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Y9 – Autumn – Block 5 – Step 3 – Locus of distance from a point Answers

Question Answer
a) Circle of radius 3 cm drawn.

b) Circle of radius 2.5 cm drawn.

a) Circle of radius 4 cm drawn.

b) 25.1 m
Y9 – Autumn – Block 5 – Step 3 – Locus of distance from a point Answers (continued)

Question Answer
a) All parts of circles drawn should have radius 3.5 cm.

b) Goat A can graze the most grass, as the area is a semicircle. The other areas are less
than a semicircle.

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Y9 – Autumn – Block 5 – Step 3 – Locus of distance from a point Answers (continued)

Question Answer
a) The unshaded area shows where it is not possible to access the internet.

b) multiple possible answers

Students need to choose two access points to maximise the area covered by two circles
with radius 5 cm. It is not possible to cover the whole house. They could discuss whether
it is more important to cover the utility room or the dining room. Also, they may consider
where access points can be positioned, for example on walls.

Please note: Answer might look different depending on print settings.

Two circles drawn.

One has radius 2 cm and the other has radius 3.5 cm.
The space between them should be shaded.

Y9 – Autumn – Block 5 – Step 3 – Locus of distance from a point Answers (continued)

Question Answer
This is slightly reduced from actual size, but the relative positions of the circle arcs should
look the same.



c) It is not possible to plant one tree that matches both criteria as the two areas do not

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