templars.
When Flip and Guido arrive, push over the totem ® Look inside once again to make sure they
pole to knock them over. have left.
© Talk to Nicole. © Then go down the stairs and place the
tripod and jewel on the stump to reveal a
hidden message. a sguegaeee
2fadBS Meck tok rad
© Talk to Nicole. 1

A Visit to the Countéss

© Use the pressure gauge on the end of the hose to turn the water off.
® Then go into the house and head to the end of the hallway.
° When the dogs bark, hide behind the suit of armor.
To access the hidden chalice,
© Then go upstairs and talk to the Countess about everything.
you must place the black king in
© When in the mausoleum, move the Bible off the lectern to reveal
checkmate. To do this right,
the checkerboard.
move the white pieces on the
* Talk to the Countess about the board.
middle column in this order: the
** When Lopez brings the pieces to you, use them to solve the chess board
bishop on top, the knight in the
puzzle. (Read the sidebar to the right of this if you can’t figure it out),
middle and the king on the
To avoid the dogs and Square below the knight.
Lopez finding you,
hide behind
the suit of
armor located
next to
the staircase.

© Walk over to the club and return the brush to Bull's Head Hill
the manager. © Break off a twig from the tree,

Act 6: Syria = * Now go in the bathroom

and unlock the roller
© Use the twig on the cut towel to make a device to
climb down the edge.
towel dispenser and take © Grab the ring inside the niche in the rock to open
Marib the towel. the hidden door,
© Head to the right of the screen and go up
© Go into the stall and © Enter the room to locate Klausner’s body.
the staircase.
take the short chain © Search Klausner's body to find the lens.
© Give the matchbook to the carpet seller to reveal
above the toilet. © Read the inscription on the wall.
the staircase to the club.”
© Return to Nejo. (He © Tell Khan the truth about Klausner and
© Go up the stairs to the club.
should be playing with the inscription.
© Go to the bathroom door. (It will be locked.)
the ball.) ® After agreeing to shake Khan's hand, quickly grab
* Ask Ultar what the sign on the bathroom door
© Pet the cat and then the hand buzzer to use on him.
means. He will tell you to go get the toilet brush to
immediately ring the bell ® While Khan is down, jump off the edge.
open the door. i
that's on the table. (The © Return to
© Go back to the marketplace.
cat should knock the statue off the shelf.) Nicole's,
© Go up to Arto (the kebab guy) and click the right
© Get the broken statue; use your tissue to shine it up.
button on your mouse (the look command) to
reveal the toilet brush.
© Sell the junk statue to Duane (tourist) for $50. po pcbto grab
© Go back to the club and show the photo to Ultar. ind buzzer
© Then talk to Nejo about Arto and what to do to
© Then talk to Ultar about getting to Bull’s Head Hill. Khan wishes to
get the brush. Give him the red ball.
* Give him the $50 to take you there. shake your
- © Go to Arto and use the phrase Nejo told you.
© Give Ultar the bathroom roller towel to replace the ff not,
© Then go back to Nejo and get the brush.
fan belt. as

EGM’ 63
Montfaucon Church ‘ Act 8: Excavation at
In the Church Institut Nerval
© Talk to the priest. Give him
the chalice. In the Lobby
© Examine the tomb on the © Go down the steps to the lobby (where the
rear wall to the right. guard is standing watch).
© Use the lens on the © Try to open the bathroom door.
scroll located on the © Ask the guard for the keys fo the
statue's hand to reveal bathroom (toilet icon).
a clue. ® Take the soap that’s on the rusty sink.
© Get the chalice back © Use your keys on the soap to make into the bathroom.
from the priest. an impression.
© Go to the Crune Museum ® Then sprinkle the plaster onto the soap.
and talk to André about © Rinse the soap under the sink to make the
the Baphomet. plaster key.
© Go to the Baphomet site from the Paris map. © Give the keys back to the guard, and then go
back outside.
® Try to dip the plaster key in the paint pot (the
painter won't allow you).
© Go to the lobby again and phone
Nicole. To get rid of the painter, tell
© Go outside and tell the painter about
A Second Visit to the Countess the phone call.
© Take the mirror hanging on the wall, from the © Dip the key into the paint pot.
utility room. © Return to the lobby and look over.
© Talk to the Countess about what you know. the thermostat.
© Go to the mausoleum and shut the window © Ask the guard about the thermostat.
using the window staff. © Then turn down the heat to make the
© Use your tissue at the end of the staff and guard put on his gloves.
light it using the candles on the lectern. » Ask for the keys again and go into
© Then light the big candle up top to reveal the the bathroom. Swap the painted key for
hidden key. the excavation key on the keychain.
* Take the Bible and go back to the Countess. © Give the keys back to the guard.
* Have the Countess read the Bible passages (He won't tell the difference with his gloves on.)
you have discovered. © Phone Nicole once more.
© Ask Lopez about the wells and where they © When the guard and painter are arguing, go
are located. open the excavation door with the key.
© Then grab the hazel stick from the tree by © Use the polished chalice to decipher the
the side of the house and show it to Lopez. ‘| mosaic pattern on the lower floor. This will
© Look at the lion’s head and pull its tooth and ‘send you back to Nicole's.
then immediately jump out of the way. ® Go to Spain. bbl
» Examine the exposed wall.
© Use your mirror to deflect light coming down from the top of the well, onto the Use the chalice on the pattern
exposed wall to see the socket. ct 1 ain below to read the message.
© Locate the socket (keyhole) and use the stone key to
access the secret room. All Aboard! ® Attempt to leave the baggage car.
© Walk into the secret room, © After the ticket guy visits, leave the © Talk to Nicole and leave the
© Return to Nicole’s and then go to the airport to take compartment you're in and head left. baggage car.
off for Bannockburn. © After running into Guido, go back to
your compartment.
© When you realize
that Nicole is gone,
After entering the head to the second
well, walk up to compartment and
the lion’s head. talk to Georgie (the
Just as soon as guy who's drinking)
you pull its tooth, about Nicole.
Beco jump out of the © Open the window
rakes hasal 2 way to avoid and climb on the top of
‘ake ahazeloa thotwig<ias.
from i smashed! t
being the train with Georgie’s help.
» Head right to the baggage car and
enter the side door.
® To avoid getting shot, grab the brake
cable after Guido is knocked off. This
will stop the train and knock Eklund to
the floor,
Enter the Crypt
© Go into the tower and turn the handle on the wheel mechanism to
break it off. Then take the cog and spindle pieces.
» Walk over to the rubble and examine the pile for more pieces and a
second cog.
© Use the two cogs to put in the demon’s eye sockets.
© Place the handle on the demon statue.
© Enter the crypt and go to the far exit. In
© To foil the grand master’s plans, throw the nearest torch on
the gunpowder.

64 EGM
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©1997 CHIPS&BITS, ING. 5GM2298
( j= “vn
<u Whi enever your refineriesfineri or silos
il start
tart toto fill
fil up, Alny vehicle
hicle thatthat hihas
& = uild ththe most t expensive
build ive building that
building that you can. racks, including
tracks, includi some that tha’
we Once it is finished being built, cancel it. You will be don’t—like the ore truck—has
4 vu refunded with cash, not the ore. This will give you P the ability to run over infantry.
: WW all Il of of ththe money withith none of f th the ore. J Thiis can b be very useful, ful con-
mmichair gerierals will (T)fee sidering it can be pretty tough
for armor to quickly kill incom-
be absolutely giddy ing infantry. When using the
when they play this ( plfULTIPLE TRUCKS "J mouse, try
game. It proved a great targeting an |
4 success on the PC, and Later in the game when you can build some area behind
serious hardware, try to have more than one
4 now it has been ported your target
ore truck running at any given time. This tactic Talcclal (ava
over to the PlayStation. will help you increase cash flow so you can keep
My guide covers some up with your building costs.
2 of the tougher missions
for both sides, and shows
the general locations of
enemies and valuable ore
to keep your war machine
running smooth. The
tactics given should be
You must learn the pattern
taken to heart—if you can of the patrolling dogs
master them, you can before running your
master this game. spy into the base and
—Scott “The British subsequently into the war The Soviets collect
Bulldog” Augustyn factory. Once you get ore southeast to
Tanya, destroy as much your base.
If you would like a guide as you can before
written by me that covers boarding the helicopter.
After saving her, you must
all the missions here, send
destroy the remains of the
e-mail to
Soviet base. Defeat the
with “Red Alert FAQ smaller Soviet base and
Request” as the subject. build yours there. Once
you build up enough base
defense, have a strike
TE force go down to destroy
their ore trucks.
K = Starting Point
rNItexe Mist-tsxc)

Soviet Base

Once you are safely past all of the barrels,

shoot them to kill the allied troops following
you. Now check your map and head toward
the room with the dogs in them.

Quickly move your troops

down the eastern corridor.
time to complete:
Once you reach the room south of your engineers,
challenge: you will come across a soldier who, upon your
arrival, runs north toward your engineers. YOU
any major changes MUST STOP HIM! Use dogs and
from pe version? infantry to catch him. Once you
collect the engineers, start to go
around and activate the panels.
best quote:
Be ready to use all your forces for
the center battle.

At the start, move your destroyers east and take out as much of the
armor as they can. Be sure to repair your power centers. Once the
armor by the bridge is destroyed or weakened, move your troops to the
base. Quickly make a war factory and start cranking out tanks. Don’t
forget to have your ore truck go out and get ore. Construct turrets and
pillboxes all around your base. You will be attacked from four
different spots: north, northwest, far west and far southeast.

Have mine
mines The Soviet base is in the
along northeast corner of the map.
the main Don't try to go after it though. You
EcolToiCo) cannot muster enough forces to
your base. quickly dispatch them.

The best way to handle this mission is to build up a strong force of

medium tanks and cleanse the island you are on. This will give you a
large supply of ore and give you time to build up some troops. Once you
have your island secure build a naval yard and start to clear the coasts
of the northern island with destroyers. Watch out for subs though, and
travel in packs. Once this has been accomplished, run a spy in and do
some recon. Don't enter the command center yet—just check the area.

To rescue Kosygin, clear out the area

around the the command center. Then rush
in with some APCs and have your spy go
in. Load Kosygin into one of the APCs and
rush him back to your transport. Sail back
and finish the mission.

To make things much easier for you in

the beginning, immediately head west
with a mammoth and a tank. Destroy the
construction yard you will find there. Once
you do that destroy the barracks and the
rest of the buildings. This will effectively
eliminate the green team from the
equation and makes the rest of the
mission much easier. The vehicles that
you start with
will all be ina
Protect Tesla state of disre-
coils with pair. Quickly
SAMs. repair them,
They're especially the Ofice you are’ secure, build a massive but mobile
a favorite mammoths, force. When you _start/your.attack-you-will*need
target for EaleM<-1-)9) to go for the supply/convoy, before anything else,
helicopters. them fighting. Avoid allyother targets and get/that convoy.

The convoy
will follow one
Take it slow: A countdown will start when you are
so find out
so far across the map, but by the time you reach
which one you
that point, you should be ready to rush through.
cannot move
Use your air force to crush any buildings or turrets
from the start.
that get in your way. Use your tanks to move in
and take out any anti-aircraft measures that will
hassle you. Replace your Yaks, when they get
destroyed, with MiGs.

Avoid the
tank and
walls at
the end
by going
or south.

When this mission starts, wait—you'll kill a bunch of soldiers

that would later harass you. Also kill a couple of dogs. Once
you kill them, have one of your spies go down the tunnel to
the right. Don’t stop him in any one area for too long or he
might attract the attention of a guard dog. If you are having
trouble with the timer, quit the mission and enter the
password to come back. The timer will be gone.

Once you get in the garage area,

head to the bottom by the barrels
on the left. Tanya will come. Use
her to clear out all
of the troops and
dogs. Also use
her to race in and
destroy the one
flame tower.

At the start, try to keep your mammoth and V2 alive, after you destroy
the base. Use your V2 on the turrets and the mammoth as protection
against infantry. Once you have a strong force, attack the base to the
southeast. Try to capture the construction yard if you can. You will
need to clear out the rivers around the center island before proceeding.
Use your air force to take out as much of the islands’ defenses as possi-
ble. Land a team of engineers and tanks. Once you capture one of the
tech centers, you will need to capture them all within five minutes—
so when you try and get one, be ready to get them all.

The start
will be
the hardest You should try and take over the
part of technology center in the southwest
survival for corner. This will provide you with a
this satellite view of the map. Needless to
mission. say, that is quite an asset and should
be guarded.

68 EGM*
To handle the bases, secure them with turrets and pillboxes,
plus build a large force of medium tanks. You can use your air
force to smash this mission. Use groups of helicopters to
destroy the vital buildings at the base to the east. That will
free up a lot of ore and let you focus your defenses to the west.
Also be sure to capture all of the research centers. You don't
have to keep them and can sell them afterward; you just need to
capture them.

To counter the invincible unit, repair

the building it attacks. If it targets a
unit, keep it moving.

Move your top group first. Have

your engineer hit the computer
to disable the flame tower farther
down the hall, then move the
rest of your group down the hall.
The key problem area is in the
center where there are multiple
turrets. Use an engineer to run in
from the top and hit the panel on
the upper left. This disables the There are a total of eight
center turret. The one turret that generator panels that
can’t be destroyed is in the you must sabotage.
upper right-hand area of this
room. In the room with the
groups of troops, send one
soldier to assassinate the
leader, then bring him back and
edge him along the western wall
and down. Shoot the dog and
have an engineer edge the wall
to reach the control panel and
detonate the turrets.



Enter these codes from
ACHILLES HEEL the game sidebar while in
In the hierarchy of buildings, the most vital is a mission. Hit the cancel
the construction yard. This is followed by the button over the symbols in
refinery. Take those two out and you have a blockade on the order shown below to
your opponent. They can’t gather money or build build- get the listed effect.
ings. Use this knowledge when planning raids.
oe |e C&C: Red Alert
Unshroud the Map has been on the
With this version
As you will find in a multiplayer game,
Win Level you will get multi-
the computer goes at lightning speed. Build
' up defenses quickly and churn out tanks as
fast as you can. Expect a large strike force
X<BHB@A ple choices for
each mission and
coming at you within 10 minutes into a game.
Free Nuke will enjoy an in-
game save feature.
To speed the construction or collection of anything, build | think that the PC

more than one of the factories. This will give you that extra Free Chronoshift
version is better.
tank or those extra credits quicker than your opponent.
A Bmx
— EGNEAllbo
PcrovAl tIMeme
07: 46:

ue Bae

O04: 375 40,
PlayStation te

© 1997 YANOMAN GAMES © 1997 CLIMAX. All rights reserved. ASCII Entertainment, Felony 11-79, and the Felony 11-79 logo are trademarks
of ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc. PlayStation and the PlayStation logo are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All other
ENTERTAINMENT __ brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
onster’ are.
made from
Tecmo’s keeping a tight lid on
what the disc reads, but we do

abies Ears|
know that the number of tracks
play a part. Should you use

bike pre
a disc containing one track
(most data CDs), you will get a
purebred (ex. Naga/Naga).

For the most part, yoururtirst creature

© Your monster can now
CD Name
will never make it to the full four S- Tecmo’s Deception
rank battles. Instead, concentrate on train on three new courses.
nce you get past the R.E.M. “Monster” Dragon/?’
@ Your monster will now
using your first creature to earn cash. Nirvana "Nevermind" Nya/???
initial CD-manufac- Then, as you move up ranks, start
be invited to go on Spice Girls (first album) Ape/???
,,turing aspect of this expeditions of lost ruins. Spawn Soundtrack Magic/???
battling in as many tournaments as ponerenists
é game, you will find a possible. Soon battles will replace Van Halen “1984” Pixie/???
INXS “Kick” Disk/???
plethora of other neat ® your work as your source of income. @ Trial Cup will have a
Allan Parsons “On Air’ Monol/???
features to explore! “ Bottom line: Have your first creature dragon; win to be Beck “Mellow Gold” Henger/???
At first, battles are real- i work and build up money so that its invited to A-level “The Best of
ly hard to get used to, ® predecessors can excel in a short tournaments. Village People” Naga/???
amount of time! Mariah Carey
but relatively easy to fig-
“Christmas” Hare/???
ure out. The key is to
concentrate on your crea-
i“Attack & Defense @ Invite-only battles to
win a dragon tusk,
Forrest Gump
Soundtrack Disc 1 Dino/???
ture’s two strongest abili- Pow-Based Int-Based Henger Doll and Rolling Stones
Physical attacks Intelligence knowledge to make “Bridges to Babylon” Tiger/???
ties. If you have a crea-
rule when you attacks are great The Clash
ture who excels in Speed Magic monsters.
want to kill with “Combat Rock” Worm/???
for sapping
and Int, use his Int Billy Joel “Greatest
only a few hits. willpower so that
attacks to sap others’ Hits Vol. 3” Ape/???
the opponent © Four invite-only
willpower. Since your can't use high- tournaments that will be
speed is high, their close level attacks. your final test and are
attacks will have a good worth 10,000 gold
chance of missing. Thus,
you can win by a time
~“Actripuce Factor each tournament!

All creatures can increase certain

over! Find attribute
attributes more than others.
combos by training and Concentrate your training on these
* working; whatever raises two attributes; these will dictate
| the most (between 10 to your fighting style. Don’t rely too much
18) should be the one you If there’s ever an attribute to on items; they are
concentrate on. increase, it is Skill. This raises your not a good replace:
—Mike “Haggar” Vallas percent-to-hit ratio, and also is very ment for rest. Also, every
useful when visiting the ruins. * four years, the shop will ge’
4 Special thanks to Rebecca at 1 a new item for sale.
~ rancher/index.html for her list of “Attacking Styles If your creature is getting
rare monster CDs. Rebecca also gives Make certain you can train for afar- § spoiled, use some herbs or }
thanks to all those who helped con- a Mystic Snake to knock it
tribute to her Web page! distance attack technique, for later
enemies will get the drop on ill into shape. Pills and §
you at great distances with Vitamins reduce lifespan.
their attacks. You can also combo IVETaTo[o}
this attack when up close by hitting ~ Mint Leaf
the Square button to back the creature off, which Herb
will get it instantly into far-attack range! - Taffy
= Mystic Snake
Apple Cake
Vitamin A
Vitamin B
When breeding, match ¢ The time of the year Vitamin C
attribute strengths to get more affects your breeding Vitamin D
efficient mixes. outcome. Use the later Heart Pill
months to breed the rarer
Dino - Pow/Def Gali - Int/Def percent bracket.
Sezuo - IntSpd Pixie - Int/Spd ¢ The main trait is always
Tiger - Spd/SkI
Naga - Int/Def
Dragon - Pow/Skl
Henger - SklI/Spd
the dominant trait. Drug Effects
Example: Breed two
# monster body type: Hare - Pow/Spd Magic - 202 Vitamin A Defi0, Pow10, Skill
Worm - _Lif/SkI Ape - Lif/SkI Stingers (Naga/Dino) ~ Vitamin B 202
Golem - Pow/Def Nya - 227 together and the highest Vitamin C —Lif/Pow 3+ Training }
show to bring back: Monol - _ Lif/Def Ghost - 222 percent creature will be a Vitamin D — Int/Pow 5+ Training
Plant - LifAnt Doodle - 222 purebred Naga. Heart Pill Skill20, Pow
\ U.S. Godzilla better: Jelly - Def/Int Disk - Ke Fly Pill Spd20, Def
Pill Defi0, Pow10, Lif t

- 72 EG
Seems to be a place
dedicated tomonsters,

-}-Building _J -Secret

J -Obstacle -Landmark|
Square = 1/10 days travel |
building search = 1/2 days|

The primary hot spot is in the

northernmost secret area. This
place holds plenty of treasure as well
as Heat Stones (relaxes your monster)
and mirrors (used for Enter the first battle after your
creating Magic Monsters). Mt CEOS last creature has died. There’s a
Stock up on these items God Statue: 1-in-16 chance your creature will
and get plenty of gold! $1,000 be cursed with a mark. Breed off
oe ae Old Mirror: this monster for a ghost.
Fire Stone:

First decrease a Monol’s fame

down from over 80 to below 65.
This should become a scribble
Elle Wici@ elt-i-re Come (lar Me olere (<1

First get a Magic

Banana from
Heartville, then
breed two spoiled
monsters and add
The secret areas in Heartville
this banana to get
contain much treasure, but are
very easy to get lost in. Suffice it to
say, the other circled
areas can supply much of Godlctatue:
the same, but you are $1,000 .
First get a Dragon
less likely to get lost. Magic Banana:
Tusk from the A-
Calm Stone:
level invite (win B-
$5,000 level trial cup), then
Plant Egg: breed with a Grape
(Dino/Naga) and a
Stinger (Naga/Dino).

Get four limbs from Reno.

Win the head at the A-
level invite. Send high Int
creature into Reno and
read tablet. Now breed
same creature and statue
and any creature.
There are very few
places to explore here. [God Statue:
| [
Search the three central $1,000
buildings to get loads of Henger Parts:
Find the Old Mirror in
money and other stuff. Also $100
Titus. Breed together
at the top is the Monolith that [Wind Drum:
$5,000 EW ellc-lelc-rem \Wieare)|
allows you to make a Henger. Jwing whistle:
Else MCrlli-lare Relea}
the Old Mirror.

Just mix two creatures

with the cat doll
(at Item Shop after
1,000 weeks).

=e] a A)
the right of the

Level 1/Powerlines:| Scorpinok is extracting Level 1/Advance Forces:|Cheetor's Energon

_. Energon from the desert region. These mining manning machines are active in the desert area.
activities are damaging the environment. Locate Repel his advanced forces and destroy the
and destroy his transport tock blaster.
tower and the Energon poe s: The Boss of the desert is pretty
prospector ships. Teg | |) tough. Shoot his arms off, then go for the body.

Fite wee a
fo blast the rock (OnMetene
2/Mining Machine: Surveys report the
desert area to be Energon rich. It must become
é ) a Predacon resource. Annihilate all of Cheetor’s
When shooting at the :
| defenses and plant a bomb at the heart of his
Ldccle -(ero) nO =I Lalo MY(e1.4 mining base.
so that most of the turrets will The hardest part of this level is

g ranformers are back! nou peer: figuring how to end it.

Level 2/Search and Destroy:|Despite the previ- Once you've reached the sareo
Beast Wars is a 3-D
Ous success, scans reveal an unidentified machine, turn it on and
Doomish-style game : Predacon presence still active in the desert area. tne) oMolamtnt-mere)a\Y{-)\(01m o-11
where players use either Scorponok must be stopped; the processed (Use Tarantulas’, he’s I
the heroic Maximals or Energon is a massive threat. | fast.) You will plant the I
the evil Predacons. Watch out for snake generators. } bomb when you reach %
OK, you get the idea. i the center. =
Each side has 12 missions,
spanning across four
zones. Once you clear
either the Desert or the
Urban zones, Pollution
will open up. Your Energon resistance will
The best tactic I can | go down the longer you are

in Robot Mode. Your best
offer is to slowly creep
bet is to kill off all of the
through the levels. The
| enemies in an area, then
enemies will “pop” in, transform and wait for your
allowing you to blast meter to recharge.
them before they appear.
Remember, if an enemy
ship is crashing toward
you, run forward to avoid | Use this mode This mode restores
@ being hit. when you want to _|}] Energon and is
The rescue missions attack enemies. great for making
are pretty easy. The first Watch out for the most difficult
section of each consists | Energon build-up. jumps.
of segmented worms or
swarms of fighters.
Destroy them all to get
weapon power-ups. These
will allow you to blast
the enemy ship at the
Energon was cool in
the show but it slows
down gameplay. You
should sit back and wait
for it to recharge.
—Andrew “Ultimo
Dragon” Baran

i ot Mode
time to complete:
Firepower Firepower Firepower
challenge: Speed Speed Speed
Strength Strength Strength
Go-Bots better? Agility Agility Agility
how's the TV show? Energon Energon Energon

os Speed Speed
Agility Agility
yo)ae) @iar-tomecligcr-t (cic)
to his base to rebuild his forces. His base is protected resources have been boosted by your success.
by an ion force field. Destroy the shield generators and Destroy Cheetor, and domination of this vital area
then Scorpinok himself. will be complete.
Boss Strategy: After you blast the two shield genera- Boss Strategy: The toughest part of this zone is
tors, you'll want to shoot the series of jumps you
Scorpinok. After awhile, must make to get to
he'll fall into the pit. Cheetor’s base. Once
Ride the hover- there, Cheetor will
ing rock into ‘ ‘i attempt to get behind
Blatemreni erate) “s you and begin to shoot. MEGATRON
finish this Take cover behind one Robot Mode
Predacon off! of the pillars. Firepower
3 ght Attack: Maximal’s Chief Engineer
scientist, has overrun Rhinox’s base and repro- Rhinox has expanded his heavily fortified base to Energon
grammed the defenses. Maximal technical within easy reach of Tarantulas’ Lair. Invade and Beast Mode
blueprints must not fall into neutralize this threat. Speed
Predacon hands.
Survival Tips: To find your
Survival Tips: This level is
pretty straightforward. You'll
way to the end of this level, often have a choice between
you must find all of the two paths. One will have a SCORPINOK
switches. Search out every force barrier at the end, and Robot Mode
area you can reach, until you the other will have a switch Firepower
can get the fourth doorway that turns it off. Have patience ] Speed
open. The hardest to find is Use the platform to and go through slowly, and If you hear “walking,”
atop the central tower. reach the switch. you'll a past. watch out for mechs.
e Source: |Scans reveal that Rhinox
_Level 2/Perimeter Defense:|Tarantulas has is reHEatnG but a massive mobile power source Energon
retreated to the base perimeter. Destroy his has been detected outside Beast Mode
remaining forces and secure the area. his fortress. Press on into Speed
Survival Tips: (A) Use the terrain to your advan- his territory and annihilate
tage. When up on a ridge, Agility
Elle) e)efesj]
blast the helpless enemies Survival Tips: The best way
below. (B) Jump over the to defeat the many enemies INFERNO
steam just after it appears. of this level is to take them Robot Mode
(9) Use grenades on the out from a distance. You can Firepower
three spider droids. stand on the narrow wall that Speed
circles the area, and shoot
almost everything.
The Boss is a giant mech. Agility
Shoot it and back up at the Energon
same time. If it grabs you,
Beast Mode
you will get mauled.
During the attack on
Rhinox’s base, sensitive dijata fell into Tarantulas’
‘Level '3/Heart of the City:/The destroyed mech
contained a powerful energy cell. Eliminate Rhinox
hands. Locate and destroy Tarantulas before he TARANTULAS
and his technology will be ours.
uses the information against us. - Robot Mode
Boss Strategy: The final Urban level is pretty short.
Boss Strategy: Carefully
To get farther into the interior,
hop onto the platforms Speed
you'll have to jump down
until you get to the bottom. |
You'll want to attack
ventilation shafts. Strength
Rhinox awaits. Circle
Tarantulas from a dis- around him and keep firing. If Agility
tance, as his weapons are
you need some help, Energon
quite powerful. This level
there are power- Beast Mode
is short, but very intense.
ups onthe Speed
Make sure your character ‘Attack Tarantulas from a platforms.
has a lot of life. distance or get shot up. Agility

Robot Mode
Robot Mode Robot Mode
Firepower Firepower
Strength Strength
Energon Energon
Beast Mode
Beast Mode Beast Mode
Speed Speed
Agility Agility Agility
EGM? 75
You will meet the The purple mechs The big cannons
vicious Skriix. can go over walls. can be relentless.
Locate and recover a downed stasis
pod in the Polluted Zone. The last war rendered this region
highly unstable—Energon levels are high; transformations will be
Survival Tips: This level will introduce you to the Level 1/Stasis Pod: Maximals have sent a resource party for a
Skriix. These giant aliens will cause you some Stasis pod traced to the Polluted Region. You must find it first.
serious harm. Read more about them in the next Unstable Energon deposits mean transformations will be limited.
level strategy. Survival Tips: The hardest section of this level is finding where the
This level will get you an additional Maximal switch that deactivates the force field is hidden. Near the base with
named Rattrap. There is no Boss to the level. You the teleporter is a strip of Energon gas. Drop into the pit (yes, it
just have to find the stasis pod. looks like it'll kill you). Inside is the switch.

Level 2/The Wasteland: Data reveals the area to be infested by

a new alien form. Stop the Maximals before they control the
alien’s power.
Survival Tips: The start of this level is the toughest part of this
otherwise simple area. You are attacked by
three bombers in relatively close quarters. texe10
You must destroy all three to open the barri-
er. Back up with your tailside toward them.
This will get you some clear shots as they
fly overhead.
To get to the Boss, you must trigger four
switches. The fourth is tricky to find. Hop
onto the silver pipe near the final barrier. It'll Carefully hop onto.
lead you to the switch. the silver pipeline.

Power Mech: This Boss is

Transformer Jet: similar to the one you fought in
This Boss is fast Rhinox’s base. He can be soft-
moving when he’s in ened up quite easily with a well-
Jet Mode. Wait for placed grenade. Then charge in
him to transform and with your guns blasting. Try to
then pummel him. fight him while at full health.
Circle around him to
keep him on the
ground. He's easy!
Level 3/Kill Dinobot: Experiments reveal
the aliens to be of no use to the Predacon
cause. However, they have helped decimate
oo) Dinobot’s armies. Take advantage of his
ly fortified base to within easy reach of vulnerability. Kill Dinobot.
Tarantulas’ Lair. Invade and neutralize this threat. Boss Strategy: There is virtually no level
Boss Strategy: Wind your way around this circular level. here, just a battle with Dinobot. Once you
Backtrack for power-ups and health if you need it. At the bottom is teleport into his fortress you'll come under
Take out the gun
an elevator that'll carry you to Inferno. You fire. Four sentry turrets line the room. You'll
turrets first.
can soften him up with shots while you wind want to take these out first. Back yourself
around his tower. against one of the room corners so you
He'll try to circle don’t get hit by the steam. Then work on
= behind you, so Dinobot. Get the health if needed.
walk around in a
circle to throw
him off.

Step into a corner and blast

Dinobot to pieces.

76 EGM
Maximal armories have been detect-
ed in the vicinity of our ship. This is a
major threat to our security and must be
Survival Tips: This level is pretty damn
tough. The hovering platforms can be dead-
ly. For example, they will drop into the lava if
you wait on them too long. Or worse, they'll
seem like they're moving to the right direc-
tion, but will slowly sink. Another deadly
threat is the lava streaks on the ground. If
you are not looking carefully, you could Lots of tough jumps
seriously injure yourself. and pitfalls await. —

preparing for an attack on the Axalon. Secure the area immediately.

Survival Tips: When shooting at the purple spider droids, shoot
the missile that appears when they die or lose half of your life. The
boulders will kill you even if you tap one. At the section where two
roll down, you must run toward the boulder on the right and jump to
the center where there is no lava. Collect the grenades throughout
the level and shoot the Boss with them. You'll die otherwise,
because this is one attrition battle you cannot win.
Be careful not to Shoot the first ship Shoot down the
step in the lava. to get a power-up. attacking warship.

Only four more battles to go. | won’t spoil it for you.

Level 2/Counterstrike: More tough jumps over lava, with tons of
moving and sinking platforms. Lots of fun.
Level 3/Supreme Victory: The Maximals rejoice in their hour of Here are the recommended
triumph—if you can survive this daunting stage... picks for each of the levels.

Predacons Desert1: Primal Inferno

Desert2: Primal Tarantulas
Level 2/The Final Confrontation: Still more highly impossible Desert3: Primal Inferno
jumps and attrition-loving enemies.
Level 3/The Axalon: Take over the Maximals’ ship and destroy Urban: Primal Megatron
their forces once and for all! Urban2: Primal Megatron
Urban3: Primal Megatron

Vs es Jy Avoiding Hits: There are

several enemy attacks that
Cheetor |} Inferno
Primal Inferno

you can avoid if you know Polluted3: Primal Inferno
what to do. The enemy jets
Volcanic: — Primal Inferno
will always try to crash into
Volcanic2: Primal Inferno
you. Run forward, and they will
Volcanic3: — Primal Inferno
TRANSFORMERS; fly right over your head.

Maximals; You can use Predacons:

Rescue Missions: If You can use either
either Optimus Primal or
you have successfully Inferno or Terrorsaur. The
AirRazor for this mission.
completed a level Boss is armored with two
The Boss has two turrets on
after acquiring the gun turrets on the top anda
top, and four guns on the
Rescue Wings, you missile battery in the back.
front. Use caution when fly-
have the option of Shoot the missiles, then go
ing around the engines.
flying a rescue mis- after the engine. mA
They can hurt you.
sion to save a
Try to power yourself You must destroy all
downed teammate.
up early in the level. of the worm segments.
Shoot the clusters of
enemies at the start
of the stage to power-
up your weapons.
To destroy the Boss
at the end, shoot off
all of the component
pieces until it can no
longer fly. Aim for the AIRRAZOR
weapons first!
Always aim for the weapon Like on the Maximal stage, TERRORSAUR
sections of the Boss first. aim for the weapons first.

EGM 77
Your Rage Meter goes up every

tc? time you kill someone

ce up something (boxes,
or blow
signs). There are four kinds of
rages, from least powerful to most:
Green, Yellow, Red and Hyper. As your meter goes up, your
default weapon fires faster and becomes more accurate and
powerful. In Hyper Rage, your default weapon is almost more
powerful than any special weapon in the game.

There are five @ Put the smart bomb on the R2 §S

weapons you button. It is the only button not used, =
get in the and it will allow you a physical attack
game. The without using the bomb. Ce
Laser and @ Utilize 1-Up loops. If you hit a
Homing checkpoint and there is a 1-Up right ~=
Missiles are there, explore around. The 1-Up is .
the best ones there because you WILL die.
to get. ® Double jump often; it is necessary.
trange and a little hard to
get used to, especially on
areas where you must jump “ai
4 from one small moving oe
platform to another, the S
ction is non-stop. Your
default weapon and the
ddition of a Rage Meter
‘ add quite a bit toa game
hat might otherwise be
acking in depth. >
As far as Bosses go, for 4 = After taking ahead, but you will
he most part you must : out the attack = notbe able to jump ~*~ - v
: repeat a simple pattern " «| ship, you end on any other buildings. Once you ledges), you will net 50 kills.
until the environment kills , up on top of get to the ledges, watch for mis- Head to more buildings and a
the Boss. It’s an OK setup, 4 the building. Siles that take of the _ yellow bridge leading up to a
= but it doesn’t feel like .. 4 Now you have ledges as you gel there. Ifyou __tower-shaped building and final-
= you accomplished any- = to make your take out a helicopter (which you ly landing on an airship.
© thing except running VENA (ole)
0) e-mome-1 8) should be able to do with Hyper
around a lot while shoot- where you need to go. |! Rage when you first get to the Weapons Acquired:
ng at the background, seems like you could go anys
As stated previously, the where, but you really can't.
I action doesn’t stop. This is For example, on the first build- Hardest Part:

4 best part of the game. ing ,you‘need
concrete bridgeIp. and
on tie
xcept for some skill-based the right. You could go straight
jumping, you are always
= gunning for the end of the
= level. There’s really no
yneed to kill every single
S thing as you go. Don’t
¢ stop; just keep running
+ with your gun firing.
« This guide covers the
-», four toughest levels in the
y fe game (the other two are StaseBs Mountain Fe Hyper Rage when killed. Go
a little farther and you'll reach
- ridiculously easy!). Run around the mountain. we eS a the mountain fortress. Then
= —Mark “Macho Man” Hain Every so often there’s a metal we zt comes a pulley where you slide
door to break through or a down a wire.
tower to take down. The main
enemy on this level, besides
the walking infantry, is Ghost In
The Shell-style spider tanks. There is a 1-Up located right
_ number of levels? next to the heli pad.
You'll f
jump on. These collapse when Weapons Acquired:
. best Boss? finally get to the top of the
mountain. At YOU jump on them, and on the _
; this point second platform is a Homing
theranare Missile Launcher. On one plat- A;
7 & best action game? three round form is a metal tower. Destroy Hardest Part:
that to receive the Shell Cannon. the | to shoe
here on holidays? \ platforms 3 3 ‘ou nee ia:
a \ you have to On the last collapsible platform is basehet
a character that will give you
Number of 1-Ups: 3
78. EGM?
way. Some give
more time than oth-
ers. There are wood-
This is a pain en-looking boxes all around. If
* in the butt! you stand on these, boxes
appear in a certain pattern. The
blue boxes are normal and do Then
nothing when you walk on them. comes these
J The gray or silver boxes collapse thin bridges
% Basically
s fol- soon after you stand on them. with moving
low the path while shooting all
platforms in |
the yellow crystals along the no real strategy. front of you,
Weapons Acquired: increasingly
None hard as some of the boxes collapse, and there are
Hardest Part:
Geiting all the yellow crystals; is toward the end of the level—
especially the ones toward the:
You then F
€nd Of the levelion the moving
have to find the floating yellow crystals. The first is
boxes and bridges: These boxes appear for a short to the left, then a little forward and on the right, then }.
Number of 1-Ups: 3 time, so get off quick! left and right and so on.

a g »
owd you or they d
ones take three e larg 0 One o e olds a

er ones take five ong p, one Olds a e

orridor emptying intoan aqua a O ana ano e

pattern repe ee or fo Olds a

oma reece 7
times te
g a p O
. 10 d ti 2 O ana e€ la a a a pe
O p O
{ the and ou stand e middle o 00 Rage
ou’re n the d roo ou’l get the gg all aro a Oo ge so) ) ) q

and yo Pla a Lase en yo ave o another bridge. Keep ping e Bo x yy

O a 0 p yo ay do ong do b ake e@ yo nf q
area. It e S| platfo along the eve piatio C CKDO ae

00 a ome moving, some no the bottom of t asi Weapons Acquired:

Kill th n tl e Ari Ghtbelo Flame
and loo . t the a Ou ca ala Vina olatonn:2 2 Plasma Laser
do e ere be al a lit le wa aviounallertavoninced 6 Hardest Part:
Al6tof jumping dow long
a squid g go e e maybe two
oe e e eRe RARE. chasms, not to mention a fairly
do Pune! ese g platforms do
SCION CUNMS |B AEE te tough Boss
fe) 2 do 1e a but a e leve oor o a ere are fo
Number of 1-Ups: 2

Ride the lift and jump on the differ- A mech-type guy is running
ent platforms, slowly making your alongside the train you’re on. At Ss i
way to the top of the tower. regular intervals a car comes by |
on the ceiling on the left side
above the Boss.
Stage 1 es Blow them and the top of
Attack Airship the tower falls on the ship. —it’ll fall on the mech, Stage 4 Boss:
hurting it. Robot Mech

You are on an airship and attack crafts are This spider looks menacing and [= -
' i 4, after you. They get sick of trying to hit you pretty tough, but he’s not. Run
Ne and they get orders to take the airship around the bridge. All you do is
down. run around
If the airship is hit by one of their mis-
2 Boss: siles, the ship turns vertical and you have Stage 5 3
bas . to try to stay toward the top. If you fight below hurting him. Boss:
Gu ing Airship them off successfully, you live and escape. Robot Spider

Le There are two helicopters attacking you Blow off his four lower metal arms with your i 5
las 4 ola Wl-lse(-mcolelae mo)clue ium E-L<omelU |melal-y shell cannon. Stay on the bottom platform. ; x \
_ r el of the helicopters and the view switches Eventually he gets close. i wt
ate at Me to the other helicopter looking at you. A
: errs Shoot the dot *~
nneervnemananmmmeie and repeat the process. However, you can —
Stage > Boss: Stand in front of the fall off the tower when you Jump Kick, so stage 6 Boss:
Two Helicopters door, he'll shoot the supports. constantly be holding back on the D-pad. 8-Armed Beastie
CO. Ane, ene) h

ENTS tat
MONTHLY Magazine
et Fo 45D Yr tag. y 1 9-938

geen Won Need to Kioe

—videogamespot company
A aX ..

¢ lundra is a remark-
able game with a lot
of great puzzles and
gameplay. If you were a
fan of the Secret of Mana
series or Zelda, then this
game is for you. Alundra
elements from both of
these games, but with a
lot more features added.
The puzzles are innova-
tive and often tricky. The
plot of the game was well
thought out, but it could
have been done a little
better. This RPG is great
for beginners, but may be
a little too easy for hard-
core RPG gamers. The
solutions to the hardest
puzzles and toughest
f@ Bosses can be found in
this guide. I can’t
emphasize this enough:
Only look at this guide if
you are really stuck.

—Scott “Super Fly”

Jacobs and Ben “Andy
Kaufmann” Durbin

~strat-stats i

time to complete:


still a good RPG?

here on Xmas Eve:


Time after
4 time you will ® Make sure you open the chest
be called upon and get the gold falcon. Wendell
to enter the is inno g
villagers’ dreams immediate
to rid them of danger, so
This is your first test of skill for the some sort of terror. Your first you can
kinds of tasks ahead of you: Enemies, journey into the nightmare spare the
levers, traps, a key and a quest item. realm is on behalf of the old side trip.
man, Wendell.
© The Boss here is imposing but
© Right away you will see the easy to beat. Strike and move
nature of Wendell’s terrors: He is away. (While it is flashing, you
surrounded by slime monsters. cannot hurt it.) After a
To save him you must first work while it will divide 4 4
The dungeon level has your way through the maze. into four medium \S i
the items you need to slimes, which will Kos . 3
unlock the upper floors. © Flip the levers to shift the stone divide into four i
slabs so that you can travel small slimes. Net
through the maze. Once they are q W ‘
all dead, the . i
© If you become trapped, you dream ends 1
may be able to kill your enemies and you
to proceed.

| After the mine collapses,

you must seek out survivors.
Don’t get your hopes
up, though—the mine
is overrun with rock
= dragons, slimes and malta.

E © You will need the mining

bombs Jess has created to
F blast your way into the
mine and through certain tun-
_ nels. The bombs can also be
- used to kill monsters, but be care-
ful around the rock dragons. Their
fire breath will cause the bombs to
explode prematurely. ¢ There are three engines that you
must activate to finish this level. The
¢ There are a number of linked second engine can be started simply
obstacles in the mines. First by throwing the switch. The last
:. you will need to find the key engine is a little more stubborn—
that opens the door to.the jump up and down on it a few times
main engine room. Use a to make it cooperate.
bomb to clear the rocks that
block the stairs. ¢ If you get stuck, try different switch
combinations, and don’t be afraid
¢ The first key opens the door to to retrace your steps. Often a trip
the main engine room that con- on one cart will activate a lever
- trols the mining carts. Once you or open a passage that was
get this engine running, you can previously off limits,
use the mining carts by jumping or even open
E into them—after that it’s all another room
F autopilot, so sit back and enjoy entirely.
© the ride. The mining carts will
- also smash through any ¢ There is no Boss
-. obstructions in their way, such to defeat in the
as rock slides or monsters. Mine area.

¢ Switch any levers you see. If

= | there are tracks near-
‘by, watch to see
how the track con-
iguration changes.

The Mine area will have you backtracking many times,

but most of the action occurs in this main area. Two
keys and a save point are accessible from here.
When you return from
the mine, go back and ¢ If you fall into
the ghoul pit
B speak with Jess. He
will suggest that you below, you can
visit Olen’s grave with either climb the
B.some flowers. The stairs or acti-
graveyard is just north vate the lift by
of the village. hitting the right-
hand switch.
> When you hear Lars
calling you, head north ¢ Using the lift,
from the grave. you need to
activate the
& ° The first puzzle of Lars’ trigger plate as
crypt requires you to pay well as speak
homage to the spirits of to the statue
five saints. First, speak in this room.
swith Lars in the northeast This will clear
& room. Return to the main the bridge to your way to
floor and speak to the area B. You the Orb room.
saints in the correct order. can find two Herbs in the
§ Then return to speak to Lars chests on the other side.
f ;again, and finally head back ¢ In the Orb
down to the crypt floor. ¢ Watch the wraiths—you can’t room, strike
hurt them until they materialize. them in the order EWSN. A saint
¢ In the next room, read Jump up and drop bombs on will appear, issue a challenge to
both plaques, then kill all the ghouls to kill them safely. you and then open the gate
the enemies. This will extend around the corner to the east.

Cc = In order to move on to
2 the next section, you have
to extend the “conveyor
belts” here.

¢ First, grab the key in the

nearby chest. This opens
the door to the north.

¢ Go through the
door into the room
with the moving
slabs. Work your
way over to the
barrel and carry it
The next puzzle is easy but can « Advance one step forward to the
over to the north
get extremely frustrating. The sign room with the slimes. Kill all the
side of the room. Drop the
outside reads “One step forward, two slimes to open the gate.
barrel by the raised platform
steps back.” This is the key to
so that you can jump up and
advancing through this endless loop. ¢ Go two steps back—each time
speak to the statue. The stat-
leaving through the west-side
ue will extend the
* Start in the room with the orbs. To door. After your two steps Si
moving floor. Take
open the gates, light all three orbs at back, your next step forward
the outside track.
the same time. This is easiest if you (east) will take you
light them in the order shown. to face the
Shrine Protector.

The final test of your skills is

==: A Slumber Bummer Bonaire's Dream the Crypt Guardian. He’s not
too hard to beat but he will
f When you return to the © Some rocks can be
village, Bonaire is trapped in a keep you on your toes.
pushed. Move against
dream and Nadia suffers as well, them to see if they activate
¢ When he roars and lifts his
& unable to sleep at all! You must another feature.
arms, he is preparing a hail-
fasave Bonaire from his dream and
storm of boulders for you. If
‘take him to see Nadia. The only ¢ The Boss at the end of this
you are quick enough, you can
F trouble is, Bonaire doesn’t want dream is pretty tough, but you
hit him and disrupt his attack. : id
; to be rescued! can take her
out with a
Otherwise, keep moving and fA arog
the boulders will miss. Mais Fe
¢ The Dragon orbs acti- single bomb.
vate the red and blue Watch her
¢ Lars will reward you with
slabs that block your pattern and
the Ruby Crest, the first of
_ way. When the red slabs try to antici-
seven jewels you must
are “on,” the blue slabs pate when
collect to defeat Melzas.
er off, and vice versa. she will stop.

star block near the star emblem. __ barrel. You can make the
In the temple, you must find Don't place it yet! Use the star jumps but it is very diffi-
four statues that will open as a stepping stone to get the cult. Once you get to the
paths for you. other rocks. barrel, you can reach the
switch. This will trigger a
® Notice that the sun rock is platform to come down.
missing? Don't panic. It is hiding
To get to the first statue, out of sight just behind the plat- © The lift will bring you to
exit the main hall to the left form on the east. a room with four holes
and go through the room and a lever in the middle.
with the steel balls. Flick the © Exit the room and carefully Hit the lever and move
switches and go up the stairs at make your way to the south over one of the holes.
your right. You will see four door in the eye room. Barrels (if you are lucky) or
plates on the ground with Star, spikes (if you are not) will drop
Moon, Sun and Rain emblems. from the ceiling. You can use the
Also in the room are four rocks When you get out into the open, Iron Flail to reach the switch even
with those emblems on them. walk north and you will see two if you are standing very near the
B The object is to place doorways. Go into the first door- hole. Get enough barrels so that
the rocks on : way. You will need to you can make a path across the .
ethe correct use your Sand Cape sand. If you don’t have enough star, moon, rain, sun. When done
emblems. To to get past some barrels after five tries, you will get correctly, this will start a massive
get the star and areas. Make your way _ nothing but spikes from then on (although harmless) rockslide that
E moon, jump on through and you will so you will need to leave the will halfway uncover the Shrine
p. the stone slab end up in the upper room and re-enter. Protector. Repeat this process
and it will raise left-hand corner of the on the other side and you will
you to the plat- castle. Talk to the third © Once you climb out of this completely reveal him.
form. Kill the mummy and pick statue. Then walk back down and room you will see those familiar
Eup the rocks. WAIT! Do NOT enter the second door to get to rocks again. It looks easy this Shrine Protector Strategy
E place the rocks on their plates statue four. time but you only have about 10 This Boss is very easy to beat.
just yet, you will need them seconds to place all four rocks or Make sure your Sand Cape is
to get the other two rocks. you will have to start over. Once equipped. Get next to the
Drop the moon on the floor, Once you enter the second door _ you get it right a chest will drop. mummy, hit him, then sink under
F then toss the star on the you will be in a room with three Get the key from the chest, then the sand. You cannot be hurt
moon. You've made stairs! steel balls. You will also see two head to the next room to speak while under the sand. Repeat this
Now you can get the other switches on the floor. You must with the statue. until the Boss is dead for a flaw-
two rocks. Place the rocks on press both switches together to —— less victory!
the plates. open the door. © Continue downward until you ae
find a doorway with two red flags. a
® Go to the top of the room and Enter this doorway and you will Wy
To find the second statue, you you will find a pedestal. Push it soon come upon a room with the fj,|
must solve two puzzles. Walk so that it is in the middle of the rocks and emblems. This time the ;
up the stairs you carpet and the flowers. Now icons rotate and you must time th
saw when you make your the placement perfectly. Watch mye
F entered the tem- way down the the cycle of symbols and drop the
ple. Enter either room while rock when you see the symbol
door and place avoiding the that comes just before the one
the rocks on | steel balls. you are holding.
;. the emblems Push the
as before. pedestal onto © After you succeed here move
Now walk the switch on to the next room. Kill all the
through the and you can enemies to receive another
door and you stand on the installment of the four rocks.
will be ina other one. Stack the rocks on the plate in
room with a this order: rain, sun, moon, star.
bunch of eyes: @ Exit the Then proceed to the Boss area.
some open, door into a
some closed. sand-covered ® This room has two holes in the 4
Walk only on room. You sand-covered floor. Hop into the
; the closed must kill the hole and the four rocks will fall.
eyes or the bees so thata This time you must place them in
: doors will slam barrel will fall a certain configuration. The sign
shut and lock. down. Take on the wall says “SWEN” so you
the barrel and _ should place the rocks on those
@ As you place it atthe plates in the order they drop:
enter the edge of the
room, head stone tower
south on the
light-colored blocks. You will which is about
see a barrel which you can the same height
pick up. Walk back to the very as you. Jump
top and use the barrel to from the stone
» bridge over to the door. paving in the cor-
nér onto the first i
@ When you walk into this tower. Then pro- —_Duck under the
90m, you will see the ceed toward the —_gand for safety.
A close ally of Lars, “Vul” is the © The opening rooms are very @ The passageway to the Boss
keeper of the second jewelled straightforward. To descend to has one final test of skill for
crest and can be found here. the deeper areas, you must you. Jump on the switch plate
Although the crest has already activate the three jewelled to release the ball, and ride
been stolen by the Malta, the pedestals. The order of acti- the rolling ball down the hall-
E. Coastal Cave is well worth your vation does not matter as long way. Switch to the second ball
ies. Visit anyway. Here as you get.all three. This when you:can and avoid the
& you will find a Life unlocks the plate that covers the spikes. Before the second ball
Vessel, a staircase. falls into the hole, jump for-
= Golden ward onto the raised platform.
Falcon and © Your next major Next stop: the Water Guardian.
the Merman challenge requires © To reach the key,
Boots. These patience and timing. don’t break any of the pots in the © The Water Guardian is not
: boots are very Smash the center post room. You can climb up on the too bad if you keep your wits
| important as of the two swinging balls pots in order to make the jump about you. Move slowly but be
¢ they allow so that the balls break to the first island. prepared to dodge pseudopods
E you to enter free and roll into place or bubbles. When the Guardian
» watery along the outside walls. rises up out of the water, dash
& areas. Now you can jump up to forward and hit
the outside ledge the body with a
F ® You will and continue on. charge attack
F need the Iron Flail from your
= to smash your way © When you reach the wood- sword. A few
rthrough the many rocks in the en bridge, do not switch the such hits and
cave. Be careful which rocks you lever in the middle of the bridge. the battle is
smash as you may need them It's a trap. However, you should yours.
to access hard-to-reach places. smash all the rocks you find
foun Kline's Dream
& Matters with Kline worsen after ¢ There is a key at the bottom of e When you reach the Boss, them all down. Wait a few
you return from the cave. the center tower. Don’t bother equip your sword and bombs. seconds, the Boss will start
¥ Speak to Septimus to bring picking your way down: Jump. The Boss will try to suck you and sucking again, including his
matters to a head. Kline into its mouth. Stand so that own slimy allies.
¢ Many puzzles in Kline’s dream you are between Kline and the
E ¢ Once you reach the towers, involve pushing the ice pillars into monster so that you can keep ¢ After you beat the dream
f head for the right-hand tower. him from getting swallowed. monster, you will return to the
Inside, maneuver the small rock real world. Unfortunately, it is
toward the top of the room by ¢ Each time the monster starts too late for Kline. He will trans-
switching the lever post. You
must smash through the large
rocks by sending the small
‘ie ‘alES inhaling, throw a bomb. Two
bombs will stop it temporarily and
give you time to push Kline away.
form into a werewolf and attack 3
you. Use your swords charge
attack to defend yourself when
boulder through them. he lunges. If you have any magicy
pPaice ° If you get too close, you can available,
¢ The demons in a turn around and attack quickly use the
Kline's dream with your sword. This should Blue Scroll.
are able to dis- cause the monster to stop.
appear, but your the proper positions over switch
4 'sword’s charge plates. The solution to the first ¢ From time to time the monster
attack can kill them in one blow such puzzle is above. The upper- will spit out a bunch of slimes.
when they reappear. left pillar can slide to the right. Don't bother trying to chase

. This is an extremely important © Lizard men come to life from more than once, you will have to you kill, more will appear. Your
and challenging level. The statues. Get out your Iron Flail restart the room. best bet is to try to ignore them
game seems to shift gears at because it is great for smashing as much as possible and work
this point away from puzzles statues. (You can also use your © You have on the Lizard King himself.
and jumping skills and goes new bow!) many oppor-
all out with combat. tunities to @ The king has the ability to jump
© Advancing from save your into the air and shake the earth
Sweep» Before you enter room to room game and to when he lands. Of course, this
he lair, make sure requires you to kill replenish will stun you and anyone else in
} you have a full a lot of lizard men. your physical the room, including the lizard
\ supply of herbs and If you are stuck, strength. The men. Unfortunately, they always
at least one of step close to statues, use your lair has many recover first. You can avoid this,
ra each elixir. Your Iron Flail or throw some bombs. looping areas so it is easy to of course, by jumping into the air
\\Brown Scroll sidetrack for a quick save. just before he lands.
will come in © These eight statues can only
Ne very handy so be destroyed if you hit them © The strategy for Reptilicus
make sure you while they = Maximus is easier said than
have some Magic are pulsing. done. For starters, he always
\\> Elixir too. If you can They will appears with a number of lizard
>» afford it, a Life only pulse men of random abilities: some
~ Potion is a nine times. warriors, some archers, some
If you miss spitters. No matter how many
Life vessels
Partial List
After going through the tomb, any remaining 1) In chest in Tarn’s
you will come upon a room enemies. Once Manor
with four switches that cannot that is complet- 2) Buy from Naomi in Inoa
be turned. Head up to the ed, pick up the 3) In Mine just before exit
room on the left. In the room flames and toss 4) Reward at end of Lars’ crypt
there are four warp plates. them on the torches. When all of thorns to your immediate left. 5) Found in Bonaire’s dream
Each plate gets a little the flames are placed, read the Drop down this ledge and walk 6) In south shop (buy armor first)
more difficult as you go stone and walk out. The stone is up the stairs. Now take this 7) In Sand Palace before exit
along. The bottom-right the first part of the riddle which flame and walk back down the 8) South of Reptile Lair in swamp
plate is the easiest, top- reads, “The modest one gazes stairs and over to the thorn bush 9) Coastal Cave before boss
right is moderately easy, top- downward in the face of evil.” on the left. Jump and toss the 10) In third tower of Kline’s dream
left is hard and bottom-left is flame on this thorn bush. After 11) In pool above waterfall
= the hardest. In each level, you that, walk back up and take the 7p) Across bridge in Reptile Lair
fee must place the flames on the This area takes a lot of patience. final flame. You must be very ak) In Giles’ nightmare
torches to light the room so You must be quick and accurate careful with this final run. Take iC) On thorn island in Altar Tomb
you can read the riddle. too. Take the first flame and line the flame and drop down the its) Casino for 5 rounds vs. slime
it up with the right torch. Walk to ledge like you did with the first aT)) (rT rom(olmom clae(-1 aoe) ale]
the end of the edge flame. Walk down to 17) Casino for 5 roulette games
and do a jump toss. € eee 0 the steps and jump up. aEs) im
1a)molan ko mr-l(e101)
E. When you enter the room, Move to the middle When you get to the ats) Bought for 25 Falcons
F jump on the platform and right flame and walk thorn bush, you know 0) Bought for 25 Falcons
move it toward the left wall. to the middle torch what to do. Walk up a 21) Bought for 25 Falcons
; Jump off and destroy the and stand on the little farther and you 22) In church north of Inoa
roach spitter. This takes eight edge. Toss the flame will notice a lever. Hit it Px)) In dream of Hide and Seek
hits. Then go over to the other down. Proceed to the with your sword and
roach spitter on the bottom middle-left flame and four flames will drop
right and destroy that one. line up with the left from the ceiling. Read
+ Jump off the latform and kill torch and do a jump toss. Take
the remaining flame from the far
this message: “The light of
salvation rises from the east to
Bes. FALcons
Partial List
left and jump down from the free from darkness those wait-
ing in expectation.” 1) In chest in Tarn’s Manor
level. Try not to hit any
In Wendell’s dream
enemies or you will
In Olen’s dream (act fast!)
drop the flame. Now,
In Olen’s house (before Mine)
toss the remaining
This area can be hard if you In Mine (to east of save point)
flame on the far-
don’t take your time. Not only do In Lars’ crypt (fall on this one!)
thest unlit-torch and
you have to avoid falling into the In Bonaire’s dream
you are done. You
have about 10 sec- spikes when you carry the
‘onds before rain flames, you have to be careful
10) On riverbank near Mill
, begins to drop from of the rain that drips from the
ceiling. The raindrops have a 11) Hidden room in Coastal Cave
the ceiling which will
extinguish the pattern and you can notice
flames. Read the where they come from due to
stone and exit the the shadows. Now you must
room. The stone indicates take your time while jumping.
that “the finger of accusa- You can place flames on any
tion points to the left.” torch. Just be cautious. Le
When you have placed all
the flames, the light fills the
This area is very deceiving. This room and you can read the
is the only area where you don’t stone which says, “The eyes of
need the flames to light the the pious ones gaze upward in
torches. You do need the flames reverence.” Exit the area and
to burn the thorn bushes. When when you get back to the main
you enter the room, you will see room, exit that as well.
a flame on your right (leave it
alone for now) and two flames Back In the Switch Room
on the ledge below you. Drop When you are back in this room,
down in front of the flame on the you want to look at the riddles
left but don’t drop and which room the riddles
on the flame. came from. Now you must match
Pick up the flame the directions with the room you
and toss it on the came out of. Thus:

Bottom-right switch Down, /

Top-right switch Left,
Top-left switch Right,
Bottom-left switch Up.

Corpse Worm Strategy

Charge up and slash the body
first. When the body is com-
pletely red or brown, the head
Strike the body is vulnerable. Do it again when
sections first. the armor regenerates.
Hf There are six hidden Bosses in the Dependingon |* ™
.- * 2
14 h, mindless cartoon #f
game. To open them for play, win
the championship of their league..A
the kind of
match you
World Heavyweight. Clhéimpion’
Niolence! The stuff prefer to play, me: 4'3
| single loss on your way to the title yJoe Bruiser
that gamers are made of. Ff will put you back at the beginning. some of them
Say what you will about } Normally this is not a problem, are actually
the professional wrestling | however the secret W3 Super worse. Joe
henomenon, this game | Heavy League will require you to Bruiser has no grappling or
is fun and—dare | say it— beat every other heavyweight in aerial moves at all—punch-
the game, so a loss along the way es and kicks only—but he is
/ can undo a lot of work. extremely effective in a
None of the special characters TKO match.
Listed below are just a few of the
characters, you need to : tpl most effective moves for each of
win the title in each advantage the hidden characters. You can
over the still use the basic moves list on
} normal the facing page to pull off all the
work, but well worth it if wrestlers. moves for any given wrestler.
eae ee
= you can get some friends |
together afterward and Ane
spend some quality time
pounding the life out of 1
4 xa hi DDP Wrath (s
ie Black, Widow.
each other. | ( a Must win WCW league Must win DOA league 1 Must win W3 cruiser
There are two paths for «9
you here. You'can go RRO Clothesline 9)aga Clothesline a
oT 8 aq (far) Spin Kick
4 straight tothe spoiler
sidebar for the “cheat”
Ae @ oes© Head-butt ® a ) Press Slam & Oa Web Wak
method, or you can pick MR & 0)of © Body Press (5)aa Pile Driver a 82 Oa Head Sickle
a wrestler, learn the bi) ai a
moves and fight your way” XD Oko Knee Shot @ alla © Power Bomb BR & @@ Spidered siam
through honestly. If you
want your title fairly, a a O DDT e@ Atomic Drop a Bes ee Venom DDT
there’s no better choice a ®
than “Hollywood” Hogan. AR @ a © Choke Siam O Ca Back Breaker a a *- Snap Suplex
’, Averitable “Conan the ~ ®
& @C eeonekenicn @@ © Death Penalty BBR OO death coi
Sexagenarian,” Hogan : j
has the optimum mix of | aw @@ German Suplex © @ Grapple Dr Bomb DO&
m @@ idow’s Press
brawling, technical and. : :
< submission moves to take
¢ you to the title match. ) Randy Savage Glacier Joe Bruiser
| Benjamin “Andy
Kaufmann” Must win NWO league Must win IUGP league Must win W3 heavy
Clothesline oO] Drop Kick Right Cross

O ee © Yo-yo Slap oko BETO * Left Cross

Ou Small Pkg. OO Press Ome Right Uppercut

best overall: :
“Hollywood” ‘Hogan\ wv oils Flying Elbow ~ @x © Tombstone oh Left Jab
longest match: ‘ en
T hour; 13: minutes or) PNColi
al(emB10)2) @® Neck Breaker O Head-butt
biggest’ wuss: ' Oak® Pie driver @e Cobra Twist s © ofa Big Uppercut
“whoever Andy plays
most fearsome: : @@ Power Bomb ot) Cryonic Kick Stomp
Oi Vallas the Hun!
\ honorable mention: | A © @ Rev. Bridge Pin Ol BWaniccursta-d Front Kick
OC Petey Whitman;
88. EGN?
¢ Every match should start off — your attack TH When the bell rings, press <
with a good brawl. This is the and goes and exit the ring.
fastest way to wear down your on the
opponent so you can fire off the —_ offense.
really cool moves. * Once you've
¢ Grapples figured out
¢ Lead off with a charging are the most F LA CRCL CALs
attack as soon as the bell varied and interesting opponent to the mat,
rings. Once you knock your attacks. Each wrestler throw some punishment
opponent down.with a strong has a unique move list on your helpless victim. Step Two:
attack, stand ‘em up and knock and different button » Most of these moves are Press ©) to drag your
’em down again. combos for performing “ submission holds and can opponent out of the ring.
moves. However, the end the match very quickly.
¢ Aword of warning: Some button combinations stay Step Three:
wrestlers seem resistant to consistent no matter what * if ¢ Remember: Special Run around the ring using the@
brawling attacks (Rick Steiner, wrestler you choose, so \ rt moves do more damage, button. Move so that you are on
for example). If your opponent any of the basic button and are usually pinfall or one side of the ring and your
i blocks a lot of combos will do something , C submission moves as well. opponent is on the other. It will 4
your attacks, interesting. not work at the top or bottom of -|
the ring, only on the sides.
releloelinemieine ¢Atthe beginning of
away before the match use Weak «
he counters Grapples, which can be
executed quickly. When \
the opponent is groggy, ©: -
go with Strong Grapples ,/
and/or Rear Grapples.
Turn them around, get a Step Four:
| Strong Grapple and tap Use the R button to block Climb to the apron and wait until
Aor B. Rear attacks do your opponent is counted out. Ji
and counter attack.
- the most damage.

Punishing Maneuvers Crowd Pleasers

Ag, @ (head) Weak Submission @ ch Climb to Tumbuckle
begin with: BR 0. © (legs) Wear Down
AS e ie Flying Attack to Floor*

or) B® 6. ©® (head) Strong Submission rom x | Suplex Into Ring | | |

BR 6. © (legs) Joint Manipulation Head to Post

® 9. © Falling Attack Side Attack

BR 6. © Falling Attack Back Kick

we Quick Attack* Drop Attack to Floor

dS O@ Quick.Attack* Drag Opponent to Floor

Weak and Strong Grapples Pe Ol) Aerial Attack* © Drag Opponent Out of Ring

Rhee Rhee RAS ONO Aerial Attack* @ Trip Opponent

Ree Rho ee Charging Attack* *only available to agile wrestlers

RR OO RR OO *results will vary

ARR OOF RR OO} Brawling
Turn Opponent Around

RR OOF RA OO} © (near) Face Attack Flip Opponent Over

RR OO} Kick Attack

RH O® Body Attack
OL Closing Attack Lift Opponent to Feet

Key @ Tap Strong Attack Move In/Out of Ring

a Stun-front is: Face up Duck and Roll
Sacrifice Attack
Se Pun/rebound
oN %: Stun-back

Be Tumbuckle <"» On apron» On floor

% Face down
2Qa 96
5 Bb
2b Charging-Attack 3© e>
Pin Opponent
Basic Moves
a a s Pile Driver A oF
°° Punch
Ba Hip Toss De
4 Chop
Be Head Flip Ne
»! Py Kick
a a *° oge Basic Suplex b> # °
Drop kick

2 & pele Vertical Suplex 2)

Py oe i=]ofeyvaB]ke)e)
2 B ep fe ofe Back Breaker c. x @>
3>3 , e 1
-To MlBYce)e)
& Dap ege ee Body Slam .
Knee Drop
a Ab Stretch Stomp
BD 4 Lift to Feet Clothesline
‘@ Head Scissors Spin Kick
Moves List
he gameplay isn’t as Moves are performed by @ Frankensteiner Elbow
good as WCW vs. positioning both wrestlers Overhead Slam Chop
NWO, but WCW Nitro is correctly and then pressing the e e

pretty fun nevertheless. proper combination of keys. The we ofe ee Foot Choke Knee
move chart shows the correct e% mane
Unlike its N64 counter- e” Repeatedly Ten Punch Splash
positions of the wrestlers and
part, this version boasts a Throw out Ring
the buttons to press. Certain Flying Elbow Drop
lot of “official” images, moves are available only to Throw to Ropes/TB Flying Leg Drop
sounds and characters. certain wrestlers—these moves
The most interesting are shown on the facing page.
. In/Out Ring up on TB Flying Knee Drop
feature of this game is the Drag Flying Drop Kick
sheer volume of hidden Character Roster
Pinning Power Bomb
characters. They are easy This roster shows all 64 (normal
= enough to release-each and hidden) characters, in the
time you beat the game order they are released. In order standard characters which are
to unlock a character, you must always available, must win 10
with one character, you
beat the game with a higher matches to beat the game and
release the character in
level character. The first tier, the unlock the character in the
the next tier (see chart second tier. The second tier
at right). character must win five to unlock
As for strategy, there's the third tier, and the third
not much to it. Pick any tier must win three matches
maneuver that will knock to unlock the fourth and final
y your opponent to the tier of characters. The first
; mat-the Pile Driver is a two tiers are full of wrestling
* good choice. Then simply celebrities; tier three has
goofy characters and tier
walk up to your downed
Ric Flair has two great : four has the developers.
opponent and use the
moves in his arsenal.
Stomp maneuver until
he/she has no energy left.
Pick ‘em up, give ‘em
another Pile Driver and Character Wu. |4 AS) Ff 4

pin ’em. Sometimes
he/she will kick out and Roster OK, so where’s
Charlie Sheen?
you'll have to give
him/her another Pile
Driver, but he/she never
Pa eh
escapes twice. This works + fe The absolute coolest j Malenko is a superb RG Outsider’s [=elet-y
row of characters. technical grappler. is difficult to stick,
even on hard difficulty
i v
—Benjamin “Andy i H
Kaufmann” The Scorpion Death Buzz has one of the of Big Back Hits: good
Lock is a good closer. best wrestling rings. family fun-like Santa!
q fg rel ‘2, Grey
F Rist ey Pa adie Bs” Greene ae
eae, What
afreak Fake blood gets my But why do they have
matches played: show lineup. fur all gooky. the same move list?
over 300 « aa
challenge: eta te «|
none at all
i Cie ; hot iP
best move? Small, but can throw Giant isn’t as effective WomirdaneltHate to be the guy
you over the top rope. as he should be. following the clown.
“Cheap Shot”
weirdest: ji rep i
4 Emilio Estevez? hee re
4 fastest match: Macho, babe, macho... Suffer through Nash Try some of Syxx’s
28 seconds FUSH? to play Jimmy Hart. moves with Konnan.
BON A ofa eo eo ego “Hollywood” Leg Drop Flying Head-Butt
CS dn
mi (ws, ©. ©. © :
DES Of, oe exe) oP Big Boot Double Arm Clothesline
TG 8, On Ce ©,
Gs ks lox) oe ox) Knee Bashes German Suplex

Figure Four Leg Lock Choke Slam

Nature Boy Chop Choke Lift

Cheap Shot One-Hand Pancake

Super Power Bomb

Stinger Splash Choke Lift

Reverse DDT Side Suplex

Torture Rack Outsider’s Edge

Diving Clothesline Snap Ab Suplex

Atomic Drop Head-butt

German Suplex
o. 0. ©
e9 xe) oP Big Back Hits

Side Pancake Harlem Flip

Reverse Arm Flip Scissor Kick

Flying Elbow Drop Big Back Hits

o) Ixe) @0 Atomic Head-butt Harlem Flip

S68. 6
IP OP ox) Face Smash Scissor Kick

Texas Cloverleaf Diamond Cutter

Snap Suplex as aS oe Spinning Back Splash
M6 LON io} ie)
Back Pancake De®
GE Sts OQ @(ey@ Reverse Side Suplex

Frog Splash Buzz Killer

Spinning Head Scissors Power Slam

Torso Flip Back Suplex

For an explanation of symbols, please see page 89.

@ If you don’t Ilke reading instructions,
note this: You only need to find 20
crowns in a level to earn the big crown.
"bare : @ The tongue stand
(Z button while
q hat do you get if you
standing still) is a
morph Yoshi's sticky good way to move
tongue ability with the the camera to
Ve 3-D adventuring of Super - check for hidden
Mario 64? crowns. Combine this with the zoom-out
The result would likely camera controls to get a maximum view.
be something close to @ Throughout this strategy are several
this game, a whimsical references to a Pole Vault Jump, which
adventure that features essentially means hitting the Z button
four little chameleons while running, then catapulting in the air. Overall, this level Is
warped into another a breeze. Most of
i“ ™ Save hearts If you're
the crowns you
world. Their only maxxed out or close to
might miss are
weapons: long tongues, max. You can always go
before the cave.
controlled by the analog back to get them if you’re
stick, that can grab getting slammed in a specific area.
enemies, reach new areas = Remember that a life
and help them jump. is the equivalent of one
heart. That said, it’s
Plus, the game has a
OK to get a crown and
multiplayer Battle Mode
die to save time—the
strongly reminiscent of crown will still register
Bomberman—however as being retrieved!
this time, the goal is to
knock opponents out of
The most secret
the playing field. crowns in Jungle
In all honesty, this Land (two of ’em)
game is rather easy to are hidden behind
beat—there are only six The default time the waterfall.
stages to plow through. to beat each level
2 This strategy guide is 18 20:00. But if
geared more toward you ignore all
helping you find all the crowns and foes
crowns in each of the six you can beat then
levels, as well as beat the ih less than 5:00/
Bosses quickly. Most of crowns are
the crowns are easy to al hidden
find, but there are several this crown the from plain ™
tricky ones. first time around view. In general, zoom out
because it’s well and rotate the floating
—Nelson “Roddy Piper”
hidden behind camera to find where any
Taruc and Carey “The crowns might be found.
some foliage.
Undertaker” Wise

time to twist away:

After Beating the Game...
two days You can find at least 141 crowns in the
maps drawn to scale? entire game, which opens up a hidden
mo, but close enough level. Sadly, there doesn’t seem to be
more secrets after that, other than racking
fave chameleon:
up the best times/tries for each of the six Level 7 lets you fight
yellow (on Prozac?) _ levels—which again, apparently doesn’t all of the Bosses once
worst feature: open anything else up. If you find any again; but it doesn’t
no 1P Battle Mode other endings/secrets, let us know by seem to serve any
my kewl NU protege: e-mailing us at greater purpose.
Naila-Jean Meyers
fo get these crowns, use the
ole. Run left and Pole Vault up
in the air. Near your apex, press
B to grab the <j
pole. Finally,

You might miss this

because of all the ants
that seem to swarm at
you. Avoid most of the hits
by going to the upper-left
or right corner of the This level shouldn't

Bec:ause room; keep jumping in be too hard unless

of the odd place until the ants stop "re tryingtones
camera location in ; eo you're trying to ge
hi coming. Then it'll be clear all the crowns. The
Es FOOT yOUE may to get the three crowns. Boss is one of the
not see the crown in
game's toughest,
the lower right-hand
corner. Use the but still rather easy.
You don't have to eat the tongue to clear away
ants to get past them! If an four or five ants, then
ant line i$ next to a wall, you move into the empty
cath hug the wall and walk space they create
and march right along
poe the ants without
so you don’t get hit.
getting hit.

Look high up to find

two gold crowns on
pipes. Pole Vault
S Jump to get them.

To get some i
crowns on this h
level, destroy all
the floating white
creatures in a
given room by
shooting bombs
at them. Two
examples are
pointed out here.
Also, exploding creatures can clear Worry more dbout shoot-
out red squares into yellow ones
i cannons than fallin
you can safely walk on (see above).
lanks. You can afford to
Standahd wait for a cannonball to
before running oh. TNS tactic will oeyou get
alll the crowns without dying.

A difficult pole vault jump must be

done here. Start near the exit and
run south. Jump near the middle.
These are the only two rooms you must
enter twice—first to get the crowns
(one in each room is hidden under a
stack of blocks), the second to exit.
what the enemies do. Those missiles will be needed to destroy Only blow up the blocks you need to
enemies and blocks—both ways will reveal crowns! Overall, this make the stone “stairway” to leave.
winds up an easy level apart from some difficult jumps.
EGM? 93
Use the poles
to drift to the
One of the tough-
Do not fall to get left side of the
est crowns in the
this crown because sand slide to
grab this crown. See Mad game to get is
you'll miss it! Jump
near the edge so Skillz for extra information. this one. First,
Pole Vault Jump
you land on it.
up to this point
IANA | (see above). Next,
stick your tongue
out to the post
and spin. You'll
—— *), fall and die
ote! mn unless you
This Is the first draw your
level that forces tongue in the
you to master the right way; see the
Reverse Pole diagram below for
Vault Jump—the the proper way.
only way to get to
a platform direct- Don't restart the level if
ly above you: you miss the two crowhS
1. Stand at the on the huge Sand Side! If
edge below the You me$ Up, Jump off to
platform above one Side of the end of the Slide. Youll die,
you want to get but itll put you back on the Side. Tongue
to (see above). Sein to move farther back (youll die
2. Run away from again). Repeat this two on three times to
the edge, then return to the Sand Slide halfway point!
3. Pole Vault It’s tough only if you plan on
Jump. If done Don’t panic If getting all the crowns—some
Reverse Pole
right, your tongue you're on the crazy tongue/jumping
Vault Jump to
bends back (see —— __ wrong flying skills are needed. Don’t
retrieve this
below) so you... carpet when this panic on the jumps t
——_—__—_———_—_ |co crown comes and you should be 4 otherwise
hidden crown.
4. Can Catapult
Jump up to the
around. You can fine. By the “d
still grab it by standing on your way...where’s
higher platform!
tongue (Z button) and jumping straight the ~ fa w This area may seem
No easy feat...
up (see picture for an example). intimidating at first,
f but repeated tongue sticking
to the poles can easily set
Liao a you on the right line to grab
the crowns here.
Getting this crown TT
is best done via a
Tongue Spin since
the sand is constantly
moving. First, use your
tongue to get next to
Lost in all the hoopla over the one-player the pole to spin on.
adventuring in Chameleon Twist is the Then drift toward the
multiplayer Battle Mode. (Sadly, there are no edge—but before falling,
computer opponents, so all the fighting is stick out your tongue,
human-to-human.) From a strategy stand- then spin to the crown.
point, there aren't too many useful tips:
1. You don't need to shoot to kill. Merely
using your tongue to hit foes can knock
them off the edge.
2. Watch your start-
ing position: You
_ Each of the eight might fall and die if
battle tracks has } you mix up which
a unique layout. 4 character you have!

Beating the best times in

a piece of cake after beating the game. Still,
no secrets seem to be unlocked after that’s
accomplished. So is it worth it? Hmm...
as VOLU 1


br FORMERLY P.S.X. a hd |fats

Demo Di
: playable demos:
_Star,Wars: Masters of,Teras Kasi
Bushid Blade
eer) Py
+ Cardinal SYN ie,
Ghost in the Shell
Moto Racer £
Test Drive 4

non-playable demo:

Magazines available at the following locations:

Kmart, Wal-Mart, Electronics Boutique, Waldenbooks,
Target, Borders, Crown Books, Barnes & Noble
are up Skiliwise, this Is likely To get both
high. the toughest level in the # crowns, you
Get the game; precise tongue must master
first via s}spinning is crucial here. =| the reverse
a Pole Pole Vault
Jump; Jump to get
stand onto a moving
on the platform. See
poles Level 4 for
and use 9 more details
your tongue. fF : about how to
An elevator is 1 do this jump.
gets you to
the other
crown. Avoid using the floating camera
while on the moving platforms.
The movement mekeS the camera
‘wig oUt th Some rooms.

Eat all the invisible

cookie monsters here
for this hidden crown.

appear in
these two
after all aon eS
enemies a
are killed. a
Never :
“wake up”
>, more than one enemy
at a time! Face one
dead on, get it to shoot
fire, then jump with
your tongue stuck out. You
Do not Jump when can grab the fire and shoot
in this room! Just it back while in midair!
use your tongue to
clear out any fires
in your way.

To get acroS the room with the rotating hallway, Reverse pole vault jumps at
run diagonally forward-left just after the window the left door will get you to
holes pass. Switch viewS to look ahead. When the the top of this library room.
holes approach, jumo Up ahd left and keep running.
50 crowns are
needed to play
This crown Is so obviously hidden, you
pool in this
might miss it the first time around. Look
room and get
behind the fireplace—walk carefully to
a new crown!
avoid getting hit by the flames.

It’s pretty easy for a final level.

My question: If it’s called a Ghost
Ca: stile, where are all the ghosts?
96 EGM?
nave 3 BO
Copiers Voure wWrer'
Hey Gamers!
This time of year there are so many cool games coming our way it’s hard to find
enough space to tell you about ’em all. That’s why we have EGM and EGM2

1998 veo ear MIE

special issues like the 1998 Video Game Buyer’s Guide, Guide to
Sports Video Games and Video Games for the Nintendo 64.Although

these mags are created by your favorite EGM and EGM? editors, they contain
lots of information not found in the pages of EGM and EGM?. Let me tell you a
little about each...

1998 Video Game Buyer’s Guide

Put together by Dan Hsu and the rest of the Review Crew, this mag tells you
On Sale Nov. 11, 1997
our pick for this year’s best system and which games you should buy! We
also have our Good, Bad and Silly look back on the gaming industry, along
with a massive trick index and game review chart with over 1,300 games

listed and rated! Plus, go behind the scenes with Shigeru Miyamoto on
the future of Nintendo, and take a top-secret look at the world ofvideo


game-controller design.

Video Games for Nintendo 64

Written by brand-spankin’ new Review Crew guy (and Nintendo-book veteran)
John Ricciardi, this mag has everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the
N64. It’s packed with reviews ofall the new N64 games, previews of more than On Sale Nov. 25, 1997
20 hot new titles, a huge tips-and-tricks section and—best of all—strategy
guides for all of your favorite games. John just got back from Japan with the
latest Nintendo news, and he’s itchin’ to unload it all in this special issue.

Sports Video Games

Tired of watching the other team make all the big plays? Want to know which
sports games you should even bother playing? EGM'’s guide will satisfy all of
your sports-gaming needs with comprehensive strategies, interviews, in-depth
previews and a hard-hitting review lineup ofthe ultimate sports titles. Watch
for the huge Madden 64 behind-the-scenes blowout and an interview with
legendary Q-back Brett Favre. EGM’s armchair jock Kraig Kujawa is writing
this sucker, which focuses mainly on football, basketball and hockey titles.
Watch for it!

Crispin Boyer
EGM Review Crew
Features Editor

Don’t forget to look for our

newest title.

PlayStation Magazine

Available Today!
Quan Chi is a tough
adversary. Your best
bet in taking him out is
Neck Kicks. Keep
belay ediatemex=\
over him and you'll nail
him every time. Just Jaataka kills Quan Chi, and
when you think you've begs to be taken out of the A sudden appearance
defeated him, an unex- realm. However, fate inter- by Raiden leads the ninja
pected ally shows up venes and Shinnok kills her - to ask questions about
and finishes him off. with a bolt of energy. The his soul. Raiden explains
final fight begins! to Sub-Zero that he must
choose his own path,
e whether it be good or
evil. With these words of
wisdom, the god leaves.
Sub-Zero approaches
his master, who
congratulates him. A
stranger is in the room—
aman named Shang
Tsung. He invites
ESTO] of74-10 hk
CoM of-Tales or-1(-)
in a contest known as

Mortal Kombat...

( N j Shinnok is protected by the

i amulet he wears. Any attack at
him will cause no damage. The
\ way to beat him is surprisingly easy,
\yyet it's easy to pass up on.
First, wait for him to toss a fireball at
you. At this time, freeze him. Then run
backward and into the teleporter.
When you appear behind him, freeze
the god again. Then use the grab (L1)
to get the amulet from around his
neck. Out of fury, Shinnok transforms
into a demon. Just run out through a
teleporter to win the game.

Run away from the demon,

and go into the teleporter.

! There are two types of ene- opponent is defeated.

/ mies: man-sized or larger. All Do not bother with your
man-sized enemies are sus- special moves. They take too
ceptible to Neck Kicks. You much time to pull off. This
can keep doing them until gives opponents way too
your opponent is dead. The much time to act against you.
larger foes can all be nailed
by running up to them. First

TENN start with a High Kick, then two hours

slide between its legs. Repeat
yey" this over and over until your frustrating but easy

This guide is available at the following locations:

K mart, Wal-Mart, Electronics Boutique,
Waldenbooks, Target, Borders,
Crown Books, Barnes & Noble
Licensed by Eidos Interactive PLC

00 12898

March 1998
In EGM*s March issue, we'll And don’t forget: Yoshi! (As if any
unleash the next installment of our one of us could forget that sweet-
Resident Evil 2 strategy guide. It’ll looking dino.) EGM? will begin its
show you how to finish the rest of blowout of the much-anticipated S- SSi
the game—and stay in one piece! Nintendo 64 game Yoshi’s Story. Shore
RPG fans should look forward to Rounding out the issue will be
part two of our Alundra strategy, guides for Dead or Alive, Fighter’s
covering all the puzzles and items Destiny and Skullmonkeys—just
found in later chapters. to name a few!

March 1998
The year 1997 was a great time The next few months promise
for next-generation gaming. Now to be landmark ones for gaming.
that the last games of ’97 have Kicking off the tidal wave is
arrived, dress up in your tux, Resident Evil 2, which we will
hands on
The only event bigger than because it’s time for the 1997 EGM review, in addition to major cover-
the popu-
the Oscars or the Super Editors’ Choice and Reader Awards. age on the N6q4’s Yoshi’s Story.
® lar dino, We're sure you can guess some of Also look for reviews of NBA In the
Bowl—The EGM Editors’ Yoshi’s
Choice Awards. the obvious winners, but there will Zone ’98, Nagano Winter Olympics
Story. be a few surprises. (N64/PS) and Winter Heat (SAT).

March 1998
Next month, check out some strategy extra on the horror sequel
’ killer previews and reviews by that will leave you victorious.
the authority on PlayStation As always, we'll have the latest
games: OPM. Look for reviews on domestic and international news
Capcom’s Resident Evil 2, Crystal as well as the coolest GEAR avail-
Dynamic’s Gex 2, Activision’s Pitfall able for your PlayStation.
3D plus much more! All this and a brand-spankin’
In addition to our review of new demo disc are coming soon ae
Resident Evil 2, we’ll have a super in the March issue of OPM. oa ae

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