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Science of the Total Environment 906 (2024) 167252

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Science of the Total Environment

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Faucet-mounted point-of-use drinking water filters to improve water

quality in households served by private wells
Hannah Patton a, *, Leigh-Anne Krometis a, Erin Ling a, Alasdair Cohen b, Emily Sarver c
Department of Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Seitz Hall, RM 200, Virginia Tech, 155 Ag Quad Lane, Blacksburg, VA
24060, United States of America
Department of Population Health Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 205 Duck Pond Drive, VA-MD College of Veterinary Medicine (0442),
Blacksburg, VA 24061, United States of America
Department of Mining and Minerals Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 378 Holden Hall, Virginia Tech, 445 Old Turner St., Blacksburg, VA
24061, United States of America


• Point-of-use filters significantly reduced

concentrations of contaminants in well
• Contaminants in some filtered water
samples still exceeded EPA
• Unfiltered source water quality appears
to impact filter performance.
• The majority of study participants had
concerns about POU filter use.


Editor: Paola Verlicchi Approximately 13 % of Americans rely on private wells for household potable water. As private wells are not
regulated beyond initial construction and often employ limited or no treatment, source water from wells can be
Keywords: vulnerable to contamination. While several studies have assessed applications of point-of-use (POU) filters in
Point-of-use filter improving municipal tap water quality, few have investigated their use with private well water. This effort aims
Drinking water
to build on previous examinations of POU treatment as a strategy to reduce adverse household drinking water
exposures by: 1) assessing the effectiveness of commercially available faucet-mounted POU filters for improving
Private wells
iron microbial and chemical water quality in homes with private wells; and 2) documenting household ease of use and
Coliform satisfaction with the filters. Faucet-mounted POU filters were distributed to 21 homes reliant on private wells in
southern West Virginia and southwestern Virginia. Study participants were asked to collect water samples from
two taps in their homes pre-filter installation, and again two-weeks and four-weeks post-installation. Participants
filled out surveys about perceptions of their drinking water and the filter. Concentrations of Total Coliform, Ba,
Cd, Cr, U, Cu, Pb, Al, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Sr were significantly lower (p < 0.05, Wilcoxon Rank Sum) in filtered water
samples compared to paired unfiltered samples (n = 42) for the study period. However, concentrations of certain

* Corresponding author at: 200 Seitz Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24060, United States of America.
E-mail address: hpatton@vt.edu (H. Patton).

Received 22 April 2023; Received in revised form 17 September 2023; Accepted 20 September 2023
Available online 22 September 2023
0048-9697/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H. Patton et al. Science of the Total Environment 906 (2024) 167252

contaminants in filtered samples from homes with high levels of source water contamination still exceeded
drinking water standards. Less than half of study participants reported that they intended to keep using the
filters, citing issues of flowrate. Our findings suggest that faucet-mounted POU filters, while effective in reducing
contaminants, might not be an appropriate intervention to improve water quality for all homes on private well
water. Future investigation is required to improve filter user satisfaction and better assess appropriate source
water chemistries for implementation.

1. Introduction exposure at the household tap (Colford Jr et al., 2005; Colford Jr et al.,
2009; Bosscher et al., 2019; Herkert et al., 2020; Mulhern and Gibson,
In the United States, approximately 13 % of the population relies on 2020; Mulhern et al., 2021; Mulhern et al., 2022). Colford Jr et al.
private, self-supplied water as a primary household water source, most (2005) conducted a randomized control trial of a POU drinking water
often via private wells, which fall beyond the auspices of the United treatment system that employed 1-μm filtration and ultraviolet filtration
States Environmental Protection Agency's (U.S. EPA) Safe Drinking in 456 homes near Davenport, Iowa reliant on municipal water. The
Water Act (SDWA; Dieter et al., 2018). Private wells are defined as purpose of the treatment system was to reduce microbial contamination,
groundwater systems that serve no >25 people at least 60 days of the but no reduction in gastrointestinal illness was detected after imple­
year and have fewer than 15 service connections (CDC, 2014). The mentation. However, a larger randomized crossover trial conducted in
presence of elevated concentrations of health- and aesthetic-based an older population in California reliant on municipal water (n = 714),
contaminants in drinking water sourced from private wells at the organized by the same research team using the same POU filtration
point-of-use (POU) is well documented (Shiber, 2005; Pieper et al., device, reported that the use of the devices was associated with a
2015; Flanagan et al., 2016; Law et al., 2017; Mulhern and Gibson, reduction in both population- and individual-level measures of highly
2020; Patton et al., 2020; Cohen et al., 2022). This is unsurprising given credible gastrointestinal illness (HCGI; Colford Jr et al., 2009). More
the associated time commitment and cost of water sampling and testing, recently, Mulhern et al. (2021) analyzed the occurrence of microbial
treatment system installation, and the maintenance required of private indicator organisms in private well water (n = 17) treated using acti­
well owners (Jones et al., 2006; Hexemer et al., 2008; Gibson and vated carbon-based POU filters in order to better understand microbial-
Pieper, 2017; Lee and Murphy, 2020). Moreover, many owners are un­ related health risks associated with POU filters. They determined that,
aware of testing recommendations and/or do not test their water based under normal filter use conditions, the microbial water quality in
on the perception that their water is safe because of satisfactory taste filtered well water was comparable to that of unfiltered well water, i.e.
and/or smell, and, as a result, may not recognize existing water quality while there were same changed in compositions of planktonic biofilm
issues (Knobeloch, 2009; Swistock et al., 2015; Gibson and Pieper, 2017; microbes across homes, these were not directly the result of filter use
Mulhern et al., 2022). and did not appreciably change household risk. This suggests that while
Point-of-use water treatment, i.e. water treatment immediately prior POU filter use does not result in additional infectious health risks, well
to consumption, is often promoted as a strategy in the developing world users should not rely solely on activated carbon POU filters to protect
to empower communities without assured access to safe drinking water them against microbial contaminants.
to reduce exposure to contaminants via in-home treatment (Sobsey Given documented success in improving drinking water sourced
et al., 2008; Rosa and Clasen, 2010). In recent years, levels of distrust in from centralized municipal sources, POU water treatment devices have
tap water in the United States, perhaps as a result of highly publicized been proposed as a relatively affordable, accessible, and expeditious
municipal drinking water crises, has increased interest in POU treatment water treatment solution for well users struggling with persistent
devices, including faucet-mounted, pitcher, and under-sink filters contamination, as these devices are readily available at retailers and do
(Javidi and Pierce, 2018; Wu et al., 2021). Interest in the implementa­ not require professional installation (Mulhern et al., 2022). However, at
tion of POU filtration devices to remove metals at the tap in homes present, we are aware of only one study focused on examining the
served by municipal water increased markedly following the Flint, effectiveness of under-sink POU filters in removing Pb in water sourced
Michigan lead in drinking water crisis (U.S. EPA, 2016; Bosscher et al., from private wells. In a study of 17 North Carolina households, Mulhern
2019). In 2016, the U.S. EPA completed in-home POU faucet filter ef­ and Gibson (2020) reported 98 % mean Pb removal in all filtered sam­
ficacy testing in Flint, collecting filtered and unfiltered water samples ples. A companion study by Mulhern et al. (2022) suggested that
from over 200 taps (U.S. EPA, 2016). When installed correctly and installation of these filters increased consumer confidence, while 77 %
operating properly, commercially available filters were effective in of participants felt they were vulnerable to poor well water quality at the
reducing Pb, i.e. 80 % of filtered samples tested were below the detec­ beginning of the study, only 23 % of participants continued to feel
tion level for Pb, with an overall average Pb concentration below 0.3 ppb vulnerable after installing the provided under-sink POU treatment
(U.S. EPA, 2016). Further review of these findings and additional sam­ devices.
pling of at-risk populations in homes with full lead service lines by the To build on recent examinations of POU treatment as a strategy to
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), confirmed reduce adverse household drinking water exposures, the present
that the Brita and PUR brand faucet filters distributed in Flint consis­ research effort aimed to: 1) determine the effectiveness of commercially
tently reduced Pb in tap water sourced from the municipal system (U.S. available end-of-faucet POU filters in improving microbial and chemical
EPA, 2016). A study by Bosscher et al. (2019) focusing on the impacts of water quality in homes dependent on private wells; and 2) document
faucet-mounted POU filters in Flint, MI reported that 100 % of the household ease-of-use and satisfaction with this intervention. End-of-
filtered samples collected (n = 345) contained Pb concentrations below faucet filters were selected for this research, given previous positive
the 15 ppb action level (median concentration = 3.1 ppb) established in experiences in Flint, MI, as well as user ease of installation. This work
the SDWA. Both Cu and Zn concentrations were also reduced below their was centered within the Central Appalachian region, a recognized area
respective SDWA maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) and 99.6 % and of water inequity within the United States (Mueller and Gasteyer, 2021).
99.4 % of filter samples, respectively, contained Fe and Mn concentra­ In addition to regional socio-economic challenges, the unique underly­
tions below secondary maximum contaminant levels (SMCLs). ing geology and topography can result in particularly complex source
Though primarily marketed and designed to remove metals con­ water chemistries (Cook et al., 2015; Pieper et al., 2016; Arcipowski
taminants, multiple past field studies have also assessed the ability of et al., 2017). Approximately 25 % of households in Appalachia rely on
POU filters in reducing microbial and/or chemical contaminant private wells for drinking water (Hughes et al., 2005), almost twice the

H. Patton et al. Science of the Total Environment 906 (2024) 167252

national average (Law et al., 2017; Dieter et al., 2018),. Better under­ Protocol #21-125).
standing the effectiveness of POU filters in improving household water
quality at the tap in homes on private well water would help support
practical water treatment strategies for some communities, particularly 2.2. Study design
where the availability of municipal water is likely not practical in the
near term. Following recruitment and consent, participants received (via mail
and in-person delivery) drinking water sampling kits for pre- and post-
2. Methods intervention sampling, a commercially available faucet filter, and
printed instructions (Supplementary Fig. S1). Study participants were
2.1. Participant recruitment & study area asked to collect two pre-intervention drinking water samples, one from
their most frequently used tap (e.g. kitchen tap), referred to as a “pri­
Participating households were recruited from Craig, Franklin, Giles, mary” tap, and the other from a different frequently used tap (e.g.
Montgomery, Pittsylvania, and Roanoke Counties in Virginia and bathroom tap), referred to as a “secondary” tap. Following collection,
McDowell County in West Virginia (Fig. 1). Study participants in Craig, participants were instructed to install the faucet filter on their primary
Franklin, Giles, Montgomery, Pittsylvania, and Roanoke Counties in tap. Two-weeks post-installation, participants collected two more water
Virginia were recruited through a partnership with the Virginia samples, one from the primary tap (now with the filter) and one from the
Household Water Quality Program (VAHWQP), a longstanding Coop­ secondary tap (without the filter). Four-weeks post-installation, the
erative Extension program that provides low-cost water quality testing participants again collected two drinking water samples, one from the
and well maintenance education to Virginia households (Benham et al., tap with the filter intervention and one from the tap without the inter­
2016). Participants in previous VAHWQP water clinics within the six vention. Collection of water from two taps at all sampling times
targeted counties that had submitted samples with Pb concentrations permitted an internal control observation of unfiltered drinking water
>5 ppb and/or Fe concentrations >300 ppb in the last two years throughout the study, since private well water quality can vary; addi­
(2020− 2022) were eligible to participate. The six targeted counties in tionally, this approach eliminated the possibility that removal/
Virginia were selected based on similar underlying geology, previous replacement of POU treatment at the primary source might result in user
analysis of well water quality, and the availability of sponsored funds to error or otherwise poorly mimic typical use.
cover the costs of filters and water quality analysis. Study participants A four-week study period was chosen based on concerns about source
from McDowell County, WV were identified and recruited via commu­ water concentrations of Fe and/or Pb prematurely clogging filters ahead
nication with community contacts who previously helped organize of the manufacturer recommended filter lifetime. Additionally, this time
participation in another recent drinking water study (Patton et al., period helped ensure the best likelihood of study participants
2020); given community size and widespread documented water quality completing all three sampling dates. Sampling dates and sample pick-
concerns, all households reliant on private wells within the county were up/drop-off locations were coordinated with study participants in
eligible to participate. Recruitment and enrollment procedures were order to provide a more convenient sampling schedule that would allow
developed and approved in accordance with the Virginia Tech Institu­ for a shorter turnaround time between sample collection and analysis,
tional Review Board, which also maintained ethical oversight (VT IRB and better ensure continued participation for the duration of the study
period. All samples were collected on the same day of sampling and

Fig. 1. West Virginia and Virginia Counties included in the study.

H. Patton et al. Science of the Total Environment 906 (2024) 167252

transported immediately on ice to the laboratory for bacteriological data package, the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test for nonparametric data was
analysis, collection of pH and conductivity measurements, and prepa­ run on paired samples for each individual constituent analyzed, with
ration for future metals analysis. In addition to collecting water samples, significance defined at an alpha of 0.05.
study participants also completed a survey (Supplementary Fig. 2)
regarding perceptions of both their drinking water and their use of the 3. Results
POU filter.
All participants were provided the same model and brand of faucet 3.1. Initial water quality across household taps
filter which included filter housing, a filter cartridge, manufacturer in­
structions, and fixture attachments for filter installation on the tap. The Twenty-one homes completed the full study (n = 2 in WV, n = 19 in
filters utilize an activated carbon and ion exchange water treatment VA), including filter installation, all three rounds of sampling, and sur­
system and are NSF-certified to remove 70 contaminants including Pb. vey completion. A total of 33 homes were initially recruited; however,
The manufacturer recommends that the faucet filters be replaced every ten homes could not participate in the study as they were unable to
three months, or after treating 100 gal of water. install the filters successfully due to the age/brand/type of faucets in
their home and two homes were lost to follow-up during the duration of
2.3. Sample collection the study and missed either one or both of the post-installation sampling
Sampling was completed between May 2021 and March 2023. Table 1 presents a comparison of primary and secondary tap water
Sampling kits included two sets (one each for the primary and secondary quality prior to the distribution and installation of the water filters. As
taps) of three prepared acid-washed 125 mL bottles for: 1) first- and 2) stated in the methods, reported table values are based on the highest
second-draw metal cation analysis and 3) pH and conductivity mea­ recorded concentrations between first- and second-draw samples
surements, as well as one sterile 125 mL bottle for bacteriological collected from both the primary and secondary taps.
analysis. Per U.S. EPA home sampling guidelines (EPA 815-F-18-022; U.
S. EPA, 2018), residents were instructed to leave their water stagnant in 3.2. Tap water quality post-filter installation
their pipes overnight and to obtain a first-draw sample in the morning,
flush the pipes for 30 s, and then collect the second-draw sample, fol­ Post-installation, samples collected from the filtered taps generally
lowed by one sample for bacteriological analysis and one sample for pH had lower concentrations of most of the analyzed contaminants
and conductivity measurements. Contaminant concentrations in first- compared to samples collected from paired unfiltered taps (Fig. 2).
and second-draw home tap water samples were compared to better Notably, in over 70 % of sample pairs, filtered samples had generally
determine the maximum health risk (i.e., worst-case scenario following lower concentrations of Al, Ba, Cu, Fe, Pb, Sr, and Zn.
overnight stagnation) a resident might be exposed to at their tap on the Table 2 presents a comparison of filtered and unfiltered water sam­
given sampling day, as well as to confirm whether the presence of high ples collected two-weeks and four-weeks after filter installation.
Pb was most likely from premise plumbing. After sample collection,
residents were instructed to tightly cap the bottles, which were picked 4. Discussion
up the same day by the research team. Samples were packed in iced
coolers for transport back to the laboratory and immediate analysis. 4.1. Unfiltered private well water quality at the tap

2.4. Laboratory analysis Samples collected from the majority of homes exceeded at least one
SDWA regulation (health-based contaminants) and/or recommendation
Water sample concentrations of total coliform and E. coli were (nuisance or formally unregulated contaminants; Table 1). Consistent
determined via the Colilert defined substrate method immediately upon with previous POU surveys of homes dependent on private systems
returning to the laboratory on the day of sampling (www.idexx.com, (Allevi et al., 2013; Patton et al., 2020), the most common contaminant
Westbrook, MN; Standard Method 9223). Metals analysis for first- and of concern detected was total coliform; as shown in Table 1, over 60 % of
second-draw home samples was completed using the ICP-MS process as homes had unfiltered tap water samples (i.e., 13 of 21) that tested
stated in Standard Methods 3030D and 3125B (APHA/AWWA/WEF, positive in this study.
1998), specifically providing concentration of Na, Al, SO4, Cl, Ca, Cr, Fe, Lead concentrations in unfiltered primary and secondary taps ranged
Mn, Cu, As, Se, Sr, Ag, Cd, Ba, Pb, and U. from <0.1–178.5 ppb and 0.1–98.4 ppb, respectively, with 24 % of
In keeping with standard VAHWQP practice (Benham et al., 2016), primary tap water samples and 33 % of secondary tap water samples
participants received water quality reports with all data from both home exceeding the SDWA MCL for Pb of 15 ppb. Additionally, Pb concen­
taps from each sampling day as well as a written letter outlining any trations were detectable (i.e., Pb > 0.1 ppb) in 76 % and 100 % of
contaminant concentrations that exceeded SDWA recommendations and unfiltered samples collected from primary and secondary taps, respec­
their associated health risks and/or aesthetic effects on drinking water. tively. At present, the U.S. EPA provides a Maximum Contaminant Level
This letter also included brief recommendations regarding possible Goal (MCLG) for Pb of 0 ppb, i.e., there is no safe level of exposure (U.S.
home water quality improvements as well as contact information for EPA, 2023). High corrosive conditions and high Pb concentrations not
further questions or concerns. uncommon in homes reliant on private well water (Pieper et al., 2016).
Pieper et al. (2015) reported Pb concentration above the SDWA MCL in
2.5. Statistical analysis over 20 % of first draws in 2146 samples from homes reliant on private
wells in Virginia, including one home with over 24,740 ppb of Pb, 1600
Statistical analysis of the differences between filtered and unfiltered times the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) action level of 15 ppb (U.S.
home water quality across the study period was conducted via the EPA, 2023).
Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test for non-parametric data. All tests were con­ Iron concentrations in unfiltered primary and secondary taps ranged
ducted in RStudio version 2022.07.1+554 (RStudio, Boston, MA). For from 1.2 to 9475 ppb and 1.3–6555 ppb, respectively, with 33 % of
paired samples, the highest recorded concentrations between each set of primary tap water samples and 29 % of secondary tap water samples
first- and second-draw samples collected at each tap were utilized in exceeding the SDWA SMCL recommendations for Fe of 300 ppb. Several
statistical analysis. This is because the focus for this paper is on the previous studies assessing drinking water quality in homes reliant on
highest concentration of contaminants an individual would be exposed private wells also reported Fe concentrations in unfiltered tap water of
to at their tap. After visually checking for normality using the “ggplot2” well over 300 ppb (Law et al., 2017; Patton et al., 2020). High

H. Patton et al.
Table 1
Results of Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test to compare differences in contaminant concentration between paired primary and secondary tap water samples (n = 21) collected prior to the distribution and use of faucet-mounted
POU filters. Reported values are based on the highest recorded concentration between first- and second-draw samples collected from both the primary and secondary taps. (MCL = Maximum Contaminant Level, TT =
Treatment Technique, SMCL = Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level, HRL = Health Reference Level, GL = Guidance Level; all as designated by the U.S. EPA).
Contaminant (U. # of Primary Samples Max. Concentration Median Concentration # of Secondary Samples Max. Concentration Median Concentration P- Primary Tap vs
S. EPA limit) Exceeding Primary Samples (ppb) Primary Samples (ppb) Exceeding Secondary Samples Secondary Samples Value Secondary Tap
Recommendations Recommendations (ppb) (ppb) Comparison

MCL As 0 6 0.1 0 2 0.1 0.33 No Significant

(> 10 ppb) Difference
Ba 1 15,180 31 1 15,928 33 0.66 No Significant
(> 2000 ppb) Difference
Cd 0 0.7 0.1 2 46 0.1 0.11 No Significant
(> 5 ppb) Difference
Cr 0 2 0.4 0 2 0.4 0.62 No Significant
(> 100 ppb) Difference
Se 0 4 0.3 0 4 0.3 0.21 No Significant
(> 50 ppb) Difference
Total Coliform 13 >2419 1.0 8 >2419 Below Detection 0.66 No Significant
(0 MPN/100 mL) Difference

U 0 5 Below Detection 0 6 Below Detection 0.40 No Significant

(> 30 ppb) Difference
TT Cu 4 4114.7 241 2 1687 237 0.59 No Significant
(> 1300 ppb) Difference
Pb 5 178.5 5 7 98.4 5 0.27 No Significant
(> 15 ppb) Difference
SMCL Ag 0 0.4 Below Detection 0 0.5 Below Detection 0.48 No Significant
(> 100 ppb) Difference
Al 6 7790 13 4 25,478 15 0.68 No Significant
(50–200 ppb) Difference
Fe 7 9475 37 6 6555 45 0.84 No Significant
(> 300 ppb) Difference
Mn 6 326 13 5 355 12 1.0 No Significant
(> 50 ppb) Difference

Science of the Total Environment 906 (2024) 167252

Zn 2 18,612 444 1 5138 523 0.13 No Significant
(> 5000 ppb) Difference
GL/ Na 7 350,113 6384 7 396,887 6482 0.39 No Significant
HRL (> 20,000 ppb) Difference
Sr 1 13,293 50 1 14,058 54 0.87 No Significant
(> 1500 ppb) Difference
H. Patton et al. Science of the Total Environment 906 (2024) 167252

Fig. 2. Percentage of filtered and unfiltered water sample pairs (n = 42) in which the filtered sample had lower concentrations of the contaminant of interest
compared to the unfiltered sample. (TC = total coliform).

concentrations of Pb and Fe in pre-filter tap water samples were ex­ 4.3. Comparing water quality in filtered and unfiltered samples: other
pected as many of the study participants were recruited based on metals
elevated levels of Pb and/or Fe detected in tap water via VAHWQP
sampling. In addition to Pb and Fe, concentrations of Ba, total coliform, Though confirmation of Pb removal is perhaps most critical from a
Cu, Al, Mn, Zn, Na, and Sr exceeded SDWA regulations/recommenda­ public health standpoint, concentrations of Al, Ba, Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mn, Sr,
tions in at least one sample from both primary and secondary taps prior total coliform, U, and Zn, were also significantly lower in filtered water
to filter installation. Many of these constituents have also previously samples compared to paired unfiltered water samples. Removal of Fe
been reported at high levels in homes reliant on private wells (Pieper and Mn is notable, as these are common geological contaminants asso­
et al., 2015; Patton et al., 2020). During the first round of sampling, i.e. ciated with aesthetic concerns that can result in reluctance to rely on in-
prior to any filter installation, concentrations of total coliform and all home water as a drinking water source (Patton et al., 2020). Similar to
metals of interest were not statistically significantly different between findings presented by Mulhern and Gibson (2020), the present study did
the unfiltered primary and unfiltered secondary taps (Table 1), which not find a statistically significant difference in As concentrations in
supports the use of the secondary tap as an internal no-filter control filtered compared to unfiltered samples (p = 0.33; Table 2), though
during the remainder of the study. influent As levels were very low in the participating households, with
only one sample exceeding the associated MCL.
4.2. Comparing water quality in filtered and unfiltered samples: Pb It should also be noted that, despite statistically significantly lower
concentrations of Ba, Total Coliform, Cu, Al, Fe, Mn, and Sr in filtered
For most contaminants (Ba, Cd, Cr, Total Coliform, U, Cu, Pb, Al, Fe, samples compared to paired unfiltered samples, at least one filtered
Mn, Zn, and Sr) concentrations were significantly lower in samples sample exceeded the EPA regulations or recommendations for each of
collected from filtered taps (Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test; Table 2), which is these constituents. High concentrations of Ba, Cu, Al, Fe, Mn, and Sr, in
consistent with previous studies on filter effectiveness in treating several filtered samples were likely due to notably high levels of these
municipal waters (U.S. EPA, 2016; Bosscher et al., 2019). From a public constituents in the unfiltered source water. It is possible that the high
health standpoint, Pb removal has often been the main focus of drinking concentrations of the constituents rapidly loaded the filters and resulted
water treatment and POU filter analysis. In this study, the average Pb in decreased filter performance, as has been documented previously; for
concentration in filtered water samples was 0.8 ppb (compared to 21.0 example, Carvajal-Nigro et al. (2022) determined that water with Fe
ppb in unfiltered samples), and Pb was statistically significantly lower in concentrations above 300 ppb clogged pitcher filters prematurely, at
filtered samples (p < 0.001; Table 2). Most importantly, none of the between 38 and 68 % of rated capacity. Many of the unfiltered source
filtered samples yielded Pb concentrations above the EPA's action level water samples collected in this study yielded concentrations of the
(compared to 24 % of the unfiltered samples). These findings are similar nuisance contaminants Fe, Mn, and Al that were at least twice SDWA
to field studies from the U.S. EPA (2016) and Bosscher et al. (2019), recommended levels. Additionally, unfiltered samples from one home in
which reported Pb below 0.3 ppb and 0.5 ppb, respectively, in most of McDowell County, WV had Ba concentrations of over 15,000 ppb, seven
the drinking water samples treated via end-of-faucet POU filtration. times the SDWA MCL of 2000 ppb, and Sr concentrations of over 13,000
ppb, nine times the EPA's Health Reference Level (HRL) of 1500 ppb.
Concentrations of Ba and Sr in filtered samples from this home were also
over 14,000 ppb and 13,000 ppb, respectively.

H. Patton et al.
Table 2
Results of Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test to compare differences in contaminant concentrations between paired filtered and unfiltered tap water samples (n = 42) collected at Week 2 and Week 4, after the installation of faucet-
mounted POU filters. Reported values are based on the highest recorded concentration between first- and second-draw samples collected from both the primary and secondary taps. (MCL = Maximum Contaminant Level,
TT = Treatment Technique, SMCL = Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level, HRL = Health Reference Level, GL = Guidance Level).
Contaminant (U.S. # of Filtered Samples Max. Concentration Median Concentration # of Unfiltered Samples Max. Concentration Median Concentration P- Filtered vs.
EPA limit) Exceeding Filtered Samples (ppb) Filtered Samples (ppb) Exceeding Unfiltered Samples Unfiltered Samples Value Unfiltered
Recommendations Recommendations (ppb) (ppb) Comparison

MCL As 1 10 0.1 0 4 0.1 0.33 No Significant

(> 10 ppb) Difference
Ba 2 15,854 0.6 2 15,685 26 p< Filtered <
(> 2000 ppb) 0.001 Unfiltered
Cd 0 0.2 Below Detection 4 40 0.1 p< Filtered <
(> 5 ppb) 0.001 Unfiltered
Cr 0 2 0.3 0 11 0.4 p< Filtered <
(> 100 ppb) 0.001 Unfiltered
Se 0 8 0.4 0 4 0.3 p< Filtered >
(> 50 ppb) 0.001 Unfiltered
Total Coliform 10 >2419 Below Detection 19 >2419 Below Detection p< Filtered <
(0 MPN/100 mL) 0.001 Unfiltered

U 0 5 Below Detection 0 6 Below Detection p< Filtered <

(> 30 ppb) 0.001 Unfiltered
TT Cu 1 2531 0.4 4 2632 219 p< Filtered <
(> 1300 ppb) 0.001 Unfiltered
Pb 0 12 Below Detection 10 236 7 p< Filtered <
(> 15 ppb) 0.001 Unfiltered
SMCL Ag 0 0.3 Below Detection 0 0.5 Below Detection 0.11 No Significant
(> 100 ppb) Difference
Al 8 916 4 11 373 11 0.003 Filtered <
(50–200 ppb) Unfiltered
Fe 5 1163 5 11 8422 27 p< Filtered <
(> 300 ppb) 0.001 Unfiltered
Mn 7 220 4 13 4521 11 0.003 Filtered <
(> 50 ppb) Unfiltered

Science of the Total Environment 906 (2024) 167252

Zn 0 1926 5 3 13,290 676 p< Filtered <
(> 5000 ppb) 0.001 Unfiltered
GL/ Na 21 530,564 17,231 15 522,254 7247 p< Filtered >
HRL (> 20,000 ppb) 0.001 Unfiltered
Sr 2 13,635 20 2 14,110 55 p< Filtered <
(> 1500 ppb) 0.001 Unfiltered
H. Patton et al. Science of the Total Environment 906 (2024) 167252

Interestingly, both Na and Se values were statistically significantly survey respondents (62 %) trusted their home tap water prior to the
higher in filtered water samples when compared to unfiltered pairs (p ≪ beginning of the study and 67 % reported using their tap water as a
0.001; Table 2). Selenium, like As, was present at very low concentra­ drinking water source. However, 67 % of survey respondents did report
tions (at least 100 times below the MCL). Increases in Na, on the other aesthetic issues with their taps prior to implementing the POU filter,
hand, may be due to the treatment mechanisms at work within the POU including issues of unpleasant taste and/or odor. After filter installation
filter (U.S. EPA, 2003). While Na is not regulated as a health-based or and use, 67 % of survey respondents reported trusting their tap water
aesthetic contaminant in the SDWA, the EPA does recommend a guid­ and the majority of respondents (81 %) reported that they had no
ance level of 20,000 ppb for the contaminant, based on individuals who aesthetic concerns with their drinking water while using the filter,
have been prescribed low-sodium diets for health reasons (U.S. EPA, however, only 57 % of respondents reported drinking the filtered tap
2003). A report from the World Health Organization (WHO) on global water.
drinking water regulations states that the majority of countries setting The majority of study participants (76 %) reported using the filter at
drinking water standards for Na use a limit of 200 mg/L (the average least two to ten times per day, but less than half (48 %) of respondents
taste threshold for sodium), ten times the EPA's guidance level (WHO, reported that they liked using the filter and would be willing to buy
2018; Cohen et al., 2022). future replacement cartridges. Several study participants had to install
the POU filters on their secondary tap because the age and/or model of
4.4. Comparing water quality in filtered and unfiltered samples: total their primary tap faucet fixture made filter installation impossible an
coliform issue which could represent a barrier to POU faucet filter adoption in
homes. While not directly asked about filter flowrate in the survey, 19 %
Total coliform concentrations were also statistically significantly of respondents reported in an open-ended final question that the filter
lower in filtered water samples compared to unfiltered water samples (p flow rate was too slow and 14 % of respondents reported that the filter
< 0.001; Table 2). This is notable as the POU faucet-mounted filters was too bulky. Slow filter flowrate may relate to premature filter clog­
utilized in this study are not certified to remove total coliform, or any ging, as was demonstrated in Carvajal-Nigro et al., 2022 when POU
microbes. However, while total coliform concentrations were reduced pitcher filters, using treatment mechanisms similar to the POU faucet
by the POU filters, total coliform was not always fully eliminated: filters in this study, experienced reduced flow rate and clogging after
approximately 25 % of filtered samples had coliform present, and being exposed to water with Fe concentrations over 300 ppb. Over 50 %
therefore exceeded the MCL of 0 MPN (i.e. absent). Total coliform of unfiltered samples in this study yielded Fe concentrations of over 300
removal was not unexpected, given that POU filtration does not provide ppb. Collection of these survey data illustrates the critical need to pair
disinfection or a disinfecting residual, and past work has indicated that quantitative and qualitative data when considering water quality in­
influent groundwater microbiology is complex and can result in biofilm terventions: although the filters did consistently reduce contaminants of
development (Mulhern et al., 2021). This work similarly suggests that concern and improve aesthetics, widespread adoption is unlikely if flow
faucet-mounted POU filters alone are unlikely to provide sufficient rates are inadequate and filter use is impractical and/or filter installa­
protection from fecal indicator bacteria and associated gastrointestinal tion is impossible.
pathogens in untreated tap water from private wells. While all collected
samples were analyzed for E. coli, statistical analysis was not performed 4.7. Study limitations
on this constituent as no filtered samples contained E. coli and it was
absent in 96 % of all collected samples. The present study relied on a citizen science paradigm: study par­
ticipants installed and used faucet-mounted POU filters and collected
4.5. Comparing water quality in filtered and unfiltered samples: Filter their own drinking water quality samples from two taps in their homes.
performance over time Therefore, this study assumes that filters were installed correctly for the
duration of the study, and were used as intended under typical condi­
In addition to comparing paired filtered and unfiltered water sam­ tions every day, and that drinking water samples were collected as per
ples, a Wilcoxon Rank Sum test was also performed on paired filtered the distributed instructions. Though it is possible that participants did
samples collected at the two- and four-week study mark in order to not follow instructions, this collection strategy is quite common amongst
better understand how filter performance may change over time. There home drinking water studies in the United States (Pieper et al., 2015;
were no statistically significant differences in constituent concentrations Pieper et al., 2018; Mulhern and Gibson, 2020; Patton et al., 2020), and
two-weeks and four-weeks after filter installation for the majority of the does mimic typical, as opposed to expert, sample collection perfor­
tested constituents (p > 0.05). Concentrations of As and Zn were sta­ mance. Further, over 90 % of study participants previously participated
tistically significantly greater in filtered samples collected at the two- in VAHWQP private well water testing and therefore had some famil­
week mark compared to those collected at the four-week mark (p < iarity with sample collection prior to participating in the study. It is
0.05). When comparing only unfiltered sample pairs, As was also sta­ worth noting that although participation in state well water education
tistically significantly greater in samples at the two-week mark programs is associated with subsequent improvements in well stew­
compared to the samples at the four-week mark (p = 0.0020), while ardship (Benham et al., 2016), many of these homeowners still had
there was no statistically significant difference in Zn concentration be­ water that did not fully meet SDWA standards, suggesting that education
tween the two sample dates (p = 0.68). Inversely, concentrations of Se is not sufficient to improve home drinking water in private systems.
were statistically significantly lower in filtered samples collected at the Identification of the contributions of specific filter failure modes (e.g.
two-week mark compared to the four-week mark (p = 0.01), while Se quantifying clogging) was not within the scope of the paper. This study
concentrations in unfiltered samples were not statistically significantly also did not assess filter performance based on the quantity of water that
different between sampling dates (p = 0.45). No samples exceeded was filtered through the device (i.e. filters were not challenged using
SDWA recommendations for any of the three constituents. known spikes). It is always critical to note that water quality in envi­
ronmental samples, in this case groundwater, can be extremely variable.
4.6. Survey responses and filter user experience Private well water in particular is notoriously complex and variable
across geologies, system design, and premise plumbing characteristics,
All study participants completed the provided survey (n = 21). and the water quality presented in this study represents only three days'
Despite detection of contaminants at 60 % of taps (Table 1), and that 19 worth of observations over a four-week time period. In addition, the
participants (90 %) previously received VAHWQP home tap water present effort only examined 21 homes, a relatively small given the
quality data indicating high concentrations of Pb and/or Fe, over half of percentage of the United States population that relies on private well

H. Patton et al. Science of the Total Environment 906 (2024) 167252

water. However, this small sample size is representative of the chal­ authors would also like to extend thanks to the Virginia Cooperative
lenges associated with recruiting participants from rural areas to collect Extension agents who helped in the dissemination of information about
multiple in-home water samples for multiple days over a month-long the study to eligible study participants. The authors would like to thank
period. Household recruitment in similar studies has comprised 9 to Teldia and Joe Haywood for their help in recruiting study participants,
24 homes (Pieper et al., 2018; Mulhern and Gibson, 2020; Patton et al., and graduate students Kathleen Hohweiler and Charles Sterling for their
2020; Mulhern et al., 2021; Cohen et al., 2022). Although the systems in help with sampling trips and sample analysis. This work was supported
the present study were sited within similar geologies, influent water by the Roop & Kavita Mahajan Award from the Institute for Critical
varied considerably, which does suggest that findings are relatively Technology and Applied Science at Virginia Tech; and the 2020 Com­
robust (Table 1). However, longitudinal testing is strongly recom­ munity Conservation Program Grant from the Virginia Environmental
mended, i.e. testing beyond one month. Though this will likely create Endowment, Inc. [grant number 20-601].
difficulties in recruitment and participant retention, it is critical to
examine issues of long term maintenance and performance. References

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